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English Language Learners Have an ELL friendly Stages of learning a

(ELL) classroom: new language:

By: Kayleigh Basovsky  The teacher should Stage 1: Preproduction
learn how to  Minimal
 English language
pronounce the comprehension
learners are students  No verbal production
students’ name
who are unable to  At this stage, the
communicate fluently in students can
 If it is possible, the
English. generally draw &
teacher should set up listen.
 ELL’s speak a different a conference with Stage 2: Early production
language other than parents of the ELL  Limited
English at home. student to get to know comprehension
 Any student that speaks them better and  One or two word
a language other than communicate with responses
English at home takes them.  At this stage, the
 The teacher should try students can
an English language
to include words or generally name &
proficiency test to label.
phrases from
determine their level in Stage 3: Speech
the students’ native
school. emergence
language into their  Increases
daily lessons. comprehension
Teacher Strategies:  Speak simple
 Speak slowly & make sentences
sure the students can  At this stage, the
see the movement of students can
your mouth. generally recall &
 If it is possible, try to retell.
partner an ELL Stage 4: Intermediate
student with a strong
 Very good
student in your class.
This way the ELL  Fewer errors in
student can learn speech
from the other  At this stage, the
student. students can
 Stick to a routine. generally analyze &
 Introduce vocabulary create.
in meaningful ways Stage 5: Advanced fluency
like playing videos or  Fluent in
displaying pictures to comprehension &
explain a vocabulary
 At this stage, the
students can
 Use graphic generally synthesize
organizers like KWL & connect.

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