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Kylie Delwiche

EDT 180D

November 26, 2019

Expression Module Reflection

I was very lucky to have Majorine’s advice from the beginning. I pitched my idea

to her and she encouraged me to stick with it. Once I got my website template I liked

she urged me to play around with the creative/ design aspect. This helped, because

then I was motivated to put pictures of myself and my dogs, which mean a lot to me. I

didn’t want to distract from my philosophy, since I felt like it was kind of long I wanted it

to have its own page and no images or anything to take away from it. I just think it looks

cleaner being text alone, plus I wanted to highlight some key words that stood out to

myself, for aesthetic purposes.

Revision honestly is key. I had spent so much time sitting looking at my website I

didn’t see little details that could’ve been fixed. There is one statement in bold in my

philosophy and it is like that because I took a break from staring at that page for a day

or so and super last minute I felt so strongly about that statement in specific - like it was

the epitome of what I’d written so I put it in bold. Things like that, I think you have to take

a step back and hear others opinions and give yourself space to come back to it and

knit-pick/ fix things. If I did a website again in general I’d play more with stylistic choices

like adding links or videos, etc. But, as for this project in specific I like how simple and

clean the website looks, it serves its purpose without being too much, or to view. I

probably could have added more personal pictures, I do have this one picture from
myself teaching my Kindergarten class that would’ve fit well now that I think of little

things like that. Nothing with the physical philosophy would I change, though.

Well to begin with I wouldn’t have thought to use a website to display my

philosophy of education at all. Once I saw it as an option I was sold, so my project in

itself is one way I wouldn’t have considered to be a form of media used in that way. It

could be up for teachers to share and to get inspiration from, (for future teachers

reference as well). It’s obviously not realistic to have every teacher in the world post

their philosophies in that way, nor is it helpful. Some things online tend to get judged

and such also, so I can see one downside of using this media to portray your

philosophy, it is subject to anyone that can see it and want to have an opinion about

it/disagree and what not.

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