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Journal o f Petroleum Science and Engineering, 8 ( 1993 ) 315-328 315

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

A study on the minimum miscibility pressure for miscible

flooding systems

You-xiang Zuo, Ji-zheng Chu, Shui-lin Ke* and Tian-min Guo

University of Petroleum, Beijing, P.R. China
( Received December 30, 1991 ; revised version accepted July 16, 1992 )


Zuo, Y.-X., Chu, J.-Z., Ke, S.-L. and Guo, T.-M., 1993. A study on the minimum miscibility pressure for miscible flooding
systems. Z Pet. Sci. Eng., 8: 315-328.

The minimum miscibility pressures (MMP) of a Chinese reservoir crude oil injected with pure and impure CO2 have
been measured in a RUSKA slim tube apparatus. New correlations are proposed for CO/-flooding and lean natural gas-
flooding systems, respectively. The comparisons of the new correlations with several representative MMP correlations
available in the literature show that the new correlations give the best prediction results. Based on the cell-to-cell algorithm
proposed by Jensen and Michelsen, minimum misibility pressures for various gas-flooding processes were predicted using
an equation-of-state and a semicontinuous description of heptane-plus fraction. Satisfactory results were obtained.

Introduction when an optimum driving-gas composition is

to be searched. Furthermore, different experi-
Miscible flooding is recognized as an effec- mental procedures and definitions of miscibil-
tive enhanced oil-recovery method. A flood is ity may lead to confusing results.
considered miscible when there is no phase A reliable method for predicting the M M P
boundary between the displacing fluid and the is of critical importance in the screening of po-
displaced fluid. Light hydrocarbon gas mix- tential reservoirs suitable for applying the mis-
tures, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and flue gas cible flooding technique. Empirical M M P cor-
mixtures are the common driving fluids. The relations are widely used in petroleum
key parameter required for evaluating and de- industry, numerous M M P correlations for var-
signing a miscible flood is the m i n m u m mis- ious gas-flooding processes have been re-
cibility pressure (MMP). ported in the literature. Recently, a theoretical
The minimum miscibility pressure depends approach based on an equation-of-state was
on reservoir temperature and the composi- proposed by Jensen and Michelsen ( 1987 ).
tions of reservoir oil and injection gas. It is a The objectives of this work are:
common practice to measure the M M P data ( 1 ) Measure the M M P data for pure and im-
using a slim tube apparatus, however, this is pure CO2-displacement of a typical
time-consuming and expensive, especially Chinese reservoir crude oil.
(2) Compare the performance of representa-
Correspondence to. Tian-min Guo, Beijing University of tive empirical M M P correlations cur-
Petroleum, Beijing Graduate School, P.O. Box 902,
100083 Beijing, P.R. China. rently available, and try to improve some
*Present address: The Shengyan Petroleum Transporta- of the correlations.
tion Corporation, Shengyang, China.

0920-4105/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


(3) Test the Jensen-Michelsen M M P algo- CH4 by mole). The plots of the stock tank
rithm by using different equations-of- (S.T.) oil recovery at breakthrough point ver-
state and the semicontinuous description sus displacement pressure for both cases are
of the heptane-plus fraction in reservoir depicted in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The
oils. pressure at the intersection point of two
straight-line sections is taken as the M M P
Experimental work

A RUSKA slim tube apparatus was used in • EXPERIMENTAL DATA

this work, the specifications of the apparatus 95 T = 358.B K
is given in Table 1.
A reservoir crude oil sampled from Jianhan
Oil Field (Mid China) is used for the CO2- 90
miscible flooding test, the composition of the
oil sample is given in Table 2.
The M M P experiments were performed at c~

the reservoir temperature (358.8 K), by us-

ing: Case 1 - - pure CO2 (99.99 tool%); and
Case 2 - - impure CO2 (93.21% CO2+6.79%

75 | I i I I I ,,, I
6 18 20 22 24
Specifications of the RUSKAslim tube apparatus

Inside diameter (mm) 6.16

Fig. 1. Stock tank oil recovery (%) at breakthrough point
Outside diameter (mm) 7.94
Length (m) 18.3 versus displacement pressure (pure CO2-displacement,
Glass bead packing (mesh) 80-100 T=358.8 K).
Porosity (%) 35
Permeability (darcy) 13

TABLE 2 95 1 = 358.8 K

Composition of the reservoir crude-oil sample tested

>- 90
Component Mol% >
N2 0.166 L_ ~15 .

CO2 0.166
CH 4 17.195 c

C2H6 5.892 a~" 80 "

C3H8 4.528
iC4HIo 0.892
nC4Hjo 1.441 75
iCsHj2 1.053
HCsHI2 0.650
C6 0.206 7 [7 I I I ; I I I
20 22 22 2t6 28 30
C~ 67.811
X 100.000
Fig. 2. Stock tank oil recovery (%) at breakthrough point
Properties of C~--fraction: molecular weight = 282; specific versus displacement pressure (impure CO2-displace-
gravity = 0.8446 ment, T=358.8 K).

/ fig weight of injection gas; and ]/=constant,

c~i is a constant, when the content of impur-
8U" ities in CO2 (}'2) is less than 10 mol%, and 300
K < T< 410 K.
For pure CO2, a i = 18.9; for (CO2+N2),
~- 6 [~
oti=lO.5[1.8+lOOOY2/(T-Tci)]; for (CO2
+CH4), t~i=lO.5[1.8+lOOY2/(T-Tci)];
and I is the characterization index of oil, which
~ a0
is determined as a function of API gravity and
molecular weight of oil:
20. I=Cll +C21M+C31M2+C41M3
+ (C12 + C 2 2 M ) A P I + CI3API 2 (2)
1 .0 1
where: CII= - 11.7300; C21 =0.06313;
C31=-- 1.954× 10-4; C12=0.1362; C22=
1.138× 10-5; C41=2.502× 10-7; and C13=
Fig. 3. Cumulative stock tank oil recovery (%) versus pore
volume (%) pure CO2, injected at 20.0 MPa and 358.8 - 7.2220X 10 -3.
K. The authors have tested the Johnson-Pollin
(J-P) correlation on the prediction of the
(20.61 MPa for pure CO2-displacement and MMP of several pure CO2-displacement sys-
25.79 MPa for impure CO2-displacement are tems, and found that the predicted MMPs are
thus determined). consistently too low (typical results are given
A typical S.T. oil-recovery curve plotted in Table 3).
against pore volume (PV) of pure CO2 in- For improving its accuracy in predicting the
jected at 20.0 MPa and 358.8 K is shown in MMP for pure CO2-displacement systems, two
Fig. 3. compositional parameters, the mole fractions
of the light (CH4-1- N2) and intermediate
Study on the M M P correlations for common (CO2+H2S+C2H6 through C4Hlo) compo-
driving gases nents in reservoir oil are introduced into the
J-P correlation.
The new MMP correlation (MJP) for pure
Pure COe-displacement CO2-displacement proposed by the authors is
of the following form:
The original Johnson-Pollin ( 1981 ) corre- Pmmp = 7 . 3 7 + 6 . 8 9 5 × 1 0 - 3 X
lation for CO2-displacement is in the following
form (with units changed to SI units): [ 18.9 ( T - 304.2) +I(AIM-44.01 )2] X

Pmmp--Pci =0.006939ai ( T - Tci) ] (3)

+ I(flM-Mi) 2 (1) where the minimum miscibility pressure,
Pmmp, is in MPa; M is the average molecular
where: Pmmp=minimum miscibility pres- weight of the heptane-plus fraction in oil; X.t
sure (MPa); Pci = critical pressure of injection and Xin t a r e mole fractions of light and inter-
gas (MPa); Tci=critical tempeature of injec- mediate components in oil, respectively; T is
tion gas (K); T= reservoir temperature (K); reservoir temperature in K; Al, A2, and A3 are
M = molecular weight of oil; Mi = molecular regressed constants, and are equal to 0.16853,


Comparison of the results of MMPprediction by various correlations" for pure CO2-displacement systems

Temp. Exp. Relative deviation ** of predicted MMP (%) Data

(K ) MMP source
(MPa) New J-P Glaso Alston Cronq- Cronq- PRI- 1 PRI-2
1 2

305.4 6.89 7.03 16.58 -18.88 -10.57 -7.26 - 15.73 -9.37 0.69 a
313.7 8.28 -0.15 17.43 -13.97 -8.40 -14.55 -11.59 -7.82 -12.74 a
330.4 11.72 -2.93 23.15 -1.67 0.07 -16.64 -0.10 -4.10 -16.53 a
338.8 13.45 -0.91 20.75 2.96 -7.00 - 16.98 3.53 -5.00 - 15.28 a
373.2 25.27 -2.59 36.66 -39.53 -35.89 -20.20 2.76 5.26 18.15 b
344.2 15.52 0.14 20.12 4.99 3.54 -25.22 0.70 0.43 -6.77 c
316.0 10.62 12.29 29.21 5.90 5.28 -3.56 5.80 12.09 6.02 d
314.2 8.10 -17.77 11.53 -25.15 -57.72 -68.49 -37.90 -11.23 -16.92 e
316.0 10.34 7.99 27.64 3.20 -6.27 - 15.26 -0.83 9.75 3.51 f
312.6 13.79 35.12 47.66 31.19 23.39 23.46 30.05 36.69 34.63 f
313.2 12.40 27.60 39.79 22.99 14.43 11.14 20.34 28.75 25.91 g
316.0 8.90 -10.26 20.90 -15.08 -44.86 -54.36 -26.90 -4.18 -11.38 g
305.4 8.00 4.92 6.18 -2.29 2.14 15.83 2.93 5.72 14.39 h
327.6 10.99 -6.31 4.90 -3.61 10.50 -0.63 5.73 -5.58 -18.24 i
359.2 20.61 -1.17 -66.81 -16.70 -92.82 -61.28 -44.64 5.18 7.67 j

AAD (%) 9.15 25.95 13.87 21.53 23.66 13.97 10.08 13.92

* Cronq-l--Cronquist (1977); Cronq-2--Cronquist (1978); Glasff---Glaso (1985); PRI-I and PRI-2--Petroleum Recovery
Institute (Lee, 1979)
*° Relative deviation is defined as: Rel. Dev. (%) = (Pexp-PcJP~xp) X 100.
Data sources: (a) Metcalfe ( 1980); (b) Husodo et al. ( 1985 ); (c) Graue and Zana ( 1981 ); (d) Gardner et al. ( 1981 ); (e)
Sebastian et al. ( 1985); ( f ) Rathmell and Stalkup ( 1971 ); (g) Spence and Watkins ( 1981 ); (h) DOE Final Report ( 1981 ); (i)
Dicharry et al. ( 1974); (j) This work.

0.13471 and 0.43945, respectively; the char- Impure C02-displacement

acterization index I of oil is calculated from
For impure CO2-displacement systems, the
Eq. 2.
original J-P correlation is restricted to low
The new MMP correlation gives an average
concentrations ( < 10 tool%) of impurities
absolute deviation (AAD) of 6.79% in the pre-
diction of MMP for six pure CO2-displace- (CH4 and N2 ) in CO2.
ment systems not entering into the parameter Sebastian et al. (1985) proposed a correla-
regression. Table 3 tabulates the results of tion for impure CO2-displacement in the fol-
lowing form:
MMP calculations for 15 pure CO2-displace-
ment systems. Eight correlations (Glaso, 1985; pim p ----romp
romp __ppure X F i m p (4)
Alston et al., 1985; Cronquist, 1977, 1978; where Fim p i s a correction factor to the MMP
Johnson-Pollin, 1981; Petroleum Recovery calculated for pure CO2-displacement
Institute, PRI-1 and PRI-2, 1979; and Eq. 3) (ppur~ ~ and correlated as follows"
were used for comparison. Fimp - - 1 . 0 - - 0 . 0 2 1 3 ( T ~ m - 3 0 4 . 2 )
The calculation results indicate that the new
correlation established in this work gives the +2.51 × 10-4(Zcm - 3 0 4 . 2 ) 2 - 2 . 3 5 X 10 -7
best MMP predictions. × (T~m - 3 0 4 . 2 ) 3 (5)

where Tcmis the molar average critical tem- where Pmmpis in MPa; Tom is in K, and cal-
perature of the driving gas: culated from Eq. 6.
Tcm=ZX, Tc, (6) Alston et al. (1985) proposed a M M P cor-
i relation which is in the same form as Eq. 4, but
X, and Tc~ denote the mole fraction and crit- the correction factor F~mp is correlated as fol-
ical temperature (K) of component i in the in- lows (with units changed to SI units ):
jection gas, respectively.
The M M P correlation for impure CO2-dis- Fimp = ( 4 8 " 7 8 / T c w ) 94"38/7b* (8)
placement developed by Kovarik ( 1985 ) is in
the following form (with units changed to SI T~w=~ W, T~,-273.2 (9)
romp ~-- where Tow is in K; Wi and T. denote the
0.2831 [ (548-- 1.8T~m) + 144.1Ppure
* --mmp j1 (7) weight fraction and critical temperature (K)


Comparison of the results of MMP prediction by various impure CO2 MMP-correlations (:]/L~/Ppureco2 based on experimental
values )

Temp. Inj. gas Exp. Rel. dev. of predicted MMP (%) Data
(K ) comps. MMP source
(tool%) (MPa) Sebastian Kovarik Alston

358.8 93.2CO2 + 6.8C1 25.790 5.68 4.38 9.12 This work

313.7 90CO2 + 10Cl 11.073 -4.75 27.79 -8.70 [a]
313.7 80CO2+20C~ 14.873 - 10.08 33.82 -6.69 [a]
330.4 90CO2 + 1OCt 15.341 - 2.06 24.71 - 6.63 [a ]
330.4 80CO2 + 20Ct 18.617 1.77 25.43 5.6 l [a ]
322.0 90CO2+ 10C2 9.998 10.06 10.98 4.24 [b]
322.0 90CO2 + 10C3 9.308 3.23 - 15.84 - 4.55 [b ]
322.0 80CO2 + 20C3 7.929 6.19 - 43.09 - 3.34 [b ]
338.8 90CO2 + 10C2 13.032 2.91 3.66 - 2.53 [b ]
338.8 90CO2+ 10C3 11.032 6.15 -7.12 3.91 [b]
338.8 80CO2+20C2 12.873 3.91 4.46 -6.53 [b]
338.8 80CO2 + 20C3 10.494 -2.14 -33.91 - 10.93 [b]
314.2 90CO2 + 10C~ 10.79I -4.30 29.54 -8.26 [c]
314.2 81CO2+ 19C~ 12.514 2.22 53.06 4.40 [c]
314.2 72CO2 + 28C~ 15.031 4.51 61.88 35.99 [c ]
314.2 45C02 + 27C~ + 28C3 10.480 0.53 37.93 - 41.03 [c ]
314.2 92C02 + 8N2 11.653 - 5.80 32.47 15.32 [c]
344.2 Gas ~zl * 15.169 15.53 22.12 12.04 [d]
344.2 Gas =2* 22.064 12.83 22.21 70.18 [d ]

AAD'" (%) 5.51 26.02 13.69

*Composition (mol%) of Gas ~1: 95.016CO> 0.081N2, 4.892C1, 0.009C> 0.002C>

Composition (mol%) of Gas ¢t2: 85.757CO> 9.658N> 4.563C1, 0.014C2, 0.004C3, 0.003iC4.0.001iCs.
**AAD is defined as:

N~PlPexp-- Peal]
AAD(%) = 1/Np)... - - X 100
j ] Pexp [j

Np--number of data points.

Data source: (a) Cronquist (1977); (b) Cronquist (1978); (c) Sebastian et al. (1985): (d) Alston et al. (1985).


S u m m a r y o f impure CO2 M M P prediction results (MMPvure co2 based on calculated values )"

Correction AAD, %
correlation New J-P Glaso Alston Cronq- 1 Cronq-2 PRI- 1 PRI-2

Sebastian 10.68 19.32 12.64 27.50 34.71 16.13 10.94 17.07

Kovarik 29.09 27.30 31.58 39.78 45.45 34.17 29.42 33.08
Alston 37.76 36.16 39.79 56.60 65.71 45.39 36.22 41.96

* S y s t e m s tested are the s a m e with Table 4.


Comparison of the M M P predictions by various correlations for pure N2-displacement systems"

Temp, Exp. Rel. dev. o f predicted M M P (%) Data

(K ) MMP source
(MPa) Glaso- 1 Glaso-2 Firoozabadi-Aziz Hudgins

406.2 41.49 14.31 2.14 -3.12 21.22 a

333.2 44.00 31.31 - 0.66 2.07 25.52 a
366.2 45.50 28.28 - 1.91 1.89 26.98 a
364.2 32.00 2.81 -0.20 0.85 9.10 a
410.4 61.02 45.70 1.66 6.58 - 0.64 b
380.4 58.61 40.74 - 8.78 3.45 - 4.59 b
422.1 62.05 47.61 5.66 7.91 0.98 b
410.4 46.20 28.27 - 3.33 - 15.75 0.64 b
380.4 44.13 21.29 - 16.67 - 19.85 -2.56 b
422.1 47.23 31.16 2.03 - 13.62 2.36 b
410.2 34.34 3.47 3.66 - 44.17 - 0.59 b
380.4 33.44 -3.89 - 10.13 -45.77 -2.69 b
422.1 35.16 7.54 10.16 -41.49 1.58 b

/L4D (%) 23.57 5.15 15.89 7.65

" Glaso- l - - G l a s o ( 1985 ); G l a s o - 2 - - G l a s o ( 1987 ); F i r o o z a b a d i - A z i z ( 1986 ); H u d g i n s - - H u d g i n s et al. ( 1987 )

Data sources: (a) Glaso ( 1987); ( b ) H u d g i n s et al. ( 1 9 8 7 ) .

of component i in the injection gas, ment obtained by several correlations. The Se-
respectively. bastian's correlation with ~rnmp
ppure calculated
The comparison of the relative deviations in from the new correlation (MJP) gives the best
M M P prediction by using the above men- predictions.
tioned correlations is listed in Table 4.
Experimental values are used for Pmmp. The
superiority of Sebastian's correlation over Pure N2-displacement
other correlations compared is obvious. In the
absence of experimental M M P data for pure Based on the examination of the represent-
COz-displacement, ppure
--rnmp can be evaluated ative M M P correlations for pure N2-displace-
from various correlations mentioned in the ment reported in the literature, the Glaso
previous section. Table 5 lists the results of (1987) and Hudgins et al. (1987) correla-
M M P prediction for impure CO2-displace- tions are recommended.


Comparison of the M M P predictions by various correlations for lean hydrocarbongas-displacement systems

Temp. Exp. Composition of Rel. dev. of predicted MMP (%) Data

(K ) MMP driving gas source
(MPa) New Kuo Glaso* Firoozabadi-Aziz

328.8 26.75 65%C~ + 35%C3 -9.24 -2.40 22.11 - 136.25 a

328.8 25.17 62.4%C~ + 37.6%C3 -4.39 -1.48 24.47 -151.08 a
328.8 18.96 54.3%C j + 45.7%C3 3.51 - 6.16 25.04 -233.32 a
349.8 16.55 Gas #1 10.36 8.94 20.08 - 146.04 a
369.8 18.48 Gas #1 17.92 5.35 14.21 - 125.29 a
365.4 39.30 Gas # 2 -2.63 24.94 -8.00 - 18.11 b
352.0 47.22 Gas # 3 3.80 19.80 - 1.03 3.80 b
372.0 35.85 Gas#4 5.44 1.32 -9.12 6.75 b
380.4 41.37 Gas#5 -0.19 -36.13 -157.70 -0.19 c
366.5 39.99 Gas # 6 3.30 14.76 - 33.03 3.30 c
444.3 33.10 100% C~ -2.04 -216.70 -319.19 -2.04 c
423.8 43.44 100% C~ -2.17 -163.59 -163.49 -2.17 c

AAD (%) 5.42 41.80 66.45 69.03

" Glaso (1985).

Data sources: (a) Kuo ( 1985); (b) Glaso ( 1985); (c) Firoozabadi and Aziz (1986).
Compositions of Gas # l - G a s # 6 (tool%):
Gas # 1 - - 0 . 4 5 % C O 2 + 0.26%N2+ 52.88%Ci + 19.43%C2 + 13.11%C3 + 3.02%iC4 + 4.68%nC4 + 1.66%iC5 + 1.5 l%nC5 + .
Gas #2--0.76%CO2+0.50%N2+72.04%C~ + 12.41%C2+8.60%C3+ 1.19%iC4+2.55%nC4 +0.58%iC5+0.65%nC5+0.35%C6
+ 0.37%C + .
Gas # 3 - - 1 . 3 5 % C O 2 + 1.40%N2+ 82.17%C~ +8.42%C2+4.53%C3+0.49%iC4+0.95%nC4+0.19%iCs+0.18%nCs+0.16%C6 +
0.16C ¢ .
Gas #4--0.76%C02+0.29%N2+73.05%C~+13.95%C2+8.17%C3+0.77%iC4+ 1.89%nC4 + 0.29%iC5 + 0.33%nC~ +
0.24%C6 + 0.26%C + .
Gas #5--2.48%N2 + 87.83%C~ + 7.50%C2 + 1.91%C3 + 0.26%C4
Gas # 6 - - 1.05%CO2 + 83.21%Cj + 8.81%C2 + 4.11%C3 + 1.40%C4.

Glaso (198 7) correlation with:

R1 = 792.06X25/(MT °25 ) (13)
emmp : 7 2 5 . 0 - 3 . 8 5 X - 9.22 Y+ 0.63 T
(for S G > 0 . 8 0 1 7 ) (10)
emmp = 878.0- 9.17X- 1.71 Y - 1 . 2 5 T R2 = 2 . 1 5 8 × 1 0 6 X 1 5 6 3 2 / ( M T °'25) (14)

(for S G < 0.807) ( 11 ) where Prnmpis MMP in psi; XI and X25 are
mole fractions of CH4 and the intermediate
where emmp is M M P in bar; T is reservoir components (CO2, H2S and C 2 H 6 - C 5 H I 2 ) in
temperature in ° C; X and Y are mole percents oil, respectively; M is the average molecular
of methane and the intermediate fraction weight of heptane-plus fraction in oil; and T is
(C2H6-C6HI4) in oil, respectively; and SG is reservoir temperature in ° F.
the specific gravity ofoil. Table 6 summarizes the results of the M M P
prediction for pure N2-displacement obtained
Hudgins et al. (198 7) correlation
by four correlations. The Glaso (1987) and
emmp : 5568 exp( - R 1 ) + 3641 e x p ( - R e ) Hudgins et al. correlations show better agree-
(12) ment with the experimental data.

Lean hydrocarbon gas-displacement M M P prediction based on equations-of-state

A brief description of the Jensen-Michelsen

Firoozabadi and Aziz ( 1986 ) developed the
following correlation for predicting the MMP
of lean hydrocarbon gas-displacement:
The MMP prediction methods based on the
Pmmp =9433-- 188X 103 [(X2s/(MT°25)] limiting tie-line concept were proposed by Luks
et al. (1987), Hagoort and Dumore (1985),
+1430>(103 [X2s/(MT°25)] 2 (15)
Kuo (1985) and Jensen and Michelsen
(1987 ). These procedures are not suitable for
where Pmmp is MMP in psi; T is reservoir
multicomponent mixtures. For the latter, Jen-
temperature in °F; Xzs and M have the same
sen and Michelsen proposed an algorithm for
meaning in Eq. 13.
simulating the multi-contact process.
Because the Firoozabadi-Aziz (F-A) cor-
The miscibility process for a vaporizing gas-
relation was developed from the experimental
drive can be simulated through continuous ad-
data for lean hydrocarbon gas-drive (contain-
dition of reservoir oil at constant pressure and
ing more than 80 mol% methane), and the
temperature to a cell initially containing the
composition of the driving gas does not enter
injection gas. This experiment is schemati-
into the correlation, it produces large errors
cally illustrated in Fig. 4. The starting point is
when the methane content in the driving gas is
a cell filled with injection gas; reservoir oil is
significantly lower than 80%.
continuously added to this cell and equili-
By introducing two additional variables, the
brated with the gas. The oil, not dissolved in
mole percent of methane and the average mo-
the gas phase, is removed continuously from
lecular weight of the intermediate components
the cell. At some later stage, if no further oil is
(C2H6-C4Ht0) in the driving gas, the follow- formed in the cell, miscibility has been
ing modified F-A correlation (MFA) is pro-
posed by the authors: To simulate a condensing gas-drive, the cell
F-A ( f o r X I >__80mo1%) is initially filled with the original reservoir oil.
emmp=emmp (16)
Injection gas is added continuously at con-
F-A AI A2 stant pressure and temperature, and the gas not
Pmmp=Pmmp X (Xl /Mint) (17)
(for XI < 80 mol% ) dissolved in the oil phase is continuously re-
moved. At some later stage, when all the added
where Pmmp is MMP in psi; pF~p is MMP gas enters the oil phase in the cell, miscibility
calculated from the F-A correlation, Eq. 15;
X~ is the mole percent of CH4 in driving gas; P l l
Mint is the average molecular weight of inter-
mediate components (C2H6-C4HIo) in driv-
ing gas; A I and A2 are regressed constants
(A1 = 2.6040 and A2 = 3.0746).
Table 7 lists the results of MMP prediction
for the lean hydrocarbon gas-displacement ob-
tained by four correlations. Significant im-
provement in MMP prediction is observed by
using the new correlation (MFA) proposed in Fig. 4. Diagram of multi-contact miscibility process
this work. simulation.

has been obtained. As compared with the real suits in a single-phase solution, miscibility has
flow process in the reservoir, the cell fluid re- been achieved. If, on the other hand, the end
flects the situation right at the gas front. results are constant compositions, miscibility
Following Jensen and Michelsen ( 1987 ), the can not be obtained at the given conditions.
vaporizing gas-drive is described by a set of By performing simulation calculations under a
differential mass-balances and algebraic equi- series of pressures, the MMP is determined as
librium relations in the following form: the lowest pressure at which miscibility is
d v g = ( f - o i ) dt i = 1 , 2 ..... N (18)
(oJO)Ol~=(u,/V)f)~ i = 1, 2, ..., N (19) Equations-of-state tested
0=~, Og (20)
I Four equations-of-state: (EOS)-SRK
(Soave, 1972), PR (Peng and Robinson,
V = ~ v, (21)
l 1976), VPT (Valderrama, 1990) and the
modified Kumar-Starling (MKS) equation-
where V and vi stand for total moles and the of-state (Chu et al., 1991 ) have been tested, as
moles of component i in the gas phase, respec- comparable predictions were obtained, only
tively; f denotes the moles of component i in the results from SRK and MKS-EOS are re-
the feed oil; O and oi stand for the total moles ported in this paper.
and moles of component i in the removed oil, Since the MKS-EOS was recently developed
respectively. Integration of Eq. 18 over time- by our group (Chu, et al., 1991 ), it is briefly
step At gives: introduced as follows:

v~( t + At) = v~( t) + f A t - f '+~' o~dt,

[ l , V-bl
i = 1 , 2 ..... N (22)
Assuming constant feed rate, using the trap-
ezoidal rule for the integration of Eq. 22, the
following expression is derived: a=RT(A3 -As)re (25)
v~(t+At) = vi(t) + f A t - [oi(t) bl =A 1vc (26)
+o,(t+zlt)],~t/2 i = 1, 2, ...,N (23) b2 ={ [A3 + (A~ +4AI )° 5l/2}vc (27)

Equations 19-23 give a set of 2 N + 2 alge- b3 = { [A3 - (A 3z + 4AI )0.5]/2}vc (28)

braic equations, the unknowns being the val-
ues of the variables at t+LIt. The compositions d= [Az/RT-AI (A3 - A s - 1 ) ]vc/(A3 - A s )
of the first equilibrated phases ( t = 0) are cal- (29)
culated from phase equilibrium relations. The
amount of the gas (V) in cell at t = 0 can be A1 =0.262524 (30)
chosen freely. Adding da moles of reservoir oil A2, A3 and A5 are functions of reciprocal re-
to a gas at equilibrium results in db moles of duced temperature Tr and orientation param-
oil to be removed, the initial relative flow rate eter 7, Vcis the critical molar volume.
of oil, db/da, can be determined by applying For mixtures, the mixing rules used are:
the equilibrium relations. Successive solution
with a chosen time-step At simulates the mis- a=~,i ~ xixj(aiaj)(1-ka) (31)
cibility process. Ifa time-step at some stage re-

rameter, a, is the slope of the distribution

bk=~ xibki ( k = 1, 2, 3) (32)
curve, which depends on the molecular weight
of the heavy fraction.
d = ~i xidi (33) The carbon number Cn is related to the av-
erage molecular weight (M) approximately by:
The detailed description of the MKS-EOS is C~=(M+4)/14 (36)
contained in the original article.
The slope of the distribution curve is then
The Application of the semi-continuous determined from the following equation:
distribution function to describe the Cz+-
fraction 1 C A+~(B-A)e-"tr]
"- L -J (37)
Following Behrens and Sandier (1986), a The property of a mixture can be expressed as:
truncated exponential-decay distribution
function is chosen in this work: H= D(I)e-~ldI (38)
F ( I ) =e-~1 e -p (A<I<B<~) (34)
by transformation of variables it becomes:
Parameter ~: and the boundary values of
parameter I (A and B) in Eq. 45 can be set eas-
H= D(Z)e-ZdZ (39)
ily. The parameter p is determined from the
normalization condition:
yA'F(I)dI=xa (35) I=o~Z+A (40)

where xd is the mole fraction of the oil de- c=(B-A)a (41)

scribed by the distribution function. The start- By applying the Gaussian quadrature
ing point of the distribution (A) is C7. The method to Eq. 50 yields:
second parameter, the upper cutoff (B) can be
chosen from C50 to infinity, the exact choice of H=• D(Zi)W, (42)
the upper cutoff is not critical. The third pa-


Binary interaction coefficient (k~) matrix for MKS-EOS

j~ki CO2 N2 CI C2 C3 iC4 FIC4 iC5 nC5 C6 C7+

CO2 0.0000
N2 -0.0920 0.0000
Cj 0.1042 0.0520 0.0000
C2 0.1320 0.0910 0.0117 0.0000
C3 0.1462 0.1058 0.0433 -0.0193 0.0000
iC4 0.1325 0.1061 0.0488 0.0018 -0.0025 0.0000
nC4 0.1473 0.0957 0.0538 0.0490 0.0447 -0.0002 0.0000
iC5 0.1354 0.0772 0.0426 0.0183 0.0218 0.0025 0.0025 0.0000
nC5 0.1534 0.0456 0.0426 0.0183 0.0256 0.0025 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000
C6 0.1423 0.0783 0.0646 0.0010 0.0449 0.0434 0.0434 0.0100 0.0000 0.0000
C~ 0.1000 0.0000 0.0200 0.0150 0.0010 0.0050 0.0050 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000

• k~js for pseudocomponent pairs are set to zero.



M M P prediction results for pure COz-displacement based on J e n s e n - M i c h e l s e n algorithm using MKS and SRK-EOS

Temp. Exp. Rel. dev. (%) Data

(K ) MMP source

358.8 20.61 3.12 3.87 This work

305.4 6.89 5.49 7.21 a
313.7 8.28 3.43 8.31 a
330.4 11.72 10.33 6.83 a
338.8 13.45 24.10 21.95 a
373.2 25.27 -5.83 -5.78 b
344.2 15.52 -2.35 -3.72 c
316.0 10.62 -8.70 -8.55 d
314.2 8.10 17.72 20.93 e
316.0 10.34 -7.79 -5.13 f
312.6 13.79 -26.78 -26.73 f
313.2 12.40 - 20.99 - 22.91 g
316.0 8.96 12.82 14.70 g
327.6 10.99 5.52 10.73 h

A A D (%) 11.07 11.95

Data sources: (a) Metcalfe ( 1980); ( b ) Husodo et al. ( 1985); (c) Graue and Zana ( 1981 ); ( d ) G a r d n e r et al. ( 1981 ); (e)
Sebastian et al. ( 1985 ); ( f ) Rathmell and Stalkup ( 1971 ); (g) Spence and Watkins ( 1981 ); ( h ) Dicharry et al. ( 1974 ).

where Z and W are integration points and

W= 0.00292 + 0.0477 C, (49)
weights, respectively.
The carbon number of the pseudocompo- ?=0.017808+0.04655Cn (50)
nents in oil phase is given by:
where the correlations for vc and y were es-
C,,i=ZJa+A (43) tablished from the pure component data by the
authors, the other correlations were proposed
and the corresponding mole fraction is de-
by Willman and Teja ( 1987 a,b).
termined as:
x, = W~Xd (44) Results and discussion
Critical properties of the lumped pseudo-
components are required for applying the In all the calculations performed in this
equation-of-state. In this work, the following work, the binary interaction coefficients (k 0)
generalized correlations are used for estimat- were set to zero for SRK-EOS, whereas, non-
ing the critical properties of pseudo- zero k~js were used for MKS-EOS, the k,fval-
components: ues determined for MKS-EOS are listed in Ta-
ble 8.
Tb = 306.83 + 21.732C, - 0 . 1 5 9 1 C ] Table 9 shows the results of M M P predic-
- 0.00406 C 3 (45) tion for pure CO2-displacement obtained by
MKS and SRK-EOS. Comparable results are
T c = T b [ l + ( 1 . 2 5 1 2 7 + O . 1 3 7 2 4 C , ) -I] (46) observed, but it should be noted that the
(2.33761 + 8.16448C,) liquid-phase densities predicted differ
Pc - (0.87315 + 0.54285 C, )2 (47) appreciably.
Similar comparison for impure CO2-dis-
Vc= 25.724+ 57.454Cn (48) placement is shown in Table 10. The MKS-


Prediction results of the M M P for impure CO2 displacement based on Jensen-Michelsen algorithm using MKS and SRK-EOS

Temp. Exp. Composition of Rel. dev. (%) Data

(K ) MMP driving gas source
(MPa) (Mol%) MKS SRK

358.8 25.79 93.21%CO2 + 6.79%C~ 10.01 - 13.83 This

313.7 11.07 90.0%COz + 10.0%C~ - 2.19 19.50 a
313.7 14.87 80%CO2 + 20.0%C~ - 8.11 19.74 a
330.4 15.34 90.0%CO2 + 10.0%C~ - 1.81 8.76 a
330.4 18.62 80.0%CO2 + 20.0%C, - 6.67 13.42 a
338.8 13.03 90.0%CO2 + 10.0%Cz 20.74 25.83 a
344.2 15.17 Gas #1 7.25 11.87 b
344.2 22.06 Gas # 2 8.61 17.18 b
314.2 10.79 90.0%CO2 + 10.0%C, 10.60 31.42 c
314.2 12.51 81.0%CO2+ 19%C, 13.78 47.69 c
314.2 15.03 72.0%COz + 28.0%Cj 10.37 54.43 c
314.2 11.65 92.0%COz + 8.0%Nz 32.62 48.52 c
327.6 32.07 Gas # 3 -49.58 - 46.13 d
327.6 33.79 Gas#4 -29.50 - 18.17 d

A A D (%) 15.13 26.89

Compositions of Gas # 1 - G a s # 4 (Mol%):

Gas # 1--95.02%CO2 + 0.081 N2 + 4.89%Cj + 0.009%C2 + 0.002%C3.
Gas #2--85.76%CO2 + 9.66%N2 + 4.56%C~ + 0.014%C2 + 0.004%C3 + 0.003%iC4 + 0.001%iC5.
Gas #3--95.03%CO2 + 0.18%N2 +4.78%C1 +0.01%C2.
Gas #4---85.32%CO2 + 9.67%N2 + 4.99%Cj + 0.01%C2.
Data sources: (a) Metcalfe ( 1980); (b) Graue and Zana ( 1981 ); (c) Sebastian et al. ( 1985); (d) Frimoding ( 1983 ).


M M P prediction results for the lean hydrocarbon gas-displacement s y s t e m s b y using Jensen-Michelsen algorithm and SRK-

System Composition of driving gas (Mol%) Temp. Exp. M M P Cald. M M P Rel. dev.
no. (K) (MPa) (MPa) (%)

1 83.2%C1 + 8.8%C2 + 4.11%C3+ 1.4%C4+ 1.05%CO2 366.48 39.99 44.10 - 10.28

2 2.48%N2 + 87.83%C~ + 7.5%C2 + 1.91%C3 + 0.26%C4 380.37 41.37 48.40 - 16.99
3 100% Cj 444.26 33.10 37.50 - 11.73
4 100% Ci 378.71 43.44 46.80 -7.73

AAD (%) 11.68

" Data source: Firoozabadi and Aziz (1986).

EOS gives better M M P predictions than SRK- M M P prediction for pure N2-displacement
EOS. systems based on the SRK-EOS. Significant
Typical M M P prediction results for lean hy- larger deviations are observed as compared
drocarbon-gas displacement systems based on with other gas-driving systems examined.
SRK-EOS are listed in Table 11. Over-predic- The comparison of the M M P prediction re-
tions are observed for the tested systems. sults for pure and impure CO: listed in Tables
Table 12 tabulates the typical results of 3-4, and Tables 9-10 indicates that, the Jen-


MMP prediction results for pure N2-displacement systems base on Jensen-Michelsen algorithm and SRK-EOS

Temp. Exp. M M P Cald. M M P Rel. dev. Data

(K) (MPa) (MPa) (%) source

406.2 41.49 52.24 -25.91 Glaso (1987)

410.4 61.02 52.13 14.56 Husodo et al. (1985)
380.4 58.61 53.36 8.95 Husodo et al. (1985)
410.4 34.34 44.87 -30.66 Husodo et al. ( 1985 )
422.1 35.17 43.30 -23.12 Husodo et al. ( 1985 )

AAD (%) 20.64

sen-Michelsen algorithm using the equation- but the equation-of-state approach has the ad-
of-state approach is capable to give compara- vantage of thermodynamic consistency be-
ble, or even better, M M P predictions than tween M M P and PFT calculations.
those based on the best empirical correlations.
However, as pointed out by Jensen and Mich- Acknowledgement
elsen (1987), the exact relation between the
M M P determined by a slim tube experiment, Financial support received from the China
and the calculated M M P based on the pro- National PetroleumCorporation is gratefully
posed algorithm is not clear. acknowledged.

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