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Journal 2.

The second week was a clam one. We had celebrated a small party, organized by the
administration for one of the teachers, to appreciate and honor her for taking the first
prize in the best teacher competition. However, for this week, I taught my second and
third lesson. It was good to teach something related to the communication ways or social
media beside a new grammar lesson. the second lesson was about the communication,
this topic made my students get attracted with the first lesson question, especially this
topic is something they love and aware of. The lesson went good, of course, there are
some areas I need to work on more, such as the transition between each stage, so I need
to make it more smooth which I did in my third lesson as my MST discussed with me. In
addition, I did the grammar lesson using kahoot which made students to accommodate
the lesson and rules more, the grammar lesson basically was about transitions words, so I
supported it with some TPR ( total physical respond) activities which got my MST’s
attention and she liked it. The students were initiative and helpful, this made my lesson
goes smooth and lighter than I what I expected. What I need to focus more on my next
lesson is; I need to work more on the activity transitions as well as the lesson stages.
Additionally, I need to build my student-teacher relationship more, in which, I make them
more comfortable to participate and speak.

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