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Madison Suman

September 23, 2019

EDT180: Prof. Lewallen

Module Reflection Questions

Peer Reflection

I received a lot of good feedback from Marisol that I was able to use to make

appropriate changes to my project. When I first made the video for my project, it ended up

being 10 minutes long. Having the video this long wasn’t as effective because I took many long

breaks in between statements and I also talked really slow in the video. After getting feedback

on it I was told different ways on how I can shorten that time down. Marisol shared the

different ways like speeding it up and cutting out all the breaks and pauses that I make.

Another aspect of my project that I got feedback on was the way I shared the

information in my video. The first time I filmed the video, I mostly read word for word off of my

inquiry template. Marisol gave me good advice that I should just talk about the things I

researched rather than reading it word for word. The way the Marisol gave me the feedback

was very helpful. She was able to say it in a way that was helping me instead of tearing me

down. She also gave me compliments of the things I was doing well on with the project.

Implementation of Feedback

When I edited my video, I ended up taking Marisol’s advice. I sped up the pace of the

video and I cut out all of the pauses that I had. I also recorded the video a second time so that

way I could make some more changes to the project. The second time recording, I wrote what

I wanted to say down and talked about the main points I wanted to make as much as I could.
Madison Suman

September 23, 2019

EDT180: Prof. Lewallen

This was a lot harder for me to do since I kept messing up on what I was trying to say, and I had

to keep filming it over and over. Although it was more difficult, it made my video more


Learning Reflection

Through the process of revision and iteration I learned not only how much time it can

take revising it, but also how helpful it is when you can take the extra time to complete this

process. This ended up being a lengthy process for me. In order to make the changes to my

project, I had to restart with the whole video and spend an extra hour and a half fixing the

video. This was discouraging at the time, but throughout all the changes made, I was able to

make my project more efficient. If I were to do this project over, I would make sure I ask for

advice before completing the video. I would also have someone look over and revise my

inquiry template before beginning the video. If I would have done that ahead of time, then I

wouldn’t have had to spend so much time making changes to the project. Whether I do this

project again or a completely different one, I will make sure I do the same thing as I did with

this one and have someone revise it.

Alternative Use / Future Directions

I never thought about using devices like Google Home and Alexa in the classroom

before. I’ve never had a good impression on these kinds of devices, but like I said in the project,

after reading that one article, it changed my perspective a bit. I think that these devices would

be great for allowing kids to listen to music while they do individual work. Another way that
Madison Suman

September 23, 2019

EDT180: Prof. Lewallen

intelligent personal assistant devices can be used in schools is by putting them in language

classes. When students begin learning a new language, these devices would come in handy

when letting kids talk back and forth to it in the new language they’re speaking. This would also

help the teacher out by allowing the students another way to practice their new language.

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