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Madison Suman

Professor Lewallen

EDT 180A

4 December 2019

Final Reflection Paper

Over this semester, I have learned a lot of useful information that will be helpful in my

future teaching career. Not only have I learned a lot about different technologies that can be

used in classroom settings, I have learned a lot about how important it is to have your work

checked by a peer. Throughout this semester, my process of learning has grown tremendously

in many ways. The four main projects that helped grow my process of learning were the Inquiry

Module Project, Communication Module Project, Construction Module Project, and the

Expression Module Project. All of these projects have had a huge impact on my learning. They

have all taught me to think outside of the box on ways that technology can improve different

aspects of a classroom.

Throughout all of the reflection papers that I wrote on the four projects, I noticed that

on each one of them I began to realize more and more how helpful it is having a peer check

over each project. In each one, there were many simple mistakes that I never noticed that my

peers were able to point out right away. Not only were they able to point out the mistakes,

they were able to give me some great advice on what things need to be revised and also things

that could be included to the project to make it better. For the Construction Module Project,

my peer, Rachel, was able to point out some misspelled words on some of out website pages.

Also, Rachel gave my group and great suggestions such as changing the format of a couple of
the pages to make more sense. In all four of the projects, all of the peers that graded my work,

had very helpful suggestions that better enhanced my projects.

During the start of most of the projects, I struggled with getting a start to them and

figuring out how I wanted to do each project. For the Communication Module Project and the

Expression Module project, I struggled with finding a media for each project. Eventually after

spending a lot of time searching different options that I could do, I decided to ask my peers

what they thought. By talking it through with my peers, I was able to decide easier and find the

best way that would get my point across.

Before this class started, I didn’t think that technology was the best way to teach

students in a classroom. I thought that it was better to learn the old school way without

technology. Although this could be good at times, often times, students can learn better by

using technology. By using technology in classrooms, students will be more eager to learn, and

teachers will have an easier time getting students to focus. Technology has developed so much

over the past years and will be the future of our classrooms. There are many different ways

that technology can be used in classrooms that I have never imagined before. Even though at

times I may not like use technology in classrooms, there will be times when I will need to

incorporate technology in order to help my future students learn better.

One thing that I need to work on in the future is going over and checking my work

before I submit it. I have heard of many of my peers who check over their work two or three

times before submitting their projects and they have all gotten good grades on their

assignments. Even though, I have gotten good grades on my projects, I know that there are

many ways I could improve them even more if I would just take the time to revise them. By the
end of next semester, my goal is to make it a habit to revise any of my work at least two or

three times.

If I had the chance to re-due an assignment over again, I would choose to re-due the

Communication Module Project. Even though this project turned out good overall, if I were to

choose a different topic to do a podcast on, I think that I would have been able to create a more

interesting podcast. The topic that my partner and I chose to make a podcast on was a topic

that I wasn’t very knowledgeable or interested in. This made it very difficult for me to be

enthusiastic when recording it since it wasn’t very interesting to me.

When I started out the first project of the semester, I spent a lot of time doing the

research for the project, that I didn’t have enough time for editing the final video. Because of

the small amount of time I had to finish the video, the video didn’t end up how I wanted it to.

In order to fit the video on the correct time limit, I had to speed of the video to a pace that

didn’t look normal. I also made a lot of mistakes while I was talking in the video and I didn’t

have enough time to correct them. By the last project of the semester, I decided to start the

video earlier before getting all the information for it, that way I would be able to even out the

amount of time spent on both researching and editing the video.

Overall, I have learned a lot from this one class that will help me tremendously in my

future teaching career. This class has taught me many ways that I can use technology in

classrooms and I am excited for when I get to be able to incorporate my own technology in my

classroom in a way that will help students have fun learning.

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