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Harmonizing RBM concepts
and approaches for improved
development results at country level

October 2011
This handbook development exercise was spearheaded by the Results-based
Management (RBM) Task Team of the United Nations Development Group
working group on programming issues. The team was co-chaired by
United Nations Population Fund and the United Nations Children’s Fund and
included the RBM focal points: United Nations Development Programme
(Abdul Hannan, Shane Sheils, Patrick Tiefenbacher), UNICEF (Paulette Nichols,
L.N. Balaji), UNFPA (Farah Usmani) the Joint United Nations Programme on
HIV/AIDS - UNAIDS (Dominique Mathiot), the United Nations Development
Fund for Women (S.K.Guha), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (Clare Sycamore), the United Nations World Food Programme
(Kofi Owusu-Teiku) and the United Nations System Staff College (Ritsu Nacken-
Morino). The team provided overall guidance, developed the scope and terms of
reference for the exercise, made specific review comments, provided background
documentation and references as well as drafted selected sections. The final
unedited draft of the handbook was endorsed by the RBM Task Team members
in October 2010.

The draft of the RBM Handbook was prepared by Francoise Coupal, President,
Mosaic International, Canada through a consultancy supported by the United
Nations Development Operations Coordination Office (DOCO). Support from
DOCO (Eiko Narita, John Apruzzese) for the RBM handbook development
exercise is recognized.

The draft handbook was reviewed by field colleagues from selected Resident
Coordinator offices. These include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cape Verde,
Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malawi, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea,
Tanzania, Turkey, Uruguay and Viet Nam. These offices shared the handbook with
RBM specialists in their United Nations Country Teams and provided comments
from a United Nations Development Assistance Framework and ‘Delivering as
One’ perspective which helped focus the handbook on field issues and needs.

The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) provided detailed comments

regarding RBM and evaluation linkages, including harmonization with UNEG
norms and standards. The draft handbook has also been shared with members
of the United Nations Strategic Planning Network. Review and comments on
the draft were also received from UNDAF Programming Network colleagues
including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization which
have been addressed in this January 2011 revision.

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and DOCO coordinated
efforts to gather comments and input on the section on RBM in crisis and post-
crisis settings through consultations with the UNDG Executive Committee on
Humanitarian Assistance Working Group on Transitions. Thus, this handbook is
also envisaged to facilitate harmonization of RBM concepts and approaches in
crisis and post-crisis situations.
United Nations Development Group

Harmonizing RBM concepts
and approaches for improved
development results at country level

October 2011
Endorsed by the UNDG RBM task Team and incorporating comments from
UNDAF Programming Network review and UNDG meeting of January 2011
CAP Consolidated Appeals Process
CCA Common Country Assessment
CHAP Common Humanitarian Action Plan
CPAP Country Programme Action Plan
CPD Country Programme Document
CSO Civil society organization
DAC Development Assistance
Committee of the (OECD)
DAR Development assistance for refugees
DPKO Department of Peacekeeping Operations
ECOSOC United Nations Economic and Social Council
IMPP Integrated Mission Planning Process
ISF Integrated Strategic Framework
JMAC Joint Mission Analysis Centre
MDG Millennium Development Goal
M&E Monitoring and evaluation
MfDR Managing for development results
NGO Non-governmental organization
PLA Participatory Learning and Action
OECD Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
RRA Rapid rural appraisal
RBM Results-based management
RC Resident Coordinator
(of the United Nations system)
SWAp Sector-wide approaches
TCPR  riennial comprehensive policy review
of operational activities for development
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDAF United Nations Development
Assistance Framework
UNDG United Nations Development Group
UNEG United Nations Evaluation Group
WGPI Working Group on Programming Issues


1.1 What is Results-Based Management? 2 ADJUSTING & DECISION-MAKING 43
1.2 K
 ey Results-Based Management Principles: 3 PART 8: RBM IN CRISIS AND
Accountability3 POST-CRISIS SETTINGS 45
National Ownership of Results 4 Concerns in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings 46
Inclusiveness (or Stakeholder Engagement) 5
1.3 R
 esults-Based Management and ANNEXES49
Managing for Development Results 6 Annex 1: Examples of UNDAF Results Matrices 50
1.4 Basic Results-Based Management Terminology 6 Annex 2: Change Language55


2.1 What is a Result? 10
2.2 Getting Started: How to Define Results?  10
2.3 Formulating Results 12 1. The RBM Life-Cycle Approach 2
2.4 The Results Chain 14 2. Accountability 4
2.5 Developing the Results Matrix 15 3. Key Stages in Formulating Results Statements 10
Outcomes and Outputs  16 4. Elements of an Effective Results-Based Report 41
RBM: One of the Five United Nations 5. Use of Results Information for
Programming Principles 17 Organizational Learning 44
Indicators, Baselines and Targets 19
Means of Verification 20 1. Six Principles for United Nations
Assumptions and Risks 21 Organizations to Contribute Effectively
Role of Partners 22 to Results-Based Management  5
Indicative Resources 22 2. Definition of Key United Nations
Programming Terms 7
PART 3: RBM IN MANAGING 23 3. What does a Human-Rights-Based
3.1 Managing for Outcomes 24 Approach add to RBM? 18
3.2 Managing for UNDAF Outcomes 24 4. What is Evaluation? 34
PART 4: RBM IN MONITORING 27 5. Assessing the use of an Evaluation 35
4.1 Tools for Monitoring 28 6. Understanding the Inter-Linkages and
4.2 D
 eveloping the Monitoring and dependencies between Planning,
Evaluation Plan 30 Monitoring and Evaluation 37
4.3 M
 onitoring and Evaluation of the Tables
UNDAF as a System 31 1. Changes reflected in Results at different Levels 13
4.4 M
 easuring Progress in Policy Norms 2. The Results Chain  14
and Standards 32 3. Results Matrix with Outcome
and Output Levels – Option 1B 16
4. Indicators 19
5.1 Results-Based Management in Evaluation 34
5. Checklist for Validating Indicators 20
5.2 United Nations Evaluation Guidance 36
6. Risk Matrix 22
5.3 Inter-Linkages and dependencies between
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 37 7. Key Challenges and Strategies to Overcome them 24
8. M&E Calendar 32
PART 6: RBM IN REPORTING 39 9. Example of a Results-Based Report 42

Table of Contents iii

In the late 1990s, the United Nations initiated results-based
management (RBM) systems1 to improve the organization’s2
effectiveness and accountability. A 2008 review of the status of RBM
implementation in the United Nations system showed that different RBM defini-
tions and terminology were in use among United Nations organizations. More
importantly, these variations reflected a disparity in focus, understanding and
perception of RBM within the system.3

The differences made it difficult to that, “The purpose of reform is to make

communicate on RBM issues using a the United Nations development system
common language. It is recognized that more efficient and effective in its support to
there is no single ‘road map’ to RBM and developing countries to achieve the interna-
that each organization must adapt RBM tionally agreed development goals, on the
to its specificities and mandates in the basis of their national development strate-
context of national priorities. Yet, there are gies, and stresses also that reform efforts
also a wide range of commonalities among should enhance organizational efficiency
United Nations organizations that constitute and achieve concrete development results.”4
a basis for harmonizing implementation of United Nations system’s value addition at
RBM system-wide. country level to the national strategies and
priorities is by support to achieving and
Harmonization is particularly important sustaining national development results
in the context of United Nations reform through its normative role and mandate
with its emphasis on harmonized support based on the United Nations charter. The
to development activities at county level commitment of the United Nations system to
including joint initiatives/joint program-
achieve results in full alignment with national
ming. In resolution 62/208 regarding the
priorities is part and parcel of its shared iden-
triennial comprehensive policy review
tity and an important aspect of its legitimacy.
(TCPR), the General Assembly stressed

See JIU/REP/2004/6, Implementation of RBM in UN Organizations Part 1.
Reference to United Nations agencies, organizations and system in this document includes all United Nations funds, programmes
and specialized agencies, unless stated otherwise.
Results Based Management at country level: Systemic issues that prevent good UNDAF results and the use of UNDAF results
information, Alex Mackenzie, 2008.
TCPR resolution A/RES/62/208, paragraph 9. See also paragraph 33, which stresses, “results-based management, accountability and
transparency of the United Nations development system are an integral part of sound management.”


This RBM Handbook was developed under contribute to harmonizing United Nations
the United Nations Development Group business practices around ‘contributing
(UNDG) Working Group on Programming to national efforts for achieving
Issues (WGPI) in the context of General development results’;
Assembly resolution 62/208 (and its provide a common framework for inter-
directives in paragraph 100) to facilitate agency collaboration to support countries
consistency and harmonization through in programme design, implementation and
commonly agreed results-based programme5 managing for development results, includ-
management concepts and approaches in ing monitoring, evaluation and reporting;
the United Nations system.
Increase the quality and effectiveness of
PURPOSE OF THE HANDBOOK United Nations-supported interventions
The main purpose of the Handbook is for achieving sustained results.
to provide United Nations The Handbook is intended to be
funds, programmes and succinct, user-friendly and explain
specialized agencies concepts and tools in ways that
with common ground will facilitate operationalizing
for supporting national harmonized RBM approaches. It
programme planning, provides a common denominator for
implementation monitor- the use of RBM by all United Nations staff
ing and reporting based on best practices in members and stakeholders, particularly
the RBM field. The Handbook responds to when developing and implementing their
the evolving dynamics of RBM in line with United Nations Development Assistance
TCPR commitments while taking note of Framework (UNDAF). Key concepts, prin-
developments within the Organisation for ciples and terminology are presented along
Economic Co-operation and Development/ with different frameworks, such as a results
Development Assistance Committee (OECD/ matrix, a risk mitigation framework and a
DAC), such as the Paris Declaration and the results-based reporting framework.
Accra Agenda for Action.
It is not meant to be an exhaustive ‘how
Toward this objective, the Handbook is to’ manual. Web links and references are
expected to: included to resources and tools that provide
greater detail.

The focus of this handbook is primarily on RBM in the programme elements. However, the concepts and definitions are also

applicable to management aspects. Other UNDG working groups are focusing on financial management and RBM and links with
these are provided in the document.

Introduction v
AUDIENCE OF THE HANDBOOK the rapidly changing aid environment with
The Handbook is addressed to all nationally owned and driven results, with
United Nations staff at country, regional the United Nations viewed predomi-
and headquarters levels, especially nantly as a contributor to achieving
those responsible for RBM plan- national results.
ning, implementation, monitoring
Part two examines RBM in the
and evaluation (M&E), managing
planning stages. It presents various
and reporting. National authori-
planning tools, such as the results
ties at various levels (central, local)
matrix, the M&E plan, and the risk
may also find the Handbook useful
mitigation strategy framework. Part three
as it introduces key RBM concepts, tools
explores the importance of the management
and instruments used by the United Nations
function of RBM, focusing on managing
system in development as well as crisis,
for results.
transition and post crisis situations. Other
national actors, including international and Part four presents monitoring as an
national non-governmental organizations essential component for assessing results
(NGOs), and parties responsible for various on an on-going basis. Part five presents
elements of programming at country level evaluation and its role in assessing overall
for achieving developmental results would performance, while part six encourages the
also find the handbook useful. reader to more effectively report on results
by focusing particularly on outputs and
outcomes rather than activities.
The RBM Handbook is arranged primarily
around the programme cycle. Readers Finally, part seven discusses how to use
may also refer to UNDG guidance on the RBM for learning, adjusting and decision-
Common Budgetary Framework and other making. An additional section, part eight,
business operations. which has been included based on field
needs and reviews, highlights critical RBM
Part one provides an overview of RBM,
issues in crisis and post-crisis situations as
explaining the importance of accountabil-
well as underlining the need for adoption of
ity, national ownership and inclusiveness
common RBM approaches and terminology
as a backdrop for undertaking effective
in these settings.
RBM. This is discussed in the context of



1.1. What is Results-Based Management?................................... 2

1.2. Key Results-Based Management Principles.......................... 3
1.3. RBM and Managing for Development Results...................... 6
1.4. Basic RBM Terminology....................................................... 6

PART 1: Overview of RBM 1

RBM is a management strategy by which all actors, contributing directly or indirectly to
achieving a set of results, ensure that their processes, products and services contribute to
the achievement of desired results (outputs, outcomes and higher level goals or impact).
The actors in turn use information and evidence on actual results to inform decision
making on the design, resourcing and delivery of programmes and activities as well as
for accountability and reporting.

RBM is seen as taking a life-cycle approach of results through a programme, implementation

(see Figure 1). It starts with elements of planning, starts and monitoring becomes an essential task to
such as setting the vision and defining the results ensure results are being achieved. M&E provide
framework. Once partners agree to pursue a set invaluable information for decision-making and
lessons learned for the future.

FIGURE 1: The RBM life-cycle approach




the vision


Defining the

results map
and using
and RBM



Implemating Planning for

and using monitoring

monitoring and evaluation


Source: UNDP, Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results, 2009.


1.2 KEY RESULTS-BASED UNDAF outcomes and each one of
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES them is accountable for its contribution.

Below are accountability expectations of

the various stakeholders at different levels
Accountability of engagement in the context of a sequence
National Ownership of desired results at the national level.8

Inclusiveness Governments: Governments are the primary

owner and executing agents of cooperation
ACCOUNTABILITY programmes and are accountable to their
TCPR resolutions have long stressed the need for people, through their parliaments, for delivering
United Nations development entities to achieve on national development objectives (some-
and uphold the highest levels of accountability times referred to as national goals, priorities
when supporting partner countries in pursu- or outcomes). Results that occur at this level
ing national development outcomes.6 More are primarily attributable to the government,
recently, a high level symposium of the United although this may sometimes differ depending
Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on the national context.
Development Cooperation Forum discussed United Nations Country Team (UNCT):
actions to improve mutual accountability at United Nations funds, programmes and
global, regional and national levels, as well as specialized agencies as members of the UNCT
its forms and processes.7 In addition, the Paris collaborate with national counterparts to deter-
Declaration indicators and related targets include mine the outcomes of the United Nations support
accountability expectations from both national in a particular country. The outcomes of United
governments and donors. Nations support are framed in the UNDAF or other
The concept of mutual accountability has agreed common document and always derive from
become established as criteria for development the country’s national development objectives.
and aid effectiveness, although questions remain UNCT members are accountable to the national
around actual implications. For the purpose of partners on the basis of the Basic Cooperation
the UNDAF, mutual accountability is interpreted Agreement between the United Nations and the
to mean the respective accountability of parties host country on the one hand, and to partner
working together toward shared outcomes. governments funding development activities in the
This notion of respective accountability reflects country through the United Nations, on the other.
the fact that accountability is not fungible and Individual United Nations funds, programmes
must, in the final analysis, be attached to a and specialized agencies: At the national
specific actor. Many stakeholders contribute to level, each of these United Nations entities are

See, for instance, GA resolution 62/208, paragraph 61, which calls on “the organizations of the United Nations development system, within their
organizational mandates, to further improve their institutional accountability mechanisms.” Paragraph 113 further calls “to continue to harmonize
and simplify their rules and procedures, wherever this can lead to a significant reduction in the administrative and procedural burden on the orga-
nizations and national partners, bearing in mind the special circumstances of programme countries, and to enhance the efficiency, accountability
and transparency of the United Nations development system.”
Enhancing Mutual Accountability and Transparency in Development Cooperation, ECOSOC. November 2009
A more macro perspective of accountability is provided in the UNDG Management and Accountability System.

PART 1: Overview of RBM 3

accountable for their specific agreed contribution Providers of inputs: Finally, providers of inputs,
to the selected UNDAF outcomes as per their such as vendors and contractors, are account-
agency mandate and comparative advantage able to implementing partners for the satisfactory
in the country. At the same time, each entity is delivery of specified items.
accountable to its own governing body. Upward
Figure 2 delineates individual accountability
reporting to governing bodies does not focus on
within an overall flow of activity leading toward
national development performance. Instead, it
higher-level outcomes, with accountability
focuses on the contributions made by individual
established at each level. UNCTs may wish to
United Nations agencies to UNDAF results and
consider using the figure as a way to clarify
the influence of these on the national develop-
accountabilities within their UNDAFs. At each
ment objectives. The accountability for results
level, there is an expectation that an accountable
of UNCT members to their respective governing
party has the capacity to undertake its responsi-
bodies is limited to the level at which results can
bilities to make its contributions to the results. If
be attributed to the UNCT.
this capacity is not in place, then either capac-
Implementation partners: Various partners ity needs to be developed or, where applicable,
including local authorities and civil society alternative arrangements sought.
organizations have an implementation role and
thus have mutual accountability for the delivery
As stated in the TCPR 62/208, “each country
of goods and services to the national authorities
must take primary responsibility for its own
and the local communities. Typically, the imple-
development and …the role of national policies
menting partners are the key to achievement of
and development strategies cannot be over-
outputs and activities.
emphasized in the achievement of sustainable

FIGURE 2: Accountability

National Governments are accountable to their people, through their parliaments,

for delivering on national development objectives.
UNCTs are accountable to governments for overall contribution to
national development objectives, through their contribution to the
achievement of specific UNDAF-level outcomes.

Each UN Agency is accountable for its contribution to selected UNDAF out-

comes as per their agency mandate and its agreed country programme,
including to national authorities as well as to its governing board.

For the purpose Implementing partners including local authorities

of the UNDAF, and civil society organizations have mutual
mutual accountability accountability for the achievement of outputs
is interpreted to mean the and activities to the national authorities
respective accountability and the communities themselves.
of parties working together
toward shared outcomes. Providers of inputs are
accountable to imple-
menting partners for the
satisfactory delivery
of specified



1) Foster senior-level - supportive country/ 4) Measure sensibly and
leadership in RBM in national systems, develop user-friendly
all organizations, with procedures and  RBM information systems;
national actors playing incentives; 5) Use results information
a major lead; - a results-oriented for learning and managing,
2) Promote and support accountability regime; as well as for reporting
a results culture by - fostering learning and accountability;
all actors, including and adjusting;
- clear roles and responsi- 6) Build an adaptive RBM
national, sub-national regime through regular
and local governments, bilities for RBM.
review and updating of
civil society organiza- 3) Build results frameworks frameworks.
tions, communities, with clearly defined owner-
Source: John Mayne, Best Practices in
United Nations agencies ship on the part of national Results Based Management: A Review
and partner governments. actors at all levels, and of Experience, July 2007, p.4.
In particular support: with the contribution and
- an informed demand for roles of the United Nations
results information; clearly agreed upon;

development”. To maximize national ownership and those who can make use of them. More
and sovereignty, programmes and projects of detailed information on the concept of national
the United Nations must be based on national ownership in relation to common country
priorities, strategies and local needs. They are programming and aid effectiveness is available
envisaged to complement national efforts. Impact on the UNDG website.
and higher level results are then predominantly
INCLUSIVENESS (or stakeholder engagement)
owned by national actors with the United
Finally, inclusiveness is another important RBM
Nations contributing to these results. However,
principle. A strong RBM process aims to engage
national ownership does not mean that the
stakeholders (including government institutions
United Nations is not accountable.
at national, sub-national and local levels, as well
A key aim of RBM is to ensure that national as civil society organizations and communities
ownership goes beyond a few select persons to themselves) in thinking as openly and creatively
include as many diverse stakeholders as possible. as possible about what they want to achieve
For this reason, M&E activities and the findings, while encouraging them to organize them-
recommendations and lessons learned should be selves to achieve what they have agreed upon,
fully owned by those responsible for the results including establishing a process to monitor and

PART 1: Overview of RBM 5

evaluate progress and use the information to An MfDR approach encourages development
improve performance. Engagement of all relevant agencies to focus on building partnerships and
stakeholders in all stages of the programming collaboration and ensure greater coherence.
process maximizes the contribution that the Similarly, it promotes stronger focus on sustain-
United Nations system can make, through the ability through measures that enhance national
UNDAF, to the national development process. ownership and capacity development.

Increasing evidence shows that sustainability is RBM approaches have traditionally focused
more likely when rights-holders are involved in more on internal results and performance of
peace-building or development processes from agencies rather than on changes in the develop-
the outset – including during country analysis, ment conditions of people. In RBM, like MfDR,
defining results and indicators, implementation, ‘results’ are understood to go beyond manage-
and M&E of programmes and projects. One ment (systems, scorecards, metrics, reporting)
cannot expect rights-holders to be responsible and should be dynamic and transformative so
for results and indicators they do not help define, that results inform decision-making and lead to
negotiate or agree upon. Stakeholder analysis continuous improvement and change. In this
should consider the mandate and interest of Handbook, the term ‘results-based management’
various partners. is used to cover both: (i) the results from devel-
opment assistance; and (ii) an agency’s internal
1.3 RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT performance and results.9
Managing for development results (MfDR)
applies the same basic concepts as RBM (plan- It is recognized that many United Nations
ning, monitoring, evaluating and learning) but agencies are using different RBM definitions and
seeks to keep the focus on development assis- terminologies, even though the concepts are,
tance demonstrating real and meaningful results. in many cases, analogous. The use of common
MfDR is oriented more toward the external terminology will help United Nations agencies
environment and results that are important to move toward a common ground for supporting
programme countries and less toward an agency’s national programming (see Box 2).
internal performance.
When adopted across the board by United
MfDR is an effort to respond to the growing Nations agencies, these definitions can contribute
demand for public accountability in both the to greater coherence and consistency and help
developed and developing worlds on how when communicating RBM issues with national
assistance is used, what results are achieved and governments. The basic terminology used in this
how appropriate these results are in bringing handbook is taken from several sources and is
about desired changes in human development. strengthened by best practices in the RBM field.10

More detailed information and resources on MfDR are available on the MfDR website.
OECD/DAC Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-based Management; UNDG Results-based Management Terminology 2003.



Results based desired results – beginning commitments to international
management (RBM) with inputs, moving through conventions and treaties.
Results-based management activities and outputs, and Goal
is a management strategy culminating in individual A specific end result desired
by which all actors, contrib- outcomes and those that or expected to occur as a
uting directly or indirectly influence outcomes for the consequence, at least in part,
to achieving a set of results, community, goal/impacts and of an intervention or activity.
ensure that their processes, feedback. It is based on a It is the higher order objec-
products and services con- theory of change, including tive that will assure national
tribute to the desired results underlying assumptions. capacity building to which a
(outputs, outcomes and
Impact development intervention is
higher level goals or impact)
Impact implies changes in intended to contribute.
and use information and
people’s lives. This might Outcome
evidence on actual results
include changes in knowl- Outcomes represent changes
to inform decision making
edge, skill, behaviour, health in the institutional and
on the design, resourcing
or living conditions for behavioral capacities for
and delivery of programmes
children, adults, families or development conditions that
and activities as well as for
communities. Such changes occur between the comple-
accountability and reporting.
are positive or negative long- tion of outputs and the
Results term effects on identifiable achievement of goals.
Results are changes in a state population groups produced
or condition that derive from Outputs
by a development interven-
a cause-and-effect relation- Outputs are changes in skills
tion, directly or indirectly,
ship. There are three types or abilities and capacities
intended or unintended. These
of such changes - outputs, of individuals or institu-
effects can be economic,
outcomes and impact - that tions, or the availability of
socio-cultural, institutional,
can be set in motion by a new products and services
environmental, technological
development intervention. that result from the comple-
or of other types. Positive
The changes can be intended tion of activities within
impacts should have some
or unintended, positive and/ a development interven-
relationship to the Millennium
or negative. tion within the control of
Development Goals (MDGs),
the organization. They are
Results chain internationally-agreed
achieved with the resources
The causal sequence for a development goals, national
provided and within the time
development intervention development goals (as well
period specified.
that stipulates the neces- as human rights as enshrined
sary sequence to achieve in constitutions), and national

PART 1: Overview of RBM 7

Definition of key United Nations programming terms (cont’d)

Activity programme against which results framework reflects

Actions taken or work variations that occur in strategic level thinking across
performed through which the project or programme an entire organization, a
inputs, such as funds, are measured. country programme, a pro-
technical assistance and Target gramme component within
other types of resources, Specifies a particular value a country programme, or
are mobilized to produce that an indicator should a project.
specific outputs. reach by a specific date in the Performance
Inputs future. For example, “total lit- The degree to which a
The financial, human, eracy rate to reach 85 percent development intervention
material, technological among groups X and Y by the or a development partner
and information resources year 2010.” operates according to specific
used for development Benchmark criteria/standard/guidelines
interventions. Reference point or standard, or achieves results in accor-
Performance indicator including norms, against dance with stated plans.
A performance indicator which progress or achieve- Performance monitoring
is a unit of measurement ments can be assessed. A A continuous process of
that specifies what is to be benchmark refers to the collecting and analyzing
measured along a scale or performance that has been data for performance indica-
dimension but does not indi- achieved in the recent past tors, to compare how well a
cate the direction or change. by other comparable orga- development intervention,
Performance indicators are nizations, or what can be partnership or policy reform
a qualitative or quantita- reasonably expected to have is being implemented against
tive means of measuring an been achieved in similar expected results (achieve-
output or outcome, with circumstances. ment of outputs and progress
the intention of gauging the Results framework or matrix toward outcomes).
performance of a programme A results framework or matrix
or investment. explains how results are to be
Baseline achieved, including causal
Information gathered at the relationships and underlying
beginning of a project or assumptions and risks. The



2.1. What is a Result?�����������������������������������������������������������������10

2.2. Getting Started: How to Define Results��������������������������������10
2.3. Formulating Results�������������������������������������������������������������12
2.4. The Results Chain����������������������������������������������������������������14
2.5. Developing the Results Matrix���������������������������������������������15

PART 2: RBM in Planning 9

Organizations use RBM most often when planning strategic frameworks, programmes
and projects. This section discusses results and the results chain and then presents some
related tools. The five United Nations programming principles, of which RBM is one, are
also briefly discussed.


A result is a describable or measurable change their effects sustained over time. Adhering to
that is derived from a cause-and-effect relation- a national development plan or strategy helps
ship. There are three types of such changes orient and guide United Nations-supported inter-
– outputs, outcomes and impact - which can be ventions so that these interventions respond to
set in motion by a development intervention. national priorities and needs. Results should drive
The changes can be intended or unintended, not only the planning, but also the management
positive and/or negative. It is expected that care- and M&E of development activities.
ful management for development results within
programmes using RBM will lead to positive FIGURE 3: Key stages in formulating
change. However, this is not always the case. results statements
Change can sometimes lead to unintended or
negative consequences. It is therefore impor- FORMULATION OF RESULTS
tant to continually manage for results so that
programmes can truly result in positive change.

Moreover, results within the United Nations
system correspond to three levels:

1. outputs of a programme/project,

2. outcomes, and ANALYSIS OF

3. goal/national priority levels. comparative advantages
and value addition in terms
of norms and standards;
2.2 GETTING STARTED: stakeholder analysis
Defining results begins with an analysis of the
country situation, review of the comparative

advantages of the UNCT, stakeholder analy- causal analysis, role-pattern
analysis and capacity gap analysis,
sis and a vision of desired outcomes. When programming principles
results form part of a national vision, strategy or
plan, they are more likely to be achieved and


The key stages in formulating results statements the specific areas in which to focus
are as follows: development assistance in the coming
• Stage 1: Conduct a country analysis that programming cycle. The assessment must
includes the following elements: consider the mandates, technical capacities
available (in-country, regional or global) and
a) Gather information on the country situation resources of the UNCT or agencies. During this
in order to be fully apprised of the politi- process, it helps to undertake a stakeholder
cal, economic, social and cultural context analysis to map out different stakeholders’
influencing the environment. This includes engagement in support of the national govern-
reviewing existing national analyses to ment’s effort to achieve and sustain the MDGs
determine what the UNCT’s analytical and other internationally-agreed develop-
contribution should be. ment goals, or support the country to achieve
b) Assessment made of the situation to  commitments and standards of livelihood
shortlist major development under various treaties and conventions.
problems or opportunities
for deeper analysis. • Stage 3: Conduct a prioritization
process based on stages 1 and 2 in
c) Analyze the root causes, order to create a consensus on the
relationships between duty strategic areas of focus for UNCT
bearers and rights holders11 development assistance. This could
and capacity gap issues. be a workshop or informal discussions
Enrich the analysis by using with the government and other development
a role-pattern analysis as well as the lens and peacebuilding partners.
of the five United Nations programming
principles and other thematic issues, when After completing stages 1-3, the UNCT is ready
applicable.12 In post-conflict and conflict- to formulate proposed results based on national
prevention settings, a thorough review of priorities. For detailed information on conduct-
conflict factors forms part of this analysis.13 ing a country analysis and stakeholder analysis,
refer to the UNDAF guidance package and the
• Stage 2: Assess the UNCT or United Nations UNDG Toolkit.
agency’s comparative advantages to determine

(a) Rights-holders are individuals and groups who have valid human rights entitlements; (b) Duty-bearers are primarily state authorities, institutions
and others who have an obligation to respond. For information on how to conduct HRBA and other programming principles.
Guidance Note: Application of the Programming Principles to the UNDAF.
UNSSC / DOCO Conflict Analysis.

PART 2: RBM in Planning 11

2.3 FORMULATING RESULTS The following are some examples of results using
change language:
United Nations-supported results must balance
the pursuit of international norms and stan- • At least 80% of people in endemic areas sleep
dards with the achievement of national under insecticide treated bed nets;
development priorities.
• Child mortality from AIDS and related causes
Results are about change. It is important to use decreased from 80% to 40% by 2011;
’change language’ rather than the customary • 90% of identified orphans and vulnerable
‘action language’. children in model districts access social safety
net packages by 2008;
The difference between change language and
action language are: • F emale gross enrolment rate in primary school
increased from 55% to 95% in 1,200 primary
 ction language (i) expresses would-be results
A schools by 2012.
from the providers’ perspective – and usually
starts with “by doing this or that”; (ii) can be Confusion sometimes arises between activities
interpreted in many ways versus results. Activities use action words or
because it is not specific or verbs that reflect what will be
measurable (e.g., reduce done in a given programme or
HIV transmission); and project (e.g., organize regional
(iii) focuses only on the
Results are about meetings, plan international
completion of activities change. It is important conferences, prepare curricu-
(e.g., to establish 25 new to use ’change lum, undertake gender analysis,
youth-friendly centers). etc.). Results often include
language’ rather than

only limited information. The
Whereas change language: the customary actions described at lower levels
(i) describes changes in the ‘action language’. of a results matrix contribute
conditions and/or quality to the results at higher levels.
of life of people; (ii) sets However, by themselves they
precise criteria for success; will not be sufficient to achieve
and (iii) focuses on results, the results in their entirety.
and does not focus on the
methods to achieve them (hence the need to Table 1 shows the types of changes that can be
avoid expressions such as “through this and typically achieved within the timeframe of a
that” or “by doing this and that”). programme. Naturally, the situation may vary
from country to country depending on the local
UNDAF results should be formulated in change situation, the level of capacity and how fast
language (See Annex 2). change can realistically happen.


TABLE 1. Changes reflected in results at different levels
Changes in conditions
• MDGs • Cultural
IMPACT • Social • Civil Society
• Economic
• Environmental
GOAL • Political
Results are primarily nationally owned

Changes in capacity and performance of the primary duty-bearers

• Changes in Behaviours & Attitudes • Policy Formulation • Competencies
• Social Action • Decision-making • Opinions
OUTCOME • Viability • Norms, Knowledge • Standards
• Institutional • Efficiency
United Nations contributes at this level

What all implementers produce

• Goods & Services • New Products
• Change in Skills & Capabilities • Reports
OUTPUTS • Systems • Publications Produced
• Evaluations
National actors, United Nations and donors

What all implementers do

• Develop Curriculum • Procure
• Train • Facilitate
ACTIVITIES • Evaluate • Develop Action Plans
• Recruit • Work with Media, etc.
Primarily national, often supported by United Nations and other partners

What all stakeholders invest in

• Human or Financial Resources • Technology
INPUTS • Personnel • Time
• Equipment

Led by national actors

PART 2: RBM in Planning 13

2.4 THE RESULTS CHAIN It is important that an output can be achieved
with the resources provided and within the time
A results chain will always be embedded in a
period specified. There is a need to curb the
given context that reflects the overall situation,
tendency to be too ambitious with results state-
needs, issues, priorities and aspirations of key
ments. Results should be commensurate with
rights-holders. A range of factors – economic,
the environment, existing and potential capaci-
political, social, environmental or cultural – will
ties, and resources. If not, there will be a need
affect the achievement of results. The general rule
to adjust the result statements. Moreover, it may
is that one size does not fit all and results chains
raise undue expectations that cannot be met,
will vary from country to country.
which could undermine the overall programme.

TABLE 2. The Results Chain


Inputs Activities Outputs Outcome Goal/Impact

Actions taken or Actions taken or The changes in The institutional Positive and
work performed work performed skills or abilities, or and behavioral negative long-term
through which through which the availability of changes in develop- effects on identifi-
inputs, such as inputs, such as new products and ment conditions able population
funds, technical funds, technical services that result that occur between groups produced
assistance and assistance and from the comple- the completion by a develop-
other types of other types of tion of activities of outputs and ment intervention,
resources are mobi- resources are mobi- within a develop- the achievement directly or indi-
lized to produce lized to produce ment intervention. of goals. rectly, intended
specific outputs. specific outputs. or unintended.
They are the
These effects can
intended or
be economic,
achieved effects of
an intervention’s
outputs, usu-
ally requiring the
technological or of
collective effort
other types.
of partners.

Example Example

Financial Series of The National National and Reduced risks and

resources, human preparatory Disaster Centre and provincial increased safety
resources (i.e. workshops to its provincial arms administrations from natural disas-
technical expertise) train National have the tech- implement disaster ters among the local
Disaster Centre nical and financial risk reduction population.
and Provincial capacity to develop policies, including
Disaster Centre and support the emergency
staff on the inter- implementa- preparedness plans
national standards tion emergency
for emergency preparedness plans
preparedness plans that meet interna-
tional standards


The results chain in Table 2 shows how there is guidance package.14 There are two options
a causality and attribution between input and available for developing a results matrix, option
activities and the results that are generated in 1a (only to the outcome level) and 1b (a fuller
the form of outputs, outcomes and impact. A version that includes also the output level). Both
results chain should clearly represent the change options for developing the results matrix contain
achieved through the cause-and-effect relation- the following six columns, including:
ship between inputs and activities and the results
1. Outcomes and outputs15
(including the outputs, outcome and impact
levels). While inputs, activities and outputs are 2. Indicators, baselines and targets;
elements of the project or programme, outcomes 3. Means of verification;
and impacts represent elements at a higher,
4. Risks and assumptions;
national level. If it is not possible to clearly show
attribution, or at least contribution, between 5. Role of partners;
elements in the chain, then they are not relevant 6. Indicative resources.
or appropriate for a results framework.
United Nations agencies are expected to achieve
the outputs for which they are responsible and
thereby contribute to UNDAF outcomes aligned
The results matrix is the strategic management to national priorities. The results matrix crystal-
tool used by the UNCT to plan, monitor, evaluate lizes the essence of a programme in a few pages
and report on UNDAF results areas. The results clearly articulating the outputs and outcomes and
matrix maps the collective United Nations contri- other elements of the programme. This makes it a
bution to the achievement of national priorities useful tool for implementing programmes, as well
or goals as well as that of each United Nations as for M&E and reporting.
agency involved. The results matrix provides an
overall snapshot of the United Nations-supported The results matrix should be developed from
programme, highlighting national priorities top down – beginning with national develop-
and goals to which related UNDAF outcome ment priorities and goals and moving to the
and outputs contribute. The results matrix sets outcomes. UNDAF outcomes that contribute to
the strategic direction and expected results of national development priorities are predomi-
the United Nations system in the country. The nantly supported by United Nations interventions
UNCT fleshes out how it will deliver these results in the country. National development priorities
through various tools such as the UNDAF Action and goals drive the development of UNDAF
Plan, agency action plans and operational docu- outcomes, which represent the joint vision of
ments, joint programmes and annual work plans. United Nations agencies along with other key
stakeholders operating in the country. Outputs
This Handbook presents the UNDAF results are then developed in alignment with the
matrix as it appears in the 2010 UNDAF outcomes to which they contribute.

For detailed information on different options for developing an UNDAF results matrix, see How to Prepare an UNDAF, (Part 1), Guidelines for
UN Country Teams, January 2010.
Results matrix option 1b includes results at the output level. UNCTs can choose option 1a and include outputs in the UNDAF Action Plan or the
agency action plans or operational documents.

PART 2: RBM in Planning 15

TABLE 3. Results matrix with outcome and output levels – option 1b

Indicators, Means of Risks and Role of Indicative

Baseline, Target Verification Assumptions Partners Resources
Outcome 1 :
(List contributing UN agencies for each of the
outcomes and highlight the outcome convener)
Output 1.1
Output 1.2
Outcome 2
Output 2.1

Source: Results matrix Option 1b in “How to Prepare an UNDAF: Part (I) Guidelines for UN Country Teams,” January 2010.

The results matrix is used throughout the life are specific, strategic and clearly contribute to
cycle of the programme – from planning and the achievement of national priorities, they must
implementation to monitoring, evaluation and be linked to and supported by programme or
reporting. At the planning stage, the results matrix project outputs.
allows stakeholders to articulate what their
Outputs are changes in skills or abilities, or the
goals and results will be – based on the country
availability of new products and services that are
situation and context and the vision set out for
achieved with the resources provided within the
harmonized UN funds, programmes and special-
time period specified. Outputs are the level of
ized agency outcomes in line with national
result in which the clear comparative advantages
priorities or goals.
of individual agencies emerge and accountability
2.5.1 OUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS is clearest. Outputs are linked to those account-
Outcomes describe the intended changes in able fro them giving the results chain a much
development conditions resulting from UNCT stronger internal logic. As stated earlier, UNDAF
cooperation. Outcomes relate to changes in results should be formulated in change language.
institutional performance or behavior among
Indicators help measure outcomes and outputs,
individuals or groups as viewed through a human
adding greater precision. Indicators ensure that
rights-based approach lens. Achievement of
decision-making is informed by relevant data.
outcomes depends critically on the commitment
and actions of stakeholders, as well as on results Detailed guidance on how to develop outcome
to be achieved by government and partners and output statements is available in the techni-
outside the UNDAF. cal briefs for outcomes and outputs. In addition
The Issues Note: Results-based Management in
UNDAF outcomes are the collective strategic
UNDAFs can be used to support the development
results for United Nations system cooperation at
of relevant and robust results statements.
the country level, intended to support achieve-
ment of national priorities. UNDAF outcomes


RBM:  ONE OF THE FIVE UNITED NATIONS A human rights-based approach. A human
PROGRAMMING PRINCIPLES rights-based approach brings to RBM the use
Since 2007 the United Nations has identified of a conceptual framework to understand the
five underlying programming principles: causes of fulfillment or not of human rights and
in doing so brings to light the underlying issues
1. results-based management; that impede development progress. Based on
2. a human rights-based approach; international human rights standards and prin-
ciples, a human rights-based approach develops
3. gender equality;
the capacity of rights-holders to claim their rights
4. environmental sustainability; and and duty-bearers to fulfill their obligations.17
5. capacity development. Apart from its normative value as a set of
universally agreed values, standards and
RBM, together with the other principles, a human rights-based approach
four principles, constitutes a leads to better and more sustainable results.
starting point and guide for It does so by analyzing and addressing
the analysis and design stages the inequalities, discriminatory practices
of the UNDAF. It is widely and unjust power relations that are often at
agreed that all five principles are necessary for the heart of development problems and which
effective United Nations-supported country pose a serious threat to development progress if
programming that balances the pursuit of interna- left unaddressed.
tional norms and standards with the achievement
of national development priorities. Broken down, a human rights-based results focus
on the following three main elements:
The recently issued Guidance Note on the
Application of Programming Principles to the 1. changes in the capacities of the duty-bearers
UNDAF offers a conceptual framework to to fulfill their obligations and rights-holders
visualize how these programming principles to enjoy their rights, enabling environmen-
complement one another and a tool to support tal, organizational and individual capacities;
their application during the four main steps of the 2. focus on discrimination and
UNDAF process: the most marginalized;

1. roadmap; 3. the extent to which human rights

principles have been incorporated
2. country analysis;
into the development process.
3. strategic planning; and
A more detailed explanation is available in
4. monitoring and evaluation.16
the Technical Brief on Measuring Rights-based
Ways in which the other programming principles Results as well as the UNDG webpage dedicated
interface with RBM are presented below. to human rights-based approaches.

Refer to Guidance Note: Application of the Programming Principles to the UNDAF.
Refer to Stamford consensus Common Understanding among UN agencies on Human Rights Based Approach to Development Cooperation.

PART 2: RBM in Planning 17

While RBM is a management Furthermore, using a human - monitoring should reflect
tool to help reach a desired rights-based approach: how programmes have
result, a human rights-based - outcomes reflect improve- been guided by human
approach is a framework that ment in the performance rights principles, such
helps define the results and of, or the strengthened as non-discrimination,
the process by which results responsibility of, the rights- participation, and account-
are achieved. holders and duty-bearers ability, in the process of
First, a human rights-based resulting from institutional reaching results;
approach specifies the or behavioral change; - the programming results
subjects of programming - outputs should close should specify the
results: the rights-holders and capacity gaps; realization of human
duty-bearers. rights as laid down in
international instruments.

Gender equality. Achieving gender equality environmental sustainability is to have a tangible

and eliminating all forms of discrimination on influence on the national development dialogue
the basis of sex are at the heart of a human and UNDAF results. The Guidance Note on
rights-based approach. RBM helps to guide Mainstreaming Environmental Sustainability in
the achievement of gender equality by setting Country Analysis and UNDAF offers entry points,
a framework for measuring results in gender actions, and tools that can be used by United
mainstreaming and targeted gender-specific Nations staff and implementing partners, as well
interventions. Through RBM, gender equality is as examples of outcome and output results state-
translated into strategic UNDAF results chains ments and indicators.
and consequently into holistic programming for
Capacity development. RBM approaches are
gender equality. Serious gender analysis and
critical in ensuring results focus when conducting
gender sensitive strategies should lead to the
capacity development assessments and planning
formulation of specific gender outcomes and
strategies for effective national capacity devel-
outputs. The UNCT Performance Indicators for
opment. The United Nations system responds
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
to national capacity development challenges,
establishes an accountability framework for
contextualized in national development strate-
assessing gender mainstreaming by the UNCT.
gies, through the framework of its analytical
Environmental sustainability. Successfully work and the UNDAF. See the UNDG capac-
mainstreaming environmental sustainability in ity development policy and guidance, tools
country analysis and programming also depends and resources.
on the application of RBM. This is important if


2.5.2 INDICATORS, BASELINES AND TARGETS Proxy indicators are used when results cannot be
Indicators are quantitative or qualitative variables measured directly. For example, a proxy measure
that allow stakeholders to verify changes of improved governance could be, in some cases,
produced by a development intervention relative the number of political parties and voter turnout.
to what was planned. Quantitative indicators are
Process indicators directly measure the
represented by a number, percentage or ratio. In
performance of key processes that affect expec-
contrast, qualitative indicators seek to measure
tations of countries, donors or communities.
quality and often are based on perception, opin-
Process indicators that can measure, for instance,
ion or levels of satisfaction. Indicators should
the effectiveness of the Paris Declaration and
be expressed in neutral language, such as ‘the
United Nations national coordination efforts or
level or degree of satisfaction’ or ‘the percentage
stakeholder participation and buy-in are impor-
of school enrolment by gender’. Examples are
tant to measure. These might include indicators
provided in Table 4.
such as the degree of
It should be noted that there can harmonization between
be an overlap between quantita- United Nations agencies
tive and qualitative indicators. Quantitative indicators are as seen by the number
Some statistical data or informa- represented by a number, of joint missions or
tion stated with number can joint evaluations, the
percentage or ratio. In
provide qualitative meaning For application of program-
example, a survey might measure contrast, qualitative indica- ming principles and
on a scale of 1-10, which would tors seek to measure qual- cross-cutting strategies
reflect quality rather than quan- ity and often are based of UNDG, the develop-

tity. More detailed information is on perception, opinion or ment and application of
available in the UNDAF Technical the UNDAF, or the use of
Brief on Indicators.
levels of satisfaction. national systems for M&E.

TABLE 4. Indicators
• measures of quantity • perception
• number • opinion
• percentage • judgements
• ratio
Examples: Examples:
• # of women in decision-making positions • women’s perception of empowerment
• employment levels • satisfaction with employment or school
• wage rates • quality of life
• education levels • degree of confidence in basic literacy
• literacy rates
Means of verification
formal surveys or questionnaires public hearings, testimonials, focus groups,
attitude surveys, participant observation

PART 2: RBM in Planning 19

Qualitative process indicators may also serve of data becomes cumbersome and expensive.
to measure the nature or intensity of interac- Two to three indicators per result will ensure
tion from a stakeholder’s perspective and that the findings are corroborated by different
their satisfaction with inter-United Nations indicators and/or sources of information and that
agency collaboration. the findings are solid and credible.

Baseline is the status of the indicator at the 2.5.3 MEANS OF VERIFICATION

beginning of a programme or project that acts The sources of information are the persons, bene-
as a reference point against which progress or ficiaries or organizations from whom information
achievements can be assessed. A typical baseline will be gathered to inform initial baselines and
in a primary education programme might be the measure results. It is crucial for the sustainability
enrolment rate at the beginning of the project, of results that the beneficiaries or rights-holders
such as 90 percent of school-aged children are enabled to participate in the process of
enrolled in school. monitoring results that change their lives. In a
health programme, the source of information
The target is what one hopes to achieve. The may be those affected by HIV, community-based
target in the case of a primary education project organizations or the Ministry of Health. The
might be reaching 100 percent enrollment for most direct source of information related to the
school-aged children. indicator should be selected. The principle of
Table 5 presents a checklist that can help “do no harm” and cultural sensitivity need to be
practitioners select indicators. For each output emphasized. The United Nations should play a
or outcome results statement, there should be a major role in promoting participatory monitor-
maximum of two-three quantitative and qualita- ing among the subjects of and key actors in the
tive indicators. It is important not to exceed this development process during data collection, such
number of indicators per result or the collection as in interviews among community members.

TABLE 5. Checklist for validating indicators

Checklist for validating indicators Yes No
The definition of indicators has involved those who performance will be measured.
Those who performance will be judged by the indicators will have confidence in them.
The indicator describes how the achievement of the result will be measured.
Each and every variable included in the indicator statement is measurable with reasonable cost and effort.
The indicator is clear and easy to understand even to a layperson.
The indicator lends itself to aggregation.
The indicator can be disaggregated by sex, ethnicity or social condition.
A baseline current value can be provided for each and every variable in the indicator statement.
There is a target during a specified timeframe for each and every variable in the indicator.
The indicator is not repeated in any of the results below or above the results framework.


2.5.4 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS that may (negatively) affect the achievement of
Assumptions are the variables or factors that results. Since potential impacts can be both posi-
need to be in place for results to be achieved. tive and negative, some agencies have chosen
Assumptions can be internal or external to the to widen the definition of risks to include both
particular programme or organization. threats that might prevent them from achieving
their objectives and opportunities that would
Assumptions should be stated in positive enhance the likelihood that objectives can be
language. For example, in a reproductive health achieved. Such a definition has the advantage
service programme, an assumption might be that it enables a more balanced consideration of
that there are adequately trained personnel both opportunities and threats, thereby promoting
and extension services. In an election support innovation and avoiding risk aversion.
project, if higher levels of voter registration
among the rural population is expected to lead Risk assessments should consider a wide range
to higher participation in an election, an assump- of potential risks, including strategic, environ-
tion would be that voting centers are actually mental, financial, operational, organizational,
operational and infrastructure are in place so political and regulatory risks. For example, in
that the population can reach voting centers on the context of the above-mentioned election
election-day. support programme, a potential risk may be that
rising ethnic tension and violence in rural areas
The expectation from stakeholders is that if the may make people reluctant to travel to voting
outputs have been delivered and the assumptions centers on election day. On the other hand, a
in the programme document still hold true, then potential decision by the government to double
the outcome will be achieved. the number of voting centers would represent a
Assumptions should be formulated after the significant opportunity to increase participation
results chain and before the indicators, even since travel distances may be reduced.
though in reality practitioners often identify Using a risk matrix, as in Table 6, enables
indicators before assumptions. The sequencing is systematic identification and prioritization of
important as the identification of assumptions is identified risks. In the risk matrix, risks can be
crucial and can lead to a redefinition of the ranked according to their likelihood
results chain. This is why it is of happening (low, medium or high)
better to define assumptions and potential severity (low, medium
before indicators. or high) if they were to occur. A risk
Risk corresponds to a mitigation strategy should also be
potential future event, fully defined for each risk to minimize
or partially beyond control the potential impact of risks on the
achievement of results.

PART 2: RBM in Planning 21

TABLE 6. Risk matrix
Risk Likelihood of Risk (L, M, H) Impact of Risk (L,M,H) Risk Mitigation Strategy

Programmes and projects are expected to 2.5.5 ROLE OF PARTNERS

manage the risks related to their programme The responsibilities of the different partners
and project. The following are a range of risk - whether they are government or a specific
mitigation strategies that may be considered: ministry, United Nations agency, NGO or any
other implementing agency - for the achievement
• Prevention: Prevent the risk from
of a given output and outcome should be indi-
materializing or prevent it from
cated in the results matrix.
having an impact on objectives;
• Reduction: Reduce the likelihood of the 2.5.6 INDICATIVE RESOURCES
risk developing or limiting the impact in Indicative resources reflect an estimate of the
case it materializes; resources required – financial, human, techni-
cal assistance and knowledge – for a given
• Transference: Pass the impact of the risk to programme or project. It is critical that budgeting
a third party (e.g., via an insurance policy); and allocation of resources is done on the basis
• Contingency plan: Prepare actions to of requirements for achieving agreed results. In
implement should the risk occur; some cases, indicative resources can be itemized
• Acceptance: Based on a cost/benefit analysis, by activity or output. Financial resource amounts
accept the possibility that the risk may occur in this column should specify if these amounts
and go ahead without further measures to are from regular or other sources (i.e., trust fund,
address the risk. other participating United Nations agencies or
donors). Additional guidance is available from
During implementation, it is a good practice to the UNDG Common Budgetary Framework. It
incorporate the planned responses to risks into may be noted when these amounts are ‘in kind’
the regular work plan of the programme or proj- and not quantified in financial terms.
ect, assigning staff members to be responsible for
the actions and resources required.



3.1. Managing for Outcomes������������������������������������������������������24

3.2. Managing for UNDAF Outcomes�����������������������������������������24

PART 3: RBM in Managing 23

The ‘M’ in RBM is often overlooked. Yet without good management it is unlikely that
results will be achieved. Managing effectively for better results requires the flexibility to
change strategies and activities if and when needed. It also means using a team-based
approach to ensure that all stakeholders concur with any proposed changes or actions.
Good management ensures that results matrices are updated at least once a year with the
agreement of all stakeholders.

TABLE 7. Key challenges and strategies to overcome them

Defining realistic results Make results commensurate with available resources and reach.
Developing a results-based culture Use RBM at each stage of a programme and project cycle, and
reward results performance.
Reporting on results or the effects of com- Practice writing results based reports comparing them to your
pleted activities vs. reporting on activities previous type of reporting.
Ongoing support, training and technical Establish RBM focal points and coaches, and organize
assistance in RBM training workshops.
Moving from outputs to outcomes Underline the difference between outputs and outcomes and
reward performance that manages for outcomes.
Ensuring a cause and effect relationship and Be realistic with the definition of results so that outputs and
coherence between programme outputs and outcomes can be realistically achieved.
agency/UNDAF outcomes and national goals.

The most important element of RBM is ensuring 3.2 MANAGING FOR UNDAF OUTCOMES
that interventions lead to effective development
An important dimension of the UNDAF is
and a positive change in people’s lives. This
managing for UNDAF outcomes. While the
requires that managers manage better, ensur-
planning phase with government stakeholders
ing that their resources are commensurate with
and United Nations agencies serves to prepare a
the results they hope to achieve. Results-based
framework for joint collaboration, more attention
decision making is a key dimension of RBM that
needs to be placed on managing and monitoring
should not be overlooked. Identifying, devel-
UNDAF outcome results. Flow and consistency of
oping and managing the capabilities (people,
results should be maintained among the various
systems, resources, structures, culture, leadership
programming instruments, including the UNDAF,
and relationships) are essential for managers to
country programme documents, the UNDAF
plan for, deliver and assess results.18

Discussion on aspects of developing and managing capabilities is beyond the scope of this handbook.


Action Plan, country programme action plans, • Monitoring financial commitments, as per
and other agency operational plans down to the UNDAF;
annual work plans. • Monitoring the completion of major activities
Management of the UNDAF outcomes should and the achievement of outputs, and tracking
reside with senior programme officers, often at that they are contributing to outcomes;
the deputy representative level, and M&E officers. • Supporting government efforts to monitor
In some countries, these officers form a techni- outcome indicators - many of which should
cal committee for the UNDAF process. It is often be aligned with indicators in the national
the case that too many programme officers and development framework;
unit heads engage only in managing a portfolio • Reflecting on the key assumptions and risks
of projects. Making the logical link to the coun- which underpin the UNDAF design and
try programme and UNDAF outcomes at the which are necessary for the achievement
time of reporting is often difficult and coherence of outcomes;
and synergy between projects is frequently lost.
• Using this evidence to engage more regularly
Effectively utilizing RBM, therefore, requires a
proper management structure.19 and effectively with national authorities to
discuss UNDAF performance and how to better
A recent study found that while UNCTs are align UNCT and government resources for
succeeding in applying results-based plan- greater effectiveness.
ning in their UNDAFs, difficulties remain in
The UNDAF results matrix will facilitate the
the collection of relevant data that can contrib-
assessment of the UNDAF at an aggregate level
ute performance information which in turn
as well as monitoring of the progress of indi-
will improve decision-making and reporting.20
vidual United Nations agencies. Many countries,
Increased emphasis needs to be placed on
such as Lesotho, Mali and Mozambique, among
the monitoring of UNDAF outcomes so that
others, monitor UNDAF outcomes and outputs
progress can be measured, monitored and fed
through DevInfo databases. The DevInfo data-
back, ultimately influencing the implementa-
base contains basic socioeconomic country data
tion of the UNDAF and
– a broad set of indicators classified by goal,
agency programmes.
sector, theme and source.21 As a further effort
Managing for UNDAF toward harmonization, the 2010 UNDAF
outcomes is a process. Guidance Package requires UNCTs to
It needs attention in each conduct an annual review of the UNDAF.22
UNCT meeting. It involves:

See section 5 of the Standard Operational Format and Guidance for Reporting Progress on the UNDAF for guidance on the suggested inter-agency
mechanism for managing for UNDAF outcomes.
MacKenzie, Alexander. “Results-based Management at the Country Level: Systemic Issues that Prevent Good UNDAF Results and the Use of
UNDAF Results Information”. September 2008.
See for further information.
See How to Prepare an UNDAF: Part (I) Guidelines for UN Country Teams, January 2010.

PART 3: RBM in Managing 25




4.1. Tools for Monitoring������������������������������������������������������������ 28

4.2. Developing the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan������������������ 30
4.3. Monitoring & Evaluation of the UNDAF as a System������������ 31
4.4. Measuring Progress in Policy Norms & Standards���������������� 32

PART 4: RBM in Monitoring 27

Monitoring is an important task in the life of a programme or project. It involves regular
and systematic assessment based on participation, reflection, feedback, data collection,
analysis of actual performance (using indicators) and regular reporting. Monitoring makes
it possible to gauge where programmes stand in terms of international norms and stan-
dards. It helps the UNCT understand where programmes are in relationship to results
planned, to track progress (on the basis of intended results and agreed indicators), and
to identify issues and analyze relevant information and reports that become available as
implementation occurs. The UNCT also monitors to fulfill accountability requirements;
communicate, review and report results to stakeholders; adjust approaches to implemen-
tation if necessary; and inform decision-making. Monitoring feeds into evaluation and
real-time learning.

Monitoring at the outcome level requires a arrangements, but national

good understanding of how outputs and related mechanisms and structures
efforts in, for instance, advocacy, come together. that are charged with
The United Nations system - as one partner - is the coordination of the
directly accountable for making its own agreed sector or outcome from
contribution toward the achievement of nation- a development perspective within the national
ally-owned outcomes to which United Nations and local context. The United Nations system
support is associated. It is responsible, together supports such national mechanisms and insti-
with other partners, for monitoring the gradual tutions, focusing especially on developing
achievement of the overall outcome. capacities for M&E. This support can extend
to developing national monitoring systems.
For high level results, such as national goals
or sector outcomes, key stakeholders should
typically form sector-wide or inter-agency coordi- 4.1 TOOLS FOR MONITORING
nation mechanisms around each major outcome The UNDAF results matrix and the M&E plan
or sector for monitoring and coordination. are the UNCT’s key monitoring tools, outlin-
Whenever national structures for this already exist, ing expected results, indicators, baselines and
the United Nations system should engage and targets against which change is monitored. The
participate in them. The United Nations should results matrix will help the UNCT to stay focused
avoid parallel mechanisms or groups for such on the expected achievements of programmes
purposes. Sectoral/outcome-level coordinating or projects.
mechanisms are not United Nations management


The results matrix can be used in a number of or Participatory, Learning and Action (PLA)23
ways. It serves as: methods such as mapping, ranking and scoring
to show change over time.
1. the centerpiece of a programme or project
proposal summarizing in a nutshell what In some countries, DevInfo has been used to
the programme or project hopes to achieve; not only monitor MDG progress but also to
2. a reference point for management during monitor performance of other national develop-
team meetings and a guide for reporting on ment frameworks. For example, in Lesotho, the
progress to help management make deci- UNDAF is monitored along with the National
sions based on performance information; Vision 2020 and the Poverty Reduction Strategy
using DevInfo. An analysis of the data revealed
3. an aid for M&E, providing parameters for that the government and partners need to
which results to measure and to account urgently scale up multi-sector interventions
for with useful targets, baselines and means to achieve a reduction in child mortality and
of verification. improve maternal health. An important element
Although the results framework is prepared of any database is using the information not only
at the planning stages of the results, it can be for reporting but also to inform decision-making,
improved upon by the partners collectively resource allocation and possible changes in
at later stages. For example, newer and more activities to better meet expected results.
effective indicators may be identified during the Another tool used by many organizations to
implementation phase, for example, during an monitor different parts of their results framework
UNDAF annual review. is scoring. In their simplest form, scoring systems
An important element of monitoring effectively can adopt a ‘stop light’ approach whereby prog-
is ensuring that data systems are developed ress on indicators is rated red, yellow or green
and information is collected on a regular basis. on the basis of performance. This is a useful tool
Data may come from a combination of national for organizations with limited experience in
systems and the programme or project specifi- practicing RBM.
cally. For example, if a programme aim is to Other approaches allocate scores (such as A to D)
increase literacy in country x, it should collect against criteria at different agreed stages through-
data that shows literacy levels for the country out the project cycle. This can significantly help
at the beginning of the programme. This data analysis and aggregation of results informa-
will then be compared with subsequent data in tion. For example, a development intervention
the future to measure change. Where baseline could be very efficient (score A) – meaning that
data does not exist, there may be need to derive resources/inputs are used on time at planned
baseline information through use of qualitative cost and are producing agreed upon outputs.
methods such as testimonials, focus groups However, the effectiveness could be weak

PLA is an umbrella term for a wide range of similar approaches and methodologies, including Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Rapid Rural
Appraisal (RRA), etc. The common theme of these approaches is the full participation of people in the processes of learning about their needs
and opportunities and in the action required to address them. See the PLA pages of the International Institute for Environment and Development
website or the University of Sussex website.

PART 4: RBM in Monitoring 29

(score C) if beneficiary perception of the outputs are a range of methods to draw from, such as:
is poor. Also, the potential sustainability of the • semi-structured interviews;
same intervention could be very poor (score D) if • focus groups;
financial resources will not be available afterward
• surveys and questionnaires;
to maintain benefits or if key cross-cutting issues
• workshops and roundtables;
such as gender, etc., are not mainstreamed.
• field visits;
• testimonials;
• scorecards;
• referencing existing reports from government,
In accordance with the 2010 UNDAF Guidance the United Nations or partners.
Package, UNCTs develop an M&E plan that
accompanies the UNDAF results matrix. The Frequency refers to the period that the M&E will
M&E plan is used to systematically plan the cover. For example, M&E could take place once or
collection of data to assess and demonstrate twice a year, at the mid-term and/or at the end of
progress made in achiev- a programme cycle.24 Finally,
ing expected results. responsibility refers to the
The M&E plan highlights person or entity (unit or
mechanisms or modali- organization) responsible for
ties for monitoring the The M&E plan is developed collecting the information.
achievement of outputs through consultation with
An M&E plan will ensure
and contribution toward partners, the government, that performance infor-
achievement of outcomes. United Nations agencies, local mation is collected on a
The M&E plan incorporates stakeholders and, when pos- regular basis that allows
for real-time, evidence-
some elements of the sible, beneficiaries. Inclusion
results matrix, such as indi- based decision making.
of wide range of stakeholders This requires that data be
cators, baselines targets
– particularly the rights-holders analyzed and used by the

and means of verification.
In addition, the M&E plan – ensures the M&E plan is government or programme
will elaborate on the meth- realistic and feasible. responsible for implemen-
ods to be used, frequency tation. The M&E plan is
and responsibility. developed through consul-
tation with partners, the
The methodology for government, United Nations
baseline collection and M&E plan indicators need agencies, local stakeholders and, when possible,
to be considered. The methods used depend on beneficiaries. Inclusion of wide range of stake-
the time and resources available and the depth holders – particularly the rights-holders – ensures
required to adequately complete the monitoring the M&E plan is realistic and feasible.
or evaluation of the programme or project. There

In accordance with the 2010 UNDAF Guidance Package, annual reviews and end-of-cycle evaluations are mandatory. UNCTs are also required
to submit at least one progress report per cycle to government based on the annual reviews. For more information, see the Standard Operational
Format & Guidance for Reporting Progress on the UNDAF.


4.3 MONITORING AND EVALUATION A number of tasks fall
OF THE UNDAF AS A SYSTEM under the purview
of these inter-agency
UNCTs need to ensure that an effective M&E
system is in place to monitor and evaluate its
groups, including:
work prior to the implementation of program-
matic work under the UNDAF. In practice, • meet regularly with partners to assess progress;
monitoring has to be considered and initially • conduct coordinated joint monitoring missions
planned in the planning and analysis stages when as appropriate;
key issues such as data, national M&E capacities
• report regularly to the UNCT on the above and
and stakeholder needs and engagement are first
assist the UNCT to bring objective monitoring
encountered. It is best to develop M&E plans at
evidence, lessons learned and good practices
the beginning in the UNDAF process and then
to the attention of policy-makers;
gradually strengthen them as the UNCT moves
on to implementation stages. • conduct and document annual progress
reviews of the UNDAF, using the M&E plan as
Functioning inter-agency outcome or thematic a framework.
M&E groups linked to national M&E mecha-
• the UNCT can itself support group members
nisms – for example, sector-wide coordinating
in fulfilling these roles by: (1) recognizing their
mechanisms – are important to ensure that the
inter-agency responsibilities in assessing perfor-
United Nations system’s monitoring is effective
mance at the outcome level; and (2) ensuring
and relevant nationally.25 Partnerships within the
that UNDAF M&E groups have resources and
United Nations system and with external partners
secretariat support.
are key to outcome monitoring. United Nations
inter-agency groups coordinating at the outcome In addition, an M&E calendar may be developed
level are expected to monitor and report regularly to improve coordination and M&E activities, as
to the UNCT on outcome-level performance. part of an M&E plan. The calendar provides a
As mentioned earlier, this reporting should, to schedule of all major M&E activities. It describes
the extent feasible, be based on the UNCT’s agency and partner accountabilities, the uses
credible engagement in, and use of, national and users of information, the UNDAF evaluation
monitoring mechanisms. milestones, and complementary partner activities
(see Table 8, page 32).

The Standard Operational Format & Guidance for Reporting Progress on the UNDAF (section 5) provides an overview of a functioning UNCT
M&E system.

PART 4: RBM in Monitoring 31

TABLE 8. M&E calendar

Surveys/studies Investigate a problem or assess the conditions of a specified population group.

Surveys and studies can help to identify root causes, and findings are used to
develop or refine programme strategy and/or define baseline indicators.
UNCT M&E Activities

Monitoring Typically this will include UNCT support to national information systems, with
systems regular and fairly frequent reporting of data related to UNDAF results. In particular,
it includes UNCT support for national reporting to human rights treaty bodies and
assures participatory monitoring that involves representatives of rights-holders.

Evaluations An evaluation attempts to determine objectively the worth or significance of a

development activity, policy or programme. This section includes all evaluations of
agency programmes and projects contributing to the UNDAF, and the UNDAF evaluation.

Reviews Reviews will generally draw on agency and partners’ monitoring systems
as well as the findings of surveys, studies and evaluations.

UNDAF evaluation Timing and sequence of the milestones in preparing and implementing the UNDAF
milestones evaluation. These make use of the M&E activities above.
Planning References

M&E capacity A list of the major, planned capacity development activities to strengthen partner
development M&E capabilities.

Use of information Any decision-making processes or events that draw on the findings, recommendations
and lessons from the M&E activities above. For example, national or international confer-
ences, MDG reporting, reporting to human rights bodies, preparation of the national
development framework, the prioritization exercise, and preparation of the UNDAF.

Partner Activities The major M&E activities of the government and other partners that use and/or
contribute to the M&E activities above.

Note: For each activity list the (1) short name of the activity, (2) focus vis-à-vis the UNDAF results, (3) the agencies/partners responsible,
and (4) the timing.

4.4 MEASURING PROGRESS IN It helps to identify specific outcome areas that

POLICY NORMS AND STANDARDS describe the types of change in individuals or
within systems that are likely to occur as a result
Special efforts are required to evaluate the
of advocacy and policy efforts. This should
effectiveness of United Nations work related to
make it easier to know what to measure. For
advocacy and policy. M&E frameworks must
example, social change outcomes might include:
enable an understanding of how change has
public awareness, political will, policy adop-
happened through policy and advocacy in terms
tion, and physical and social changes in lives
of altered norms and standards and whether
and communities. Key stakeholders should be
there is sustainable change. Capturing this social
involved in determining the direction and level of
change does not necessarily occur in a linear way.
change expected.
It is important that M&E frameworks track how
social change is unfolding by including negative
and positive changes, reversals and backlash.



5.1. RBM in Evaluation��������������������������������������������������������������� 34

5.2. UN Evaluation Guidance����������������������������������������������������� 36
5.3. Inter-linkages and dependencies between Planning,
Monitoring & Evaluation������������������������������������������������������ 37

PART 5: RBM in Evaluation 33

Evaluation is an essential step in the RBM life cycle and a requirement for the UNDAF.
The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) standards and norms seek to facilitate
system-wide collaboration on evaluation by ensuring that evaluation entities within the
United Nations follow agreed basic principles. They provide a reference for strength-
ening, professionalizing and improving the quality of evaluation in all entities of the
United Nations system. Building on the UNEG Evaluation Norms and Standards,26 this
section focuses on the linkages and role of evaluation when implementing RBM.

“An evaluation is an factors of causality, in order reliable and useful, enabling
assessment, as systematic and to understand achievements the timely incorporation of
impartial as possible, of an or the lack thereof. It aims at findings, recommendations
activity, project, programme, determining the relevance, and lessons into the decision-
strategy, policy, topic, theme, impact, effectiveness and making processes of the
sector, operational area, sustainability of the interven- organizations of the UN
institutional performance, tions and contributions of system and its members.”
etc. It focuses on expected the organizations of the UN - excerpt from UNEG Norms for
and achieved accomplish- system. An evaluation should Evaluation in the UN System, 2005, (p. 4)
ments, examining the results provide evidence-based
chain, processes, contextual information that is credible,

It is important to distinguish the role of Evaluation has three key functions:

evaluation in RBM in the following two aspects:
1. programme improvement;
as a critical management tool for 2. accountability;
achieving better results; and
3. organisational learning.
as a quality assurance tool during
RBM processes.

UNEG Norms for Evaluation in the UN System and UNEG Standards for Evaluation in the UN System.



Programme Improvement: Evaluation is a what context. Decision makers use evaluations

management tool for achieving better results. to make necessary improvements, adjustments to
Evaluation provides decision-makers with the implementation approach or strategies,
evidence and objective information about and to decide on alternatives.
performance and good practices that can help
Accountability: Objective and independent
them to improve programmes. Evaluation allows
evaluations help United Nations organizations
managers to make informed decisions and
to be held accountable to their governing boards,
plan strategically.
donors, governments, national partners, the
The ability of organizations to carry out credible general public and beneficiaries. An evaluation
evaluations and use them to make informed determines the merit and quality of an initiative
decisions is critical when managing for results or programme. An effective accountability frame-
with a goal of improving development effective- work requires credible and objective information;
ness. The focus is on what works, why and in evaluations can deliver such information.

What information is needed? make decisions or take action How will the information be
Information on or about: based on the results. Users used? It can be used to:
- the relevance of intended of evaluations are varied, - design or validate a
outputs or outcomes and but generally fall within the development strategy
validity of the results following categories in the - make mid-course
framework and results map United Nations context: corrections
- the status of an outcome - United Nations manage- - improve project or
and factors affecting it ment and programme or programme design
- the effectiveness of the project officers, as well as and implementation
UNDP partnership strategy others involved in pro- - ensure accountability
- the status of project gramme or project design
- make funding decisions
implementation and implementation
- increase knowledge and
- cost of an initiative relative - national government coun-
understanding of the
to the observed benefits terparts, policy makers,
benefits and challenges of
strategic planners
- lessons learned development programmes
- development partners and projects intended
Who will use the information? - donors and other funders for the enhancement of
The intended users of an - the general public and human development
evaluation are those indi- beneficiaries
viduals or groups who have Source: adapted from the Handbook on
- United Nation agencies’ Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating
a vested interest in the results for Development Results, UNDP,
Executive Board and other
and who are in a position to September 2009
national oversight bodies

PART 5: RBM in Evaluation 35

Organizational Learning: Evaluations build 5.2 UNITED NATIONS
knowledge for institutional learning, policy EVALUATION GUIDANCE
making, development effectiveness and orga-
A key tool used in planning an evaluation
nizational effectiveness. Evaluations are not
is the M&E matrix. The matrix allows users
an event, but part of an ongoing exercise in
to easily review results achieved, determine
which different stakeholders participate in the
progress against the baseline and targets, and
continuous process of generating and applying
assess how risks are mitigated or if assump-
evaluative knowledge. An evaluation framework
tions still hold true. An evaluation will report
that generates knowledge, promotes learn-
on these aspects of the results matrix along
ing and guides action is an important
with five other variables: relevance,
means of capacity development
efficiency, effectiveness, impact
and sustainability of results.
and sustainability.
The intended use of an
Instructions on evaluation of the
evaluation determines the timing,
UNDAF is provided in the UNDAF guid-
its methodological framework,
ance package and more specifically in
and the level and nature of stake-
the UNDAF Evaluation Guidelines.27 UNDAF
holder participation. Therefore, the use has to be
evaluations focus on UNDAF outcomes, their
determined in the planning stage of the process.
contributions to national priorities and coherence
Box 5 above provides a set of questions to guide
of UNCT support. Individual agency evaluations
practitioners in assessing the potential of evalu-
focus on their country programme and could
ations. However, these uses are not mutually
contribute to the overall UNDAF evaluation.
exclusive and evaluation in general has multiple
Although the results of the UNDAF evaluation are
uses. Discussion on different types of evaluations
meant to contribute to managing for results, it is
is not in the scope of this handbook.
an external function, which should be separated
When an evaluation is aimed at developing from programme management.
knowledge for global use and for generaliza-
tion to other contexts and situations, generally
more rigorous methodology is applied to ensure
a higher level of accuracy to allow for wider
application beyond a particular context.

2010 UNDAF Guidance Package and the UNDAF Evaluation Guidelines.


5.3 INTER-LINKAGES AND DEPENDENCIES matter, while M&E facilitates learning from past
BETWEEN PLANNING, MONITORING successes and challenges. M&E also informs
AND EVALUATION decision making so that current and future initia-
tives are better able to improve people’s lives and
Good planning combined with effective M&E
expand their choices.
plays a major role in enhancing the effective-
ness of development programmes and projects.
Good planning helps to focus on results that

- Without proper planning - Without careful collection and different
and clear articulation monitoring, the neces- frameworks for analysis.
of intended results, it is sary data is not collected; - M&E of a programme
not clear what should be hence evaluation cannot will often lead to changes
monitored and how; hence be done well. in programme plans.
monitoring cannot be - Monitoring is necessary, This may mean further
done well. but not sufficient, for changing or modifying
- Without effective planning evaluation. data collection for moni-
(clear results frameworks), - Monitoring facilitates toring purposes.
the basis for evaluation is evaluation, but evaluation Source: Adapted from UNEG Training—
weak; hence evaluation uses additional new data What a UN Evaluator Needs to Know?,
Module 1, 2008.
cannot be done well.

The intended use of an evaluation determines the timing,

its methodological framework, and the level and nature

of stakeholder participation. Therefore, the use has to be
determined in the planning stage of the process.

PART 5: RBM in Evaluation 37




PART 6: RBM in Reporting 39

Results-based reporting is one of the key challenges of RBM. All too often reports do not
adequately tell the story of the effects that interventions are having. Results-based report-
ing seeks to shift attention away from activities to communicating important results that
the programme has achieved at the level of international norms and standards in relation
to national commitments to international treaties and human rights instruments, UNDAF
output and outcome levels.

An important aid is the results matrix, which The reporting matrix, as shown in Table 9, is a
clearly articulates the results at the output and tool UNCTs can use to summarize and track
outcome level and the indicators, baselines and results during annual reviews. This tool can help
targets. These items, along with the review of UNCTs when presenting the UNDAF progress
indicators, assumptions and risks, should serve report to national authorities (as stated earlier, at
as guides for reporting on results. least once per cycle). The matrix helps keep the
reporting focused on results at the outcome level
Through RBM, United Nations agencies seek and the United Nations contribution to these
concise reports that systematically provide actual outcomes. (See Standard Operational Format and
results using the indicators designed in the Guidance on Reporting Progress on the UNDAF,
planning phase. Changes in baselines or in the January 2010).
achievement of targets should be documented
in the results-based report. An effective results- In writing the results story, the UNCT should:
based report communicates and demonstrates
describe what was achieved and list the
the effectiveness of the intervention. It makes the
indicators of success;
case to stakeholders and donors for continued
support and resources. A results-based report compare actual results with expected results;
can also be used to demonstrate accountability quantify achievement whenever possible
to governing bodies of United Nations agencies, against a baseline;
government and donors.
illuminate findings with quotes, testimonials,
A results-based report
photos, etc;
allows Resident
Coordinators and explain the reasons for over or
UNCTs to inform their under achievement;


FIGURE 4. Elements of an effective results-based report

ies Mea
ateg nin
S tr g ful
xt Re




Demonstrated apt
to Learn &


anc eliable
e Inf
rfo id &

Pe Val


omp d
lishments Reporte
Ag a s
inst Ex sult
pected Re

highlight any unforeseen problems or By presenting credible, reliable and balanced

opportunities that may require new strategies information, the UNCT will be able to produce
or a redesign of the initiative; an effective results-based report. An effective
tell the story of how the results were achieved, report can also be one that highlights chal-
and highlight when there is potential for wider lenges and areas of inefficiency and poor results.
learning of lessons; Quality criteria for results reporting include the
following five areas:
recognize the involvement of others (partners,
stakeholders, rights-holders) and assign a 1. completeness;
degree of attribution, if possible; 2. balance (good and bad);
ensure there is sufficient data to describe 3. consistency (between sections);
the effects of activities undertaken.
4. substantiveness and reliability; and
5. clarity.

PART 6: RBM in Reporting 41

TABLE 9. Example of a results-based report

Overall progress on UNDAF outcome (including assessment of key strategies, their effectiveness and lessons learned):
Greater access and equity in health services for adolescent and vulnerable groups. While the programme is in its initial
phases, preliminary results look promising. Data collection around the access and equity on health services is showing
a 5% increase per year. Special efforts have also been made to ensure that marginalized groups - like indigenous
women and men and adolescent boys and girls - have greater access to health services. The special programme tar-
geting adolescent youth and reproductive health with outreach and theater has been very successful in promoting the
importance of reproductive health.

Output 1: Strengthened national capacity to develop and implement a human resource development plan for safe
motherhood, within the national human resource development plan.

• Human Resource • Comparison of • Assessment in • Human Resource

development plan new development 3 provinces of HR Development Plan is
for safe motherhood plan with the old situation in regard to developed and the
developed development plan safe motherhood. report is available.
• # of people trained • 0 • 30 men and 70 women • At the end of year two,
professionals trained. target was achieved.

Overall Progress for Output # 1 (including assessment of key strategies, their effectiveness and lessons learned):
The National Human Resource Development Plan for Reproductive Health with a focus on Safe Motherhood Initiative
for 2008-2020 developed with technical assistance of UNFPA along with other stakeholders. An implementation plan
for the National Human Resource Development Plan was also developed with the participation of various stakeholders
which has led to increased commitments from civil society and government ministries. Implementation of the Human
Resource Development Plan is progressing well and there is beginning to be an increase in use of adolescent sexual
and reproductive health services.

Output # 2: Strengthened reproductive health information and services for young people within the context of the
national adolescent health strategy.

• Life skills education • 0 • 1 • 1

incorporated into • 0 • 70% of youth satisfied • 60% of youth satisfied
the adolescent • 0 • 2 models with health services
health strategy. • 2 models
• Satisfaction of youth
with reproductive
health information
and services.
• Models for strength-
ening reproductive
health and HIV/AIDS
information and ser-
vices for out-of-school
young people created.

Overall Progress for Output # 2 (including assessment of key strategies, their effectiveness and lessons learned):
Young people’s multisectoral needs, rights and necessary reproductive health related health skills have been
incorporated into the adolescent health strategy, which is being finalized in 2009. Similarly, two models for adoles-
cent sex and reproductive health information dissemination have been developed, which are currently functioning
and operational. A survey of adolescent youth reveals about a 60% satisfaction level with the new health information
and services in place. Youth made recommendations to increase the extension services available to them. Both the
models are being handed over to the respected ministries – the Ministry of Public Health and the Deputy Ministry of
Youth Affairs - with the goal of scaling up these efforts in multiple provinces.

Output # 3…..



PART 7: Using RBM for Learning, Adjusting & Decision-making 43

Like all management systems for planning, as M&E becomes more results based, it
is expected that the process of implementation will lead to greater learning, adjust-
ment and decision making. This continual process of feedback and adjustment, as
seen in Figure 5, seeks to make programmes more responsive to the environment
within which they operate.

United Nations agencies need to ensure that • organize cross-regional learning processes,
they have adequate mechanisms for flexibility, such as workshops and retreats, to take stock
revision, adjustment and learning. UNCTs need and analyze results;
to work in tandem with government to opera- • explore UNCT events as venues for the dissem-
tionalize the review process so that learning and ination of successful United Nations initiatives
adjustment can take place. and practices to inform a wider audience;
A number of mechanisms can be put into place • actively participating in ‘communities of
to ensure this, including: practice’ –many of which are online – to
• establish and support data collection and share best practices and seek advice for
analysis at the community level; ongoing challenges from peers and experts.
• utilize biannual meetings and yearly reviews to Optimizing performance between and among
review programme performance; United Nations agencies and key stakehold-
• establish electronic systems to post questions, ers is the key to ensuring accountability,
share technical information and offer assistance national ownership, buy-in and sustainability of
to facilitate knowledge sharing and exchange; development interventions and long-term change.

FIGURE 5. Use of results information for organizational learning

Internal Audit and Management Reviews/Evaluations

Performance Monitoring

Managing for Results Activities Outputs Outcomes Goal

• planning for results
• implementation
• performance mgmt. Iterative Programme Implementation
• learning and action



PART 8: RBM in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings 45

Generally, the principles of implementing RBM in crisis and post-crisis settings28
are the same as in development settings. However, there are a number of key factors
to be considered when using RBM in crisis and post-crisis settings.

First, in crisis and post-crisis settings there is a • United Nations Development Assistance
shorter timeframe for planning and reporting Framework (UNDAF),
on results. There may be a different role for the • Integrated Strategic Framework, and
government, especially in humanitarian emergen-
• Integrated Mission Planning Process.
cies. It is also important to ensure that articulated
results respond to root causes of conflict and ‘do While these plans and processes follow different
no harm’ during programme development and timelines and serve different purposes, they need
implementation. In crisis and post-crisis settings, to be complementary and mutually reinforcing
the United Nations approach should take into to be able to ensure United Nations coherence.
account the full scope of humanitarian, recovery, At the same time, they should support national
peacebuilding29, human rights and development peace consolidation, humanitarian, recovery,
activities of the system, and make an effort to and development needs. In these settings, it is
streamline planning frameworks. crucial for United Nations partners operating
on the ground to work together, and to explore
options for information and data sharing and
consolidated results planning and reporting.
Planning for results: Crisis and post-crisis settings
bring in a multitude of actors working across Monitoring and evaluation: The volatility,
a wide variety of sectors - peace and security, sensitivity and access constraints in crisis and
human rights, political, humanitarian and devel- post-crisis environments require highly-effective
opment. Each of these has their own planning M&E systems that provide rapid evidence-based
frameworks, tools and processes such as the: information regarding progress on results and
the impact of United Nations interventions. This
• Post Conflict Needs Assessment (PCNA),
presents challenges: data is often not available,
• Common Humanitarian Action Plan/ interventions must be implemented quickly,
Consolidated Appeals Process (CHAP/CAP), and it is difficult to measure impact during

Understood in this report as including both political crisis and natural disasters.
Peacebuilding in the context of the United Nations is ‘a range of measures targeted to reduce the risk of lapsing or relapsing into conflict by
strengthening national capacities at all levels for conflict management and to lay the foundations for sustainable peace and development’
(Secretary-General’s Policy Committee, May 2007).



short programming cycles. There is growing same as those used

recognition of the value of simple perception in development
surveys and the use of proxy indicators in crisis environments (refer
and post-crisis settings. to Box 2 earlier in the
handbook). Different
As much as possible, monitoring frameworks terminology is, however,
should leverage existing data collection and used by different actors.
monitoring capacity and experience within vari-
ous United Nations entities (e.g., UNCT M&E For example, terms like ‘activity’ or ‘goal’
groups, Joint Mission Analysis Centers (JMACs), generally have the same understanding across
results-based budgeting performance monitor- the board. But, a peacekeeping/political mission
ing reports, etc.). Options for integrating efforts might use the term ‘accomplishment’ or ‘result’
through benchmarking processes should also when other United Nations entities would
be explored. use the term ‘outcome’. Likewise, the use of
‘logical framework’ by peacekeeping/politi-
Harmonizing RBM concepts and terminology: cal missions is similar to ‘results framework’ in
The concepts and definitions employed in crisis UNDG terminology.
and post-crisis settings are by and large the

Crisis and post-crisis settings bring in a multitude of actors

working across a wide variety of sectors - peace and security,
human rights, political, humanitarian and development.

PART 8: RBM in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings 47




ANNEX 1. Examples from UNDAF Results Matrices����������������������������� 50

ANNEX 2. Change Language���������������������������������������������������������������� 55

Annexes 49


Results Indicators , Means of Assumptions Role of Indicative

Baseline, Target Verification and Risks Partners Resources
UNDAF Outcome 1: Indicator: Satisfaction Sources: Women Assumption: Women UN agency: $125,000
By 2013, greater of women patients with patients of and communities are Executing for post
provision of high emergency obstetric care emergency aware of the expan- Agency training
quality emergency Baseline: To be obstetric care sion of emergency coaching
Other UN
obstetric care is conducted. obstetric care and and
Methods: Survey agency
achieved Target: 70% of women there is no social or support
patients satisfied with cultural barrier to
(List contributing technical
services. seeking such care
UN agencies for assistance
when needed
each of the out- Indicator: # of women
comes and highlight 15-49 years benefitting
the outcome from comprehensive
convener) emergency care services
Baseline: 35% of women
15-49 benefitting from
emergency obstetric care
Output 1.1: Indicator: # of skilled/ Sources: Assumptions: Other UN $150,000
Improved human qualified women and Municipal Doctors, nurses agency for
and technical men health providers Health Facilities feeling motivated, providing capacity
capacity to provide in all facilities at Doctors, nurses confident and technical building
comprehensive municipal level and mid-wives competent in using assistance,
emergency obstetric Baseline: 500 doctors, Emergency Obstetric mentoring and
Methods: Yearly
care by municipal nurses and midwives Care services. coaching
health facilities Target: 800
survey and Risk: High turnover
Indicator: Doctors, testimonials. of medical personnel
nurses and mid-
wives feel confident
and competent to
deliver emergency
obstetric care.
Baseline: tbd
Target: 80% of doctors,
nurses and midwives
feel competent to
deliver services.
Output 1.2: • # of Obstetric kits Source: Health Assumption: The UN agency $30,000
Emergency obstetric made available and Facilities allocated resource to review kits for 600
care kits distributed used per year. is sufficient to reach with local kits
• Doctors, nurses and out to the remote personnel.
6 monthly
midwives satisfied provinces.
with kits and respond
& survey
to their needs.
Baseline: 300 kits
Target: 600 kits



Results Indicators , Means of Assumptions Role of Indicative

Baseline, Target Verification and Risks Partners Resources
UNDAF Outcome 1: Indicator: # of countries PRSPs, SWAPs, Assumption: Lead UN $250,000
Increased number that incorporate gender and department Continued national agency to
of development equality in line with responsible for government provide
strategies (including national/global commit- women’s issues commitment technical
PRSPs, SWAPs, ments to gender equality. assistance.
Risk: Change of gov-
post-conflict recon- Baseline: 40% of coun- Programme
ernment results in
struction strategies, tries in which UN agency administered
change of priorities
and other nation- is involved in providing by UN agency
ally owned plans) gender equality support that has tech-
incorporate gender Target: 60% of countries nical capacity
equality in line with in which UN agency is on gender
national commit- involved in providing
ments to women’s gender equality support
empowerment (e.g.
Indicator: Extent to
MDGs) and human
which national, regional
rights (e.g. CEDAW
and global plans and
and regional
strategies incorporate
human rights
commitments to gender
equality and women’s
Baseline: To be deter-
mined at the outset
Target: 70% of countries
in which UN agency is
involved in providing
gender equality support
Output 1.1: Indicators: Degree to National Assumption: Training Lead UN $175,000
Strengthened skills which national part- partners workshops well agency to
and abilities of key ners acquire new skills organized and well recommend
national partners to and methods to better attended. capable gender
mainstream gender integrate gender equality equality
Risk: High govern-
equality priorities in national development trainers.
ment turnover.
into national devel- strategies
Other UN
opment strategies Baseline: Low-to-medium
agency will
level of gender equality
skills and application.
the workshop.
Target: Medium-to-high
level of gender equality
skills and application.
Indicators: Level of
satisfaction of national
partners with the integra-
tion of gender equality
priorities into national
development strategies

Results Indicators , Means of Assumptions Role of Indicative
Baseline, Target Verification and Risks Partners Resources
Output 1.2: Indicator: Knowledge Ministry of Assumption: Lead UN $75,000
Knowledge base base is operational Planning and Knowledgebase agency to pro-
on national action Baseline: Database exists Department for is up-to-date and vide technical
plans for women Target: Database relevant Women’s Affairs functional assistance to
and on gender to gender equality needs Risk: Obstacles in make database
equality in national and tracking obtaining up-to-date operational
development strate- information
gies are up-to-date
and easily accessible


Results Indicators , Means of Assumptions Role of Indicative
Baseline, Target Verification and Risks Partners Resources
UNDAF Outcome 1: Indicator: Collection and Ministry of Assumption: National Lead agency $22.4
Enhanced govern- use of disaggregated Agriculture commitment con- and other million
ment capacities to data to inform decision- tinues to consider UN agencies
incorporate gender making and plan develop- working in
and social equality Baseline: Data collection ment interventions agriculture
issues in agricul- is done on a to meet the gender
ture, food security regular basis. differential needs,
and rural develop- Target: Quarterly meet- priorities and
ment programmes, ings to analyze data and aspirations of men
project and policies inform decision-making, and women
policy formulation and
Risk: Inadequate
data make it difficult
to analyze trends in
social and gender
issues, identify
needs and priori-
ties and support the
development of
appropriate gender
plans and policies.
Output 1.1: Indicator: # of national National Assumption: Lead UN Lead agency
Application of institutions receiving Institutions, agency continues to to provide
socio-economic lead UN agency’s tech- FAO show commitment technical
and gender analysis nical support that have to achieving gender support.
Ministry of
(SEAGA) tool for adopted SEAGA tool for and social equality.
policy formulation policy formulation and {Not good: seems
and planning. planning. some agencies are
Baseline: 10 not committed to
Target 15 in 2 years and gender equality}
22 in four years.
Indicator: Satisfaction
with the SEAGA tool by
Government employees


Results Indicators , Means of Assumptions Role of Indicative
Baseline, Target Verification and Risks Partners Resources
Output 1.2: Sex Indicator: Number of Government Assumption: Data Lead agency to
disaggregated food countries that collect, of countries disaggregated at the provide tech-
security and rural analyze, use and dissemi- (survey) local level making nical support.
development data nate sex disaggregated rolling up easy.
collected, analyzed, food security and rural Risk: Lack of
used and dissemi- development data. consistency in the
nated on a nation Baseline: 15; collection of data.
wide basis Target: 20 in two years
and 30 in 4 years.
Indicator: Degree of
relevance of sex disaggre-
gated food security and
rural development data.
Baseline: Medium;
Target: High


Results Indicators , Means of Assumptions Role of Indicative
Baseline, Target Verification and Risks Partners Resources
UNDAF Outcome 1: Indicator: Degree of food Ministry of Assumption: 3 key UN agen- 70 million
Food security of consumption by poor Agriculture (six Adequate food cies working
vulnerable popula- households. monthly survey) supply for together
tion is improved distribution. to increase
Risk: Food Security agricultural
and disaster systems productivity,
not fully operational. increase food
stocks, and
provide early
disaster warning
Output 1.1: Indicator: Household Annual survey Assumption: Key UN agency UN
Adequate food food consumption score. data (survey) Adequate food working with agency
consumption over Baseline: to be consumption Government total
assistance period for determined Risk: Inadequate Ministry to support:
targeted households Target: Score exceeds govt. stockpiles distribute $30 million
at risk of falling into threshold for 80% of of food. food.
acute hunger. targeted households.
Output 1.2: Indicator: # of women, men, Ministry respon- Assumption: UN Agency
Food and non-food girls and boys receiving sible for food Distribution channels with
items distributed in food and non-food items, distribution. are operational. Government
sufficient quantity by category and as % of (monthly ledge) Risk: Transportation counterpart to
and quality to tar- planned figures. vehicles and routes ensure logis-
geted women, men, Baseline: Tonnage of food inadequate. {Risk tics food aid.
girls and boys under distributed, by type, as % too high and should
secure conditions. of planned distribution lead to mitigation
Target: Quantity and measure}
quality of fortified foods,
complementary and spe-
cial nutritional products


Results Indicators , Means of Assumptions Role of Indicative

Baseline, Target Verification and Risks Partners Resources
UNDAF Outcome 1: Indicator: # of ministries Various Assumption: Provincial $100
Government represented at the Government Adequate personnel and district million
decentralized and departmental level Ministries (M/F) and training authorities
restructured to Baseline: 5 (review and at provincial and
5 UN agencies
promote efficient, Target: 15 survey) district level.
to provide
effective and
Indicator: # of Targeted Risk: National technical
programmes executed Government government remains expertise and
delivery of inte-
at the field level Ministries of highly centralized. know-how.
grated services for
Baseline: 20 Health, Social
pro-poor and sus-
Target: 85 Development,
tainable economic
development Indicator: Satisfaction
of local population with
(review and
decentralized govern-
ment programmes.
Indicator: Budget
allocated to pro-poor and
economic development.
Baseline: $ 500 million
Target: $800 million
Output 1.1: Indicator: # of training M/F Workshop Assumption: Provincial
Strengthened workshops participants. Technical and district
capacity of Baseline: 5 workshops (Evaluation) Expertise found. authorities
Parliament and Target: 15 workshops Risk: Gap between
Justice Sector to Indicator: Quality of knowledge and
address gender new knowledge and its application
issues and cope application.
with likely effects of Baseline: Low
HIV & AIDS, gender Target: Medium-High
based violence and
Human Security
Output 1.2: Indicator: # of projects CSO, CBOs, Assumption: Provincial
Strengthened executed by CSOs, volunteer Continuation of and district
capacity of CSOs, CBOs and volunteer organizations outside funding authorities
CBOs, volunteer organizations. (review and
Risk: Government
organizations, and Baseline: 100 survey)
instability upsets
particularly women Target: 175
execution of pro-
led organization, to
Indicator: # of new grammes by NGOs.
implement, manage
and report on
Baseline: tbd
project execution,
Target: tbd
to build partner-
ship and become Indicator: Perception of
full-fledged devel- CSOs, CBOs and volun-
opment agents teer organizations with
regards to their capacity.
Baseline: low-medium
Target: Medium-high

Comments: Note the relationship between the outputs and the outcomes it generates. There should be a clear cause and effect relationship between
outputs and outcomes. There should be no more than 3 indicators per output or outcome. Ideally, one should combine both quantitative and quali-
tative indicators to be able to fully measure the outcome or output.


Example of an output: To strengthen the capacity of local politicians to do X by undertaking Y
To transform the above into change language the following four steps can be applied.

STEP 1 Use results language to emphasize the future condition

What can we say ‘is the case’ in 5 years The capacity of local politicians to do X by undertaking Y
time? What is the new ‘situation’? is strengthened

Be specific, are there particularly weak or under resourced

STEP 2 element/groups?

All local politicians may be too

ambitious? Can we narrow it down e.g.
The capacity of local politicians in the ten poorest districts
geographically or perhaps only female,
or young politicians? Also keep asking: to do X is strengthened by undertaking Y
capacity for WHAT?

STEP 3 Take out information that relates to either strategy or activities

While the ‘how’ of the result is

important in the overall narration, any
information that relates to activities or
strategies, may be described elsewhere. The capacity of local politicians in the ten poorest districts
The ‘how’ in the result is important from to do X is strengthened
the sustainability perspective of UN’s
support – In the results statement, we
want to describe a future situation.

STEP 4 Bring change to the front, shift from passive to active language

This demonstrates the change,

emphasizes what ‘conditions’ have
changed. In 2012 one could say ‘As Local politicians in the ten poorest districts have the capacity
opposed to the situation in 2007, to do X
local politicians in the ten poorest
districts now ……’


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