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A forum for the discussion of Sophian Gnosticism

A body of light

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A body of light
by ShomerIsrael Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:07 am

Once many years ago when I first had become a christian I had an unusual experience.

I was working at a sawmill and during a break I was sitting alone reading the gospel when for an
atom of a second I was "raptured" to a whole other level of percieving myself.

The thick rubberapron I was wearing changed to a shining white garment woven of light and I
myself was pure bliss and light.

It lasted shorter than a lightning strikes and then I was transferred to my old self again. It was an
unique never sought for, or ever imagined experience which I interpreted was how God sees me in

Now years later I wonder if what I experienced was my Neshama?

light transmission
by Tau Malachi Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:36 am
Salutations in the Light of the Spiritual Sun, the Messiah!

We often speak of moments of light transmission, moments when we become aware of the
energetic dimension and our energetic being – what you are describing is an example of the
visionary dimension of light transmission, the experience of your energetic being, your energy body
or body of light.

In one way or another we create the conditions necessary for Divine Grace, the Holy Spirit, to
move – our consciousness is elevated, expanded, and the vibratory frequency of our consciousness
increases, and our interior senses become active, so we are able to experience the energetic level
of our being, becoming aware of the body of light and light realm, the “kingdom of heaven.”

Such experiences can be very brief, lasting only for a few moments, or they can be prolonged,
lasting for some time – in every case they are an initiation or empowerment, “initiation” indicating
the first time we experience light transmission, “empowerment” indicating every occasion
following our initial experience; it is an initiation or empowerment that the Holy Spirit gives to us.

In this case, studying and contemplating the Holy Scriptures with faith, and with some
concentration (kavvanah) and cleaving (devekut) your consciousness was uplifted allowing Divine
Grace to move, and you “received” something of the Holy Spirit; this reflects why we encourage
the practice of study and contemplation of Scripture and source works and sacred writings, there is
light-power in them and through the state of concentration that contemplation can produce direct
spiritual and mystical experience can occur.

Every level of our soul, our consciousness, is light or energy, from nefesh to yechidah – so the
perception of any level of the soul can be a perception of light or energy. The various levels of the
soul, however, correspond with various levels of light, so brilliant white light, for example, could
be a perception of our soul or energy being at the level of neshamah – that’s entirely possible.
Something similar can also occur with the inner aspect of ruach, though ruach is typically more
associated with a golden solar light, and neshamah with white brilliance; then as we shift towards
hayyah and yechidah we encounter the clear light and its essence, our inmost spiritual essence.

Basically speaking, on an experiential level, when we incarnate we become a dual being, or a

being with dual aspects, the energetic and the physical or material; as we progress through life,
receiving our “education” from the unenlightened society we are taught to focus and identify
ourselves completely with our physical and material being, our name and form, and personal
history in the world, and with the ego that is generated with name and form. Thus, in effect, we
forget and we loose touch with our true and natural self, our energetic being, and our energetic
being and material being becomes disintegrated; in effect they are divided and in up in conflict
with one another.

In this, perhaps, we may consider what Adonai Yeshua had to say regarding a “nation divided
against itself,” that such a nation could not “stand.”

Not only does our energy being become divided from our physical being, but our energy being
becomes damaged, and its self-generating and self-healing capacity becomes obstructed – thus we
are in need of the awareness of our energy being and in need of healing of our energy body, and in
need of the reintegration of our energy being with our material being; this healing and
reintegration of our energy being is exactly what we are doing in the spiritual life and practice
when it is effective.

If our sight into the World of the Holy Spirit opens and we are able to look at people in the energy
dimension, they look like big luminous eggs – a somewhat oblong spherical energy field; if our sight
penetrates this field, within it we will see the energetic form of the person, a body of light, and
within that energetic body we will see vortexes or centers of energy, and currents of energy, the
centers at the navel, heart and brow being most prominent. Here and there we will find individuals
who are extremely self-radiant, brilliant, like suns or stars, but more often than not we find that
the energetic being of most people is not that bright, their light or energy being restricted and
diminished, and we see something like black holes in this luminous egg and knots, or distortions,
and we see their centers either as smaller or closed, and not in harmony with one another, not
equal in strength, and we see obstructions in the energy currents within their energetic field and
energetic body. Little children, close to their true and natural self, are like great bundles of light,
energy, bright like stars, but most adults are not, their light is diminished and they are more like
bright moons rather than suns.

In this we might consider Adonai Yeshua’s teaching that unless we become like little children, close
to our true and natural self, we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Now, this energetic level is, indeed, how spirits, angels and God see us, and how we can see one
another when we awaken, when we are “reborn” in full of the Holy Spirit – we are seen on an
energetic level, and on an energetic level, our inner thoughts, intentions, emotions and such are
all completely visible, nothing is hidden, there can be no deception. On this level we are seen
inside and out, as it were, and our energy does not lie – it is what it is, and we are what we are,
and it’s visible, it can be seen, heard, felt, smelt and tasted quite literally.

On an energetic level we attract to ourselves spirits (spiritual forces, energy-intelligences) that

match our energetic quality and vibratory frequency, whether a lower or higher vibration, or a
discordant or harmonious vibration, whether something brighter and more energetic, or something
shadowy and less energetic; thus, on an energetic level, the spiritual forces attracted can also be

This is how seers, healers and wonderworkers know what kind of help to offer us, or what kind of
spiritual work to do for us – they see what’s happening, our need, on an energetic level, and they
work on an energetic level to restore balance and harmony to our energetic being; this energetic
dimension or spiritual dimension is the realm in which the mystic or shaman works.

Now, in the Messiah we receive the Holy Spirit – an influx of energy, light, from above, and it
awakens the fiery intelligences in us, restoring the self-generating and self-healing capacity of our
energetic being; to the extent that we take up the spiritual life in the Messiah, and take up
spiritual practice, attending to our spiritual essence, we begin to regenerate and reintegrate our
energetic being, restoring ourselves to our true and natural self, the Human One of Light, the

This is not an issue of religion, however, but a pure spirituality – religious creeds and doctrines
have little or nothing to do with this, and all too often obscure and obstruct this process; it is all
about becoming aware of our energetic being and paying attention to our energy, and living
according to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of our energetic being, our true and
natural self. We are not born in “original sin,” but in original blessing, and in the faith and gnosis
of the Messiah, the Sun of God, we are restored to that original blessedness.

There need be no moral or religious judgment upon more or less energy, higher or lower vibration –
it is what it is, and it determines the nature of our experiences, in this life, in dream, and the
afterlife; it is simply a question of the experience we desire, what we truly desire in our heart of
hearts, and whether or not we choose to manifest our true desires or not – a choice that is ours to

Greater energy, light, and higher frequencies of vibration in consciousness, correspond to the
“kingdom of heaven” – it is how we are in heaven, in the light realm, and corresponds to our true
desires; so when we want to fulfill our desires, heavenly or earthly, spiritual or material, we have
good reason to generate greater energy or light-power, and to maintain a higher vibration.

Once we are aware of our energetic being and the energy dimension – the spiritual dimension, we
have a greater empowerment for this self-generation, healing and the fulfillment of our heart’s
desires. We now know the true nature of the kingdom of heaven, the light realm, and how to enter
it – not only in death and the afterlife, but here in this life and in our dreams; we know, truly, the
kingdom of heaven is near, that it is spread out upon this Good Earth – as the Living Yeshua teaches
us, we need only have eyes to see it. In your experience you know exactly what this means! Hallelu
Yah! Praise the Lord!

If you look into many of the practices in the tradition, and you bring your experience that day into
mind, you will see that they are generated from the same experience and are expressions of the
same basic experience – naturally, they tend to facilitate experiences like that because they are
patterned upon this truth of ourselves as energetic beings, energetic fields, beings of light, and in
the practices we are opening ourselves to our energetic being.

Essentially, once we are aware of our energetic being and the energetic dimension, we want to
become more and more conscious of it, and learn how to shift into direct perception and
experience of the energetic or spiritual dimension – we want to awaken in full, entering into union
with the Spiritual Sun, the Messiah.

Such an experience is, indeed, a spiritual empowerment – when we speak of envisioning yourself in
a body of light or energy in practices, you do not have to guess what we mean or imagine what we
mean, you know what we mean, all you need to do is remember your experience and envision the
truth that you know, a truth revealed in your own experience.

It is through such moments that we are truly empowered to take up energetic and light-body
practices and that we are truly set upon the Path of the Great Resurrection and Ascension – not
only do we sojourn the Way in faith, but in gnosis, and as our direct spiritual and mystical
experience of the Messiah, the Spiritual Sun, unfolds further, our gnosis grows and increases, and
eventually it will mature and come to its fruition in the realization of our union with the Spiritual
Sun of God.

If someone has had an experience like this I’d suggest two things: First, that they take up energetic
practices, such as Union with Partzuf, and second, that they continuously pray that the awareness
and experience of their energetic being and the energetic dimension increases – that further
experiences of light transmission might happen in their life, in both dream and waking

May all know their true being in the Spiritual Sun of God, the One Anointed with the Supernal
Light of God; amen.

Blessings & Shalom!

by ShomerIsrael Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:55 pm

Dearest blessed Malachi Tau!

My warmest greetings and thanks to your love and wisdom, to your unfailing desire to help and
enlighten your fellow man.

I was deeply attached to the Way a long time ago, being a charismatic young christian, oriented
towards mysticism on one hand and revival on the other, a disciple in the Jesuspeople movement
and a pentecostal but I became a backslider due to my failure in marriage and eventually I sank
deep into that old drugaddiction and fleshly desires again, selfloathing, misery and condemnation.

Ten years ago I met this young women who gave me a strong inspiration to straighten my life out, a
reason to live and so I set off for the heavenly Jerusalem again together with her. We now have a
beautiful son, Leon Emanuel, who is two years old.

During these years I have slowly but surely come to the awareness and faith that my sins are
forgiven and blotted out, my karmatic being is crucified and dead and that through Yehoshuah I am
connected and in union with God.

Just recently I have started to remind myself of this experience which I try to visualise being my
true self behind these veils of flesh. Through faith I now have the boldness to confess myself being
that lightsoul emanating from the Father, created and regenerated in the Son, the Wisdom of God.

Your explanation and teaching falls in a well prepared soil and I will ponder, meditate and
remember what you have taught me. From the bottom of my heart and from the heights of my
inner lightbeing I bless and thank you once again.

Shalom and Shana Tova!

Kol tov
/Shomer Israel

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