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Exercise 2: Modifying Individual Components of a Resizable Design


In this exercise, you will learn how to modify a folding box from the resizable design standards. You will do
this by removing the flaps and tuck-in flaps on the top and replacing them with a compound component
from the Synergy Components library.

Folding box: A60.45.00.01 Auto Closure – Winged Flap Closure with Dustproof Flap
Folder: EngViewWork5\Standards Library \MM\
Standards\Folding Carton\ECMA \
Long Seam Rectangular\
A60.45.00.01 Auto Closure – Winged Flap Closure with Dustproof Flap.evr
Width: 160 mm
Depth: 75 mm
Height: 128 mm
Components: Compound Components/Regular Tucks/Friction Tuck 1a

Complete folding box

Exercise description

In this exercise, you will first load a resizable design from the Engview library. Then you will remove the
dust flaps and tuck-in flaps on the top and replace them with a compound component from the Synergy
Components library in the Panels window.

Loading the resizable design

1. To load a design from the standards library, select File > New or click the New Project icon in the

The Material dialog box appears.

2. Click From Resizable Design.

The Resizable design dialog box appears.

3. In Look in, go to the following folder: EngViewWork5\Standards Library \MM\ Standards\Folding
Carton\ECMA\Long Seam Rectangular and select the following file: A60.45.00.01 Auto Closure – Winged
Flap Closure with Dustproof Flap.evr

NOTE: If you know the name of the file you are looking for you can use the search functionality:

4. Click Finish.

The resizable design opens in the graphical area.

5. Fit the window to the size of the program by either double-clicking the blue title bar (specifying the name
of the file: A60.45.00.01 Auto Closure – Winged Flap Closure with Dustproof Flap.evr) or clicking the
Maximize button.

6. Fit the design to the size of the graphical area by pressing F4 or clicking the Zoom to Fit Drawing tool

The working area is divided into two parts: a tabular pane (all tabs on the left side – Synergy Components
tab, Parameters tab, Styles tab, etc) and a graphical pane where the open standard design is located. The
Tabular pane is automatically displayed when a Standard Design is loaded. You can change the values
and expressions of the parameters in the Parameters tab in the Tabular pane.

7. Resize the standard design according to the picture below. The standard design will be automatically

12. Choose File > Save as... and save the file under the name Exercise2.evd in the predefined folder

Deleting components and replacing them by compound components

In this part of the exercise we are going to modify the resizable design. We will remove the dust flaps and
tuck-in flaps on the top and replace them with a compound component that is loaded from the Synergy
Components library.

1. Click the Select tool from the toolbar. A subset of two buttons appears in the toolbar – Select with
Intersect and Select Outside Objects . Choose the Select outside Objects button and
deactivate the Select with Intersect button.

2. To select using the outside objects mode draw a rectangle around that part of the design that you don’t
want to be selected. When you click with the mouse the system will highlight in magenta the parts outside
the selection rectangle:

3. To delete the selected objects right-click a blank area in the graphical pane and select Delete from the
contextual menu, or select Edit > Delete from the toolbar, or press Ctrl and Delete.

The system deletes only the selected components and leaves out all other parts of the design:

4. Click the Synergy Components tab in the Tabular pane.

5. Click the Synergy Components drop-down menu in the upper part of the tabular area. The Synergy
Components tree appears with all subfolders containing all bases and components which you can use.

6. Go to Compound Components > Regular Tucks to display the contents of the folder. The system lists
all components and parts in the selected folder.

7. In the preview pane on the right select the element with name Friction Tuck 1a. Drag it to the graphical

When we drag a component to the graphical area the system activates 3 modes – Horizontal Mirror ,
Vertical Mirror and Component Parameters (see picture above). The components from the
Synergy Library are universal in that they can be attached to any base. However, sometimes we will
need to mirror a component to be able to attach it to the base correctly and create a valid standard
design. In this case we use the Horizontal Mirror or the Vertical Mirror buttons.
The Component Parameters button is used to display the Component Parameters dialog box if we
need to see or edit any parameter expression.

8. Click the Vertical Mirror button to mirror Friction Tuck 1a.

9. Start attaching the mirrored compound component to the base from right to left. Position the first active
point of the compound component on the first point of the base (the components are snapped to the size
of the base) and click the mouse button to attach them as in the picture below.

10. Position the second active point on the first folding line and click the mouse button to attach the point.
Position the rest of the active points in the same way, finishing in the left base corner:

11. After you have attached the last point of the component, the Component Parameters dialog opens
automatically. For this folding box, the values can be accepted without making changes.

12. Click OK to confirm the information. The compound component is now attached to and resized
according to the standard design.

13. Save the changes to the file.


If you subsequently resize this design, the width and length of the components that were added later is
automatically adapted to the new size. This is because the system automatically extracts the values for
the AX2 and AX3 component parameters. However, the height of the tuck-in flap will not adapt to the
resized design.

Change the values of A and B in the Parameters tab in the tabular pane. The compound component will
be resized only along the AX2 and AX3 parameters (its length and width), but its height remains as it was
predefined while attaching it to the base. This is because AX2 and AX3 are defined by numbers and not
by parameters or formulas and thus they are not connected to the main Parameters of the design.

Creating dependencies between the local components' parameters and the global parameters of
the design

1. Delete the Friction Tuck again and re-attach it.

2. After you have attached the last point of the component, the Component Parameters window opens

3. Let's express AX2 and AX3 by the parameters A and B – respectively the length and width of the base.
In this way you will make the size of the compound component dependent on the size of the base when
resizing the design.

4. Press OK. Then resize the design by changing the values of A and B to 130 and 100 respectively.

5. The height of the compound component has now adapted to the resized design because its parameters
(AX2 and AX3) have been made dependent on the parameters defining the base (respectively A and B)
and the design is correctly resized.

6. Click Save As and save the file in the predefined folder as an EVD file.


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