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Dear Professor P,

Your class has been my favorite class I have taken this semester. The diverse
environment in your class was full of whit but also extremely intellectual at the same time. This
made each period different and exciting. I have grown immensely and learned more about myself
as a writer but more importantly as a person. Writing has always been my strong suit. It is
something that comes easily to me and I have no problem conveying the thoughts into my head
into words on paper. I have found that many people struggling formulating words from their
thoughts. This class has taught me that I enjoy English classes because I excel in them but more
importantly enjoy them. As you know, I am transferring to UGA next semester. Originally, I was
going to change my major to business at UGA. However, your class has taught me that I thrive
academically in classes revolving around English. So, I decided to change my major to public
relations instead of business. However, had I not taken your class I am unsure I would’ve come
to this decision. Essentially your class will save me time and money in the future since I
would’ve taken business classes that I would struggle in.
As a writer, I have grown exponentially. My ability to write has been enhanced but the
creativity and depth I’ve added to my papers over the semester has grown vastly. This is
attributed to your class and the exercises done throughout the semester. Since I have seen my
writing ability grow, my love of writing has grown alongside throughout the duration of the
course. I actually started doing some journaling throughout the semester because I learned to
love writing through the given assignments. When I completed an assignment, I was relieved I
was done however I wanted to keep writing. So, I started to journal frequently throughout the
My goal and pursuit in life is to start a food revolution where everyone sees the
importance of eating clean and healthy and viable options to do so are present in society. Your
class forced me to look deeper into a huge component of my goal; the obesity and food epidemic
happening right now. The research paper I wrote really gave me insight vital in understanding
the problem I am hoping to fix in the future. I learned that I am passionate about studying to
essential create a cure to this epidemic and will continue to take strides in the classroom to
ensure I do so after I graduate. Had we not wrote this paper, I am unsure if I would’ve done this
research on my own. The research paper written in class helped me grow as a writer, but more
importantly pushed me along further down my path to picking my profession.
Out of all the classes I have taken in college, your class has helped me develop my
character the most and gave me the most insight in understanding what I want to do with my life.
I have learned I love to write and need to choose a path academically where I do frequently so I
can thrive in school. Writing the research paper made me look into the problem at hand instead
of prophesizing that I want to be the change. I actually took some action and took some steps
into being the change I wanted to see. I am beyond grateful for this semester. I have enjoyed
each period and the continually upbeat attitude you brought to the class room. Thank you for
everything and please stay out of jail well best this semester.

Yours truly

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