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Diabetes insipidus What’s new?

Stephen Ball
C Better understanding of the regulation of vasopressin secretion
and its mechanism of action
C New insights into the molecular genetics of inherited diabetes
Abstract insipidus
Diabetes insipidus (DI) describes the excess production of dilute urine. It is C Evolving approaches and novel tools to aid differential
caused by the lack of production or action of the hormone vasopressin diagnosis
(AVP). Diagnosis requires a targeted history and examination. Confirmation
requires referral to specialist services with expertise in diagnosis and man-
agement. Lack of AVP can be treated with synthetic vasopressin analogues.
 Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus (DDI, primary polydipsia):
Additional approaches may be needed for specific forms of DI. Combined
inappropriate, high fluid intake in excess of ability to
defects in AVP production and thirst perception require a structured pro-
excrete free water.
gramme of fluid intake and antidiuresis. Clinicians need to be aware of
both systemic and locally progressive pathologies that can present with DI.
Hypothalamic diabetes insipidus
Presentation with HDI occurs when 80% of hypothalamic mag-
Keywords adipsia; diabetes insipidus; hypernatraemia; hyponatraemia;
nocellular neurone AVP production has been lost. Several path-
polydipsia; polyuria; vasopressin
ological processes can be involved. All lead to either the
destruction of AVP neurones, or the interruption of the transport
or processing of AVP as it moves along the axons of these neu-
rones for release at nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary
Diabetes insipidus (DI) is characterized by excess production of (Table 1). The condition can appear for the first time or become
dilute urine e more than 40 ml/kg/24 hours in adults and more worse in pregnancy as residual AVP is degraded by increased
than 100 ml/kg/24 hours in children. placental (vasopressinase) enzyme activity. Up to 50% of chil-
Urine concentration is regulated by vasopressin (AVP), a nine- dren and young adults with HDI have an underlying tumour or
amino-acid peptide produced by magnocellular neurones within CNS malformation.3 Familial HDI comprises 5% of cases.4
the supra-optic nucleus (SON) and para-ventricular nucleus
(PVN) of the hypothalamus. AVP is released into the circulation Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
from nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary gland. Production Renal resistance to AVP can be the result of the adverse effects of
is directly related to plasma osmolality and inversely related to specific drugs (e.g. lithium toxicity). These effects may be tem-
plasma volume. The principal site of action of AVP is the kidney, porary, but sometimes persist. NDI may also occur following
where it increases the synthesis and assembly of water channels obstructive nephropathy, acute kidney injury and electrolyte
(aquaporin 2, AQP2), leading to increased free water reabsorp- disturbances (e.g. hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia). Prolonged
tion. These effects are mediated through interaction with a G- polyuria of any cause can result in partial NDI through disruption
protein coupled cell surface receptor (AVP-R2), found on target of the intra-renal solute gradient that is an obligatory require-
cells lining the luminal surface of the distal nephron.1 ment for production of concentrated urine. X-linked familial NDI
results from loss-of-function mutations in the renal AVP-R2 re-
Classification and aetiology ceptor. Autosomal recessive NDI is caused by loss-of-function
mutations in the AVP-dependent water channel, AQP2.5
There are three sub-types of DI, each reflecting a specific element
of the physiology and/or pathophysiology of the AVP axis.2
Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus
 Cranial or hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (HDI): relative
Persistent inappropriate fluid intake leads to appropriate poly-
or absolute lack of AVP.
uria. If it exceeds the limit of renal free water excretion it may
 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI): partial or total
result in hyponatraemia. DDI can be associated with the
resistance to the renal antidiuretic effects of AVP.
following abnormalities in thirst perception:
 low threshold for thirst
 exaggerated thirst response to osmotic challenge
Stephen Ball BSc PhD FRCP is Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant,  inability to suppress thirst at low plasma osmolalities.
Newcastle University and Newcastle Hospitals NHS Trust, UK. SB Structural lesions may be present, but neuroimaging is normal in
studied Basic Science at Birmingham University before pursuing most cases. DDI is associated with affective disorders.
undergraduate and postgraduate Medical Studies in London. Middle
grade training in Diabetes and Endocrinology included a period in the
USA as a Medical Research Council (UK) and Howard Hughes Fellow. He
combines clinical medicine, research and teaching. He is a member of DI is rare. Prevalence of HDI is estimated at 1/25,000 with equal
Council of the Society for Endocrinology and a Senior Editor of Clinical gender distribution. The prevalence of the other forms is unclear.
Endocrinology. He is also a European Endocrine Society representative While most cases present in adults, familial HDI and NDI char-
within European Guideline groups. Conflicts of interest: none declared. acteristically present in childhood.

MEDICINE 41:9 519 Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Aetiology of hypothalamic diabetes insipidus Diagnosis and classification of diabetes insipidus by

measurement of plasma vasopressin in response to
Primary Genetic Wolfram’s syndrome, autosomal
graded hyperosmolar stimulation
dominant, autosomal recessive
Developmental Septo-optic dysplasia 20

Plasma vasopressin
syndromes Dipsogenic

Secondary Trauma Head injury, post-surgery
(transcranial, trans-sphenoidal)
Tumour Craniopharyngioma, germinoma,
metastases, pituitary
macroadenoma 0
280 290 300 310 320
Inflammatory Sarcoidosis, histiocytosis,
meningitis, encephalitis, Plasma osmolality (mOsmol/kg)
infundibuloneurohypophysitis, The shaded area depicts the normal-range response of plasma vasopressin
GuillaineBarre syndrome, as plasma osmolality is raised. Patients with hypothalamic diabetes insipidus
have a response below the normal range. Those with dipsogenic diabetes
insipidus have a normal response. Patients with nephrogenic diabetes
Vascular Aneurysm, infarction insipidus have a response at the top of the reference range but coincident
urine osmolalities that are dilute, consistent with vasopressin resistance.
Classification describes primary and secondary (acquired) causes. All result in
decreased production of vasopressin (AVP) through direct or indirect damage
to hypothalamic AVP magnocellular neurones. Figure 1

Table 1
Diabetes insipidus and hypernatraemia
There is a close neuroanatomical relationship between the hy-
Diagnosis and investigations
pothalamic structures responsible for osmoregulation of thirst
DI presents with polyuria and polydipsia. History and examina-
and AVP production. Certain structural, neurovascular and
tion may reveal important features suggestive of:
neuro-developmental lesions are thus associated with combined
 systemic disease
defects in both processes. Absent or reduced thirst (adipsia) in
 associated endocrinopathy
association with HDI predisposes to hypernatraemic dehydra-
 an associated neurological problem suggestive of struc-
tion. Diagnosis follows the protocol for HDI, but benefits from
tural disease
the parallel assessment of thirst perception.8
 drug toxicity.
Polyuria must be distinguished from simple frequency without Management
excess urine volume. Mild forms of HDI may not require treatment. Significant polyuria
The initial approach should be to confirm excess urine volume and polydipsia are treated effectively with oral or intranasal
and exclude simple metabolic causes such as hyperglycaemia DDAVP. In NDI, causal drugs should be withdrawn where possible
and hypercalcaemia. Definitive diagnosis requires referral to an and precipitating electrolyte disturbances corrected. NDI may
endocrine service for testing of AVP production and action in respond partly to high-dose DDAVP. Thiazide diuretics and non-
response to osmolar stress. The water deprivation test measures steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be of additional benefit,
renal concentrating capacity in response to dehydration, and is but may not normalize urine production. The only rational
an indirect assessment of the AVP axis. It is usually followed by approach to DDI is reduction in fluid intake. DDAVP treatment
assessment of renal response to the synthetic AVP analogue must be avoided in DDI, because of the risk of hyponatraemia.
DDAVP. Characteristic findings are as follows.
 In DDI, urine concentration is normal in response to Follow-up
dehydration. Following initiation of DDAVP, patients may require frequent
 In HDI, urine concentration fails in response to dehydra- review by an endocrine service for dose titration. Thereafter,
tion, but not to DDAVP. they can be seen annually to assess symptom control and check
 In NDI, urine concentration fails in response to both serum sodium to avoid over-treatment. The combination of HDI
manoeuvres. with adipsia requires meticulous follow-up in a specialist service,
In practice, many results are indeterminate.6 with a structured approach to fluid intake and antidiuresis.
Direct measurement of AVP production during graded hyper-
osmolar stimulation is the gold-standard method for diagnosing Prognosis
and classifying DI (Figure 1). Recent data suggest that measure- Isolated HDI has an excellent prognosis and patients should
ment of co-peptin, an inactive fragment of the AVP precursor that anticipate a normal quality of life. When HDI is associated with
is released in proportion to AVP, may prove to be an alternative.7 pituitary hormone deficiency, structural or systemic disease,
Confirmation of HDI should lead to further pituitary function prognosis is determined by the natural history of the underlying
testing and cranial MRI. NDI requires renal tract imaging and pathology and co-morbidities. HDI following trauma may
additional renal function studies. resolve.9 NDI is difficult to treat, and the symptoms seldom

MEDICINE 41:9 520 Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


respond completely. Future developments may further help early 5 Moeller HB, Rittig S, Fenton RA. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus:
diagnosis and guide appropriate intervention.10 A essential insights into the molecular background and potential
therapies for treatment. Endocr Rev 2013; 34: 278e301.
6 Ball SG, Barber T, Baylis PH. Tests of posterior pituitary function.
J Endocrinol Invest 2003; 26(suppl): 15e24.
REFERENCES 7 Fenske W, Quinkler M, Lorenz D, et al. Copeptin in the differential
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417e31. 96: 1506e15.
2 Ball SG, Baylis PH. The neurohypophysis. In: Wass JAH, Shalet SM, 8 Ball SG, Vaidja B, Baylis PH. Hypothalamic adipsic syndrome: diag-
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MEDICINE 41:9 521 Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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