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College Dating 101

Kylie Delwiche & Majorine Andrews

We will cover the basics of dating in college in realistic terms. We will discuss online dating, the
scares of social media presence and the pressure of in person versus over text, etc.

Title of Podcast
College Dating 101

Podcast topic
Dating in college/college life

Genre of Podcast
Comedy/lifestyle - we’re going to try to make the deep subject of dating in college light hearted,
(Majo and Leana are funny).

Description of Host
Kylie Delwiche, from Aviano, Italy, the oldest of four in a military family and plans to teach
elementary kids in low income schools. I plan on going to cosmetology school as a side hustle
for when I teach. I have had no luck with boys thus far in college but high school was very
different. Dating has been unsuccessful in college so far because I am scared.

Majorine Andrews, from East Africa, the oldest of six children and plans to teach secondary ed
with an emphasis on english for middle school. As of college right now my love life is pretty
nonexistent. Coming out of highschool I had to hold back from my first relationship.

Estimated Length of show

Majo and I bounce off each other well so we decided to do this project together. It will be 20-30
minutes since we are working together.
Proposed Frequency of show
If we continued we’d do once a week to have an update on events and personal stories to share
to keep students in the loop.

Podcast Format structure

For a college focused podcast

1. Intro music with greeting

2. Introduction of hosts

3. Intro of topic - what the podcast is about

4. Introduce guest: Leana

5. Have questions planned to prompt her to start

6. Once the ball is rolling improvise

7. Say goodbye to guest (exit right), and talk about our own thoughts

8. Wrap up / preview of next show

9. Outro with music

When we filmed we ended up putting Leana last because it flowed better!

Script vs Outline
We are going to use a mixture of all those, we want to have a backup script in case we get
stuck, but we will have a list of “topics” outlined to to keep us going and improvising off of. We
are interviewing one guest, our friend Leana because she is older and has a different insight
that we might not have. She also is very funny and will add a comedic element to the podcast.

Cover Image
In this section briefly describe your cover image and what it represents (or how it represents
your podcast). Paste in the image you plan to use for your cover art.

* Credit to Caroline Baldwin for the cover image, used with permission. *

Additional Comments
find royalty free up to 30 sec.

Online dating (Scares of tinder and social media - pressure and awareness of safety and self
Making friends coming from out of state (Foreign and even statewise, everyone is from either
California or Chicago ?)
Transition from HS to college (the differences, etc)

We have a guest speaker with us today please welcome, Leana a freshman at ASU from
Colorado Springs. and We are going to give her some situations and dating questions and shes
going to share some of her advice with us.
"If I like two guys and they both like me back, what do I do?"

How do you deal with having hardly any dating experience being in college

Do girls prefer to be asked out by the guy first

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