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Solubility of Hydrogen in a White Oil


Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4

The solubility of hydrogen in a white mineral oil has been measured at pressures of 1.48 to 10.44 MPa at each of
four temperatures (573,603,623,643 K), in conjunction with a study of hydrodesulphurization in a trickle-bed reactor.
The solubility varies from a hydrogen mole fraction of 0.056 at the lowest { T, P ) to 0.262 at the highest. The solubility
increases with increasing pressure and temperature. It can be represented by an equation suggested by using Krichevsky-
Ilinskaya and van’t Hoff expressions.
~- ~~

La solubilitC de I’hydrogkne dans une huile minCrale blanche a CtC mesurCe a des pressions allant de 1.48 10.44
MPa a chacune des quatre tempkratures (573, 603, 623 et 643 K), en parallkle avec une Ctude de I’hydrodCsulfurisation
dans un rCacteur B lit ruisselant. La solubilitC varie d’une fraction molaire d’hydrogkne de 0,056 pour le plus bas [ T, P ]
a 0,262 pour le plus ClevC. La solubilitC augmente avec I’augmentation de la pression et de la tempkrature. Elle peut
Ctre reprisentee par une Cquation combinant les expressions de Krichevsky-llinskaya et de van’t Hoff.

Keywords/phrases: hydrogen solubility; white mineral oil; dependence on pressure and temperature; n-decane

A s part of a study of trickle-bed reactors, including

hydrodesulphurization (Ring and Missen, 1986, 1989,
1991), we present here solubility data for hydrogen in a white
for internal agitation, a pressure gauge, and a jacket-type
heater and cooling coil for temperature adjustment and con-
trol. Pressure was measured by a Bourdon-tube gauge (CPW
mineral oil at conditions of temperature (573 to 643 K) and Hydro-Poise, Toronto, ON) to k0.03 MPa; the gauge was
pressure (1.5 to 10.5 MPa) which include those for com- calibrated by a dead-weight tester. Temperature was con-
mercial hydrotreating operations. A white oil, a readily trolled to k0.5 K by a Thermo Electric (Brampton, ON)
obtainable material, consisting of saturated paraffins and AN-12 Controller operating in conjunction with the flow of
naphthenes was chosen as the liquid carrier for diben- liquid to the cooling coil. Temperature was measured by a
zothiophene (DBT) in the hydrodesulphurization reaction to Type J thermocouple and was shown on a digital indicator
simulate a hydrocarbon stream with appropriate boiling
to 0.1 K (Doric Trendicator 400A, San Diego, CA).
characteristics (588-793 K) and relatively low coking
The autoclave was connected to the burette system. To
The primary purpose of the phase equilibrium (solubility) determine the amount of gas dissolved in a measured volume
measurements was to establish, for the conditions used in of liquid after equilibration, a liquid sample was transferred
the reactor, the role of DBT as the limiting reactant, and to from the autoclave to a 50-cm3 glass burette at ambient
indicate that the reaction might then be expected to be pseudo- pressure, and gas flashing from the liquid passed to a con-
first-order in DBT, as subsequently confirmed kinetically necting 250-cm3 glass burette. Both burettes were immersed
(Ring and Missen, 1989). The solubility data reported here, in a thermostated bath containing water at 313.2 + 0.1 K.
however, are for a range of temperature and pressure con- The volume of gas was measured by displacement of a
ditions greater than that used in the operation of the trickle- column of mercury in the receiving burette maintained at
bed reactor. Solubility data for hydrogen in n-decane are also ambient pressure; the volume was converted to conditions
given for comparison with literature data. of 293 K and 0.1013 MPa, and was corrected to allow for
the solubility of gas at 0.1013 MPa. The volume of liquid
remaining was measured.
Experimental methods Preliminary experiments were used to establish the time
required for equilibration in the autoclave, and the precision
AND PROCEDURE of the solubility determinations. These involved two serics
of measurements for hydrogen in the white oil at 643 K. in
The solubility-measuring apparatus was essentially the which equilibrium at 9.75 MPa was approached from both
same as that of Wisniak et al. (1974). It consisted of a high- a higher pressure (1 1.13 MPa) and a lower pressure (8.37
pressure equilibrium cell, and an ambient-pressure burette MPa), and solubility was measured at times from IS to 120
system for volumetric measurement of gas and liquid. min. For all eleven determinations in the two series made
A four-litre stainless-steel autoclave (Autoclave Engineers, at times of 30 min and greater, the mean deviation was 2.5%.
Inc., Erie, PA; rated at 21 MPa and 615 K) was used as the The means for the two series differed by 0.6%. The time
equilibrium cell (the same vessel as was used for the kinetics of 30 min. was then chosen as a standard time for equilibra-
experiments; Ring and Missen, 1989). It was equipped with tion in the autoclave.
sampling and purge ports, a Magnedrive high-speed stirrer Solubility measurements for hydrogen in the white oil were
made over the (total) pressure range 1.5 to 10.5 MPa at each of
four temperatures: 573, 603, 623, and 643 K. Measure-
ments were also made for hydrogen solubility in n-decane
*Present address: Shell Canada Limited, Box 2 100, Oakville, Ontario
L6J 5C7. at 503 K for comparison with the data of Sebastian et al.
‘Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. (1980).

TABLE1 coefficient of H2 is 1 (it ranges from 1 .O to 1.05 for the con-
Comparison of Measured Solubility of Hydrogen in n-Decane at ditions used here; see e.g., Sandler, 1989), and that P > >
503 K the vapour pressure of the oil, then the Krichevsky-Ilinskaya
This Work Sebastian et al. (1980) equation, combined with the van't Hoff expression, can be
written as
xH, = P exp [ A + BxH?(xH, - 2) + C P ]exp ( - D / T )
1.48 0.0178 ....................................... (1)
1.96 0.0303 1.94 0.0289
3.27 0.0557 3.29 0.05 11
5.20 0.0828 5.18 0.0818 This requires the use of 4 constants, A , B , C , and D. The
6.99 0.1111 Krichevsky-Kasarnovsky expression for the effect of P is
10.10 0.1507 10.12 0.1550 simpler with B = 0; the equation corresponding to Equa-
tion (1) involves 3 constants, and is usually more appropriate
for relatively small solubilities. The use of Equation ( l ) , with
MATERIALS ( A , B , C , D)T = (0.5222, 2,253. 0.009484 MPa-'. 2103
K)T, resulted in u(xH,) = 0.0044; the simpler form ( B =
The materials used were hydrogen, n-decane and the white 0) gave u(xH,) = 0.006. We conclude that Equation ( I ) is
oil. A cylinder of UHP hydrogen gas (99.999 + %) was the best representation, considering the goodness of fit, the
obtained from Linde Air Products. The n-decane (olefin-free, number of constants, and the rationality of the basis.
99 + %) was obtained from Fluka Chemical Corp. (St. Nevertheless, the physical interpretation of the constants is
Louis, MO). The transparent white oil was supplied by Shell blurred by their interdependence in the representation of thc
Canada Limited as White Oil D . It is made up of saturated effects of T and P.
aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons; the sample used had In spite of differences in conditions (Tand P ) and in com-
a density of 878 kg/m3 at 15"C, a viscosity of 31 mPa * s position, as reflected, for example, by average molar mass.
at 40"C, an average molar mass of 383 kg/kmol, and a comparisons may be made with other measurements of Hz
boiling-point range of 315-520°C, this last making it suitable solubility in similar relatively ill-defined liquids. The com-
for the hydrodesulphurization reaction studies. All materials parisons given below use the ratio R = xH, (this WOrk)/.YH,
were used without further treatment. (literature) or R' , a similar ratio using solubility expressed
in specific mass units (where the molar mass is not known).
Results and Discussion van Vuuren et al. (1988) have measured the solubility of
H2 in a Fischer-Tropsch reactor wax (molar mass 464
The measured solubilities of hydrogen in n-decane at 503 K kglkmol) at 438 to 516 K and 0.3 to 1 MPa. From their equa-
are given in Table 1, together with the results of Sebastian tion for the effect of T, extrapolation to our lowest value,
et al. (1980) for comparison, for (total) pressure ( P ) up to 573 K, gives R = 1.3 at 1.48 MPa; conversely, the same
10 MPa. The solubility is given as mole fraction of hydrogen, value is given by extrapolation of Equation (1) to 516 K at
XH2,which was calculated from the volumes of gas and 1.48 MPa. Ding et al. (1985) have used a coal liquid (SRC
liquid measured, as described by Herskowitz et al. (1983). 11, molar mass 221 kg/kmol) at 420 to 680 K and 4 to
The mole fraction of hydrogen remaining in the liquid in the 11 MPa. For corresponding values of T and P, the ratio R
solubility train (at 313 K, 0.1013 MPa) was considered to varies from about 2.6 at 4 MPa to 2.0 at 10.5 MPa. Simi-
be negligibly small. The mean deviation of the six values larly, Lin et al. (1981) have used particular fractions from
of this work from graphically smoothed values of Sebastian SRC-I1 liquid. For an oil fraction with molar mass
et al. (1980) is 5 % . 252 kgikmol, R is 2.5 at 542 K and 10 MPa. As a final com-
The measured solubilities of hydrogen in the white oil at parison, we use the results of Prather et al. (1977) for H2
1.48 to 10.44 MPa and 573 to 643 K are given in Table 2. solubility in creosote oil (obtained from distillation of a coal
This solubility is also given as mole fraction of hydrogen, pyrolysis liquid), with a boiling range of 175 to 350°C. At
which was calculated from the volumetric measurements 573 K, the ratio R' is 1.4 at 7 MPa and 1.3 at 10 MPa. In
using the density and molar mass for the oil given above. all these comparisons, the solubility of hydrogen is greater
The solubility increases from a hydrogen mole fraction of in the white oil.
0.056 at the lowest { T, P 1 to 0.262 at the highest. At a given The solubility data were used to indicate that the concen-
pressure, the solubility increases with increase in tempera- tration of hydrogen in the oil in the operation of the trickle-
ture, as in the case of hydrogen solubility in n-decane (Sebas- bed reactor would be sufficiently great to make DBT the
tian et al., 1980). It also increases with increase in pressure limiting reactant in the liquid-phase hydrodesulphurization
at a given temperature. reaction
The behaviour of the solubility data in Table 2 as a func-
tion of T and P was explored in three ways for the purpose (C,jH&S + H2 = (C6H5)2 + H2S ... . . (2)
of fitting. The best fit was given by a cubic power series The concentration of DBT in the liquid feed corresponded
in P with coefficients linearly dependent on T; this required to 470 mg/kg as sulphur. From the solubility at 603 K (the
6 constants and multiple regression resulted in a standard lowest temperature used in the reactor) and 10 MPa (the pres-
deviation dxH,) = 0.0035. More thermodynamically sure used), the molar ratio of hydrogen to sulphur in the
rational approaches were also used with the dependence on liquid of density 708 kg/m3 (at 603 K; Ring and Missen.
P given by forms suggested by the Krichevsky-Karasrnovsky 1989) is about 65, compared with the stoichionietric value
and Krichevsky-Ilinskaya equations (Prausnitz et al., 1986), of 1. Even if the equilibrium value represented by the solu-
and the dependence on T by a van't Hoff expression, as used bility were not reached in the operation of the reactor.
by van Vuuren et al. (1988) for a similar situation. If we involving a thin film of liquid, the indication is that the actual
assume that the vapour is pure HZ, that the fugacity value was > > 1. This meant that a particular form of the

TABLE2 Abbreviation
Measured Solubility2 of Hydrogen in White Oil D , xH?
DBT = dibenzothiophene
T, K
P, MPa 573 603 623 643
Ding, F. X., S . H. Chiang and G. E. Klinzing. “Hydrogen Solu-
1.48 0.056 0.061 0.070 0.073
bility in Coal Liquid (SRC-11)”. Fuel 64. 1301-1305 (1985).
2.17 0.078 0.085 0.094
Herskowitz, M., J. Wisniak and L. Skadman, “Hydrogen Solu-
2.86 0.084 0.094 0. I04 0.116
bility in Organic Liquids,’’ J. Chem. Eng. Data 28, 164-166
4.24 0.113 0.129 0.140 0.154
5.61 0.139 0.157 0.170 0.183
Lin, H. M., H. M. Sebastian, J. J . Simnick and K. C. Chao. “Solu-
6.99 0. I67 0.183 0.197 0.207
bilities of Hydrogen and Methane in Coal Liquids”, Ind. Eng.
7.68 0.194 0.211 0.221
Chem. Process Des. Dev. 20, 253-256 (1981).
8.37 0.205 0.221 0.227
Prather, J. W., A. M. Ahanger, W. S. Pitts, J . P. Henley, A. R.
9.06 0. I92 0.214 0.229 0.242
Tarrer and J . A. Gruin, “Solubility of Hydrogen in Creosote
9.75 0.224 0.239 0.245 Oil at High Temperatures and Pressures”, Ind. Eng. Chem.
10.44 0.216 0.235 0.249 0.262
Process Des. Dev. 16, 267-270 (1977).
“Each entry is the mean of two determinations (average mean devi- Prausnitz, J. M., R. N . Lichtenthaler and E. G. de Azevedo.
ation was 0.0036). “Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria”, 2nd
ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1986), pp. 376-380.
model for the overall effectiveness factor relating to a non- Ring, Z. E. and R. W. Missen, “Trickle-Bed Reactors: Effect of
volatile limiting reactant (Ring and Missen, 1986) could be Wetting Geometry on Overall Effectiveness Factor”, Can. J .
used. Further support for this conclusion was obtained kinet- Chem. Eng. 64, 117-124 (1986).
ically; the reaction was found to be pseudo-first-order in DBT Ring, Z . E. and R. W. Missen, “Trickle-Bed Reactors: An
(Ring and Missen, 1989). Experimental Study of Partial Wetting Effect”. AIChE J . 35,
1821- 1828 (1989).
Ring, Z. E. and R. W. Missen, “Trickle-Bed Reactors: Tracer
Acknowledgements Study of Liquid Holdup and Wetting Efficiency at High Tem-
perature and Pressure”, Can. I. Chem. Eng. 69, 1016-1020
Financial assistance has been received from the Natural Sciences ( 1 99 1).
and Engineering Research Council of Canada and from the Univer- Sandler, S. I., “Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics”, 2nd
sity of Toronto. We are grateful to Shell Canada Limited for ed., Wiley, New York (1989) p. 224.
supplying the white oil used and values of its properties. Sebastian, H. M., J. J. Simnick, H-M. Lin and K-C. Chao. “Gas-
Liquid Equilibrium in the Hydrogen + n-Decane System at
Nomenclature Elevated Temperatures and Pressures”, J. Cheni. Eng. Data 25.
68-70 (1980).
A = constant in Equation ( I ) , dimensionless van Vuuren, D. S . , J. R. Hunter and M . D. Heydenrych. “The
B = constant in Equation (l), dimensionless Solubility of Various Gases in Fischer-Tropsch Reactor Wax,”
c = constant in Equation (I), MPa-’ Chem. Eng. Sci. 43, 1291-1296 (1988).
D = constant in Equation ( I ) , K Wisniak, J., M. Herskowitz, R. Leibowitz and S . Stein, “Hydrogen
P = total pressure, MPa Solubility in Aqueous Solutions of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols”.
R = x H L(this work)/xH, (literature) J. Chem. Eng. Data 19, 247-249 (1974).
R’ = ratio as for R , buf with solubility in g H2/g oil
T = temperature, K
‘H2 - equilibrium (liquid) mole fraction (solubility) of H2

Greek letter
Manuscript received May 8, 1991; revised manuscript received
u(xHJ = standard deviation in fitted values of xH, December 9, 1991; accepted for publication December 23, 1991.


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