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Madison Suman

Professor Lewallen

EDT 180A

October 13, 2019

Construction Module Reflection

For the revision process, Rachel checked over our project and gave us some very useful

tips as to how to better improve our website. One of the things that she pointed out was a couple

grammatical errors where we missed an apostrophe in a couple words. She also suggested that

we fix both the home and about page because it didn’t make the most sense. Although the

feedback she gave us was very useful, there were a couple things that she mentioned that were

out of our control and couldn’t fix it. One example of this that Rachel mentioned is that the

survey needs to be more functional. She mentioned that after the person takes the survey, there

should be something that pops up that tells us the sport that fits best for them and that after

taking the survey, it should bring the user back to the home page. While completing this project,

my group and I thought about this but wasn’t able to do anything further because it is something

that is way too advanced for us.

After reading over the advice that I got from my peers, I noticed some things that I

wouldn’t have noticed myself even after looking over the project many times. Throughout the

revision process, I learned how important it is to have somebody check over my work. Not only

does having someone look over your work help you to fix mistakes made, it is also very useful

for getting feedback for different ways to change some aspects.

If I were to start this project all over again, I would probably choose to do it on

PowerPoint instead of Weebly. I found Weebly to be a bit challenging to manage. There were
some minor things that my group and I were trying to fix such as moving the background image,

but this simple task was very difficult to do on Weebly. I think that overall, using Weebly made

the project look more appealing; however, some things that we were wanting to add to the

website was too advanced for us, so the website didn’t quite turn out the way we wanted it too.

Even though I used Weebly for this project instead of PowerPoint, I still learned about

new ways that PowerPoint can be used for just by revising another peer’s work. I never knew

that you can set up PowerPoint in a way that allows you to choose from different options. I think

this technology would be very useful for making outlines for the type of story books that allows

you to choose how the story goes by allowing the reader to choose from a couple options. This

would be great for classrooms in schools and would allow teachers to even make their own story

for the student to read and make their own decisions.

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