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Ryen Martinez

Professor Munoz


Tech Com

Sequence One Reflection

Sequence one was an all-around enjoyable sequence for me. I thought that it was very

interesting to see how one major form of Tech Com are instructions and how instructions can be

given in a variety of forms.

For SWA1 we had to choose a set of instructions, read through them, find the different

issues that we faced, and then try to recreate that set of instructions with the intent to fix the

issues and make the instructions more functional and appealing. I thought that this was a great

assignment to show students what to look for, like the different design aspects that are created

with respects to the audience as well as the extreme audiences for the instructions. I decided to

recreate Switch controller instructions. For this assignment I feel like I could have been more

specific when describing the different steps to take. I learned that images are very important

when designing a set of instructions.

For SWA2 we had to create a standard operating procedure for a task that we felt like we

were experts at. I initially chose to do mine on snowboarding but then I found out that this

operating procedure would be used to help us when creating our DIY videos which is MWA1. I

decided that snowboarding would not be a good option for this assignment since I did not have

any of the equipment and there wasn’t any snow! I decided to do SWA2 on basketball. I thought
this assignment did good at allowing students to think about the way they did certain things and

what steps they need to perform this task. I have been playing basketball since I was in

elementary school where I learned the basics of basketball. When playing, these basics have

become second nature to me, so this assignment has made me think about each step and

concentrate on the basics of basketball which has improved the way I play. I feel like I did well

on this assignment the only thing was I should have been more detailed when writing the steps

and I should have including the different items you need and the setting of where somebody

plays basketball.

For MWA1 we created a DIY video on a task that we felt we were experts on. The DIY

had to instruct the audience how to perform a certain task. The instructions had to be clear and

the video had to be interesting so that viewers would not get bored and decided it wasn’t worth it

learning how to do certain tasks. I created my DIY on “The 4 Fundamentals of Basketball.” I

showed my viewers how to pass, dribble, shoot, and rebound. When creating my DIY video, I

had a lot of fun and thought I did fairly well on it. I tried to make it funny so that the viewer

would be interested. However, I feel like I could have done better. I did not include what setting

you should play in or the design of the court. Another thing I forgot to mention was how to shoot

layups and what part of the backboard you should aim for when you shoot.

Overall, I felt like this sequence was very interesting. I learned a lot about instructions

and how they are a form of Tech Com. I also learned that design is very important in Tech Com

If we were to re do this sequence again I would know exactly what to do for each assignment and

how I could improve from my previous assignments.

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