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Co ntents
# 127 Apri l, 197 1

2 Radi o A m a teur New s Page 12 What's Rea lly Different About FM? K6MVH
6 Never Say Die W2 NSD/ l A lot, a w hol e lot!
6 The F M Scene K6 M VH /l 18 Aftermath : A Noise Blanker T hat Works W8RHR
8 W TW Ro und up K2AGZ T he a utho r re tu rn s t o the d ra wing board
8 Ca vea t E m ptor 20 FM Intermod ulation o n 2 m . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . . . . . W6 YA N
10 Letters Chart for loca ting in te rfere nce so u rce s.
144 Pro pagation 28 Hotrodding Motorola's Hybrid HTs . . . W7PUG
144 A dvert ise rs Index A co mmercia l b id for t he 450 market.
30 Stability Without Crysta ls Staff
Introd uc ing the S e ntry Mo d co m , wha tev e r th at is.
STAFF 32 Sw itching Re mote Linears W(JHKF
Editor-Pub lis her or lo ca l line ars.
Way ne Green W2 NSD/ l 34 Using Microwave for Repeater Links Le nkurt
Micr owave propagat ion for an y purpose, rea lly.
Managing Editor 49 IC Repeater Id e n t if ie r WB6BFM
Ke n Session s K6M VH /l It wi ll a lso identify any oth e r st at ion .
58 T est ing the Nationa l NCX 1000 W2NSO/l
Associate Editor And en joyin g eve ry mi nu te of it .
Jim Kyle K5J KX 60 Bu ild Your Own 2M FM . _ K1CLL
Bu ild this litt le han d t ransce ive r.
WTW Editor 78 Repeater Directory for 1971 .. . . . . • . .... .. . . . . . . . Staff
Dave Mann K 2A G2 Ever y o pe n repeate r in No rt h America listed here .
10 0 National FM Standards W6YAN
Advertising Manager FM ch a nn el s o n t he VH F a nd UH F bands.
Al ine Cout u 102 T he FM Marketp lace _ Staff
Bu ye rs ' gu ide to 2 m FM t ra ns ceive rs.
Art Director 116 Meter Eval uat o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marovitch
Roger Block New, a nd mu c h bette r , way t o m easure m ete r res ist a nce.
12 1 A S imple Varactor Modulator for Going FM . .. . . WA9TFY
Graphic Arts Change s A M r ig to FM .
Nancy Estl e 122 F M Fun With a Scanner Staff
Jan Woz mak L ist e ning t o eig ht c han ne ls a t o nc e.
Jane Ehr lich 1 24 Lo w Cost Signa l So urce _ VE3GFW
1.8 t o 4 50 MH z fa r tu n ing y ou r re ceiver.
Composit io n 126 Eve n More on Touchto ne Wl IRH
Ruth mary D av is A nswers t o your q ue st io ns onTouchtone.
128 A Sol id-State Prese fecro r _ ~ W5JJ
Karen Me ll or
Tu bes yo u'r e e xpect ing ? Read bra nd C m agazin e
Subscript ions 131 The Transistor 12 Watter for 10 W5PAG
D o ro t hy Gibson T h ree t ra nsisto rs a nd a ba rre l o f f un.
135 A S lice of Nippon Cult u re .. . Staff
Ci rc ulation How d id an SW L ar ti c le get in t o 73? Lo rdv !
Ph il Pr ice 13 8 Te n Tec Receiver Test _. _ _ WB2MYU
Barb ara Block N ice new po rt able re ce ive r.
140 Getting Publicity for Ham Radio .. _ K(JYT I
Comptroller A nd , boy ! Ca n w e use it!
Georg ian a Sage
7 3 M agazine is published monthly by 7 3 In c., Pe ter-
Publications borough, New H am p shire 03458 . S u bscr ip tion ra tes are $6
Bi ff M aho ney for on e y ear in No rth America and U.S. Zip Co de ar eas
Ven n Mellor overseas, $ 7 p e r y ear elsewher e . T w o y e ars $1 0 in U. S . and
$ 12 o verse as. Three ye ars $1 4, an d $ 16 o ve rsea s. S econd
Traff ic class p os tage paid at 'Pe te rbo ro u gh N. H . and at add it io n al
m ailing o ffice s. Printe d a t Menasha, Wis con sin 5 4 952 U.S.A.
D oug las St iv ison W B 2M Y U En t ire conte nts c o p y righ t 19 71 by 73 Ln c. , Pete rb o ro u gh N H
Tay lor S age 03458. P h o ne : 6 0 3 -9 24 -3 8 7 3. Wh at staffers of what h am
magaz in e have mysterio usly emerged with con ditio n al li-
Propagatio n ce nses ? Do the y eve n h nour the c ode? or a dB fr om a farad?
Jo h n N elso n
The Cover
Drafting Docs FM r un in t he Sessions blo o d ? Here is Murry S essio ns ,
R. K . Wi ld man W6MO G dau g hter of K 6 MVH jl a n d WA6SPT jl . r e a ll y enjo ying the
new Drake TR-22 2m F M t ra n s c e ive r , a six-channe l porta b le
Way n e Peeler K4M V W unit w hic h c a n operate f ro m 11 5V a c , 1 2 V dc or b uilt-in
T. M. G ra ham W8 F KW b atteries.

APR IL 1971

Don't miss the Dayton Hamvent ion - April 24th

Amutrur f&ubio Nems 'age
April MCMLXXI Monthly Ham News of th e Wor ld Magazine


FCC 1\ ll:n' l'~ to III' ItT TY ~ I ll'l 'l l
Th e Com mission has u nder cousid-
erntion tw o petitions ror rule m ~ k i l1g
submitt ed by Mr. Keit h B. Peter sen i
(W/lS DZ) a nd Mr. R , Bruce Pe ters
(WB2LRS), Mr. Petersen reque sts that
the rules be amen ded to allow the li S\;
of radio tele printer sp eeds o f 60. 7 5.
and 10 0 wpm and Me. Pet ers pro po ses
the IN'of oO.b7 . and IOO wprn.
In suppo rt o f t heir reque sts. t he
• Mo re 0 11 the A ~ I S A T Hepenter
Wo rk is proceeding on AMSA T.Q
SCAR-B ( A-O· B), t he first o f a se ries
po wer lo ad s. T hey are exp ected to
ma ke po ssib le satellite o pera ting life-
ti mes in e xecs." o f o ne yea r.

fCC Announces
pet it io ners mdic ut e tha t presen t com-
mc rcia l te le pr int er sta nd ards incl ud e of long nrcumc ama teur cornmumca- Fo llow ing designs prepa red by AM-
f ;lSl l' T o pe ra tin g mod els as we ll as flO lio ns sa tellites desi gned for lau nch as SAT' s A-O- B proj ect ma nager. Ja n
wp m machines. In add it io n . il is indi- secondary pay loads o n T hor-Dell a o r King . the A-O-Il inte rn al struc tu ral
care d that th e present ma ximu m Ire- Agcna miss ions. A deta iled spcci fica- assemb ly a nd ex peri men t mo d u les
lio ns doc ume nt on l1~ i s series o f space- have ~e ~ n f~ brica t ed lit the fa cil.i t i~ s

Proposed New Phone BandS'I

qUl.'IlCY shift of 900 Hz would not be •
e xceede d in the use o f t he high er cra ft was pre pared 1II Ap ril and d is- of W. O.J T III It ha ca . N.Y. This IS
spee d machines and cc mpfiauce wit h tnb utc d ~IS guidance matcnut for per. lIcl,tlal 1~ lg h.1 hard ware . and . re p r~ se nts I
presen t h:tnt lwid t h lim ita ti o ns is po s- • sons indic ating a SCflO U~ in te rest in the beglnnin g o f co nstr uc non o f t he
sible. Furt her . it is poin ted ou t t hai develo p ing e xperimen ts for t hese sa t- A-O-ll spacec ra ft.
higher-speed ope ra t ion will sti mu late Minu tes be fo re this issu e went to 70 75- 71 0 0 kHz. The 40m Novic e ~Jl ilcs . T her e are no w several cx pcr- An AMSAT propos al to NASA for
t he deve lo pme nt o f new ama te ur sk ills press the FCC announced t heir pro- ba nd wou l d be mo ved t o rment s unde r dev elop me n t. t he launch o f AMSAT·OSCA R. -B wa s
and tech niqu es.• md will en hance t he posa l for an expansion of the lower 7 . 100 -7.150 t o ma ke roo m for the A four-ch ann el, ha rd-limiting F M su bmitte d in August and an oral pre -
abilit y to hand le lance volu mes o f pho ne han ds. We will have fu ll det ails repeat er is . b~ing bread hoard ed by M~ I.Jla tio n was given in November. A •
cu mmunlcations ill less t ime . Such
ab ility wou ld be especia lly importa nt
durin g emergencies.
next mo n t h. T he deadline for filing
co m ments on the docke t is J une 1. so
th e May issue will give y ou p lenty of
new phone ban d. Th e l5m Novic e
band woul d be shortened a bit t o
21.1 00 -2 1.20 0 MHz and a new No·
mem bers 01 WIA Project Au stra lis
wh o had been invo lved in til l.' co n-
str uctfo n of AO·S. Th e repeat er is o f
t hir d-par t y agreemen t has been ar-
ra nged be tw een Austra lia a nd the U.S.
10 permi t th e e xch ange o f thir d-party
vice band wou ld be ad de d on 10m 10 th e demcd ulat lcn-rcmodulat lon type :u1"!at eur . !raffic con cern ing t he sat-
FCC is sa id to believe t hat prov isio n time to mu ll over the rami ficat ions o f ma ke up t he d ifference from 28 .150 ~ nd e mp lo ys a freq uency o f appro x- e l li t~ . This urrungeme nt extends the
for Ow use o f addi t io na l telep rin ter th e p roposal to 28 .2 50 MHz . imately 145. 9 Mil l. for the up lin k lind previous agree me n t and IS set up so as
speeds in he amateur service, in keep-
ing wit h conuucrciat equ ipme nt sta n-
dards now in use, is d esira b le . Sin ce
increased speeds arc at tain a ble wit hi n
limit s o f t he present band wid th rc-
q uiremcnts . ad dit io nal interference
As a st ar te r it is proposed t o cut
back the fou r Extra class CW b an ds to
I 0 k H~ ap iece.
T he new Ex tra class p ho ne ban ds
wo uld start at 3 .7 50, 7.150, 14 .150 ,
2 1.20 0 . and 28 .3 50 MHz. The Ad-
T hat's q uite a h un ch of changes
and t hey will do ubtless be met wit h
mixe d emoti ons. Since it is unlikely
4 32 .1 MHz for t he downlin k , wit h a
satellit e tra nsmitter pow er o u tp u t o f
l w per cnannel.
A lin ear re peate r with II ba ndwid th
t ha t a nyone else will b ring it up , I o f SO kill is un der co nst ruc t io n by
supp o se it is up to me to me ntio n tllat t he EU RO.QS CA R gro u p in Marb ach ,
to last un t Il severa l months after t he
end o f life o f OSt":A ,.::.:
RC'C,, _

;;;;,, . ...~__ . • b1
from such o pera tio n i ~ no t an t ici- van ced class pho ne band s wo uld sta rt th e p rop osals follo w rat h~ r closely. th e
pat ed . In addit io n. since t he telc-
prin ter spee d of (,7 wpm is on ly a
sligh I variat io n from th e 60 wpm rate.
the pro posed use o f 60 , 75, and 100
wpm is consider ed to offer the mos t
a t 3.775 , 7.1 75 , 14 .175, 21. 22 5, a nd
28.3 7 5 Mll z. T he Genera l phone
bands wou ld star t at 3.875 . 7.2 25,
14. 2 50, 2 1.3 25 , an d 28.5 00 . A new
suggestio ns 1 have made III my ed ito r-
I' ll try an d cove r the who le sit ua-
tion nex t mon t h in dep th so, d epend -
pho ne band for Dx ope ra ting on ly, ing up o n y our co nvic tions , stan d by
desirab le varie t y o f choices for ope r-
at io n bet ween Region II (o urs) and th e for ma ssive reassurance or d eep trau-
t h e r r e g io ns is propose d for ma.


BY fCC; LEGAL CHIEF Sys t emized
T he Co m missio n , by the Chief,
The FCC an nou nces th e ap po int-
me nt o f Vergil W. Tacy as Assist ant
H am s
Safet y and Specia l Rad io Services Ch ie f o f t he Lega l, Ad viw ry a nd
Bu reau . un de r d elega ted aut hori ty. En for ceme nt Divisio n in t he Safet y
having under co nsiderat ion t he sus- an d Special Radi o Service s Burea u.
pensio n of the General class amate ur MI. T acy h as served us a tr ial attorney
op erato r lice nse o f l{ lls~ell E. J ant zen, in th e Hearing Divisio n (I f the Com -
1214 9 Indiana Avenu e . Riverside , mis sion 's Hro ndcust Bureau since h e
Californ ia , which is sche d ule d to e x- jo ined t he F CC in 19li 1. Prior t o his
pire August 8, 197 3 . has re leased an Go vern men t service wit h th e FCC, he
or der calli ng for the suspe nsio n of h is engaged in t he pr ivat e pr actice o f law.
license. and later serv ed as a tr ial att o rney a nd
Accord ing to Fr'C ex am iners, t he supe rv isor y a ttorney in cha rge of lit-
license e, while o pera ting a ma te ur ra- iga tio n for t he Secur iti es and Ex -
di o sta t ion W6TBN , willfully and re - change Co m mission . As spec ial assis-
pea tedly tran smitted co mmu nicat io ns tan t to t he U.S. attorney genera l. Mr.
co nta ining ob scene, profa ne, o r in- Tac y also engaged in t he p ro secut io n
decen t words, langu age , or meani ng, of cri min a l cases involving securi t ies
in vo lat io n o f Sect ion 97 .119 o f t he fru ads. Fro m 1942 to 19 46 , Mr. T acy
Com mission 's ru les ; and served in t he Navy.
Th e order also sta te d t ha t t he licen- A na t ive o f the State of Io wa , Mr.
s e e use d ama t eur radio sta t io n T acy re ceived a B.A. de gree fro m the
W6T BN for t he purpose of trans- Slate Univers it y o f Iow a in 193 5 an d
mi tti ng u nidentif ia hle no ises an d a Juris Do cto r d egree fro m t he Co llege
so und effe ct s over extended per io d s of Law o f tha t Universit y ill 1938 . li e
of time ; t hat such t ransmission s were is a mem b er of th e bars o f t he Distr ic t
not in plain lang uage nor in the fo rm of Colu mb ia , Iowa , lind Mich igan .
of generally recogni zed ab breviat ions Marr ied to t he fo rmer Fr ances
esta blished b y regu lat ion or cu sto m; Dar esma n, also from Io wa , Mr. T acy
t ha t such tra nsmissions were willfu lly a nd his wife reside in Chevy Chase ,
and repea ted ly mad e by licensee: a nd Mary land , a nd have th ree ch ild ren.
t hat su ch transmissio ns were in vio-
lation of Sectio n 97 .1 17 o f t he Co m- see misreprese nted ma ter ial fac ts t o ,
mission 's ru les. o r co ncea led them fro m, the Com-
An inter est ing a nd perha ps pre - .ni ssio n, o r was lack ing in cand or in
ced ent-sett ing obse r vation was tile no- h is re spo nses to o ffici a l notices of
tati o n t hat, on August 7 and 14 and vio lat io n.
Sep te mber 28, 19 70 , licensee trans- It was or der ed t hai t he G eneral
mi t ted co mmu n icat ions co n ta ining class licen se o f Russell E. Ja ntze n be
language derogatory of cena tn races. suspended for Ihe balance o f t he
Accord ing to t he re po rt, th e licen- license t er m.
T he Spring Auction of the Rock away
1971 BARC Contest
Amateur Radio Club will be held I .Contest Period:
Friday evening, April 23, 197 0, at the PHON E : 000 1 GMT May 15 to02000 U.S.. Cana dian and VP9 statio ns
American Irish Hall, Beach Channel GMT May 16 th 19 7 1. wou ld scor e in exactl y t he same ma n-
Dr. at Beach 8 1st Street, Ro ckaway C.W.: 000 1 Gil-IT J une 19th to'\(\ 200 ncr.
Beach, N.Y. Doors open at 6 p.m. to Gl"IH Ju ne 20th 197 1. 6.vP9 Loc al Scorin g
accep t items for t he sale. A S 1 do na- 2 B ands Bermuda stations will re ceive th ree
tion accepted at th e d oo r ; refresh- T he following ama te ur bands will be points for each com pleted con tact.
ments included . For fur ther info write used : 3,5 , 7, 14 , 2 1 and 28 MHz. The V!'9 mult iplier will be the to tal
A l Smi th , WA2TAQ, Box 34 1, 3.£x changes number of Stat es, Provi nces a nd
Lynbroo k NY 11563 . Amate urs in the U.S., Canada a nd the Counties wor ked on each band used.
U.K. will t ransmit a tw o figure num- 'iEqutp ment
ber. re present ing .the RS repor t plus Any n umb er of t ransmitters and re-
t heir. Stat e, Provm::e.' or Co~ nt y re-
;;itarts: 2000 G:\IT , Sa t. May I, 1971
spectively. CW par ttcip an rs WIll trans-
mit a th ree figure nu mber representing
Amateurs in t he U S Canada and t he
cctvers will he allowed an d competi-
to rs ~ a y use th e ma x lJl~ u m ,power
permi tt e d u nd er t heir licen se.
Ends: 0200 GMT; Mon . May 3,"197 1 U.K . will transmit ' a"two Fig ure num- However" all stat ions part icipati ng
The tent h annual Georgia QSO Par- , ber re prese nting t h.e RS report plus must be single operator only .
ty is sponsor ed b y the Co lumbus
Amateu r Radio Club, Inc. There are ,~ t heir state, provi nce, o r co un t y re-
spectivel y . CW par-tic ipan ts will trans -
H .Pres ent~ t w ,!s ,
R?und trip air transpo rtatlO.n for two
no time or power restrictio ns and
con tacts may be mad e once Oil pho ne
,11. I
mit a thre e figure numb er represcn tmg
th e RST re port plus t heir stat e, pro-
Will be provided for ea ch winner plus
one wee ~'s acc,o mmo d at ion at one o f
and once on CW on each band with vince or coun ty respect ively. VP9 Bermuda s leading hotels to enable th e
the same station. stat ions will give RS or RST repor ts ove:-all winn er s to att end th e Radio
Exch ange: QSO nu mber, RSjRS T re- plus Parish . (U .K. statio ns may use the Society of Bermuda's Ann ual Banqu et
por t , and QTH (co unty for Georgia o fficial RSGB list of abb reviat io ns for to be held on Octo ber 21st to receive
statio ns; state, provinc e, or country " " . .. . . U.K. cou nt ies.) U.S. and Canadian the ir awards.
for others). Sho~n are 'ham. operators commurucenoq With other redio ama.teurs ,dUring the rece~t station s may e xch ange reports with 9A wards
S cor ing: Each comp lete con tact Na~/onal ~/ectromcs Conference attended by.over 5000 electronic engmeers and held In U.K. and VP9 stati on s only. U.K. A trop hy will be presen ted to t he
co unts 2 points . Georgia statio ns mul- Chicago. "he? k~ SR.-2000base stsuoa ~s Ins.talled by Don D~ Jong (W9KYJ) (shown In st ati ons ma y exc hange rep or ts with winn ers o f each sec tio n ( U.K. and
tip ly thei r tot al QSO points by num- foreground With .mlketn hand)and t(leradl0,eqUipment was prOVided by H~/!Jcra fters. From U.S., Canadian and VP9 statio ns on ly. N.A. ). A cer tifica te signed by His
ber of dif ferent sta tes and Canadian left:. Bud D.roblsh (!1'90VA) Hstticmtten AssJSfan~ Sales Manager;, Cliff Mathews, Jr., 4 .Point s Excellency Th e Go vernor of Bermuda
provin ces work ed . DX stations may be H~II!cra fters Marketing Manager, an~ Rudy Napolt,~an, ~f,!ference s General Manager. Each con tact must be complete and will be sen t to the highest scori ng
worked for QSO poi nts but do not Sitting next to Mr. DeJongrepresentingthe women "hams ISEthel F. Marks {WA9ACO}. will count three points . No crossband station in eac h call area as follo ws:
coun t as multip liers. Ou t-of-sta te sta- or cross mode co ntac ts perm itt ed. U.S.A. and Canada : WI th rou gh W'/J
tio ns will use t he number of Georgia 5.S curing and VE l throug h VE7 includ ing V).
co un ties wor ked for their mu lt iplier (a
possible to ta l o f 159 ).
To promote amateur radio to t he
many elect ron ic engineers ill attend - WICHIlA THHI The sco re for U.S., Canadi an and U.K.
stat ion s will be the n um ber o f com-
U.K.: G, GD, GM etc.
10.Log In structions
Awards' Certifi cates to the highes t ance at t he rece nt National Elec- The follo wing equi pme n t was stol- pleted con tac ts times three po int s. Kee p all tim es in GMT and all centes-
scoring sta tion in each stat e, pro vince, tron ics Co nferenc e in Chicago. ama- en fr om t he e mergency com- time s th e tot al num ber of Bermu da rants to compute the ir ow n scores an d
coun try, a nd Georgia coun t y and also te ur radio equ ipme nt provi d ed by m unic ation s t ruck belo nging to t he Parishes work ed on each band used. check iogs for d uplica tio n to assist the
10 the highest scoring Georgi a and Hallicraft ers, Ro lling Meadows, lllin - America n Red Cross in Wichit a, Kan- For example: A U.S. stat ion having Contest Committ ee. Print name and
non-Georgia Novice. Secon d- and ois was used , A 2 kW base station sas: Drak e R-4B Receiver less pow er made a to tal of 500 co n tacts wit h call on each log. All co ntest ant s must
third -place awards will be made in with in the Conr ad Hilto n Hotel was supp ly, serial #1 11250; Drak e T-4XB U.K. and Bermu da stat ions and the sign a s tateme nt that the r ules and
sec tio ns where addi tion al recognit ion installed by Don De J ong (W9KUJ) , t ran smitter less po wer supply, serial follow ing Bermud a Parishes: 28 MHz- regulat ions have been o bserved .
is deem ed to be warran ted. A plaque Chicago Area Rad io Club Cou ncil #1 64 28 R:Gonset " Co mmu nicato r II" 3 Parishes; 21 MHz· 6 Parishes; 14 I I .Eligibility
will be presented to the highe st- Conven tion Chairman. T he " hams" 2m t ransmitter-receiver: Go nser 2m MHz- 3 Parishes; 7 MHz" 2 Parishes; Co ntest winners, regard less of section
scoring o ut-o f-stat e ent ry, to the opera ted t he Hallicraft ers SR-2000 VHF pow er amplifier. Anyo ne with 3.5 MHz- 2 Parishes, t he score wou ld wo n, are ineligible for 11 period of two
Geo rgia club with t he largest aggregate system consi sting of the SR-2000 infor ma tion con cern ing this equip- be 500 con tac ts t imes t hree po in ts" years..
score , and to th e highest-sco ring transc eiver, th e P-20 00 ac po wer sup- mcn t is requ ested to co n tact the 1500 poi nts t imes 16 Parishes " 12. Sh ould th ere he a t ied score. t he
Georgia por tab le or mo bile station ply , the HA20 VFO DX'e r unit and Wichita Police Depart men t, 115 E. 24,000 points finai score. A U.K. decision of the Contest Committee
opera ting wit hin t he st ate outside his microphon e. Willia m, Wichita KS 67201. statio n co mplet ing 500 conta cts wit h wiil be final. All logs must be received

I __ .~.~ ~ _ _ ~ ~
RM-I729 Gary A. Stilwell (W6NJU) by the Co ntest Co mmit tee of the
Canoga Park , Californ ia 12-17-70
Requ est amend men t of the Ama teur
CANClRVIClIM lale Re,orts from lARD RegloR INews Radio Societ y of Bermud a NOT LA-
T ER T HAN Jul y 31st 197 1.
Service Rules to pro vide expansion of
· t he 3.8, 7.2, 14 .2 and 21 .25 MHz
AlDlD BYHAMS Th e fo llowing abbreviations of Par-
ishes will be used o n CWo
telephon y band s " to mo re eq ually
I distribute freq uency allocations be-
_Itwee n t he Extra, Advanc ed and Gen- SOUT HAMPTON SOU
eral class of operato r licenses," HAMILTON . HAM
~ I
The radio cl ubs of Southern Al- PAGET . . PAG
ber ta are hosting t he combi ned 37th Fu rther infor mation can be had by
An nua l w ater to n-Glacler Intern atio nal writing t he I Radio Socie ty of Ber-
· Hamfest - Alberta Harnfest at t he muda, P.O. Box 27 5 Hamilton , or by
beautiful w aterton Lakes National writing t he Cont est Chairman, P.O.
Box 73 , Devonshire, Bermuda.
'~" ,_ I Park, July 17 - 18, 197 1.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11The fifth Rock River Hamven tion will Technic ian
be presented by the Roc k River Rad io CW & PHONE: 50 ,1- 54.0, 145- 147,
Club of Dixon . I L on May 16 fro m 220 -225, 43 0 ~ 45 0 . 1250 -1300, and
fCCPHIIIONSfO RROl! MAKINGflUO 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p .m. at the Lee lip.
Coun ty 4H Center, Amboy , IL, which
is located one-ha lf mile east of the
interse ction of Highway 52 and 30.
Conc rete-floo r buildings are under
contract this yea r, so no dus t prob -
lem. Advanced ticket s $1. 50 , at t he
door $2.00. Plenty of parking and
foo d. Plent y of tab les, all under roof.
Campers welcome. Talk-in freq uency
is 3.950 and 50 .4 MHz. (Ed. Note: No
14 6. 94 FM ?) For tickets send check
or mo ney ord er to Carl Karlso n,
per IW9 ECF, Nachusa, l L 6 1057 .

- 147 FEST
On Apr ll 17, 197 1, the RAGS ham-
fest will be held at Song Mountain off ADVERTISERS
Exit 14 of Interst ate 8 1 so uth of
· Syracu se, New York. T his get-toge ther THAT YOU SAW IT
serves the Nor thern , Central New
Yor k and Sou t hern Tier ama teurs IN 73
· well, and serves to pro mo te all phases
rnc ] in t he ho bby of amateur rad io. EVEN IF
T he hamfest planners have been or-
ganizing for along time to assure t he YOU DIDN'T!!
success of this. If yo u ca n mak e it , DO
I make it!

News Page Two

Dave an d 73 were n o match fo r th e
organi zatio n agains t th em and even-
t ually t he money ran out . Dave gave

ma ny time s over t he few tho usand
dolla rs he earned fro m the Insti t u te
with his ti me an d d evotion to it . An
accounting was made t o th e mem bers
of all t he f unds received by t he
et'fh'U'.Ii- Inst it u t e, wit h 73 mak ing up the
EDI TORIA L BY WA YNE GREEN defici t at t he en d .
THE INSTI T UT E7 T he Inst it ut e has no t been permit- M is where it's hap peni ng righ t International FM
t ed to die en tire ly . I still file with
he rec ent ed itorial go ing in to In order to prove that all mo n ies cong ress as a lo bb y for ama teur rad io
F no w. Have you had t he cha nce to Repeaters aren ' t strictly an Amer i-
lo ok over the rep eater directory in c an p h eno meno n. Reports kee p
T some of my proposa ls for im- coming in were being strict ly account- and, when I can , J perso nally go to
pro ving the League brought con - ed for we published the list o f th e Washin gto n and see as ma ny peop le as
this issue, an d po ssibly com pare it
with th e director y pu blished in 73 one
coming in about int ere sting repeat er
deve lo pme n ts i n Eu ro pe. T h£
sidera ble favo rable mai l, incl ud ing Insti tut e me m bers in 73 . T hus anyone I can in t he limit ed tim e I have year ago? If so , you will h ave noticed DL0STA mac hine , fo r example; in
quit e a number of reques ts that I cou ld easily caicu lat e th e Inst itu te availab le. We have been reprin t ing t he th at wit hi n t hat o ne-yea r per iod, t he Stu ttg art, is re porte d to give excellen t
reconsider star ting the Institute of in co me . Also, if any ama te ur sen t in mo re inte resting new s pages fro m 7 3 act ual n um ber o f operat ing rep eat ers cover age over a very wide area fr om
Ama teur Ra dio again . mo ney and found himself no t liste d and sen di ng them t o co ngressmen . in the U.S. and Cana da has doub led ! its unique lo cati on at o p th e famous
There are undoub ted ly quite a he could t ak e us to t ask fo r t ry ing to Much mor e can and sho u ld be done, Bu t ano t her in teresting fac t is t ha t t he needl e to wer t her e.
number of readers who are a bit ha zy hide income . We felt that this was bu t we are r un ning 73 wit h a sk eleto n avera ge nu mbe r of users per rep eat er If all goes accor ding to plan, Wayne
on h ow th e In stit u te star ted , how it reaso nab ly foo lproof as protect ion for crew an d this means more wor k for ha s also increased subs ta ntially t his and I will get t he chan ce to visit so me
far ed , what it did, an d wha t happene d the memb er ship. everyo ne th an the y can han d le. Even past year , with the res ult that t here of the Euro pea n repeat ers n ext
t o it . Did it really take in tens of Sinc e Our primary pur pose was t o so , we are jus t skin ning through th e are near ly three times as many peo ple mo nt h. I want to ta lk with the re pre-
thousands of do llars t hat I abs conded lay t h e founda ti on for a lo bb y in prese nt dep re ssion , t rying to put o ut using PM today (as compar ed with sen ta uves of the major PM clu bs to
wit h? Was it really t he t hreat t o th e Washingt on o ne o f our first moves was th e biggest ma gazine we can, but sti ll est imates for one year ago), learn what th ey 're doin g in th e way of
League t hat some HQ peo ple th ough t t o subs cribe t o a press clippi ng service maki ng sure th at we stay in b usine ss. A year ago there were two com- standardizat ion of t o nes, fre que n cies,
it was? Did the Instit ute rea lly help so we wou ld get co pies of ail n ews- How ma ny ama teu rs su pported the parues in th e PM tra nsceiver b usiness: control metho ds, etc . If po ssible , I'd
ama leu rs in legal diffi cult ies wit h paper and magaz ine art ic les to uchi ng Institu t e? Certa in ly there must have Varit ro nics and Galaxy . Today ther e like t o of fer assistan ce and len d pub-
grants of money? Did the Institu te on amat eur rad io , With t his valuable been a fe w t ho usand tha t sent in the ir ar e twelve, and more coming. And licit y t o t heir effo rts, so t hat th ey can
really registe r as a lob b y with con - ma ter ial we pu t t ogeth er newsletters mo ney for so valua ble a progra m. In t oday t here is a perip heral ind ust ry avo id some of the problem s our own
gress? Th e Insti t ut e first sta rted back wh ich were sen t to all sen at ors an d fac t, the t ot al n um ber of founding supp orted by the PM crow d - peo ple early eff or ts encountere d . It woul d be
in 19 62 wh en it was in cor pora ted in represe ntatives in Washington as we ll me m bers num ber ed ab ou t 600 . The who mak e cod e ide ntifiers for re- beneficial also to maint ain some de-
New Hamps hire as a non profit mem - as all stat e govern ors. to t al income received fro m th ese peater s, special ant ennas, rf power gree o f com patibilit y betw een Eur o-
bership co rpo ration , The or iginal pur- As th ese ne wsletters co nti n ued to members was S6030. amp lifier s, to ne enco d ers and de- pean and Ame rican syst ems, so as to
pose of t he Instit u te was t o promote extol t h e vir tu es of am ate ur ra d io and Did thi s six t ho u find it s way to my cod ers, sch ematics . Then there are the allo w a max imu m intercha nge of
amat eur radio an d pro vide a working po int t o speci fic in sta n ces o f ama t eur s pock et? What hap pen ed to t his gran d commercial PM sur plus deale rs, spe- ide as.
clu b for ama te urs who were in terest ed saving lives, get tin g th e medic ine sum? Well, $500 was spen t on t he clalia ing in t he "a ma te u rization " of If th e tri p goes off as schedul ed , I
in grou p tr avel. The Instit u te was through, and helping in all sorts of legal def ense of W ~ J RQ 's t ow er case. such well known b reed s as Motoro la , sho uld be able t o return wit h plen ty
pro mo t ed in 1963 primari ly a s a emergencies, t he response from the Not e that the ARR L has yet t o an te RCA, GE , and Aerotro n. o f co lor slides t o share with Ameri can
means fo r grou p trav eling to for eign congr essmen began to escalate . We up one single do llar fo r an am a teur F rom outward appearances, it r~di o du bs. And the next r epeater
coun t ries and this culm in ated in offere d t he m for m lett er s t o he lp figh ting a legal case which could affect wo uld seem th at F M an d repeat ers are directory that 7 3 publishes will be
Oct ob er 1963 wh en t he In stit u te ran a t hem wit h t he ir prob lems wit h con- all of us. T he case ca me ou t success- sha ping the future and destin y of ab le to refle ct th e PM act ion t aking
guided t our to Europe fo r 73 ama - st it ue nts pressuring the m o n CB and fully an d we had a n ice lett er fro m amateur rad io 's highe st po pu lar fre- place all over th e worl d. Wit h this
t eurs an d t he ir families . ham ma t te rs .. . and th ese fo rms were W ~) RQ thank ing t he Instit ut e for quen cies _ t his is som e t hing for wh ich Eur opean visit , I will try to set up a
Th e t our was a reso un ding success. reque ste d in satisfying qu ant it ies, We help ing him over a very ro ugh spo t. we can all be grat eful, because growth line of comm un ications wit h t he
We wen t to Lond o n, Paris, Geneva, mad e sure th a t t he y un der sto od t he Loss o f t he ca se could have been mean s activ ity and a ct ivity means E uropean repeat er princip als so t hat
Rome , an d Berli n. We me t wit h the di ffe re nce between amateu r ra dio an d cat astro phic for ama teur radio . growt h. And a growing, act ive ba nd we in Ame rica can keep abreas t of the
lo cal a mateurs in th ese citi es, got CB, a di st inction t hat is fu zzy or T he clipping service and t he ne ws- wo n' t be snatc hed up because of non - grow th of repea ters in t ho se weste rn
toget he r for dinners, part ies, an d no nex ist en t with much o f th e genera l letter t o con gress accounted fo r abo ut use. Now, for t he first tim e in co unt ries,
o ther events wit h t h em. We even p ublic. $2000 of t he fun ds. An ot her S900 more years than is comfortab le for Something For Free
org anized an audie n ce with t he Pope A well kno wn and respected am a- went fo r me mbersh ip certi fica te s, an y of us to re member, ham radio is As a promoti onal giveaway for
wh ile in Rome! teur in Washingto n volun teered to me mbe rship cards, (an d they were on th e ups wing. Isn 't that groovy ? SAR OC, Wayn e print ed a floc k of
With t he submission of t he petition help as the co ntact man for a spectacular laminated cards), statio- I ~.i ni~ture bum,:e.r stic.kers f?r FM' e~.
for punishment licensing by t he Washington lo bby. He was registered nery, envelopes , stickers, buttons, etc. Paris .. . wha t can I say? The Lido
ARRL in late 1963 I found t hat the by t he Inst itute with co ngress, as Wit h the excep tion of the purchase of ... the flea mar ket . . th e left bank
pressure was really on from 73 readers requ ired by law, as an official lobbyist some used equi pment for Dave (type- t he Ei f fel Towe r . . Th e
for t he Inst it ute to become more tha n for amateur rad io ... the first man writer, file, Ditt o mach ine , pho to- Champs-Blvsees . . . the dre ss bou -
just a t ravel club. T he me mbersh ip fee ever to be so registered! 'co pier, e tc .) most the remainder wen t tiq ues for t he wives .. . and the great
had been set at $1, whic h just abo ut Though the response to ou r pleas for the secretaria l exp enses at W7ZC . friendship of t he Frenc h amateurs.
covered the cost of a membership card for membe rship were disappoin ting, Over a period of about three years duntch! Remember that t he Munich
and certificate , leaving little for an y there was enough money to send out t he Instit ute did rat her well with the Octoberfest is world ren owned . .. a
other work and no ne at all fo r salaries. the news letter to congress as lo ng as litt le mon ey available . The ARR L three -week-lo ng party wit h new wine,
If t he Institute was to be of any value no salaries were paid. I set t he type spen ds over doub le that every mo nt h and incred ible amo unts of beer. Add
to amate ur radio I felt tha t it must for t hese, laid them ou t, past ed th em on nonpublication expen ses . . . to to tha t a visit to the Nymphenb urg
fulfill some of the fu nct ions t hat th e up, made the negatives, st ripped them what a dvantage? T he Institu te did Palace ... and ot her great sightseeing
ARRL ref used to accept as respo n- into flats for making plates, mad e th e help to win an imp or tant to wer case spe c ta c les. Zurich ... inexpensive
sibilities such as a Washingto n lobby , plates, ran t hem t hro ugh o ur small . . . it did keep a representative in va t ch es . .. your own numbered
financia l help to amate urs fighting offset press, folded them.: addressed Washingto n . . . it did send freq uent Swiss bank accou nt . . tiny ba ck
legal suit s which could affect ama teur the envelopes, and rna-Bed t hem. It mailings to congre ss. On the negative str eets with fascinati ng stores . . . toy
radio seriously, publ ic relation s for was one hell of a lo t of work, but I side, it pro bably cau sed t he League to sho ps . .. woo dcarving. . and a gour-
amateur radio , etc. didn't know any ot her way to get it spend up to $20 ,000 of t he member" me t pa ra dis e of fondue bo ur-
Th is was a big bite and wo uld need don e. ship mo ney in fighti ng t he Inst itu te. guignonne and o ther specia ls.
more inco me tha n seemed reaso nable Then t he atta ck began . Letters be- Since th e League is able to defeat Am sterdam ... the city of cana ls
ta ex pect if it were to be effective. gan arriving from amateurs saying t hat any new organiz atio n tha t comes .. more t han Venice! Great foo d
After discu ssing th is with quit e a ARRL direc tors had been to t heir along by spending whatever is nee ded Re mbrand t's home . . . Anne
number of influenti al amateurs, indi- clubs and ridic uled t he Instit ute. to st op it , the re seems li tt le use in F rank's hous e ... ine xpensive jewelry
vid ually, as well as at clu bs and WARN, an underground bu lletin alleg- tryi ng to go th at ro ute. The Institute . . . and chocolate!
conventions , I decided t hat it was edly finance d by t he League, was sen t was organized explicitl y to augmen t our tour will be limited to 73
wort h making a try . But wou ld t he regularly to every amateur listed in 73 th e League by performing functio ns amat eu rs (incl uding t heir wives). T he
amateu rs support a new club ? Com- as a me mber of the Institute. WAR N t hat the League had no intention of cost of the to ur, includ ing j et to
placency and apat hy were running rid iculed anyone stupid eno ugh to perfo rming . and still it was effec- Europe , flight s between all cities, all
deep and 1 realize d t hat I was gam- sup port th e Institute, suggested im- tively killed off. Any t hreat, no mat- ho te l acco mmod ation s, breakfas ts,
blln g that th ere were enoug h amat eu rs pro prieties and went on at u n belie v- ter how remote, mus t be stopped. and tra nsportatio n to and fro m th e
serio usly interested in the future of able lengt h repeatin g t he ARR L line airports probably will run on t he
th e hob by to support what 1 had in tha t on ly one nat iona l orga nizat ion order of 5800 per person for a three-
mind . was needed and that anyt hing else was IN OCTO BER week trip . We are going to have a
We decided to set t he year ly mem- bad for ama teur radio . WARN was Many of t he amateur s tha t wen t on wond erfu l time , .. how abo ut joi ning
bership fee at $ 10. This was high sent to just about every amat eur club t he 196 3 tour of Europ e have asked us? A S200 deposit per person will
co mpa red to the ARRL, but t hen t he in t he Cou nt ry affi liated wit h the t hat we again organize a t rip. We came ho ld a reservat ion for you . You may
Institu te was int ended to provide a lot League. close a co upl e of years ago , but cancel at any time with a full refu nd
more for the amate ur than t he ARR L The attack was successful. The emergen cies put' a halt to our plans: u p un t il August first and with a 75%
had to offe r. Compared to nat iona l .' trickle of memberships dwindled to a We are again th ink ing in terms of a refu nd up until September first. But
clubs in other fields the $10 was drib ble. This unfo rtu nat ely coincided possib le trip this fa ll to Euro pe remember, we can onl y handle 73
small. We fell th at the propsect of a wit h a long period of sick ness on my . . . and perhap s one nex t spring. peop le ; so it has to be first -co me,
Washington lobby, legal help, P.R., part when I was totally un ab le to Th e tour would start in earl y first-serve d.
and other programs wou ld be of far work. The Inst itu te directors wo rked October and is tentatively schedu led Lunches and d inne rs are no t
more value th an the League 's offering har d to find someone to replace me as to st o p at Paris, Mun ich, Zurich, and included on the assumption that mo st ! I I IU t
of a code practice statio n, bu lletins, acting secret ar y of t he Institu te, final- Amsterda m. October was chosen for ,- _._
peop le will want to have l J1 ~l1 J1U .. see and do.
l~ l~
and an almost ph antom organization. ly selecting a well know n and active several reason s . . . Euro pe is still and such take n care of but will want T he hotels will be good , but no t
And besides, we d id have the mak ings amateur, Dave Middelton (W7 ZC), an warm at th at time of year but no t to be free other than th at so t hey can thos e darne d imit atio n America n
of our own "WI AW" fo r code prac- ex-AR RL direc tor! Dave, with the ho t . .. no t too rainy . the summe r go sightseeing , visit local ama teurs , hotels which take all the Euro pean
tic e an d bulle tins. if t hat was wanted help of his wife, wor king fo r a sma ll cr ush is over ... off-seaso n airline and experime nt with inte rest ing restau- flavor ou t of travel.
by t he membersh ip. salary to keep t he Ins t it u te - going. hot el rates save cons iderable mo ney . rants, and such . I have a good deal of Best of all, we will all be amat eurs
T he response to the $10 mem ber- work ed hard to overc ome the cam- We are pla nning on a get-t ogeth er ex perience in t hese cities, and will be an d traveling toget her .. . and that is
ship was not encouraging. Several hun - paign against the Institu te , keeping wit h amat eurs in each of th ese cities on han d all along the line to advise what makes t he real fun. How abou t
d red amateurs supported th e program . infor matio n go ing to congress. so we can get to know th em. and mak e suggestions as to wh at to it?

News Page Three

mail, stric tly on the up and up . You As you can readily see , r have made "I LOVE THE BANJO " my lat est
7 just n ever can tell! no effo rt to list these sta tio ns by the Ste reo LP 36 tun es Dixie to Classics
number of credits , since we inte nd to ba njo solo $4 .95 PP. Richetieu , The
he fo llo wing sta ti ons app eared on bring all scores up to date in t ime for Banjo Man , W9JS, 2 i5 S. Washingto n,
!it' Oa~id · ·Mann K2AGZ

T the last pub lished WTW list , sev- inclusion in the comp let e list which
era l mon ths ago. They are, by no will app ear in a coup le of mo nth s.
Wheaton IL 60 I 87.

means, the only certi ficate ho lders Also , those statio ns who were pre- TRANS ISTOR CHECKERS . .Port-
T he WTW program has not kept cur-
rent for a very lon g time, neither
from the stan dp oin t of suf ficient cover-
Of cours e, it go es wit hou t saying
th at any acco unts of suc h OX ope r-
ations will also be welcome . We wou ld
. . . several of th em have upd ated viously listed for WTW-100, and who
their score s, and have wo n awards o n subseq uen tly achi eved WTW·200 have
able, check sur plus specials fast. Sim-
ple plug in test tel ls NPN PNP good
age in th ese pages, no r on t he part of differen t ba nd s. Although the list as it received dual listi ng. In fut ure, any nogood . . .$5 po stp aid . W6PJ N. Box
like to in clud e them, for they help to 6 1] , Clovis e A 93 727.
th o se ha ms who forme rly showed en coura ge others to opera te similarly . ap pears here is not f ully accurat e , It is stat ion which upgrades in to a higher
int ere st in it. Above all , WTW has In line with thi s, we are also int ereste d as good a sta rting place as any to pick cat egor y will auto matically be deleted
suffere d from neglect o n t he par t of up the awa rd program where it teft from the first list . SA LE - 75A4 $325, C.E. 10DV ne w
in he aring wha tever ite ms yo u might
th e WTW editor, name ly myself. off . It is hop ed th at by the time the As stated befo re, all lists will be 2API scope tube excellent con dit ion
ma nage to pick up in yo ur on-t he-air $ 30 0 . F OB Burt Weid enh amer
There are man y reasons for the situa - contacts with stat ions planning un- next list is publis hed , it will be up to exam ined for co untries worked in
date as to scores , and th ose sta tions 1966 . These mus t be wor ke d again , if K4 DVT , 3761 18th Ave , N., St .
tion, and while it migh t be of some usual or off-th e-beat en track OX oper- Petersburg F L 33 7)3 .
value to ex amin e th em, th ere wo uld ati ons . whic h are o mit te d inadvertentl y will cred it for them is to be maint ained . If
be litt le po int t o it, unless for the Please bear in min d , the success of a be included. th e country no longer exists, it will
pu rpose of avoidin g the same prob - DX feature dep ends in large measure 7 MHz CW 100 simpl y be credited to you r overall
GET YOUR "FIRST!" Memo rize ,
lem s in th e futu re. upon the cooper ation and participa- W4BY B CN8F C total (l st figure) an d another co untr y
st ud y - " 197 0 Test-Answers" for
One th ing is abu nda ntl y clear : un- tion of con tributors , fo r withou t them W3WlD WAIiJOAI must be wor ked to bring the current FCC Fi rst Class Licen se, plus "S elf-
less immediate steps are taken to it becomes a one -man show, lack ing in W8ZCK figure (2n d) up to sn uf f. Study Ability Test." Proven. $5 .00.
remedy th e a ilment, the patient is in suffi cient breadth and sco pe. I will VE3BLU W4HA Command , Bo x 26 348-8 , San Fr an-
da nger of succu mbing , For th at reason rel y up on your inte rest and willing- W5AB ZL3MN Drawings for the new cert ifica te are cisco CA 94 126 .
we are go ing to tak e a ga nde r at it , ness to pitc h in with wha te ver Items W3NKM on the board an d w ill be sen t to t he
make some significant changes, an d 14 MHz ew 100 printer shortly. They will be sent ou t MOTOROLA PT ·3 00 · 5 -WATT
you can send in. W8WAH
see j f we can 't pump some life in to WB6NWW as soon as possible. Please be pati ent , WALKIE TALKIE . Two icad bat-
Hopefully , we can make up all the VE3 EL A teries, charger. .34 - .76; .34 - .94 ;
the old bo nes. lost grou nd in the WTW program and K4CE B WA4WTG an d bear with us, and please don't
W8EV Z send in any inquiries, corrections, or .94 - .94; .34- .76 , .94 ; .94 - .76 , .94.
A numbe r of parti cipant s have co m- get it going again . I can assur e you W6MEM
W4CRW up dated score s un til I give wor d that Excellent co nd iti on $300 . Ro bert
plained abo ut the overly large cert ifi- that if sincer it y o f pur pose and ene rgy WA2EOQ Go ld W9GB D/8 , 673 1 Rushton, Day-
cate , and have suggest ed that it be WA 2DIG we are ready to hand le th em. Okay?
cou nt fo r an yth ing, WTW will be a WB6RMZ ton OH 4543 1.
redu ced to the same dimensions as the K81KB 71/tiud DX de K2AGZ-
healt hy and vita l prog ram . . o ne in K5BXG
DXee award. This shall be done as which you will be hap py to part ici- WB6SH L WA40PW
soon as the prin ter can pro duce th em. pat e. W9HF B W8BVF
Also , all prior certificate s will be W50 DJ W60HU
replac ed with new ones at my ex- fter the long , long wait for WB2TKO W8FPM
pense . These will incorporate up da te d
scores. Toget her with t he new certifi-
A Laccadives to ap pear , it finally
showed up over the lon g path o n 20
~~~~$S K2QO U
cates, each recipient will receive a set meters. The boys were transmi tt ing ~~BXG f VE6AKV
of repo rt form s, to be filled in and below our band and listen ing be tw een WA~~~D K5TGJ MA NUAL S - $6 . 5 0 e ac h :
filed on a quar terly basis, so as to 14 .270 - .300 . I had a miserable case W K4VKW R - 39 0 / URR , R -3 90A / URR ,
bring all scores up to date for in- of iaryn giti s, but spent two days at it, W2~~~K SVl)WL U SM -2 4C, BC -63 9A, SP-60 0JX ,
clu sion in th e WTW ro lls, which wilt and fin ally got a contact . r be lieve the K~TSJ W3SE J BC -34 8 JN Q, UR M-25 D, SELL OR T RADE, HT 40 transmit ter
be pr inted in the magazine four t imes operat or at the time was Ven kat, WB2NSG TS -497B/URR, ARR -7, OS-8C/U , SX7 1 Revr. 2K. PEP Linear. Inte r-
yearly . signing VU5KV . Signals were no t of K4GXO C V - 5 9 I A / U RR , B C- 77 9 B , este d in 2 meter FM gear , no junk. E.
There will no longer be separate the best qua lity . As usual, the long- 14 MHz Pho ne 200 3C5QK(V E5) TS -I 86D/UP , FR-5/U. S. Consalvo, DeCobert , 609 Henrietta St. , Gillespie
certificat es issued for 100, 20 0 , an d hau l stuff showed up at ar ound daw n , W4NJ F W8ROe 49 05 5 Roa nne Drive, Washington DC IL 62033 .
30 0 or more coun trie s, but endorse- her e on the East Co ast , and the band ~~~bZ WI EED 2002 1.
ment sti ckers inst ead . After the basic dro ppe d out after a coupl e of hours. K6CAi F R7Z G surg e capacitor s. Long=48 , shor t
100 country awar d is issued , all sub- At his best, he was about 5/7 her e, OE 2EGL TION , May 22-23, War Memorial = 3 2 -1 50 0 P IV d io d e s. G e t
sequent totals will be covered in althou gh from some folks' rep orts , t he W3AZD WiPCeD Building, Vint on , Va. Rt. 24 (Off 300/600/1200 rna . Insuiate d Mount-
2C'-countr y increments, to be attached signals were much better than I cou ld XE2YP 460 - in Ro anok e Co unt y . Saturda y ing. Long $6, shor t $5. Qua nt ity
to the certifica te by the holder him- co py. Or was it ju st a case of gilding WA2SFP 2 1 MHz CW 100 6 PM Registration & Socia l. 8 :30 PM d iscount. WA5UNL, 542 9 46th ,
self. These en do rsements sha ll be is- the lily ju st a tri fle? WA5 LOB VE6TP First nighter Round & Square Dance. Lub bock TX 79414 .

sued upon receipt of the. aforemen - The anno ying thing about an opera- WB2WOU WB2UDF Figures by Andy Anderso n - Music HOBBYI S TS - Elect ron ic compo-
tio ned quarterly reports. Only sub- tion like this one, where the OX WIMMV WA6GLD nents at h uge savings. Transistor s,
by the Top Not ches. Free Western
missions made in this prescribed man- statio n sits o utside our band and K8YBU Square Dance Demon strat ion. Casual 2N 356fi and 2N3567, 6 fo r 2 5¢,
W!i'RRS 2N36 38, 4 for 25¢ , capaci to rs lO¢,
ner w ill be considered for end orse- listen s up above, is the growth of a PY3BXW WA90TH or western dress, please. Sunday 7 AM
me nts or listi ng in the quarterly WTW mob of. self-appoin ted mon itors, rid- W6MEM Registr at ion & Free Cont inenta l carbo n resistors 5¢. Thousands of
W\lJDAK comp onen ts. Cata logue free . SASCO
standings. ing herd on the DX tran smit fre- WB2NYM WA9NSR Breakf ast. Largest Flea Market held in
the Roanoke Division . All dealers in- Electron ics, 1009 King St., Alexandria
Apart from these changes, t here is quency . This can be pretty unnerv ing VA22 3 l4 .
one other. Two new categories will be After all, in these days of transceivers, 14 MHz Phone 100 2 i MHz CW 200 vited . No fees. Contest - Homebrew
established as a permanent, ongo ing it is very easy, in the heat of the W4NJF W40 PM - Mobilerig - QSL - Leftfoo t Send-
in g . Pi cn i c area - Playgro und - THE SPRING A UCTION of the Rock -
part of the program. WTWM, con- chase, to forget to use the exter nal vfo WSKUC away Amateur Radio Club will be
sisting of co ntacts with DX mobile and wind up calling on th e wrong W3DJZ 2 1 Iv1H1. Phon e 100 Lu nch - Displays - Traffic Session .
held Fri day evening April 23rd at 3
QRG . The moment this happens , at W4CCB Gu e s t speaker: JOE GALESKI
stati ons, and MWTW, consisting o f DX WA2FQG W4IMR. Regist rat ion $ 1.50 ea , 4 fo rp.m. at the American Irish Hall, Beach
contacts from your mobile. In all least two do zen guys , all wit h kilo- W2PV (WA2SF P) WA2SF P Channe l Drive at Beach glst St.,
$5.00 . Write : Ro anoke Valley ARC,
oth er respects, th e same rules app ly watts , chime in to tell the guy he's out K6CAZ K9PPX Van Wimmer , Rt. 4 , Box 446, Salem Rockaway Beach NY. Corne to the
. .. o ne band, one mode. of th e band. rn some cases they te ll W\lJ NGF W6YMV best Auction in the New York area.
VA 24 153.
We are now approaching a point hirr; a lot more tha n tha t , too . The W3MAC For furth er inform ation writ e to Al
WA4WTG Smith , WA2TAQ , P.O. Box 34 1,
when the five-year limitation on coun- resultant din is much worse t han the K I SHN W9 NNC COLOR ORGAN KITS $7 .50. IC
try longevity is being implemented . small amou nt of QRM caused by the K81KB WASDAJ Power Sup ply Kit $2. IC's $.25. Com- Ly nbrook NY 11563 .
You will recall tha t one of the reg- fellow who forgot. But I supp ose it W6YMV W8WRP put er Grade Electrol yti c Capacit ors
ulat ions in t he program calls for the gives some guys with big mou ths WISEB $.35. XMT R Tran sistor T RW PT369 0 WEST COAST HAMS buy the ir gear
deletion of those cou ntr ies worked something to think about while the y WAS LOB $1. Used vartacs. Nuvist ors. Catalog. fro m Amrad Supply Inc. Send fo r
talk ! Most of the time , the stations W4TRG
WB2080 Murphy, 204 Roslyn Ave.. Carie Place flyer. 1025 Harrison St., Oakland CA
prior to five years previous ly. They WASLOB NY 115 14. 94607 . 4 5 I-7755, area code 41 5.
have to be wor ked again in order to which get on the wrong spo t by WB2NYM W6MEM
qualify. Of course , this means that mistake recti fy it prompt ly, but KP4 RK K4VKW WABASH CO. AMATEUR RADIO :\fl U TARY SURPLUS. All new. Elec-
those cou ntries which no longer exist t here were a couple of times when I WIMMV WAIE UV CLUB'S Third Annual Hamfest, Sun- tronics, devices, components. Com-
will simply be dro pped from t he tot al heard th em continue calling for ten WA9KQs W2VBJ day , May 23 . Rain or shine! Door pare and save. Cata log 10¢ (stamps or.
score. We plan, therefore, to estab lish min utes aft er having been told to QSY WA4WIP prizes, major prize drawing , F lea Mar- coin) . Electronic Systems, P.O. Box
KSHYB 206 , New Egypt NJ 085 33 .
a listi ng similar to ' DXCC , in which up the band . I guess some guys are W4FPW WB2RLK ket , Bingo for the XYL's, and mu ch
two figures are given, t he first one ju st st ubborn. K90 TB WA8FVK more. $ I do nat ion for ad mission : For
being the total countries wor ked in- Well, anyway, it felt good to polish W4JV U W4SYL more information write to Bob
FOR SALE - Fir st copies 73 Maga-
cluding deletion s, and t he second on e off this one, especially aft er it had WA4R MXj DL5HH W1EED Mitti ng, 663 N. Spring St., Wabash IN
zine Vol 1 No . 1 Oct 1960 t hru Dec
being the current score, coun ting only been scru bbed a few years ago with W4FPS 4 6992 . 1962 . Comp lete except for Nov 1960
valid credits. those oth er four rare ones. K3YGJ
As to add itional DX activity in the VE6AKP
WA7BPS IHOTOROLA IIT -lOO Fantastic new issue. 26 issues in all, in mint condi-
e keep hearing persisten t ru- K2BQO 21 MHz Phone 200 unit used but a few! mo nths. 2 freq. tio n. Make off er. A. S. Cooke, 2 1 SI.
pages of 73, we are going to institu te a .94-.94 & .28-.88, complete with char - Paul's Court, Brooklyn NY 11226 .
regular OX feature , consisting of ap-
propri ate DX items, QSL informa tion ,
W mors about three of th e most W3AZO
wanted countrie s. Bouvet, Clipperton, WA5DAJ ger 5375 .00. E. Agoston K8TIC,
11535 Dunh am Rd ., Northfield OH GREENE - water ti ght center insu la-
advance notice of DXpedit io ns, etc. and Sout h Sandwich. To the best of OZ3SK 440 67. tor with or without BALUN - a very
We solicit items of DX interest fro m my ability to track these down , they ZUOY tough ite m to beat - flier free.
the readership, so that we may be as remain ju st rumo rs. There is no evi- K4RZ K DRAFTI NG SER VICE - For Hams, GR EENE INSULATOR, Box 423,
efficient as possible in covering the dence to suggest any thing more t han W40PM E ngineers - Professionally Inked - Wakefield RI 02880.
full picture. And, speaking o f pictures, wishful thinking and a vivid imag- W2PV (WA2SFP) Ready for Publication - 20 Years Ex-
we also solicit as much illustr at ive ination. Some guys suffer from a pe ri e n c e - For information send TWO 82 8l!4CXl SOOOA wjsockets
material as possible. If you operate pathetic willingness to sub stitu te id le 28 MHz Phone IDO SASE - R. Wildma n , 8512 Acapu lco $200 ea ; 75A4, Spkr , & 32V l Mint
from a vacation OX QT H, using a chitc hat for cold, hard facts . W2PV (WA2SFPj Way No . 2, Stockto n CA 95207 . $550 .00; 4CX250B w/sock ets $8.00
reciprocal license, or fro m the shack If and when these or other items W4GJO ea ; Two KT-176 /PRC-IO 6 Mtr FM
materi alize, yo u will be advised of it W5YPX FABULOUS OLD TIME RADIO 520 .00 ea. RA 74D for Su per pro
of a residen t ham 's location , make SHOWS on tape . Drama, comed y. 525 .00. WA4YND, 210 Craemc Dr.,
sure that you can get so me good here. Meanwhile, if you happen , to WASLOB
myster y. Catalog free . RADIO RE- Nashville TN 372 10.
quality snapshots of the action, so hear anyt hing from a guy claiming to W2VBJ RUNS, P.O. Bo x 724 , Redmo nd WA
tha t we can include it in our month ly be on one of these rare spot s, work WASDAJ 98052 . SWAN 350C transceiver 550 watts
column. If you can manage to include him first and ask question s later . I W6MEM CW/SSB wit h calibrato r, excellent
some local color (prefer ably in biki- have had a numbe r of experiences like WB2R LK WANT TO BUY OR TR ADE F OR: con dition. 5400 .00 . Gary Jord an
nis) so much t he bet ter. Who wants to this, when everybody called the sta- WI PCD Surplus L·C-R bridge, 455 kc panada p- WA6TKT, 629 Manhattan Avenue,
loo k at picture s of yagis and quads, tions phonies and pirates, and then W8WEJ 28 MHz Phone 200 ter . David Potter, 284 4 San Gabriel, Hermosa Beach CA 9025 4. Includes
'anyhow? sub sequently a QSL showed up in the WI EED W2PV (WA2SF P) Austin T X 78705. I l 7XC power supply!
Small, ef ficient , po rtable. co u ple of years, we' ll have $60 - 70 Novice a nd have been so for almos t a I t hink Wayne is trying to do fo r
Perha ps: Take it all wit h yo u wit h a 5W 220 MHz transceivers fo r the year now . Being very in terested in ham radio what Ralph Nade r is trying
ho bby band . In fac t, there will prob- to do for t he na tio n as a who le. And I
LETTERS Fo rd Bronco a -wheel-drive veh icle.
Now , while not all of Mr. Fo rd 's o r
Mr. Honda's merchand ise wou ld be
adverti sed , t here are a few select
ably be a bigger technical ad va nce
with RM-16 33 tha n even 2 mete r FM.
As far as licensing goes . I 'm a
a ma teur rad io I feel t hat I a m a bo ut
read y to pursue t he General class
lice nse. Bet wee n my electro nic back-
ground , your st ud y series on the
feel sure t hat th e majorit y of th e
memb ers o f ou r grou p arc of th e same
mind .
pro duc ts wit hin t hese and o ther fields Genera l and I'll be going for Adva nced Genera l and t he ARRL handbook I F r Paul
t hat mos t ce rta inly wo uld be int er- in a few mon th s. I' m in favor of have the theo r y pretty well d own. The St. J WII'pll IIo.•pit al
esting to radio a mateu rs. incentive licensing if for no reason t hing I feci I need most is th e code (Ijtumw a IA 52511 1
th an to have a mo re compete nt ha m speed. I list en to t he code sessio n
Article Index Yo u a lso seem unhappy th at Collins fra tern it y. I kno w I' d have never go ne nightl y o ver WIAW and the o ne t hing I like t he Januar y cover, but mus t
In researching amateur radi o art i- Rad io docs not deem you r magazine to t he t rouble to get an Advanced o r t hat infuriates me to no end is the we wait till she ma kes t he ce nterfo ld
cles via December issue indexes, [ find wort hy of adv er tising doll a rs. T ry Ex unless it was necessary. In fact , I'd QRM Iha t takes place on the same of Playbo y to find o ut her tech nical
that yo ur Dec. 70 Ind ex is possibly t his: First, discontinu e all of those like to t hink of the ho bby hand as frequency. Not to co mpletely ru le o ut sta tistics"!
the worst in all of hamdom. Please wonde rfu l co nstr uction ar ticles. After sort of a " renewable sub-Novice." coincidence, but o n 3.52 0 a nd 7.020 Mikr K7I.YK
change! Tha nk you. all, ho w do yo u expec t on e to buy May be wit h t he addi tio nal inco me, MHz, sho rtly before and after eac h 116 Ste wart St.
Alfred A. Assaiante Co llins, when there are a ll t hose mar- t he FCC co uld get rea listic o n all sessio n, is reasonably clea r. As soo n as St>a UI.,W A 9 IHO I
velou s, current . sta te-of-t he-art con - lice nse fees and back off t he stiff Ihe sessio n starts t ho ugh, it is shee r
213 SI.- J aJllC5 PI struct io n aructes there? Second, in
Merchan tville NJ 08109 tariffs. frustration to t ry to co py 13 o r IS Eat yo ur heart out.
o rder to fill th e magazine, initiate Still is t he best co nstr uctio n mag wpm. So the object of my letter is to
colu mns of Who's Who in OX, DX .Ken
A U f/gilt. fo r my book . Keep up the goo d wo rk. remind all hams, members and non-
stan dings , and o the r trivial details, Oh by t he way , t he worst t hing t hat -members of the ARR L, that they are Rcpc eter In fo
.Ken such as listing the top stations in a co uld hap pen to 73 is to merge it wit h no t really hu rting the League bu t I wish to co ngrat ulate your mag-
160 Mete rs partic ular con test. T his designed to QST!! J ust improve QST if a ny th ing. hur li ng their fellow hams and wou ld- aztne o n t he repea ter directory data in
Why do n' t you gel out ah ead of foster in the readership an atti tu de of: Ed Malllwi WASGZ U be hams t rying to better th emselves in th e April \ 9 70 issue, no on e sho uld be
those o ther magazines and give us "G ee, Joe Blo w dow n t he st reet has 7 118 K i llli:~w.y their chose n hobby. Thank yo u. without it.
so me ar ticles on 160 me ter home brew on e mor e co unt ry t han I do , I'd be t ter H ou ~(on T X 7711 17 TllOInas C. LawrenceWN4QLW li on S. n ij:;llt·llo
gear of all kinds? A good tra nsis- get 3 Co llins." " Hey, AI Pal across 1704 Avondale Or. See. Trt'a ~lI rer
to wn wor ked mo re statio ns Iha n I d id I thi nk 73 mag is the greatest , a nd
tori zed receiver, QR P xmt r, a nd a ny- if Wa yne ever star ts a nothe r rad io Altavista VA 245 17 CCAltS
t hing e lse t hat wou ld fit in. T here arc d uring the last co ntest, I'd be tter get a
new Colli ns." "Oh, boy, I slipped o rga nization or beco mes d irector of
st ill so me of us who like to hc mebrew ARRL, I'll be o ne o f t he first to jo in. Lice nses Personnel a t th is base are very
yet. And t his is where I t hink we have do wn in t he DXCC standings, I'd Shame on Ravin' Dave (L ea ky much loo king for ward to yo ur much
bett er get a new Collins linear." Third, 73's Advanced and Extra class st ud y
lost our fire in ham radio . A shack fu ll guides are ou tst anding. Lines, Ja n. 73 ) Most of the techs I needed repeater di rec to ry as the y go
of ho mebrew gear will bu ild up far in my program, cance l my subscrip- know got t heir licenses honestly and I to assignmen ts all over th e co un try
tio n, as whe n yo ur magaz ine det er- JoS("plJ Eo Fu ll~t1a Jr .
more excitemen t than a shack full of WH6 UUO do hope we get so me lO-meter priv- fro m here. Sec you o n 2m.
commercial gear. Do enjoy the edi- iorates t his far, I will no lo nger be ileges. I'd like those privileges to be Jo hn W. Pnt fcrxou WB4H KE/5
tor ials a nd I think yo u' ve got a 101 of int erested in it. Kill t he Umpire! fo r CW ope ration since we techs have Pre~ ill t'lIt , KSTYI'
t he Iellas thinking. I have a poo r opi nion of Collins. I Ho w abo ut look ing around fo r an- virtua lly no way of in-the -field im- ABPS (AMATE uu RAUl O)
Lawrence H. Moore W7NJ U have never see n a demons tratio n by other editor. Fran kly, t he magazine is provement. As for Cond itionals - I K('~8Ie r AFB, Bilox i MS
. 4 17 West Sth Collin s where t hey did not cast as- not too int eresting to a lo t o f us agree t hat t he Co ndi tional license is a
Jerome IU 83338 persion s on a ll amate urs who d id no t readers. It seems you are lea ning mo re grea t mistake. Provisions sho uld be We appreciate the att entio n you are
buy Collins eq uipment, a nd especially to ward t he VHF a nd rna ny o f us made fo r thos e for whom it is impos- giving to t hose interested in FM.
We can' , buy articles that you/elias upon those who choose to bu ild t heir cou ld care less for high freq uency. sible to reach a testing statio n to KE' 1iAdam8 K4MOC
don't write. o wn rigs. T his incl udes th e Clevela nd RTTY UGH! T he mag is not as good receive their tests by mail, but I do n' t Presid enf, Caro lina R.·p"at f'r Socie t)'
.Ken lIa mvention , t he Dayton Hamvention , as it once was bu t t hen again QST is believe a ham should be denied th e Route 2, Box 3 11
and guest speakers at o ur o wn loca l wors e, and I have been su bscribing to elements he has already passed when Colu mble SC 292 03
Lifer rad io club. it for almost 50 yrs. O n the o t her he wishes to upgrade his licens e.
Enclose d is chec k for lifetim e sub- At o ne, I wit nessed a de mo n- hand, maybe it is me ; when you are We her e in Idaho are for tu nat e to T he Long R un
scriptio n to 73. 73 is th e best a ll stration where th e demonstr atio n was 65 and ret ired, thin gs seem to bot her have two periodical test ing stations- Here in Rene , they are now d oing
round amate ur magazine o n t he mar- a " ho mebrew" tran smitt er of in- you more, you are not so permissive . Spokane, Washi ngton and Misso ula, big thi ngs wit h FM long hauls:
ket. Keep up the good wor k. novative design, and Ihe "operato r" T. F.. B llrm ri~t f' r WIlBSS Montana. But some ham s in North Local 146.94 goes to a remo te base
Thomas W. Barefoot WN4PV M actua lly blew it up ( 3 small fireworks 862 Qu arr y Dr . Da ko ta, Sou th Da kota , and Mo ntana locally, wh ich hauls it d own to th e
display) a nd co mmented , " Well, if I'd Clr vdanrl 0 1144 12 1 are for ced to travel great dist ances QT II, a nd t hen it goes back u p to t he
Straiah ten Up! bought Collins, I woul dn 't have t his (over 300 miles) to ta ke their tes ts in remo te , base and ce rnes o ut on six
What's wit h a ir t he sideways-printed tro u ble." Whereu pon he lau nched into Sorry , OM. 73 Is trying to appeal to person . My suggestio n is tha t the FCC me ters. O n 6 mete rs, it's passed on to
ma terial in t he fro nt of t he magazine? a le ngt hy speech about t he wo nderfu l th e young and octille. So I can't see ta ke so me of t he mon ey gain ed by Bisho p (a long way ofO. It's picked up
I've bee n able to ignore it up to no w, Collins radios . why you-don't really dig QST. lice nse-fee increases and se t up mo re at Bishop a nd goes o n 2 me ters to
but wit h the Contents (& W2NSD/ I ) I sincere ly hope yo u will find t he .Ken t wice-ann ual testin g sta tions. T hen th e Rogers Mo untain, where it goes o n

now askew, you 've pushed me t oo far . foregoin g suggestio ns help fu l. What can a 64-year-old SWl. d o t o Con dit ional class cou ld be do ne away 450 to W6 SLR (Blue Ridge repeat er ,
How abou t stra ighte n ing up an d fly ing Michael R . Han na K8 UUO help to promote a new hob by chan- wit h a nd th o se who feel th ey are too in Cali forn ia) , and th en ou t again on
right? 6503 Or chard nel. far to tak e t heir tests would have no 146 .94 ... and w e t hen wind up talk-
J. H. Gilbre th Parma 0 114 4 129 We th in k it wo u ld help to clea r u p room fo r gripes. ing to Los An ge les and /or Las Vegas,
116 8 Ke nyo n Dr. No , not too helpful, ex cep t that t he boo tlegging and som e T V inte r- St ill e njoy 7 3 as m uch as ever an d It 's awful, but it wo r ks a nd is great
Ft . Wash ingt o n PA 190 34 !l O ll' we can stop worrying abou t feren ce and C B cha nnel s. ho pe to see all t he fine d epa rt ment s fu n ... till the ragche wers ge t on t he
Colli ns ever ad vertising in 73. V.M . Btosser gro w, I loo ked at a cop y of Q ST the cha nnels and do t hings,
Since the news mate rial ill 73 is C ree n O il Ton ight Write your congressma n suggest ing other day and found it the same Wan t me to say Ihat again ?
abou t 90· out of phase with th e I have been read ing 7 3 magazin e fo r imm ediate passage of RM -1633. ou t mode d OX goss ip shee t as ever. Art nro(her ~ W7NVY
techn ical content of the magazin e, over t wo year s and I' ve rea lly enjo yed Ca HIYBeare WA7 PEE -WA7P NQ Box 2 124
tt seems only reasona ble to prillt your great magaz ine. Yo u have said I am in the pro cess of gett ing my Box 6 5 R t~1l0 NV 895 05
it so, We do recognize that many many ti mes that each and every ham licen se again afte r le t ti ng it lap se 20 Coo co lalla ID 838 13 Makes me miss the good old days in
reeders have worn a deep rut has a respo nsibility t o spr ead th e word years ago . Thin gs have changed and the land where thing s happen.
til th eir handli ng of magazines and of ha m radio to th e pub lic. you r maga zine hel ps me " cat ch-up " as Need CW Help
J ust got J anuary 73 an d it is grea t. I .Ken
th us fi nd it difficult to make th e I t hink I have t he ans wer to reac h we ll as it provid es in ter esting ar ti cles
c hange requi red. For th ese un- as ma ny people as po ssib le . Wayne and pro jects . rea lly like inver ted attic antennas, and 1\l y ~t ..r y
fo rt unate so uls we have t wo possibly Gree n needs to become a guest on One pro ble m I'm encou ntering. I am co nsidering t he possibili ties of a W h a t ' s th e s t o r y b eh in d
helpful suggestions. First t hey might J o hnny Cars on's To n ight TV sho w whic h might be o ne fo r o t her new- 40 m array. O ther articles e njoyed are WA9XYZ ?? No " X" calls a re issued
consider learning to read vertically a nd tell t he vast nu mber o f TV view- co mers as well, is the ex ten sive usage A mateur S t udy Guide and There is a e xce pt fo r e xp erime n ta l sta t ions fro m
. , . aft er all the Chinese and Hebrew ers the sto ry of ham rad io . Wayne of ab bre viatio ns. Thi s may seem r id ic- Santa ... BlIt. . wha t I am lead to belie ve , Bac k in th e
writings are t his way . . . a little prac- co uld sho w so me o f h is QSls and ulous; how ever, 1 have fe w if a ny No w, d ow n to business. I a m 13 ea rly nOs t here was a W9X YZ listed
tice /s all it takes. If this ts too mu ch ma ybe eve n have a ske d se t u p so he hams to ask su ch que st ions of. Per - and find rad io inte resti ng, th ough I alon g with an " XYZ" in a ll t he o t her
trouble. perhaps night classes can be co uld wo rk someo ne on t he sho w, hap s an article in upcomin g issues? have no tick et. I have th e t heory call lette r areas. T he address list ed for
organized ill the larger colleges to I think this would be a gre at way to Chuck Gerttula down but need HELP with CWo If th em was t he same address in Illinois.
familia ri ze rea de rs with the best meth- te ll th e pub lic o f ham radi o an d make P. O. Box 17 an yo ne will help, dro p me a lin e. (By
ods of ho lding a magainze at 90". some new friend s of the serv ice. A gate Beach OR 9 73 20 th e way I am b uilding the t ransceiver No w I find a picture of an XYL o n
These falling. we may be able to ma ke Maybe so me o f out New York hams news page 3 of the Fe hru ary issue
in t he December issue for 40m).
a pair of 90 prism glasses available co uld get an invit ati o n for Way ne.
Som et hing for us to thin k about. J ame s Walro th with a similar call and no t list ed in a
with longer term subscriptio ns. We William A. Barb ee WA5Z XG .Ken 8 09 Depo t St. new Callboo k. A ny-ideas?
will. of co urse, welcome any helpfu l Lilia MS 38614 Youngwoo d PA 15697 And rew C. Mueller
suggestions f rom readers. WWV Via Dr ake 2222 Oak law n Aven ue
. Wayn e Tell It to Jo hnn y Here is a bit o f informa tio n for A ngels and Halos W aukt'~ha WI 53 186
. Wayne Dra ke R-4B receiver o wners that I rea lly liked yo ur Ja nuar y co ver o f
None what ever
A Pro fit in the Biz might be wort h pu b lishi ng: WWV can WAIJ YV o n he r VW. Having the .Ken
I a m an avid fan and sub scriber to The League and Wayne be r eceived on the Drak e R4B re- beaut ifu l yo u ng lad y pose wit h her
you r magaz ine , and ma y you con tin ue T he mo st con st ru ct ive id ea I' ve ceiver, wit ho ut accesso ry crys ta ls, by halo was n eat . I had ho ped that you were only
p ublish ing it past 73 years. heard is th at we suppo r t Wayne fo r placing t he co n tr ols in t he fo llo wing William A. Cha nis WA5JCK exp erimenting with t he new logo. t
[ was mos t disconcer ted to learn presid ent of t he AR R L. Contrary t o po sit ions: P.O. Bo x 259 guess ( was wr on g. You must actually
t hat the magazi ne industry in Pete r- what so me think, I thi nk t he wo rst Ban d swit ch : 3.5 MH7. Alvin T X 77 511
lik e to see 73 print ed in tha t littl e
borough is no t on a pro fitab le bas is. th ing tha t co u ld happ en is a new Xt als: An y po sitio n A New Sta r t sqlnty-cyed t ype. I alway s t houg h t of
If I may suggest, I believe t h e League. Lo ok how many pro blems the Presele cto r: Appro xima tely 5\11 Aft er read ing " A New Start Fr om
answer ma y be in th e fo rm of addi- Amer ican po lit ica l syste m has wit h I (t une fo r pea k signal Washingt on" (Feb) wri tten by suc h a
73 as a mode rn , rat he r t ha n "mod"
tion al advertising , bu t not in t he two par ties. In fact , I'm even con- Main tu ning: 0 .132 ap pro x imatel y goo d o ldt imer 1 wan t you to know magazine. Yo u proba bly like max i
amate ur rad io field . Yo u h it t he poi n t sid ering jo in ing t he Le ague for the Ot her co n tro ls: Norm al positio ns t hat I am in fu ll accor d . skirts a nd oc t ago na l e yeglasses as we ll.
in your last ed ito r ia l, men t io n ing Mr. first time since I go t my tic ke t in for op er ati ng Con sider using o ur ham call lette r My subscri pt io n is co m ing up fo r
Herter's slip pers. Wh ile not all o f 19 63 just to su ppo r t Wayne , 1 believe t hat th is is the 5 MHz plates to help ra ise mo ne y to lo b by renewa l - sho u ld I? (A nd I've been
Herte r's me rc han di se wo uld be o f I' m very glad to see co nstru c tive WWV signal, du e to da y t ime poor fo r t he desperately needed cha nges in wit h yo u since 196 1.) Please , let's see
in terest to a ll ama teu rs, mo st would thi nk ing still e xists in amat eu r r adio. signal pro paga t io n. Aft er dark, t he our ha m ru les. Each ham who con - t ha t big prou d "73" like it a lway s has
certainly co nsider slip pers to comfort A 220 MHz h o bby ban d is a grea t signal is ex cell ent. t ribut ed would ha ve a call letter pla te bee n since the begin ning o n the cover.
the feet during lon g, tedius hours idea , t ho ugh I don ' t see a lo t of Louls Hodges W9LMI o r plates to sho w he personally was Dou g :\1l.:G arrett WA2SA Y
trying to get tha t new country . I di fferen ce in th e ide a as propos ed , an d Route l ,nox 1 17 in terested in bettering o ur hobby. If 211 Ho lb roo k Road
envisio n: Do yo u have trou ble staying the Te chn ician ; 5 wpm never was Chelller I I. 62233 each ham were to sign a st atem e nt Eentereuch, 1..1. N Y 1 1720
awak e t hrougho ut the lon g co ntest much of a code requ irement. I am a dec laring that his nam e co uld be used
week end? F alling asleep at 3 a.m.? CW op. Righ t now all I have is a Te n WI AWQRM in peti t ion ing the F CC to legislate for
Drink espresso cof fe e! It ' ll keep you Tee PM) in my shac k. But get t he As we all kn ow, the re are a lot o f bette r hamming ( th is sta t eme nt coul d OK. Hut y ou don't realize what
awak e! ba nd in usc! Le t 's st o p t alkin g ab o ut correct ions that sho u ld be made in th e be wor ked int o the or der form ) th is kind of war yo u 'I'e starte d amo ng t he
Do you have trouble powering your CB'ers and no n-ham hams. and get AR RL. Let me also say th a t t he re are wou ld be t o sho w th e people in staff members. all of whom d ig
rigs on field day? A Honda 3 kw interested am at eu rs o n t hat fre- some good poin ts, too . One of t hese is Wash ingto n th at we as a group want a micro-miniskirts.
gene ra tor will power yo ur setu p. q ue ncy . Who kn ow s, ma ybe in a t he WI AW code prac tice. 1 a m a be tte r ho bby . . Ken
Ne ws Page Five
What's really different about

K en Sessions K6M V H

f you 're an act ive ha m who uses side - oth er sta t ion or zero-beats a carri er. Since
I band or AM, yo u 're pro bab ly won d ering
why everyon e is making suc h a fuss over all
th e FM channels are all sta ndardiz ed on the
z-mete r band . new o perators only need to
thi s 2 mete r FM activity . Well, it d oes h ave learn what chann els are the most active in
a fe w things going fo r it. A nd it might even th eir area. Aft er an initial ex penditu re for a
win y o u ove r. Take th e o rdinary receiver few crystals, «rad ioing" will req uire no
noise yo u 're used to hearing, fo r example more att enti on . From here on in , it's
... it 's one of the most un desirable char- simply a matter of turning o n the rig a nd
acteristics o f AM radio, bu t it 's practica lly liste ning t o whatever signals come on .
n o n e xi stent wit h F M. T he reason ? Th ere 's ne ver a need to tu ne the transmit-
Sq uelch! Highly effic ient sq uelc h cir cuit s ter , because on ce it's tuned up on a
are stan dard equipment o n FM receivers. freq ue ncy , it will sta y tun ed up . And the
The se circuits keep all audio fro m th e cha nne ls are u sually clo se enough to one
spea ker unt il an intelligible signal appears ano the r to pr eclu de th e necessity for re-
on the frequen cy. tun ing after ev ~n drasti c cha nne l chang es,
Then th ere's th e ma tt er of sensit ivity : Th is kind of operation is admitted ly a
FM receivers are generall y more sensitive litt le ha rd to get used to - especially for
than their AM equivale nt s. A th resh old the d evoted VHF A M man, wh o tweaks hi s
sensitiv ity figure of 0.2 p.V is no t at all tran sm itter every time he goes on th e air ,
un common. And in mo st F M receivers a and wh o sits pa tientl y run ning h is receiver
signa l of no mo re th an o ne-half of a frequen cy con tro l back a nd fo rt h across
microvolt will give co py that couldn' t be the spot whe re he's just called CQ . Most o f
classed as anything less than 59 ! T his us who are new to FM feel a need t o do
co mpares to so met hing on the o rder of 50 so m ething - and with FM , th ere's n othing
mi crovolts to accomplish the same e nd in to do. It 's a bit ma dden ing at first - bu t
an AM receiver. Pretty imp ressive so far, the whole con cep t gets appealing b efore
isn 't it ? lo ng.
T he most no ticeable differences be- Do mestic Cons iderations
tw een AM and FM VHF, though, are the I think FM ha s done more to bring
op erational peculiarities. FM operation is harmony in to ha ms' fam ilies tha n any
unique among amateur mod es in that it o ther single elem ent. Lo ok at it obje c-
e mp loys the "channel" con cep t. T rans- tively . Women don 't like the nois e of radio
mitters and re ceivers are crysta l-co ntro lled as a ru le (if you can safely generalize ab ou t
to operate on any on e o f seve ral d iscret e wo me n ). And t hey d on 't lik e compe ti tion .
frequen cies. No one ever " tunes ill" an- Until FM ca me alon g, the re wasn't mu ch

12 73 MAGA Z I NE
we could do abo u t the noise. AM sq uelches ago th ere were bu t 3 1. The 31 ch an nels
have never been effec tive bec aus e they were spaced at 60 k Hz intervals, starting
keep out signals when they 're set t ight from 14 6 .04 and exte nding to 14 7 .84
enough to ke ep o ut noise. To wives , th e MHz. As mo re an d mo re people came in to
no ise is distracting and bot hersome. Wit h FM , the req uire me nt for addit ional fre -
FM , th ere is dead sile nce un less so meon e is quen cies becam e a pparent - particularly
ac tually using the freq ue n cy . for addit iona l channels reason ably clo se in
If you d on ' t thi n k regu lar ha mmi ng is frequ ency to the mo st pop ular of t he o lde r
co m pe tition for the wife, consider your chann els. T he mor e an cien t piece s of su r-
routine o pera ti ng habi ts. You get in the car plus FM eq uip me nt were set up for wid e-
an d t urn on th e rig. (Yo ur wife is sitting in band operation (3 0 k Hz bandwid th) , so
th e passsen ger seat.) You lean over and there wasn't much anyone co u ld do about
tun e up th e transmitte r - fir st the oscilla- inc reasing the concentra tio n of ch anne ls.
tor , then the mult ipli er sta ges, th en the Not then.
fina l - peak, dip , peak, dip . But finally , mo re mo de rn equipmen t
Are you ready to start be ing a h usband ? began to fin d its way into the ham ma r-
No t quite. Now you're read y to make a ket - eq uip men t des igne d to o pe rate with -
con tact. You've got a clear spot, so you in a bandwidth of no t much more t han 10
call yo ur CQ - and an other co u ple of kHz. And specia lly design ed am ateu r F M
minu tes are sho t. Aft er th e CQ , yo u've got gear made the sce ne . So, as am at eurs began
to tune aroun d to see if there's someo ne to acq uire this lat er vint age gea r , they also
who might have heard you . If n obod y 's began to "split" their cha nne l spaci ng.
right near the frequ ency , y ou figure ma yb e No w, rathe r tha n est ablishing wideban d
they 'r e rock bo un d so me where at the o the r ch annels at 60 k Hz in tervals, the FM'ers
end of the ba nd, so you go hu nt ing . And hav e estab lishe d narrowba nd chann els at
your wife ju st sits there like a bump on a alt ernate 30 k Hz freq uen cies , as shown in
log, mayb e wish ing you 'd married the rad io Tab le I.
an d she' d marr ied t ha t nice fello w who got Even th ough the early 3 1 cha n nels are
to be pre sident of the lo cal bank. ear mar ked for wide ba nd op eration, it is a
Co ntr ast all th at wit h the way FM units fact that man y u sers have aba ndo n ed their
are set u p. You turn on th e key to the car insis ten ce for th at mo de. Many - ,indeed
an d th e rig co mes o n - on ch an ne l, tuned most - of the active FM gro ups ha ve set-
up , rea dy to go. If yo u wan t to talk wit h tled o n a comp ro mise stand ard th at con -
someone, yo u say a word or two in to the sumes a bandwidth of aro un d 20 k Hz. Th is
mik e (n o CQs, though , they 're comp letely compromise allows use of the older wide -
un necessary ) . Th at' s it. No w, if anyone is ba nd gear as well as the newer na rrowband
listening to the channel, h e' ll hea r you. units wit hin a single co mp atib le co m mu ni-
An d if he feels like talking to y ou , he'll let catio ns sys te m.
you kno w. No t all the FM channe ls are ac tive yet,
T hat 's rea lly h ow wives get interest ed in o f co urse, but the n umbe r is grow ing all
radio , too . Th ey see ho w simp le it is to th e ti me. T hose channels that lie be tw ee n
o pera te an FM u nit, an d suddenly th ey 14 6.3 1 and 147. 0 are the most p op ular ,
beco me interested . Many wives re ally kin d wit h the low er cha nne ls being used chie fly
o f dig the id ea of co m municating, but th ey fo r repeater inputs and th e up per one s for
can' t sto mac h all the p eripheral tuning, repeat er transmitting freq ue nci es. Across
loadi ng, dipping, tuni ng jazz that accom- the co untry , 146 .94 MHz is the single mo st
panies the more con ven tional ty pe s o f popular channel, and was once referred to
opera tion. That's why wives are freque ntly as the nation al "calling freq u en cy ." Th e
hea rd on FM, though rarely on SBB or AM. pro minence of repeat ers ha s pre tty well
elimina te d the need fo r a calling channel
Fr eq uen cies of Op eration pe r se, because where a repeate r is there is
To day th ere are 63 sta ndard FM chan- genera lly a monitor on a con ti nuo us basis.
nels on 2 met ers. Little mor e tha n a y ear Still, 14 6 .94 is ofte n used for poin t-t o -

A PR I L ' 9 71 13
poin t communicati ons as well as repeater tween wide ban d an d narrow band). If y our
operati on . And in areas where there are n o tran smitte r is set u p fo r anythi ng mu ch
re peaters, you're still like ly to find a great greater th an this figure , yo ur signa l may be
dea l o f ac tivity on 14 6 .94 . so broad that other sta tions cann ot even
The seco nd " big" channel is 14 6 .76 detect yo ur signal at all. Overd eviation
MHz. Where areas we re very ac tive o n looks like noise to a goo d receiver , and its
146 .94 on a " simp lex" basis before th e squelch will lock y ou out. On the other
advent of th e 2 met er repeater, the re- hand , if your deviat ion level is set too low,
peate r gro u ps have had to selec t an alter- your audio may be deficient in term s of
nate . (Most have fou nd that is is fool hard y app aren t amp lit ude . And if your signal is
to insta ll a repe ater whose output fre- weak into so me one's receiver , h is noise
quen cy is th e same as that used by all the may be a lo t loud er than yo u are . At 10
acti ve ha ms in th e area. ) " Seven -six ," as it kHz yo ur signa l sho uld work out fairly well
is called, was a logical secon d choice int o a wid eband re ceiver , and you should
be cau se of its popularity as a simplex have no tr ou ble gett ing into narrowband
channe l over vari ou s parts of the U.S. units if yo u don ' t hit th e mik e t oo hard. In
To da y , a numb er o f th e heavily congested co mmercial service, spec ial deviation me -
metropolitan areas (other than California) ters are used to make sure all th e unit s
use seven-six as the prim e repea te r output. within a co mmu niciations system are un i-
Chicag o , man y cities in Ohio , Washingt on fo rm. But wit h amateur repeater s, thing s
(state) , and the low er eastern seaboard are aren 't t hat critical ; y ou can o rdinarily set it
examp les of are as wh ere seven-six reigns satisfa ctorily by adjusting the level wh ile
sup rem e as a repeater ou tp ut. gett ing reports from one of the o ther
As stated, rep ea ters today are ex ceed- fellows using the system.
ingly popular . It is the ex ception where a Tones
fairly goo d-sized met ro polis does n ot h ave Yo u'll hear quite a lot about " to n es" on
at least one 2-met er repeater in operation . FM (if you hav en't bee n h earing it al-
If you're th ink ing abou t buying an FM ready) . Why would ama te urs be con cern ed
transceiver, You 'd do well to check into ab out so me thing so un like ly? In a word,
th e loca l sit uation. See if th ere's a repeater the answer is "con tro l." Repeaters often
in your area (or two , or three) - then, require simple switc hing seq uen ces -
wh en you or de r yo ur rig , make sure you perhaps to turn the m on or off under
get eno ugh crystals to make full use of all certai n circums ta nces, to ch ange antenna s,
th e rep eat ers within y our range . ( Be sure to or to shift to an alternate fre quency. As
check wit h the local groups b efo re y ou d o you probab ly alrea dy kno w , th ough, there
too much operating, tho ugh. So me re- is usu ally no body mann ing th e re pea ter
peaters are ac tually set up as clubs, an d physically ; so the con tro l swit ching mu st
yo u mu st be come a d ues-paying mem ber be acco mplished via radio signals . If you
before y ou 'll be welcomed on a regul ar co uld se nd ordinary de signa ls over the ai r,
ba sis.} the switching fun ctions cou ld be sim-
plified , but o f cou rse that is q uite impos-
Deviation /Modulation
sible. Th e on ly prac ticable approach is to
On e word y ou ' ll hear a lot whe n yo u' re conve rt the co n tr ol voltage to a type of
operating FM is "deviat io n. " This is signal th at can be transmitted via rf. Here ,
roughly co mpa rable with " modu lation lev- tone signa ls qualify nicely .
el" o f AM; deviation , h owever, is a func- An au dio ton e of a sp ecific frequen cy
tion o f frequ en cy varia ti on (and , of course, can be detect ed fro m a large array of audio
bandwidth) rather th an aud io amplitude, signals. If suc h a detect or circ uit is set up
even though th ey may see m the same from so as to key a relay whe ne ver that part icu -
the point of view of the list ener. lar tone signal is pre sent , the remote
In gen era l, the sta nda rd deviation level switc h ing problems are solved.
for amat eurs is on the or der of ± I O k Hz In co mme rcial two-way service, re-
(the com prom ise mentioned earlier be- peaters and remote st at ion s have bee n

14 73 M A GA Z I N E


A sing le tuned c ircuit intended for s igna l
con version in the 3 to 170 MHz range.
Harmonic s o f the OX osc illa to r are used for
inj ecti on in the 60 to 170 MHz range.
La Kit 3 to 20 MHz, Hi Kit 20 to 170 MHz
(Speci fy whe n ordering) $3.50
A small signal amplif ier to drive MXX-1
mixe r. Single tuned Inpu t and link output.
Lo Kit 3 to 20 MHz, Hi Kit 20 to 170 MHz
(Specify when ord eri ng) $3.50
A sing le tuned o utput amp lif ier desi gned to
follow the OX oscill ator. Outpu ts up to
200 mw, depe nding o n the frequency and
voltage. Amp lifie r can be amp litude
modu lat ed. Frequ ency 3,000
to 30,000 KHz. . $3.75
General purpose unit which may be used
as a n mee or untuned ampli f ier in RF and
aud io applica tions 20 Hz to 150 MHz.
Provide s 8. to 30 d b gain. Ideal fo r SWl,
Exper imenter or Amet eur...; ....._....$3.75
Crysta l con troll ed transistor type. Lo Kit
3,000 to 19,999 KHz, Hi Kit 20,000 to 60.000
6. KHz. (Spec ify whe n o rdering) $2.95
Ava ilabl e from 3,000 to 60,000 KHz.
Supplie d o nly in HC 6! U ho lder. Calibratio n
is :': .02% wh en op erated in Intern ati onal
OX circuit or its equivalent.
(Spec ify frequency) ... . .....$3.95

aa••eraial ucer
Interna tiona l Crystals are available f rom 70 KHz
to 160 MHz in a w ide var iety 01 holders.
Crystal s lor use in mil itary equ ip ment c an be
supplied 19 meet speci f icatio ns MIL-C-3098E. ~
(GP) lo r " General Pur pose " app li cations
"- • t y
CRYSTAL (e S) lor "Commercia l Standard"
TYPES: (HAl for " H igh Accur acy " close temp eratu re CR Y STAL MFG. CO.. INC.
to lerance requirements. ' 0 "' 0 . ~EE • O K I,.A. CITY. O K LA 73 '102
using to ne signals for yea rs to con tro l ary "voice" range that it is difficul t to
fu nc tions , and the result h as been th e simulate the signa ls by whistli ng. So ama-
s tanda rdizat ion of spe cific ton e fre- teurs use sim ple elect ro nic ton e generators.
quencies. Th ese, like FM channels th em- Many rep ea te rs require the presen ce of a
selves, a pp ear at fix ed intervals ac ross th e short "tone burst" as a prereq uisit e to
audio spectrum. Figure I show s th e allo ca- causing the re peater to ope ra te. Th e con-
tio n o f con t ro l fr eque ncies cur re n tly in use eept, called "t on e burst entry ," is very
by amateurs. co mmon where severa l re peaters overlap in
Notice th at a freq uen cy «b lo ck " at th e coverage. Su ppose, for instan ce, th at yo u
lower end o f th e usable audio spectrum is live in an area served by several repea ters,
set asi de for co n tro l - th is is in addition to all of which use 14 6 .34 MHz as their input
th e ·" channelized " con tro l fr equ en cies on freq uenc y . It would be ann o ying for other
th e up per end. users if yo u triggered all repeaters eac h
Another blo ck appea rs in the 1.5 - 1.65 time you transmitted . To obviate such a
k Hz range . This portion of the spectrum is possibility , repeater gro ups will sele ct cer-
typi cally used for cont rol of un crit ical tain tone freq uencies fo r con trol. Thus,
fun ct ions . Thi s part icular blo ck is used y ou migh t transmit a shor t tone of, say,
because of . the simplicity by wh ich a 1950 Hz to tr igger on e o f th e repeater s,
contro l signa l can b e initiated . For exam- and anot her , of perha ps 2 100 Hz for
ple , whe n you pucke r u p and whistle , th e ano the r. The whole bus iness usually works
signal you gen erate will fall in th is "uncrit- out pre tty well.
ical " block. And he re is the spe ctrum used The blo ck of low frequencies is use d fo r
by tho se so-ca lled "whistle-on " repea ters. the mo st cri tical applications , an d normally
The control frequ encies ab ove th e wh ere con tinuous con trol sign als are re-
whi stl e-on bl ock are set up at intervals of quired (as op posed to tone bursts). It is th e
precisely 150 Hz. Officially , the " chan- rare re pea ter that uses these low frequen-
nels" are 1650, 180 0, 1950, 2 100, 22 50, cies (calle d contin uous tone carrier squ elch
2400, 2550 , 2700, and 2850 . These signa l syste m ) for control, h owever; so there is no
freq uencies are far enough above the or din- need to go into any grea t det ail ab ou t th e

Table 1. 2m FM Chan n el Alloca tion s


14 6 .0 1 146.04 14 6. 97 147.0
146 .0 7 146.10 147.03 147. 06
146. 13 146.16 14 7.09 14 7.12
146 .19 146.22 14 7.15 14 7.18
14 6 .25 146 .28 14 7.2 1 14 7.24
14 6.31 146 .34 14 7.2 7 147.3 0
14 6 .37 14 6.40 14 7. 33 14 7.3 6
146.43 14 6.46 147.39 14 7.42
146.4 9 146 .5 2 147.45 14 7.48
146.55 146.58 147.51 14 7.54
14 6.61 146.64 14 7.5 7 147.60
14 6.67 146.70 147.63 147.66
146 .73 146.7 6 147.69 14 7.72
146 .79 146 .8 2 14 7. 75 14 7.78
146.85 146.8 8 14 7.81 14 7.84
146 .91 14 6 .94 14 7.8 7

No t e: Though ther e are no know n w id eband repea ters on channels

designated as n arr o w b and , it is n ot unc omm on t o op era t e n arro w -
b and r ep eaters on chan n els d esignated as wideband .

16 73 MA GA Z IN E
10 2 3 4 5 100 2 3 4 5 3 4 5

N T'



Fig. 1. Audio spectru n showing tone allocations.

ap plicatio ns and to ne ge ner ation tech- limit (b et ween 1-1/ 5 a nd 3 min u tes, us ua l-
niq ues. ly ), th e repeater auto ma tica lly shuts down
an d stays o ff the air unt il t he lon gwin ded
What's It Like? in dividual himself goes off th e air. And a ll
Do a litt le snoopin g. On e of the most the whil e it's off, the ot her users are
surprising charac te ristics you 'll no tice is fuming. Nob ody ca n use th e sy ste m as long
th e overall ab sence of th o se old cliches you as the diehard blowhard con tinu es with his
hear so mu ch o n AM. Such expressions as unwanted and unheard dissertatio n. To a n
"one-eyed monst er ," "snore she lf," "b ig A M' er accust omed to long, dr awn -out
switch ," "bucket or" b olts," " d own th e old trans missions, this may see m unfair. But
log shee t ," and " handle" have bee n in most most FM' ers feel there is no t hin g that
cases replaced with the ir gen er ic te rms. It requires more th an a few mi nu tes of air
may seem hard to tear yourself away from tim e to co nvey . The FM'ers can't QSY a
th o se old h ab it s, but you mig ht even few kil ohert z to avoid th e lon gwinded
app rove once yo u get th e h ang of it. Using ham . They all reali ze that if they did n't
generic term s makes your co n tac t seem ta lk over h im, no one co uld use th e
mo re lik e a real pe rso n, and not so mu ch ch annel. By all mean s talk . But save a few
like a ma chin e. One cha rac teristic you're words for th e next tr an sm ission . The re -
sure to no tice is short transmission. When pea ter will still be th ere - and so will y our
someone has so me th ing to say, he'll tr an s- listeners if you play it cool !.
mit briefl y a nd say it , the n drop his ca rrier.
T he Last Wo rd
The FM' er has learne d th at lo ng tr an s-
I always lik e to admonis h pro-
mi ssions are abo ut as effective as no
t ra nsmission at all. Here's why: Hetero - spective new converts ( 0 FM . T h is mode is
dyn es on FM are rare - so there is usually diff eren t - it 's kind of like certain kind s of
no QRM. When two stations tr ansmit communicable dis eases in t ha t it will not
simultan eou sly , the stronger will " cap ture" only affect you but very likely your friend s
the wea ker in the liste ners' receivers. So , an d fam ily as well. On ce y ou get going on
when y ou tal k , no one else can use t he F M, it's aw fu lly hard ro quit. FOT FM adds
channel un less t h ey clobber you . Al so , so me t hi ng to ha m radio - it co m plemen ts
most re pe aters are set u p with limit timers : any station se t u p fo r a ny kin d o f activity .
If an yon e tr an sm ission e xceeds a specific Just see for yourse lf. ... K6MVH-

A PR IL 19 71 17
R ob ert Grenell, WBR HR
3926 Beech Street
Cincinnati OH 4522 7

rID ~~rn
tbat works
S ince my article, "Noise Blanker Tha t
Works ," appeared in the Ap ril, 197 0
issu e of 7 3 , I've been b uried in requ ests for
Another set , of inqu iries was ca used by
my assu mp tion tha t mo st h ams would be
usin g th e blanker in a receiver. To my
help, advi ce an d informa tion . In every case , ch agrin, it appears th at abo ut 4 out of 5
I'v e tr ie d to get an swers off in no t less than who wrote me intend to usc it in a
a cou ple of day s, bu t th e flo od cont in ues. transceiver. To use th e b lank er in a t rans-
Yes, th er e were a couple of mista kes , ceiver , certai n spec ial co ns ide ra tion s mu st
pri nc ipally th e o mission of po in t A in th e be ob ser ved .
sche ma tic . And , l' m afra id -I was gu ilty of a f irst , mos t transceivers (indeed , mo st
co u ple of assu mp tions when I wro te the mo dern receivers) do not ha ve an i-f st age
arti cle. ah ea d of th e sele cti ve circuitry . For
First of all, I have rev ised th e sche mat ic, max imu m ben efit fro m any blan ker , it
an d it does in clu de point A. However , I shou ld be install ed ahead of the filt er. Th is
have su bstitu ted a l O m B rf c hoke fo r th e necessitat es using a catho de fo llowe r
i-f transfo rmer wh ich was previou sly be twee n th e mix er and t he filte r , aro und
sh own . Since th is is a nois e amplification which th e blanker ca n o perat e. In t he
circ uit, the fa ct that it's br oudban dc d with sch ema tic, su ch a stage is sho wn as it
the rf cho ke is no t a proble m. T he choke wo u ld b e ins ta lled in a ty pical transceiver.
has adv an tages in size, a nd elimina tes one T h e mo st importa nt considera tio n in
adj ustmen t. d it works just as well as transceiver installati on s is brought abou t
the tun ed circu it. If you pre fer to use an i-f by the fac t that the blan ker is ap plied to
transformer , no problem : J ust ma ke sure the filt er inp u t, wher e bo th transmitted
it's the sam e frequency as the i-f o f your an d received signals a re present. If the
receiver or tr ansce iver . I rec eived an tran smitt ed sideban d signa l at t his poin t is
amaz ing numb er of inqu iries abo ut wh at too st rong, the blanker d iode will clip ,
fre quen cy the i-f tr ansfor mer should b e! causing severe distorti o n , and po ssibl e

18 73 MAGA Z INE
Don 't miss t he Dayton Hamvention - Ap ril 24th
' 0 lie "'~ --1
. '''EII PLA

1r- [ ~
I. ~
F OL L~ nl
f;C 4

-j '
, ,. 7

LF'UEI ro '"

"" .oor

.0 01
100 1$£ IF .0 0 1 110 645 .0 0 1 I N6 -o ':2;f .0'
"" 2.2 "

~ IO ..H
,. ~"
,. ,. , .."'..,
if" ,eoe 1· r ---
,.. L p- ,.
4 7 pF 1.. 645

F ..

-fD~, ~
2 .2 11
''" [ ........
""(;EN E


Fig. 1. R evised schematic of the noise blanker th at reaJ1y works!

splatter. Th erefore, the blan ker m u st be A large n umber of inquiries were

deactivated in the tr an smit mod e . T he only received from hams wh o wan te d to know
sure way to acco mp lish this is to use an wha t signal-ind uced voltages at vario us
op en sec tion o f yo ur TR relay to b rea k the po int s in th e blanker sho uld be . These
con nection between the blan ker on /o ff volta ges depend greatly on th e gain of the
swit ch and ground when tr an smitting. If rf sta ge, the efficie ncy of the mi xer , and
necessary , in stall an extra relay to do it. the eff ectiveness of th e ave action, not to
The impor tance of th is poin t canno t be men tion th e signa l and noise levels
overe mphasized. Fail ure to d o th is will not encount ered - to o many var iables to con-
only make you sou nd like Do nald Du ck sider. Also , it is impossible to measur e
with a sinus in fection and reduce your many of these vo ltages, since they are
popu larit y wit h yo ur fello w hams, b ut it inst antaneous noise peaks. Onl y a scop e
co uld ne t yo u a pin k tic ket ! co uld serve th e purp ose.
The in pu t an d outp ut lead s to the When the blan ker is activat ed , there will
blank er mus t be shielded and short ! At be a slight (l to 2 dB ) decrease in signal
higher int ermed iate frequ en cies, exce ssive levels ~ just eno ugh to no tice. But noise
cable capacity can pull th e t uned circuits will decr ease dramatically . On ex tremely
or filte r tuning cap acit ors too far o ff to strong signals, par tic ularly AM, there may
pea k u p. The o nly solutio n is to use short be some clipping d ist ortion fro m the d iod e
leads, or co mp ut e the cap acit y of your when the blan ker is activat ed . T here is no
cable and reduce the capacity in the tu ned cure for this, but then you do n' t need th e.
circuit s by the same amo u nt. blan ker for str ong signals, anyway , so turn
Do not overlo ok the co nn ecti on to t he it of f.
ave line . Witho ut ave, the blanker will clip Installed as demo nstra ted in the revised
exces sively on strong signals. schematic , the blan ker is tru ly un iversal
In so me cases, it is po ssib le th at more and foo lproof. Please don 't hesitate to
gain is needed in the first tri od e stage to co ntact me if you ex perience diffi culties in
get dependable blanking acti on . . If this is getting it going. I' m working on a solid -
the case, you can inc rease t he valu e o f the sta te version using the same basic prin-
plate load resistor as far as necessary. You cip les. Wat ch for it. It should be better,
can even ma ke it a kind o f "s tarved offeri ng fast er blanking actio n. 73 rea de rs
circuit" amp lifier, since we 're d ealing wit h will be the first to hear abo ut it.
de pulses here , and freq uen cy response is _. _W8R HR ·
no t imp ortant.

APRIL 19 71 19
Don 't mi ss t he Da yton Ham vention - April 24t h
Do nald L. Milbury W6YAN
Bo x 46 3
West Covina CA 91790 Locusts
T he heavy load ing of ac tive fre q uency
cha nnel s on the am at eur radio spec-
tru m aroun d met ropolitan areas has pro - Plague
du c e d i nc reasi ng p r o bl em s o f
inte rference - especially t hat or de bb il
called intermod . The co mb inations o f Age
frequ en cies t hat can mix toget her and
pro duce inte rmod ulatio n int erference o n a
given freq ue ncy are pract ically cou ntless. Repeaters
But the produ ct cha rt of Tabl e I doe s list
the int er mo d pro duct s of the more com- do minan t in te rference fact or (over des en-
monl y used 2 meter FM channels. By sitizatio n ) at fr eque nc y se parat ions up to
com paring this list of possible int erfering I MH z.
fr eq uencies again st the frequencies in use In th e pr esent stat e o f the ar t , it is
in your o wn are a , yo u shou ld be ab le t o even higher for solid-stat e devices than for
narrow th e search for the spec ific in ter- circ uits bu ilt arou nd vacuu m-tube d esigns.
ferin g frequen cies. The pro duc t s tabulat ed R eceiver Desensitizat ion. Rece iver de -
on this chart are d erived fro m the eq ua - sensitizat ion is caused b y strong , off-
tion 2 A-B o r 2B-A, wh er e A and Bare freq uen cy signa ls that ente r the front end
th e: mixing freq uencies. Most int ermod of the re ceiver, driving it int o sat uratio n
int erference proble ms will result fro m th is and t hereby d esensiti zing t he front end to
third orde r intermo d prod uct. the d esired o n-freq ue ncy signal.
T he sorry fac t is, any vacuu m tube
Other Causes o f Syst em Degrad ation amplifier subj ecte d to excessive grid d rive
Transm itt er noise. Transmitter no ise voltages will draw grid cu rrent and u nder-
int erfe rence results from transmi tter go a shift in opera ti ng po int. Depe ndin g
broadband noise ra d iat ion which is re- on the circ uit used , th is grid cu rrent will
ceived on fr equency and deg rad es or pro duce a self-bias grid voltage . When a
masks the d esired signal. In general, tra ns- high bias vo ltage exis ts , it takes a corres-
mitt er noi se is the result of no ise com- pondingly larger signal voltage to over-
ponents generat ed in the lower frequency corr-e the bias voltage before the t ube can
multiplier sta ges being amp lified thro ugh act as an amplifier. That's life .
the final power amplifier an d passed o n Since a strong int er fering signal can not
to the an ten na through t he relat ively be com plet ely eliminate d from the rf
broa d selectivity of the a mp lifier o ut put stages, this signal can pro d uce gri d bias
circuits. T ransmitt er no ise gener ally is the voltages whic h requir e stro nger-t han-

20 73 MA GAZ IN E
nor mal signa ls to overco me t he b ias. T his
red uces t he effe ctive receiver sensitivity .
T he effect is princ ipall y not ed in th e
seco n d mi xer. When t he d esensi t iza tion Barker &
thr eshol d is exceede d by a str o ng signal,
th e ga in in th e second mi xer is red uced
b ecau se of the signal amplifica tion prio r
to the seco nd mixer. As the leve l of the NOW MANUFA CTURE AND
und esired signal beco mes ext reme , th e MARKET THE WA T ERS AMATEUR
first mixer is also affe cte d . RADIO COMMUNICATIONS
Back to Int ermod. Intermodula tion is PRODUCT LINE . . .
defined as th e production, in a nonlinear
transducer element , of frequencies corres-
ponding to th e su ms an d differen ces of
the fundam en ta ls and harmonics of two
or more frequencies whi ch are transmitted In add it io n to th e complet e B & W line
throug h the transducer. When two or of Coi ls, Coax ial Sw itch es, Test Equip-
mo re of th ese frequencies are «mixed," ment, Phase Shift Networks, Filters,
an infinite n umbe r of new freq uencies are Chokes, et c., we 've added these
genera ted . Only a few. however , are 10·
cate d in t hat po rtio n o f th e spectrum
near the fundamenta l mixing frequen cies.
The general eq uatio n fo r the inter mod-
ulati on pro du cts is:
F1M = NB ] ± N (B-A .)
A FUll
Where A and B are the two mix ing SER IES OF
freq uencies. DUMMY LOAD
By su bsti tuting values of N I and N 2 of
th e eq uation, o ne can see th at an infinite
numb er of odd- and even-order intermod
produ cts are genera t ed when t wo fre- •
qu en cies are mixed . However, the even-
ord er int errnod pro d ucts o ccur at fre-
- ~ e
quen cies well o ut of ra nge of the problem
area while the odd-orde r in termo d pro - FILTERS
du cts have frequencies which are clos e to
th e mixing frequencies. Figure 1 shows UNIVERSAL HYBRID
t he spectru m of the se prod ucts in rela-
tio nship to mi xing frequ encies A and B.
Th ese are the freq uen cies which are mo st
apt to cause int erfer ence problems .
PLUS Water s Pretax Coaxial
Switches, Het fectorn eters, Wide Ra nge
Th e abov e discussion incl udes t he in- Atte nua to rs, Mo bile Anten na Systems,
termo d products of only two frequencies . Mobile Band Adders, Codax Auto-
mati c Keyers.
A situa tion cou ld ex ist where three or
more 'frequencies mix to produce a pro-
duct whi ch co uld int erfere with a system.
Barker &
Diagnosis of Interf eren ce Problem Williamso n
If on e is faced with th e problem of INC O RPORA T ED
int ermodulatio n int erf eren ce, it would be CANAL ST., BRISTOL, PA. 19007
extremely helpful to kno w the frequency
See your local dealer or write dep t D for
of at least on e of the signals being mixed . descrio tive literature.
Often it can be recogniz ed im med iately

A PRI L 19 71 21
Table I. In term od Prod uct Chart

146.40 14 6 .4 3 1 4 6 .46 14 6 .6 9 146 .5 2 14 6 . 5 5 1 4 6 .58 1 4 6 .61 1 4 6 .6 4 14 6 .6 7 146.70 146. 7 3

14 5 . 2 2 14 6 .04 146 .01 145 .98 145 .9 5 145.9 2 145.89 1 45 .86 145.83 1 4 5 .80 1 4 5 .7 7 145.7 4 145 .71
146 . 2 5 1 46. 10 146 .0 7 1 4 6 .0 4 146.0 1 145 .9 8 145 .9 5 14 5 .92 1 45. 89 145.86 1 45 .8 3 14 5 .8 0 145 .77
146 . 2 8 146.16 14 6 .1 3 146 .10 1 4 6 .0 7 146.04 146.0 1 145.98 14 5 .9 5 14 5 .9 2 145.8 0 1 4 5.8 6 145 .8 3
146 . 3 1 146 .2 2 146 . 19 146 .1 6 1 46.13 146.10 146 .07 146.04 1 4 6 .0 1 145.98 1 4 5 .9 5 1 4 5 .9 2 1 4 5 .8 9
146 .34 14 6 . 2 8 146 . 2 5 146 .2 2 146 .1 9 146 .16 146 .1 3 146.1 0 1 4 6 .0 7 146 .0 4 146.0 1 1 4 5 .9 8 145 .9 &
14 6 .3 7 14 6 .3 4 146 .3 1 1 4 6 .28 146. 2 5 146 . 2 2 146 .1 9 14 6 .1 6 146.13 1 46.10 141;';.0 7 1 4 6 .04 146 .0 1
146.40 14 6 .40 146 . 3 7 146 .3 4 146.31 146 .2 8 146 .2 5 146 .2 2 146. 19 1 4 6. 1 6 1 4 6 . 13 1 4 6 .10 146 .0 7
146.4 3 14 6 .4 6 1 4 6 .4 3 146.40 146. 3 7 146 .34 146 . 3 1 146 .2 8 1 46.2& 1 46 .2 2 1 4 6. 19 1 4 6 .16 1 4 6 .1 3
146 . 4 6 14 6 .5 2 1 46. 49 14 6 046 146.4 3 146.40 146. 37 146 .3 4 146 .3 1 1 46 .28 1 4 6 .2 5 1 4 6 .2 2 146 .1 9
146 . 4 9 14 6 . 5 8 1 4 6 .5 5 146 .5 2 146.49 1 4 6 .4 6 146.4 3 14 6 .4 0 1 46 .3 7 1 4 6 . 34 146 . 31 146 .2 8 146 .2 5
146 . 5 2 1 4 6 .6 4 14 6 . 6 1 14 6 . 58 146 .5 5 146.52 1 4 6 .49 146 .4 6 14 6 .4 3 1 4 6 .4 0 1 46 .37 146 .34 146.3 1
146 .5 5 146.7 0 146.67 146 .6 4 1 4 6. 6 1 146 .5 8 14-6 . 5 5 14 6 . 5 2 1 4 6 .4 9 14 6 .4 6 1 4 6.4 3 1 4 6 .40 146 .3 7
146 . 5 8 1 46 .76 146.73 146. 7 0 146.6 7 146.64 146. 6 1 146.!>S 1 4 6 .5 5 146 .5 2 146.49 146.46 146 .4 3
146 .61 146.8 2 146.79 146.76 146 .73 146. 70 146 . 6 7 14 6 . 6 4 146 .61 146 .58 146 . 5 5 146.5 2 14 6 .4 9
146 .6 4 1 4 6 .8 8 1 46. 85 146 .8 2 146.79 146 .76 146.73 146 .7 0 14 6 .6 7 146 .6 4 1 4 6 .61 146.58 U6.55
146 .67 1 4 6 .9 4 146.91 146 .88 146.85 146.82 146 . 7 9 146. 76 1 4 6 .7 3 146 .7 0 146.67 146 .6 4 146 .61
1 46 .70 1 47 .00 1 46 .97 146 . 94 1 4 6 .91 146.88 146 .8 5 14 6 .8 2 14 6 .7 9 146 .7 6 146.73 146 .7 0 146 .67
146 .7 3 147.06 1 4 7 .0 3 147 .00 146 .97 146.94 146.91 146.88 146.8 5 146 .82 146 . 7 9 1 46.76 146 .73
146 .7 6 1 4 7 .1 2 147 .09 147 .0 6 147 .03 147.00 146.97 146.94 146.9 1 146 .88 1 46.85 1 46.82 146 .7 9
146. 79 147.18 1 47 .1 5 141'.1 2 1 4 7 .0 & 147. 0 6 147. 0 3 147.00 146 .97 146.94 146.9 1 146.8 8 1 46.85
146 .8 2 147 . 2 4 147. 2 1 147.18 147 .1 5 147 .12 147 .09 147.06 14 7 .0 3 147 .00 146.97 146.9 4 146.9 1
146 .8 5 147 .30 147 .2 7 147 . 24 1 4 7 . 21 147.18 147.15 147. 12 14 7 .0 9 147.06 147 .0 3 147 .00 1 46 .97
1 4 6 .8 8 147 . 3 6 147 . 3 3 147 .30 147 .2 7 147.2 4 147 . 21 147 .18 147 .15 1 4 7 .12 1 47.09 1 4 7.06 14'1. 0 3
146 .9 1 147. 42 147 . 3 9 147.36 1 4 7 .33 147 . 30 147 .2 7 147.24 147 .21 147.18 147.15 147 .1 2 1 4 "1.09
1 46. 9 4 147 . 4 8 147 .4 5 147.42 147 . 3 9 1 47. 3 6 147 . 3 3 147.30 147 .27 14 7 .2 4 14 7 .2 1 147.1 8
147 .3 9 147.36 1 4 7 .3 3 14 7 .30 147 .27 147 .24 147 .1 5
146. 97 14 7 . 5 4 1 4 7 . 51 147 .48 147 . 45 147.42 147.2 1
147.00 14 7 .60 147 . 5 7 147 .5 4 1 47 .51 147 . 48 14 7 .4 5 147 .4 2 1 4 7 .3 9 147 . 3 6 14 7 .3 3 147 .3 0
1017 .5 1 14"1.2 7
147 .0 3 147 . 6 6 1 4 7 .6 3 146.60 147 . 5 7 147 .54 147.4 8 147 .4 5 147 .4 2 147 . 39 147 .3 6 147 .33
147 .0 6 147 .7 2 1 4 7 .6 9 14 7 .6 6 147. 6 3 1 47.60 14 7 .5 7 14 7 . 54 147 .5 1 1 4 7 .48 147 .4 5 147 .4 2
147.63 1 4 7 .6 0 147 . 5 7 14 7 . 39
147 .09 147. 7 8 147 . 7 5 14 7 .7 2 147 .69 147 . 6 6 147. 54 147 . 5 1 147 .4 8 147.4 5
1017 .12 1 47.8 4 1 4 7 .8 1 147 .7 8 1 4 7 .75 147 . 7 2 147.6 9 1 47 .6 6 147 .6 3 147.60 1 47 .57 147 .54 1 47 .51
147 .1 5 147.90 14 7 .8 7 147 .84 14 7 .8 1 147 . 7 8 147. 75 147 .7 2 147.69 147.66 1 47 . 6 3 147 .6 0 1 4 7 . 57
147 .1 8 147 .9 6 1 4 7 .9 3 147 .90 1 4 7 .8 7 147 .8 4 1 47 .81 1 4 7 .7 8 1 47 .1 6 147.72 14 7 . 6 9 14 7 .6 6 147 . 63
1 4 7 .2 1 148.02 147 .9 9 147.96 147 .9 3 147 .9 0 1 47.87 147.8 4 1 4 7 .81 147.78 147.7 5 1 4 7 .7 2 1 47 .69
1 47 . 2 4 1 48 .08 148 .0 5 148 .02 147 .9 9 147 .9 6 1 47.93 1 47 .90 147 . 8 7 147 .84 147 .8 1 1 4 7 .7 8
1 47 .99 1 4 7 .9 6 147 . 7 5
147 .27 1 4 8 .1 4 148 .11 148 .08 14 8 .05 148.02 147.9 3 1 47.9 0 147.87 147 .84 147.8 1
147. 30 148.20 148.1 7 148.1 4 148 .11 148 .0 8 1 4 8 .06 1 4 8 .0 2 1 47.99 147.9 6 147 .93 14 7 .9 0
148 .11 147. 8 7
147. 3 3 1 4 8. 26 1 48 .2 3 148 .20 148 .17 148 .14 148 .0 8 1 48.0 5 148.0 2 147 .99 147 .9 6 147 .9 3
147 .3 6 1 4 8.32 1 48 .29 148 . 2 6 14 8 .23 148. 20 148 .1 7 148 .14 148 . 11 1 4 8 .0 8 148 .05 148.02
148 .2 3 148 .20 148 .17 147 .99
147 . 39 1 4 8. 3 8 148 .3 5 1 48.3 2 148 . 29 148 . 2 6 1 4 8 .14 148 .11 148 .08 148 .m ;
14 7.4 2 148.38 14 8 . 3 & 1 48 . 3 2 148 .2 9 14 8 .2 6 1 4 8 .2 3 148 . 20 148.17 1 4 8.14 1 4 8 .11
1 4 7 .4 5 148 .3 8 148 .3 6 14 8 .3 2 1 48 .29 148 .2 6 1 4 8 .2 3 1 4 8 .20 1 3 8 .17
147.4 8 14 8 .3 8 1 4 8.3~ 14 8 .3 2 148 .2 9 148.26 1 3 8 .2 3
147. 5 1 148 .3 8 148. 3 6 148.32 1 48 .29
147.54 1 4 8 .38 148 .3 6
147 . 5 7

where the in terferi ng signal is intelligible. qu ency at the left , yo u can find the
Also it is likely that on e of the interfering int erm od pro d uct of the se two fre-
tran smitt ers is lo cat ed geographically close qu encies at t he intersection of the column
to t he receiver . If, on the ot her hand , and the row (a s yo u find the distan ce
neither frequency is kn own, th e problem betw een cities o n a road map mileage
gets more co mplex . In a large met ro- chart ). The most co nvenient starting point
politan ar ea th ere could be many possib le on the cha rt ' will be found on the page
co mbinatio ns of fre quenc y chan nels where yo ur o perating frequ en cy is listed
which co uld be mixing and producing at th e to p and also o n the left. At the
int erf erence . int ersect ion of this row an d column yo u
Once th e interfering frequency is will also find yo ur operating freq uency .
know n, th e so urce of the mix ing mu st be From this point on t he chart yo u can
fo und, Th e int er mod prod uct is produced begin listing t he possible inter fering fre-
in a nonlinear element which co uld be in quencies. Th e inter mod product at your
the pow er amplifi er of a t ransmitt er or in operating freq uency will appear period-
th e front end stages of a receiver. In so me ically o n th e chart to t he left and right of
cases, th e mixing can oc cur at some point th e sta rting poi nt. A pattern is established
out side th e transmitter or receiver, su ch by moving up o ne row and to th e left
as a poo r ant en na-t o-to wer co nnectio n, or two columns, and by mo ving t o the right
even a ru sty drain pipe. two columns and down o ne row. Th e
Using the l ntermo d Produ ct Chart. Th e int er mod product appears bo th t o the left
cha nnels involved ar e liste d at the left and right of the sta rting poi nt fo r severa l
side of the chart and again at the t op of pages. Wherever thi s product appears o n
th e chart. By moving down a column the chart , it will o ccu r at t he int ersection
headed by a frequ ency at the t op and of th e column and row head ed by the
moving acro ss a row head ed by a fre- possibl e inte rfering freq uencies.

22 73 MA GA ZI NE
for 2M FM Chann els

146 .7 6 14 6 .7 9 0 146.112 146.85 146.88 146.91 146 .9 4 146.97 1 4 7 .00 147 .03 147 .06 14 7 .0 9 1 4 7. 12

1 4 5.66 1 45 .6 5
145 .7 4 14 5.71 145 .6 8 14 5 . 6 5
14 5.8 0 14 5 .77 14 5 .7 4 145 . 71 1 45.6 B" 14!>. 6 5
1 4 5 .8 6 1 45.83 145 .8 0 1 45 .7 7 14!>.74 145.71 1 4 5.68 14 5 .6 5
145 .92 145 .89 1 4 5 .8 6 145 .8 3 1 4 5 .80 145 . 77 14 !>.H 14 5 .71 14 5 .6 8 14 5 .6 5
145 .0 8 14 5 .9 5 1 45 .92 145 .89 1 4 5.86 145 .8 3 14 5 .80 14 5 .77 14 5 .74 14 5 .71 14 &.680 14!>.6!>
1 4 6 .0 4 146 .0 1 14 5 .08 145 .9 5 145.92 14 !>.89 1 4 5 .8 6 145 .83 1 4 5 .8 0 14 5 .77 14 5 .74 1 4 5 .71 14 5 .6 8
146.10 147 .07 146.04 1 46.0 1 145.9 8 145.95 1 4 5 .9 2 14 5 .89 145.8 6 14 5 .8 3 145.80 145 .77 14 5 .74
1 4 6 .1 6 146.1 3 1 46. 10 146.0 7 146.0 4 146.01 145. 98 14 5 .95 145 .92 14 5 .89 14 5 .86 1 4 5.83 1 45.8 0
14 6 .2 2 146.19 14 6 .1 6 146.1 3 146 .10 14 6 .0 7 146.04 14 6 .01 14 5 .9 8 14 5 .9 5 14 5 .92 1 45 .89 1 45.86
14 6 .2 8 146 .25 1 46.22 1 4 6. 19 1 4 6. 16 14 6 .1 3 146 .10 1 4 6 .0 7 14 6 .04 1 46.0 1 14 5 .98 145.9 5 1 45 .9 2
14 6 .34 146.31 146. 2 8 1 4 6. 25 1 4 6 .2 2 14 6 .19 146.16 14 6 .1 3 14 6 .10 14 6 .07 146.0 4 146.01 1 4 5 .9 8
146.40 146.37 146.34 146. 31 146.28 1 46 .25 146.22 14 6 .19 14 t=.1 6 14 6 .13 146.10 146.07 1 4 6 .0 4
1 4 6 .4 6 14 6 .4 3 14 6 .40 14 6 . 37 14 6 .3 4 146.31 1 4 6 .2 8 14 6 .2 5 14 6 .22 14 6 .1 9 146.1 6 146.13 1 4 6 .10
14 6 .5 2 146.49 14 6 .4 6 1 4 6 .4 3 14 6 .40 146.37 146 .34 14 6 .31 1 46 . 2 8 14 6 .2 5 146.22 146.19 146.1 6
146.58 146 .5 5 1 46 .52 146 .4 9 1 4 6 .4 6 1 4 6.43 146.4 0 14 6 .37 14 6 . 34 146.31 1 4 6 . 28 146.25 146.22
146.64 146.61 1 4 6 .58 146.55 14 6. 52 146,49 146,46 146 .4 3 1 4 6 .4 0 146.3 7 146.34 146.31 146.28
146.70 146 .6 7 14 6 . 6 4 146.61 146.58 146.5!> 146.52 146 .49 14 6,4 6 14 6 .4 3 146,40 146.3 7 146.34
146.7 6 146.7 3 14 6 .70 146 .67 146.6 4 146. 6 1 146 .58 146.5 5 14 6 . 5 2 146.4 9 1 4 6,4 6 14 6 .43 146.40
146.82 146.79 14 6 .7 6 14 6 . 7 3 146 .70 146. 67 146.64 146 .61 146. 58 146 .!>5 1 46 .52 1 4 6 .4 9 146.46
146.88 1 46.65 U6 ,5 2 14 6 . 79 146.76 146.7 3 146.70 146 .67 14 6 .64 14 6 . 6 1 146. 58 146. 5!> 146.52
146.94 1 4 6.91 146 .88 14 6 .85 146.8 2 146.79 146.76 14 6 . 7 3 14 f>.70 14 6 .6 7 1 46 .64 146.61 146.58
147.00 146.97 14 6 .94 1 46.91 146.88 1 4 6 .8 !> 146 .82 14 6 .7 9 146 . 7 6 146.7 3 1 4 6 . 70 146.67 146.64
147 .06 147.0 3 147 .00 146.97 146.94 146.91 146.88 146.8 5 1 46. 8 2 146.7 9 146.7 6 146.73 146 .70
147 .0 6 14 7 .0 3 147 .00 146 .9 7 146.94 146 .91 14 6 .88 146.8 5 H 6 .8 2 146.79 146 .76
147.12 147 .0 9 14 7 .09 14 7 .0 6
147 .18 147 .15 147 .1 2 147 .03 147 .00 146.97 146. 9 4 146 .91 H 6 .88 146 .85 146 .8 2
147. 24 147 .21 14 7 .18 1 47 .1 5 147 .1 2 147.09 147 .06 147 .0 3 147.00 146.97 146 .94 146 .91 146 .8 8
147 .30 147 .27 14 7 . 2 4 147. 21 147.18 147. 1 5 147 .1 2 147 .09 147 .06 147.03 14 7 .00 146 .9 7 146 .9 4
147 .36 147 .3 3 14 7 . 30 147. 2 7 147.24 1 4 7 .21 1 47 .1 8 147.1 5 147 .1 2 14 7 .09 1 4 7.06 147 .03 147 .00
147 .4 2 147 .3 9 14 7 . 3 6 147 . 3 3 1 4 7 . 30 147 .27 1 4 7.2 4 147.21 147 .18 14 7 .1 5 147 .12 1 47 .09 14 7.06
147 .48 14 7 .4 5 147 .4 2 14 7 .39 147.36 147 .3 3 14 7 .30 147.2 7 14 7 . 24 1 47 .2 1 147 .18 1 4 7 .1 5 1 4 7 .1 2
147 .54 147 .51 14 7 .48 147 .4 5 1 4 7. 4 2 14 7 . 39 147.36 147.3 3 147. 30 14 7 . 2 7 14 7 .24 147 .2 1 14 7 .18
147 .60 14 7 .5 7 14 7 . 54 14 7 .51 147 .48 147 ,4 5 147,42 147.39 147. 36 147. 3 3 147.30 14 7 . 2 7 147 . 2 4
147 .66 14 7 .6 3 1 47. 6 0 147 . 57 147. 54 147 .51 147,48 147.4 5 147.42 147. 3 9 14 7 .3 6 14 7 . 3 3 14 7 .30
147.72 147.6 9 147 .66 147 .6 3 147 .60 147 .!>7 1 4 7 . 54 1 4 7. 5 1 1 4 7 .48 14 7,4 5 14 7 .4 2 1 47 . 39 1 4 7 .3 6
14 7 .7 8 147.75 147.7 2 1 47 .69 147.66 14 7 . 6 3 147.60 14 7 .5 7 14 7 . 54 14 7 . 5 1 1 4 7 ,4 8 147 ,4 5 147.42
147 .84 147 .61 147.78 14 7 . 75 1 47.7 2 14 7 .6 9 147.66 147.63 147.60 14 7 .b7 147 .501 147 . 51 147.48
147.90 147.87 14 7 .8 4 14 7 .8 1 147 .7 8 147 . 7 5 147 .7 2 147.69 14'1 .66 1 4 7.6 3 147 .60 147. 57 147 .54
147 .96 14 7 .93 1 4 7 .9 0 14 7 .8 7 147 .8 4 147.81 147.78 147.75 147.72 147 .69 14 7 .6 6 147 .63 147 .6 0
148.02 147 .9 9 14 7 .9 6 14 7 .9 3 14 7 .90 147 .8 7 147.84 147.81 14 ': .78 147. 7 5 14 7 .7 2 14 7 .6 9 147 .66
148. 0 8 148 .0 5 148 .02 147.9 9 14 7 .9 6 147 .93 147. 90 14 7 .8 7 1 4 7 .84 147 .8 1 1 4 7 .7 8 147 .75 147 .72
148 .1 4 148 .11 14 8 .0 8 14 8. 05 1 4 8 .0 2 14 7. 9 9 147 .96 147.93 14 7 .90 147 .87 147 .8 4 147.8 1 147 .78
148 .2 0 148 .1 7 148 .14 148 .n 148 .0 8 148 .0 !> 148 .0 2 147.99 14 7 . 9 6 147 .9 3 147 .9 0 147. 8 7 147. 8 4
148 .2 6 148 . 2 3 1 4 8 . 20 148.1 7 1 4 8 .14 148.11 148. 08 14 8 .0 5 148 .02 147 .99 1 4 7 .9 6 147 .9 3 147 .90
148 .3 2 146.29 14 8 . 2 6 1 48 . 23 148 .20 1 4 8 .1 7 1 4 8 .1 4 148.11 1 48 .08 148 .05 1 48.02 1 4 7.99 147 .9 6
146 . 3 6 148 .3 5 148. 32 148 .29 14 8. 26 148 .23 148 .20 1 4 8. 1 7 148 .14 1 4 8 .11 148.0 8 1 48 .05 148. 0 2

Ex am ple 1 : Neither Frequency is say, 14 6.82 MHz., To find the oth er

K now n. If you r receiver freq uency is mixing frequen cy , follo w a two-step pro-
146 .94 MHz refer to th e spot on the ced ure. Fir st , locat e th e 146 .94 MHz
chart wher e 146.94 MHz occurs at th e product on the chart under th e 14 6.8 2
top and th e left side of th e page. Moving MHz co lum n and no t e that it intersects
to t he side and up (an d down) as in- th e row corre spo nding to 146 .88 MHz.
dicate d above, yo u' ll find t he frequen cy Th is freque ncy, 146 .88 MHz, can be the
occurs at t he inte rsec tio n of the column unkno wn frequency (2A-B where A is
and ro w headed by 146.88 MHz and 14 6.88 and B Is 14 6.8 2). Next locate the
146.9 1 MHz, both of whic h are possible 146 .94 MHz product in the chart where it
int er fering .freq uencies, By contin uing o n appears o n the ro w o ppo site 14 6.82 MHz
in t his manner both to th e left and ri ght (left columns) and note it is und er the
of sta rti ng po int , you will find man y column head ed by 14 6.70 MHz. This
co mb inat ions of channels which may be frequency , 146.70 MHz, can also be th e
int erfering with you. A k no wledge of th e unkno wn freq uen cy (2 A-B where A is
channels in your area will probably nar- 146.8 2 MHz and B is 146 .70 MHz) . Of
row t he possib ilities to o nly a few chan- course th ere are ot her eq uat ions t hat wilI
nels. produce interm od ulat ion pro d ucts , and
Example 2. One Frequ ency is K nown. intermo dul ation is not the only form of
If one of the inte rfering freq uencies is interference. T he int erm odulat io n product
kno wn, t he other frequency can easily be chart will be of assistance to you in
found . For exam ple, assume that int er- showing a few of t he combinat io ns tha t
mod interference is being experienced in a can affect yo ur syst em an d thro ugh your
receiver o perating o n 146.94 MHz. On e of owr refinemen t and application of th e
th e interferi ng or mixin g frequencies is chart , it can be of bene fit to yo u.
inte lligib le, and kno wn to be operating at, W6YAN-

A PR I L 19 71 23
VFO S EL. ECT-{i- S E L E C T 1V IT .....

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OF... ' \

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Whichever is more important to you - quality or
price - the Kenwood R·599 wins hands down.
Check these features .• • they're standard! <D
MODE - Permits reception of CW, lSB, USB.
AM, AM with noise limiter, or FM. ® FUNCTION
- Selects receiver posit ion between: Standby.
Monitor signal from T·S99 , Slow AGe, Fast AGe.
100 KHz or 25 KHz calibrator. @ DIAL - 1/2
KHz readou t , 25 KHz on subdial. 0 PRE·
SELECTOR - Adjusts R·599 for maximum gain
on desired receiv ing frequency by tuning for
maximum s-rneter reading. ® BAND - 160, 80,
40, 20 , 15 , 10 meters (2 & 6 meters with acces -
sory converters). ® RIT - AI~ows off-set tuning
of receiver when Kenwood Units are operated in
transceive configuration . ® SQUELCH - Al - THE T·599 TRANSMITTER: Clear, stable, select-
lows squelch feature for receiver, turns RIT off able side-band, AM and CW _ 4-way VFO Flex-
by pulling knob out. <1> VFO SELECT - Chooses ibility plus Receiver Incremental Tuning (RIT)
VFO of either unit in transceive operation or
when used with the R-599 - Amplified Ale -
allows each VFO to operate independently. <1>
Built-in VOX • Full metering, including cathode
SELECTIVITY - Automatically selects appropri-
ate filter f or selected mode or choose 2 .5 KHz current, plate voltage, Ale and relative Power
filter for LSB and USB, 500 Hz f ilter for CW, Output. Built-in CW Sidetone monitor and semi-
5 KHz filter for AM (and AM with noise limiter), aut omati c break-in CW _ Built-in power supply.
and 25 KHz filter for FM. The R·599 $298.00. Maximum TVI protection • Easy calibration _
The 5-599 speaker $14.50 • CC·29 2 meter con - Employs only 3 vacuum tubes • The price • . •
verter $29.50 • CC-69 6 meter converter $29.50. only $345.00
War OnPoverty!
Henry Radio 1124 0 W. Olym- Yo u can help figh t a reall y serio us
p ic Blvd . Los A nge les, Ca. 90064 poverty p ocket in New Ham psh ire by
477-6701 .931 N. Euclid Ave. sen ding in you r subscription tod ay to 73.
Ana heim, Ca. 92 801 772- Not only will this give y o u th e war m
9200. Butler, Mo. 64 73 0
69 7-3 12 7 feeling dee p inside kn owing that you have
Adirondack Radio Supply helped so meon e in need , bu t it will also
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Wash. 98 108 76 7-3222
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Ave. N"." W. Wate rtow n, S.D.
5 72 0 1 886-3767 A subsc ription to 7 3 is such an ex tra or-
di nary act o f generosit y that it sh ould be
Douglas Electron ics 1118
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Electronic Center 10 73 rd tered joy an d enthusiasm for an en tire
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Mich. 4944 1 726-31 96
every subsc ription with grasping finger s. It
Electronic Distributors is generous to the State of New Hampshire,
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38 Biltm ore A ve. As h evil le, possibility tha t your su bsc riptio n might be
N.C. 2880 1 254-9 5 5 1 the on e whi ch would edge 73 out o f the
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63 132 99 3-606 0 Call _
Ham Radio Ou tlet 999
H o w ard Ave. Burli ngam e,
Ca. 940 10 342 -5 757 Address _
JRS Distributors 646 W.
M ar ke t St . Y o rk, Pen n. City _
17404 854-8624
Kass Elect ro nics 2502 State Zip __
Tow nshi p Une Rd . D re xel
Hill, Penn. 19026 449-2300
Madison Electronics 1508
o New subscription
McKi nney Ave. H o u st on
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T exas, 77 0 02 22 4-2668 D S14 Three years D S10Two years
Portland Radio Supply Foreig n: add $1 per year.
1234 s. W. Stark St. Port-
land, Or. 97205 22 8 ·8 647 73 Magazine . Peterborough NH 03458

BOOKS! CIRCUITS If you 'v e been

looking for a t ra n si sto r circuit
t o d o a sp ecia l job, cha nces a re
there is a cir cuit in t h is b o ok
ADVAN CED CLASS STUDY that will giv e y ou a head start .
GUIDE Up-t o -the-mi nute sim- It co ve r s circuits f or a udio, CUSTOM MADE OX
r eceive rs, t ra nsmitters a nd tes t MAGNETIC CAR SIGNS CH A R T S When you n eed a
p li f ied t h e ory, w r itt e n w ith
t he beginn ing ra dio a mate ur in
mi n d . T his u n iq ue bo o k covers
all aspects of t he theor y .e xa rn
]co'Ot~e.n.t: ... . . .. .. .$ 1 r_10 _ I; e e
Put t h is eas y-to-read magnetic
ca ll sign o n y our car w hen y o u
are on a t ri p and m ee t the
DX b earing yo u need i t im-
mediate ly . You don't wa n t t o
have to look it u p on a m ap or
for t h e A dva n ced Class li ce nse SIMPLIFIE D MATH Does O · ~ ' . ¢J hams along th e w ay. Comes
ri ght off w h e n the X YL d rive s
f id d le w ith a globe. These Cus-
to m DX Chart s a r e co m p ute r
m a t h sc are you? It sho ul d n't.
and has hel p ed h u nd r eds of
hams t o s ail thr o u gh t he exam
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1001. . . . . $3. 95
This easy-to-under st a n d b o ok
explains t h e si mplified e x p o - .
ne ntial s yste m o f arithme t ic,
.~ . 0 0 e • f'). the car hif s he doesn't w a n t t o
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pri n t o u t s for y o ur exact shac k
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and t heir a p p licatio n to t he 1201 . . $4 out by ca llJ'refi x for s p eed of
EXTRA C LASS LIC ENSE TRANS CEIVER Transistor- location an the capit al ci ty is
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STUDY COURSE BOOK T h e 10 07. . . $ 5 0t LAPEL BADGES N ame a n d indicated.
E xtra Class L icense Study drive r and final) runs 1000 call id ent ifi es y o u a t club Custom DX Cha rt ,1 2 06pp d $4
Guide is n o w availa b le in book w atts, ye t is just a b it large r meeti n gs, h a mfe st s, b u sted pot
fo rm a s a perm anent ad d itio n t ha n o rd i nary transceive r ! parties. H and e ng ra ved b y skil-
to your r adio libr a ry . This is Complete k il o watt ha m st a- led N ew H am pshire craftsman
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p u b lished in 73 , cover in g Tes t ed b y 73 staff and foun d lousy dollar. S end f ir s t n ame
e ver y tech nical phas e o f t h e 73 umut ; to be a re ally gre at u nit . T h e a nd ca lL
new license exams for this
I w orld of t r a n si s tors and ICs 12 0 2 .

hig h es t cl ass of amateur lic- make s it poss ible t o ha ve a
e n se. This al s o covers, in t he co mple t e kilowatt all b and
e as ies t -to-unde r s ta n d form, ha m station in one s mall u nit!
j u st a b o u t e ve r y technical N ot much larger t han n ormal
q u e stion likely to b e a sk ed on tran sc e ive r y e t r u ns s olid 1000
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exam. T hi s is t h e fir st stud y ... I , w a t ts. Extremely sensitive,
p r oces sed speech for maxi-
cou rse ever published tha t is , I mum u mphs when w an ted,
written s o th e new co m e r to e verything y o u n eed in o n e
ra dio ca n und e rs t and i t. With little p ack age . Only tubes are
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und erstand th e th e o ry a n d AMATEUR TEST AND MEA- is a n u nusu a l b argai n at t hat THE WO RLD Show visito r s
w ith n o fear of rew ritt e n ques- SUREMENTS B y W5 RE Z. p rice . The 7a test u nit , used a DX y o u've w o rked. Wall
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Us in g VOM, Scope V T V M , fac to ry warra nty , is av ailable
1002. ppd USA $4. 95 d ippe r , SW R bridges. e t c . Cov- fla t in m ailin g t ub e ; s u itab le
to the f irst $700 c he ck re- for fra min~ ; m o st complete
VHF ANTENN AS This h a nd - ers a m a te ur users o f t est ceived. map a v a ilable; u p-to-date

b ook is a comple t e co llectio n equip m ent in t he ha m st atio n .
of up -to-da te in form a tio n 208 p age s, softbound. Inter- w o rld p re fi xes sho wn ; colo r in
abo u t V HF and UH F anten- estingl y w r it te n\ covers tuning coun t ries as worked ; sho ws
nas, w ith des ign h i nts , con-
s t ruc t ion and theor y. If you' ve
bee n w o nde ring wha t array
f O U n eed. t h is book will give
r eceivers, all k inds o f t r a n s-
mitters. e tc . I n valuable f o r
ev ery ha m shack ,
101 2 $ 5 . 50
ticu la rl y when thes e fab ulo u s
is lands, r eefs, ra r e OX spo ts;
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fe rent bands.
12 0 7 $1
G.R. FREQUENCY MEA- Hammond globes (the best in
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COA X HANDBOOK In- ers entire theory needed for from 1 Hz to over 100 MHz way) r egularly se lli ng for $15. secrets. win ni n g DX contests .
valuable book for the ham or passing amateur li ce nses. Fine with a n accuracy of one cycle now special, whil e they last DXCC rules. D Xpeditions, re-
t he lab and for e veryone else boo k for instr u ctors, and for up to 10 MHz . This IS a 12 08 o n ly $ 10 ciprocal licensi n g a n d many
w ho doesn't wa nt t o h a ve to amateurs wanting a r efresher lab oratory s t andard used pri- 13 " ligh t ed i n flata ble . glob e, more. World postage r ates.
keep a whole library o n hand course before e xposing them- marily for calibrating other regularlY$2 5 no w WAZ record li sts. ti me charts ,
for re f er e nc e . .. or even sIev es t o the FCC examiners. equipment. T h is is the last 1209 o n ly $15 propagation, etc. Special h a m
wors e have to write to the Hardb ook books look nice and word in frequency standards. We have a fe w of these in maps and bearing cha r t s. A
m anufacturer for coax s p ec . last. Send for details. stock and w h e n t h e y a re gone . must for the DXer.
I ()n" </I ~ 1()1 c ~7 0'<; Snprinl s 995 that's it! 1021 .. $ 3
BOOK An in va lu a b le reference
book. Covers rectifiers, mix-
e rs, detectors, modulators. FM
detectors, noise limiters, AGe ,
B F O / Q -mu ltip li e r , AFC, Vari-
!:'.!!.~..2QClk ---
BO OK? Designed and execu-
ted b y W2NSD/l, this is t he
most rele va n t amateur ra dio
lo g e ver d esign ed. This is a log
for today. It has a col umn for
ca p tuning audio clippers, bal- G UNSMOKE? Blow your DESK CALL PLATE Up to 20 the date, one for time and off
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t er s , RF probes, zeners, con- gain bunch , 30 (count ' em) bossed white letters o n walnut umn to i n d ica t e whether you
trol circuits, etc. 111 different assorted (we hope) b a c k is - background; ebony stand. called the station contacted
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1004 $1 incredibly low pr ice of $6 name and ca ll. Wa tc h envy space for the station call con -
,. TRA NSISTOR PROJECTS p ostpaid (ha rdl y pays for the race through y o ur neighb or- tacted, little columns for the
1019 1010 postage). These are packed b y hood . Send along 2 0 w ell reports, a good space fo r his
FOR T HE A MATEU R" A col- slave labor (to cut costs) so
lection of 73's most popular chosen letters (spa ces c o u n t as location, a QSL column, and
ED ITORS & ENGINEERS please ignore notes calling for letters too), include a nice lo t s of room for notes The log
ham projects, selected by you, help, etc .. that may be slipped fresh two dollar bill, and give
t h e readers, and edi ted by Paul RAD IO HANDBOOK Hard - is the Io n ? wayan standard
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f~r s~te~Ol~Oth;~zg~~et~e~~~~ L at est Editio n - P O P U L A R contacts. There is a p lace to
indicate o n each sheet the
101d'. $3 t inued article you only read T UBE & TRANSISTOR SUB -
the e n d of - can be yours for S T ITU T I O N GUIDE Brand- band being used and the pow-
EDITORS & ENG INEER S er in case these change now
a mere pittance ! M ost issu es g~~! ¥l!:t~~stnge:d~des~be~t
bound. W6SAI (l7th edition)
reduced fo r clearance, limited
supply a vailable for fast acting
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for $1 each. The exceptions
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tution data for both tubes and
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b rand-new vo lume! No longer
~~~t~~~dTf~~ l~lilac~~dc:~f~r~
ence . Why use a lo~ b o o k
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lection from FM Bullet in, e d i t - gone f o r e ver. Jan.65 , Apr.65, Jan.66, Jan. and a nother for transistors - for the DX'er, and rag chewer,
ed by K6 7MVH and 1019 , .. , .$10 67 ... . . . . . . . • . . . • ... . . $3 everyting is here in one quick- or even the r o u n d -t a b le deni-
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r~aJK. 1967 through February
66 $ 100 ~~~rtu~;~dan~otr:~sl~~~~s MOo~~~ vis ion. Never has a log been

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"THE BEST O F F M" A huge be without t h is tremendous transistors ; P o pula r R e ceivin g
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$1 each.
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I CLE S"! Selected FM editor- 7 3 and w in the love of a
ial s to show a broad view of ii3~.73APJt~~2~8. 2M Guard beautiful girl. G o rge o u s red ~~:;:Bt~te;.urJil.~~;sis1~~nsiJ;~~
t h e p roblems faced by FM'ers. Chan nel Receiver. b in d er s lo o k great on yo ur D ia gr ams a n d Manufae turer A ll books and items postpaid
T his book comprises Volume 11 03. SSB 'I'ranse tver, Nov. shelves and also keep the mag- Ab b r eviations. You'll find this in U.S.A. unless otherwise in-
II o f t he FM a ntholog y , and 1 9 6 17 3 Page 2 3 . azines from disappearing or guide to b e one of th-e m o st d ica t ed . Sen d cash, check,
includes an "Editor's Choice" 11 0 4 . R508{ARC, J u n e 1965 breaking . Come with set of p ractical everyday aids yo u've \ m oney order, etc., to:
se lection of topflight articles page 48, before & after. y ear s tick ers . Get e n ough b in- ever u s ed. 2 24 pps., 8 Sec-
from FM Jo urnal" from Ma rch B u y la vis hly! O rder today f rom : d ers t o protect all t hose back t ions. B u y lavish ly ! Ord er t oday fro m:
1968 to May 1 96~. RA DIO B O OKS H O P issues too. 1022., ,., Softbound $2.95 RAD IO BOOK SHOP
1011 . , , ,. $4.95 P e t e r b o ro u gh NH 03458 1205 , $4 1023. . Vinyl Cover $ 4 . 9 5 Pete rb o r oug h NH 0 3458
Mot o rola introduced the first commer- figur at io n. If your un it has the late-model
cia lly ava ilab le tran sisto rized port able F M receiver. go im mediate ly to som e othe r
transceivers so me time aro und 195 6. These art icle. because the rem ai nder of th is one
bea utif ul litt le units a re now widely avail- will just make yo u wish yo u had n't splurge d
a ble to ama teurs. but they co me in a be- on the no nhybrid ized vintage.
wildering asso rtment of type num bers. For Using inexpensive N cchar mel field -effect
exam ple. a P33-4 is a single-fre que ncy transisto rs. the early rece ivers can be
tr a nsceiver fo r the 14 4 - 174 M Hz reg io n readi ly co nverted to fully so lid-state o pera-
with 7 wails ou tput. micro pho ne. spea ke r. tio n. a nd these mod ified receivers will per-
a nd rechargeable nickel - cad mium battery : fo rm rings a ro und th e newer un its (w hich
an H23AAC -3 10AH is a high-band split- use bipo lar tran sisto rs rat he r tha n the hotte r
chan nel o ne-w att uni t with ha ndset a nd FETs ) . T he necessary mo difica tions will
extra-d uty d ry butte ry. co st about $7. and th e wo rk ca n be finished
Th e year 1956 was such a sho rt time in litt le mo re than an ho ur.
ago that it is so metimes sta rtling to reme m- T he FET cas cod e shown in Fi g. I is
ber that available tra nsistor s at tha t lime gene ralfy usef ul as a pen tod e vacuum tube
wou ld not osc illate above a bo ut I ~:1H z ­ repl acem ent. Th e tra nsistor s specified a rc
an d an ything above that was vac uum tube readi ly availa ble either locally o r from th e
co untry . So it was that the local osc illa to r large r mail -o rder su pply o utlets. Other ~ ­
an d the two first i-f's of the Mot o ro la HT channel F ETs. such as 2N3 823 a nd tho se
receivers used vacu um tube s. Later units of the Moto rol a MP F series. will wo rk
we re co mpletely tr ansisto rized . and a co n- eq ua lly well. In this a pplication. th e sup ply
version kit is still ava ilable from Mot o rola pot ent ial o f 50 vo lts is just right as the two
/ NE D6004A . $74. 00) wh ich upd ates the FET's arc in series fo r dc and each gets
ea rly receivers to the fully tra nsisto rized co n- abo ut 27 volts fro m d ra in to source. Resis-

28 73 M A GAZI NE
C 5 retu rn th e cr ystal operating fre quency
(Q that of the origi na l tub e circuit. Resistor
1M 1/4 'If R 5 d ro ps th e 60 -volt B+ to a level th at is
safe fo r the FET.
As a last touch. re place the first crystal-
mixer d iod e CRt ( it will be a IN 72 or a
IN J47A ) with an HP 508 2-2 80 0 hot car-
rier d iod e. T h is will o nly cost a buck , and
th e expense is wo rthw hi le. My own wide-
band H 2J A,AM measures better tha n 0 .4
microvolt sensitivity at 20 d B of quieti ng.
a nd adj acen t-chan nel pro blems du e to cross
mod ulati o n have d isappear ed .
.. .W7PUG-
.0 0 3
Digita l
FI'e quency MeteI'
Fig. 1. FET cascode arrangem ent replaces each
pen tad e i -t amplifier in the H 23 hybrid r eceiver .
No te that C 3 is req uire d [or the first i-f ampl- ,
fier , though it is not used in the secon d.
tor R 3 determ ines th e cu rrent dr awn by the
series tr a nsistor pai r. The cur ren t in milli-
ampe res is appro xima tely 2000 / R 3. More
.~ ~ .. [§J i)
than ade quate gain is obtained at a curr en t .'"
of 600 m icr oamperes. and with th e high er
Mic: r o _Z
gains obtained at high er cu rren ts. sta bility I m · r;
problems ca n arise.
T he ou tp ut ca pa cit ance o f th is ci rc uit is ----".....-- -- - ,,---/
negligible. so th at C 3 is requ ired to cor- • Monitor s y o u r " tr ansm itted " signal
rec tly tun e the output of th e VI tube re- • Mea su res Khz and Mhz
place ment. Th ere is sufficient ca pacity in • Op er at es w ith a ny ex cit er-t rans m itter
the o utput circuit o f the seco nd stage (1 to 60 0 watts- u p to 30 Mhz)
( V 2 ) so tha t a C 3 eq uivalent is no t requi red . • Large-b right " Nix ie" d isp lay
Vacuum tube V 3 is triode -co nnected , so • 10 0 Hz Read o ut
a single F ET is used . Ca pac ito rs C 4 and FM-6 K;, . . . $119.50
Ex tra - 6 an d 2 Me ter Prescarer

Micro-Z Co.
Box 24 26 Rolli ng Hills. Cali f. 9 0274

1_--- HR~E.,VI;:.CE;;:.
:;: S ---...
170 QG K it Fo rm
T T L lo g ic. Po w e r lin e f re qu e n c y co u nter for 3 m inut e
Fig. 2~ FE T replaces vacuum tu be in the H2 3 o r les s timi ng a nd COntro l. Eas ily rep rog ram m able
osc illator to complete the transistorization oper- d io d e R O M u se s only 2 7 d iode s (d epe nd ing on c a ll) t o
send DE "any c all ". L o w impedance a udio w it h
a tion. Components not labeled in th e sk etch are vo lu m e an d to ne control. A ll c ircuit ry in clud ing PS <,)1'
tho se components that are already part of th e small G 10 glass pc boa rd . Write for full cetens. H AL
DEVI C ES, B OX 365. URBANA, I L LI N O IS 6 1801
ex isting os cillator cir cuit .

A PR I L 19 7 1 29
he govern ment 's way of solving prob- crysta l oscillators can no lo nger provi de
T lem s is to offer lon g-range legislation
in the for m of t echno logical targets to be
the sta b ility requ ired for legal opera tio n;
for this rea son , several firm s are busily
aime d at b y an ind ustr y . F or air po llu- engaged in projects t o either impro ve th e
tion , th e federal govern ment set an or- stab ilit y of crystal oscillators or rep lace
derly pa tt ern of in creasingly rigid specifi- the cry stal altogethe r. In the immed iate
catio ns with regar d to auto e xhaust emis- future . FCC requirements call for a fre-
sio ns; an d the auto ind ustry mus t co n- quen cy stabilit y of 9 9 .99 97 5% for ba se
tinu e to reduce the po lluting gases fro m statio ns (allowing only a maximum fre-
their prod ucts in a co ntinu ing series of quency error of 0 .00025 %). For mob iles,
yea r-to -year imp ro ve ments. T he on ly al- with sta bili t y pro ble ms that will be com-
ternative for the ind ustry is t o give u p the po unde d by cha nging battery vo ltages and
manufact ure o f int ern al co mbustio n en- te m perature extremes, the allo wab le error
gines. will be 0 .0005%. It is har d ly necessary to
The F CC has taken th e same co urse sa y th a t man y - ind eed , mos t -
wit h co m mercial radio . The pro blem is co mmercial t wo-way rad ios are no t cap -
the per ennial " spectrum squ eeze ," wh ere - able of meeting th is new to lera n ce re-
by mor e users de mand more frequenc ies quirement without extensive mod ificatio n
for mor e pu r po ses t han ever befor e. On e or outright replacem ent .
of th e ap proac hes was th e "splitti ng" of Of all the a ppro ac he s being considered
commerc ial channe ls to get tw ice as ma ny by the various man ufacturers, t he one
users in a given ba nd . This was acco m- that a ppears the mo st promi sing is Se nt ry
plished by cutt ing th e maximum band - Manuf acturing Com pany' s MODCOM idea.
width o f user statio ns b y two thirds , spacing Th e MO DCOM is a very highly stab le
channe ls at half their orig ina l dis tance, and crysta l-less oscillator bu ilt into a co nve n-
tighte ning up the fr equ en cy to lera nces of tio nal cry stal oven co ntainer. It s mo st
opera ting st at ions. The next step is th e interestin g cha rac terist ic is the fa ct tha t it
furth er tigh te ning of operating fr eq uency plugs d irectl y into the crystal so cket of
toleran ces. ex isti ng radio u nit s, and achieves the
The fut ure calls for fre q uen cy ad- stab ility re q uire d by the FCC wit hout
here nce to suc h a degree th at ordinary necessit ating an y ac tu al mo d ifica tion.

30 73 MAGAZ IN E
• Dummy load wattmeter for 52 ohm
input • Measures R.F . power in 4
ranges to 1000 watts • Measures
modulation percen tage on calibrated
scale • Po rtable

I A I paLLO Products
~ Phase Two {(II/,t"
Box 245 Vaughnsville. Ohio 45893 Phone (419) 646-3495

Wh en the Sen t ry peo ple sent o ut ad- torily , for th e 4 50 MHz "test " un it is sti ll
vance literatur e de scr ib ing t he plu g-in being used at the re mo te site (t he
MOD COM unit s, 73 was on t h e mail ing WAI KFV re peat er ). Accord ing to D ick ,
list. A quick call t o t he manu fa ct urer was a mbient te m p erat ur es in e xc ess of 120
all it too k to get 7 3 lined u p wit h a n have fa iled to shift t he com pen sate d
eval uatio n mo del, set u p for o perat io n in os cill at o r element. And dis cr imina to r
a 4 50 MHz GE Pr og ress Line receiver. read ings sh ow th a t dai ly dro ps to _ 20
In out ward a ppeara nce, th e u n it loo k- (b elo w zero ) are inc apab le o f cau sin g
ed for all t h e wor ld lik e an ord inary not iceab le freque nc y dr ift .
cry sta l oven - t hough slightl y taller. But Ac cord ing to Sentry repre se nta ti ves,
th ere' s whe re t h e resembla n ce end ed. t he M O nCO ]'",1 o ff ers a nu mb er o f corol-
lar y ad va ntages by vir tue of its d ire ct
The u ni t wa s pre sen t ed to a co uple o f
"plu g-in " fe at ur e. For exa m ple , in add i-
local am ateurs who opera te a remote
ti on to br inging t he radio within t he ne w
t ra nsm itter on a co ld, co ld New Ha m p-
restrictiv e FC C gui delines, the mo dule will
shire mo unta into p. T he two wer e Bo b
elimi nate such co m mo n pro b lems as st ick-
(W lJ J O) and Dic k (WIKGZ) , who would
ing oven co ntacts. contact an d t her mal
test the uni t und er t he a dvers e co nd it io ns
noise, and lon g war mu p tim e. The un it s
of New England 's uncomfortab le winter
are full y solid-st at e , and use the oven
envi ronmen t. T hey also agreed to ma ke
voltage to power t he in tern al micro cir-
stabilit y measure ments at elevate d temp er-
cui t ry .
atures, which t hey simu lat ed by ap plyi ng A not he r advan tage is power consum p-
hea t inside t h e mo untaint op bu ildi ng for t io n - or lack of it. By re pla ci ng a sna p-
long pe riod s.
ac tion oven with Se nt ry's MO DC OM os cil-
The result s of these ex t ens ive tests lat or mod ule, act ual pow er co ns um p tio n
ma de a ver y short st or y: no drift. Perha ps in t h e ove n circ u it is cut b y a fa ct or of
the MODCO M perfor med too satisfa c- 2 5 to I . . .. Staff-

APRIL 19 71 31
T he Tra nx Circui t (73 , April '66 , page feedli n e from t he ex citer. Isola ti on is pro
76 ) for sw itching t h e pla te supply o f a linear vid ed at eac h e nd by 0.0 1 ca pacitors and rf
amplifier was exact ly wha t I was loo king fo r, cho kes, as show n in Fig. I .
having just bui lt up a 25 W mobile lin ear to
fo llow a J ohnson Messenger CB rig when
use d on 10 meters. The T ran x circ uit, in case RG · ~8/ U

you missed it , is a very sma ll device con - HEA O
r - - - - - - - .., ~ -- - ----- - ------,

! 'l
sistin g o f a diod e (to rectify a little rf picked I 01 1 .0 1 ....r:::-- I
': f-----W"
u p fro m t h e ex citer) , t wo tr a nsistor s, an d a
relay . T he re aly t h en t urns t he a m plifier off
: 2 , ~mh I ,,,:
1 R FC I
:, ,,
and on as th e exciter is keye d .
The on ly change I had to make in
ad ap ting it to 10 me ters ( t he originator of
t he circu it use d it o n 2 mete rs ) was in the
I T'Ol
, -=
SW ,
[ T~
, L____. _____ _
q 1(,
r ....

me t hod o f pic king up t he r f vo lt age fe eding 12VOC 12 VOC TO
t he d iode. I sim pl y wra pp ed fo ur tu rn s of 24 SUPPLY

AWG insulated wire ar oun d the lead from

Fi g . 1. R emo te sw itc h i n g of li n e a r a m plifi er .
t he in put 502 39 to th e amp lifier grid , a nd
ra n the en d of it t hro ugh a I K resistor to
ground to pro vide a d c re t urn fo r th e dio de.
But since my linear wa s to be mounted in Up front , the control head cons ists of a
t he au to mobile trunk, t h is still left me wit h sma ll alu minum br acket mo unt ed un der th e
t he sma ll proble m o f fin ding a nea t and easy d ash , bearin g t he o ff-o n swi tch, t wo capac i-
way to discon nect t he l 2 V fila men t and tors and an rf cho ke, an d a red in dicati ng
po wer inp ut when the Messe nger wa s to be lam p to sho w wh en t h e lin ear filamen t is on .
used on the CB ba nd. Bo rr o wing a sche me Beca use of t he lo w-im p edance line, t he rf
from co m me rc ial t wo-way ra di o design , I ran chokes are co mp lete ly effe c tive in sepa rat ing
the d e in pu t to the linear t hro ugh a relay, t he de fro m th e rf - an d opera tion is reliab le
t he cont ro l voltage fo r wh ich was ca rried by and loss-free.
th e inner co nducto r of the RG-5 8 coax R . B. Kuehn W~ HKF

80 Thru 2 -Meter Comp lete Statio n
D esig n ed For The Pro fessi o na l A ma t e ur & Co m me rcial Applications

THE B -500 -SSB probab ly is the Wo rl d 's m ost OTHER F EA T U R ES in c lu d ed in the 8 -500 -SS8
sop h isti cat ed tra nscei ve r, u ti l iz ing te c hn iq ues are as follo ws:
t h at s ig n ifica nt ly ad vanc e t he sta te of t h e t rans- SEL F·C O N T AI N E D 12D-v. a -c h o usehold line
ceiver a rt . Fou r yea rs of tu n-scare pr ofessiona l and 12 v , d-c m o b ile power supp lie s e lim i nate
e ngineer ing hav e gone into it s d ev e lo p m e nt. It in co nve nient e xternal b o xe s and both e rsome
repr esents the very fine st c o m m u n ica t io n s eq u ip - cab les. No other l -k i lo w a t t transceive r offers
m ent tha t is available any where , a t any price , b oth su p p lies built -in.
includ ing c u s t o m b uil t s y st e ms. an d u ses o n ly t he SOPHI STICATED tro nt -end no ise b lan ke r ut i"
fin est p remtc m quality co mponents. T h e com- l izes it s own b roadband i-f amp l ife r a nd noise
pletely se lf-co ntai ned uni t e xp lo it s t h e ad - gat e.
va ntages o f mod ular t y pe c o n st r u c t io n , a nd ALL LOW LEVEL S T A G ES a re lo c a t e d on
p rov ides s up e r b , h igh -eff ici e n c y p erformance o n h igh -qu alit y glass e p o x y pr inted ci rcu it boa rds.
S SB , CW , AM, RTT Y , S lo w -Scan T V a nd FM .
S T E EP -S K I R T E D se le ct ivity c o n t ro l: D.5 -K h z
TH E B -500-SSB has a r ugg ed RCA 8 1 2 2 c e ram ic CW , 2 . 1 -K h z SSB vo ic e c ha n n e l (si m ul t a neo us
tetroue in th e f ina l. The p owe r inp ut in 1000 - 2 .3 -K hz SSTV is o p tio n a l) , a nd G.D-Khz AM
wa tt s PEP o n S S B , 1000 -w a tt s peak an CW . bandw idt hs.
SOD-watt s d -e inp ut a n A M. 500 ·watts d -e in p u t NOTCH F ILTER w ith no tc h tuni ng a n d dep t h
o n R TT Y a nd 'r -k uo wa tt PEP o n SS TV. W hen con t ro ls in an operationa l amplifier t y p e f eed -
simultan eo u s vo ic e and SSTV bac k ci rcuit for exc eptional Q .
are used, a 3-db Os an S -u nit ) VO X ADJU STM E N TS a n d
redu c t io n of ga in in ea ch c h a n- b u ilt- in loudsp eaker located on
nel i s recomm ended . T H E the front pane l.
8 -50 0 ·5 58 c overs the 3. 5 t h r u FR O N T -PANE L S E L E C T O R
3 0, 0 M hz amateu r band s in for either la -d b of A LC. o r
e igh t 5 0 0 ·K hz segme nt s w it h m a n u al o utp u t le vel con t ro l to
instan t se lec t io n of u p per o r elim ina te e x ter n a l a ttenuetors
lo wer s id e b a nd . The 8-50 0 ·SSB whe n d ri ving a king -size linear .
pro vid es substantial co ve ra ge of Also per mi t s m an u al powe r leve l
f req ue n c ies out s id e t he l im it s of adj u stment , ve ry u se ful w h e n
t he amate ur bands w it h ap pro - using th e 8 -5 0 0 -55 8 o n limited
p ri a t e c r y st a ls. 6 and 2- m e te r full -p ower cove ra ge c u rr e nt capac ity autom o t ive elec trical systems.
is v ia pl ug- in 1 -K w final a m p lifi e r modules. I-F S P E EC H S IG N A L PRO CE SSOR do u b les SSB
t a lk -p o w e r; th is, p lus t he 1 O-d b of A LC re su lt s in
TWO ULTRA-LINEAR VFO 'S ha ving commer - a reall y potent tra n s m it t e d s ig na l.
c ia l eq u ip m e nt stab ility p rov ide ca lib ra t ed read - 100-Kh z CALIBRATION osci l lator.
o u t to 1 DO-Hz. "Prec ision 1 " in strument gea ri ng BUILT·IN VSWR meter. an d S -me t e r, inc lud ing
is used, found on ly in t h e fi ne st laborator y fr on t p a nel monitori ng of Al e , fina l amplifier
eq ui p men t . The re ce ive V FO a llo w s 5 0 0 -K h z high ·voltage and plate c u r re nt .
w ide-range inde pende nt re cei ve r t uning which is A BR USH E D ALUMINUM PANEL, ch ro m e
mi gh t y co nv e ni e n t w h e n wo r k ing o urot -band dress bars, e ight co lo r fu l mode in d ic a to r lamp s,
OX . ba nd -ho pping. etc . I n st a nt fro nt -pa n e l sel e c - two illu minated meters a nd r w c illumi nated
t ion of t r a nsceive o r re c e ive V F O is prov id ed in " easy rea d o ut" V FO d ial s w it h sp inn er knobs
th is mu lt i-c hannel system. p rese nt a spectacul a r ap pea ra n ce . A ll TRANSMIT
fu nc t io n k nobs are b lac k a nod iz ed ; RECEIVE
ALL CI RC U ITS, w it h the e xce ption o f th e d rive rs f u nctio n kno b s are clear anodized . E xcellent
and final , a re so l id -state . smcc n -ec tr e x ta t mo no - co n str uc tio n for M I L Spec . ruggedness is s tand -
lith ic in t eg ra t e d circuits are e xt ensive ly utilized , a rd pr ac tic e,
in additio n to n u m e ro u s sup por t c irc u it s using T HESE FEATUR ES co m bi n e to ma k e t h e
si lico n transistors an·d d iod es. The receive r fro nt- 8 ·500·S SB t rul y " T he Co mplete Bi g 1000-Wa tt
end r-f amp lifi ers, mix e r. buff e r a nd h et erodyne S t a t io n in On e little Bo x " - Fo r S S B , CW, A M .
oscillator al l use low-no ise p re mi u m q uality ATT Y . FM . and Break -in Type Slow -Scan T el e -
FET ' s , res u lt ing in an exc ellent no ise fig u re of vis ion using our new ly developed d ig ital "Sca n -
b ett e r t ha n 4 -d b , h igh sen s it ivity o f a t lea s t 0 _5 Trac k" TV System. which p ermits stew-sc an T V
micro vol t on all ba nd s, a nd a crossta lk. re je ction t ransm it a n d receive capabi lities on t he sideband
on t he ord er o f ae-ob. Fu rt h e r m ore all V F O r-f opposite the vo ice c han nel, simu ltaneou s w it h
am pli fi ers a nd a ll op e rat ional o sci lla to rs u t iliz e vo ic e. 1 20/360 line se lec tab le dua l resolut io n
FET's. system.


Opt ional Items Fit Insid e T he B -500 -S S B : 6 & 2-Met er Coverage; Indep enden t R eceive VFO; Po wer
Su pply; S harp C W F ilter ; S low-Scan TV (Clamps On Lef t S ide Of B-SOO-SS B). F u ll FM Capa bili ty Can
B e Pro vided In Th e 2 -Meter j· K w P lug -in Unit.


I •••••••••••••• P .O . B o x 281 . A c t on . Mass. 0 1720 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
using micro-
'/'t' ('l lfI i j"a f cons i d er at i o ns in
wave lin ks for interconnect ing
f ixed VHF repeate rs


Reprin ted wi th pennission .
by Lenk ur t Electric Co. Inc .

N o t too ma ny years ago , " highe r fre-

q uenci es" referr ed to the VHF a nd
UHF bands, with the then-new conc ep t of
T he ef fect o f selective fad ing varies o n ly
slightly with frequency. For any given pa th
reliabili t y , the required fad e margin in the
lin e-of-sight propagation. Then came the 11 Gllz band is at most a few dB great er
micro wave freque ncies - 2, 4 , and 6 than t hat needed at the lo wer freq ue ncies.
GHz ...... whe re the signa l behaved even more Slightly less pa th clearance is required at
like a light beam. Eac h frequen cy " pla- th e higher frequencies because the Fresnel-
teau " req uired new approaches to systems zone radii are sma ller. Ex cept in critical
as well as ha rdw are design. cases or on short h op s, however, th e
difference is not likely to be very signifi-
Path Considerations cant. Fo r insta nce, on a 20 mile, 6.1 75
In man y ways, the higher microwave GHz ho p, the first Fresne l-zon e radius at
freq uencies be have just like th e low er ones. 10 miles is 64 ~ 9 ft. If th e fr equen cy on t he
Th e pat h-attenuation calcula t ions, for ex - same ho p is inc reased to 11.2 GHz, th e
ample, are ide n tica L For a given path, they rad ius decreases by only 16. 8 ft.
show that a 12 GHz signal has 6 dB more
path att enuation th an a 6 CH z signa l. On
Effects o f Precipitation
th e other hand, the gain of a pa rabolic
antenna o f given size is 6 dB higher at 12 Rain attenuat es a microwave signal in
GHz. Sin ce b oth the tran smi tting and tw o ways: th e wat er ab so rbs energy , and
recei ving antennas are invo lved , the 12 the droplet s scat ter it. The severity of the
GHz signal would appear to have a 6 dB att enuation is a fun ction of the d rop size ,
advantage . In pra ctice, however , this ad - the temp erature , th e volume of wat er
vantage is essent ially canceled by highe r involved , and the sign al frequency. T h e
receiver no ise figure s an d higher waveguide mo st sign ifica n t part o f this complex rela -
losses at 12 G Hz. tionship can be summed up this way : the
Sele ctive fading at the higher fre- harder it rains, the bigger th e dro ps, and
quen cies can be eff ectively combatted by the higher the frequency, the more severe
methods used at low er frequencies. Space th e att enua tio n will be.
diversity , for exa mple, with its redundant Of course, other forms of atmospheric
transmission paths, substantially in creases moisture also affect signal attenuat ion, bu t
path reliability. rain is usually the dominant fac tor. Fog

34 73 MA GA Z IN E
Henry Radio, Inc. CW Electronic Sales Company Ham Radio Ootlet
11240 West Olympic BI vd. 1401 Blake Street 999 Howard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90064 Denver, Colorado 80202 Burlingame, California 94010

Henry Radio, Inc. The Ham Shack Ed loge Electronics

931 North Euclid Avenue 1966 Hillview Street 3850 South Freeway
Anaheim, California 92804 Sarasota, Florida 33579 Ft. Worth, Texas 76110

Henry Radio. Inc. HCI Electronics Gene Hansen Company

21l North Main Street 8214 East Sprague Albuquerque
Butler, Missouri 64730 Spokane, Washington 98225 Box 386, Corrales
New Mexico 87048

Swan's factory direct program

includes these
regional Swan distributors
If you wish to trade or finance your Swan equipment, write or visit your nearest regional dis-
tributor. They all carry the complete line, in stock, and on display.
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Either way, with our new low prices and the famous Swan customer service policy that is
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Swan speaks your language . . . now more than ever. Write for the complete Swan catalog.

P.O. Box 151
Freehold, N.J. 07728 ~~~~ ~ A Subsidiary of
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Oceanside, CA. 92054

Cubic Corporation.
• SSB, CW, AM and FSK
superheterodyne receiver.
• Freq. Range: In addition to full
coverage of 10, 15, 20, 40 and80
meters, continuous coverage from
3 to 30 me may be provided with an
external oscillator, either tunable or
crystal controlled.
• Ultra-smooth vernier tuning, with
large knob and dial. The incomparable
feel of the Swan tuning system.
• Sensitivi ty: tA microvolt at 50 ohms
for 10 db signal plus noise-to-noise
• Selectivity: 2.7 Kc bandwidth with
1.7shape factor is standard. Options
include 0.5 Kc CWfil ter, 4 Kc AM
filter, and SS·16 supe r selective
f ilter.
• Crystal Calibrator with 25 and
100 kc selection.
• Hybrid Design: 7 tubes, 8 tran sistors,
12 diodes. Transistors used where
they provide definite advantage.
Tubes used wh ere they still provide
supe rior performance.
• Features Swan's exc lusive Single
Conversion design, with fewe r
spurious responses than
multi-conversion designs.
• Fully compat ible with 600·1
transm itter, providing for transceive
operation as well as separate
frequency control. Also, CW sidetone,
and genuine CW break-in operat ion.
• Built-in AC power supply.
• Dimensions:
15 in. wide, 61> in. high, 12in deep.
$395* <,

• Freq. Range: Full cove rage of 10,
15, 20, 40 and 80 meters. Extended
frequency cove rage for MARS
operation with plug-in crystal
oscillator accessory, Model 510X.
• Power Rating: 600 watts P.E-P. input.
500 walls CW, 150 walls AM . 100
watts continuous AFSK.
• Pi-Network output for 50or 75
ohm coax.
• Suppression: Carrier 60 db, unwanted
sideba nd50 db. Third order
distortion approx. 30 db.
• Audio response: Plus or minus 3 db
from 300 to 3000 cyc les.
• CW Keying: Grid block circu it, Full
Break-in system. Includes sidetone
to rece iver.
• VOX accessory, plug-in.
• Intern al AC Power Supply.
• Dimensions:
15 in. wide, 6Y:! in. high, 12in. deep.
Speaker in matching cab inet ... .. $18 *
I.F. Noise Blanker. Installs
internally $79 *
Adjustable Audio Notcher.
Installs internaily $44 e
- facto ry price
a nd mist are essen tially light rain . Attenu a- A 13 G Hz signal, o n t he o ther h an d,
ti on due to hail is o nly a small frac tion of wou ld suff er rainfall atte n uati o n o f abo u t
th at caused by rain . The effe ct of snow 240 dB .
varie s wide ly , depend ing o n t he moi st ur e As sho wn in F ig. 2, a rain fall o f 0 .6 in .
co n te nt , th e flak e size , and t he temper a- per hour wo uld cause excess path loss of
t ure ; but sno w generall y ca rr ies a mu ch on ly about 1.1 dB per mile at 13
lower volu me of wat er th an ra in do es. G Hz - roughly th e sa me as t he 6 G Hz
At th e high er frequ en cies, heavy rai n signal would suffe r a t t he m uch high er
ca n be a real prob le m. Th e th eoret ical rain fa ll rat e.
curv es o f Figs. I a nd 2 sh ow ho w fre - T he t ro uble wit h curves suc h as t hese is
q ue nc y wo uld increase excess pat h loss if tha t t hey fail to tak e int o acco unt t he
th e ra infall rate were cons tan t along th e changing na ture of heavy rain .
pat h . While ac tual rain fall ra tes are n ever
u nif or m alo ng t he en tire pa th, a hypothe ti -
cal exam ple based on Fig . I gives some fee l Local Ra infall Dist ribution
fo r t he effe ct of ex tr e mely heav y rain (4 It is relati ve ly ea sy to measure t h e effe ct
in. per ho ur) o n signals of differ ent fr e- of rain on a micro wave pat h. T he difficulty
q ue ncies. arises in tr y ing to measure t he rai nfa ll ra tes
A 6 G Hz signal, wit h an excess pa t h loss alo ng the pa t h for acc ura te co rrela tio n
du e to rain of only a bout 1.2 dB per mile , with t he atten uation measur e me n ts . T he
wo uld be atten ua te d by about 24 dB ove r a hard er it ra in s, th e more likely it is that t he
20 mile hop. Tha t is ce rtain ly sign ifica nt , rainfa ll ra te will show wid e and alm o st
but it is wit hin the ope ra ti ng ca pab ility of in s tan ta ne ous variations. Fu rt her m ore ,
a sys te m e ngineere d wit h , say, a 4 0 dB fa de there may be very heavy rain at one poi nt ,
marg in . and alm ost none a, short distance away .

Fig. 1. Ex cess pat h loss caused by heavy ra in increases rap idly with increa sing fre q uen cy .

AP RIL 1971 38
areas. The reason is, of co urse , th at th e
tot al annual rainfall is of lit tle co nse-
q ue nce . Concen trat ed rain causes th e trou -
ble . The significan t q ues tions are: How
heav y are the rainfall rat es that can be
ex pec te d? How o ft en ca n suc h ra tes be
ex pec te d?
The problem in any area is co mp licated
by the fact that although much informa -
tion is available on ann ual rain fall, very
litt le is known abo ut instantan eous rate s.
Gradually, however, th e bo dy of know-
ledge has b uilt up so that it is n ow poss ib le
t o gene ralize ab out ma ny geo graphical
Figures 3 an d 4 , the results o f empirical
stu dies, indic ate gen erally how expec ted
ou tage time varies with geogra phy in th e
Unit ed States. For examp le, an II G Hz
pa th, 30 miles long an d engin eer ed for a 40
dB fad e margin, would have an expected
outage time of about 0 .2 hour per ye ar on
Washingt on's Oly mpi c Pen insul a (contour
H). This translates to a rel iab ility of
Fig. 2. Theorectical curves show how attenuation 99 .998%.
incr eases wi th rainfall rate (based on calculatio n s If the same pa th were loca ted o n the
by R yde and Ryde). coast of th e Caro lin as (contour C), the
predi cted reli abilit y, would drop to 99 .9 2%
Th e cu mu lative figur es for the t otal length becau se th e expe cted . outage ti me wo u ld
of a microwave path are ofte n irrelevan t. in crease to 7 hours per year.
Much work has been d on e in re cen t Now con sider the sam e pat h on the Gulf
years on the nature of rainfall patterns . Coas t of Mississipp i (con tour A) and as-
Th e resu lts are not co nclusive, b ut they su me tha t the ex pected annua l o utage time
indi cate tha t the most int en se rain , t he rain must be held to the same 7 hours. The path
t hat significantly affec ts m icro wave prop- wou ld have to be sho rtened fro m 30 miles
agation , oc curs in re lativ ely small cells. to 22 miles, or the fad e margin wo uld have
Available evidence in dica tes tha t these cells to b e increased substa ntia lly .
rar ely excee d a few miles in d iame te r, and It must be remembered that these calcu-
th e rain fall rate varies even within the cell. lati ons are for a singl e h op . Th e o utage
This variation mean s th at even an in - tim e for the entire system can be expected
ten se cell may no t block a microwave pa th to equal the sum of the singl e-hop outages.
for the entire tim e it tak es to cross th e In te rms of reli ability , 10 hops wit h
path. A five mile wide cell moving at 20 99 .99 % reliability fo rm a system that is
mph tak es 15 min ut es to cros s a particular on ly 99 .9% relia ble.
pa th at right an gles. But it is u nlik ely to
blo ck the p ath completely for 15 minu tes. Diversity Arrangements
Heavy rain is no t th e on ly th ing th at
Rainfall Distribut ion will put a microwave syst em tem porarily
Parad o xically , som e geogra ph ical re- o ut of business. The mechan isms of sele c-
gion s kn ow n fo r t heir large annual rainfall tive fading are com plet ely se pa rate from
(su ch as the rain forests of Oregon and tho se of rainfall atte n uation. When th e
Washi ngt on) do no t presen t as diffi cult a effec ts o f rainfall att enuation canno t be
trans mission problem as do o ther "d rier" co mpletely controlled, one way to keep

AP RIL 1971 39
F ig. 3. The conto urs
of this m ap ar e for
fixed tran smission
o u tage time and can
gen erally be used in
conjunctio n with the
curv es of F ig. 4 to
predict th e effect of
rainf all on path reo
lia bilit y.

reliability high is to pay special attention the pa t h of I in . per ho ur - an excess path

to selec tive fadi ng. loss of abo ut 1.3 d B per mile. If t he fad e
Perha ps th e idea l so lution wo uld be margi n is then ra ised by 5 dB , th e h op can
ro u te diversit y : sending the same signa l still wit hsta nd th e I in . per hour rain alo ng
ove r two paths sepa rate d by sever al miles. the pa th , exc ept for a two mile segme n t
In practice, however , route diversity is too where it passes thro ugh a rain cell. In th at
ex pe nsive to just ify . Equipment and inst al- segment , it can wit hst and exc ess path loss
lati on costs for co mm unicatio n lin ks are of 3.8 d B per mile - eq uivalen t to a
quite high, not t o menti on the difficult y rain fall rate of ove r 2 in . per hour (see Gig .
enc oun tered at the re ceiving en d in trying 6) . In many areas , th at mu ch improvement
to combine th e signa ls fro m two path s o f will no t elimina te rainfall o utages. But it
su bstantially differen t length . will reduce them .
Of course, in creasing the fade margin
Conservat ive Engi nee ring may not alway s be des irable . If it means in
T here is no easy , clear -cut wa y to avo id increase in th e nu mb er o f hops, fo r in-
problems with ra in . Th e mos t effecti ve stan ce, any gains in pat h reli ab ilit y ma y be
def en se is a co mbina t ion o f tech niques. mor e th an off set by the decrea se in equip-
An d con servative eng inee ring is th e first ment reliabil it y as mo re transmitters and
one . A margina lly engineered sys tem is an receivers are add ed .
invitation to ex cess o utage time . Equip ment reliab ilit y is equally as im-
O ne th ing that can be done, fo r exa m- por tant as path re liabi lity . So is the reliabil-
pie , is to increase th e fade ma rgin. This ity of th e po we r so ur ce. And good main-
does not guarant ee tr ansmi ssion through ten an ce is important , to o . Improving th e
th e heav iest rain , but it do es effec ti vely reliab ilit y of an y on e of these natu rally
low er th e expected ou tage time. imp roves the end pro duc t - total system
Because of variations in the instantan- reliability . Th us, econom ics is the common
eous rainfall rate , it is not always possible deno minator in improving system reliab il-
to spec ify exactly ho w mu ch effec t a ity ,
higher fade margin will have on rain fall The higher frequen cies whic h can pro -
att enuation. But so me idea can be gain ed vide bandwidths suitable for translators or
fr om a hypothetical exam ple like this : multip le, ind ividuall y co ntro llable repeate r
Su ppo se a par ticular 11 GH z microwave links are u nu sed , wait ing to be tapp ed .
hop can withsta nd an aver age rainfa ll alo ng Th ey range in a con tinuo us spe ctru m fro m

40 73 MAGA Z INE

NefJf. • CfJl1JPfJCf • • VeisfJfile 1•

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"Operating al l bands ( 160 thru 2 Meters) i s a real pleas ure with my DRAKE
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Vi sit our store or write me at AM ATEUR ELECTRONIC SUPPLY for the best
Trade or No-Trade De a l o n new DRAKE equipment. You will be surprised how
l i ttl e per month it would cost yo u t o o wn new DR A K E equ ipment when y o u use
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Remember, too! When tradin g with AMAT EUR ELECTRONIC SUPPLY you can
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Phone (414) 442-4200
STORE HOURS : Mon & Fr i 9·9 : Tues , Wed & Thurs 9:"'5:30 ; Sat 9·3
the microwave frequ en cies th rough milli- Modulation Techniques
mete r waves and inf rared to the visibl e Th e freq uen cy alloc ations for present-
ligh t region. Even tually, th ey ma y even da y microwave systems are in ten ded pr i-
in clude the u ltraviolet rang e. The problem marily for equipment that uses low-
is fin ding a way to use them in prac tical devia tion FM, with rf bandwid th s of 20
com mu nica ti ons sys tems. MHz or less. This technique is well su ited
for voi ce traffi c, whi ch is usually multi-
Atm osp heric Considerations plexed by fre qu enc y division. But, the
Sin ce rainfall attenua tion is on e of the nature of th e tra ffic carried by microwave
most significant prob lems in the 11 GHz radio is being changed by two majo r
band, and the effect increases wit h fre- factor s. On e is the tremendous in crease in
quency , the pro blem can be expec ted to be data communications , and th e other is th e
even mo re severe at high er fr eque n cies. increasing use of pulse-code modulation
Figur e 7 show s theoretical ra infall atte nu - (Pr.M) for voice communications. The two
ation as a fu nc ti on of r ainfall rate for are essentially the same from the micro-
selected fr equen cies up to 4 0 GHz. (Some wave en ginee r 's poin t of view. Either way,
emp irical st udies h ave indica ted even high- he is fac ed with the nece ssity to tr ansmit
er attenua tion th an pre dicte d .)
While rainfall atten uatio n is still the
mos t significant at mosp h eric problem , fog
an d mist become inc reasingly imp ortan t at
the h igher fre quencies. The deciding fact or
is the volum e of water in the air , wh ich is
perhaps easies t to understand in te rm s of
visibility. At 30 GHz, fo r exa mp le, fo g that

Fig. 4. Exp ect ed pat h de gradati on varie s great ly

with changing geogr aph ical rainfall dis tri bu tion.

cu ts visibility to 150 ft atten ua tes the

sign al by ab out 0. 5 d B per mile. It takes Th ese cur ves, for us e with th e con to ur map of
mo re than tw ice th e moisture con cent ra- Fig. 3, are base d on 11 GH z paths w ith 40 dB
fade m argins .
tion to reduce the visib ilit y to 100 ft at
which point attentuation is about 1.6 dB pulses at a hig h rate. One method is to use
per mile. digital mic ro wave transmission . Such a
In this frequenc y region , another phe- system be comes one more step in the
nomenon - molecular absorption of the time-division multiplex scheme .
radi o energy - also bec om es a problem . An adv antage of PcM is it s relative
Water vapo r (not to be con fuse d with imm unity to noise . Because it is only
wa te r droplets) absorb s more en ergy as necessar y to detect the presen ce or ab sence
frequen cy inc reases, with a Significant ab- of a pulse in a particular time slot (not its
sor p tion occurring at reson an t peak s. On e height , shape, or an y other characteristic) ,
such peak is at 22 .4 GHz. At this fre- a peM system can operate at a very low
q uency, a relative h umidity of 60 % pro- signal-t o-n oise ratio . Consequently, it is
du ces absorption of ab ou t 0.4 dB p er mile . quite tolerant of th e severe atmospheric
At 18 GH z, the sam e hum idity abs or bs att enuation.
energy at the rat e of on ly ab out 0 .05 dB Millimeter-Waves
per mile . The mill imeter-wave region , from 30 to
Another min o r effe ct is the molecula r 300 GH z, is very attractiv e for wideband
absor ptio n of oxygen , whic h also in creas es communicat ions sy stems beca use of the
wit h freq uen cy. Th e lo ss only b ecom es tr emen dous bandwidt h available. At these
sign ifica nt, ho wever, at fre q uencies in the frequencies it is not at all unreas on able to
50 GH z rang e. th ink in te rm s of a 2 GHz bas eband' th at

Fig. 5 . Many CA TV systems can use a secon dary o{{·t he-air an tenn a as a back -up { or a m icrowave

could , in theory , accomm od ate over tion s, th eir pen etration ran ge is limited.
200,000 voice channels - or t he eq uivalen t Th ey are still light beam s, and light bea ms
in other forms of communications. do not penetrate very far through hea vy
Of course, the pro blems of atmo spheric clo ud s an d other atmospheric obstructions.
att enuation are ex cept ion all y severe at Fo r this re ason, un prot ect ed laser trans-
these- frequencies. In fact , tr ansmissio n mission is practical -only for short distan ces
through th e atmosph ere may not be pr acti - or in space com mu nica tions. Long-range
cal exc ept fo r certa in applicati ons. One laser co m munications syste ms w ill have t o
suc h case is satellite com mu nications . fllo w an o pt ically aligne d tube. Here diffi-
culties arise wh en th e beam is bent - even
Laser Transmission eno ugh to follow th e curvature of the
Few people have been mor e exc ite d earth.
over the usefu l po ssibili ties of lasers than
have co m munic ations eng inee rs. The rea- Therefor e, any prac tica l sys te m will
son for their excitemen t is qui te sim ple: probably use a series of len ses to refocus
t he inform ati on- carr yin g po ten tial o f an y the beam and change it s directio n sligh tly .
co m muni cations ch annel is propo rtional to In so do ing, they will act so mewhat as
its o perating frequen cy . Becau se lasers passive repeate rs. Optical lenses can be
operat e in a frequen cy range abo ut used , but even the high est quality ones
10 0 ,00 0 times higher than today's micro - introduce substant ial losses.
wave radi o syst em s, they have th e po ten tial Howe ver , con side rable pro mise is being
to carr y 100 ,0 00 tim es more information. show n b y gas len ses. Su ch a lens can be
But, pot ential is so me ti mes far fro m forme d by gas flowing through a he ated
reality . While laser beams have been used tu be. Becau se the gas is war mer near the
to bur n thr ough st eel in industrial app lica- tu be wall an d the co oler gas in the center is

APRI L 197 1 43
denser, it acts as a lens causing the beam to Fig. 6. Raising the fade margin by 5 dB, (as in B
converge. The advantage of this type of above) can permit transmission through a rain
cell of substantially greater intensity.
lens is that it places no solid surface in the
path of the light beam. Therefore, the loss
introduced by the lens is only that caused Fig. 7. Attenuation caused by rain can be a
by the gas molecules scattering the light formidable problem at the higher microwave
beam. frequencies. These theoretical curves (after Ryde)
This principle sounds simple, but there should be used only as approximations. Some
measurements have indicated substantially higher
are substantial obstacles to be overcome. A attenuation.
big problem is presented by the extremely
critical mechanical tolerances required of a
lens waveguide. The costs may make such
an arrangement impractical.
Transmission is not the only area that
presents problems for a laser communi-
cations system. Another hurdle is mod ula-
tion and demodulation - and the associa-
ted area of multiplexing and demult.i-
One of the most promising modulation
techniques is PCM - primarily because a
laser can produce high pulse rates and very
narrow pulses. If a laser beam is split as
shown in Fig. 8, parts of it can be sent to
parallel modulators to form similar trains
of narrow, relatively widely spaced , pulses.

in the U.S.A.
Mod el FMR ·150A
100% Ameri can mad e .
Excell ent fo r rec e ivin g :
. 2 met er rep eaters.
• Weat he r satellit es at 137 MHz .
• Fire. po lice and ma rin e .
• C. G . we at her stations.
NEW IMPR OVED CI RC U IT. - T w o d ual-gate MOS FET RF stages eliminate t he need for a
p re-amp. -E xt ra high quality 8 po le, quartz , 10 .7 MH z integrated f ilt er ava ilable in your
choice of 15 or 30 KH z ba nd w id th . -4 pu sh-button channels wi t h trimmers fo r each crys t al
give precise fre q uen cy sett ing. - Dua l co nver sio n w it h 10 .7 MHz and 455 KHz I.F .s. - .3 to .5
fJ.V sens it ivity for 20 db q uie t ing . - Integra ted circ u it 1st I.F.• 2nd m ixer an d o scttitt at or , 2 nd
I.F" , sq ue lch , AGe , di scrimi nator a nd aud io stages. - Bu ilt -in speak er a nd ext ern a l spea ker
jac k. • Heavy gauge anod ized a lum inum case 6" x 7" x 1-3 /8 " w it h mobile mou nt and tilt
stand . e Operet es on 12V. DC negative ground at on ly 60 rna . standby cu rrent. • Fa ctory
tun ed to- cove r any 6 MHz segme nt of your cho ice from 135 to 175 MHz. e Cr vsta l fo r 1
cha nne l included in price with additiona l crys ta ls availab le at $ 5.95 ea.
HOW TO ORDER : T he VAN GUARD FMR-150 A is available o nly dir ect fro m our fa cto ry.
Include remittance in full plu s sales tax if you resid e in N.Y. Be so reto state th e 6 MHz
segmen t you w ill wa nt to cove r, the ex act pu sh -bu tton frequ encies t o be inclu de d, and the I.F.
filt er ban d width.

VANGUARD LABS Oep!. H, 196-23 Jamaica Ave.,

Hollis, N.Y . 11423

Fig. 8 . PCM sho ws con siderable prom ise for

m odulatin g lasers. The beam -splitt in g arrange -
ment shown h ere forms several h igh-sp eed chan-
nels from a sin gle laser beam.

These pu lse trai ns can then be in terleaved

for time-d ivision multiplexi ng .
It is th eoreticall y possible to ad d more
multiplexing ste ps. If, say, 100 time-
multiplexe d signals were freq uen cy multi-
plex ed, the capacity wou ld in cre ase 100-
fol d. It is then conceivable that still an oth- The th eoret ical capacit y of such a sys-
er for m of multiplexing, called spatial tern staggers the imagination . The sug-
multiplexing, could be used . This me an s gested bit rat e would be about 2 x 10 1 4
sending a number of. beams simultaneously b its per second - the equivalent of
through a waveguide in different propaga- 1,920,000 video signals.
tion mo des. The world has hard ly begun to tap th e
Suc h a sys t em do es no t exi st , and may potential of com munica tio ns. It is not clear
never exi st. However , a system has been jus t wha t for m the fu ture uses o f com mu-
suggested that would time-multip lex 32 nicat ion will take. But it is clear th at man 's
cha nnel s in eac h of tw o po lari zation states, capacity to devise co mmu nications systems
then fre qu ency multiplex 100 of th ese has no t been reach ed an d the fu ture is
"s uper channe ls," an d fin ally use spatial virtually un limited.
multip lexing to combine I 00 suc h beam s. ...Sta ff -

APRIL 1971 45
Now The Best Is Even Better!
More power capability w it h lo wer VSWR No. 252
Higher Q plus broad ban d pe rto rmance
a Higher radiation effectiveness
• Li ghtweight , super strength co nst ruction
• Shake-proof sleeve loc k folds over for garagi ng
• L ig htwei g ht precision wou nd coils sealed in an indestructible epoxy.f ibe rg lass sleeve
• Sw ivel base fo r quick c hange from band to band
• Nominal 52 ohm impedance on all bands -no special matching (any leng th coax w ill
w ork)
• Coi l sleeve is distinctive w h ite w ith heavy c hrome plated brass fitti ngs
• Tu rn-over mast is h efty~" e ta. heavy w all t ubi ng of hig hly pol ished heat-treated brite
d ipped aluminum
• AU co nnecti o ns are st anda rd % x 24 t hr ead
• Mast fol ds over, sw ive ls. t urn s over- mount it o n bu mper o r deck
• Sw ivel loc k base is stai nless steel
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c hange

Orde r No. 257 All new des ign 5' lo ng heavy d uty ma st 0 1 high streng th hea vy wa ll
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Order No . 252 75 met er mob ile coil $19 .95
Orde r No . 256 40 met er mo bile coi l $17 .95
Orde r No . 255 20 met er mob ile coi l $15 ,95
Ord er No . 254 15 meter mo bile coi l $12 .95
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P.o. Box 5407-GC, Lin co ln, Neb raska 68505
for 80 through 10 Meters
T ake t he w ide band , o m n i- d irecti o na l pe rfo r ma nce o f
Hy-Gain 's famous 14AVQ I WB , add 80 met er capab il ity pl us
extra-heavy duty co nstruction - and you have the unr iva lled
new 18AVT/WB. In ot her words, you have qu ite an ant enn a.
• Automatic switching, five band capability is acco mplished
through th e use of three beefed-u p Hy-Q traps (featuring
large diameter coils tha t de velop an exce ptionally favor-
able L/C ratio).
• Top loading coi l.
• Across-the-band perf ormance with just o ne furni shed
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• Tru e 1/4 wave resonance on all band s.
• SWR of 2:1 or less at band edg es.
Radi ation pattern has an outstanding ly low an gle w hether
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CONSTRUCTION .. .of extra-heavy duty tap er ed

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c lamps at slotte d tUbin g joi nts ... is so ru gged
and rigid th at , alt houg h the antenna is 25' in
height . it can be mounted without g uy wires,
using a 12" doubl e grip mast bracket, w ith re-
cessed coax connecter.



Take a look at that price ... then see the best distribu tor under the sun
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P. O. Box 5407-GC Lincoln, Nebraska 68505

RECE1\lt W .r

[---------' IIA ; TRAN~M IT
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c=:J '-,,~ ._~

_~_~c:=::s t1~·2 TRAN S
AMER ICAN MADE ---- - _ _

Mobile 2 Meter FM Tr ansceiver

Here IS what the 2 meter, FM <, ~
Ham World has been asking for. S

Specifications: 90 day warranty ...=~..

The HR-2 recei ver is a double conversion,
superhet rodyne with high ly selective ce-
ramic filter.
The HR-2 transmitter uses phase modula-
t ion f or t he ul t imate in carrier stability.
Built in SWR load mi smat ch circu itry

provides protection against open and

Frequenc y Ran ge
144·148 MH z
,0.35p.V (nom.) 20DB Qu ieting
shorted antenna conditions.
Freq u en c y Ran ge .144·148 MHz
Sel ectivity.. 6DB Down ± 16KC Power OutpuL. lO Watts (min .) @ 13.6 voe
50DB Dow n ± 32KC Mod ulation ..Phase Mod ulation with ';§
automat ic dev iat ion limitin g 50
A ud io Out p ut
(3·4 !l Sp eaker) ....3 Watts 10% Distort ion
5 Watts Maximum
Dev ia t ion Autom at ic Lim iti ng w it h i n-
ternal ad j ustments from
0·15KC deviation
Chan nels 6 Crysta l control led with Microphone p lu g- In, hand he ld , hi g h Z
Ceramic su p p l ied ;-
p rov i sio n for adding an
a d d ition a l 6 channe ls
I. F. Fr eq u enc ies... _l O.7 M Hz & 455KHz
Cha n n els 6 Crysta l co n t ro l led with
ind iv idual trimmer cepecr-
tors fo r f req uency netting

Pow er Req uirements 13.6 Volts (nom i na l) Bui lt·in 4" Speaker
Receive (Sq u elc hed).lBO MA . Mobile Mo un t i ng B rac k et 3
Receive (Max . a udi o 5 0 · 239 Anten na Connecto r Sock et
o utput) 800 MA . T & R Crystals for 146.94 M Hz
Tra n sm il.. _ 2.5 Amps (mex.) PTT Cera m ic Mike

$22900 Amateur


7900 Pendleton Pike, Indi anapolis, Indiana 46226
T he re liabi lity of mo st elec trome chan-
ical repeater ide ntifiers leaves so me-
thi ng to be d esired . In man y cases an
Th e Syst em
The DIU is unique in t hat it uses a
amateur repeater will opera te as many as simp lified compu ter ad dress princ iple fo r
50 0 t imes a d ay. Accor d ing to a rece n t selec ting the infor matio n it is progr ammed
FCC ruling, eac h repea te r must be identi- to send. T here are four bas ic un its in th e
fied at least every three minutes of DIU:
ope ration. This mea ns tha t th e repeater • Co unter
may b e identified jus t as man y times as t he • Mat rix (memory)
repeate r is operate d. Most elect ro me chani- • Signal logic
cal devices such as re lays, co de -whe el • Oscilla tor
devices, and t ape decks cannot withstand Th e cou nter estab lishe s whi ch seq ue n ce is
th e co nstan t on/ off op era tion of repea ter s next. T he matrix det ermines wha t instruc-
for an y great length of tim e. Remem ber , tion is n ex t by the seque nce . The signa l
t h o s e devices were for intermitten t logic converts the inst ruction inf o rma tio n
use - th e co de whe el for dist ress signals; in to the actual signal to b e sen t. The to ne
the tap e de ck for listening pleasure, and so osc illator sen ds th e req ues te d sign al. Th e
on. No ne o f th ese devices were ma de to whole sys te m is based o n a closed loop and
take the consta nt on/off use tha t is need ed , th er efor e no st and ard clock is emp loyed in
let alone the en viro nmen ta l con di tio ns. th e logic.
On e only ha s to climb to the mo u nta in-
top site af te r th e firs t SnOW o f th e season Logic Terms
beca use of an iden tifier fa ilur e to rea lize To und ersta nd how the DIU wo rk s we
there ou ght to be a bett er way ! Why not must first bec ome familiar with some of
make the identifier solid sta te and elimi- th e simple logic te r ms th at the system is
nate th ose mo ving part s that wea r ou t? based On .
Better st ill, why not use int egrated circu its High : Max imu m ou tput of logic u nit (at
to acc o mplish the task ? With a parts cost least + 1.5 V)
of less th an $2 0, th e Morse co de digital Low : Minim u m outp ut o f logic u nit (less
iden tification un it (D IU) d escrib ed he rein tha n +O.5V)
do es j ust th at and it will ou tlast any th ing Inverter: Device used to prod u ce opposite
mecha nical that yo u migh t o the rwise pu t logic state of what is ap plied to it.
on top o f a moun tain. Exa m ple: +2 V in to an inverter would

A PR I L 19 71 49
pro duc e a OV o utp u t while a OV inp u t Fli p-flo p : A d evice used to sto re informa-
would pro duce a +2 V ou tpu t. tion a bit a t a t ime . In t he DIU
Sy mbol: V ap plicatio n, a st ring o f fli p-flops is used
as a cou nter. T he pur pose o f the cou n-
Or gate: Device used to give a high out put te r being to seq uen tia lly ad dress th e
whe n any of its in pu t lines are high . req uired inst ructions for th e DIU .
Ex ample : 3 inpu t lines; o ne at +2 V, th e

othe r two at OV pro du ces a +2 V ou tpu t Sy mbo l:
on the ou tput line of the gate.
Sy mbol: D--
A nd gate: Device used to give a h igh
Unit : Sma llest bit of in forma tio n sent by
ou tpu t whe n all input lines are high .
the DIU (dih , d ah , or bla nk).
Example : 3 inpu t lines ; +2 V on all 3
Th e DIU uses the MC7 00 series of
input lines of gat e produces a +2V
Motorola integrated circuits du e to their
o utput on the out put line o f the gate.
inexpe nsiven ess and availability .
Sy mbol :
Syste m Op erati on
Nor gat e : An inve rte d or gate; d evice used A OV signal through the sta rt n et wo rk
to give a lo w ou tp ut when any o f it s (see Fig. I ) fro m the tra nsmi tter keyi ng
in pu t lin es are h igh . Ex ample : 3 inpu t circ ui t reset s all the flip-flo ps in the co u n-
lines, one at +2V, the o the r tw o at OV, ter to the zero sta te . All Q' lines becom e
pro duces a OV ou tput on the output high an d all Q lines be com e low . Approxi-
line of th e gate . ma te ly 2 V and OV are fed in to th e di od e
mat rix , which decodes th e cou nter n umb er
Sy mb ol: int o an instru ction for th e oscillator keyi ng
logic. In the DIU th ere are fo ur basic
Nan d gat e: An inverted and gate; devi ce instru ct ions: (1) send a di t , (2 ) send a dah,
used to give a lo w out put whe n all inpu t (3) sen d neit her dit nor da h (blank ), an d
lines ar e h igh . Examp le: 3 input lines, (4) sto p.
+2 V o n all 3 in put lin es of gate,
If the diod e matrix d eco des the fir st
produ ces a OV ou t put on the ou tpu t
line of the gate . sequ ence cou n t (0) to be in st ruction n um-
ber I (send dit) , t he di t signa l line fro m th e
Sy mbol: =tJ- matri x will be high . Th is will cause th e d it
invert er t o have a low o u tpu t and o ne-ha lf
Fo r th is article, nor gate logic was used of the "dit ena ble" gat e will be enabled .
to im plemen t th e nand fun ctions; th erc-" Since the space line is also at " low" level at
fo re, the definiti on for ou r pu rpose of a th is time, a trigg er pul se will b e sen t
nand gate is a device used to give a high through capacitor C7 to the " dit" on e-
ou tpu t when all of its inpu t lines are sho t. (A one-sho t is a mo no stable device
low . Examp le : 3 inp u t line s, OV on all used to gen erat e a predete rmined pulse-
three in p ut lines o f a gate, pr od uc es wid th .) T he di t tim e pu lse d eter mined by
+2V o ut pu t on th e o u tp u t line of the the one-sho t is sent through th e " d it or
gate. dah" gate and the " dit or d ah /blank " gat e
to enable the "d it or dah send" gate. The
Sym b ol:
nand gate ke y s th e oscillat or cir cuit to
pro du ce the d it signal.
No te th at the zero placed before or At th e same time the dit is being sen t by
aft er the invert er , nor , and nand log ic the one-s h ot to the osci llator, the "space"
gates def ine s t he expected sta te of th e one -sho t logic is b eing reset via th e "dit ,
inp ut or the outp ut for the fu nc tio n to dah , or blan k" gate, in ver ter , an d " space
occ ur. ena ble" gate.

50 73 M A GA Z IN E
Turn on your Benton Harbor maxi-rig!
Hea thkit® SB-220 Tired of stumbling ba refoot thro ugh th e Q RM ? Or der
thc shoes fo r yo ur Ma xi-Rig now .. . the new " 220" ...
Business en d o f the Ma xi-Ri g ! Gi ves yo ur signal the
a nother hot o ne fro m the Ha ms at Hea th.
a utho rit y it ta kes to p unch thro ug h tho se pile-ups (or
start on e yourself). An d keep s yo u oper a ting un der con- • Full 2 kW PEP in p ut on SSB ... 1 kW on CW and
ditio ns th at dr ive the o ther gu ys QRT. RTTY • Board band p i-i n p ut o n 80 through 10 meters
A pair of con serva tively ra ted Eim ac 3-500Z's pro vide • Two Elm ac 3 -5 00Z tubes . 120 or 240 VAC wiring
up to 2000 watt s PEP SSB input .. . 1000 watts on CW option s • Zene r d iode re g ula t e d operating bias for
and RTT Y. Requ ires on ly 100 watt s PEP drive . Pretu ncd reduc ed idlin g pla te c u r re nt, longer tube life, cooler
broad ba nd pi-inp ut co ils deliver maximum efficiency a nd operation . Do ubl e s hield ed to reduce stray radiation
(ow d istortion on the 80-10 meter band s. • So lid -s tate po we r su p ply. Two front panel meters
Th e built- in solid-s ta te power supply ca n be wired fo r fo r c o n t in uo us monitoring of plate c u rr e n t , plus
eith er 120 or 240 VAC a nd switched back again in min - sw itc h se le cted mo n it o ring of ReI. Pwr., plate high
ut es if your pow er req uiremen ts change. Circu it breaker s voltage a n d gri d c u rre nt . Quiet, high volume fan for
provide a dded p ro tect io n an d elimin at e costl y fuse chang- coo l runnin g . ALC o ut p ut. Ea sy 15 hour assembly.
ing. And for coo ler opera tio n and extended tube life, Kit 5 8 -220, 55.l bs $ 3 4 9. 9 5 *
idling plate curre nt is redu ced b y Zener dio de regu-
SB-220 SPECIFICATIONS - Ban d cavetage : 80, 40. 20, 15 ond 10
lated bias. meter oma teur bands . Dri vin g powe r t e-qu ire d : 100 wotts. MOlC imum
T he la you t o f the new "220" is designed for fast, high power i np ut : 558 , 1000 watt s P.E.P. CW , 1000 wa tts. RTTY , 1000 wott, .
vo lume a ir flow with 11 h usky, qu iet fa n in the PA co m- Duly cy de : SSB, CO<lt i n ~o~s vo ice mod ~ la "on . CW, Conlinuou. (ma xi_
mllm key -down 10 minule . ). RTTY , 50% {ma ximum Iro n' mil time 10
pa rt ment doi ng the jo b. Result : the "220" ac tua lly ru ns m i n ~te'l . Th ird a rd . r dista rtion , - 30 d 8 or better. Inpu l im peda nce :
cooler tha n mos t exciters. 52 ohm unba la nced . Ou tpu t imped anc e : 50 ohm 10 75 ohm ~n bola nced ;
Ot her feat ures include two fro nt pa nel me ters fo r co n- SWR 2,1 or less. Front pan el co ntr o ls : T~ne, l oa d, Bond. Sensit ivity ,
Meter switch, Power CW /T~n e - SSB. Plat e meier. Mult i-meter (Grid
tin uo us mo n itoring o f Ip plus switch-selected mo nito ring mAo Ilelat ive Po wer, ond High Vo ltoge l. Re-ar Pane l: lin e COld. C;~~it
of ReI. Pwr. , Ep & Ig A L e o utput to red uce o ver- br eak er s (two 10 A). Anlenna Relo y (pho no ). Ale (p~ooo l, Ilf Input
driving a nd d isto rtio n safet y in terlocked co ver (SO -239). G'OIInd post. RF o~tp'" (SO ·239). Tube,.: Two Eimoc 3_SOOI .
easy 15-ho ur asse m bly a nd ha nd some Heat hk it S g -Series Powe r . e-q ~ ired : 120 VAC, '!t016O cycle s. a' 20 amperes ma x i m ~ m.
240 VAC, 50/60 cycle. a t 10 a m~ r.,.,. Ca binet s i.e: l 'Ui - w " 8J{ " H
styling. " H !4- D. Nel w ei ght : l8 11>1 .

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"II "
"4 "

3 .6V
1 Fig. 1. D igi tal id entification
sch em atic diagr am.
unit, logic an d

Upon completion of th e dit sign al, the a p ulse thr ough cap acitor C5, trigger ing t he
" dit, dah, or blank" gat e becomes high, " dah jb lank " one-sho t. The da h jblan k pulse
making th e inve rt er ou tpu t low. Since the wou ld th en go through the " dit or dahl
stop instruction has not b een called fo r by blan k" gate while the dah signal fr om th e
the matrix, the "s apce enab le" gate pro- ma trix wou ld go through the " dit or dah "
duces a high output. The h igh output in gate. These two gates wo uld then enable
turn .sends a pulse through capacitor C3 to th e " dit or dah sen d" gate to trigger the
trigger the " space" on e-shot. (The sp ac e oscillator for the das h p eriod. Th e "space"
time period is used to separat e the units of one -shot is again tr igger ed to ad van ce the
a letter. Example : D = da h-spa ce-dit-space- counter t o t he n ext unit.
dit. If the diod e mat rix de cod es the next
The space peri od is t he same as the seq uenc e t o be instru ction 3 (send a
period for the dit. Th e spa ce signal, be sides blank ), n either the dah n or dit line will
allowing for t he time to disti ngui sh the become high . T he same will occ ur as above
units of a letter , advan ces the co unter for th e dah ex cept that when th e sign al
through an inverter to the ne xt unit and reac hes the coinci dence gat es the "dit or
reset s the " dit" and " dah" one -sho ts b y dah " gat e will not be en abled . Thus th e
discharging capacito rs C5 and C7 . oscillator will not be ke yed. This gen erates
If the diode matrix de cod es th e next the blank pe riod wh ich is pu t b et wee n
sequence to be instruction 2 (send dah} , l e tt e r s. (Exa mp le: DE :::: dah -sp ace-dit-
the dah signa l lin e from the matrix will space-dit-blank -dit-blank ) Again the loop
become high and the dit signal line will throu gh the " space" one-sho t is triggered
b ecome low . When the spa ce lin e be com es an d the counter is advanced to the n ext
low, the "dah/blank enable" gate will send un it of informat ion.

52 73 M AG AZI N E
The cou nter is advan ced eac h t ime a o 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
unit o f infor mation is sent u n til it is x - • • x.xx· - - x •
advan ced to the " stop" instr uc tio n. This
14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 2223
instru ction causes a b lank to be au tomati-
cally sen t and stops th e "space enab le"
• • -x · · - -x -
gate fro m triggeri ng th e space one -sho t . 24 25 26 27 28 29
Th e DI U remains in th e sto p sta te un til a • x - - - Sto p
reset pulse is sent to the co u nter fr om th e
tran smitter keying circuit and the whole Fig. 2. Un it breakdown diagram .
pro cess st arts over again.
Of course th e DI U wo rks mu ch faster keyed for the du rati on o f the ide n tificatio n
than it ca n be d escribed . Dep ending on the every time t he DI U is reset. This allo ws a
co mpone n t values selected fo r e2, C6 , and co mple te sending of the ide n tification re-
C8 , the DIU can fun ction at any reasonable gardless of whe the r the tr an smitt er remain s
spee d . The particular values used in the ke ye d by an external circu it su ch as a COR
prot otyp e an d list ed fo r Fig. I (se e Table I) (carr ier-operated re lay) "o r no t. If this
causes th e unit to iden tify at the rate of 4 2 feat ure is not desired , Q2 sho uld no t b e
wpm (2 seco n ds fo r DE W6F NO) . If a inst alled .
faster or slower rat e is d esired , ca pacit or Tran sisto r Q I is used to key the oscilla-
valu es should be cha nged acco rdingly _ It tor , while Q3 an d Q4 - along with th e
shou ld b e noted, however, that C8 mus t b e feedback an d b ias net work s - ma ke up th e
three times as large as C2 and C6 to give osc illator. T he oscillat or was d esigne d to b e
the proper charac ter formation. This is a fed direc tly to t he grid of the mod ulator in
critical relationship an d fo llows from the th e tr an smitter.
fact that a space and d it are id en tical in
tim e len gt h whi le a dah or blank is three Th e Diod e Mat rix
times th e len gth o f a d it. Up un til now very little h as been said
T ransistor Q2 is used to lock on th e about th e diode mat rix o the r th an t he fact
tra nsmitter keying circu it while the digital th at it determines what inst ru ct io n to give
identi fication unit is sending its ide ntifica- th e key ing logic. Th e ac tual constru ction
tion code. If a timer is used in conju nction of th e matrix can be considerably simpli-
with the ide ntifier , the tran smitter will b e fied an d con seque ntly cheaper. Up to 70%
of th e diod es necessary for the diod e
m atr ix can be eliminated by using rna th-
Tab le I . Par ts list fo r DI U Logic Board ema tics . A mu ch more so phistic ated , eco-
an d Diod e Matrix no mical, and space-saving layo ut can be
DIU logic Parts
R2 -8 10 K %W achie ved using Bo olean algeb ra. Th ank s to
R9.Rl0 3 .3K %W Mr. Karn augh, it is n ot necessary to give a
Rl, Rl1r33K %W complete d iscuss ion on Bo olean algeb ra .
ct. C3, C5 , C7 , C9 .05 1Jfd disc 25V
Cl0, C12 .008 J1fd di sc 25 V (1000 Hz)
C2- , cr. CS· 10 Jlfd/1 5V
C4,C6 · 30 Jlfd / 15 V
· Most cha nge in dir ect rat io
IC1 ·3 Motoro la 791P
IC4, 6,7 Motorola 724P
1C5 Motorola 789P
Ql ·4 2M3415 o r equiva len t
01·3 1 N34 or equiva lent
IC sockets wire-wrap type Vector R-714
22 pin PC socket Vector R·64 4
Matrix Parts
10 -20 resistors 32K %W
60-100 d iodes ge or si (all sa me typel Th e Ie log ic board is sho wn here from the
22-p in PC sock et Vector R-6! com po nen t side. No te th e use of I e receptacles,
which sim plifies test, checko ut, an d replac ement.

AP Ri l 19 71 53
The Karnaugh map is a device for mechani-
cally determining the mathematical equiva-
lent of the diode matrix. For the purpose ~o
"6>" 0 0 0 00> 0 " 0 "
'" ' 0' '00
of this discussion the MCW message will be
«DE W6FNO. " Of cour se , any other ° 00
o rTb
, a a a , s •
me ssage can b e deve loped by this meth od °0> a ill a , ~\ " " " , 11&,
and consequ en tly this discussion may be
used for develo ping any matrix logic.
The fir st ste p in det erm ining the diode
.- 2 5 '-r aJ
1-"':"': 2 7 'J.. x
eo 8, "

matrix for the message is to break up th e

" " rs ra aa ea 21 20
/1. \Ii
message in to the units t o b e sent: • = d it , "0
- = dah, x = blank. This is shown in the " " so " ee ea sa
brea kdo wn diag ram Fig . 2. '" N OT
" " sa e a " "
~ "..eo .,
It is seen t hat 30 units o r" me ssage will
be sent (0 is act ually used fo r a bla nk). T o '" ., " " " " " " "
conve rt un its 0 to 29 into a diod e matrix , 00
the Karnaugh map is used (se e Fig. 3) . aa
" as " aa as " as
The number s in the boxes correspond to
the decimal equivalent to units on the Fig. 3. Karnaugh m ap of dahs to he gen erat ed in
output of the counter. Th e numb er s across D EW6FNO.
the top and along the sid e of the chart
correspo n d t o the binary output of the
flip-flops - 1 for true or 0 for false . T he
letters written diagonally in th e t op left "6>" 000 001 Oll
010 ll O III 10 1 10 0

corner ;efer t o the six flip-flo ps. Example:
Bo x 17 ha s flip -flop A tue, B false, C fal se, • a

D false, E tru e, and F false. Written in 0 0> 101e II 10

14 15
" \.{3
Boolean form, 17 wou ld be represented by
AB'C'D' EF' , where the apostrophe after
the J etter indicates that the flip-flo p is false 1 /
and, conversely , a letter without an apos-
" rs
trophe is true.
To simplify th e matrix , a Kamaugh map 48 49 51 50

is co nstructed separately (Figs. 3 and 4) for u A"P"- t1 fEP

56 57 59 58 62 63 61 60
the dits and dahs t o b e sent. From Fig. 2 ,
units 2, 3 , 5 , 8,1 3, 14 , 15, 16 , 18 , 19 , 2 1, 41 43 42 46 47 45 44

and 24 represent the dits to b e sen t in the

mes sage. In the dit Karnaugh map (Fig. 4) 32 33 35 34

a I is pla ced in each box corresponding t o

the nu mb er. An X (not the X wh ich
repre sent s a blank) is pl aced in all boxes Fig. 4. Karnau gh map of dits to he generated in
aft er the st e p cod e numb er. These are
" don' t care" co ndition s be cause the coun-
ter will no t cou nt to these codes .
From the dit Karnaugh map (Fig. 5) it Oa c e at> Ob oc Oc a d Od Oe ce ,
can be seen that the third unit of informa- sv ,j Ij 1\ \ \
tion is a di t and that flip -flop A is true , B is 4 .2 K
true, C is false, D is false, E is false, and F
is false , or ABC 'D'E'F'. To put this in
matrix form, t he Boolean algebra tells us
that this dit would be r epresen ted by a Fig. S. Unit 3 in formation - dit.
diode connected to Q a lead (the true lead
of flip-flop A) , another to Qb, an oth er to

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b y E D W ARD M. NOLL, W3FQJ . Build ing QRP design and build all types of radiocommuni-
equipment offers t he ham a wonderful oppor- cations equipment. Includes ssb design and
t u nity t o gain fa m iliar it y with solid-state equipment, R TTY circuits, latest semicon-
technology. since these rigs include transis- ductor circuits, I C's , and special cir cu it ry.
to rs and /or integrated circuits. T he low-cost Order 2 4020, only . . $ 13.50
units described have power ratings from less
than 100 milliwatts up to about 20 watts; Radio Amateur's F- M Repeat er Handbook
both cw and phone r igs a re included.
Order 24024, only . . $4.25 by KEN S ESSIO NS, JR., K6MVH. The d efin it iv e
w or k on the v ital and virtually undocumented
Semiconductor Amateur Projects subject of amateur f-m repeaters. Chapters
include: Preparing.and obtaining sites for re-
by LOUIS M . DEZETTEL, W5REZ. For the ham peaters; H ow to build a repeater; and R e-
who still takes pride in using his harids and peater applications. Includes an f-m repeater
head, here are p rojects for 16 useful, money- d irectory. Order 24 0 0 8 , on ly $ 6 .95
saving accessories, using easy-to-build se mi-
co nductor circuitry. Units are for measuring Amateur Test s and Measurements
equ ipment, adding power a nd convenience, by LOUIS M . DEZETTEL, W 5REZ . Shows how to
converters, etc. accomplish virtually all performance tests on
Order 24025, only . . . $4.95 amateur transmitters, r ec eivers, and ant en-
73 Dipole and Long-Wire Antennas nas, and how to make required adjustments.
Order 2400 7, on ly $ 5 .50
b y EDWAR D M. NOLL , W3FQJ. Includes di-
mensions, configurations, and detailed con- Ham and CB Ant enna Dimension Charts
struction data for 73 differ ent types of wire by EDWARD M . NOLL, W 3FQJ. Tabulat es d i-
antennas, Appendices describe construction mension data in feet and inches for all t he
of noise bridges, line t uners, and data on popular antenna configurations. C h art s a re
measuring resonant frequency, velocity fac- so subdivided that an antenna ca n be dimen-
tor, and SWR. Order 24006, only . . . . $4.50 sioned for a specific frequency range accord-
in g t o licen se class and mode of operation.
73 Vertical, Beam, and Triangle Antennas Order 24 023, only . . $ 1.9 5
by EDWARD M. NOLL, W3FQJ. Describes the Ord er f rom y our el ectron ic parts

design and construction of 73 different an- distr ib utor or sen d cou pon be lo w.
tennas used by amateurs. Each has actually
been built and air-tested by t h e author. Ap-
pendices cover co nstruction of noise bridges
and antenna li ne tuners, as well as measure- I Howard W. Sams & c c., Inc., Dept. 73 - 041 I
ment methods. Order 24021, only . . . . $4.95 I 4300 W. 62nd 51., Indianapolis, Ind. 46268
I Send me the fo l lo wing books: No s. _ I
Electronics for the Amat eur
I _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ encl.
by LOUIS M. D EZETTEL, W5 R EZ. Written spe-
cifically for the amateur, t h is book clearly I o Send Free 1971 Sams Book Cata log I
discusses radio-wave propagation as it ap- I I
p li es to a mateur band frequencies, reception I ~~A~Ee.,,"CC,",-
, - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
and transmission pertaining to ham equip-
ment, and the special field of antennas and I Address; _
how to feed them. Contains a ll the informa- I
t ion required to pass the theory sections of
the FC C exams. Order 2~022, only . . . $7.95
l~~ ~aIO ZIP- - - J
also simplify since they change one variable
at a time or BC'D' . Note that not o nly is 3
represent ed by BC'D ' but also 2, 19, an d
18 , resulting in a sa vings of 2 0 di odes - 4
numbers x (5+ lor) - ( 3+l or used] = 2 0 . 14
" ,. ~~--t+~--t+~--tH---"-H----' and 15 comb ine with "don't ca res" 30 an d
~ 3. G Vo- P I N "
GN O o- P IN~ 3 1 to equal BCD. The final ex pres sion
- -- - - - - - - - - ~ - -- - -- ---- - - - - - - ----- - - - - 36 V . th ou gh not the on ly expression that will
14_ ~o;
on I" I), I), work) for the dits is BC'D' + BCD +
aCO 1. 11
••"'.1 A'B'C'D + A'B'C'E + AB'CE' + AB 'CD'.
e 00 I" I'" I'" Figure 3 wa s used to de velop t he da h
iieo ~ Ii< Ii< I'"
I", equation which is AB'C'E' + A'BC'D +
BeE Ii< ~ ~
BDE + ABC E + A'B ' CD + A'B'CE. 2 8
BCE I" i'i. I ~ ~
dio des were used to de velop the dit matrix ,
"" ),
" ),

BCD 29 we re use d for the dah ma trix , and 5
), ), ~

''"" ..
BCE were used for the stop code , giving a total
~ ~

. . ~ '" . of 62 diodes for th e en tire matrix . Quite a
few less than 174 !
The fin al matrix appears in Fig. 6 for
BeE ~ ~ ''It'"" I'" " the message DE W6F NO . No te that any

. AeO E
'" "
matrix of this magnitude can be deter-
mined by the above method . To ex pand to
64 un its of informa tion th e mirror image
Fig. 6. DIU matrix and counter
of the first 32 un it s is used in the Karnaugh
map. In F igs. 3 and 4 the "not us ed "
Qc' (the false lead of flip -flop C), another portion would b e us ed. The upper portion
to Qd ' , another to Qe'. Since there are only of Fig . 6 illu st rates the wiring of the
30 units of informa tion , flip -flop F is not cou nter ; note that it rna tes to the leads of
used . A line may he used over any of the the matrix. -..,
symbols to ind icate the same thing as an
ap ostrophe . It wo u ld normally take six Construction of the DI U
diode s (seven when the F flip -flop is used) Sin ce the publication of the first article
to send this unit of in formation. See Fig . 6. on the DI U num erous people ha ve sought
Actually, it wou ld take six diodes (seve n printed circuit boards for th e unit. In ord er
whe n the F flip-flo p is used) for ea ch unit to obtain t h e DIU log ic , matrix, or po wer
of information in th e message or 29 x 6 :::: supply boards, write to Keith Whit ehurst,
174 diod es. T h is includes the diodes Box 53 8, Claremon t , Calif. 917 11.

Fig. 7. DIU regulat ed po wer supply.

nee ded to or the dahs together and the dits

together. This is where the Karnaugh map
saves diodes. Again on the amp in F ig. 4
any adjacen t box or any box that changes
just on e vari able from another box elimi-
This photo of th e call let t er m atrix board shows
nated that variable. Box es 8 a nd 24
the layo ut of th e di od es for W6FN O. The same
sim plify to A'B 'C 'D , eliminating the E board is used for other calls , though th e diode
flip-flop altogether. Boxes 3, 2 , 19 , and 18 pla cemen t will vary.

Fran kly . no . Nei ther was it easy to lea rn ho w to read w it ho ut t wo things :
Pro per inst r uct ion . an d p ractice. CODEMASTER t apes, proven in over f ive
yea rs of sa les of t hou sa nds of t a pes al lover t he world, give yo u t hat essent ial
instr uct ion . No o t her teaching system offe rs you a mo re proven me t hod,
more accurate send ing, mo re comp lete guidan ce. Sele ct yo ur CODE -
MASTE R t a pe s below!
eM·1 : Fo r th e beg inne r . A com- CM-1 Yz: An inter med iate tape , es- CM · 2 : Fo r E" tr a · Cl ass lic ense
plete co u r se o f instruc t ion ;5 on the pec ia l ly for Ge ne ral C lass e"am study . Mo st ly str a igh t te"t. so m e
ta p e . Practice ma te ria l at 5. 7 . 9 st udy . No in str uct ion ; JUSt p ra ct ice. COdR g ro u p s. 1 h our at 2 0 WPM , Y,
W PM . Pr epa res y o u f or N ov ic e ex - % h r 1 1 W PM ; 1 hr 14 W PM; % hr ho ur Olach at 2 5 and 3 0 WP M . F o r
am . I n cl u d es c o d e gr o ups a nd p u nc- at 17 W P M . I n c l u de s .c ode d groups rea l C AC. pl ay this t a pe a t tw ic e
t ua t to n, an d straig l-.t t Ol"t. sp e ed!
COO EMAS TE R t ap as are 2 -track mo n au ra l; ava ila bl e in t wo st yl es : 7 inch ree l ( 3~ IPS ) and c assette. Be sure t o
specify both t he p rog ram ( C M· 1, etc ) and t h e styl e ( re el or ca sse tte) . Any tap e. $6.9 5 postpa id USA 4 t h class. Any
t w o tapes, $ 13.00; all three , $17.00 PPD. For air sh ip me nt in USA ad d 50 t per c as se tte Of S Ot p er reel.
l rn mediete delivery . Masterc h a rge a nd Bankameric ar d h onored ; g ive us you r acco u nt n um be s , C OOEMAST E R
t ap a$ a r e m a d e on ly by Pi c k e ri ng R adio Com pa n y , P 0 Bo x 2 9A, Po rt smouth , RI 028 71 . See you r deal e- or order
di r ec t . Sat isf a c tio n gua r anteed ~-- --~- - - - - - - - '

less th an 5% rip ple (includ ing voltage

spikes ).
Insta llati on
The signals norma lly received and sen t
to and from the DIU should meet the
following criteria:
1. F ro m po wer su pply - 3.6V d e, well
filtered an d reg ulat ed.
2 . Fr om t ran smitte r key ing cir-
cuit - OV, tr ansmitt er keyed ; appro xi-
Regulated power supply m odu le pro vid es +3.6V mat ely 6V tr ansmitt er u nkeyed (fil tered ).
to d igital , identifies logic and m atr ix boards . 3. To tra nsmitt er keying cir cuit - iden-
tifie r off: 10 Mn ; identifier ke ye d: 10 f 2.
Tab le II. DIU Regulated Power S upply Parts L ist.
4. To mo dulat o r circui t - high im-
T 1 Sta n cor P6465 117 to 6 .3 V. 600 mA o pedance DI U oscilla tor ou tp ut .
0 1 3.9V Ze ne r 1 N74 8 Mot o ro la
o 1A 12 V diod es o r HEP Bridge Note th at all de input lin es to th e DI U
C1 10 0 0 J1F at 12 V logic shou ld be filt ered . In so me relay
C2 200 fJ-F at 12V circuits th e ou tp ut of a b ridge rectifier is
R 1 10 nat6 .3 V use d to directly key the transmitt er relay.
5 n at3.2 V
R2 2 20 nat 6 .3 V inp ut . 1 10 n at
So th e pulsati ng d e doe s no t key the digital
3 .2V inp ut* identifi cation uni t, a 60 pF capacito r (or
a 1 2 N492 1 o r HEP 245 greater) sho uld b e placed acr oss the rel ay
Powe r Suppl y It is worthwhile to note that the original
Figur e 7 illustrates th e sche matic -of th e protot yp e, after two an d a ha lf years, is
DIU power sup ply . Tab le II lists pa rts still opera tio nal atop Jo hnst one Peak in
req uire d . Any po wer supp ly, h owever , may San Di mas, Califo rnia, send ing out for all
be used if t he power output is 3.6 V with to hear - DE W6F NO. . . . WB6BFM •


20th Anniversary * * * * * * * * 24Apri11971
Wamplers Hara Arena
Tec hnica l Session . Exh ibit s . Lad ies Pro gram . Hidd en Transmitter Hunt
Flea Market. Awards . Banq uet
Dept: S Box 44, Dayton, Oh io 4540 1
APR IL 19 71 57
testing the
by W ay n e Green W 2 N S D /1

A ft er five years of making waves o n rep ort is th at t he 1000 is better co py

th e DX ban ds wit h a transceiver plu s If I had been using d ifferent ty pes of
great big linear amplifier, it takes some microp hones it might account for the
getting used to , making virtually the same better voice rep orts, b ut I used id enti cal
waves with a little b ox that I can lift with mikes for th e test s. The engineers at
o ne arm .. . well, two arm s .. . it weighs National have emp hasize d the higher range
59 pounds. And tha t includes the built-in of the voice a bit mo re than the other rigs
pow er su pp ly and loudspeaker. with the res ult that there is more pun ch
The NCX· I 000 is sure a far cry fro m the and , o t her things being eq ual, the 100 0 is
first Nat io nal rig tha t I o wned way back in more rea dab le.
th e di m, dark past. Th e Nat io nal 60 0 was a The NCX-IOOO co vers the ama te u r
600 watt tran smitter first marke te d back in bands from 10 - 80 meter s and pro vide s
the lat e 30 's. I still use the ind estru cti ble sideband with either side , AM, and CW.
pow er su pplies and mo du lato r from th e The receiver works so well that I suspect
600 in my two meter kilow att. T he rf th at National must have bo rrowed more
sections are, sadly, no lo nger state of t he t han co nsiderab ly fro m their very suc-
art. cessful HRO -500 rece iver for t he d esign .
Well, to get back to the 1000 , Nat ional They have a clever speech pro cessor
has come up wit h a rea l beauty in this rig. built int o the transmitter (swit ched on
It is all solid stat e except for t he final from the fro nt panel) wh ich operates at r f.
stages of the transmitter and it work s like a In this circuit 't he single sid eba nd of the
dream . first i-f is clipped by a diode limit er an d
Being a k no b b uff, a fellow that enjoys t hen filtered to remove the un wanted
having do zens of knobs to tw iddle, I was at disto rt ion products. This in creases the aver-
first taken aba ck by the simp licity of t he age power by a factor of t wo , resulting in
fron t pa nel of th e 1000 . Sure ly Nat ional almo st t he same average power o ut put as a
mu st ha ve left o ff so me co ntro ls that I two kil owatt PEP tra nsmitter. My te sts, b y
wo uld need . If the y did I st ill haven 't the way. were made wit h th is clipper o ff
missed t hem . when I was co mparing the 1000 wit h o ther
How d oes the 1000 co mpare with o ther rigs. With th e clipper o n the signal is even
rigs? Well, I stacked it up against three louder, and tho ugh it loses a bit o n voice
ot her tra nsceivers o n my o perat ing desk, all quality rep or ts it cer tainly gains on pu nch
working t hro ugh a nice linea r amplifier, thro ugh pileups.
and sta rte d ma kin g co mparison checks all CW o perators will ap preciat e th e ver nier
around th e world , t hrough poor co nd i- co ntro l whic h displaces the receiver ± 3
tions, monu menta l inte rference, and such . kHz from t he transmitter. Th is is also
While there d id turn o ut to be times when handy on sideba nd when the ot her o p
th e extra po wer o f t he big rig sur mou nted misses your fr equ en cy or drifts away from
pile u ps a little faster t han the 1000 , these it during the co nt act. It can keep yo u fro m
times we re sat isfy ingly few. Generally the chasing so meo ne with a displaced trans-

58 73 MA GA Z IN E
mit ter o n down o r u p the ba nd. An
accessory vfo is ava ilable if you wan t to
work split frequency more than 3 kHz. THE BEST
Ho pefull y, now that Gu s is back in the 2 METER
U.S., lit tl e split frequen cy o peration will b e CONVERTER
nee ded for a whil e. Model 407
It is stra nge that it ha s tak en so long fo r ~ (!:J
solid state circuits to co me to amateur ppd.
sideband eq uipment. You don 't find tub es
in much new gear these d ays, exc ept for
am at eurs. My car rad io , F M receiver , tele-
visio n set , ta pe re cord er , h i-fi , etc ., are all
solid state . Even the silly pencil sha rpener
is soli d sta te! O ut of o ne do zen 2m FM sets 144·146 MHz I". 28·30 MHI 0"
or 146-141 MHI wtth a secoAd crptal
o n the mark et , all are com pletel y solid A vailable at $5 _95 ea ch.
A full descriptio n o f this fa n tastic co n verter
sta te ex cept two ....and both h ave o ne tub e woul d fill this p a ge, but y o u ca.n t ake our word
fo r it ~o r tho se o f thousands o f sa t is fied users )
wh ich will b e supersede d soon by an all t ha t it s the b est. The reason is simple-we use
solid sta te unit. Judging fro m the sma ll size t hree RC A d ual gate MO SFETs. one bipolar,
an d 3 diodes in the best circuit e ver. Still not
and light weigh t of the National 1000 , co n vin ced?T hen se n d for our fr e e ca t al o g and
get the full d esc ription, plus photos and even
solid stat e is ce rta inly the way to go. the schematic.
Ca n ' t wait?Then sen d us a p o st al money order
The 1000 co vers all five am at eur band s, fo r $ 42.95 and w e 'll rush the 407 o u t to y o u.
NO T E : T he Mo d el 4(17 is als o ava ila b le in a ny
10 - 80 met ers. An accessory 100 kHz fr equenc y combination up to 450 MHz (some
osc illat or plugs in fo r calib ration of th e a t hi gh er prices ) as lis t ed in our ca tal o g.
-New York Cit y u d Stolte residen h a d d loca l $. ltl$ ta• •
t uning dial. T he fro nt panel meter fun c-
tions as an Svrneter o n receive and read s VANGUARD LABS
plate cur ren t , screen current or plate volt- Dept. H, 196-23 Jamaica Av e., Holik , N.Y. 11423
age o n tran smit. AAL C? Of co urse, and
q uit e effe ctive it is. The scree n cur rent
met er fu nctio n is excellent for rap id loa d- PRACTICE
ing of the tran smitt er. I was able to tune it
up in seco nds . . . like the t ime I switc he d SAFETY & EFFIC IENCY
up fro m 80m to 20m and just h ap pe ned to
catc h XT 2 AA (ra re) calling CQ. With in W ITH A PATENTED
thr ee seco nds I was tuned up and calling CONTROLLED
him. I mad e it. MAGNET IC
The accessor y 100 kH z calibrator also
provides sideto ne fo r ew op eratio n. It can
even b e used for code pra ctice , if n eeded! SAFETY
Obviously Natio nal has kept the CW op s in MIKE
min d in t he de sign of this rig . . . it co vers
all CW bands . .. and runs close to the legal $29~~
limit to the 8 12 2 final in this mode . AT YOUR DISTRIBUTOR
In all, the Natio nal 1000 seems to b e o r P . P . From Factory. O hio RUid " nt $ Ad d Sal" $ Ta ~ .

well in ke eping wit h the long hist or y of Pla st icized sta inless stee l hea dge ar a nd a lu minum
exc elle nt equip men t that National has pro - co nstructio n. Wt. under 3 oz. Three-way adjus table
mike suppor t. Immune to heat , shoc k and vibrat ion.
vided us d own through the y ears. Man y of Built for ro ugh usage. " A natu ral {or Mob ile A M &
us were co nce rn ed recently whe n their SS B" -53 d b to Hi-imp. Respo nse 300 to 3,000 cps .
w/ matching unit installed inline . C ~ I • ... . Xet 29.50
o verd ep ende n ce on gove rnment work CMS sa me as a bove with inline slide switch for tr an s-
forced t hem into b ankrupt cy . The com- mitte r cont ro l . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • :'\('132.95
pany see ms t o be in prett y goo d shape no w Write for literature.
and is payi ng its bills, so p erhaps th ey have
weathered t he d epression. ILIERS
. . .W2NSD/l-

A PR I L 1971 59
A ll y ou hav e to do is look once at the cat alog) , where a 0 .01 J1F jo b can be fo und
pri ce of commerci al walkie-talkies to whi ch is only 5/16 in. square by 5 /6 4 in.
see how the effort of building your own thick. And th e. 1000 pF ones ar e only
can be ju stified . But there's a satisfaction 11/6 4 in. square . Fo r the lo wer values used
that com es with operating some thing in coupling and for fixe d tunin g capac it ors,
you've put together yo urself, wh ich goes I lik e the Elmenco dip ped silver-mic a jobs.
well beyond th e knowledge that you 've
beaten the manufacturers at their own Resistors. Resistors can be th e Ohmit e -Ua
gam e. I won't be foolish enough to tell yo u watters, but for the sake of miniaturiza-
that building up a portable FM tra nsceiver tion , you'll be better off if you get a
is a snap. because it frankl y isn 't quite that selection of Allen Bradley 1/8 or 1/10 watt
simp le. But it really isn' t particular ly diffi- midgets. They're really small!
cult either ; and th e time you spe nd will be
amply reward ed by a good solid working Cry stals.The crystals should be the small
knowledg e of wha t 's in those little radio s plug-in kind , about 400 by 175 mils
yo u hoJd in your hand . Beside s, it can be becau se repeat er input channel freq uencies
great fun ! d o vary across th e co untry. The most
Th e const ruct ion process is described prevalent in the U.S. is 146.34, with
here in it s enti re ty - first , th e receiver . 146.46 being Canada's prime choice. An
th en the tran sm itter. But since the project absolu te mu st fo r rep eater use is the
is to be a mini atur ization job as well as " Radio Amat eur's FM Repe at er Hand-
sim ple const ruction , th er e are cer tain spe ci- book ," by Ken W. Session s, Jr., which can
fics involving compo nents that must also be obtaine d (w here else?) at 73 .
be co nsidered. In th e main, these are dealt
with ind ividually . Coils. Th e 8 and 24 MHz coils ar e the 9050
uni t s from J. W. Miller, and are very hand y
Miniature Components for modifying to suit transistor input im-
Capacitors. By pass units can be the peda nces, as well as having good, stable,
Lafayette thin units (see page 294 of 19 70 mechanical tu ning of th e cores.

There isn't much else on th e strip that I not take those little drills. Som e of th em
can see exce pt t hin copper-d ad, 1/1 6 in. don't. Then you have to lay out ano ther $3
linen -base Bakelite or fiber glass stri ps, four or $4 fo r a jeweler's chuc k, which will take
Mo tor ola HEP 555, and two Mo torola HEP a No. 8 0 drill (I 3l>' mils).
755 (2N28 66). Yo u do not have to drill th e compo-
Variou s colo rs of sub miniature wire will nent-lead holes exactly t o size but th e
help also . closer yo u do th e mo re rigid t he parts will
Special To ols be when mounted .

Don' t worry about particular t ools; Variou s fiber Tv tun ing to ols are useful
they ' re no t to o speci al, as you will see, but for the trimmer capaci to rs, and several
you sho uld prepa re a little, in order to do a lengt hs of ~ in. Lucit e and Bakelit e rods
real goo d job. You must have the usual set make good insulated screwdrivers also.
of goo d small tools and it helps to thin A slightly un usual aid I emplo y a lot is a
down by grinding t he already thin needl e- " cof fee stick" with an arro whead -shaped
nose pliers to get int o t hose really narr ow lump of coil wax stuck on the end. When
places yo u will fin d in bac k of the mo unt- yo u'r e winding small coils with small wire
ing st rip. Use the same treatment o n so me it is very handy to pu t a dr op o f wax o n
small side-cutters also, because you will be the coil an d let it sink in and co ol. You can
cutting off a lot of small wires in even do thi s with th e tip of yo ur small iron, and
smaller places. it sure helps hold all t hat tiny wire in place.
A collection of small low-cost screw- All th e filt er cho kes shown use th is met h-
drivers will be han dy, t oo - file them sharp od . Good for a lo t of receiver coils to com e
and very small for special places. Sharp- later, too, and fo r holding th e ext ra turns
poi nt ed tweezers are han dy as well. wound on th e Miller coils for base impe-
For drills I go do wn to size 65 (35 mils) dance mat ching.
in a Black and Decker v.a in . drill with th e Be sure to have plenty of subminiature
drill sta nd for under $10. Depending o n clip leads with flexible wire of vario us
how lucky yo u are, your drill chuck may lengths fro m I in . up to I ft .

A PR I L 1971 61
Have a goo d selec tion of Area midge t "
trim mers on ha nd also, such as the 400 .~
series, which are j ust Ih in. lon g.
No. 48 or 49 bu lbs a re go od for
check ing rf as yo u go alo ng th e multiplier
chain from stage to stage. You should
always be able to light one of these , which
glow red (dull) at 20 mw. Use a mat ch ing .0 1 lOOK

series trim mer, as little as 5 p F for 14 7

MHz and less tha n 1 pF on 450 .
Fig. 2. T uned diode d etector.
Have a ro ll o f plain masking tap e to
ho ld do wn strips and things while wo rking wh ile yo u're buildi ng cr yst al oscillat ors,
on them . A small d rill vise o r the "third pha se mo du lat ors, mult ipliers, and am pli-
hand " bench vise helps, t oo. fiers. Using the absorp tion wave meter, any
Dos and Don '(s. These hin ts apply espec- circ uit u nde r test can be chec ked fo r the
ially t o a multiplier cha in in cluding a real and exac t frequ ency at which it is
stra ight-thro ugh amp lifier used as a phase resonating or osc illating, by lighting a b ulb
mo dulator , whic h is th e circ uit being on rf or using a diode de tector wit h a
describ ed in this article . It has an 8 MHz mete r. When the absorption met er reso n-
crystal oscillat or an d ends u p on 147 MHz, ate s with the rf in the collect or circuit
so yo u must be sure of th e freq uency o f wh ich is ligh ti ng t he b ulb o r actuating th e
eac h sta ge as it o perates. Do not, rely o n meter , a dip in t he ligh t or o n the met er
yo ur receiver o r o n grid-d ippi ng th e induc- will show . T his indicates th e real frequency
tors first. o f the main body of the rf presen t. Som e
These simp le an d inexpen sive test acces- tra nsisto r collector circu its not t apped
sories will help yo u in this wo rk , as I fo u nd down on co ils are especially no torio us for
o ut - even after 50 year s of ra dio en - this, and may ex hibit two fr equen cies at
deavor. I tried ru shing this mu lt iplier alon g the same tim e. Fo r exa mp le, th ere may be
wit hout using my hom ebr ew set of ab sorp- ene rgy at 72 and 96 MHz pr esent. This is
tion wavemet ers (see Fig . I) at every st age an ind icatio n o f mistuning, or o verlo ading ,
and trouble sho wed u p right away . or both . Tap th e collecto r down on the
Getting righ t d own to the po int, he re is coil, don't load it so heavily to the nex t
a list of han dy items to have on th e bench stage , che ck it - carefully with the di od e
met er , and don' t wo rr y abou t a sma ll
remnan t of off- frequ ency ene rgy. Aft er all,
a multiplier is bou nd t o have some o f this
present. J ust get the main amo u nt on
freq ue ncy and be happ y. And be sure the
next stag e also peaks o n its desired fre-
qu en cy .
A grid-dipper in the diode posi t ion can
also be used for this wo rk . A one-tu rn lin k
aro u nd the low en d o f the grid-d ip per co il
and a cable will get yo u int o small places in
a rig whe re yo u can not insert the whole
dipp er.
The diode detector. Figu re 2 sho ws the
sche ma tic of one of th ese useful pieces of
equip men t wh ich allow yo u to liste n to
you r tra nsmitter multi plier stage as you
build it , and check t he actu al freque ncy at
Fig. 1. Typical absorption wav eme ter. the same tim e . I have a collection o f them

62 73 MA GA Z I N E
4l,llIO 1l.... Pl.. Impo rtant no tice ! O verdrive is especial-
ly to be avoid ed in multiplier chain s with
transistors. Superregeneration is one o f the
nnn aOn aD ind ica tions. Believe me , it ca n be a very
nasty bug!
...... 0
I J\ Diode detec tor cable prob es. Have a co l-
lection of t hese o n hand as in Fig. 4. You
ca n use th em also to feed rf in to a pilo t
GAIN T ONE ligh t, conne ct u p to your lab receiver, et c.
Handy meter jacks. Figur e 5 sh ows an
Fig. 3. Handy af assem bly , top view ele men tary bu t flexible and useful me ter-
ing me tho d for checking tot al o r o nly one
here coverin g fro m 12 5 KH z to 10 GH z.
stage curr en t.
With a good varia ble capacitor you can
generally run o ver three t o o ne in frequen- FO UN DATI ON R ECEIV E R
cy ra nge - u p to the UHF regio n at least.
The ba sic design shown here is for a
From there on up t hings get a lit tle mor e
low-cost single-eonversio n ut ility rec eiver
diff icul t.
fo r 2 meter FM ; partic u lar atten tio n is
These "receivers," because th at's what given to easy-t o-b uild i-f and discrimi nat or
th ey really are, altho ugh of low sensitivit y, mo dules for th e 10.7 MHz section. Th e r f
are esp ecially h elpf ul in tr an sferr ing known is tunable fr om 144 to 148 MHz, with a
freq uencies o n a signal gene ra to r to a swit ch for AM use. Thi s is a co mp lete
ho me ma de set o f waveme ter s. po rtabl e receiver , not tied d own to a large
ac com mu nications receiver.
The me ter. Th is sho uld be as sen sitive as Discriminato r action, with samp le, is
po ssible. Lafayett e has go od on es down to shown for easy understanding and h ome-
50 J.1 A . Use a tap switch to put resistors in brewing. Doub le conversio n with cry sta l
series to bring the voltage ran ge up to lOY co ntrol can be adde d later.
or so for use wi th an active p or t ion of the Th e sch ema tic o f Fig. 6 sho ws how easy
rig su ch as the I W final circu it . it can be. Rememb er, th is is ju st a bas ic
rece iver whi ch , wit hou t doub le-co nvers ion,
The AF A m plif ier. This item sho uld not b e is a re latively broadb an d, easy -t o-tu ne job ,
neglecte d as it is at ti mes a great aid t o bu t it sure pulls in those interesting re-
getting a t rou ble-fr ee, noiseless carrier , peaters !
whic h you can th en mo du late and be
proud of. The valu ab le RCA ha ndbook ,
fOR tIIGH 1\IP£ ll.'-NC£

"T ransis tors , Th yristo rs, and Diod e Man- OUTPUT H STS

ual, " has a lot to say ab out "discont inuo us

ju mps in ampli tud e o r frequen cy as various
levels of drive are encountered ." T hese
little te rmit es ca n be seen on th e meter o r
heard on t he af amplifier or can show u p
on bo th. Figure 3 sh ows a mounted version "
of th e af ampli fier used here for this
pu rpo se. It is a worth wh ile and ha nd y lit tle
piece of eq uipme nt to h ave in a lo t o f
situations, in both receiver tests an d trans-
mitt er tu neup. J ust plug it into J 3 of th e
dio de detect o r in Fig. 2 and hear those
u nwanted clicks, wh istl es, rushing noises,
sq ue als, etc., comi ng from wh at y ou may
have wishfully th ough t was go od clean rf in
your multiplier drive ! F ig. 4. Coupling m eth o ds.

APR I L 1971 63
Fr ont End
Simpli city is th e word in th is mod ule.
You can check differ ent tran sistors for low
noise, co ils fo r rf, or ad d a low-noise stage ;
and th e tu nab le oscillator is eas y to cha nge
to a crys ta l oscillato r fo r repeat er opera -
tion . All three stages are tunable fro m 144
to 148 for coil, sensit ivity , an d selectivit y
experime ntation, and t o allo w you to
chec k the AM secti on o f the band as well
as repea te r wo rk in you r neigh borho od .
The oscillator tu ning dial also relaxes
preliminary osc illat o r crys tal freq ue ncy re-
quir eme nts by allo wing you to find out
wha t crystals yo u will want lat er, an d orde r
them withou t rushin g the d eal. T he link
cou pling at lo w imp ed ance permits easy
switching from tu ned to crys ta l co ntro l, if
you wish to retain the tu nable featu re.
The rf and mixer stages are tuned b y
small varia ble capacit ors mo unt ed on the
baseboa rd wit h small b racket s ma de fro m
co pper-clad. Small poin ter kn obs allow
peaking of these circ uits. Th e rf stag e ha s a
trimmer capacitor fee ding the base wh ich is
qu ite use fu l, resulting in a welcome bala nce repeater-r elayed calls, "W lA HE, an yb od y
between gain and self-oscillat io n. The mi xer arou n d?" , K IS HE through WIAB I,"
also has a trim mer for it s base in put , whi ch " WIJ LE thr ou gh WAI KFY," " K6MVH
permits a selectivit y adj ustm ent fo r this through WlA LE ," an d var iou s o the r calls,
circuit. thro ugh suc h o ther r epeat ers as WA 1KF Z,
The tunable oscillator was mo u nted o n KIZJH , KIM NS, et c.
th e Miller slide-rule di al for mechani cal
The tw o-met er band can be spread o u t
stability as sho wn in Fig. 7, an d works
from IO ta 9 0 'on th e dia l b y trimming L7 ,
quite well - with the broadb and i-f of
increa sing C5, and using a sma ller C6 .
co u rse. As I write, the repeat er ban d j ust
Oscillator coupling can easily be ad-
belo w 14 7 MHz is giving out wit h various
justed fo r maximu m conversion eff icien cy
. via L4 an d L7 , an d the cable between the m

G:;} is a good place for the crysta l-tu nable

switc h mentioned above. T o start u p,
adjust L7 , C5, an d C6 fo r the ra nge 133 to
137.5 MHz as a lo cal osc illato r fo r th e i-f
of 10.7 MHz to be used later . I tuned u p

t he who le front end using the diode detec-
tor o f Fig. 2 tuned to 10 .7 fo r the i-f
.sectio n. When th ere is lots of 10.7 MHz
ene rgy out on L6 , such as to deliver SV d e
ou t o f the diode , yo u've got a go od fron t

db _ ..
•• +
en d !

10.7 MHz (·F Stage

The reliable and sur e-fire Moto ro la HEP
Fig. 5 . H andy me t ering jack s an d p lugs . 590 l C was used her ec- 25 d B gain, no

HEP 56

I +
...,. .1

I L4 TO I -F

I 4 .7K

1L3 10 -1 8 0

I "

TYPE • L , -,

HEP !:Nl
4 .7K

J.ool IK
Fig. 6. Schema tic of basic 2m FM receiver.

self-osc illatio n, wha t else woul d you use? feed ba ck (even at 50 MHz) , t he high gain ,
Figure 8 show s th e circ uit, using Miller and th e exce llence o f the gain co ntrol at
half-inch shielded coils bo th on the inpu t pin 5, either ma nual or au to mat ic. For this
and o ut put. Note that the 590 is sim ply receiver, ma in ly intended for ex periment al
turn ed leads-up and solder ed ont o a few FM use, no avc is used . Later , if you add
.rcsistor supports, with a shield, as in Fig. 9. double co nversion , the limit er sec tio n mod-
A gain con trol is used , wh ich ma yo r may . ule will eliminate th e need for ave,
not be kep t in lat er as you wish . With the Trim mers are shown fo r C l an d e 2 , b u t
limiters th at can be adde d , th e gain co n tro l fixe d capacitors ofthe pr oper valu e may be
is no t needed . used to allo w tuning of the i-f co ils at 10 .7
A B+ filte r is included in each mo du le , MHz by t he variable tun ing slug co res in L2
and a I aon resist or with a 1a /IF capacit or an d L3. No te that these Miller ha lf-inch
may be need ed also to cut out motor- gems have very go od electro magne tic as
boating when more stage s are added lat er,
if yo u go to d ouble conversio n. J3, e su re not
to return L3 to ground de-wise , as the
need ed bia s is sup plied int ern all y t hrough
\ \
r --- ~
pin 4 . Pin 9 is the main B+, along wit h the
cold end of L3. Gain co ntrol can be
o btain ed thro ugh a po t in the pin 5 lead ,
whe re ma ximum gain is rea ched with pin 5
.-~ o L1 III

at ground poten tial.

For new re aders, the int ern al and exter-
nal circuit of the Motorola Ie 59 0 is shown
ru~ --"

4 _ II Z I
ru' ~

in Fig. 10. This IC, wh ich is very usefu l for -

frequ encies up to at least 6 met ers, has
extremely int erestin g featu res, among
which can be not ed the abse nce o f int ern al Fig. 7. D ial-m o unted local oscillator

A PR I L 1971 65
go . F igur e 12 sh ows the d iscrimina to r de
out pu t curve, wh ich handl es abo ut 25 kH z
for 2-0-2V.
I go t the ide a of using ] 0. 7 MHz as an
i-f (o ther t han the fact that it is used for
many years as the i-f for th e PM bro adcast
sets) from som e of the little $20 Nagasa ki
Hardwar e Co. sets use d to pull in the po lice
hand s. It is also used a gre at d eal in the
two -way mo bile sets, n o d oubt "beca use it
was the re" to be gin wi th. It also ca n be
F ig. 8 .10.7 MHz i-f, bottom vi ew of I C. used la ter as th e first i-f, fo r na rro wband
wor k , by adding a 10.7 MHz co nverte r to
4 55 kHz , a nd a 455 kIl z i-f a nd discrimin-
we ll as electrostatic sh ield ing, du e to the
ator. So , away we we nt, and I'm having a
cup -core typ e of construc tion , a nd are
great t ime list en ing to tho se repeat ers .
availa ble fo r use from 30 MHz down to
However , please bear in mind th at the i-f
135 k Hz .. Th ey can also he easily opened
fo r th e additio n of primary or seco ndary selectivity at 10 .7 MIIz is n ot sufftc rcnt fo r
continued use on 2 meters , exce p t to tu ne
low- imped ance win dings .
UD the fr on t end a nd to get acq uai nted with
Discriminator what' s going on in your ne ighborhood,
Afte r many day s on the bench wit h even th ough it is fu n! It wi ll also start you
discri mina tor circuits I at last hit on one off on discri minat or wor k , which I find ha s
that works like a charm for any freq uency some very fascina tin g aspe ct s, suc h as th e
trie d so far here - at least from ro.7 MHz ext re me selectivi ty of the outp ut curve fo r
dow n to abo u t 135 k Hz, a nd at th e same
time is easy for the home b rewer to build
because of the lin k cou plin g. Figur e II
shows th e circuit wher e Ll is a simp le
tuned coil in th e collector circuit, with no
coupling requiremen ts o ther than a one- o r
two-tu rn link. When the primary of a
discriminator transforme r has to be cou-
pled j ust righ t to the cente rta p ped sccon-
dary it is not a job for th e us ual experimen- '-- ":JII~+-W
ter at his benc h . With th e link you ca n' t go
wron g. A t least I haven't so far. J ust tune , ~ T f R>J A ' ,,, ~non
MOTO"",A 590 ,e
Ll to 10 .7 MHz , put a tu rn or t wo aro u nd
it and another tu rn o n L4 an d away y ou Fig . 10 . I n tern al circui t of Motoro la's R EP 590

r OIlC
t une d circuit. Mor e lat er on this if time

A ud io A mplificat io n. Just for new read-

ers we'll give a qui cki e on the Amperex
TAA-300 I W "ba b y -hi-fi" IC wh ich I now
use fo r almo st every aud io purp ose in

I ~-- h.--_
receivers" and mod ulat or s up to a watt.
There are about 1] transistors in t hat o ne
litt le can , an d it is flat to 1 dB fro m 25 Hz
to 25 kH z! Get a h alfwa y d ecent 8£2
Fig. 9. i-f shielding as seen from top sid e of bo ard sp ea ke r to go with it , beca use it's worth it.
( bottom view of I C). F igur e 13 sh ows how to co nnec t it up .

66 73 MA GA Z IN E
Jn VVV\./Vv
n n n n n • •. II., ~ 0 L..J ~L..J~ L

Is your rig " State-of-the-Art"?

Are yo u awar e o f t he many soli d-state innovati ons
th at w ill increase your sta tion 's ope rat ing efficiency
and over-all perfor mance?

The Ideal Devices for Mobile , Dri ver s, Ou t puts , Lin ear Amplifiers, Re peaters, et c.
The se sili con N PN d evices

53005 53006 53007 employ balanced-emilter con -
POUI -2W . Pout - l OW Poul -25 W st r u c l io." and are non-destruc-
@ 175 MHz @ 175 MHz @ 175 MHz uve uncer o n e n or s h o r te d load
Sugg Ham Ne1 S9.5 5 _ $19.90 -$24 .95 ~~~~i:.IO~,s of rated output

HEP590-High Fre- S3001-This device S9100and 89120 -

qu ency Linear Inte- f e a t u res 5 W power NPN and PNP, high-
"'!' o u t @ 500 M Hz. W il l gain Darlington am-

grated Circuit. Ideal
. for Receiver RF and handle up to 65 Volts plifi ers featu res high
IF as well as Trans- and 1 A m p e re for input impedance ,
miller, Modulator use in portable and gainsofupto 50,000.
Applications . Low-Power Dri ver Excellent for low
and output stages. noise Pre -Amps
(S 9 10 0J7 9 v Meter Amplifiers,
S ugg , H am Net $3.99 Su gg , H am Net $3.7 5 (S 91 20 18 9 v etc .

HEP 591 - W i d e HEP3 -RadioAma-


~ Band A m p li f ier and teur's IC Project Kit
T h e f a b u l o u s HEP 170 - Discriminator Inte- contains 3 IC 's plus
conservatively rated at grated Circuit really a brochure t hat pre-
1000 Volts 2 .5 A m p ere s. modernize y o u r FM sents 10 interesting
S ugQ. Ham Net 82v I F st ages. projects forthe Ham.
Sugg . H am Net $3.60 S UQQ. Ham N et $5 .95

All of the se H EP dev ices, plus many, many

mo re, are avail ab le from your f ranchised
HEP distribut or. The H EP lin e incl udes a
large assortme nt of the var ious sem ico n-
d uc tor d evic e s plus project boo ks and
acces so r ie s.

get HEP with

MOTOROLA INC. S e tn i co n d uct o r Products Division
P.O. Box 20924 Phoenix, Ari zona 85001
Fig. 11 . Discriminator circuit.

50 pF

.0 0 2
• * ARCO 424

02 .002
16 - 1~ pF

IN29 5

• l FOR

T he transmitte r sec t ion measures I in .
wide by 8 in . lon g. and it puts ou t over a
---. - '''.7'50

watt o n 146 - 147 Mflz, with lo w-cost

com ponents. T his miniat ur ized transmitte r
is my logical ste p t owar d d esign an d
ult imate co nstructio n o f a " shirt poc ke t"
po rtab le t ransceiver. Th e parts for that on e
j ump up a litt le in co st , because it takes a
lot mor e too ls to mak e sub mi n iatures, such

1.!:~[*,!:IJ~!. 1J:~!:l:~I:j:j:LI
as st ereo micro sco pes, spec ial mater ials and
skills, jew elers tools, an d so on .

Shape Factor, and Assemb ly Metho d. 10'0 0 '0700 " 0 00

T hese are impor ta nt featur es. as you

H :~~~.:-u~s:"~,,~O{~;~L:~'~ N)

will see, allo wing th e hom ebrewer t o buil d

a co mple te FM rig in a minibo x and still Fig. 12 . Discrim inator de ou tput curve .
have room enough left over to change
com pon ents for repairs or design imp rove- T he B+ lead is red sub miniatu re wire
ments if needed . You can also substi tu te an d goes fr om filte r to filt er along the
slightly d ifferent co mpo nent s if you h ave str ip. The rf lead is gree n and go es from the
to . coi l outpu t tap of each sta ge to the next
Figure 14 sho ws the me thod , using a base co up ling ca pacitor : the rest o f the
co pper-clad baseb oard o n whi ch is mou nt- co n nect ion s pra ctically fall in place fo r
ed a d rilled ~- i n . · h i g h st rip o f insulating solderi ng toget her. As you can see, th ere is
ma terial ho ld ing all th e co mp onen ts. By- sti ll room left over !
pass capac itor lead s to grou nd are no ..........
~....- ooo
longer th an ~ in .. shie lde d co ils are used , ,.., n ".. v .. ...,
and all tu ning is don e fr om o ne side.
Th e pho tos show the happy resu lts o f
placing th e pa rts to best adva n tage on su ch
an asse mb ly . No tice th at t he com po ne n ts
are also all o n o ne side. and the ir leads and
co nnect ions are on the o ther sid e. O n the
wiring side . every co nnect io n is sp rea d out
in fro nt o f you . with room between eac h
o ne for go od sol de rin g ; no resisto r supports
o r o ther met al lie poi nts are need ed. Fig. 13. Au dio am plifier IC.

68 73 MAG A Z INE
Fig. 14 . Baseb oard /m o unt in g strip con figura tio n.

The detai led plan ning o f th e holes to be multip liers without rf filter s in the d c line
drill ed becom es a large portion of th e t r- each stage, unle ss you care to experi-
work. Figure 15 , com po ne nt side and to p me nt with rf ph asing in battery lead s - and
views , shows how to start this off. The that isn't good ! (E very time I leave out th e
next ste p is to mak e a life-size drilling filt ers I get int o tr oublel ) You can make up
templat e usi ng th e co mpo nen ts you have
o r inten d to use. I mentio n this because
mos t of the se are no t critic al and y ou may
substitu te withou t troub le providing you
keep t hinki ng " litt le." Even her e, y ou can
go bigger wi th the co mponen ts if yo u wan t
to, but yo ur overall pa ckage size may
expand . You can also go smaller if yo u
plan care fully and cram everyth ing to-
gether a little tighter. The reason fo r this
will be evide n t if you stu dy the circu it ,
whe re you will see that no critical wires
cross ov er eac h o ther, an d that the power
amp lifier is well away from the osc illator.
Ult imate size is act ually up to yo u , an d
yo u can judge for yo urself aft er lay ing ou t
the parts on hand . If yo u send for a
selection of Lafa y ette Radi o very thin an d
sma ll capaci to rs, you will have an easier
Fig. 15 . Co m p on en t layout, to p and side.
task to get it d own in size.
Figure 16 sho ws two methods o f prelim-
ina ry fastening of the vertical strip to the
copper -clad baseboa rd . Th is will sta rt off
th e assembly , and aft er the wirin g . v ou
co uld hard ly tear the m apart with you r
fing ers. I co u nte d no less th an 25 ground
con nec tion s to th e cop per o n my own 10
= = = = = = :::''=:'' :,=

in . strip.
You can also make st rip mo du les of an y
lengt h you want suc h as modulator af ,
receiver sec tio ns, et c., as shown in th e
receiver plans. T his makes the task of 50LDER~r:2-56 BRASS BOLT
repairs or improvement changes easie r later
on . These sho rter strips can be fas tened
en d o n to ea ch o t her an d fas tened down to
th e baseboard as sho wn.

Miniat ure Filt ers. Fig. 16 . Method s fo r faste nin g in sula ted strips to
Do no t tr y t o make u p fre quency baseboard .

APRI L 197 1 69
"dime" filters wit ho ut mu ch difficulty if However , if the fil ters are very good y ou
you follow the simp le d etails b elow. Mater- can bring the battery lead s fro m each stage
ials n eeded ar e tiny resistors (any value to a co mmo n po in t , but th is mu st be
ove r lkQ), some 36 or 38 AWe wir e ch ecked carefu lly if you ha ve to do it.
(double silk covere d) , coil wax (you can How to make 'em. Clean and tin carefully
use paraffin wax if y ou can 't get coil wa x}, each resist or form lead close t o the body,
and small capa cit ors, suc h as the Lafayette then melt a thin layer of wax on to th e
types. Use 0 .01 for HF and 0 .001 (1000 resistor t o hold the wire fr om slipping
pF) for VH F. Figure 17 sh ows the circ uit . whe n you wind it on . Solder one en d of
The main thing is to interpose an rf trap in the wire onto one lead an d then random
the plus lead b et~een each stage and any win d 75 t o 100 turns of 38-gage wir e onto
other. it , and wrap th e en d around the o th er lead
Th e series meth od sh own in Fig . 17 is read y to sold er. Pu t a drop of wax on th e


FOR : ID Digit al Units
HEP 56 $1.44
HE P55 1.20
HEP 75 2.95
HE P590 3.99
Instant Circuit Boards-NO ETCH-NO MESS-NO FUS S
CIRCUIT-STIK is a complete system of component sub -
elements and materials designed t o work together to produce WE CAN SUP PLY
inst ant circuit boards that are as durable as regular circuit ANY HEP DEV ICE
boa rd s. CIRC UIT-ST IK ELIMINATES : drilling, photo wo r k,
and etching. Just stick th e pressure sensiti ve sub-eleme nts Please include .254 for ship ping
do wn on pattern G Vectorboard. They stick do wn firmly, All or de rs shipped A ir Ma il
w it hst a nd soldering temperatures, yet can be picked u p an d
mov ed fo r circu it changes. In fact, they make building
projects with integrated circuits an d tr a nsisto rs a real breez e.
Sub-elements are availaLle for 8. 10, a nd 12-lead IC's , dual Bo x 3047, Sco ttsda le AZ 8 5 25 7
In -line IC's, all transistors, plus pressure sensitiv e copper tape, FACTORY AUTHORI ZE D
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be st for high-gain amp lifiers be cau se it pu ts coil be fo re solder ing to h old t he wire turns
several filt ers b etween the hi gh-power out- in pla ce. The wax sho uld penetrate the
put stage an d the sensitive fir st stage . wh ole coil. Most ty pes of insul at ion on

. pC-
·1!m.'o""' ! !
~ nM'
t-JEJ, p C- ~EJ,
+ () THER

pC-~EJ, p C- f4EJ,
LTHIS $TA,ll~-.t:-FILTER:/ • FOR
ALL Co'oPACITORs * RFc _1~ T !I~ NS 00. ee
0If li e OIl 1/ 1<) III/I.TT
.o,l'OR IlF
.oOl!'<l R VHf R ~$ I $roli , OVER l ~

F ig . 1 7. Miniat ure filters, in terstage. F ig. 18 . UHF filters for int erstage cou p li ng.

obtained by - the use of an inductance of
large value, placed outside of th e af ampli-
fier, in the non critical low-impedance out-
put cir cuit. Th e inductance cuts do wn the
extra high audio modulating fr equencies
caused by the phase modulator's tendency
to make the FM deviation directly propor-
tional t o the modulating frequency, whi ch
emphasizes the highs too much unless
e C1H1oI5 L loIOO.olol'LLEII iI!Xlil
OUTPUT l&O-?~ .. H corrected. Being outside of the af ampli-
fier, you can now use almost any good
Fig. 19. Phase modulator interconnect circuitry. lo w-co st job and use it in the re ceiver also.
Figure 19 shows the simplicity of the
38-gage wire will disappear as soon as method used . Having a four-transistor am-
solder and heat are applied, so you don't pli fer from Lafayette, at $4 .95 on hand,
have to bare the wire first. Now you have that's what was installed, with a slight
an rf choke, and if you keep the capacitor adj ustment of the feedback resistor. This
leads real short to ground, the filt er will do had nothing to do with the P M unit, it just
the job for you. happened that the Lafay et te amplifier
It works fine even up to 450 MHz if you sounded and acted awful funny at first.
use four capacitors, each to differen t point And no wond er ~, it was oscillating up in
on the ground plane of co pper-dad , as in the 100 kHz range! After trying to bypass
Fig. 18. and d ecouple alm o st every thing in the little
brat my eye s began to fo cus on that
Phase Modulator
printed lead going from the 8.0. output
Phase modulation result s in a type of connection over to near the input, and sure
frequency modulation of the carrier at the enough that was it: too mu ch feedback!
rf output ja ck whi ch the usual FM re ceiver An additional 50 k,Q resistor in series with
cannot distinguish from tru e FM . Being the on e alre ady there did the trick and
crystal-controlled it is used by practically from then on nothing but good af cam e
all the F M mobile and bas e stations in the out. I mention this because it could ha p pen
U.S. so it is 100 % okay here. And of course to you to o. My 3W job , also Lafayet te , is
with the crystals in there , you will be o n suspect , possibly the same simple trouble.
the amateur FM channels, providing you The af out put ~eeded to dri ve the phase
buy them right. You have to pay around modulator emitte r is several hundred milli-
$7 for these but it seems well worth it. volts, and the low impedance allo ws th e
Certain de signs of the af section of the usual rf b ypas s capacit or of 10,000 p F to
phase modulator, its tuneup, and the con- act simply as an additional af filter, which
nections to the phase modulator can be it d oes.
troublesome for the homebrewer, so con - As a result, the entire tuneup is done by
siderable time was spent to make it as adjusting the value of the emitter resistor
simplified and easy to adj ust as possible. It and the phase modulator tank tuning coil.
also can be used in the receiver section as Neither are actually critical but should be
the af amplifier because the frequency
correction is done outside. The use of an 8 FILUfil CN'IIlICITORS FIXED TUNING CAPACITORS
or 16U output connection into the phase c r; TRANSISTOR
modulator emitter circuit helps to stiffen
the af drive and keep it clean.

Phase modulation af sections in com- C . EMITTER

mercial rigs are often qualified as " audio
conditioning," or "processing" circuits, FILTER
which they are of course, but don 't let that
bother you. Excellent F M quality can be Fig. 2 0. Drilling lay o ut (wiring side) .

APRIL 1971 71
adjusted whil e listen ing to the 146 MHz I used my favo rite mike on t he in put ,
carr ier on a goo d amateur na rrowband F M t he Asta tic 150 , my favo rite be cau se it
receiver. The emitt er resistor will b e h eard o nly weighs 3 O Z, has the mo st out put ,
to kill th e modu lation whe n go ing much - 4 4 dB , cos ts o nly $3.82 amateu r ne t , and
below 2 kn an d to bri ng in distortio n o n sou nds go od !
large amou n ts of au dio whe n goi ng a lot Almo st any desired amo un t o f highs and
more tha n 2kn. T his latt er co nditio n also lows can be o btained o r su rp ressed b y th e
cau ses a dro p in th e rf ou tp ut. Yo u ma y h it ma nip ulatio n of the LC values in th e
it righ t th e first time with the 2 kn value; mo dul at or. If you use a Miller .9009
I'm jus t poi nting o ut that this resistor is wid e-range adjustab le indu ct or, ~ 18 0 -
worth checking u p on fo r a fin al value 75 0 m H you ca n hear the di ffer en ce as y ou
wh en adjusti ng fo r best modulation. adj ust th e co re in and o ut.
The ac tual phase modulation resulting I started ou t wit h a large-scale layout
from varying th e emitte r volta ge with fo r th e parts, but you may wish to skip
audio is adjus te d by tu ning, which is also th at and go right to a life-size layo u t as in
smoot h and noncritical. I used th e tried- Fig. 20. To ma ke the life-size drilling
and -true meth od of list en ing to my own temp late, lay o ut the co mpo nen ts o ne aft er
voice with plen ty of aud io o n the receiver the o the r, "stan ding u p" o n a Yz in . strip o f
an d a set o f well-padde d ea rph ones (yo u goo d-grad e wh ite cardboard and mark th e
can get a very useful se t for un d er SI D at co mponent lead holes, wh ich sho uld resu lt
Lafayette ) which keep you r voic e fro m in som et hing similar t o Fig. 20. A nice
reachi ng yo ur ea rs d irectl y thro ugh the air. featu re o f th e card board metho d is th e
It also cu ts do wn au d io feed back . easy p unching o f th e holes an d the way it
holds th e d rill as yo u go thr ou gh th e strip.
Tu ning with af going into th e ph ase Tape t he temp lat e in place o nto the in su-
modu lato r as per Fig: 19 , y ou will no ti ce lat ing vert ical strip. Do no t use any th ing
go od st ro ng clean FM on eith er side of the that melts u nder hea t, th ough. Even if yo u
pea k tuning. Th ese po in ts oc cur before th e ru in par t o f th e.. strip, or want to make a
14 6 MHz carr ier o utp ut starts to dro p fro m large change of one stage y ou can just saw
det un ing th e pha se mo dulator tank, so that ou t an d make up another section and
do n 't wor ry ab ou t th at part. In any case, go ah ead .
yo u arc su pposed to be fo llowi ng the phase
mo du lato r with en ough satu rated class C The 8 Mll z Oscillator
mu ltipli ers an d amp lifiers to prevent any Figure 2 1 sho ws th e sche matic o f the
variation in amplit ud e (o th erwis e kn own as crys tal osci llator stage. No te th e a pparen t
AM!) I say "sup posed to » be cau se you use of negative feed bac k with t he base
do n't au to matically get th is cond iti on. Yo u return t hro ugh the cryst al to a ta p o n th e
may have not iced an u nd uly large nu mber ind uctance. It is only ap paren t th ough , as
of tu bes sh owing in ad s for su rplu s com- the crystal reverses the feedbac k phase,
mercial FM sets. Th is la rge nu mber is du e mak ing it positive. It is a very power fu l,
to the d esign er' s wish to get all the ben efit s su re-fire circ uit.
of FM into his package. In o ne bo x if
po ssib le. Yo u have to wa tch very carefully
when using ICs fo r mo du lat ors , th ey te nd
to pic k up rf and gene rate feedba ck with
their wid eband audio circui ts an d so me - "
IlIU.L Elil eeeo
..I T H 3 T\,JIIHS olDDEtl CSE E T E XT)
times as many as 11 o r even mo re tran sis- TO ..... P\.1f'1E 1II-
to rs in o ne litt le can . J ust a word of what
to look out fo r. It' s hit me more t han once .
Also , don' t p ut more tha n the sp ecified
voltage o n IC amps. You can easily drop
down wit h a resistor and a large by pass
capac ito r. Fig. 2 1. 8 MH z oscillator sch em atic.

72 73 MA GA Z tN E




Fig. 22. Mill er 90 5 0 coil wi th add ed turns.

Standard's SR·C826M Transceiver
• J2 C ha nnels f4 supplied '
• JO w at t power outpu t
The ta p o n the coil also pro vides a good • Hot MOS FET re ceiver fr ont end
• Low drain-all silicon semiconductors
low-impedan ce mat ch for the nex t base • Full 6 month wa rr anty
inpu t. The co il itse lf is made from a Miller Complete, reedy-to-co! Connect power and
90 50 shi elde d co il whi ch has magn etic as ante nna and yo u'r e on the air! Onl y $339.95
well as elect ros tatic sh ield ing, a nd a go od SPECIAL CLOSEOUT, Standard SR-CBti6MA
Ear li er ver sion of abo ve, w it h very si milar spe cs and
adjustable core that wor ks go od mechan ic- s ame 6 month w arr ant y .. . j us t d iscontin ue d.
Was $335 .00 ; wh ile the y last on ly $265.00.
ally (which is mo re than yo u can say for
Send QSL or circ le number lor detailed brochure
some of tho se ty pes of co res ).

Rem o ve the alu min um can b y bending
bac k th e fo ur ho ld ing tab s an d win d on COMMUNICATIONS
three t urns of 30- or 32-gage silk-covered 4657 North Ravenswood Avenue
Chicago, III. 60640 (312) 334-3200
wire ont o th e existing wind ing o f th e coil.
a d ivisio n of Ca rl E. Eric ks on Co, -'
Be sure and wind the m in the same
dire ction as th e t urns that ar e already
there. T he oscill ator co il will then lo ok like AT L~$T-­
F ig. 2 2, a nd is read y to mo unt on th e st rip. >"I SPEECH ("OMPR[{{()!?THAr
The wiring on the lead side o f the st ri p REALLY WORKS!
is sh own in Fig. 23 , wh er e most of the

lead s are see n to fall in place q uite well.
Insert th e com ponent leads thro ugh th e
strip a nd ben d t hem slightly in th e dire c-
tion they will go, su ch as the tw o ba se
resistor leads which are bent towa rd s the .'X "
base lead , as sh own clearly in F ig. 23 .
When all th e leads to be solde re d in on e
RPC-3, 3 U Internal U nit RPC·3C C abi net M o d el
1$24.95) 1$34.951

place ar e all touching each oth er, a fin al
dre ssing can be done foll ow ed by so lde rin g. • Lo w di stortion
ci rcuit.
In the example mention ed , t he b ase lead • Fully wired & test-
has three ot her wir es sold ered to it, a wir e ed . NOT A KIT
, . l. ~~
from th e crystal, the I k Q res isto r, and th e • Wo r ks with phone
patch. RPC -3M M o d u le
5 kQ resistor. IONLY $2 2.501
• Interna l u n it s &
The can of the 90 50 coil has a tab modules work mobile.
wh ich sh ou ld be sold ered to gro u nd; T he • FULL WA RRANTY - ONE YEAR
ground lead of some resistors (or all of (Ill inois residents add 5% Sales Tax )
t hem ) is not routed thro ugh the strip but is
Write for spe cifi ca tio n s and in for mation sheets
solde red to the ba seb oard on the comp o- (Free) . De mon stration Tape (cassette) availa bl e
nen t side of the strip. ($ 2.00 d ep osit).
When th e oscillat or is assembled and ~ ELECT RONICS
wired , B+ can be brought in and the unit
Box 1201 B Champaign, Ill. 6 1820
tested fo r rf. Some 5-10 rnA o f cu rren t

APRIL 1971 73
~Il<f.O T "" ' ~ /i CAP.. C IT ~

U O,T TEll llES ,Sl'OIl

f==-:;~~::'!:,'R.~t~6;.::l I V....S $

n " TT EIl

+--oif---jIP ~Dt4L
....L...... rrs

F ig. 23. Oscilla tor wiring diagram (lead side of Fig. 2 4. Oscillator tes t setup.

.. • •eco MIDGe T
r---,7'~::'" ,
€I.,llER BypASS >-lJ--'4-jt" n
• BYPass cc..... L~ CAP4\: 'T\>R
F otOIII ......'-I FI EII
~ " T <:WEft)


F ig. 27. Wiring diagram , 8 M Hz triplet, Fig. 28 . 24 MHz trtpt er schematic.

sho uld regis ter and as so on as the oscillator sho uld light up wi th abo ut 5 0 to 100 mW
coil is resona te d to th e cry stal freque nc y , worth o f rf with a 50-300 p F trimme r in
the oscilla tor should show rf out pu t to the series , as in Fig. 2,4. When th e osc illa tor is
8 MHz tuned diod e test set co nnecte d to properly tuned and u nd er go od pow er
th e ou tpu t tap lead . co ntro l via the test po t (in Fig. 24 ) and th e
Chec k the oscillat or carefu lly on a sharp plus voltage is checked for t he voltages you
receiver for its freq uen cy-holdi ng ability expect t o see , th e next st age can b e
wh ile tuning the slug in and out of reson- assemb led. Of course if yo u wish , y ou can
ance at 8 MHz. Act ually th is will be near mark out the 'w h ole strip te mplat e, drill all
8 .130 MHz. (With a mul ti plication o f X 18 , the ho les, and moun t an d so lder all
th is should land o n wha tever 2 mete r F M co mp on en ts ex cept the co upling capacitor
channel yo u 'r e aiming for) . It sh ould co me and B+ to the next stage. T his allows you
into resonance on one side with a go od to test the oscilla to r by it self.
"plop" and gradually build u p o n the o ther The 8 MHz Am plifier -Phase Modulator
side as yo u tu ne.
This stage (Fig. 25 ) is not critical, other
I always sta rt with a large calib rat ed
variab le cap acity at C3 (som e 500 or 1000 th an t o keep th e input base co up ling
pF , made from' an o ld BC set three-ganger ) ca pacito r at a lo w valu e to avo id self-
and the n p ut in fix ed values so tha t the oscillation. The o nly require ment is th at
iron core tu ning slug in the 90 50 co il tu nes the tun ing sho u ld be co rrect for p hase
properly abou t 12 in. un der th e wind ing o f mod ulation.
th e coil. Use t he sam e met ho ds of assemb ly ,
wiring, an d tun eup fo r power output as
Power can be adjus te d by th e em itt er
wit h th e oscillator stage . You do n ot n eed
resis tor, and feedback by the n um b er of
much gain, if any , in this sta ge.
t urns between ground and the oscilla to r-
coil tap. (T hese are o f cou rse the numb er The 8 - 2 4 MHz Tripier Stage
of tu rns ad ded to the Miller 905 0 .) A freq uency mu ltip lier has th e adv an-
A 48 o r 4 9 bulb , rat ed at 2 V an d 60 mA , tage that gen era lly ( though not always) it is

,. .~ U! ~

... J"

Fig. 25. S chematic of phas e m odu lator /amplifier. Fig. 26. 8 MHz tripler schema tic.

T ~" 1-1;2 T.
LI 1- 12 pI"

U P_
U<OT 0V£Il1 T·'ll
"~ m

F ig. 29 . 24 M Hz tripler wiring dia gram . Fig. 30. 73 MHz doub ler schem atic

free fro m self-os cillat ion, d ue main ly to th e (Fig . 2 7) , as was d one in the preceding
out put an d input circuits bei ng o n differ- stages. Be very sure y ou're o n 24 MHz, an d
en t freq u encies. Th e bias requiremen ts are no t o n 16 or 32. Here again you sh ould b e
different in a tripler from th ose of a able to light a 4 8 bulb wit h rf with a
dou bler or class C straight-through ampli- 5- 180 pF trimmer in serie s for ma tc hing.
fier, but this can b e adju st ed sim ply by The colle ct or tuning and po we r outp u t
var yin g t he emitter resist or during tuneup curve with emitt er resist or low ering should
for ma ximu m out put on th e desired fre- be clean and smo o th.
qu en cy . Figure 2 6 sho ws the sch ematic of As men tio ned in th e test eq uip men t
this stage , whe re the base inpu t co u pling sec tio n, it is a real must to listen to th e
capacit or is see n to be mu ch larger than in carrier as you b uild it up in fr eq uency. I d o
the preceding stage. Ho wever , in 'spite o f a th is with a little af ampl ifier co ntinually
small ta p winding and lo w imped ance in connected to th e di od e d etect or ou tp ut
th e preced ing sta ge it is easy t o cause because the ca rrie r has to be free o f all
su pe rregeneration in the b ase circuit if t he spuri o us noise, sq ueals, freq ue ncy an d
coupling capacitor is too large . I fou nd that pow er ju mps, etc.
150 p F or sligh tl y less is a go od value.
T he wiring side layo ut fo r th is stage, The T rip ier to 7 3 MHz
wh ich is ty pical of the mu lt iplier circuits, is T his one proceeds in a simila r fash ion to
show n in Fig. 27. A logical wiring syst em is the previo us st age, excep t that now we
seen to pr evail, especially as regard s the begin to use ca paci tor tu ning of the co llec-
emit ter , base, and collect or wiri ng and t or coils. The iron-core coils o f th e Miller
th eir comp o ne n ts. Two ex tra wir es are 9050 serie s do not do a goo d job here, and
used , o ne red for the B+ and o ne green for so far I have not found go od ones at
th e ba se input rf circ uits, wi th a filt er coil reason ab le cost , so y ou have t o wind y our
separa ting th e plus o f eac h stage . own but tha t is very easy , as you will see .
A 24 MHz di od e d ete ct or is cli pped Fig ure 28 sh ows th e circ u it and value s
on to th e rf o utp ut tap on th e ind uctor ob tai ned by tests here. Do not exceed t he

APR IL 19 7 1 75
value of 50 pF for th e base input capa citor.
In case of an y spu rious noi se, this is th e
first place to look ; in fact , I alway s sta rt
off with a trim mer at that poin t t o mak e
sure and get the ma ximum d rive possible
with out no ise. r'I '1' / " ':,'J,, ' 1" ' / " "'5 1"'/ ' 1'/'" "6 1' "IOf' I ' 1 '1 '71
When th e stag e is assembled and wired
and under test as do ne with the previous Closeu p o f wirin g side of insula ted strip.
'stages, on ce again, loo k o ut for those sma ll iro n, rub the iro n gently o n the case
undesired harmo nics, especially the 64
two or three t imes fo r ab out one seco nd
MHz on e in this case. It 'll sne ak up on you
only t o effect a good joint for the collecto r
if you're not real careful ! strap over to the coil. The induct ance is
not actually critica l but should be correctly

, '
tuned up and tapped for the collec to r as
well as th e output tap . Aft er all yo u do
need all the power yo u can get int o th at
lIOlJ8 LU I 'K ' - 12 of

Yo u co uld use a little larger emitter
resistor , for a litt le less curren t, but here
Fig. 31. 146 MHz amplifier sch ematic. again pow er is a poin t to wat ch. I find
abo ut 50 to 120 mW of rf at 146 MHz at
Th e indu ctor may be fastened to the the o utp ut tap, depending on th e plus
mo unting strip with a nylon screw (Fig. voltage also. Of co urse, yo u can play
29) for rugged ness. The variable capacit o r aro und with u p to 18V if you want t o push
does all right stan ding up on end with th e out a bigger signal. Befor e buttoning u p
fixed plates solde red to th e baseboard, and th is stage, ch eck it on ce more for fre-
th e movable plates brought out through qu ency , please .
the strip with a piece of 16- or 18-gage
wire, where it is join ed up with the Power Amp lifier "",
collect or , as can be plainly seen in Fig. 29 . Ref er to Fig. 3 1. Every thing went along
Clip on your diod e det ect or for power nicely wit h thi s one also, as in the previous
checks and freq uency. Yo u can't chec k th is
latt er to o ofte n, believe me. After test ing
for power co ntrol an d noi se, you are ready
for the nex t stage, a d oubl er. "

The Doubler to 146 MHz

T his stage uses a Moto rola HEP 75
(2N3866) , always a lively po werful one for
VHF. The schema tic, show n in Fig. 30, is
quite similar to the others except for the
different transistor and another coil tap.
Th e base in put ca pacitor wor ked ou t at 25
pF max imum, with a 39fl emitter resist or
to keep th e power up for maximum inpu t
int o the final stage. The collector lea d is
cut off and th e collect or connection is
mad e by solderi ng a I j8 -in.-wide soft and
thin co p per st rap, which inc reases the heat-
sinking as well as rf co nd uction, directly to
the HEP 75 case.
Clean th e case well by scraping at the Complete receiver st rip.
place to be soldered. Use small solder, a Size : 3/4 x 9 in.

76 73 MAGAZ IN E
st age. Yo u will no te a nice fea t ure , tru e o f
most electron ic circu its th at are good an d
fo olproof, th at when every th ing is tuned
up corr ectly and ma tched properly the
who le stage beco mes less cri tic al all
around . T hat is, th e tu ning is no t t o uch y,
th e po we r go es up and d o wn nicely, and
even the output ta p is no t to o critica l.
No te that with small emitter resistors of
under Son the co llector curr ent can ge t
pretty high , so always keep at least IOn in
serie s, as you te st fo r the be st emitter
resistor value. Don't for get that I W is 10 0
rnA at 10V. And fo r a watt ou t you will
need more than 100 mW even at 15V.
«Big" tr an smitter s (50 watters) use as low
as O.H"! at tim es in thi s place , and in some
of th e new heat-sunk jobs (ou t o f our pri ce
range) the emitter go es directly t o ground .
I suggest curre n ts o f not over I 00 rnA
for th is sta ge. The arrangemen t shown uses
abo ut 50 to 60 rnA, d epe nding on drive
from the tri pler , B+ voltage, and outp ut
loa d ing.
Two bypass capacitors are use d in th e
co llector circu it. A test b ulb (5V at 150
rnA) , in serie s with a 1- 12 p F trimm er to
grou nd , ind icates rf ou tpu t and loads th e
collector circuit. With out th e t est bulb or
any an tenna load ing you can expect self-
oscillation as the HEP 75 gives pl enty o f
acti on on 146 MHz. Th e o u tpu t tap can be
led int o th e sma ll bu t goo d an d very use fu l
50 >2 ca ble ( RG-174 /U). This cable will
t hen go to your changeover swit ch or r e-
lay fo r the fina l assem bly .

As a final note o n th e transmitter , each

tuned circu it o f th e mu ltipliers an d finals
should also be adjuste d while listening to
the carr ier mo du lati on . I didn ' t fin d any of
these at all critica l but «t he books" say to
do this to assure ab sence of phase-shift
dist ortio n in circ uits aft er th e phase mo du -
lat or .
So , good lu ck with PM, it do esn't seem
to o to ugh to bu ild if you avoi d the fan cy
stuff t o start wi th . ...K 1Ci.La

A ll Moto rola ICs for (his project are avail-

able from Circuit Specialists Co., Box 3 047,
Blowup view shows degree of miniaturization S co ttsdale AZ 85257.

A PR I L 19 71 77
A Directory of Open VH F/ UHF Rep eaters in the U.S. and Canada

An up-to-da te listin g of ope n repeat ers from coa st to coast, W6JP U . . . . . . . . . .. . . .448.00 449.93
wit h in f orma ti on on range, access req u ireme nts, and oth er .. .. . .. .. . . .. 146 .12 14 7.71
o perating dat a. Add it ions, deleti on s, a nd changes sho uld be . ,5 1.72 5 51. 125
ad dressed to 73 Magazine , Repeater Directory . Peterbo rough .146.8 5 147.7 1
NH 03458 . Inyo Co unty
WA6TTL . .146 .34 146.94
Listings in this d ir ector y are al p habetical by stat e, area of WB6DGJ . . . .146.3 4 146.94
cov erage. Th is concep t (as op posed to a li stin g by actua l Kern County
re peale r locat io n ) allows mo b ile o perato rs t o deter mine w ith WA6UJK .14 5. 155 146.90
ease t he repeate rs avai lab le for use alo ng any cro ss-cou ntry Los Ange les
route. WA6T IC (RTTY ) 146.58 52.60
W6F ND Specia l jam mer : 146.58 146.70
ALABAMA W6FNO ( Radio Ranch ) 146 .8 2 146 .70
W4 RF R (wid eb endl 146 .34 146.94 Wideba nd . T ran smissions limite d by t imer to T min.
W4VO IN E AL A , NW GAl 146.34 146.94 Covers San Ferna ndo Valley, Sa n Gabr iel Valley,
K4SPP (Green Mtl 146 .9 4 147. 54 Pomo na Valle y, Pa radise Va lley. most of Los Angeles
K41Q U (H untsv ille} 146.3 4 146 .94 Cou nty, Orange Cou nty , parts of Riverside Coun t y
WB40 EX (Birmingh am) 146.3 4 146 .94 and so ut hern third of San Bernard ino Co unty . Ele-
BARES. No ton es. 6 0W. 3d8 gain antennas. vation : 3000 ft; separate T x and Tx sites ; 350W out.
Inpu t /o uto ut coverage we ll-matched. User must wh istle to act ivate init ially; carr ier
Autooatch op erated unless inpu t channel vacated for 3 min .
Nocall (Albertv ille) 146. 34 146.94 WA6NU D (Cerritos AR League) . .146 .34 146 .94
WB40E V (Mobile) 146. 34 14 6.94 WB6TXX 2 24 .82 221 .70
Mobile Co. CD, Open access; 24-hr coverage . 200 ft . 6 WB6V YX 224.82 146 .70
d B qain ante nnas. Auto patch under way . 50W out put. Exte nded Sout hern Califor nia
WA6 UJS (Sou t hern Calif,) .. . .52 .76 52.525
.. . . .52 .525 4 49 .95
ALAS KA T hree receiver locati o ns: Sunset Ridge, Mt. Lukens,
Anchor age .. . 146 .3 4 146. 94 a nd Santi ago Peak . Trans mitter : Mt. Wilson. 450 MHz
No me · . 146.34 146 .96 links intercon nect system elements. Base st at ions
sho uld listen to 449.9 5 tatk back fo r possible simp lex
ARIZONA t raffic on 52.525. T ransmit ter o ut put po wer is 500W.
Prescott WB6ZDI (Culver City ). Palisades ARC 146 .6 1 147.33
W7AJ U {v deba nd] 146 .34 146 .94 7 a.m. to midn ite . No to ne.
Phoe nix and surr ound ing area W86GUA (Palmda le area ) ... 146.3 4 146 .94
Arizo na Rptr Assn.. 30 mi. range. 18 00 Hz
60W. Eleve: 2000 ft.
WA7C EM (wid eba ndl . . 146.34 146 .94 Marin County
.. . . 146.16 146 .76 K6 GWE 146.10 146.70
... . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .44 9.3 0 445.30 K6G EWE .448 .25 443.25
K7VOR 146 .94 146 .28 No Ca ll (San Pab lo Pump Soc.l 146.40 145.47
Sierra Vista . Mariposa Count y
WA7KYT (wide ba ndl . · . 146.34 146 .94 WB6 EMJ 146 .06 146. 76
Cochise AR FM Assn. Montere y County
Tucson K6 LY {Naval Postq tad Schoo l Club ) . . 146 .37 146.9 7
K7PO I . . . .. .. . .. . ... . . .. .. . .146 .3 4 146.94 Nevada Co unt y
WA6UGS (Grass Valley Rpt r.} . 146.34 146.94
W5D I (Little Roc k) narrowba nd) ... . .146.34 146 .94 Placer Count y
Cent ra l Arkans as Rad io Emerge ncy Net WB60 VV 5 1.60 5 1.00
1800 Hz tone burst
CALIFORN IA Sacrame nto County
Alameda Coun ty WA6RY D (No to ne requ ired) 146 .80 146.20
K6$WS . . 146 .34 146 .94 Sa n Luis Obispo County
1800 Hz tone WB6TSO (Cuesta Peak) . . .. 146.20 146 .80
WB6Q EO .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 7.00 146.34
1950 Hz to ne San Mateo County
Butt e County WA6TSM (So . Peninsula ARC ) 146 .13 146.73
WCECE . .. ... ... . 147.00 146 .49 . .448.45 443.45
Co nt ra Cost a County K6Q FO (RA CES) 147 .3 1 145.49AM
WB6AA E .. .. 146.20 196 .80 WA6BTH 51.90 51.35
· .449. 50 444 .50 San Bernar dino Cou nty
(Ala me da, Sa nta Clara, San Francisc o, Sacram en to, WA6 UGO (Controlled per request
Cont ra Costa , San Mateo ) Carrier Sq ue lch; 18 00 ft fro m UHF) 146.34 146.46
height. 8 0W. . 146. 34 146 .94
WB6AAE . .. .449 .50 444 .50 San Diego County
(Same as abo ve) 2.4 k Hz ton e burst requ ired in event WB6WLV . . .146. 34 146 .85
of inter mod . Also interco nnect ed to .94 remo te base Santa Clara Cou nt y
(1950 Hz). WB600S (SCV lyU HFRptr .Soc.) .146. 16 146.76
W6SX (Mt. Diablo ARC ) 147.80 147.06 . . . .449.6 0 444.60
EI Do.a do Count y 146.68AM 146. 76
K4TX K!6 . · .146.07 147. 54 WB6LJR (Pac if ic Commun . Soc.) . ... .51 .624 51 .024
Fres no Co unty . . . . . .. .. . . .449.80 444.BO
WB61-' YL,2 100 Hz 146.3 4 146 .20 T950 Hz ton e burs t
WB6HYL 146 .80 146.20 WA6U FE (Pacif ic Te lco Ernpl.] 146.04 146. 52

WA6 YCZ (6 <1 y Area Comm u n. Soc .) . . 14 6 .8 5 147.71 Br it ish Co lum bia
. . . . . . ..... . . .. .449 .93 44 8 .00 VE7ACS (Vancouver) . . 14 6 .34 146 .94
... . . UH F 146 .34 VE7 AFG (Pr ince Geor ge) . . . .. 14 6 .58 14 7.3 3
W6D OO (Mt. Aliso nl · .146 .85 14 7.71 VE78 E l [ wid eband] . . .. .14 6. 22 14 7.54
... UHF 146 .34 VE7BT U (Ne lson) . .. 146.4 6 14 7.3 3
San ta Cruz Coun ty VE7 CAP (Kimbe rle y) .. ... . 14 6 .46 147 .3 3
K6J GE . .14 6.92 8 147 .60 VE7 E LK (Ch illiwac k} .. . . .14 7.33 14 6 .58
So lano County No tone; wideband
WB6WY I (No . Cal. A RS) ... ..5 1.6 0 5 1.0
2100 Hz tone b urst CO LOR ADO
W6 A EX (Soc . of Ama t. O perat ors ) 144 .20 14 7.8 5 Pueblo
WA6UG Y (Mt. v aca RCI 114.34 14 6 .94 WA0$ NO Iwideban dl 146 .34 146. 94
... .. ... . . . .. ....146.4 9 14 7.00 Color ado Sp rings 14 6 .34 146 .9 4
W6 G DD (o n ca ll) .146. 34 146 .94 (Chey enn e Mt.; wid eben dl
Sono ma Cou n t y W0 PXZ (Glad Par k; wid eb and ] 145. 32 146 .9 4
WB6SXC . . . .. 14 5.98 146 .90 60 mi. rad ius average, 7100 ft.
Tu lare Co unty W0P R2 (Gra nd Junct icn-wirfebandl . . 145 .3 2 146 .9 4
WB60P G 14 5 .2 2 146 .88 3 2 mi. rad ius average, 4800 ft.
2200 Hz to ne bu rst W01A IBou lder; nar ro wband ) 146 .16 14 6 .76
WB60 PG. . . . . . .14 5.6 2 146 .76 18 00 Hz to ne bu rs t
1800 Hz tone b urst 8 100 ft. Rock y Mt. VH F Soc. (Covers Denver ,
WB60 PH 51. 236 5 2.80 Che yen ne, northeast state ].
UHF faci lity : .444.55 4 49 .55
CANADA W0N YX (Den ver; narrow ba nd I 146.34 146 .94
No va Sco t ia To ne burst
V El A RC ( Halifa x) . . . . . . 146 .46 146 .9 01l Wf/!N YX [D enver] UH F facility . .44 4.4 5 449.4 5
VE 1JD (Sydney) .. . 146 .46 146 .94 Roc ky Mtn . Relay l eague. 11,500 ft
VE1 KI (St . J ohn , N.B.) . . . . . 146 .46 146. 94 No' ca ll (Den ver Rad io Club UH F) . . . .4 44.35 4 49 .3 5
VE1V HF (Mo nct o n) .. . ...146 .46 146 .94
VE1 XK (Tru ro ) . · .146 .46 146 .94 CON NECT ICUT
Newfoundla nd WA1KE K IBrid gepo rt) 146 .22 146 .76
V0 1GT (Covers all o f Cape ) . . . . . .146 .46 146 .94 Multis tat e cove rage. CARS repeat er , 24-hr op era tion,
Qu eb ec tape·logged. 32 5 ft ele vat ion fo r re ceiver ga in amen-
VE2A T (Mt. carmel ) wid eba nd . ....146 .46 14 6.9 4 na. Tra nsmit an ten na is gro und plane a t 200 f t.
VE2 CAT IMon tre a l) . . ....146 .18 146.64 Approximate ly 4 00w o ut.
VE2C LA (Mon t rea l) ... . 146 .10 147 .30 WAlJT B (Tru m bull) 146 .3 1 146.88
VE2 C RA (Ottawa} . ... . · . 14 6.4 6 146.901l WA1KGO (Bet hany, 750 ft; 14 6 .1 1 146.61
· .44 3 .30 14 6.94 narro wband}
· .146 .94 44 8.30 Covers Sta mf or d t o Mad iso n, Hartf ord to l o ng
VE2 CRS (Ct ucoutfrml . . .146 .46 146.9 4 Island , N.Y. 8OW. (New Haven Cou nty Amat eur Rptr .
V E2 ES (Mata ne) . . . .146 .46 146 9 4 Assn. Lt s.]
_.146.34 p c .9·1 No call yet (Avon Moun tain ) 146.28 146.94
V E2F Z ISberbrco ke) 146 .46 146 .94 W1BNF (nar row band ] 14 6 .3 7 146 .9 8
V E2J E (Dru mmondvilte ! 146 .46 146.94 So uthern Massachuse tts and Eastern l o ng Isla nd,
V E2JE (East ern Mo nt real) .. . ..146 .5 2 147 .50 N.Y., plus much o f Connect icu t.
VE2 J E (Riviere du l ou p) . . . . . . . . 14 6 .46 146 .94 No call yet fpr c posed A RR l repeat er; .146. 2 2 146 .76
VE2 MT (Mt. Roya l, Montoreatl 146.4 6 146 .94 Newin gto n, CT )
... . . . . . 146 .4 6 14 7.0 6 K l 11G { Hart t or d) 146 .28 146 .88
VE20M (Mt. Belair) w ideband 14 6 .46 146 .94 W1VVK (Avon ) .14 6 .34 146 .94
VE 2 RM (Mont real and westw ard ) .. 147.40 14 7.18 . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .... . . . ". 146.9 4 52 .92
VE2 PY (Mont real) .. 146 .28 14 6 .88 Sout h to New Haven a nd East long Island , no rt h to
VE2T A IMt. Orford ; P.O. & .. 146 .52 14 7.50 Green fie ld.
no rth ern Vt. K1ZJ H [Cov ers most ot st are 14 6.34 14 6 .94
V E2V D (sou thern Quebec) . .146 .52 14 7.50 from Holyo ke, Mass.
VE2V D (Qu e bec City) 146.5 2 14 7.50 WA1KFZ (Covers no rth part of sta t e . . 146 .04 146 .91
VE2 XW (Mt. St . Bru no ; Mo nt rea l & vic. 146. 70 147 .60 from cent ra l Mass.l
VE220 (Mon treal) .. . .. . 146 .46 14 7.06 Add!. rp tr. planned for .34/.94.
WA1K F X (Mt . Snow, Ve rmo nt ) 14 6 .3 1 146 .8 8
Ontari o WA1DMX (Vernon ) 146 .25 146 .8 2
VE3 8 SQ (Kingst o n) . . . . .146 .46 14 6 .94 No tone; a utopatch. Pio neer Va lley Rpt r. Assn.
VE3 0RWlH am it o n) . . . . .146. 16 146. 76
VE3K BR . .146 .46 146.94
VE3 KSR (Kit chenef /St rat ford).. . ·14 6.34 146 .94 D ELAWARE
V E3 l CR (Grimsby) 146.52 14 7.42 WA30 20 (Balt imo rel . . . . .. 14 6.3 4 146 .76
VE3MO T (To ro nt o ) . 146 .58 147 . 18 . . . . .5 2.5 25 14 6.8 2
V E3N R$ (Niagara Fa lls) . . 146.22 14 7.24
VE30SH (Oshawa) 146 .40 14 7.12 FL O R IDA
VE3P BO(Peterbo ro ) . . . . . . . 146 .34 14 6 .94 North ern F lor ida
VE3R PT (Tor o nto & ext ended areal . .14 6 .46 14 7.06 No call given (Star ke ; narrow ba nd ) .. . 146 .34 146 .94
V E3S IX (St. Cat heri ne) .14 6 .22 147 .24 Cent ral Flo r ida
V ESSM (Sau lt St e .Marie ; cove rage . . . . 146 .34 146.94 WB4HA E (Tam pa; na rrow ) 146 .34 14 6 .76
incl ud es N WI} WB4QE N (Ta mpa) 4 44 .1 4 49 .1
VE3$SS (To ro nto! . 146 .64 147 .30 WB4G l K (O keec hobee; east cent ral 146 .34 146 .94
VE3$ TP (Ottawa ) . 146 .34 14 7.06 area ; nar rowband )
Ma nitoba WB4GlK (Se rre ! .. . 14 6 .9 4 146 .76
V E4X K IWinn ipeg and extended area .146 .46 14 6.94 W41KB (Ch ipley) .. . 146 .34 14 6 .94
in sou t hern regio ns of Province W4 GG U (Pa nama City) .. .. .146.34 146 .76
saskat ch ewa n Nort hwest Flor ida
VE5SS (R egina ) .. . . . .14 6 .46 14 7.33 WB4 KlT (Ft . Walt o n Beac h) 146 .34 14 6 .76
Albe rta whtstre-on
VE60 l (Grand Prair ie) .146.46 14 7.00 wntsne-cn. 1800 Hz na rrow band. Split site. Rece iver:
Wid eb an d. 60W. 100 mi. ran ge Dest in, F lor ida. Tran smit t er: Ft. Walt on Beach. Max-
VE6 AUY (Calgary ) . .146.46 147.00 imu m d ire ct ivity, rcvr: no rt h. Ant ennas app ro xi-
V E6WQ (Ed mo nton ) .. . . . . . .146 .46 14 7.3 3 ma tetv 4 0 miles. Uplink , down link , and co nt rols via

A PRI L 19 7 1 79
450 MHz. Au topatc h. Af te r ID, syste m shuts d own WA9EAE (City) .. , 146 .46 146 .6 4
and req uires new to ne for reac t ivat ion . WA9 EA E (lower city) 146 .46 146 .8 8
WA ~EVU (Ft . Walton Beach ; 146. 3 4 146 .76 ....... . 52 .76 52 .525
wideba nd l 300 ft high , sep ara te sites 147. 50 (Base on ly)
WB4KNO (Breva rd Hpt r. Assn.) 146 .3 4 146. 76 W9 NGI (SR O C FA R) (Mob ilesl .. . .14 7.4 5 14 7.75
6(].N ; 150 ft he ight ; gain an te nna. No tone IBasesl . . . . ... . .... . .14 7.50 147 .75
Narro wba nd. To uchto ne control via UH F lin k.
W4 UC (Pensaco la & vicin ity ;wide ba nd lt 4 6 .3 4 146 .76 IND IANA
2.2 kHz tone ; 5 Flags AAS Anderson
Sou t hern Flor ida WA9WV clMadi son Co unty ) 146.34 146 .76
WB4H AA (Miam i; no tones; narr owbandl1 46.34 146 .76 Ope n daily 5 p.m, (Narrowba nd)
{South e rn F tonoa FM Assn.J Fro m Univers it y of Fort Way ne
Miam i, cover s from Po mpa no Beach to F lo rida City. \'V9INX. . ... .... .146 .46 146.88
Receiver equ ipped w it h preamp. 1fXP.:V transmi tt er. Allen Co. Tec hn ica l Society.
Touc htone auto patc h. Narrowband; 25OW.
52. 64 52.88
GEORG IA . . ..448 .8 0 4 44.444
W4BOC (Decat u r) 146 .34 146 .76 WA9EAU (Fort Wayne Rpt r. Assn.I . . . 146.34 146 .76
No call (Au gusta) .146. 34 146 .94 Narr owba nd; no ton e. 2 50W transmitter
WB4 NST (At la nta) . .146. 34 146.76 at 310 ft; recei ver at 55 0 ft. 4 5 mi.
PRIVATE R EPEATER ;TRANSIENTS radiu s. Phon e patc h.
W4VO N.W. GA Are a W9 EHZ (Midw est Rptr . Assn.l . . ... 146 .34 146 .91
(2 100 Hz) . 14 6 .3 4 14 6. 9 4 WB9ADO Split site . 146.40 146 .91
(n o tooel. . . . . 146.46 146 .94 Seco nd ar y fre q : ....146 .34 146 .76
. . 449.475 44 9 .8 5 Ind iana po lis
WA9 HRK . 146 .46 146 .88
KH6EO F (Diamon d Head ; na rr owband ;146. 20 146 .80 K9 l EH . . ... .146 .34 146.7 6
linked to o t her EOF systems) 14 7.00 AM 146 .80 Muncie
.. .. .. .52 .52 5 53.520 (No cattl. ..... .. .. . 146.34 14 6 .9 4
KH6EQK IMt. Ho lea ka la ; na rro wband ) 146. 34 146 .94
.... . . ... . .. ... .... ... 146. 20 14 6 .8 0 IOWA
KH6 EO L (Waialua ; narr o wba nd ) .. . .. 146. 20 14 6 .8 0
All Hawaii repea ters o perat ed an d maintained by Clinton area
Honol ulu Emergency AR C. K9I TW . . 14 6 .34 14 6.94
KH6 NLH IWaipahu l. .146 .16 146. 76 WA8 PUD 146.34 146.9 4
KH6 EO R [Lualualei] ... . 146. 34 146 .94 K0lXR . 146.34 146 .94
Po lk Co. Rptr. Assn . Narrowband . Whistle-o n
(1.2 -1.3 kH z). T irrer-Iirnit ed to 2.5 min. 90 ft.
antennas. 5m V ou t. 30 mi. rad ius of cov erage.
KlZZLlDeer PI ) 146 .34 14 6 .9 4 KANSAS
Boise Valley Repeater , 7000 ft etev. Open. Wideba nd. So utheast Kansas "
ILLI NOI S W00K U (Wich ita) 146 .34 146 .9 4
No rt her n Illinois W0 IPB. . .. 14 6 .34 146.94
WA9WVA {Batavia } .14 7.66 . 146. 58 Wideband repeater with a uto patch. Covers so uth -
. .. . .146 .04 146 .58 eastern a nd south ce nt ra l portion of st ate . Input
No t o ne. N. III. ARC . con t inuou sly mon itored.
10 sec . dro pou t relay. W01PB 14 6.2 2 146 .82
WA9EAW (Auro ra) 45 mi. ra nge . .147.40 14 7.8 1 Wideba nd repeater similar in design, co nst ruct io n,
Au to ra FM Amat e ur Rad io Assn. a nd coverage to t hat of W0DKU.
W9 FBS . .......... . .14 6 .8 2 146.94 Topeka a rea
WA9 L1V (Wau kegan) (wideband ) ... .. 146 .34 146 .76 WA0SN P (wid ebandl .. . . . 146.34 146 .94
1950 Hz t o ne bu rst Nort heas t Kansas
W9BY Z/9 (Genoa ) . .146.34 146 .76 WA00 F H ( KC) l wid eb and) 146.34 146.94
1650 Hz t one WA00 F H I KC) Iwid eband l .52 .70 2.5 25
Central Illinois Centra l Kames
No call ( Rockf o rd ) . . 146 .82 146 .94 WA0CJO (Sal ina ) .. . . . . . . 146 .34 146 .94
WA9GCK (Bloo mingt o n ) 146.22 146.94
WA9 EAM IPet ersburg) 146.34 146 .94 KENTUC KY
WA9 EAT (Joli et l 146 .28 146. 98 W4MO P (louisville) .. 14 6 .34 146.94
WA9WVB (Chamgagoe/Urba na l 147 .48 147. 18 K4UCS [Ownesbo ro] ... ... 146.34 146 .94
Chica go a nd vicinity
WA9Q RC (Ch icago FM Club } 146. 34 146.76 LOUISIANA
Tone access . 180 0 Hz Nort h Receiver New Orlean s Area
2000 Hz South Rece iver W5UK 14 6 .34 146. 9 4
60W tr a nsm itt er at First Nat ional Bank Buildi ng. wblstte-on . 1.8 k Hz tone to start, t hen COR u nt il 10
Chicago, Illino is. Ant enna h eight 880 ft E RP - 20fJW. sec aft er sq uelc h fa il. Narr owba nd . New Or leans VHF
Six me ters: To ne ac cess · 1800 Hz. Club .
60W tr ansm i tter in down town Ch icago. An ten na Bato n Rou ge
heigh t 500 ft . ERP ·1 20W. WA5Z HD (na rrow band) No ton e .14 6 .3 4 14 6 .94
450 System A lexandr ia
Carrier acce ss (open repeat er) WA5 MZZ (narrowband ) No t one . .146.34 146.94
10W t ran sm itter at First Nat io nal Ban k Bu ild ing, Lake Cha r les
Chicag o, Illino is. Ant enn a height 88 0 ft . ERP · 20W. W5WN (na rro wban d ) No tone 146.3 4 146 .94
Lo gic vot ing syst em und er co nst ruct io n to acco m- Monroe
mo dat e 8 receiver sites fo r 1 meter system. T imer W5GQ Z (narrowband) No t on e 52.82 7 52.525
limi ts transmission s to 2 m in. Cover age .incl ude s Antenna height 1000 ft .
Waukega n. La Porte, Ind iana , Wheato n, Chic ago
Heights. MAINE
WA.9DZ ....... . . . . . . . . . . .. .5 2.76 52.525 W1GZS {Sanfo rd! 146 .13 146. 73
.... . .52. 76 52.64 Toocnrone linked to KIMNS, Derry N.H.

80 7 3 MA G A Z IN E
MOJ080lA 2 MHl8 POWl8 AMPlIfll8
Freq. range . . . . . . .136 MHz to 174 MH z
Amp lifier tubes pair of 4X150A's
Input excitation 2 watts to 15 watts
Power output 250 watts to 700 watts *
Ty pe of operation . .. . . Class C, push -pull
Input/o ut put impedance : . ... . 50 o hms
A .C. powe r: 115 or 230 vac

This is a co mp let e ly sel f-cont a ined po wer am p lifie r d esi gne d

specifi ca lly to increase the po wer o ut p ut of low po wer tr an smitters.
It r equi r es no mod ifi catio ns to operat e on rt t v . fm, mew, etc. in th e
above list ed fr eq . range . It w ill deli ver 2 50 to 300 wa tt s o ut w hen
d riven by a 2 o r 5 wa tt ha nd ie t al k ie ! The po we r ou t put ca n be
increased u p t o 700 w atts w it h a very simp le modification. (Cha nge
tubes t o 4 CX250B's, make m ino r cha nge in power su pp ly, instruc -
t ions suppl ied w it h each unit.] Ve ry co mpac t (26% inch es H, 20%
inches W, 16 % inches O.l Fu lly met ere d , ante nna c han ge over re lay,
b lower motor . No externa l ke y ing cir c uits re q ui red . Ampl if ie r keys

automatica lly. (J ust hook a piece of co -ax fro m your lo w powe r base
or handle ta lkie a nd pu sh t he mi ke bu t ton l ) O riginal cost: $ 2 ,10 0 .0 0 .
Our price, b ran d ne w, un used , co m p let e wi th instr u cti o n m an ua ls is
only $ 350.00 FO B Trent on , Mich .


Let us know what it is. We may have it!
T wo w ire remotes , 2 fr eq. , int e rcom , to ne o sc $ 29. 95 ..
T 51 , 6/ 12 v, 40-50 MH z 50 wa tt mobi les ......... ...... . $ 39.95 ..
L4 4 450 MHz ba se st at ion s . $ 1 25 .0 0
0432 mete r 6 /1 2 v mob iles (30 watt) . $ 10 0 .00
TU 588 transistori ze d pwr suppl ies w / heat sink .... .......... . $40.00
FM S ta t ion Mo n ito rs, 40-50 MHz F4M24 B1C ... .. ............ . . $ 8 5 .00 ..
Dispatch er power supplies, 12 v N U 169 $ 19 .95
450 MHz rece iver st rips ... .... .......... ...... . $1 4 .9 5
U4 4 BS T "T" power 12 v 4 50 MHz mob iles $ 75 .0 0 ..
T43 G GV 150 MH z 6 /1 2 v 30 w att mo bi les.. .. ............ ... ... ... .... .. .... . . $ 100 .0 0
a.c. power su p p lies P8 4 6 , for Motoro la R-394
& 25 7 receivers, e t c $1 2 .9 5 "
V H F t o U HF re peat ers ....... .... ......................... . $125 .00
40-50 MHz receiver st ri ps . $ 1 2 .0 0
U4 3 GG T 150mc, 3 0 wa tt, 12 v mob iles $ 149 .0 0
150 MH z "H l'" ha nd i-talkies, lik e b ran d ne w , w /batt $ 250.00
T41 GG V 6/ 1 2 v 30 watt, 40·50 MHz mobi les $ 39 .9 5*
4 50 MHz 20 w att t ra nsm itte r strips $ 12 .5 0
T 4 4 AAV 6/1 2 v 450 MHz mo bi les $24.95 *
• A ll item s marked (* ) are half p ri ce un til May 31 st 1971 .

A bove mo b ile equ ipment comp lete w it h ace . (less an t , Xta l ovens). Pri ces shown a re fob T re n t o n ,
Mic h iga n . We sel l Mo toro la eq ui pm ent on ly . Ou r te rms a re cas h or c hec k with order (2 5% d eposit
o n c.o.d .tsl . Mich . res id ents add 4 % sal es ta x . We have a very large st ock o f Mo t oro la equi pment ,
t ell us what yo u are loo k ing fo r, we may have it . (So rr y , no cata logs o r list s avail abl e). Please give
y o u r amat eur call w ith al l inqu iries. Ou r st ore ho urs ar e by a p po intment o n ly .

Phone: Area Code 313-282-6464
rorde~ rom~3MAGAZlNE, INC. -
I Peterborough NH 03458
IName - -- - - - - - - - -
IAddress _
[Zip Call _

I 0 FMJ2 0 Repeater Handboo k
L _

fROM 739 fM liBRARY

O=.:L....::O'-----_ _
Contains those rare cop ies
of the Bu lletin that no-
body seems able to find
an y more . Fro m the first
issue of FM Bulleti n to Feb
1968! Printed in chrono-
logical sequence as ed ited
by M ik e Van Den Branden
(WA8UTBl. 8% x 11 in.
FMBl •• . . . .. . . • . . . •$3 L --"-JI
Whet he r you 're a newcomer or an oldtimer,
you'll find " T he Radio Amateu r 's F M H and -
THE BEST OF FM (VO L. II ) b oo k" to be the mo st va luable repeater aid you
(Now in production. N o t y et off the p ress.) can get .
Contains articles from the
modernized FM Journal. FOR THE OLOTIMER
Includes those "g reat," the Hand b o ok te lls .. .
_ h o w t o d efe at desen si t iz a t ion
neve r-before-reprinted arti- • h ow t o ca lcul ate att e nu ati on a cc o rd ing to freq uen c y
sp ac ing, ant enna se p a ra t io n
cles, complete w it h photos. • h ow to bu ild soph ist icate d c o nt ro l s yste m s, u s in g
Ies, t imers, rel a y s, steppe rs,_o r T o u c h t o n e
An impressive and va luable . h o w to bu ild auto mat Ic lo gging and id entif ication
dev ic es
co llection of FM data. . h o w t o build au toma tic p h o n e patc hes
Ed it ed by Ken Sessions
(K6MV H). 6 x 9 in. Covers FOR THE NEWCOMER
period from Mar 1968 to t h e H a n d b oo k tells . . .
e n c w to prep a re fo r a rep e at er
June 1969. : ~~~ i~ g~tild r:~:~~~~:;te
FMJ2 $4.95 .how to k e e p a re p e ater o n t he ai r
. how to de t e r mi n e a p rosp ect ive re p ea t er' s ra n ge
. how to get you r rep e ater lic e n se

AN INTROOUCTION TO AMATEUR FM The Handbook cont ains 2 08 pages of usefu l,

by Ke n W. Sessions, Jr. 96 hard -t o -come-by inf ormat io n, and it ' s written
pages of informati on, in- in an interesting, per sona l v iew by Ken W.
cluding current standa rds Sessions, Jr. l K 6M V H) f ormer editor of FM
Journal, now managi ng edi tor of 73 .
of deviation, tone fre -
quencies, and ope rat ing
channels. I ncludes an up -
dated FM repeater direc- Order from :
tory , a cata log section of

T U RERS and dealers. Plus:
A complete b ib l iography listing all articles
pub lished since 1968 in FM Anthologies (Vo ls. I
and Il l, 73, H R, OST, and CO . Peterborough N H 03458
IFM • • •• • • ••• . . . .. . • .• • • ..• .. . • .. $1.50

Radios & Parts- - NEW OR SU RPLUS - -Free Catalog

PORTABLES Antenna Specialists



COMPONENTS General Electric

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POWER AMPLIFIERS Inte rnational Crystal

Cash for clean la te model rad ios Additional equipment lines wanted

2 527-29 E A ST CA R SO N ST REET

PHONE 213-834 -58 68

MARY LAND louis. 2 .0 kHz to ne burst. Narrow /w ide.
Baltimo re WA5 UEG (Bay St. l o uis) . . .146 .34 146 .94
WA3DZD .. .146.34 146.76 Covers Gulf Coast from louisiana border to Gulfport ,
WA3DZD .. . .146 .22 146.82 Mississipi. 1.8 kHz whistle-on . Narrowband.
WA3DZO .448.10 449.10 W5UK (New Orleans ; narro w/wid el ... 146.34 146.94
Silver Spring 2.2 kHz whistle-o n. 4 0 mi. rad ius.
WA3CJ O . ..52.76 52.5 65 WA5 AMS (Gau tier}
W3JCN . · .448.00 449. 00 2400 Hz . ..1 46. 34 146.94
K1ZJ H (Covers most of sta te) . ... .. 146 .34 1"+6.94 Kansa s City
WA1K FY (Marlbo ro) · .14 6.22 146 .82 WA00 FH IKC, Mo. a nd Kansas ) 146.34 146 .94
.. . . .. . . . . . . . 146.34 146 .82 WA00 FH (KC, Mo. and Kansas) 52.7 0 52.525
Tone burst e ntry : 1.8 kHz K00 KI . . 52.88 52 .525
WA1KFY . ..52.525 146 .82 WA0 VVB (KC, Mo . and east) 146.34 146.94
WA1KFY .... . . .. 146.22 52.525 K0FRA (occasiona lly) . .52 .70 52.52 5
852 Hz on 1.8 kHz ton e WA0AM R [f ull- time: ope n)... . .. 146.16 146 .76
Fu ll d igital/touchtone e uto patcn, Three-m inute
phone call limit by tim er. Repeaters interconnect at St. Louis
will with W1A lE and K1ZJ H. WA0CJW .146.34 146.94
WA1KFX (Mt. Snow vn 146 .3 1 146.88 St . l o uis area
WA1K FZ (No. Adams ) 146.04 146.9 1 KeRWU (Chesterfield) Narrow. · .52.05 5 1.25
K1MNS {Derry NH) 146.25 146 .76 Wide . . .441. 56 449 .56
. ... . . . . ...... .. .. .. . . . 444.25 44 7.25 MONTANA
Covers no rt heastern Massachuse tt s Butt e, Anaconda
W1ABI (Killingto n) . . . .146 .28 146.88
2400 Hz .146.28 146.94 No call given 146.3 4 146.94
1800 Hz . .. . .. .. . . 146 .34 146 .88
2400 Hz . . . . . .. . 146.34 146. 94 NEBRAS KA
W1VAK (Cape Cod ) 146 .34 146.94 Omaha
WA1KGM (Mt. Ascutney) 146. 16 146. 76 W0E QU (Ak-Sar-Ben RC) .. .146.34 146.94
W1ALE . 146.34 146.94 Linco ln
Operate s .34- .94 , except every 15 min., when it WA0M FC. 146.34 146.94
conve rts to 146.46/1 46. 94 and 52.525 /1 46.94. (God
kno ws why.) NEVADA
W1WAK (New Bedfo rd) . . 146 .34 146.94 K7 UGT ( Reno ) Sierra New ARS .146.34 146.94
W1Bl (Princeton) 53. 54 50.50 2400 Hz to ne burst
WA1KG L (Wobur n) .. 146 .28 146 .88 COR _ 146.94 147.48
Kl A8 R (Providence AI) 146. TO 146 .70 W7AKE (las Vegas) (9000 ft.l .146.20 146.80
No cal l (lenox Mountain ) 146. 25 146 .76 · .147.18 147 .84
.... . . . . . . . . . . ..... .... . .. . . . .... .. 146.25 146.9 4 . . . .. .147.18 51.525
No call (Williamstown) . . 146.34 146.94 .5 2.525 147 .84
Kll RH (Cape Code ) 146.34 146.94 .... ...... .. .. . ....... .52 .525 53.275
Springfield . . 44 0.65 44 7.65 K7UGE ( Las Vegas) .. . .. . _. 146. 34 146.94
Springfield ... . .440.7 0 44 7.70 146 .20 input has priori ty over 147.18 and 52.525
W1DPO (Camb ridge) 146.34 146.94 inp ut s. 146.34 input is intermi ttent only; ene rgized
MICHIGAN on req uest an d on special occasions. All repea ters are
Benton Harbor o pen .
K8J KI ... . .. 146.34 146.76 WA7 NHV ((Capab le of crosslink ) .. . . .146 .34 146.49
Gra nd Rapids .147.00 146. 94
WA8A AT sup plied info : . 146.34 146 .94 i
WA7HXO L ~s' V~~s' Rpt;. Assn.I · .146.40 146 .94
l ansing No call given (Elk River) .146.3 4 146 .94
No call given . · . 146. 34 146.94
Oshtemo NEW HAMPSHI AE (See also listings for Mass.)
K8 TIW (24·hr operation) ... 146.34 146.9 4 W1ALE (Conco rd) . . 146. 34 146.94
Detro it area . 146 .34 146 .94
WA8BDD (Clarksto n) 146.3 4 146.76 ...52 .525 146.94
Serves southeast Michiga n. ( No to ne req.l .. .146. 94 52 .525
WBBCQS 146.34 146.76 .146 .46 146 .94
[Includes 450 MHz links from Trenton, Grosse Cove rs south and central por tions of sta te, plus
Pointe , and Farmingt on. No tone req.l northeast port ion of Massachusetts. Operates
K8VlN (Det ro it Area Rptr. Team ; .... 146 .46 146.64 .34-.94 except every 15 min utes, when it operates
narrowband) .46 -.94 and 52.525 ·A4 for 3 minu tes.
70W tra nsmitt er. gain ant ennas. Tra nsmitter heigllt:
275 ft ; Receiver height: 435 ft. No tones required. K1MNS lDe rry) 146.25 146.76
Pontiac- Roche ster . 444.25 447.25
No call given. ... 146.46 146. 94 Cove rs sou thern a nd sout heast portions of state plus
K alamazoo nort heast edge of Massachusett s.
K8TIW . . . . . . .146 .34 146.94 WA1KF X (Mt. Snow ). . .. 146 .31 146.88
MINNESOTA Covers Vermont , so uth cen tral, and south west New
Twin Cities {St. Paul; Minneaplisl Hampshire, plus no rthwest Messacnusens.
W0PZT (Mob ile Amate ur Rad io Cor ps .146.34 146 .46 1800 Hz . . . . . . . ... 146.3 1 146 .94
of Hennepin County) 1950 Hz . . . .146.34 146.94
W~CKF ..... .146 .94 146.46 2250 Hz 146 .34 146 .88
..... 53 .64 14'6.46 WA1KFZ (N. Adams, Mess.I 146. 04 146.9 1
. . . . . . . ..... .. .. .. . . . . . .146.94 53.64 K1ZJ H (Mt. Tom, Mass.) ..146 .04 146.94
Talkloc k system ; prio rity inp ut is .34; cou rtesy input Covers southwest New Hampshire p lus
is .94. No tones req ; 24-hour op eration. Deviation : western areas of Massach usetts
comp rom ise (t 10 kHz) Soo n to change input to 146 .40 .. ( 146.40) 146.94
No call given (Elk Rived ...146.34 146.94 W1ABI ( Killington, Vermont)
2400 Hz . . 146 .28 146 .94
MISSISS IPPI 1800 Hz 146 .34 146 .88
K5TYP (Keesler AFB) . .146 .34 146 .94 2400 Hz . . . . . . . . 146 .34 146 .94
Serves Biloxi and area from Alabama to Bay St. (See compl ete list under N.Y.)

84 73 MA GAZIN E
AG C circuit at the 'f ro nt end
3 T RA NSM IT T ING POWER po sit ions.
REA R panel has provision fo r 25w unit ,
TONE squelch, and MULTI PLI ER un it .
CHAN NEL SEL ECTI ON by di ode switch.
Remote con tro l possible
34/94,94/94, M I KE incl uded. $289.95


ONLY $29.50

At last-Drake quality in a
VHF FM Transceiver

The best of th e Japanese, the VHF FM Transceiver Model ML-2
is built for and distributed an d backed by the R. L. Drake Co.
• Exceptional receiver
• Backed by R. L. Drake
• Complete package for. . . 532 I 95 Includes transceiver, two channels
supplied, mobile mount, micro -
phone, coax cable, Hustler antenna,
and built-in AC-DCpower supply.

General Transmitter-transistorized with 6360 output tube
Frequency Coverage 144-148 MHz RF Output Power Greater than 10 Watts
Number of Channels 12 Chann els, 3 su pplied Frequency Deviation Adjustable to 15 kHz maximum
Channei I Rece ive 146.94 MHz FrequencyStability ±.OOI % or less
Transmit 146.34 MHz
Spuriou s Radiation Greater t han - 80 dB below
Channel 2 Simplex 146.94 MHz Carrier
Channel 3 Rec eive 146.74 MHz
Tran smit 146.34 MHz Output impedance 50 ohms
Modulation Frequency Modulation
Receiver - complete ly transistorized
Transmitter Control Push-ta-Talk
Power Drain AC: Receive 6 Watts Receiver Circuit Crystal-controlled Doubl e
Transm it 50 Watts Conversion Supe rheterodyne
DC: Receive 0.5 Am ps Int erme diate Frequen cies 1st 10.7 MHz, 2nd 455 kHz
Transmit 4 Amps Input Impedance 50 to 75 Ohms
Power Source AC, 11 7 Vo lts 50-60 Hz Sensitivity 0.5llV or less for
{Built·inl DC, 13.5 Volts ± 10%. 20 dB quieting.
Dimensions 77/8" WX2%" H x lOlA" D. 1 JJ,V or less (30 dB S+N /N
ratio at 10 kHz deviation
Weight 8y" Ibs. with 1 kHz modulati on)
Standard Accessories Dynami c Microphone, Spuriou s Sensitivity Greater than - 60 dB.
Hustl er Antenna, Antenna Audio Output 0.5 Watt with 10% or less
Con nector Plug, AC/DC distortion.
Co rd, Speaker Plug.

Accessory Antenna, Model BBl-1 44 - Hustler 3.4 dB gain qu ick-mount with coax - $34.70

at your
AGC circu it at the'f ront end
REA R panel has provision f or 25w unit,
TONE squelch, and MULTI PLIE R uni t.
CHANNE L SEL ECTIO N by di od e switch.
Remote control possible
34/ 94, 94/ 94, MI KE included. $289.95


ONLY $29 .50

P.O.BOX 461.CUPERT INO,CA .95014
WA1KG M (Mt. Asc utney) 146 .16 146 .76 No cal! given (Wo od mere, L.1. NY) ... 146.41 146.64
Covers no rtheastern Vermont FM Repea ter Associa- W2DEG (Graf ton) . · . 146 .22 146.76
tio n. WA2KEC (Experimenta l) . . 146.34 146.94
21 00Hz tone burst 146.34 14 1.9 4 Moving to 746 .5 5/1 46.8 2 soo n.
1800 Hz tone burst 146 .34 146 .88 .. . .146 .34 52.72
K6MVH/1 (Peter bo rough ) 146 .34 146 .94 .52 .80 52 .72
W2NS D/1 (Pac k Mo nadnockl 146.3 7 146 .73 KlTKJ /2 (New York City) . .146.19 146.73
W1KDO (Mt. Mansf ield, Verm ont ) 146.34 146 .94 No call .core Mt.} Proposed. . .441 .0 446.0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146.37 146 .94 No call (Belfry Mt. ) Proposed . . . . . .441 .1 446.1
Covers central a nd northern areas of New Hampshire, No call {Old Field Pt .l Proposed. . . .44 1.2 446.2
Vermon t and no rth east New York . WA2UWT (Cuba) . .146 .34 146.94
K1ABR (Providen ce, R.I.) . . . . .146 .10 146. 70 Mt. Chaos Amat eur Repeate r Club.
No ca ll (Woons ocket, R.I. ) 146 .10 146 .70 WA2UWQ (Rochester) 146. 28 146.88
Roch ester Rad io Repeater Assn. Solid-state, 25W .
NEW J ERS EY No call given (Whitefa ce Mt.) N.A.R .A. 146 .22 146.76
WA2UWR (Paramus) . . 146 .28 146 .79 W2CVT (Mt. Beacon) lo ca ls o nly . . . . .146 .34 146 .76
PL activates repeater, which th e n oper ates o n a Extended coverage . .146.37 ~ 146. 76
carrier-operated basis. Control cycle limits - 3 min. Northeast New York
Covers no rt hern New Je rsey and New Yor k City . WB2NNZ (Troy ) . . ....53.75 52 .58
Wideba nd in, com pro mise out. . ... ... .. . . 146. 34 146 .94
WA2UWR (UHF repeater) .449 .10 448.10 K2AE . . 146.40 52.525
W2CVT 146.37 146 .76 K2AE . . 146 .46 146.94
Call un kno wn ( Fo rd, N.J.) 146.28 146 .76 K2GVI (Ut ica-Ro me ) . .146.34 146 .94
Provid es coverage t hrou ghout nor t hern regions of W2CVT (Mt~ Beacon) 146.37 146.76
stat e: W2GH R . .146 .13 146.73
Call unkn o wn [Br unswick} 146.34 146. 94 W2AWX 44 1.10 449.1
Provides coverage th rou ghout state. Call Pend ing . . 441.15 446. 15
WA2UWC (Green brook) 146. 58 146 .94 (NW FM Rptr . Assn. I
Electr. Techno !. Societ y Repeate r. According to Syracuse
WB2CTD repeater is 34 in. Oth er repo rt s indic ate 58 WA2UWF . . . 146.46 146.94
in. \ .. 53.7 5 52 .64
K20DP (Entir e state ) . .146. 22 146.8 2 W1AB I (Killingto n, Vermo nt ) To ne 52 .92 146.94
WA2 UWO. . . . . ... .146 .70 52.64 Ton e. . 52.92 146.88
. .... ..52 .56 146. 76 Ton e. . . 52.92 146.70
Accord ing to WB2CT D, t his repea ter is not open; Ton e . . 146.28 146.88
according to WB2AEB, it is o pen, but with PL bu rst To ne. . . . 146. 34 146 .88
because of interfe rence. 1800 Hz Tone 146.34 146.88
2100 Hz Tone .146 .34 146. 94
NEW MEXIC O TTY. . . . 52 .92 146 .70
Alb uquerque Staten Island
WA5J DZ (Mt . T aylor ] . . 146 .34 146.94 WA2 YYQ (Narrowband) · .146.2 5 146.88
Narrowba nd; autopa tc h. No to ne requ ired . TTY · .146. 10 146 .70
Cove rs upper th ird of sta te. 11 ,350 ft elev . TTY · .146. 25 146 .70
WA5 VK Y (Sa nd ia Crest ) 146.46 . 147 .06 · .146.3 7 146 .88
Narrowband; auto patch . No tones. 10,6 00 ft Whitefac e Mountai n
e lev. WA2UYJ . .. . .. .. . .146.2 2 146.82
K5FSB (Sandia Crest ) Narr owband .4 48. 6 0 443 .6 0 · .44 1.35 446.35
WA5 0lP ( Unde r co nstru cti on ) 146 .25 146.88 Buffa lo
K2GUG . ...146.3 4 146.94
WA5 Q XB (Un der co nstruct io n) 146.40 147.00 .... ... 146.34 146.94
Los Alam os WB2TLJ . .
.. . .146.31 146.91
W5PD O Na rro wban d; a uto patc h . .14 6.34 146 .94 lockport
Alamogordo K2ECQ . ... .146.25 146.82
WA5 KUI (Alamo Pk) Na rrowba nd . .146 .34 146.94 W1KOO (Mt. Mansfie ld, v t. j .. .146.37 146.94
9800 ft . elev. WA2UWC (Green broo k, NJ) . 146.58 146 .94
Central N.M. WA2UWR (N.J . repeater) . . . 146.28 146 .79
WA5 YTK (Sierra Blanca ) Narro wban d. 145.50 146.50 Req uires 4A Pl to ne.
1 1,200 ft elev . Other re peate rs serving New York :
Portales WA2 UWO (N.J.)
WA5YTG 146 .34 146.94 W2CVT [Cor m.]
l as Cr uces KlT KJ (Conn.)
(No c a ll) . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .146.34 146.94 WB2NNZ (N.J .)
. . . .146.4 6 147 .06 WA2 UYP (Mt. Beacon) . . .441.55 446 .55
Soo n to move de lete pr imary op e rating fre - Hempste ad VH F Soc .
q uencre s. T ransitional signaling chan nel . . . . 446.45
Roswe ll
WA5DMQ (Cap itan Summit ) . . ... . . .146.34 146 .94
10,200 ft elev. NORT H CARO LINA
Nort h Centr a l a rea
WA4FYS (Burlington ) 52.76 52. 525
NEW YORK Has secondary o utp ut o n 146 .98
Long Island (All narrowband) Weste rn area
K2 HOI (w histl e-on) 146.34 146 .76 W4WID {Leno ir} 52 .76 52.525
WA2U YI (PL: 107.1, 151 .4, 162 .2 Hz ) 44 1.75 446 .75 W4DCD (N. Wilkesbo ro ) 52. 525 146.90
W20QI (Ma no rville; 258 8 ton e burst ) .146.3 4 146.82 W4DCD . 5 2.78 52 .52 5
. . . .. . ... . . . . . . ..146.52 146.76 WB4PPS {Roar ing Gap} ..146 .2 2 146.94
W1BNF (Conn ect icut; narro wba nd) . . .147 .37 146 .98 No t ones. 10.5 d B gain a ntennas. 20W syste m.
WA2UWC (Green brook, New Jersey ) . .146 .58 146 .94 Elevati o n is 2914 ft. Coverage : 100 miles plus.
No ca ll given . . 52 .8 146.76 (Seco ndar y of cross -co nnected system)
No call given . . .441 .60 446.60 W4BFB (Char lotte) 146 .34 146.94
L1 FMA . . .44 1.75 446 .75 WA4 VTX (Eliza bet h City; 146.2 8 146.8 8
KlT KJ 146. 25 146. 73 na rrow ban d)
No call given . . . .44 1.8 5 446 .85 200 ft 5(JoN , 50 mi. rad ius
L1 MARC 146 .34 146 .76 No call given (D urham) 146 .34 146.94

even if ~d. nevv
FM.-27 didn't
have the fantastic
ne\N Crystiplexer
it would still be the best 2 meter FM
transceiver on the market!

&1 ",..
ON "'76 " ?

0 '----"-', ".
a '0;. " 00
5 6 • 5
~ IM "

10 Of)

( ·1

e t tl!" e
(6) '.
AN D '''W'''"'~'J ''' '




D1MENSIONS - 31'z " H x 7% " W x 9" D.

e. t. ~ associates. inc , LITTELL RD.. EAST HANOVER, N. J . 07936

PHON E: (20 1) 887·4940
New FM for '71
Standard's SR-C826M
professional quality, solid state,
two-way radio, designed and
sold exclusively for amateur use
in the United States and Canada.

Stand ard Communications Corp., the world 's largest man ufacturer of marin e
V.H.F. equipment, has just developed a new industrial quality, high perform-
ance 2-meter unit. This rugged, co mpact transceiver is available only in the
U.S. and Ca nada thru an authorized Standard dealer. The "8 26" is so com-
pact that it makes mobile installation practical in almost any vehicle or air-
craft, and it becomes fully portable with the addition of Stand ard's battery
Th e SR-C826M is most frequently used as a mobile unit; however, it also
makes an ideal, low cost base station unit when used in conjunction with the
AiC , power supply accessory.
Th e popularity of 2-meter FM amateur communications is rapidly grow-
ing. In most metr opolitan areas of the country 146.94 MH z is extensively
monitored, and open repeaters make it poss ible to maintain comm unications
over wide areas of the country. Standar d's new professional quality 2-meter
system now makes it possible for you to enjoy the fun of amateur mobile com-
munication in your car for just $339.95.
GENERAL Output impeda nce - 50 Deviation accept an ce -
Freq. Range - 14 3 to 149 ohm s nom inal Up to ± 15 kHz de viation
MHz, 2 MHz spread Deviat ion - In te rn all y Spuriou s and im age
Supply voltage - 11 to 16 adjustable to ± 10 k Hz m in. attenuation - 65 dB
VDC. Ne gat ive Grou nd factory set to ± 7 kH z below the desired sig na l
13.8VDC nominal Spurious and har monic thres hold sensitivity
C ur re nt Consu mp tion - .15 attenua tion - 50dB below
the ca rrier power level Adjacent ch a nnel
a mp re cei ve sta ndby. 2.4 am p selectivity
transmit T ype of m od ul ator - Ph ase
(3 0 kHz channels ) 60 d B
Number of cha nnels - 12- atte nua tion of ad jac e nt
Supplied with 4 cha nnels RECEIVE R cha nnel
1) 146.94 Simplex Sensitivity - .4 or less T ype of receiver -
2 ) 146.34/94 mi crovolts for 20 dB quie ting Dual conversio n
3 ) 146.76 Simplex Squelch sens itivity - su perheterodyne
4) 146.34/76 Thresho ld - .2 microvolt s Audio ou tput - 5 watts
or less For e xtern al spea ker
M icrophon e - D ynamic 2 M OS FET R F A mplifiers
Dimen sion s - 6% "w x 1 M OSF ET Mixer $339 .95
2 1h "h x 9Ys"d
(comp lete as sho wn wit h
Weight - 4 1h Ibs. max. mi cr ophone , built-in spea ker
Freq uency stability-.DDl % an d extern al alternator whi ne
( - 10 to + 60 ' C ) filter.)

RF po wer ou tput - .8 or CO MMUNICATIONS CORP.
10 watt s Wor ld's la rgest manufactu re r
of marine V.H .F. e qu ip men t
P.O. Box 325, W ilmingt on,
Calif. 907 44 (213) 775-6284
K4 HXD (Kno xville, TN ) · .14 6 .34 146. 94 O REGON
· .146 .38 146 .94 Port land
146. 38 has prio rity . K7 DVK . .44 7. 17 449.17
Wide in, com p ro mise out. K7UGN 146. 76 146 .58
K41TL (R ale igh ) . · .14 6.34 146 .76 According to som e readers, t h is re pea ter shou ld be
W4DCD (Wilkesbo ro) . . · .146.42 52.52 5 deleted, but W7DVR repo rts the re peater still ope ra.
. . ..5 2.5 25 146. 42 tto nal.
. . .. . .52 .78 52.525 W7DBS ( Eugene ) 146 .3 4 146 .94
W7VS (Po rtla nd ) .. . . . 146.7 6 14 6 .58
O HIO No ca ll given (Newport) 146.7 6 14 6 .94
WB8C RV (Cleve la nd ) . . ..146 .2 8 14 6 .88 No ca ll given (Dalles; Mt. livingst on ) 5 3.46
Acco rdin g to K8 IDT , the repe ater -freq uencie s have 5 2.92
No ca ll given {Pend let o n} .14 6 .3 4 146 .76
cha nged f ro m .88/040 to those show n here. FM H v- No ca ll given ( LaG rande ) .. . 146.34 146 .76
banders, Inc.
W70FY {Medf ord} ... . . . . 146 .34 146. 94
No ca ll (Col u mbus) . . .146 .34 146 .76
K8PWL (Fairfield Co. ) .146 .2 2 146.88
Users requ este d to a nnou nce time
data and re peater ca ll.
W8 A lC (Detaware/w este rville} .. . .146. 34 146 .76 PENNSYL VA NIA
WA31PP {Sellersville}
Users req uested t o an no unce . . .146. 28 14 6 .76
t ime for tape log. T hree -mi nu te .. . 146 .3 4 146 .76
WA3KUR (Philade fph lal . .. . .52.76 52.525
timeout. WA3KUR (Philad elp hia) . . .. 52 .76 52.6 4
W80LS... ... . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. 14 6 .6 2 146 .9 7 WA3BKO . . . .146 .2 2 146 ,8 2
WB8 COK (Davtonl Llntoned .14 6 .3 4 146 .76 (Ph ilade lpliia int ercit y repeater)
12 50 Hz 14 6 .34 146 .94 WA3 1GS 52.80 52 ,72
Base sta tions: . . . . 146.28 146.8 2 . . .. . . . 146 .28 146 .76
WB8COO (To led o ) '. . 146. 3 4 14 6.76 Ba lt imo re 146.2 2 146. 8 2
60 W transmitter; 50 mi. rad ius WA3BKO (Harr tsburq-Y orkj 146 .2 2 146 .82
W8100 (Youngstown; nar ro wba nd) .. .146.34 146 .76 WA3 1CC (Harrisbu rg) . . 146 .34 146 ,76
K8E UR (Ashta bu la) K3 PQZi York) 146 .3 4 146 .76
Cove rage rad ius: 30 mi., 350W . Plans to ra ise ante n- WA3K UW (Sta te Co llege) .. . 146.34 146 .76
nas in near fut ure. No call given. . . .146.4 0 14 6.40
Mobiles : . · . 14 6 .3 4 146.76 (Sa yreville)
bases . .. . .14 6 .2 5 146.76 K3ZTP (Coats ville) .. . .. . .. 146.2 2 14 6.8 2
WB8C RS (Cincinnati) . . . . , 146 .3 4 146 .94 K3 UQ D (Pittsburg h) . . . . ,, 146. 3 4 14 6.9 4
1800 Hz t o ne b urst Alt ernate: .146.3 4 14 6. 76
K8J HG (Ottawa ) 5 2.76 52.525
Secon da ry sy stem o pera tes o n 53 .36 /53.54. Uses gain
antennas low power. nes req u ired.
• , . .146 .28 146 .88 RHOD E ISL A ND
WA8 PLZ (Miam isb urg) 140 .22 '-46. 82
K1A BR (Provid ence; ... . .146 .10 146,7 0
OK LA HOMA na rrowband)
O klaho ma Cit y Rhode Island coverage a lso avai lab le fro m act ive
WA50 NI 146 .3 4 146 .96 repeat ers in ne ighbo ring states.
(Mid-Ok lah oma Repe at er, l nc.} (Woonsock et; na rrowband) . .. .146 .10 146 .70
1477 Hz (center fr equ ency ) w hist le-on system.
Tou c hto ne acti vat es w ith n ume rals 3, 6, 9 , o r # .
Af ter t o ne act uati on . rep eate r is carr ier o perated unt il
30 secon ds elapses wit ho ut signal in put . Ou t p ut SO UTH CA RO LINA
deviat ion is ±8 kHz . Con t a ins lin ks on seconda ry WB5P lN (Co lu mb ia) ,.., 52.76 52 .525
re peat er cha nne ls in th e 220 and 45 0 MHz ban d s. ..... . . . .. , , .. 146. 34 146 .94
ER P: 2 kW. 60 -70 mi les radius. Centra l port io n of state.
En id WA4SSJ (Greenville) , 52 .76 52.525
WA50Y E (50 0W) , 146 .3 4 146 .94
Bartlesville WB48 lN (Co lumb ia) 146 .34 146 .94
WA5 LDJ 52.76 52 .525
.52.5 25 146.94 Split-site system. Open; carr ier-o pe rat ed. 50 m i rad ius
. . . . . ,1 46 .34 146 .94 of coverage.
Ponc a City
No call . . . .. 146 .3 4 146,94
Ch ickasha
W5 MQA (Sentr y Crysta ls) .146.3 4 146 ,94 TEN NESSEE
..... . . . . .. , .. .449.45 4 44 .4 5 Nashville
.. , 146 .37 146 .9 7 W4AY (narrowband) " , . . . .146 .10 14 6 .6 4
Ardm o re W4R F R (wideband] ,., . . 146.3 4 14 6 .94
No call . . .. 146 .3 4 146 .94 WB4QEY (narrowba nd) 146 .0 4 147.18
Du ran t Covers no rth -cen t ra l Ten n. Auto patc h w ith 28 05 Hz
No ca ll .146 .34 146 .94 Secede . Repeater on Music Mounta in, near Ga llatin .
Cherokee lin k frequ encie s on 4 50 MHz
No ca lf . 146 .94 FM 145.9 6A M WA4YND (narrow ba nd ) . . . . . . .146 .70 147.70
Centr al/Easte rn O klahoma WB4EK I (narrowbandl . . . . .146.04 14 7. 18
WA5lVT (Tu lsa) , 146. 34 146 .94 Chattanooga
. . , .. , . . , , 52.6 8 52. 525 WB4KLO . .. 146 .34 146. 94
T he repeater has its ma in tra nsmitt er at t he Nati on a l Tape voice ID at 3 m in. inte mvals. Chat . T ri-Sta t e F M
Ba nk of Tu lsa Buildin g with a sat ellite t ra nsmitter Assn .
just inst a lled at Bart lesville, O kla ho ma op erated by Shelb yville
K5YZO. Main t ran smitter ou tput is 450 wat ts. W41WV 146.9 4 146 .94
Satell ite t ra nsm it t er po wer is 1'5 watts. Th e system Memphis
receives on 3 remote rec e ivers lo cat ed a rou nd th e W4CV . . 146 .34 146.9 4
area. The h ighest receiver sit e is on the Chann el 6 TV Kn oxv.ile area
t ower no rth of Sa nd Sp rings, Ok lahom a, K4 HXO (Walland) . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .146 .38 14 6 .9 4
WA5 KWH (Tu lsa ) ... . 146 .22 14 6 .8 2 , . . .146 .34 14 6 .9 4
Toucnto ne con t ro lled; # sign act ivates . Whist le-on 14 1).38' inp ut has pr iority. Also covers po rt io ns of
planned . N.C.

92 73 MAG AZ INE

" ... ,." , ,.,, ./

OVERALL Frll'9_Stab il it y :
Freq ue ncy R,m"e: 14 6-1 48 MHz 10 x 0 .0000 1
N o. C hannel s: 8 " Sens It ivity :
Pow er S upp ly Req u ireme nt s: Fo r 20 d B quie t ing - O.6IN
THE EDITOR OF 73 SAYS... 12 -1 5 V DCa t 2 A Usable th reshol d - O.3JJ,V
S el ect ivity (a t lu ll q uie t ing! :
Dlrnension s: -6 d B at :r6 k Hz
" ... More rf po wer ou t p ut th an any ot her 2 .3 6 i n. hig h -70 d B at 1 15 k H z
a ll-t ra nsisto r FM u nit te sted ." 5 .9 in . wide Au d i o out:
7 .66 in. deep 1.0 W
Weigl>t: 4 .5 Ib TRANSM ITT ER
.....1ntrodu ction of t he low-pri ced Te mpo Active Device s; RF o utput : 12W
T ra nsisto rs ~ 2 6 Mu lti p lica tiOn facto r: 12
FM-V tu rn s the 2m FM transcei ver In teg rat ed Circuits - 2 Spurious:
ma rke t into a who le new ball game." D iod es - 15 Be tte r than -60 dB
R EC E IVE R Fr~ .sta bil it y :
I·F s: 1.0
x 0 .00001
F jrl;T - ,10 .7 M Hz Deviatio n :
Second - 455 k H z Adjust ab ~ . 5 - 15 kH z


An a n ract ive tei t set i. ava il1llb le a' an o pt i"" al add ·on
• MET ER IN G T ESTSQCK ET eccessc rv. The test set mateS w ith tI, e b uilt· in fen
A b uilt-in tCSt sock et can be u1Cd w ith a ny 5Q.l00;JA SO<;Icet. an d includeos a sen';tn.e m icroa rnmc ter tha t can
me te ' to monitor all tr a " smin.... a nd <eoceiy .... stages . be _itc hed to monitor tt a ....-nitl er C!"C ill"OO". mu lti.
i.-.::lud ing DISC RI MI NAT OR /for lero ing to f. e- plie . and d r; stl>gleS as we ll as first an d second 10CiJI
quencyl. oocilla t o r stages ot the ~ivet" a nd d iscr im ina too"
C\Jrr..., t. $29 .00
A 1",,9" ma"u, 1 incl ud es phOtOSan d sch emllt ics a' we ll T he F M_V is bad<ed tly Henry 's ..andal'd w arran ty
as co mp let e instr uc ti"" . fo r c heck o u l, adju st me nt . tha t ;s yo ur assu ra nce o f ex cellence in quality of
a nd alignment o f the tran<ce ive•. eq uipr,'ent . both mec ha nical a nd elec t. ical.

The Tempo /fmv is also ava ila ble at

other selected distributors in dif-
ferent areas of the U.S. Or you can
order direct and we will ship. . .
acrossthe street or around the
world. Call or write for specifica-
tions and terms.
" Wo rld' s Largest Uistribu tor of Amate ur R ad iI) E quip ment "
The Quality Leader In Amateur FM
At A Competitive Price

Deluxe 2 Meter FM Transceiver


Always the quality leade r, (see December and January 73 Magazine, and reviews in
Ja nuary QST and March CQ) the IC-2F remain s the same - superb performance, de-
luxe features, 1 year warranty ...

TRANSMITTER: RF input power-20 watts;RF out - RECEIVER: Double: conversion superheterodyne;

put - 10 watts minim um; max imum frequency Sensitivi ty better than DA,uV @ 20 db of quiet-
dev iation -15KHz (adjustable); Automatic Pro- ing; FEY front end; ceramic filters for excellent
tection Circuit (APe) - N EW ! Not offered in bandpass shaping; Integrated Circuit IF; built-in
any other transceiver on the market. Absolute speaker on front panel.
assurance of final PA prote ction from shorted or
high VSWR anten nas by instantaneous trans- GENERAL: Six channels (six transmit and six re-
mitter disabling; Elec tronically switched-no re- ceive crystals) selectable from the front panel;
lays ; Sea led low pass filter to eliminate spurious large RF /"S" meter and easier to read controls;
radiation. power requirements 12 to 15 volts DC.

The Deluxe IC-2 F comes complete with high impedance microphone, three-position
chrome mohile mounting bracket, crystals installed for two channels (Ch. 1, 146 .34/
146.94; Ch. 2, 146.94 /146.94), power cables and plugs and manna!. Amateur Net $299.95
Optional AC Power Supply with built-in Discriminator Meter, Model IC-3P. Amateur Net

PA -50A 50 watt solid state AFTERBURN E R for 'm ore power mobile. Amateur Net $129.95

Available at your dealer


Here's The .Mobile

Deliv ers 50 Watts 01 Punch

on Z Meter FM ' ,
The Varitronics PA-50A is a completely solid SPECIFICATIONS
state Class C RF amplifier designed specifi- 'Drive Requirements ... 12 Watts Maximum
ca lly for use in mobile amateur FM applica- 5 Watts Minimum
tions. Internal RFswitching makes the PA-50A RFOutput : 50Watts· Less
useablewith any amateur FMtransceiver with withlowerdrive or
input voltage
10 watts' output. Balanced emitter devices
are employed which are completely insensi- Power Requirements 13.5 VOC@5Amps
tive to high VSWR or even no load conditions Impedance 50Ohms In/Out
at its output. This handsome and ruggedly Frequency Any Portion of
built amp lifier is styled like the IC-2F trans- Amateur 2 Meter
ceiver, features aca librated output meter and
is supplied with mob ile mounting bracket and Spurious Products 500B Down
. DC cord. For the big signal on FM, try it! Dimensions 6" X7" X2"

Manufactured by Varhronics . . . still the leaders in quality ama teur FM equipment .

See it a t yo urdealers.

TEXAS W84 K NX (Charlo ttesvi lle) 146.28 146.94
San Antonio Char lotte svill e Emergency Amat eur Repeater Society .
WA5UN H (Wide in• .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .146.34 146.94 No to nes; wideband in; narrow out.
semi-wide oud S.A .R.O. WB4KNN (Newpo rt News) (40 ml.] 146.34 146.94
DaJls (No calls given) 53.55 52.95 W4NJE ( Richmon d; narrowb and) 146.34 146.94
. . 146.22 146 .82 wntstre-on
. . 146.34 146.94 No ca ll (V irginia Beach) 146.22 146.97
.. . . . . ....... . .52.85 52.95
High power; duplaxer. Operated by Regional Emer - WASH INGTON (STA T E)
gency Commu nicat ions Assn. W7DAQ (Longview l . .. . . . . . ..•.• .. 146 .76 53.290
Northeast Texas In termi ttent
WA5 LDL !Tyler; narrowband ) • ... . . .146 .34 146.94 W7DAQ (Longv iew! . ... . . . . .53.290 146.76
230 ft high. 3ON. Operates 6 a.m. to 12 mi dnigh t. In termittent
No call given (Fort Wort h) .53.0 5 53.1 5 V E7MQ (Seattle) . 146 .34 146.58
WA5YTM (Fort Wort h) 146.34 146.94 Seattle 146.76 146.58
. . . . 146. 16 146.76 K7GM A (Seatt le) .. . .• . . . . . . . . . .. .52.525 53.290
.... .... .. .. . .. . .338 .90 449 .10 450 tt erev. Groundplanes. Very sensitive -receiver'
Texas V HF·FM Societ y . Fort Wort h chapter. 50 mi. 4(]W transmitter. Cavit y homebrewed by K7KSZ. •
radius. y akima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 145.26 147.21
Lubbock K7TG H ( Richland) . . . .. . ... . . . ..• .52.5 25 53.290
WB5BRY (narrow band) 146.34 146.9 4 V E7AP U . 146.33 146.58
Has autcpatch , 1805 Hz digital K7QKL {Mt. Rainier } . . . 146.34 146.76
K7 1UT (Olympia)... .. . . . . . .52.525 53.29
W5YUO 146. 16 146.76
A bilene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 .34 146.94
7200 ft SOW [wid eba nd ]
Aust in K7QK L (Pikes Peak) .146.34 146.76
5200 ft 9OO'N (w ideband)
W5NFCO . . .146.34 146 .94
Amarill o WA7AJ F (Vancouver) . . ... .. .. .•.. .52.92 53.46
Mt . Livingston ; operated by Lower Columbi a A RC.
W5CBT 146.34 146.94
Houston East ern Washington
K7LBV (Spokane) . •..•. .•.. .... . .52.525 53.29
WASO LA 146.28 146.8B
No call given (Port Arthur) 146.34 146.94 WA7 KY Y (Mt. Spokane) .. . . . . . . . . •146.34 146.76
WSOGG (Midlandl. .• .. . . . 146 .34 146.94 Operated by In land Empi re V HF Radio Ama teurs.
No call given (San Angelo ). 146.34 146.94 (A lso covers nort hern part s of Idaho!. Wideband.
W5TOC (Big Springs) . 146.34 146.94 W7PUG ..... . . . •. .... ... . ... . . .146.34 146.58
W7DXX ( Rat t lesnake Mt. } 146.34 146.94
UTAH K7QKL (Mt. Rainier ). 146 .34 146.94
East Utah
W0 PXZ (Grand Jet.•Cotc.l .... . . 145.32 146.9 4
Salt Lake City. Nort h Utah
WA~ i~ INGTON . D.C.
WA7AK I . . 146.34 146 .94
K70 EP (So. Idaho ) WA3CJD . .52.76 52.565
.146.34 146.94
WA7GT U (Cedar City) . W3JCN . . . . . .448 .0 449.0
. . .146.34 146.94
Southwest Ut ah WA 3DZ D .. . . . . .146.34 146.76
W7A KE ( Las Vegas) . . . . . .146.34 146.94
(plu s other freqs. See Nevada list ing) WEST V I RGIN IA
KBSXO . . . .. ..146.34 146.76
Central Vermo nt WISCONSIN
'W1 A BI (K ill ington) . . . . . . . . . . . . .146.28 146.88 Waukesha
1800 Hz . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .146.34 146.88 No call yet . .. 52.72 52.64
2400 Hz . . , . . .. . . . . . . . . .146.34 146.94 40 mi. coverage.
2400 Hz . .... . . ... . . .146.28 146.94 Milwauk ee Ar ea FM Club.
Sout hern Vermont W9A IQ (St urgeon Bay;.. . . . . . . . .146.34 146.76
WA 1K FX (Mt. Snow) 146.31 146.88 narro wband)
1950 Hz . . . . . 146.3 1 146.91 1800 Hz to ne bur st. 50 mi. radius. Covers nort heast
2250 Hz 146.31 146.94 state and upp er Michi gan. Door Count ry A RC.
Sout h and sout hwestern Vermont W9 ROM (Milwa ukee) . . .146.34 146.94
W1A L E (Concord . N.H,) . .. 146.34 146.94 WA9 UV (Waukegan) .. . . .. ... •. 146.34 146'.76
South and south eastern Vermon t 1950 Hz
!T imed fo r periodic 146.46 52.525 WA9PBW (Madison) . . . . . . . •. 146.34 146.76
duty cycl es) 2100 Hz
-*K 1MNS (Derr y. N.H,) .. . .146.25 146.76
Sout heastern vermont
' Nort heast FM Repeater Assn. WYO MING
-- New Hampshire FM Assn. K 7SD D (Sherman HilJ . ..• . .. .. ...•146. 16 146.76
Nort hern V er mont Covers Cheyenne and Laramie. Wideband in 10 kH z
V E2T A (Quebec) .....• .. . 146.52 147.50 out. Li nked wit h WA 7EGK . Wyoming Am~teu r Re-
W1KOO (Mt. Mansfield ) 146.34 146.94 peat er Society (Slides available).
2400 Hz tone burst entry. Covers northern Vermo nt WA7EGK { Laremie! . .. . .. . . . ..• . . .146.34 146.94
and northeast New York . Operated by Bur lingt on Wldeband In. 10 k Hz out. Linked wi th K 7SDD. Has
ARC eutopa tch (742·2447). (Sli des available).
No call yet IN . V t.) 146.22 146.B2 WA70T P (Casped . . . . 146.34 146.94
No ca ll yet NW vu . . . .146.22 146.76 L inked wi th K7SD D
WA 1K GM tMt.Ascutney } 146.16 146.76 W7A PV (Boysen Park ) 146.34 146 .94
WA1 KF Z (N. Adams. Mass.) 146.04 146.9 1 Covers Thermopolis, Riverton , Lander and Wor land
Wyoming. 7500 f t . Local con t rol. ' •
WB4HCX (L y nchburg) . . .• . . 146.34 146.94 FOREI GN REPEATERS
(wldeband in. narrowband oud Germany
W4GCE (Lynchburg ) ....•..•.•. . : . 146.22 147.42 DL0STA St utt gart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 .46 145.75
K8SXO ( Ridgeley) 146.76 52.525 (Moun t ed in " Space Needle" )
W4DXC {Richmond l .•. • . . ..• .52.72 52.640 Bavaria
K8SXO (Ridgeley) 52.525 146.7 6 No call (Zugspiu Mt .). . . . 145.0 145.6

96 73 MAG AZ INE
see the I1Iew Mann!

2837 N. 24th St.

(602) 955-4570

An all-new location with a whole storeload of red-

hot specials in used commercial surplus radio
equipment . If you're too far away to drop in and
pay us a visit, drop a line to Art Langton, our
Phoenix store manager. He'll make sure you get
an up-to-date catalog of what we have in stock.
And your name will be placed on our mailing
list so you can be among the first to know about
the frequent "great buys" we're famous for. The
standard Mann guarantee applies in Phoenix, too.

see the Mann

for the best in USED FM
communications equipment
Two-Way FM Units • Walkies • Repeat ers
Mob il e Phone • Bases • Mobiles



Six-meter t ransceiver . Trunk moun t mobi le

unit in 15" ho using. Comp let e w ith co ntro l
T51GGV head, speaker, cab les, and mi k e. Has the
6/ l2V 60W very pop u lar "G " ser ies of tra nsmitter and
8 70 receiver .
MOTOR OLA Two-mete r t ru nk-mo unt t ransceiver in 10"
T43GG V housi ng. V ib rato r supply. Com pl et e w ith
co nt ro l head, speaker, cab les, and mik e.
6/l2V 30W Has th e very popu lar "G " seri es of t rans-
$9 5 mitter and receiver .

MOTO ROLA 450 M Hz mobi le t ransceiver . Trunk or dash

U44BBT mo unt ing . 10" ho usin g. T ransist or po wer
l2V l8W supp ly . Com p let e w ith speaker , mi k e, pow-
$ 99 er and co ntr o l cab lin g, and con trol head.


Mann Guara ntee Cond iti ons of Sale

U nle ss o t herwi s e sp ecif i e d , e q uipment i s
u s ed , an d is 'Sol d a s -i s. All i tem s shi p p ed
M o ney refu n de d w i t h o u t q ue stion if equ i p - FOB Tarzana . C a l i forn ia . C r yst a l s, o ve n s.
m ent is re tu rne d wif hin seve n d ays from a nte nn as not i nc lud ed un less spec i f ica ll y
s h i pm e n t , u ndam ag e d, fre ight p r epa i d. sta ted i n c a t al og . A ll eq uipm ent IS sold o n
a ~ i rs l · c om e . firs t-serv e d ba si s .

p.o. Box
138 . 18669 Vent ura Blvd ., Tarzana, Calif. 9 1356
Phone: (2 13) 3 42 ·8297
Nation al Standards for FM Operat ion
By popu lar demand , 73 presen ts this page o f FM standards as a pub lic service to the V HF
com munity .

2m FM Channels 6m FM Channels

146. 0 105 146.6 40 14 7.270 5 A 52 .525 53. 0205 53.520 A

146. 040 146.670 5 147 .300 R 52.540 S 53 .040 53.5405 A
146 .0 70 5 146 .70 0 14 7.330 5 52. 56 0 53.060 5 53.560 R
146.100 146.730 5 147 .360 52 .58 0 5 53.080 53. 580 5 A
146 . 130 $ 146.760 14 7.390 5 52 .600 53.100 5 53 .600 A
146.160 146. 79 0 S 14 7 .4 20 52 .620 S 53. 120 53 .620 5 A
146.190 5 146 .820 A 147 .4505 52 .64 0 53.140 5 53 .640 R
146.220 146.855 R 147 .480 52.660 5 53. 160 53 .660 5 R
146 .250 5 146.880 R 147 .510 5 52 .680 53.1 805 5 3.680 R
146 .280 146.910 S R 147 .54 0 52.7005 53.200 53 .700 S R
146.3 10 5 146 .9 40 R 147 .570 S 52.720 53.2205 53.720 R
14£.340 146.97 05 R 147 .600 52.740 5 5 3.240 53 .740 5 A
146.370 5 14 7.000 A 147 .6 30 5 52 .760 53. 260 5 53 .760
146 .40 0 147 .030 5 R 147.6 60 52 .780 5 53.280 53 .7805
146 .4 30 S 147 .0 60 R 147.69 05 52 .800 53 .300 5 53.800
146 .460 14 7.09 0 SA 147 .720 5 2.8 20 5 53.3205 53.820 5
146 .490 5 147 .120 R 147 .750 S 52 .840 53 .3405 53.840
146.520 14 7 .150 5 R 147.78 0 52.8605 53.630 R 53.8605
146.5 50 5 147.18 0 A 147.8 10 S 52 .880 53.3805 R 53.880
146.580 147.2 10 S R 14 7.840 52 .9005 53.3805 R 53.9005
146.61 0 5 14 7.240 A 147.870 5 52.9 20 5 3.420 5 R 53. 920
52.9405 53.440 R 53 .9405
52 .960 53.460 5 A 53 .960
10m FM Channels 52 .980 5 53.480 R 53 .980 5
52.000 53.500 5 A
29 .0205 29 .360
29 .040 29 .380 5
220 M Hz F M Channels
29. 0605 29.400
29 .080 29.420 5 224.0 20
22 0. 02 0 221.02 0 2 22 .020 22 3. 02 0
29.100 5 29 .440 224 .060
220 .060 221 .060 222 .060 223 .060
29.120 29 .460 5 A 223 .100 224 .100
220 .100 22 1.100 222 .100
29. 1405 29.480 R 220 .140 22 1, 140 22 2 .14 0 223.140 224 .140
29 .160 29 .50 05 R 224 .180
220 . 180 22 1.180 222 .180 223. 180
29 .180 5 29.5 20 R 224 .220
220.220 221.220 222 .220 223 .220
29 .200 224.260
220.260 221 .260 222 .260 223 .260
29.2205 29.540 5 A
220 .30 0 221. 300 222 .300 223.300 22 4.300
29.240 29 .56 0 R
220.340 22 1.340 22 2.340 2 23 .240 224 .240
29 .260 5 29 .5805 A
220 .38 0 2 21 .380 22 2.38 0 223.380 224 .380
29 .280 29. 600 R
22 0 .420 221.420 2 22.4 20 2 23.420 224.420
29 .300 5 29 .6205 R
220.460 22 1.4 6 0 222.460 22 3 .460 224 .460
29.3 20 29 .640 R
220 .50 0 22 1. 50 0 222 .50 0 · 223 .500 22 4 .50 0
29 .3405 29 .6 60 5 R
220.540 22 1 .540 222 .540 223 .540 224 .5 40
29.680 R 224 .58 0
220 .580 221.580 222 .580 223 .580
220.620 22 1.62 0 222 .620 223.620 22 4 .620
220.660 221 .6 60 222.660 223.660 22 4 .660
450 M H z F M Channels 22 0.8 0 0 221. 800 2 22 .800 223 .800 2 24 .800
Th e 450 M Hz F M spectrum is included 2 20 .740 22 1.740 2 22.74 0 22 3.740 22"4.740
in th e ten megahertz from 440 to 450 22 0.7 8 0 221 .780 2 22 .780 223 .780 224 .780
M H z. Channels are established at 50 kH z 220.820 22 1.820 222 .820 223 .82 0 22 4 .820
increments t hro ughout . ~ epeaters are 220 .860 22 1.860 222 .860 223.860 224.860
separated by 5 M H z. The upper f re- 22 0 .90 0 22 1.900 222 .900 223.900 22 4.900
quency should be t h e repeater input ; 22 0 .940 221.940 222.940 22 3 .940 224 .940
t he lowe r, the outp ut. 220.980 22 1 .98 0 222 .980 223.98 0 224 .98 0

Standard amateur deviat ion: ± 15 kH z. 3 6F 3 emi ssion is recommended on all channels except those
channels marked "S " . S channel emi ssion is 16 F3 . Channels marked " R" are R ACES f requencies as
promutqated by the Off ice of Civil and D efense Mobi lizat ion.

100 73 M A GAZ IN E

Fantastic SPECIAL

2 Meter Receiver!

Regular Price $2 2 95~lone

SPECIFICATIONS, FM-210: Terr if ic - So l id-State
Tra nsceiver for 143-149 mHz FM .lndependent selec-
tion of th ree transmit/ rece ive positi ons. 146.94 mHz
crystals incl uded. Sensitive FET Receiver accepts up
to 15 kHz dev iation. Transmit dev iat ion adjustable 1
to 20kHz. Operate direct 12 VDC at 5 watts or f ixed /
mobi le w ith AC-210 you get 10 w att s.

Order Package XM002l

and you get the FM-2 1O,
AC-21O, Hy-Gain Mobile
Ante nna , Turne r 350-C
3. AC-2l 0 Mike and the Mike plug ...
Mobile a $314°9 Value

$233 99 !

Use your BankAmericard, Master Charge

e~lAt\\\c.."n. • .
o r Cash .. . Sorry, no terms on th is one.

~ !!.!.!.~!.~I!~~IO
The ffJf!j]
. Marketplace
.. .A detailed rundo wn on
all the current m odels of
2m FM transceivers.

""[j1M's fanta stic rise in pop ularity has

..[1 brought about a revo lution in t he ham
market, with manufacturers you ng and old
competing for a shar e of th e business. 73
co nsidered pub lishing d etailed prod uc t re-
views on all t he eq uip me nt available, b ut
new equipment cont inues to make th e
scene at a clip far too fur ious for reviews to
k eep pa ce. As an alternative, we d ecid ed to
pub lish " cap sul e re views," wh ere all t h e
2m FM transceivers could be listed to-
gether and des crib ed in o ne seq uence of Standard's ne w SR·C826M uses a beefed-up
receiver borrowed from th e company's type-
pages, thus allo wing ama te urs to com pare accepted line of marine un its. Among o ther
price, performance, features , an d a ppear- imp rovement s over the early Sta ndards : more rf
ance. amplification stages and increased selectivity.
To do this, 73 re quested evaluat io n
mod els o f all rigs currently being manufac- STANDARD
tured . Then , as the unit s came in , th ey Standard 's SR -C826 M is a 12-channe1
were sys te mat ically chec ked out and transceiver that ru ns lOW of rf ou t put
pho tographe d . Th e sp ecification s were powe r, ha s a rece iver sensitivity of 0 .4 J.lV
listed and co mp re h ensive descriptions pre- fo r 20 dB of quieting , and spo rts an
par ed . T he following paragraphs represent illuminated selec tor switch and S-R F me-
th e result s of the lengthy evalu ation effort. t er. The transceiver co mes from the sup-
Th e 2m FM u nit s picture d and described plier with 4 frequency positions installed :
herei n are : Clegg, Drake, Galaxy. Regen cy , 1 4 6. 94 dire ct , 146.3 4 / 1 46. 7 6 ,
Sim pson, St andard . Swan, Teleco mm , 146 .34 /146 .94 , and 14 6 .76 direct. The
Temp o , and Varitronics. The reviews also Standard unit co mes from the facto ry
incl ud e two portable un its - o ne by Vari - eq uip ped wit h mi crophone , mobil e mo un t-
tr onies, the other by Drake. ing bra cket , pow er cable and co rd.

10 2 73 M A G A ZI N E
The tran smitter frequenc y de via tion is q uieting, wh ich h as pro ved reali sti c. The
preadjusted to ± 7 kHz , a good figu re for selec tivity is ade q uat e for amateur mobile
most of the repeaters in the co un try; an an d ba se o peratio n , but yo u wo n't likely
internal adjust men t will vary the level fro m be abl e to use the trans ceiver as a fun c-
o to 10kHz. A fro nt pan el swit ch all ows ti oning r epeater.
selection of rf o utput power to conser ve The t ransmitter uses 18 MHz crystals;
drain when opera ting off an unc ha rged the receiver uses 45 MHz rocks. Con-
battery . The high-po wer po sition is lOW stru ct ion and lay out are exceptionally
out ; the lo w-po wer position dr ops th e clea n. A 5-pro ng r eceptacle on the rea r of
ou t pu t to slightly bel ow a watt . In th e the ch assis simplifies interconnection of
low-power pos ition, bat te ry drain is about tone accessories and allows dis criminator
a q uart er-amp d uring transmit. Under nor- freque ncy monitoring via a remote meter.
mal weat her conditions (-10 to +60°C), the A plug for this is provid ed with the unit.
fre quency drift of th e uni t is less than The u nit comes comp let e with mike ,
0.001 % - depending, of co urse, on the rna bile mounting brac ket , power co nne c-
qualit y of c rystals you use . The tor /cable , spare fuses, an d a mike h anger.
SR-C 826 M is re p ortedly a drastic im- Conne ct 12 V an d a go od antenna and
pro vem ent over the earlier model y ou' re on th e air wit h a goo d lOW of rf. A
(SR-C806 M) in terms of selec tivity. O ne b uil t-in protection circ u it sen ses high
of these unit s was func tioning at SAROC standing-wave ratios and will cut off the
as an in-band rep eat er. Sales price : tra nsmitt er when the valu e climbs too h igh,
$33 9 .9 5 . Standard Co m munication Corp., thu s saving ex pe nsive power tran sist ors.
Box 325, Wilmingt on CA 90744 . Ind ire ct illu mina ti on of the built-in S-RF
met er serves as "power" and "tran smit "
VARITRONICS in dicators: When the po wer is on, the
The In ou e IC-2F, distrib uted exclusively met er is lit with an ordinary low -drain
by Varit ronics, In c., ha s 6 't ransmit and 6 in cand escent lam p eon tran smit, a brill iant
re ceive cha nne ls that can be independently ru by lamp illu minates ,the me ter. Provided
selected wit h concentri c switches. Even wi t h c omp r eh en siv e m a int enan ce/
th ough the rig is pa ck ed with co mpact o peratio n man ual, I ye ar guarantee . Comes
circuitry, the unit is remarkably service - with crysta ls for 146.34 (146.94 and
able , o wing to the "s wingaway " con struc - 14 6 .94 simplex. Sales pr ice : $299. 95
ti on of the sub cha ssis elements. Th e re- Varitronics, I nc., 2321 E. University D r.,
ceiver is rated for 0.4 J.1V for 20 dB Phoenix AZ.

Henry Rad io 's Tempo F MV transceiver
is one of the more _compac t o f the im-
ported u nits . Housed in a stu rdy one-piece
metal case, th e unit com es wit h po wer
cab le, mi cro ph one, and one set of cry s-
tals - 14 6 .94 (tra nsmi t and re ceive) .
Th ere are 8 positions on the ch an nel
selec tor switch and suffici ent cry sta l soc-
kets for 8 transmit and 8 receive crystals.
Th e Varitron ics IC-2F has about the hi ghest Cross-wiring fo r accessing on e cryst al in
pack aging density of an y transc eiver on the several position s is a simp le process.
mark et, with more circuits per square inch of
volume and less dead-air sp ace ins ide the cabinet. The tran smi tter section is rated at lOW
Th e large panel me ter ligh ts up red dw-ing o ut put, though the 73 te st unit ac t ually
tran smit. Unpreceden ted sales volume has al- pumped out 15W int o a son antenna
lowed th e distri butor to drop the sales price (l3.8V input) . The receiver sen sitivity is
recently to $2 99.
rated at 1.0 J1V for 20 dB of quieting, but
APRIL 19 71 103
Th e re ceiver is rat ed at better than 0.6 J.1V
sen siti vity at 20 d B quieting . With a d ua l-
conversi on su pe rheterody ne circ ui t . th e
un it is ce rta in to give ad equate select ivity
for amate ur mobile or ba se stat io n use .

.... . ,-......, .

The Tem po FM-V import offers an un usu al bu y

in term s of performance-p er-doJIar-o f-inve stment.
At $ 225 , the un it will pro duce up to 15W of rt,
and offers sensitivity, selectivity, and noise im -
m unity comparable to the highest priced tran s-
Swan 's FM-2 X imp or t boasts a series of 12 's:
ceivers. Though the FM-V has no panel meter, it
12 W, 12 channels, and fac tory dev iation adjuste d
do es con tain an in terna l me ter socket that aJJows
to 12 k Hz. A large Wumina ted panel m e ter and a
mo nitoring of all stages, inclu din g d iscriminato r.
back-ligh ted freq uency selec tor m ake mo bile
73's test unit did mu ch better (0 .6 JlV) . operat ion an easy chor e even a t ni ght. The unit
operates either direct fro m the car batt ery or
The selec tivity is better than averag e. No ise from 115 V ac (for base station operation ). Power
immunity is defin itel y su perior. cor d s are sup plied fo r ac and d c operation.
The transceiver chassis co ntain s a met er-
ing soc ket for mo nit o ring all the tra ns- The unit sports an eas y-to-rea d, illumin -
mitter and receiver stages . A 0-50 J1A ate d panel met er for ind icating relative
met er can be used fo r monito ring these power d uring tra nsmit and relative signal
fu nction s (i ncl uding discriminator cu rr ent ) , strength during re ceive. With 28 transistor s,
or you can pu rchase a low- co st test set 12 diod es, and an int egra ted circuit , th e
from Henr y that is designed t o p lug in . FM·2X c ome~ co mplete wit h po wer cab le
With its 2 9 tra nsisto rs , 2 integrat ed (and co nnec to r ), op era ting ma nua l, and
circ uits, and ~ 5 d iod es, the unit is sur pris- standard Swa n gua ran tee. Sales price :
ingly co mpact; and wit h all its compact- $229 . Swan Electronics, 305 Airport Rd.,
ness, the unit is sur prisingly ac cessible fo r Oceanside CA 92054 .
service. It co mes with a com plet e instru c-
tion manual that de scribes tuneup and GALAXY
alignm ent pro cedure , pho tos of the tra ns-
ceiver, th eor y of o peratio n , parts list s, Hy-Gain 's Galaxy F M-2 10 transceiver is
sche mati cs, and a warr anty . Sales price of all-Am erican . Manu factur ed in th e U. S.
th e Tem po FMV : $24 9 .0 0 . Henry R adio , with U. S. par ts, the unit offers conserva-
In c., 11240 W. Oly m pi c Blvd. , L os Angeles tive d esign wit h plenty of ro om in sid e th e
CA 90 064. chassis fo r mo unt ing to ne un its or oth er
circu its . Wit h in depend entl y co ntro llable
SWA N transmit an d receive freq uenc ies , a great
Th e F M·2 X by Swan Electronics is a deal o f flex ibili ty is offere d in terms of
l Zccha nne l transceiver wit h a rat ed rf selec tion of o pe rating freq ue nc ies (9 pos-
ou t pu t po wer o f l 2W. Accor d ing to Swan , sible, with 3 crystal posi tions for t ran smit-
the u nit co mes factory -eq uip ped for crys - ter an d 3 fo r receive .) F ETs in the fron t
tals on 14 6.34 / 146.94 and 14 6.9 4 simplex . en d serve to enhance sensi tivity wit h a
73 has not ye t ha d the o ppo rtu nity to min imum of active de vices. Receiver is
ch eck out t his un it , but the specs are as rated at 1.0 /lV for 2 0 dB quietin g. The
foll ows: Harmo nics and spurious rad iat ion bas ic transmitter run s abou t 3 .0 W out, bu t
bett er t ha n -60 dB ; freq uen cy de viati on is th is ca n be dou bled with the o pti onal
fac tory adjuste d to ± 12 k Hz, but may be " po wer boost er" acce ssory . Crysta ls for
increased o r dec reased with int egra l pot. trans mit and receive on 14 6 .94 MHz are

104 73 MA GAZ I N E
. ~ f t

(A) FM RINGO 3.75 db GAIN : The most

popula r - hi gh perfo rm ance, hol f-w a ve FM
a nte nna. G ives pea k goi n, end efficie ncy,
iosto n' asse mb ly a nd insta llation.
AR·2 135-175 mh z $ 12.50
A'" 50-54 mhz 18 .50

(5) 4 POLE: A four dlpele a r ray w it h mount-

ing bo oms and coax h a rness 52 ohm feed
up to 9 db goil)o.

AFM -4D 146 -148 mhl $42 .50

(C) fM MOBILE 3 db GAIN : Fiberg toss %

wo ve pr ofessional mobile anten na for roof
or trun k mo unt. Supe rior st re ng th , power
handling and perf orma nce .
AM-147 $26.95

( D) 11 ELEMENT YAGIS 13 .2 db GAIN : The

standard of compariso n in VHF co mmu ni-
ca tions, now c ut for 2 meter FM and
ve rtica l polori zotion .
A147-11 146·148 mh z $17 .95
A449-11 440-45 0 mh z 13 .95
(D) POWER PACK 16 db GAIN : A 22 ele-
ment, hig h pe rforma nce, ver tico lly po larized
FM arra y, co mp le te wi th all h a rd wa re ,
mounting boom, har ne ss a nd 2 ante nnas.
146-148 mh z $4 9.50
eEl 4 ElEMENT YAG I 9 db GAI N : A sp ecia l
side mo unt 4 element FM yo gi ca n be fixed
o r rotated-good gain ond directi vity .
Al44-4 146-148 m hz $ 9.95
(F) FM TWiST 12. 4 db GAIN : A Cu sh Craft
e xclusiv e - it' s two an tenna s in o ne . Hori -
l ont al elements c ut a t 14 4 .5 mhz , vertica l
e le me nts cut at 147 mhz, two feed line s.
A147-20T 145 mhz a nd 147 mhz $39.5 0


,,'" f t
The FM-210 by Galaxy offers 9 channels (3 x 3) ,
easy access for service, and traditional U.S. The Telecomrn transmit board (left) is acce ssi ble
quality_ A power-booster accessory, available at from the top of the rig's mobile housing. As
extra cost, increases the value of the FM-21 0 by shown, the 12-channe1 board is easily removable.
upping its output to - 3SW. This unit has the The transmit board drives the rf po wer amplifier
distinction of being the "American Classic. " Like shown at the bottom of the photo at left. Note
the Ford automobile, Galaxy pioneered the also the integral hash filter. The receiver portion
American penetration into an all -import marker (right) is accessible from the underside of the
with this sensibly priced transceiver. chassis.

provide d. The audio output power is very ing, front mounted speaker, and indirectly
high quality and the level is sufficient for illuminate d S-RF meter and channel selec-
the noisiest of environments. The micro- tor. Rated at lOW output, 73's test unit
phone input is designed t o accept any actually pro duced 15W with l 3 .8 V d e
high-impedance audio input. T he trans- in pu t. The fron t panel 'sports a un ique
mitter deviation level can be adjusted to rnu ltipower swi tch, which ch ange s the
any point from 0 to 15 kHz. Plug -in ou tput power to 2.5W (medium-power
tran sistor s and easy -access circ uit boards position) or 10 mW (low-power posit ion ).
simplify servicing. Provided with operation The audio quality is pa rticularly clean .
ma nual, full guarantee. Sales price:
$229.50 . Hy-Gain Electronics Corp., Box The unit comes eq uippe d with two sets of
5407-GL, Lincoln NB 68505. crystals (1 46 .34 /14 6.94 and 146 .94 di-
rec t), and has provisions for acce pting
power amplifier, tone enco ders, re mot e
The Te lecomm im port is a l2-channel control circu it ry.
tra nsceiver with a rounded two-piece hous-
Th e receiver sec tion is ra ted for 0 .6 jJ..V
for 20 dB of qu ieting. Selec tiv ity an d n oise
im mu nit y seem to be on a par with other
im p orts - plen ty adequa te for ama teur
mo bile or base statio n operation. Trans-
mitter an d receiver oscillators are eq uipped
with trimmers for ru b bering crystals to
precise channel variations. To ease ser-
vicing, the t ransceiver circ uit boards are
modular; t he transmitter is accessible fro m
the undersi de , the re ceiver fro m th e top .
T he transmitter u ses 12 MHz crys tals
Telecomm; a California company, imports the (1 2X, ; the receiver, 45 MHz crystals. The
10W unit pictured here, but stocks the integral i-f lin eu p is the standar d 10. 7 MHz/455
modules as well. The module boards include the k Hz arrangement. Comes wit h sch em atics
receiver, transmitter, and rf power amplifier. The and simplified operating instru cti ons. Sales
Telecomm has 12 transmit and receive crystal
price: $289.95. Telecomm Electronics,
positions, a front-mounted speaker, and three
switch-controlled power output levels. Box 461, Cupertino CA 95014.

10 6 73 MA GA ZI NE
REG ENC Y HR -2 F M Tra n sceiver, 2 met er band
coverage 14 4 - 148 MHz. rece ive r crys t a l co nt rol -
led , sensit ivi ty .35 J.N , 20 d B q uiet ing, 6 chann el,
10 watt o utput , all sol id state, po wer su p ply
13.SVO C se lf-conta ined . size 5}SW X 2%H X
7%0 , w it h hig h Z ceram ic m icrophone, mo unt ing
bra cket and cry stal 146 .9 4 M H z. pr ice $229.00 .
C L EGG 22'er F M Tra n sce ivers . f u ll 2 me t er ba nd
co ve ra ge 143.4 t o 14 8. 3 MH z, re ceive r is t u nable
in 100 k H z increments a n d readable to 25 k Hz.
S e ns it ivity .15 Jl V for 2 0 dB qu ie t ing, sq u elc h
thr e sho ld le ss than .1 Jl V . Transm itter ra t ing
55-65 wa tts DC in p ut , 2 5 to 3 5 w a tts output.
All int e r n al c irc u its b ro a d banded for 4 % MHz
covera ge . F ina l amp lifi er b ro ad b anded f o r ± 5 0 0
k H z w itho u t retuning . S olid st a t e ci rc u it ry with
8 15 0 fina l am plifier , 9 c han n el t ransmi tter ,
1 15 V A C a nd 12.6VDC se lf -co n ta ine d pow e r sup-
p ly , s ize 12 %W X 5 %H X 1 1}sO , p r ice w it h PTT
m icro pho n e and c rystal 146.94 MHz, price
DR AKE M A RK ER FM Transceiver, 144 t o 148
MHz , 12 c ha nne l crysta l co nt ro lled, sens itiv it y 0 .5
J1V or less, 20 d B qu ieting , 12 ch anne ls, 10 watts
ou tput, size 7-7JfNIJ X 2o/..H X 10 %0 , po wer
supp ly 13 .5 VD C and 1 17 VAC. wi t h d ynam ic
m icr o p hon e, antenna, co rds, a nd 2 cha nne ls
146.9 4 MHz and 146.9 4/ 146 .34 simp lex , price
$329.9 5 .
T S -41 3 / U S ig n al Generat or , 7 5 k Hz t o 40 M H z i n TS -4 18 / U S ig n a l G ener a t o r , 4 0 0 to 1000 M Hz .
6 ba n ds, pre ci se c ali b ratio n f ro m 1 MH:oo: c rystal AM, CW, P M, power o ut p ~t l m w .... , $2 2 5. 0 0
o scillator , has % modulation met e r, CW o r A M,
400/ 1000cps, va ri ab le 0 - 5 0 % a nd R F le vel meter TS -17 5/U F requency Mete r, 8 5 to 1000 MHz.
o to 1.0V , idea l fo r amateur , m arine, ai rcraft, accu rac y 0.05%. aud io m odu lati on 10 00 c yc les
ho b bi st for IF a n d re c ei ve r a lign m ent t .. $89. 50 . .. .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . $45. 00
H.P. 525A P fuq -ln F requ ency Co n ve rt e r for TS -3 82 A ud io Osc illator. 20 to 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 c y cl es.
524 8 , C , D counters, USM ·26 , FR -3 8 and No rth - one o f t h e best . . $ 79. 50
ea st er n . Ca n b e a d ap t ed t o othe r m akes , range 10 H.P . 1000 F re quency S tandar d , pro v ide s 5 sinu -
M H z t o 100 MHz $69.50 so id a l stand a rd f req u enci es . t o c c s. 10 0 c ps . l k c ,
Bal lanti ne Mo d e l 3 00 AC Vo lt m e t e r, range 1 m V 10 ke , 100 ke , m a rk e r p ip s a re at 100 , 1000. a nd
t o 100 V in 5 ranges, j Oc c s t o 1 50 a c . idea l f or 10 .0 0 0 u se e . 2 " C RT .. . .... •..... .. $ 65.0 0
a udio w o r k $29.50 TS-4 03/ U S ig na l Generat o r , 1800- 4 0 00 MHz,
T S -5 9 2 / U P M -15 P u lse Gene rator. 5 0 to ± 1%, CW , F M, P M; PR R 40 to 40,000 p p s , pow er
10,OOOp p s. 115 V AC /60c y ..... _ . . . . . $ 39.0 0 o u t p u t 'l rnw , 0 to - 127 o BM . va r ia b le vo lt a ge
1-19 3 ATT Y Pola r Rela y T e st Set, u sed also to
t e st e x terna l t e leg ra p h ci rcuits $ 14.50
TS ·3 30/ T S M C ryst a l Im p ed a nc e Me t e r, f reg.,
: _.
~o~ut. ~ ~~ ~~~~O.~~ " " : ~~~~~t..j~$~~~~~
TS- l 1/AP Port able DC Milliameter . 0 - 1 p lus
ra ng e 1 -1 5 MH z , res ist a n c e ra n ge 0 t o 9 9 0 0~l 0 -2 5 d c m a range s. mo u n ted in nice w o o d e n case
capacitance range 12 t o 1 10 J.lJ.LF $65.00 ... . . . ... .... . . ... ... _ $ 2 2. 5 0
OS -5 7 / USM-38 Osc illo sco p e. DC to 6 M Hz. TS -17 0/ARN -5 G lid e slope Test Set ' . . $17 .50
3 WP l tu b e, a nice ge neral p u rpose osc illosco p e US M-l05 Osc illoscope . m ilitary ve rs io n o f H.P .
.•. . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ $85.00 16 0 B, w ith d ua l t race p tuq -tn , 2 0 mV/cm se n st -
TS - 14 7 Rada r Test set , 850 0 -960 0 M Hz $90. 0 0 t fvitv. Ch opp ed or a lter na t e sw itc h in g, . 1 u sec t o
S todda rt UR M-6 (N M-l 0 A) RFI Mete rs, 10 k H z 5 sec/em t ime base , b ea m f ind e r, P C t o 15 MHz .
to 2 5 0 k H z. t h e best _ .. $2 7 5 .00 a f ine lab scope $ 3 4 5 .0 0


MILITARY CV-591A/URR , USED WITH R-388, R -390, S P-60 0, G P R -9 0 . ETC . O R ANY
RECEIVER WITH 4 5 3 -458 k Hz I F ; 12 T UBES, 19" R A CK MOU NT, GR EY F INISH,
11 0 / 220VAC, 60 cycles. THi S WILL IMPROVE Y O UR R E CE IVER, PR ICE $125 .0 0



DRAKE tub e in th e tr an smitter before he a ctually
T h e Mark er L uxury by Dr ak e represent s had a cha nce to tryout th e radio.
a sensible co m pro mise in hybrid ization. Th e overall con stru ction of the Marker
Combinin g a tub e-type fi nal wit h sol id - Lu xur y is simi lar to that of o t her Dra ke
sta te osc illa tor, mu ltiplier , and dr iver stages un its: solid , sta ble, classy . T he d esign is
to give a n o ut put signa l that ex cee ds l OW lik e the specs - taste ful an d conse rva tive.
(With an input o f 13 .8 V de) , the trans- The spe a ke r is fro nt-m oun ted , a nd a met er
ceiver offe rs a to ta l of 12 channe ls, co m- is provide d for mon itor in g rf output d urin g
pac t cons tru ctio n, and excellent ove rall tr ansmission s or signal st ren gth d uring th e
performa nce. T he re ceiver sec tion is mor e re ceive mod e. Sales pr ice : S329 _95 . R . L.
selec tive tha n most , a nd can qu iet the noise Drak e Co., 5 40 R ichard St. , Miamisb urg
by an honest 20 dB with only a half- OH 45342.
micr ovolt in put. A part icularly in t eresting
feature of the Mark er Lu xury is the built -in
11 SV power supply . w hich means t ha t the
uni t ca n be opera ted in the ca r or as a base Regency' s HR -2 is a com pac t Ameri-
stat io n wit h no ad dit io nal a pplian ces. T he ca n-ma de economy mo de l that u ses a
unit co mes eq uip ped fro m th e fa ct ory t o Mo to rol a l OW tra ns istor in the final amp -
transm it a nd receive on three chan nels : lifier sta ge. The chan nel selec to r is a
14 6 .34 /1 4 6 .9 4 ,146 .34 /1 4 6 .76 , an d 14 6 .94 12-po sition switc h that allo ws 6 eac h tr ans-
sim ple x . lncl ud ed in t he pu rch ase price are mi t a nd receive cha nnels plu s 6 cross-wired
t he m ike , po wer cor ds and cab les, mob ile ch a nne l co m bi na tio ns. The e xtra-large
mounting bra ck et , coax , and a ~ wav e spea ke r is mo un ted fa cing upward in the
mobi le ante nn a . one-piece housi ng. Re moval of t he spe aker
F o r so me reason - prob ably kn ow n gives eas y acce ss to a ll circui ts.
on ly to Drake - th e Marke r Lux ur y is
ex tre mely co ns ervat ively rat ed . T he 7 3 test
unit per formed fa r in excess of the specifi-
cation s, a nd ea rne d t he Mar ker Luxury a
vot e of confi dence from the edit or, who
lame nted t h e in corp or ation of a vacuum

R egen cy 's HR -2 is o ne of th e fe w Amencen-made

2m FM transceivers. Tho ugh no t th e sma rtest -
loo king of t he units available, there's probably
not a unit anywhe re tha t is easier to serv ice.
Whe n th e ex tra-large speak er is m o ved aside , all
parts o f the H R -2 are easil y accessed. Th e
compact tran sceiver is charac teri z ed by d esign
econom y an d adequacy of performance.
Drake 's Marker L uxury is designed as a mobilel
base station. An integral supply allows connec- T he receiver sec tion is rated for 0 .35 IlV
tio n to 115 V prim ary po wer; th e supp ly is fo r 20 d B q uiet ing; 73's test u nit did no t
by passed when th e uni t is con n ected to a car
battery . Th e Drak e unit has a back-li ghted quit e meet th is spec - though it di d per-
chan nel in dica tor and an illu mina ted meter. form wit hin th e 0 .5 IlV figu re that is fairly
Crys tal positions are prQVided f or 12 each , ty pical of mo st ava ilab le transceivers. T he
transmit an d receive. Each crys tal h as an adjacent transm itter pu t out 12W with an input of
m icro tr immer. Though ra te d at 15W o utpu t,
13 .8V wh en th e cha nnel selec tor was o n
typical Marker L ux ur y un i ts appro ach the 20 W
mark. the 14 6 .94 positio n, an d the power drop-

108 73 M A G A Z I N E
QUICK D fU VfRV A ll order, are given imm ed iate attention .
Ord er, of 12 crystals or;ess " ,e on their way to you within
72 hou rs. Low f requency and special crysta ls require norma l ly
5 to 7 d ays '.

ECONOM ICAL PRlCfS . . _ Our qua nti ty pric es are mo re

than competitive. Please give us the opportun ity to prove
to you th at we can deliver q uali ty-guaranteed c rystals at
eco nomic al prices.


Circle IN FO/CARD Number 3 6

ped to l OW on th e 14 6 .34 pos itio n. T he cha nnels. Th e Series 25 rece iver d ial is cali-
unit co mes with high-impedance cera mi c brated in stan da rd-cha nn el increme n ts of
mike, po wer cable an d plug, and tran smit 60 k Hz, with mino r mar kers at the 30 kH z
and rec eive crystals for 14 6 .94 MHz. Th e cha n ne l poin ts . Repo rts fr o m user s o f th e
tra nsmitter crysta ls have frequ en cy-adj ust 22 'er gen era lly st ate that t he d ial accu racy
trimme rs, but the rece iver do es no t. A is extre mely close ; sile nt chan nels can b e
b uilt -in swr "mismat ch pro tection" circuit selec ted wit h precisio n , and no tuning is
prevents o pe ration with impro perly tu ned , required to make su re yo u' re really mo ni-
o pe n, or shorted an te nnas. The receiver toring th e r ight frequency .
i-f's are 10. 7 ~1 H z and 4 55 k Hz. Receive The tra nsm itter ru ns about 30 W output ,
crystals are 4 5 MHz typ es. T he transmitt er though this figure var ies from u nit to u nit.
stage uses 6 MHz cry sta ls. Comes with 51/2 Some repor ts have ind icat ed outputs o f up
x 8 % in. operati ng manual, 90 -day war- to 40 W. The receiver and mo st tran smitter
ran ty, ne cessary accessor ies . Sales price : stages are full y so lid -sta te ; t h e t ransmi tt er
$229. Regency Elec tron ics, l nc., 7900 Pen - final is a tu be . Design is clea n ; the kn ob s
dleto n Pike , Indianapolis IN 4 6226. have t hat "executive feel." Sales pri ce :
$384. ? 5. Clegg A ssociates, Inc., Littell R d.,
CLE GG East Hano ver NJ 0 7936.
T he Series 25 Clegg 2 2 FM' er is a radical CLEGG S YNTHESIS
depart ur e fro m the tradit ional, and th e O ne of the mo st importa nt d evel-
manufacturer gambl ed against h eavy b ets op me nt s in the FM era - ind eed , perh ap s
wit hin the FM fra te rn ity th at a tuna b le T HE mos t im por tant - is th e su ccessfu l
receiver wo ul dn ' t ma ke it. Clegg win s! man ufa ct ure and mark et ing by Clegg As-
Though the unit is designed primarily fo r socia te s of the FM 2 7 , a transceiver t ha t
base stat io n applicat io ns, with its buil t-in incor porate s a fully freq uency -synth esized
ac supply, circu itr y has been in corpo rat ed receiver secti on. To monitor a specific
to allow use in the mo b ile by d irect freq uen cy , t he o perator merely sets th e
co nnect ion to the 12V battery . two receiver controls t o the number s cor-
Per forman cewise, th e 22'cr FM is almost respon ding t o th e 14 6 MHz cha nnel. To
inco mparable . The receiver is rem arkab ly mo nitor .94 , t he op erator sets the first
sensitive (con sistentl y bet ter than 0.4 /l V co ntro l to 9, t he seco nd one to 4 . In the
for 20 d B of qui eti ng) , and surp risingly
phot o , the re ceiver is set to mon itor .7 6 .
selec tive, with an adjacent-chan nel level o f The b eauty 'of this app ro ac h is tha t any
- 80 dB . The tr an sm itt er is crystal-
o ne o f 10 0 possib le chan nels can b e mon i-
co ntrolled an d h as crys tal soc kets for 9
tore d with cry sta l accur acy - b ut without
the nee d for crys ta ls. And even suc h
off-breed noncha nn els as _8 0 and o ther
so me time s used no nsta nd ard frequen cies

The Clegg 22 'er uses vacu um tu bes in th e fina l to

pro d uce m ore po w er o utp ut than any o f the
available transistor rigs. Th e tunable receiver is
calibrated to m ark ex istin g FM channels. Th e Clegg's FM 27 has o ne fantas tic feature that top s
transm itt er se ctio n is crys tal -co n tro lled, an d r un s all o th ers : Th e recei ver is a syn th esis type,
app roxima tely 35W ou t. Th e rece iver sec tion is m eanin g th at th e opera tor can "d ial" any chann el
highly selecti ve and as sensit ive as they com e. Un it he wishes to m onitor by m erely setting up the
operates from 1 15 V ac o r 12V de . chan nel n um bers o n the two controls.

110 73 MA GAZI NE

101 -500D
5-15W IN:
30-55W DUTI $89.95
SIZE:3 x 4 x6"

1-3.5W IN,
1O-30W OUT!


" TEN-O "
8-1 0W IN,
100- 150W 0UTi!
(Allow 3-4 weeks delivery.) j •


Dynamic Communications, Inc.
948-A Ave nue E
Rivie ra Beach FL 3340 4
(305) 8 4 4-13 23 .
can b e mo n itor ed, as lo ng as the chan nels

are mult ip les of 10 kH z betw een 14 6 and
147 MH z.
The tra nsmitter portion of th e trans-
ceiver is th e IO-cha nn el versio n fro m th e
co mpa ny's 22'er mod el. T he tra nsmitter ji;
puts o ut about 30 - 3 5W o f rf, an d is said
to be excep tio na lly stable. T he design is I~ •
clea n, as it is wit h all Clegg un its. As can b e
seen in t he pho to, accent is on simp licity
and ease of o peratio n.
Tho ugh 73 has not had the o p po rt u nity
As can be seen in this view of th e S imp son , the
to evaluate one of these un its (t hey're just tuned circuits are a11 enclosed in shielded metal
out at this writing), t he manufacturer's housings; and the trimmers are all of the air-var-
specs look very promising . The sele ctivi t y iable variety. A very large speaker, mounted in an
of the receiver is rat ed at 80 dB of acousn cat chamber, is capa ble of coupling several
watts of audio into the air. Active devices of the
adjace nt -cha nnel atte nuat ion. Th e sensi- Model A include several integrated circuits.
tivity figure is rat ed at 0 .2 5 /lV fo r 20 dB
of quieting. suc h a man ner th at virtually ever y stage
SIMPS ON of bo th the t ra nsmitter and the receiver
Simpson's Mod el A F M tr an sceiver sect ions are easily accessible for repa ir
ste ps into amateur ra dio fro m th e nearb y sho uld t he nee d arise.
VHF F M mari ne band , where it has T wo cha n ne l-selector switc he s ad orn
been - and still is - serving boat owners the fro nt panel of t he Simp son Mod el
and yac h ts men. The Model A's ru gged A - o nc fo r the recei ver, the o t h er fo r
constru ct ion is pro bab ly attributable to the transmitter. With fo ur cha nn els trans-
th is he ritage; the rig is bui lt lik e a mit an d fo ur channels receive, the total
battleship , and from first ap pearanc es o ne nu mber of t ran smit /r eceive combinat ions
might gu ess t ha t nothing co u ld da mage it. are 16 .
Alt ho ugh a smidgen larger than mo st The Mo del A co mes with crystals fo r
of th e o t her solid-sta te 2m FM un its, th e op erat io n on .9 4 (dir ec t ) and .34 / .94.
Mod el A's pow er o utput is slightly less Ot her factory equ ipme nt includ es power
than average - abou t 7 .5W at 13 .2V d c cable and co n nec t or , p ush-t o-t alk mic ro -
input. This rig's big plus is "its service- pho ne , fuse , mik e hanger , mo unt ing hard-
ability ; the circ uit boards are laid out in ware, and an o peratio n/ main tena nce hand-
book .
The unit houses an ext ra-large speaker
hou sed in a clever acoust ical chamber th at
supplies very lo ud and crysta l clear au d io
u nd er adverse co nd iti o ns o f a no isy en-
viro nm ent. Receiver sensitivity is ab ou t
0 .5 uv for 20 dB of qu iet ing, and th e
selecti vity is - 60 d B at 36 kH z . Sales
pri ce : $2 45. Simpson Electronics, Inc..
2295 N IY /4t" S tree t Miami FL 33125.

T he S im pson Model A transc eive r is o ne of th e HANDlE-TALKIES & PORTABLES

few that have received FCC type-acce pta nce for
opera tion on the adjacent marin e ba n d. Th is D RA K E rs .zz
dur able FM unit has removable top and bo tt om Th e TR-2 2 is a very com pac t tran sceiver
cover plates that give easy acc ess to internal
cir cuitry . S ufficien t volume exists insi d e the th at can o nly be classe d as a " por ta ble."
housing to mount tone units or o th er add-on With th e general sha pe of a convent iona l
circuits. mobile tr an sceiver an d the size of l lh

112 73 M A GA Z IN E
Whe n i t c omes to great used mobile communication s equipment . w e wro te
" the book " . Send for a free c o py of " the book" (o ur new ca talog).
Here are only a few of our LOW PRICES :

MOTOROLA T43G SERIES. Rec eiv er W. B. 30 watts. 10"$98 00
Housing. 6/ 12 vo lts piu s accessories . . . checked oul .. •

MOTOROLA. T51G SERIES . Wide Band Recei ver . 60 $ 9 8 00
watts . 6/12 volts, p lu s access ories c hecked out •
MOTOROLA. FMTR 140D. Wide Band 6 or 12 vo lts. $48 00
60 watts . Dynamo tor P .5 . Complete accessories __ •

GENERAL ELEC TRIC. Model EG48S Accents c ream
g~~f~k"(j ;,;f.e..~~~~ .:.:.: .1~..~att~.~it~..~C.c.e.~s.~ri~~. : $108.00
GENERA L ELECTR IC. MT42 Tr ansistori zed Powe r
~~;:'~I;;'I'" aC~~~~~i~; : .:clean.. · .: H·H .Che.C.~e.~ .~~t.: ~: $13 8.00
GENERAL ELECTRIC. MAE42. Vibrat or power supply $98 00
15 watts plus accesson es c hecked out •

Not e : We have expa nded ou r wa reho use to double its ca pac ity. We
can now stock a larger and more varied li ne of equipment. Should
yo u be in our area (15 minutes fr om N.Y.C.) yo u are co rdially invi ted
in to browse. We now have the wareh ouse space to carry 15,000
pi eces of used FM Mobile Communication Units.

For Your Co nv en ience SCHEMATIC DIGESTS. (po ~t P ;U Clj

Vol. I Pre-Progress Line ("49 - '55) 25-50 MHz 72-76 MHz
Vol. 2 Pre-Progress Line ("49 - '55)
150-170.405-425 MHz . 450-570 MHz . . each vol ume 54.50
revised edition 10 /960 .
late-mo d el hand-held u nits , the little rig
ru ns a watt and a hal f o f rf o ut into its o wn
int egral telesco ping whip anten na. Th e rig
is set u p to do tri ple d ut y - as a ha nd h eld
unit, a ba se stat io n, and a mo bil e.
For ha nd o pera t ion , th e unit sit s in it s
lea ther carr y ing cas e wit h sho ulder strap s.
The slim "pencil" micro pho n e co n nect s t o
the transceiver thr ough a curly cor d, and
the te lesco pin g whip ext end s fro m the face
of th e u nit . An int ernal pack of " penlite "
rechargeable Nicad s sup plies 12 V to po we r
the rig. The case is eas ily removeabl e
(witho ut tool s), bu t pro vides a splashproo f
housing fo r t he tr an sceiver an d its speaker.
As a mob ile , t he unit can b e co nn ec te d
under th e da sh. A stan dard UHF co n nec tor
is provid ed o n th e rear pan el of the ch assis
along with a co nnect or for acce pting bat- --'
As a por tabl e un it , the TR -22 o pera tes from its
te ry voltag e. A mating co nnect or and o wn self- con tained batteries. A carry ing case an d
power cab le are furn ishe d with the TR-22. shou ld er strap are provided wi th the un it, as is
As a ba se statio n, th e u nit becomes the pe ncil m icrophone wi th it s curl cord . Po wer
ope rable by co nnec t ing a l 15V pow er cord output is between 1. 1 an d 1.5W , depen din g on
betw een th e unit and household powe r. condition of batteries.
(The prop er ca ble, resemblin g a TV " ch eat -
er" cor d co mes with the tr ansceiver. A
uniqu e accessory is available that includes
an rf out pu t ... a mp lifier and a receiver
pream plifier (AA -22 , $149.95, 25W).
Op erationally , t he TR-22 has 6-chann el
capability , an d cross-wir ing is easy. Th e
receiver che cks out at 0 .5 J1V for 20 dB
qu ieting. Selectivity is fair : noi se immunit y
is average . For ' quali ty o f ove rall package,
and constructi on/lay out , the TR -22 rates
an A+. $ 199. 95 . R. L Drake Co ., 540
R ichard St ., Miamisb urg 0 1145342.

The T R -22 is a bou t ha lf the size of the smallest

m o bile un its, and includes virtually all th e perfo r-
mance featu res o f the big rigs while re tain ing that
elusive in gredie nt called portabilit y. T h e un it has
6 chann els, indepen den t squ elch and volume
con trol s, and a pan el m eter to ind icate the As a m obile unit, th e TR -22 fits easily un der the
cap eci ry - of the int egral ba tt eri es. Th e un it is dash 0 1 even the most compact car. It con nects
po wered from an internal batt ery pack , ext ernal dir ectly to th e car battery and an extern al
au to batt ery, or 11S V ac. In add itio n to the ant enn a . Th e spea k er is splash-proof, an d th e un it
fron t-m o un te d telescopic whip, the unit has a can be re m oved fr om the case wit h o ut tools; t wo
con ven tion al UHF connect or o n the rear to unique pu sh clips hold th e unit in its one-piece
facilitate opera tion as a mobile or base station. housing.

11 4 73 M AGAZ INE
The HT-2 hand-held 2 meter transceiver
is the only "handie-ta lkie" cur re ntly be ing
marketed specifica lly for the amateur mar-
ke t. Ama teurs interested in small packages
and big perfor mance should not overloo k
this sleeper. This un it was tes ted more
thoro ughly by 73 staff t han any other FM
transce iver, because it seemed to be too
goo d to be tr ue. The t ransmitt er pokes out
2W, and the signal is goo d , clean, and The top of the HT-2 contains on-off and volume
stab le. Early units ha d bassy aud io , but control, squelch control, a BNC antenna con-
nector (which also rna tes to the antenna supplied
rece nt mo de ls sou nd almost hi-fi. Deviatio n with the transceiver), and a battery-level indi-
level on the transmitter is fac to ry adjusted cator.
to about 10 kH z, and can be easily set to
any requirement by po t adjustment.
The selectivity of the receiver is ad e-
quat e, not h ing more. But the sens itivi ty is
unbelievab le - 0 .4 /lV or better for 20 d B
of qu iet ing. It's something yo u'll ha ve to ("
measure for yourse lf to fully a ppr eciat e.
The pac kage is definitely not Motorola
quality even though the performance is.
And even t he plain packaging can be
appreciated if you have to work on th e
uni t. Th e whole t hing comes apart to reveal
well laid-ou t , easily serviceab le stages, eac h
well shielded from th e other by metal

The stages of the HT-2 are isolated from one
anoth er by thin shielded partitions. The "guts"
can be removed easily from the transceiver
housing for service in the unlikely event that such
action might be necessary.

The un it comes with carry ing case,

leather strap , earphone, nickel-cadmiu m
batteries, an d a charger. A top-mounted
meter te lls th e state of charge of the
batte ry at all times the unit is turned on .
The an tenna (also supplied) mates with a
Varitronics' HT-2 is a 2-channel, 2W hand-held BNe connector on top of the unit itself.
transceiver that . comes with nicad batteries, car- Sales price: $249.95. Varitro nics, 111c.
rying case, battery charger , and crystals for 2321 H. University Dr., Phoenix AZ.
.34/ .94 and . 94 direct , Sensitivity of the rec eiver
section is 0.4 /lV for 20 dB of quieting. ...Staff-

A PRI L 1971 11 5

T o th e serio us experi menter, o ne of the

THE mos t useful elec tro n ic compone nts is

un d oubtedly the or di na ry met er , and in an
effo rt to ob tain more precise measur e-
men ts, an in cr easing num be r of hams are
turning to the mode ra te ly priced surplus

METER and imp ort ed u nit s now appearing o n the

market. As any experi me n ter knows, how -
ever, with su ch a wide varie ty of typ es and
sty les availab le, it is virtua lly assure d th at
no matter wh at the in tend ed a pplica tio n ,

the available un it will always have the
wrong ra nge. To use suc h a me te r, then , it
is usua lly necessary to co n st ruct a shunt or
a m ult iplier ; and this, in tum , requires a

Meter resistances .vo-- ----,

may not always ( AOJUST FOR FULL
be as they DO

seem. . . 5\JPPL,Y
ra s'r - SC.Al.E DEF L ECTION)

Fig. 1. Standard circ uit [or m easuring me ter

resista nce.

116 73 MA GAZ INE

Circuit board of the m eter evaluator. The twisted
pairs go to : shun t switch and RX binding posts,
METER binding posts, battery and current
switch, and R 3. (Photo by Dale J. Ritter.)

kn ow ledge of th e met er 's inte rnal resis-

tance. Since thi s paramete r is rar ely sp eci-
fied o n the met er itself, it furth er beco mes
necessary that the experimenter be ab le to
measure it as accurately as po ssib le. In this
respect, it is sad to say , conven tio na l
techniques leave a grea t deal to be desired .
It o ften co mes as a su rpri se, particu larly
to those wh o wind th eir own shu nts and Measuring Met er Resistance
wh o trust their met ers , to learn th at by (T he Old Wa y)
using one conven tio nal tec h niq ue, it is Th e sta ndard metho d of mea suri ng in-
ent ire ly possib le for readings to be off b y ternal res ista nce, covered in virtua lly every
as mu ch as 50 % or mor e! Obviou sly , th e text on d e measur em ent , is the familia r
accuracy of th e me thod by wh ich internal tw o-resistor technique of Fig . I . The cir-
resist ance is measure d must be carefu lly cuit is discu ssed in the Radio Amateur 's
con sidered , since the usefuln ess of th e Handb ook and th e ex plana t ion given of
meter depen ds upon it. The purp ose of this ho w it works is fairly typ ical: Th e meter to
article is to exa mine the err or inc urre d by be measu red is con nec ted in series wit h a
th e sta ndard technique for measuring me- stable dc voltage and a var iabl e resistor,
ter resist an ce, and to suggest a method adju st ed to produce full-scale deflection. A
wh ich will ove rcome its lim itation s. second resistor is then shunted across the


X ...,
(C) I
'2 1..,="2 1...
~R (B) 1,1' = 1.., -
, .. ' "
- V----<l.... X - - - - '

F ig. 2. Th e two-resis to r technique. (A ) R SH disconnected and RS adj us ted for full-scale deflect ion .
(B ) Wha t suppo sed l y happens w h en R SH is reconne ct ed . (C) Wh at actua lly happens ! N o t e that IM and
ISH are not equ al if IFS changes.

APRI L 197 1 11 7
ne et ed in parallel, re me m ber) it is o bvious
that t h eir resist ances shou ld be eq ua l. Th is
sit ua tio n is illu st rated in ske tc h B of FIg . 2 .
Js this w hat ac t ua lly hap pens , h ow ever?
No . it's no t ; le t's look at the CirCUIt again :
The to ta l current flow , we said, wa s IFS '
and that was ce rta in ly true before we
con ne cte d RSH.But h ow d o we k now t hat
it is true afte rw ard? T he an swer is, we
d on 't - an d th at's pr ecisely th e ca tc h : the
ad dit ion of RSJI in fa ct changes th e tot al
cu rre nt because It changes the total circu it
resista nc e. The shun t curre nt still repr e-
se nts the differ ence betw een the met er
cu rren t (still Y2IFS ) and t he total cur re n t,
bu t If the total curre nt no longer remains
equal t o IFS a nd cha nges to some new
value, say Ip S" th en th e shun t current will
be given by
IS H IFS ' - 7;IFS
which is n ot necessarily equal t o YUp S·
From vie w of m eter evaluator. (photo by Dale J. (sk etch C). In other words , wh en R SH is
Ritter.) conne cted and adjusted to produ ce a ha lf-
sca le d efl e cti on , the curre n ts 1M a nd IS H
meter and adjust ed to pro duce a defle cti o n are not necessar ily eq ua ls, so that the
of half scale . At this po in t, it is claime d , meter and shu nt resist ances are not ne ces-
t he me te r re sistance is exactly eq ual to th e sarily the sam e~
shu nt resist ance, so th a t by disconne cting
and meas urin g th e sh un t resista n ce one can What Now, Boss?,-
det ermine the resista nce of th e meter. A fte r having un cover ed th e basic cause
Unfor t unat ely , th a t' s no t alwa ys th e wa y it of err or in the tw o-resist or measuremen t
works out. T he meth od is very wid ely te ch nique, our proble m is how to get rid o f
used; it's che ap , simp le, fast , a nd uses it. T he in accuracy , as we have see n, is
rea dily availa b le j unkbox pa rts. But it ca n basically du e to the fac t th at th e total
also le ad to consid erable error ; to see w hy, circuit curren t - t he su m o f th e meter a nd
let 's ex amin e t he opera tion of the cir cuit a shunt curre n ts - cha nges with the add iti on
little mo re closely . the sh unt. See n from this pe rs pecti ve, a
T he problem ma y be put in pers pective solu tio n is obvious : sim ply feed b oth met er
by co nsidering th e circ uit as re dra wn in an d sh unt fro m a constant-c urre nt source ,
Fig. 2. In A , wit h R SJI disconne cte d and as shown in Fig. 3. This situa tion, in fa ct , is
RS aga in adjusted fo r full-scale d efl ect ion , precisely what one obtains by greatl y
a to ta l cu rren t IFS flow s through the increasing t he value o f R S ' as suggeste d
meter, an d adjusted to pro d uce half-scale
d efle ction (sket ch B) , th e to tal curre nt
divides between th e two branch es. If th e
tota l cu rr ent is IFS , t hen

r-- ----------- ,
'I VARlA8L.E: I,
,L SOtntCE J
N. R..

and th er efore th e cu rre nts arc eq ual. Since

the volt ages ac ro ss the mete r a nd shun t Fig. 3. A co nstenr-ccrrenr source is use d to
resistances ar e also eq ual ( they're co n- m easure meter resistanc e.

118 73 MAGA ZI NE
earlier. On e problem wit h tha t approa ch ,
already po in ted o ut , is t hat it 's d ifficult to
kn ow j ust how mu ch to in crease it without
kn owin g the meter resistance itse lf. A
seco nd pro blem is that in ord er to maintain
a constant cu rre nt, any increa se in RS
necessitates a co rr espo nding increa se in th e
supp ly voltage. A variable high-volt age sup-
ply designed to dea l with th ese difficulties
is certainly no t imp ossible to bui ld , bu t it
is really a rather cu mbe rsome way to
handle the matter in view o f the fact that a
much mo re elegant solution is available. In terior vie w of meter evaluator. (Photo by Dale
J . R itter.)

. . .Finally !
Sinc e all we ne ed to measur e int ernal 2 N3390 or 2 N339 1 was selected as having
resistan ce with accu racy is a simple " black t he highes t bet a of any sma ll-signal tra nsis-
box" co nstan t-curre nt so urce , the co ntents to r known to this author (4 00 and 250 ,
of the "box" is immaterial, and any old minimum, resp ectively ), and th eir pric es
circ uit will d o. One simple bu t effec tive (904 and 6 1¢) are not u nreaso nab le eit he r.
approach is the circuit of Fig. 4 , a modi fi- To furth er insu re the st ability of the ba se
cat io n of the o ne-tra nsisto r source com - volt age, R I shou ld be chosen so that the
mo nly used in linear lCs. curren t through D1 and D2 is large eno ugh
Diodes D I and D2 in the circuit ac t as to swamp ou t any fluctuations in ba se
voltage regulat o rs, their in trinsic stan doff curren t. If t he bias curre n t is sma ll, th e
potential being used to supply a st abl e co llector and emitte r curren ts will be ap -
voltage to the base of transisto r Q I. Q l 's proxima tely eq ual, an d if Dl , D2, and Q1
be ta should be as high as possi ble so that are all silicon units, bo th wiH be given by
fluct uatio ns in base cu rre n t, du e to varia-
tc '" I",. '" -.65-
tio ns in collec tor lo ad resistance, do no t
significan tly affect th e ba se voltage. A GE
whe re R E , the emitt er resistance , is th e
sum of resistors R2 and R3. In my own
pro totyp e , R E is .adj ustable fro m 39 ,Q to
100 kn , wh ich produ ces a current range of
ab o ut SIl A to 13 rnA - sufficient to mea-
1 ~ -~ETER sure most de meter movemen ts. The sma ll
parts are mou nted on a I Y.1 x 3{4 in.
5 .61(
I /2W L1"~~ rectan gle of Vector bo ard, and the entire

uni t is housed in a 4~ x 2 Y4 x I Y2 in.
alu minum minibox ( Bud CU 30l 6A). The
(j? 0' arr ang ement is co nve nient and co mpac t ,

9V = ., ANY
2N3:!$O ~

but ot he rwise th e wiring is no t critical.
To USe th e meter evaluato r, con nect t he
- met er an d shun t to the ap p ropriat e bin din g
1/ 2W

03 pos ts, th en turn o n the curren t and tu rn

r 10 0 1(

o ff the shu nt switc h. Ro ta te CU R RENT
ADJ until th e met er reads full -scale . Fli p
th e sh unt switch to SHUNT and adjust the
shun t resist or until th e mete r reads ha lf-
Fig, 4. The m eter evalua tor, a pract ical an d scale. T he shun t resistan ce is the n really
accura te circ ui t for m easur ing in terna l m e ter eq ual to the meter resista nce, and may be
resis tan ce. disconnected for mea sur em ent.
...Maro vich-
APR I L 19 7 1
11 9
Professionally Engineered Antenna Systems I
Sing le transmi ssion line " TRI-BAND®A RRAY" I
By the only test that means anythi ng .. . we ight and exceptiona l strength
on t he ai r com parison . . . this array con- to weight rat io
tin ues to outpe rfo rm all compet ition ... Stainless steel electrical ha rd wa re
and has for t wo decades . Here 's why With a Tel rex Tr i- band Ar ray yo u get 49
· . . Te lrex uses a unique t rap design
lbs. of edu ca ted alumin um eng inee red
employ ing 20 HiQ 7500V ce ra m ic co n- and built to provi de many, ma ny yea rs
denser s per ante n na. Telrex uses 3 opti- of performa nce unm atch ed around th e
mum -spaced . opti mum-tune d ref lector s worl d by any ot her make. Longest ele-
to prov id e maximum gain and t rue FIB ment 36 tt. Turn ing radiu s 20 ft. Shi pping
T ri- band pe rform ance. weig ht 65 Ibs. Shi pp ing co ntain er 13 in.
ONLY TELREX GIVES YOU ALL x 5 in. x 13 ft.
THESE FEATURES ..• Note : 11 not available f rom your dealer.
• Po wer rating 4 KW PEP ... order di rect . You '! get fast , person al
ra in or shine ser vic e.
• Wind rati ng sur vi val 110 MP H Telrex Labs are design eng i neers, in no-
• Paten ted broad -ba nd coaxial B alun vato rs an d manuf act urers of the world's
Heavy-d uty st ee l gusset mo unt ing finest 314 to 160 meter co mmu nication
plate syst ems and acc esso ries pr iced fro m
A lum inu m boom 2 in ., 2V2 in. 0 .0 . $2 5 to $2 5,000.
x 18 ft.
• Lar ge d iameter, .058 wall ta pe r- For techn ica l da ta and prices on co m-
swaged du ral elements for mi nimu m plete Telr ex li ne, w rit e for Cata log PL 71.


Other ,.. ~"
Multi-Band ~ ,_
Array s Availabl e ~
' ~~ .:=:.
. .~,,
'~:. :'!'1"-
~JI,oif' -....,
Elements shortened ---
to show detai ls.


15 M 3 ~ 7 - " M ona rch", 10 oB o , 3 EI., 4 KWP, 2- 1/2" 0. 0 , 1 T b oom $ 17 5. 0 0
20M326 - " M onarc h" , 10 OB O, 3 El. , 8 KWP, 3-1/2" 0. 0 , 26' boom $355.00
2M609 • " M o narch" , 14 DB O, 6 EI. , 6 KWP, 1" 0.0, 9' bo om $ 39 .95
2M8 14 • "Mona rch", 16 DBo , 8 E I., .8 KW P, 1.375 " 0. 0, 14 ' boo m $ 59 .00
6M516 • " M ona rch " , 13 OB O, 5 E I., .8 K WP, 1.5" 0. 0 , 16' b oom $ 63 .95
and -.---- many, many more! send for PL-71 Dept. C

---telreX TL~~~~~~~~:~icatiOns An te nnas Sinc e 1921

As b ury Par k, New Jer sey 07712 201-775-7252
Mark Pecen WA9 TFY!9
14 4 4 Lawrence Crescent
Flo ssm oor IL 604 22

a s ilTlple varactor lTlodulator for going FM

I n the past few years, FM has becom e is an RC circuit in which. by the re-
th e big t hing in amat eur radio. It offers actance of a low-value capacitor , the high
de pendab le, no ise-free communication t o ,.
tho usand s of hams aro und the country. If
you have an old AM-ty pe VHF trans-
mitter, you can join righ t in with the re st
of the guys who have discovered FM to o ,
for on ly a few dollars. A simp le ad d-on
pha se mod ulat or can be used wit h any
ty pe of tran smitter regardless of crysta l or --1h--)f-+-1;+h~T---'----'
$U.IG. COIl.
vfo co ntrol, because it varies the fre- TO OUTO'\JT
qu ency indi rectl y by varyi ng the pha se of
~ . 6 1(

'-----------'~---<y~~ ::::
a tuned circuit. '0 pF

The phase modul ator has been around frequency au dio is emphasized as compen-
for years in co m mercial FM equipment in sat ion for une qu al audi o amplifi cation
th e for m of a t ube-ty pe cir cuit t hat is still characte ristics . producing a better no ise
used to day in some of the larger fix ed rejecti on patt ern. 'As the reacta nce of th e
commer cial stat io ns. A newer ty pe of capa citor decr eases with frequency , more
circuit shown here utilizes the varactor, a of the higher frequency aud io is passed
semicondu ctor device that can vary it s through. In an PM receiver , ho wever , ~
capac itance by var ying a bias voltage. This deem pha sis unit deem pha sizes t he high
device is very pra ctical for use as a ph ase aud io tones back to their o riginal fo rm.
mod ulat or circ uit beca use of it s sma ll size
and low powe r req uir emen t s. T he pha se A lower value of th e .0 1 aud io cou -
modulat or is installed in the transmitter pling capacitor pro d uces mo re pre-
circuit betweeen the os cillator and th e emphasis, and more capacita nce produces
subseq uent stage. less. If you can 't dig up a 100 kD.
Aft er the pha se mod ulator circuit is resistor , any high resista nce will do .
installed , tun e coil LI to resona nce at .WA9T F Y/9 -
oscillator 's operating freq uency by tuning rriT,~~~~~:=;;:;;:;;::;;~~~iiiiiiiii~.iiiiiiii.
for maximum out put. Th en , tune th e bias fVARACTORS and VVC'S
or Amateu r Rad io Serv ic e in
adju stme nt for best distortion cha rac- Vo ltage Contro lled O sc ill a t o rs ,
A F C, re m ote t u n ing , va ri a b le
teristics. fi lters. . .t r y t he N EW WAY to
It is also helpfu l to install a tr-ansmitter T UNEwr. it e fo r data s heets
pree rnphasis circ uit, alt ho ugh it is no t EA STRO N CO RP.
act ually neede d. A preemphasis net work 2 5 Locu st St. • H'v, rh ill MA 01832

A PR I L 1971 121
Th e Bearcat has a provision for screw-
ing in a collapsible vert ical antenna if you
are using it for porta ble monitoring o r are
in a stro ng signal area . You can plug in
yo ur stat io n a ntenna for adde d sensit ivity .
It run s fro m eit her 12V d c or 115V ac , so
you can use it at ho me or in your c a~.
There is a sma ll slide switc h un de r eac h
of the eight cha nnel light s enabling yo u to
have t he scanner o mit any of the cha nnels
that you do n' t want to check. Th is is
han dy when , say, .94 is t ied up with so me

A s th e nu mb er of repeaters gro ws, the

acti ve F M amateur finds that he
wishes to liste n to more than o ne channel
long-winded chaps and yo u d o n't want to
just sit and listen to th em by th e hour. You
flip of f .94 an d th e scanner chec ks all the
at a ti me . The init ial piling u p of repeaters ot her channels exce pt .94 .
on 146 .34/ .94 has been giving way to a Th e scanning mecha nism may be tu rn ed
sprea ding o ut to ot her less active F M off and th e receiver will the n monitor any
channels. single chan nel you desire.
Th e obvio us answer to the prob lem of Someday, in the dista nt future , so me
listening to mo re than o ne chan nel at o nce tra nsceivers will probably incl ude a scanner
is a scann ing receiver. Th is is a lot simpler like the Bearcat. Itmay even auto ma tically
than bu ying or buil d ing a wh ole set of swit ch the tr an smitter to th e appro priate
receivers, each t un ed to a repeat er chan nel. channel for the repeat er being received . In
A scanner has an electr o nic swit ch t hat lets the meantime , there is the Elect ra Bearcat
it tu ne to a ser ies of channels, o ne after the at just unde r ~ 140 , and it sure helps to
other. As so on as it comes to one with a make FM a lot more fu n.
carrier on it the scanning sto ps and the Th e Bearcat was or iginally designed as a
receiver sq uelch o pens u p. VHF receiver for scanning fire , po lice , and
In th e area where 73 Magazi ne is ot her services using F M. The receiver easily
locat ed t here are nine great rep eaters. tun es to 2 met ers, so it was a natural fo r
Imagine, if you can , trying to swit ch from scanning 2m FM repeaters.
on e to th e other of all these. Three of th e Th e receiver is a lot mo re elabo ra te
repeate rs have 94 o ut puts , so all we need than you migh t suppo se. It is built o n a
are seven scan ning channels to hear all nine printe d circuit board and is apread out well
repeat ers. Th e Electra Bearcat scan ner has eno ugh to permi t easy servicing. There are
eight channels so we set it up to check th e 23 tra nsist ors and six integra ted circ uit s.
nine repeaters plus a .34 channel for Individual tra nsistors are used for each of
co pying lo cal calls on the repeater inpu t the eight crystal oscillators. ICs do th e
channel. scan /swit ching.
No w, when ever an yo ne com es on any Now 73 staff memb ers take th e Bearcat
repeat er, we hear what is going o n and ca n along o n tri ps, per mitting th e FM band s to
see th e light on the scan ner indicating what be scanned for activity wherever they go .
channel is busy . Once you try t his system Much of the activi ty wo uld certainly be
yo u qu ickly decide t hat thi s is th e o nly missed wit hout th is scann er.
way to fly . . . .Staff-

122 73 MAG AZ I NE
All IHf IIMf'

9" wid e x 4" hig h

Patent No . 3531 ,724

on the Eo 0 rt.....a.... BE AR ~ AT

Scanning Monito r Recei ve r

Continuously scans from 1 to 8 FM channels you select.
You can hear the local repeaters
Aswell as
F IR E ' B U SIN E SS ' U T IL I TY · MAR I N E ' E TC .

The Bearc at take s you w here the act ion is ! Ju st turn it o n and it sea rc hes
for the fi rst active c h ann el. . stop s fo r any tran sm issi on ... then res ume s
searc h. Red lights fl ash as c ha nne ls are sca nn ed ... stead y l ight indic ates
ac tive ch annel. Swit c he s le t you se lec t ch annels o f g reatest interest. T ran -
sisto rized ci rc ui try wi th plug-i n c rystals . Fron t-moun ted spea ker make s it
ideal for tabl e. de sk . bedside, car or b oa t. U.S . made. Full one- y ea r wa r-
ranty . Get the orig inal. Get the Bearc at.
AM A i r c raf t Band M o d el Al so Avai labl e

FRO M $139.95 PLU S C RYSTAL S @ $ 5 .00 EACH



our lo cal 2m FM club - the T oro nt o FM
Co mm unications Asso ciat ion . More th an
300 of th ese uni ts have been bu ilt in the
past tw o years, so the circuit has been
exc ep tiona lly well test ed in th e field.
The unit co nsists of a single 2N5 130
NPN transistor oscillato r co nfiguratio n.
Other tr ansistors, such as the 2 N706, can
be used in thi s circuit with slightl y differ-
ent bia sing arra ngements; ho wever, th e
Howard s. Wh ite V E 3GFW 2N5 130 appea red to give th e cleanest
20-906 CarJuk e Crescent
Willow dale, Ontario, Canada out put signal.
Out put level can be var ied fro m less

F or man y years t he Measureme nts Cor-

porat ion Mod el 80 signalgenerato r has
been t he indust ry sta nda rd for tunin g rigs.
tha n 80 nV (the best we could mea sure)
to 50 m Y. It is co ntro lled by a I k rl pot
in th e tran sisto r co llecto r circuit. Power is
Many ha ms have want ed to have a labo- obtained fro m a 1.5 V penlight cell by-
rat or y-grad e signal so urce of this ty pe bu t passed fo r rf by a 0 .1 pF capacit or.
the S800 price tag is prohibitive. This ar- My pr esent " O.S" signal sou rce has
ticle describ es a signal source t hat has been used int erm ittently for mo re tha n a
many of t he same feat ur es as th e 80 ex- year wit hout a ny degradation of o utput .
cep t t hat it o nly cos ts 1% as much . Tha t's However, reme mb er to shut the unit off
wh y J call rhts th e Model 0 .8. wh en yo u're finished with it ; the batt ery
You wond er at so me of the feat ures of doesn't last for ever .
the mar velous little d evice ? T o briefly list
th em, it has: The un it is built on a PC boa rd . Th e
• Variable ou t put from ab out 80 nV parts layo ut is almost exactl y th e same as
to 50 mV of rf power. that of the schematic shown in F ig. 1.
• Frequency rang e from 1.8 to 45 0 Th e electronic co mponent s are placed on
MHz so you can cover 160 through the co pp er side of th e board . Th e on-off
34 mete rs. swit ch-level co ntro l, freq ue ncy adjust-
• Crysta l-control fre quency stab ility . ment , o utp ut jack , and crystal so cket ar e
• Fairly clean out put signal. on the other side (Fig . 2 ). Th e unit can
• A SIn anten na load . be packag ed in a min ibox .
• Safety feature to preven t the dest ru c- Almost any crystal in the 1.8-1 2 MHz
tio n of the device in case a tr ans- will osci llate in this unit. The ou tp ut is
mitt er is acciden ta lly loade d into it. rich in har mon ics to 450 MHz , 'so yo u
T he Circuit can tu ne up any receiver fro m 160 to '%
Th e circuit is the co mbined bra in child met ers.
of man y ha m enginee rs an d t ech nicians in T he out put impedance o f the signal
source is 51 n, a value which simulate s a
perfect ante nna load to th e receiver. This
is th e manner in which this is acc om-
plished: A S i n, ~w resistor is co nnected
across the ter minals of an RCA ph ono
jack . No phy sical co nnec tio n is made to
the circui t exc ept through the co mmo n
gro und of th e PC board. The maximum
ou tput level dep ends o n th e lead lengths
of the resisto r. (Th e un it has plenty of
o ut put when th e lengths are about ~ in.
F ig. 1. Schem atic diagram of the "Point E;ight" lo ng.) This d esign has an added safety
Signal Source, th e "po or m an's Model 80. " feature , too ; if by accident you load a
124 1 3 MAGA Z I NE
monitor is yours
now for only
$298.00. Caught in
l EVEL FREQ the economic
CON TROL squeeze? Then build
yourself by using the
following kits.
Fig. 2 . Minibox layout of the signal source $9.95
KIT 1 P.C. Boards o nly 12 req .Iea.
KIT 2 P.C. Boards (Bo th) & all parts
(un wired ) $80.00
transmitt er into the unit , all that is
KIT 3 P.C. Boards Wired & tested $125.00
destro y ed is th e ~W resistor. Power Supply Kit - No chassis $54.95
Op erati on and Uses
A U kits tube t ype wi th instructions. I
These units were originally d esigned t o CRTs, Power Supplies, and ca bine ts no t in cluded.
tune up 2m FM receive rs . Th e pro ced ur e
is quite simp le. Yo u co nnect t he signal E.K.Y.VIDEO VISIONCO.
source to the an te nna input on your Box 15. Stockholm N J 07460
receiver. Plug in a tra nsmit crystal. and
adj ust the fre que ncy co ntr ol for a zero
read ing o n the d iscri minator . Adju st th e Buildthis pipelike
out put level to the des ired signal str engt h
(below fir st limit er sat ura tio n) and tu ne Schober Recital Organ
up th e r eceiver .
Th er e are a myriad of o ther uses for
the signal source. Using a 3.5 MHz crys-
for only
tal, yo u have a band edge mar ker. With * $18501
the tr an smit crys tals o n a Twoer or any "Includes
fin ished wal nut
ot her tran smit ter yo u have in st ant fre- console. (Only
qu en cy spo tting witho ut modi fyi ng the $1446 if YOU build
your own consore.)
circ uit of th e tran smitter. Of course, the Amplifier, speaker
syst em, opti onal
signal source can be used to t une u p an y accessori es extra.
receiver, peak tuned circuits , be an rf You couldn't t ouch an organ lik e this in a store fo r
less t han $4,OOO-a nd t here never has been an elec-
source fo r an ante nna noise bridge, and so t ronic instru ment wit h t his vast variety of genuine
on . pipe-or gan voices t hat you can add t o and change
any time you li ke! If you've dreamed of t he sound
of a large pipe organ in your own home. if you're
Ho w to Get Yo urs looki ng for an organ f or your church, you'll be more
thr illed and happy with a Schober Recital Organ t han
you could possibly imagine- kit or no kit.
There ar e t wo ways to get the 0 .8 You can learn t o play it - and a full -size, full-facil-
signa l so urce . T he first is to mak e yo ur ity instrument is easier t o learn on t han any cut -down
" home" model. And you can build it , fro m Schober
ow n . If you have a well stocked j u nkb o x, Kits, world famous for ease of assembly wit hout t he
sli ght est knowledge of elect ronics or music, fo r de-
I suggest yo u d o this. T he seco nd met hod sign and part s quali t y from the ground up, and-
above all- for t he highest praise fr om musicians
is to ta ke advan tag e of o ur club 's assem- everywhere.
bled , te sted , and guaranteed signa l Send r ight now fo r th e run-corer Schober. catalog,
containine specificatio ns of all fi ve SChober Or~an
sources. By virt ue o f free labo r, volume models. beginning at $499.50. No charge, no obllg a·
t ion. If y ou like music, you owe yourself a Schober
purchasing, and fr ee parts d onations fro m Organ!
ham" who are big wh eels in their r espe c-
tive co mpanies, we are ab le to produce
----_ _ - .....••.•----
the units fo r $8 postpaid anywhere. The The ~~organ Corp., DepL 0-9
43 West 6 1s t Str e et, New Yo rk, N.Y. 10023
u nits are availab le from the Toronto F M o Pl ease send me Sc hobe r O rgan Cat alog and
Communicatio ns Associ atio n, Box 42 7, f ree 7-i nch " sample" reco rd .
Willowdale, Ontari o , Canada. o reco
Enclosed plea se fin d $1.00 f o r 12-inch L. P.
rd o f Schober Organ music.
.... _ -_ _--_ Z IP _~

ou ch to ne has b ecome very po pu lar It is possible to make a pad work wit h
T lat ely for a variety of signa ling ap pli-
cat ions. FM repeater users , fo r example,
o nly t wo leads , plus and min us. T he
schematic of Fig. I show s o ne suc h
have fou nd this t o be a par ticul arly useful connect io n sche me th at I have success-
means for controlling a variet y o f rep eat er fully used on an Automatic Electric pad .
func tio ns as well as for dialing thro ugh an It is my und ersta nd ing that the West ern
aut o pat ch . Electri c and Au to matic Electric pad s are
T he basic sending u nit s, or pads , as id entical in their ext ernal co nnecti o ns .
th ey ar e co mmo nly called , and decod ers When co n nect ed as show n, th e pad will
are available no t o nly t hro ugh su rpl us work wit h as little as 3V applied . The
cha nnels, but can be purchased new at lead s shown are the only o nes o f impor-
prices whi ch are rea sonabl e fo r mo st tan ce, and if yo ur pad has o ther lead s
ham s' po ck et books. One source of new which are not shown o n the schema tic,
pad s is Automatic Electric Co. of North- t hey can be ignored . One exc eptio n
brook, Illino is. Their To uchto ne pads are would be if you have a vio let lead and a
availab le in single lots for appro ximate ly gre en-white lead on an l I-l ead pad ; these
$2 5. T ou cht one signaling is also used fo r are co nne ct ed to an internal set of no r-
many com pu ter a nd d at a tr ansmissio n mally op en co ntacts wh ich close wh ene ver
a pplicati ons, an d alread y some equipment any b utt on is d epr essed . These lead s can
fro m th ese fields is becomi ng availab le be used to key a push-to-talk , battery , or
thr oug h the su rplus chan ne ls. othe r lin e. With the hoo ku p o f Fig. I , the
On ce yo u get a Touch to ne pad, how- Tou chtone pad can b e plugged d ire ctly
ever, either ne w or surplus, the next into a carb on mik e input circuit , and it
pro blem is ho w to ho ok it u p. The wiII work witho ut any ot he r pow er re-
majorit y o f pad s availa ble have be en quir em ent , since the micro p ho ne cu rre nt
d esigned for teleph one use , and have an sourc e will usually be suf ficient to po wer
overab undanc e of lead wires. Depending the pad . With a d ynamic mik e or crysta l
on the typ e yo u get , ther e may be 7 t o mike input , however, an external power
I I lead s comi ng out of it. Th e nu mb er of sour ce, load resistor, and bl o cking capaci-
lead s, incid entall y , has no re latio n to the tor mu st be used , as show n in Fig. 2.
nu mbe r of bu tt ons o n the pad . Some of How ab o ut test ing one o f these pad s,
these leads are used in a teleph o ne set to no w that you have it wor king? Well, if
short ou t o r attenuate signals to and from yo u happen to live in an area wh ere th e
the hand set th rough a set of switc h pho ne co mpa ny offe rs To uchtone service
contacts o n the pad . Also , since the (even if yo u do n't have this service
ind uct io n co il in the telepho ne set is yo urself), th en yo ur lo cal phon e co mpany
sometimes used as part o f t he co nnectio n , pro bably has a d evice available that you
there ar e even more lead s t o co ntend can use. Fir st, ho ok the lead s o n the pad
with. toge the r per Fig. 1. Th en d ial up th e

APR I L 1971 126

Fig. 1. T wo -w ire conversion.
10 RN-Bl K m~[[]
J ' IK BLACK 0[Q]~
_ _ -.J

Fig. 2. Connections [or use GROUP
with no n-powered m ike in-
puts. 51 ma y be int ernal
switch thro ugh violetlgrn-wh t OUTPUT T E
lead s if pro vide d. Otherwise 9V -LEAD
5 1 is external SPST po wer o-- -+--=-. II I'=-'---.:=~ PAD
swit ch .

rin gback number for your ph o ne. In the entire test , so-don't be misled by t h e
many part s of t he country , this number is fact tha t it do es not go away after y ou
98 1- or 982- " plus the last fo ur digi ts of depress the first di git butt on. Also, d on 't
your own ph on e nu mber. For example ; be disappoint ed by t he fac t tha t you
yo ur ph one n u mbe r is 23 4 -5678 - th e can' t use th e To ucht o ne pa d o n yo ur
ringb ack wo u ld be eit her 981 -5678 or ph on e to d ial ; you can 't unless t he ce ntral
9 82-5678 . You will get eithe r a busy o ffice eq uipment has a Touchtone d e-
signal (in which case try the ot her prefix) coder for your line. Be sure to d isco nn ect
or a secon d d ial to ne . If you get th e th e pa d from across the lin e befo re yo u
seco nd dial tone you have b een su ccessfu l hang th e ph one up as the lin e vol tage will
in re aching the Touchtone tester. Being rise to 4 8 V with th e pho ne o n the hook
sure to ob serve the prop er po larit y, co n- and co u ld d amag e th e pad .
nec t th e pad directl y ac ross the phone This ring back nu mb er is also used b y
line (red and green wire s) and depress 1 telephone installers to make a pho ne ring
through 0 in seq uence. If the frequen cy ba ck. If you sho uld depress the h ook-
and level o f th e to nes re ac hing the central switch momentarily or d ial a I , a second
office are within t he acceptable limits, dial ton e will change to a 100 0 Hz t on e,
you will b e reward ed with two sho rt and an other dial ed I or hookswitch d e-
bursts of ton e. If they ar e incorr ect, or pre ssion will cause the phone to ring
you missed anyo ne of the buttons, after wh en it is hung up . In case the 981 - or
15 seco nds yo u will hear o ne short t o ne 9 82- pr efixe s d o not work in your area , a
burst. With a tw elve-button pad , the test call t o re pa ir service or a talk wi th an
sequen ce is st ill th e same . The # and * amiabl e teleph one in sta ller co uld probably
cha rac ter buttons ma y be depressed, but get yo u the info rma tio n req uired in order
they will not affec t the outcome of the to access the ringbac k an d test n umb er.
test. T he di al tone will re ma in o n during . ..WlIR H

127 73 MAGA ZI N E
T here are ma ny receivers now o n th e
market and a great many used re-
ceivers that can have th eir performance
improved significa ntly b y th e addit ion o f a
preselector . Su ch receivers are the ones to
wh ich a begi nner is attract ed by co nside ra -
t ion of pri ce.
These receivers usually sha re su ch char-
acteristics as lack of stability , lack of
selec tiv ity, an d lack of abil ity to reject
images. (Sometimes this last-nam ed char-
acteris tic is linked to a high inhe rent noise
St ability usually is a rna tt er of ba sic
elec trical and me chanical design and is n ot
oft en amenable to corrective measures.
Selectivity som etimes can be enhanced by
the additi on of a Q-multiplier o r a crystal
rec eiver. By using solid-state active com-
ponents, a pr eselector can b e con stru cted
as a singl e, self-cont ained u nit. Such a un it
can be added t o a receiver wi tho u t mod-
ify ing or in any way lessening the resale
value o f the receiver , an important consid -
eration for on e who intends t o upgrade h is
~tation equipment by swapping or trading PRESELEelOR
ID. ASOLlD- STATE Wh at IS desired of a prese lec tor? Here
are 10 points I believe to be per tinen t :
Carl c. Dr um eller W5 JJ
l. Selectivity for reje ction - of imag es (not
5824 N W 58 s i
Warr A cres, OK 73122 n e ce s s ar il y fo r rej e ct in g a d j a c e n t -
channe l signa ls).
2. No gain. Even a sma ll loss would b e
acc eptable. Too much gain could d e-
grad e th e cross mo du lation o f the
in termo du lation charac te ris tics of th e
receiver .
3. No inc rease in cross modu lation , inter-
modulatio n, or no ise.
4. No in st abili ty.
5. High t oleran ce of impeda nce mat ch ,
both for the in put and the output
6. On e con tro l; single t un ed circuit.
7. Simp le con struct ion .
8 . Low co nst ruct io n cost.
9 . Parts readil y available.
10. Capable of opera tion fro m a self-co n-
tained pow er sup ply.
With these requirements in mind , I b uil t
a pre select or. I wish I cou ld say I d esign ed
it and th en put it together and h ad it work
pe rf ec tly the fir st time p ow er was applied .

128 73 MA GA Z IN E
But the fac t is, I learned several new things 32 turns pe r inch - also , it jus t happ ens t o
and u nlearn ed severa l things I'd prev io usly be the right size to make a firm pressfi t
considered to be fac tual ! But isn 't that the int o the t op of one of those pill cont ainers,
essen ce o f ama te ur radio? a very convenient way of mounting the coil
The un it was needed for use over the upright. Five turn s u p from the bottom, I
who le high fre que ncy spec t rum; that's why cu t the wire an d left a one-tur n gap before
tap ped coils ar e used in bo th the antenna the st art point of, the secondary po rtion .
and the tun ed circuits (Fig . 1) . High inpu t The primary is tapp ed two tur ns ftom t he
imped an ce (for best selectivity ) and free- cold end (t he end nearest the seco ndary );
dom fro m cross mod ulation and in te rmod- this tap is used for t he two highest tu ning
ulation indicat ed th e use o f a field -effect ran ges. The secondary is ta pped (fro m the
tran sist or ; using a jun cti on FET as a so urce co ld end) at 4 , 8, 15 , and 23 turn s; it has a
follow er fu rther en hanced th ese d esirable tot al o f 37 turns. Do n' t ta ke these figur es
cha rac teristics. Isolation from reactive ef- as sacrosanc t; stray values o f indu cta nce
fect s required the use of a low-gain, ultra- and capaci ta nce can affect th em mar kedly .
sta ble stage co upling th e sou rce follow er t o Th e band switc h is a tw o-pole , five-
the ou tput. position rotary switc h, mounted for shor t
As mine was an ex perimen tal u nit , I leads to the co il and to the variab le
used perf-board an d moun ted all com- cap acitor. No te that two of the primary
po nent s on that. You may elect t o put it switc h poin ts are left unused . No thing is
into a cab ine t and mou nt the t uning served by alte ring the pri mary turns in
capaci tor and ba nd swit ch on th e pan el, a small steps.
much neat er way o f doing b usiness.
You can wind yo ur own coi l qu it e The tu ning capaci to r is a two-bearing
easily , using o ne of the popula r plastic pill job, quite sturd y. It measur ed IOOpF full y
box es for a fo rm. I used a piece of Air Dux m e s h e d, a n d mi nim um c a p ac ita n ce is
8 32 T coil stock. It 's 1 in. di amet er and has 10 - 12 p F.

A PR I L 1971 129
No thing is unusual about the MPF-I0 2
j un ction FET. There ' s a I kn d eco upling
resistor in t he dra in circ uit to encourage rf
to use the 0 .00 I IlF capaci to r as a pat h to
ground . Coupling from the source to th e
SPECI ALS NPN bipola r tr an sist or is through a 0 .00 I
f~Ok~~' f~~~~:~~;!)~~~~1.~r~K"~:!I:?~H:;ald:1U1 $ ~:;g "' for 5.00 J1F ca pacitor.
1000 KH r f'''Quf' n. ), sta nd " , d ( HC 6 / lJ) 0\ SO
All )· eM " ,)'01 .. 1. l n s . or . .. C. 2 '50 You may be astonish ed at the low
("~ .... pt sy nt h un try>t" I. ) .
A7:>:~~;ll"O.lbGod,.,~rl~~~i l in FT.24 J h o lden 1.50 4 f o r 5.00 valu es of the base-t o-ground resistor and
)10 m ,t.. , ... ~-.U l. in f· T·2 4 3 h o ld .... 2. 50 th e co llec tor load resist or . Th ese wer e
selected t o keep gain low and stab ility
We ha ve in stock ove r six million crystals
which inc lu de types C R I A/ A R, FT243 , high. Th e gain ca n be con tro lled (at the
FT241 , MC7 , HC6/ U, HC I 3/U , et c. expe nse of stab ility) b y the 15-kn vari abl e
Sen d IO¢ fo r our 19 70 catalog wit h resistor in series wit h the 4.7·kn re sistor
oscillato r circ uits , listing thousands of fre- used fo r applying pos it ive bias to the ba se.
q uenc ies in st oc k for immediate delivery. It 's best o nce set an d th en forg otten . In th e
( Add 104 per crys ta l to above pri ces for
shipme n t I st class ma il ; 154 each fo r air emitte r circuit, the re' s a bypassed lOOn
ma iL) curre nt-stab iliz ing resis tor, some thing I like
OROER OIRECT to pu t int o the emitter circuit of every
wi t h check o r mo ney o rd er to bipolar tra nsist or used .
S p ec ia l Ouan t ity Pr ic es R f ou tp u t is tak en off t he co llec tor
t o J o b b ers and De a le rs
t hro ugh a 0 .00 I pF blo ck ing ca pac itor to
24(108 er,..t<l l Dr•• Ft . My.n, FIe. 13" ' a shor t pie ce of 50n coax.
You ' ll no te there' s no switching arran ge-
ment for disconnecting t he preselector. I
use R CA-ty pe phono plu gs on my rec eiver ,
Radio Amateurs
so it was conven ient to use a like sys tem on
Referen ce library
the pre selector. It can b e deta ched in a
of Maps and Atlas
mom ent , . .and there's no feedt hro ugh
A word abou t th at bipolar resistor.
W ORLD PRE FI X MAP - Full co lo r . 40 x 28 " . sh ow s N
You'll not fin d "t he 2N222 4 listed in many
pre f i xes o n ea ch c ou ntry . _ D X zo ne s . t im e zon es. supply houses, yet it shows up on surplu s
citi es . cro ss refere n ced t ab les post pa id $1.25
printed-circuit boar ds. That 's where I got
WORL D - f rom t he ce nt er o f the Un it ed St at es! Full mine . It 's good, alt hough sever al other
co lor, 30 " x 2 5" , li st in g Gr eat Circle b eari ng s in de -
g rees fo r six m ajo r U .S. ci ti es; Bosto n , Wash in gton , NPN rf tran sistors wor ked qui te well, to o.
D.C., M ia mi, Sea ttl e, Sa n Fr an c is co & Lo s A ngeles. So do n ' t get concerne d about getting any
. p ostpaid $1.25
particular typ e of transisto r. If yo u can't
co lo r, 30 " x 25" - i nclu des Cen t ra l Amer ica a n d the get an MPF·I02 easily , the Motorola HEP-
Ca r i bbean to the eq ua to r, s ho w i ng c all areas. zone
bounda ries , pref ix es and t ime zo n es , FCC f r equen cy 8 02 is an even swa p. •
chart, pl us i n fo rma t ive info rma t ion o n each of the 50 Th e pre s el e ctor per for ms amazingly
United Sta tes and o t h er Countrie s . .. postpa id $1.25
WORLD ATLAS _ Onl y a tlas com pi led f or radio ama - well. The tuning is sha rp, so muc h so that a
te u r s . Packed with wor jd-wlde i n fo r m a t io n - i ncludes slow-mo tion dia l might b e a good invest-
11 maps , in 4 co lors WIth zon e bounda ri es a n d c c u n-
try prefi xes o n eac h ma p . Al so in cludes a po la r pro- ment. . It's quit e asto nishing to note ju st
[ ec non m ap o f th e w orld pl u s a map o f the Antarcti ca
- a compl et e set o f m aps of the w orld. 20 pages.
howrnu ch of the "crud" that you thought
s i ze 8 %. ~ x 12 " _ post pa id $2.00 was inhe re nt to a band d isappears when the

Complete r ef er ence li brary of maps - se t of 4 as list ed preselector delet es image s. I suspect, also,
above . _.. •.•.• . ...... • .•. .••. . ... postpaid$3 50
See y o ur favorite d eal er or o r de r direct. • that sq me of the diminished noise is

k att ribu ta ble to a re du ct ion in cross modula-

: •I



ca DO IN C.
925 Sherwood Drive
\#l!Ifl. Dept. B Lake Bluff. III. 60044
tion and int ermodulation. Anyway, the
effect is deligh tful. You'll be glad y o u built
it ! W5JJ-

Ro y E. Go uld WSPAG
4748 DeBeers Drive
El Paso TX 79924

The Transistor

ransistors are now availa ble at reason- with U.S. statio ns, mostl y on the east coast
T able prices that can han dle a fair
amou nt of po wer, even at frequen cies
and in the midwe st wit h th is rig. The
ante nna used was a two-elemen t 10/1 5
bey ond the 10 meter band . The 2 N2 6 3 1 is meter q uad , up abo ut 15 ft.
one o f th ese and it was used as the final
amp lifier in the rig describ ed in th is art icle. Th e Circu it
In put power to the fin al is abo u t 12W on
CW and wh en dri ven as a linear fo r SSB, an The rig co nsists of three stages: input ,
inpu t powe r o f abou t 8W PEP is po ssible dri ver , an d final. The circ uit is show n in
with lo w distortion. Fig. 1.
While 12W is no t h igh power, it is mo re Th e input stage opera tes eith er as a
th an the average tr ansist o rized rig is capa- thi rd-o vert o ne crystal oscilla to r for CW or
ble o f running an d is enough power to do a as a linear amplifier for SSB. Th e circ u it
goo d jo b whe n th e 10 m b an d is o pen. I was taken fr om RCA, who d esigne d it t o
have worke d fo ur tee n Japanese stations on be the o scilla tor of a CB rig. The tr ans isto r
CW while running 12W inp u t an d two is in tended fo r CB use and th e osc illa tor
Japanese, o ne Germ an , and o ne Ita lian works well o n 10 meters,
stat io n while ru nn ing 8W PEP inpu t on When used as. an oscilla to r, a thi rd-
SSB. Also , I have had many solid QSOs overto ne crystal is plugged int o th e cry st al

10" H

4 ,11<

8 2 pF 47

0.0 1 1'13 4

L, _"""" '.., N. , '"' 0 1
" d . . ." . .. . .. .' "

t ..,. , • • "" ... , ... ,..

L. _.:_;;';';:.:'..~ ::~::::..
L3 - ~ ,~ ~.,':~~£~~::. ,:':: :.,_

... ' _ , .... m . .. . ' .

no '.,
Fig. 1. Transm itt er sche matic.

AP RIL 19 7 1 13 1
.., ..
In trod u cing the feedback reduces t he gain
, of the stage slightly bu t is necessary to
obt ain usabl e linearity.
I '. The final uses an induc tor in pu t pi
':: n~:, w
6) net wor k as its tank circ u it. This tank

;,: 8 w

circ uit can mat ch resist ive loads of
3D-200n to the transistor . It uses a
toroida l in ductor an d link cou plin g, and
operates similarly to th e convent ion al
Front view of the rig . capacito r-inp ut pi network, allowing a
variety of loads to be matc h ed. -
socket. Th e emitte r circuit is keyed for CW The meter rea ds eithe r relat ive rf voltage
operation. For use as a lin ear amplifier, the output or fina l curre nt. The rf voltage
SSB signal is simply plugged in to the output indication is used primar ily when
crystal soc ket . No changes are req u ired in tu ning th e rig. If the final current me te r is
th e circuit itse lf. Less than 2 0 mW PEP is to be used to measure in pu t p ower , it mu st
required to drive the inp u t stage. be calibrated using another meter in the
The driver stage uses a 2N 4427 tran sis- collec tor circuit be tween the power inp ut
t or, a high-gain VH F unit capable of 1W ter min al and the rf ch oke.
CW output at 250 MHz. This stage opera tes As sh own in Fig. 2 , th e po wer sup ply
class C for CW amplif ication. T he emitter uses two 24V filament transformers with
resisto r and its bypass capacitor produce th e seco nda ries co n nec te d in series. Th e
the reverse b ias needed fo r class C opera- secondary voltage is recti fied by four
tio n. dio des in a brid ge. The voltage is regu lated
Whe n use d as a linear amplifier fo r SSB, by the tr ansistor , wh ose refer enc e voltage
forward bias is applied to the stage b y is fixe d by th e zeners. Th e outp u t is
switching the in pu t bias resistor to the 12V filte re d by the 2000 MF capacitor.
supply. This allows the amplifier to op erate The po wer supp ly works well an d th e
class AB and makes th e sta ge lin ear. It also regul ation is goo d. The n o-load output
red uces th e gain o f the st age sligh tly, b ut is voltage is 4 7V and the out put at 1A is
necessary to ob tain goo d linear ity. 4 3 .5V. The ripple at this current is 1.4%.
T he dr iver uses an inducto r in put pi
network as its tank circuit. This netw ork
tun es the output from the driver an d
matches the impe da nces between the driver
II it' 1/ 2 A

and the final. It also provides a means of

4.7 K
adjusting the drive to the fin al. '" II2 W

Both th e oscillator and driver o perate " + 200 0

fro m a 12V power supply. This volta ge is '""

ob taine d by using a resist or an d a 12 V
zener. Fig. 2. Power supply schematic.
The final is b iased fo r class C CW use by
th e volta ge developed across the emitter
The cons truction o f th e power su pply is
resis to r and its bypass capacitor. Th e fina l
not crit ical. The main proble m is get ting
cur ren t is measured by read ing th e voltage
the secondaries in series so that t heir
acros s the emitter resistor.
volt ages ad d . If the voltage from the two
When the final stage is use d as a linear ,
secon daries is n earl y zero, rever se th e
t he emitter bypass capacitor is discon-
con ne ctio ns t o one win ding.
nected, allowing the emitter resis tor to
in tro duce curren t feedb ack in to the stage. Const ruction
Without this feed bac k th e stage is quite Th e rig, ex cept fo r the po wer supply ,
nonlinear ; h owever, wit h the feedb ack, it is was b uilt on a 5% x 9 in. perf-bo ard . An
linear up to a power in pu t of ab out 8W. alu minum base ( l )s in. high ) was mad e

132 73 MA GAZI NE
from sheet aluminum and the perf-board
bol ted to it. A fro nt pan el was mad e and
GREENE w ate r with or
fastened o n with screw s. An alu minu m tight center without
partition was used abo ve and below th e INSULATOR BALUN
perf-board , between the final circuit and
the rest of th e circ uit ry for a shield. Some Uncondi-
Patent ticnattv
of the variable capacitors were mounted on 0219 106 Guaranteed
th e shield. GREENE cent er insulator with BALUN . $15.00
A wire was placed along and con nec te d GREENE cent er in sulator NO balun $10.00
to th e alu minum shield and used as th e DRAGON FLY construction d raw ing $5.00
Flier F ree ppd U.S.A .
com mo n ground bu s. A single ground
connectio n to this bus was used from each GREENE INSULATOR
Box 423 Wakefield , R.I. 02880
of the three sections of th e rig. This was
done t o minimize ground loops.
The driver and final transistors were
moun ted on heatsink s made from sheet A 2M PREAMPLIFIER
aluminum. The driver heatsink is 2'!4 in . 12 vdc powered.
square with a ~ in-.wide mounting fla nge 27 db gain (approximately)
on the bottom. The fin al heatsink is 2 Jh x 3 noise fi gure 2.5
in. and also ha s a Jh in. mounting flang e on will take Regency HR-2
the bottom. The transistors were mounted or Motorola to 0.1 /lV sensitivity
by passing th eir leads through three small without appreciable noise.
hol es in the heat sink . A piece of alu min um Metal case. ONLY $17.95 ppd
(1 x 1Jh in.) and two screws were used to
hold the transistor against th e heatsink. CRAWFORD ELECTRON ICS
Heat sink co mpound (silicon e grease) was 302 West Main, Genoa I L 60135
used t o obtain goo d thermal conduc tivity .
No electrical insulation is needed WAWASEE ELECTRONICS CO.
" T he B lack Cat ' L i n ear Amp lifi er"
bet ween the heatsink and th e transistor PO BO X 3 6 2 19 - 4 5 7 - 3 0 39 S yrac use , In d . 465 6 7
becau se th e heat sink is bolted to th e
perf-b oard , which provid es electrical insula- S IN GE R MET ERICS : S P A· l 2 tu n ing h ead s, 54·4000 MHz
co nt m u o us. m a nual, like ne w . Olig. cos t $5 000 .. $ 395.0 0
ti on. A three-ter minal strip was mounted SIN·M·EiERics~ .8P;":3 . Ra~ ~ . 0:"':1'5' ' MH ~~b~o~ i:;cs
re solutI on. li ke n ew , orig. cost $ 42 0 0 . m a nu a l in c. $350 .3'0
on th e heat sink and the tr ansistor lead s R fmo u nt
connec ted t o it t o provide conve nient tie COUNTER TI MER ;
SYSTRON DONNER: Mod e l 1031 7 n ix ie t Ube , o-c MHz
points. ~~~ua~:' 5o;?g ._lc~nMr34&gale~ ..C~~~i~~~ . r$~~S.6'ol~m~~~i
S end fo r detalis on a n y ab o ve .
The input stage was built close to the
HAMMAR LUND SP 600 JX rece iver SOOKe - 54 MHz
front panel to min imize the length of wire R / m ou nt , re tubed . r ecat. oux Lab $27 5. 0 0
between the crysta l socket and the base of SETH THOMAS DIGITAL DESK CLOCKS: w it h seconds

the input transistor. Th e circuits were built :Ee~y$aM~b vF~i i't;t~ $J~''b5B WH~C~·. ~oh~:
Or o ff Ice.
using perf-board pin s and each circuit was
kept as co mpac t as possible.
Th e " linear/ class C" swit ch should be a
Co nverted and modernized used Motorola
rotary ty pe and it should be placed as close model 41V mobile FM t ranscei vers. 40 watts
as possible to the final transistor emitter o ut p ut, 12 volt s d .c. input, transistorized po wer
sup p ly, silicon diodes, front or rear mo unt,
resistors to minimize wiring inductance , w it h TU540S (24 kl-l zl filter of 6 kH z filter
since the gain of th e stage is very sensitive (speci fy). Man y have tone burst oscillator b uilt
in. Complete w it h all fro nt mount cable, relay
to inductance in the emitter circuit. and cir cuit breaker . . . . . . •. . • . • • .$99 .00
If the rig is t o be used exclusively for
CW or as a linear, th e switch may be left LIMITED SUPPL Y A T THIS PRICEI
o ut and rig wired for onl y the use int end- If y ou have any questions please call , do not
w r ite:213-271-5845
ed. If th e rig is to be used for CW onl y , Ri
and Ct may also be left out and the link AL HOFFMAN
BOX 46697, LOS ANGELES CA 90046
connected dire ctl y to ground .

APRIL 19 71 133
T u ning Up shown sche mat ica lly in Fig . 3. Using this
A 4 5V supply capable of a curr en t set u p, a rel ati ve rf readin g o f S-6 on th e
ou tp u t of a t least 50 0 rnA is neede d to HW·I OO drove the linea r to 8W input.
power the tran smi tt er . Afte r the pow e r After the initial tu neup , th e rig ca n b e
supp ly, dummy loa d and k ey ar e co n- tuned for SSB operation on the desired
nect ed , t urn on t he po wer su pply and freq uency by first a pp ly ing a lo w level CW
place t he mod e switc h in th e spo t positio n . signa l to th e in pu t and tuning th e driver
Insert a t hird -overt one 10 m crystal and
clo se th e key. While monit oring t h e op er a-
tion of the oscilla tor with a receiver , adju st
th e in du ctor in th e osc illato r ta nk un ti l
stro ng stable oscillati on o ccurs. DPDT
Now place the mod e swit ch in th e
tr a nsmi t posit ion an d mo me ntarily clo se
. ~"'
'~II 6,~" ~01L50n
the key . No tice if th er e is any in dication RE LAY
on th e rf o ut p ut met er. If no t , adju st
Ca un ti l an ind ica ti o n is o b tai ned o n
L,,---,'~OCK E T

t he rf o utp ut mete r a nd th en tune Cr
a nd CL to obta in maximum rf o ut pu t. Fig. 3. Meth o d used to o bt ain SSB d rive from th e
Then alternat ely adju st Ca a nd Cd in th e H \'I ·1 00 .
dri ver tank circ u it to ob ta in maximum rf
out pu t. T h e rig sho u ld now be clo se t o th e and t he final capaci tors fo r maximum rf
best t uning , bu t additi o nal t u ning o f th e out put from t he fin al. Then apply enough
oscillator inductor and the driver an d final d rive to produce 8 W in pu t and retune fo r
ta n k cap ac it ors ma y resu lt in more out pu t. max imum o utp u t.
Care sho uld be exe rcise d no t to drive The CW out put level fro m th e HW-I OO
th e final to an input of over 14W . This wa s is no t th e sa me as th e SS B o ut p ut level a t
not possible wit h my pa rtic ula r circ uit, bu t th e same se tting of th e dri ve co nt rol.
migh t be poss ib le if you r transist ors ha ve T herefore, after t u ni ng t he lin ear using CW,
higher gain than th e one s I use d . it is necessary to adju st t he dri ve o n SSB.
T his is d on e wit h th e mod e switc h of th e J
HW·I00 in a SS B po sitio n by first t u rni ng
th e d rive con trol co mp let ely d own. Th e n
wh ile wh istling in to th e mike th e drive is
tu rn ed u p u ntil ful l inpu t (8W) to t he fin al
is ob ta ined . T he rig is th en read y to
o pe ra te on SSB.
Fina l Com me nts
Th is little rig does a su rprisingly good
job on both CW an d SSB. I have ha d many
solid co nta cts wi th it and have encou ntered
To p view of th e wiring ; n o te th e h eatsinks an d seve ra l o pe rators who fo u nd it h ard to
the shie ld be tween the fina l and res t of circu it . believe my po wer was this low . Inciden -
tally , I t ho ugh t I wa s do in g well to work
out with this little rig whe n I wo rke d a
On SSB, drive is co nnected in to th e statio n o n CW in Liverp oo l, N_Y. who wa s
cry sta l soc ke t. The SSB signal ca n come using 182 mW input and 10 0 mw out put.
fro m any availab le . source . I u sed an He was no t ver y st ro ng bu t perfec tl y
HW- I OO as the sou rce of the SSB signa l. readab le. Low power is ofte n suff icien t on
The HW-IOO was co n ne cted to a 50 n 10 m, and th is rig can d o a goo d jo b for
du mm y load a nd t he driv e signal ta ke n you.
fro m the dummy loa d. Th e met hod is . . . W5PAG ·

134 73 MA GAZIN E

I f you 've packed away yo ur old Halli-

cra fters or Hammarlu nd receiver, th ere's
a pre tty goo d incen t ive now to dig it o ut. Main ed itorial room of Radio Japan.
There 's a whole lot o f fu n st uff gain ' o n .

S we dish·speakin g announ cer o n th e air wirh

Radio Japan 's Scand ina vian service.

J ust as million s of Ja panese TV viewer s p romot ing fr iendly relat ions between
nightl y delight in wat ch in g imported Japan an d t he peop le of ot her co u ntries.
American program s like Lassie, Perry Th e initials stand for Nippon Hoso Kyo kai,
Mason. The Beverly Hillbillies, a nd Mission or Japan Broa d cast ing Corpor at io n.
Impossible (all dubbed in J apa nese) , more Fa r fro m being limited to Japanese
an d mor e Americans ar e t un ing in o n th e resid ent s abroad, R ad io Japan bro adc asts
up per end of 20 m t o lea rn a bo ut Ja pa n , in 23 diff er ent lang ua ges and is hear d o n
savor th e d elicat e so unds of Japanese every co n tinent of th e globe. An yone with
music, and struggle wit h Jap an ese lang uage a shor t wave rece iver equ ipped with fo ur o r
lessons. more ba nd s and a frequen cy range of u p to
It 's all br ough t to the m by Radio Japan, 2 1 MHz ca n t une in.
the overseas broad casting service of NHK , Th e Radio Japan sta ff is well spri nkled
J a pan 's public radio a nd T V net work . with edi to r s and an no uncers from many of
Acco rding to the Japan Tr ade Center, New th e co untr ies t he program s ar e beamed at.
York , NHK provid es th e ser vice as a wa y of With their Japan ese co wo rke rs , t hey pro -

AP RI L 1971 135
duce infor mat ive features on Japan , mu si-
FRECK RADIO SUPPLY cal varieties, news and co m menta ry, as well
38 Bi lt m o re Ave., Asheville , N .C . 2880 1 as aural instru ct ion cour ses in Japanese .
(70 4) 254-95 5 1 - Est . 1928} T he news and comment ar y segments
Serving the amateurs for 43 years ac count for mo re than half of all prog ram -
ming. Feat ures att empt to int rod u ce an d
Send f or our free list of used equipment
over 300 pieces to choo se from interpret Japa n fro m all ang les - so cio-
Also new instock - Collins - Drake - logical, eco nomic, an d cu lt ural. Music
Kenwood · Galaxy - Tempo - Signal 1 rang es fr o m tradit ional Japanese an d other
Asian strains to present-day pops o f bot h
Bank Americard - Master Charge Japan an d t he West.
Proof of R ad io Japan 's gro wing audi-
Te nn y Freck W4WL - Sand y Ja ck so n Mgr.
H ar vey Na t ions W4V Q V en ce is found in the stac ks of mail t hat
NHK receives, the Jap an Trad e Cent er
relates. About half a million car ds an d

WE PAY CASH letters fro m en th usiastic listeners all ove r

the wo rld arrived at t he stud ios in Tokyo
last year , t he Cent er says.

Lewispaul Electronics, Inc.
303 West Crescent Avenue
Allandale, New Jersey 07401
... f or th e Ham
- - -=-1' - -


Self Supporting Crank -up Mast s
H igh st r e n gt h tubing - 6 squar e feet
of a ntenna wit h adequ ate ma rgi n o f
s a f e t y in 50 m ph w in d s - easy 2 st e p
in st a llat io n .

Ava ilable w it h t he
Exclusive ne w Ro tor Base Accessory
I n stallati o n details, o t h e r m o d e ls S taff wor kers exa mine latest co llec tion of pic t ure
and ac ce ssories availa b le postcar ds received from Radio Japan list en ers o n
six co n tinen ts. ·
Bo x 11 5 H a nf or d CA 93230 -; . ~ · ~t · T he mail ind ica tes that listen ers fall
main ly int o three categories. There are
those who hav e lived in or visited Jap an
Be a PIONEER in HAM TV and like th e fee ling of nosta lgia t h e pr o-
•• •build your own calJJe ra! grams bring, as well as the chance to keep
up with current develop ments. A second
ASSE MBLY EASIER AND group co nsists of those who simply have an
- MORE FUN THAN EVER! int erest in Japa n and fin d the news and
.'",:; TH£my UlMI 50l.Hl-STAT£ features an indi spensable so u rce of infer-
CAIlf,u l iT UAIlAB1E.
mation and enjo y ment.
ONLY * The third ca tegory is mad e up o f a
Modd x-v., orrir-oD growing num ber of people - especially in
• Special fo<tcry.Q,..",.....
l'!''-. R<oy.... S129.95.
~Ho", TV ••• 1t>o p;etur~ way 10 com......... ,.!""
",<110 ~,~ >OI'<N101y /Of rrUCASTl tIG i s.:.l ud till9 fQ:1l i.r~ type 1to/II:lv. the United Sta tes - who use Radio Japan
$36.00. I'l-'<"'I"',tp.,;d. l'rf te or cal l for fREEcara l"9 of hits . pl<lJls. etc.
Dia l 402-987-3771
to learn or brus h up on th e Japanese
13TH & BROADWAY; N. A'i'~R-;;':'~"
C"A-- --..::::. DAKOTA CITY; NIl. 6lI731
language. One rea so n for the great popu lar-

136 73 MA G A Z I N E
ity of Radio Japan 's la ngu age in struction
programs is tho ught to be the fa ct that
te achers o f Jap anese are re lat ively scarce
I-------. .
.. .
abroa d, while mo re and more p eople are • Makel an audible ton . to monitor ~.':'"
th e RF of a ny CW bansmitt.r from ~:~. .

~:g,~:::i~~~:~~fr:i~:OM' -I-II··I-I-I·:~
becoming int ere st ed in Jap an and in learn-
ing the language.
Two instruction courses are off ered sut. COMpone nts and ciro:uih .
• aid. in t uning up (j. t .sting RF ~
weekly. «Le t's Learn Japa nese" is fo r olcillator and powe r circuih . __
• 4 transist or, 2. diode,
b eginners , who may later progr ess to the
advanced co urse, calle d "Let's Prac t ice
spea k. r, tone ..djult. AJ.. t ips, S" a nt., 60 magn<ttic bas..
• cabin.t i. 16 gauge black (j. cl.a r
1495 compl. te.
p pd ula It ca n.
Japanese ." Free textbooks acco mpany the anocli. .d al..min...... 3.4 " 2.3 " 1.2 · send a check or m.e,
US m.. d. 60 g uarant • • d for 1 yur. so ld b y m oll on ly
courses and are sent to list en ers wh o write James Research company,dep't: AR-M
in fo r th em. 20 willits road , glen cove n.y. 11542
Programs b eamed to New Englan d an d
the Ea st Coast begin at 6:45 p.m. n ightly,
at 17. 82 5 or 15 .445 MHz . This is one of
nine r egio nal servic es broadcast in local
languages for one or two ho urs a day . N o Books To Re ad
N o V ll u o l Gimmick.

e ~ ·
To Distract Yo ..,
J us t List en A n d Learn
Based on mo d ern psych o loglcol
te chn iq v n - Thi s (a urae w ill 10k,
yo u b eyond 13 w .p .m. In
AlblJlIl contaln l t hree 12" Ava ilab le on magnet ic

,~~ ~
l P' . 21ft hr. InUr ucl10n t a p e , $9.95 - Cassette, S 1 0 .95

T .t ~ 50 8 East Washington St . Arcola, I ll ino is 6 1910

,. Ir.== = = = = = = ==;
Rochester locat ion for
WNY Hamfest and VHF Conference
May 15th
Souvenir pennants are especially prized by young
has been changed
listeners of R adio Japan . Many join Radio Japan
fan club, which has 30 chapters around the Sen d for map and program.
world. Write WNV Hamfest
Box 1388, Rochester NY 1 460 3

In addition, R ad io Japan broadcasts I~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

news and commentary in Eng lish and II
Japan ese every hour on the hour world-
wide at a n umb er of different fre quencies.
These transmissio ns have a duration of
FM Schematic Digest
eit he r one ha lf or one fu ll hour.
New liste ners especially are urged t o MOTOROLA SC HEMAT ICS
re port the fact that they have hea rd R ad io Alignm ent, Crystal , and Technical Notes
Japan by writing in to NHK . In ret urn , covering 1947-1960
they will receive an official verificat ion 136 pages 11 \'," x 17" ppd $6.50
card, handsomely styled in the Ja panese
manner. The ad dress is R ad io Japan NHK, S. Wolf
2 Uchisaiwai-ch o 2-cho me, Ch iyo da -ku, 1100 Tremont Street
To kyo, Japan. Boston, Massachusetts 021 20

A PR I L 19 71 13 7
PRE-AMPS A ft er loo king on ce at the Ten-Tee
RX-I O receiver , yo u' ll ask, "whore's
th e bf o ? " Yo u won't find it ; SSB and CW
ty~ . .. .~ .~';<:;:;jia4>:,.,-,~!I"; tun e just like AM - no b fo , no sw itchi ng
It~. ....~ fro m mod e to mod e - just tu n e the sta tion

~ ~" .
in and pea k t he ante nn a trim mer. T hat 's
- all.
to 175 M Hz. $21.95 ppd. T he R X-I O is a solid-sta te, fo ur-b and
to 300 M Hz. $25.95 ppd. rece iver of sur prising an d im pre ssive qual-
• Ava i labl e f rom 5 MH,. TO 3 00 M H z. B an d w id th is ap p r o x i-
ity . For those of yo u wh o have read t he
m.t el y 3% o f freq uency. art icles t hat hav e appeared d escrib ing th e
• VO lt~ ga in 3 0 t e 40 D B depe ndi ng On f r eq u enc y .
• T w o D ual Ga t e M OSF E T am p lifie r stages with eac h hav i ng dir ect-conversio n sy ste m * o f detec tion an d
• t u nOO in p u t an d tu ned o u t pu t . Each 0 &...1 Gate M O S F ET
is ac tu all y a n integ rated c a sc od e circ u lI t hus g i"i n g you 2
wondered whet her to ho meb rew and ex-
ca sc od e circ u it s e q ui v a le n t t o 4 t riod e s . perim ent wit h the circu it , yo u won 't need
• E xce ptio nall y lo w no ise (2. 5 D B at 17 5 MHz.! , gr ea tl y
red u ced cr o ss mo d u lat ion and 10 Time s t he d yna m ic ran ge to . Th e Te n-T ee RX ~ lO spor ts a com mend -
h ig na l han dli ng c apab ilit y) of th e be st bl-oota . t ra ns ist o rs.
Al so su p eri o r t o p reamp s u sing j u n c t io n F E T s a nd S i ngle ab le co mmer cial version of th e circ uit ,
Ga t e MO SF ET s. In th e d irect -conversion or "s y nch -
• Pa ne l mo u nted ma n u .l lI" i" c o nt ro l.
• T y p e B N C in p u t anel OUtp UT roc ep t ac l... fo r m in im um lo ss ro d yne " receiver, t he inco ming signal is
It U H F . Stand a rd Im p ed an c e is 50-7 5 ohms .
• C arefull y tu ned a t Ou r labo rato ry with SWfllP llene ra tor and mi xed with a signal fro m a lo cal oscilla to r
osc ill o scope fo r the b M1 bandp ass c har acte r iS1ic . so that th e differe n ce o f th e tw o fre-
• F u ll wave U H F diodes p ro t ec t inpu t t ra ns in or .
• O ge rllte'S o n 6 to 1 6 v olls DC, 5 to 15 Mil . quencies is a fr equency in the aud io rang e.
N _ Y o rk C ity a nd Sta te r e sid ents add local sal es tax.
Elimin ating any i-f stages or co nvent io nal
detect or stag e , t he signal is then passed
VANGUA RD LABS thr ough an audio amp lifier and the d esired
sele ct ivit y is ac hiev ed thro ugh au d io filte rs H rather tha n t hro ugh Q-mul tipliers, cry sta l
118·23 J.... le. AVI., HolII., NY 11421
filters, or oth er radio fr equency d evices.
Becau se t h e in co ming r f signal is immedi-
Brand ne w fo r CO E AA - l 0 & AA -22 Mod el
ate ly converted t o aud io , no b fo is neces-
sary for SSB o r CW recept io n.
r otors. $ 1 1.00 eac h Post paid U.S.A . $ 10.0 0 Right out of the packing bo x , th e
each fo r 5 or m o r e units.
RX-IO can be run eit h er fro m 12 V de or
Sterling Telemonitor Systems regu lar 120 V ac witho ut t he need fo r any
187 State Street Hackensack , N.J . 07601
externa l invert ers or po wer supplies.

New advanced 4-band, Communication receiver.

For a beginner's price.
The new Ten-Tee RXI O receives 80- 40- 20~ 15 meter
ama teur band s. Dual gat e M0SFET di rect conversion mixer
convert s signal dir ect ly t o audio. Provide s in heren t i m-
munity t o images and " bi rd ies." Selec t iv ity is 2 KHz at
6 db fo r recept ion of SSB and CWo Sta bi li ty - less t han
100 Hz dr if t. Built-i n oscillat or f or code pract ice or side
to ne monito r. Powered by 115 V AC or 12 V DC. Write fo r
com plet e in fo rmat ion, Dept. H·I

~.,::I rT E N -T E C IN C

138 73 MAG A Z I N E
250-500-830-1000 Mhy.
Aim ed at th e portable ent h usiast and 1.00 ea.p astpai d
the Novi ce, the RX-IO is de signed for Frequency range to 20 Khz.
headphone o p eration and does not in clude
For osc illators and ccnd-ccse f il ters.
a built-in sp eaker. This is no disad vantage CHARTER ELECTRONICS
to the ham working thr ough Novice QRM
B OX 8 8 GLA DWIN,. MIC HIGAN 4 8 6 24
or the distractions of portable operation.
(Whoever heard of a brasspound er not f< f< INDUSTRIAL & GOVERNMENT
using can s, anyway?) FB ~ ~
it" it" ..
There is plenty of aud io gain with t he EQUIPMENT
RX-IO , and the sensitivity is as tonishing. TUBES & SEMICONDUCTORS it" il: GET YOURS
Tuning is easy , with pushb utto n band S TAR-TRONICS f< f< f< NOW
changing, and the rig has a ja ck for a k ey P. O. BOX 17121 PORTLAND, OREGON 97 211 .. +:: •

(the RX-IO ha s a built-in code practice

oscilfa'tor and CW monit or , too). TONE CONTROL DEVICES
While not a DX or co nt est performan ce
Decoders, Encoders, Logic Processors, Autopatch, COR
r eceiver , the RX-IO might seem the ans wer Compact, solid.stat e. plug-in modules Reasonably
to t he prayers of man y a brasspounder wh o priced. Write f or free Application No t e s & Catalog
has wanted a truly portable CW receiver. DIGITONE BOX 73 BEL LBROOK. OH 45305
Small, lightw eight, solid-state , and n eed ing
only cans and a hunk of wir e to pu ll in the
signal s, the R X-IO can pr ovid e ple nt y of
signal s to co py .
This little receiver d efinitely sho u ld
silen ce the skeptics who hav e questioned
the pra cti calit y of the dir ect-conversion
re ceiver . Here is an attra cti vely pa ckaged, IL-=:":':':':=~==2::":==e...::.::.:=-==-==-=----,
truly po rtable r eceiver which out perfo rm s
th e simp le, reg enerative porta b le. d esigns
and d efinitely chall enges the h eavier , bulk-
5200 Panama Ave., Richmond CA USA 94804
ier, multitube " simple su perhet s." THE QNL Y aSL BUREAU t o h and le all of
you r QS Ls to an y w he re ; nex t d o or, the next
You 'll probab ly -no t wor k t he wor ld st at e, t h e n ex t c ount y, th e w h o le wo r ld. Just
with the RX -IO , but you will hear en o ugh bu nd le them u p ( p lease arra n ge al phab etically )
and sen d th em t o us w it h pay ment o f 40£ each .
sta tions for many pleas ant QSO s wh ether
at home or on the road. For tho se Novic es
or con fir med old brasspounders who envy 4-1000A FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS
7. 5 V CT@2 1 AMPS 117 VAC PRI MARY
t ho se VHF'ers wit h their ha nd-h eld units,
3%"H , 4%" W, 3%"0. NET WT. 8 LB S.
the co mm endable perfo r man ce-to -weight
rat io of th e RX-IO may sta rt a flurr y of $14.95 PPD
home brew an d com merc ial activity to- PET ER W. DA HL CO.
5325 Ann ette Av e.
war d s ma king HF CW more portable (a nd EL PASO, TEX AS 7 9 924 T el e :91 5- 751 -48 56
more popular) . All we have to do now is
figure out so me way tn ma ke" an effi cient SPACE ELECTRONICS division of
80 me te r whi p about 19 in . long. MILITARY ELECTRONICS CORP.
t o b igger fa cili ties t o hand le our l arge stoc ks o f
military su rp l u s erecrro ntcs. We ar e al wa y s bu yi ng
*S ee, for example, "Direc t Co n version - A Ne -
a nd alw ay s sell i ng . F or all you r n eed s co n t ac t u s at
glec ted T echn iq ue," Hayward an d Bin gham , QS T, 76 B rook sid e Dr iv e _ Upp er Sadd le R iv er
Nov. 1968:
New Jerse y 0 74 58 - ( 20 1 ) 3 2 7 -76 4 0

APRIL 1971 139

6 150 DELMAR BLVD •• ST. LOUIS. MO 63 1 12
314 -726 -6116

12 V olt D C R o tar y Switch 5 po le 11 posit io n 3"

x 1%" shi pwt . ~ lb . . •. . .... . . _... $ 450
Dennis McCarthy K,YTI
5 022 Lansdowne Avenue
St. Lo uis MO 63 109

CO ·A X A NT EN N A RELA Y 115 V A C with BN C

Co nn . new sh ip w t. 1 lb . . $ 5. 0 0
T O RR OID CORE assortment y.," ad t o 1 7/S " ad
ship w t . 1 lb . . 7 /$2/J0
M OT O ROLA MEC L IC' s - MC30 1. MC30 3,
MC304 , M C308, MC309 Yo ur Cho ice . ..GOt
. . . ..... . •. •. •.. • • .. • • ... .. • . •. 10 /$ 5.00
2N 70 6 200 Me NPN T RA NSIST O RS .. 3/$1.00
450 MM F PER SEC T . V ar iab le Co nde nser - 4
gang 7}s x 3 x 2% ship w t. 2 lb $3.9 5
HEAT SINK - Go ld A no d ized - 10 x , 5 x
1 Yo. - new sh ip wt. 2 lb $ 2 .0 0
30 VO LT C.T . Transformer - 20 am p - 115 va c
pr imary sh ip wt. 2 lb _ $ 10.00
36 V O LT C .T . T ran sfo rmer - 2.5 amp - pri mary
115 vac sh ip wt . 2 lb . . $2.00
100 M F D . CAP A CITOR - 3000 vo lt DC - 14 x
6)( B shi p wt . 40 lb . . $ 25 .00

Se e o ur l C prices in Jan . & Feb . Ads of 73

Magaz ine. Se nd for catalog availab le now. Min -
imum order $5.00. S to p in an d see us wh en
you 're in S t. Louis.

RG l " ....U 50 OI'Im 'ellon _ _• ...,tt1e . Out"'" el" ~ • .080" RI'

loa .29 db per lOOt .1 ~ Mhz S i"' .. I'<l Ih ield ing ...., conduc:tor .
U.,:l fo< ' nl.." .. elI" ' ;t wi. ;ng. . rue" "e coupling . R I' cou pling b t _..
" ' _. • 1c. Rendo m let'Ifl hl fro m 35 foot to 150 loo t . Cello,, ; black . 'ood.
bro ..... . b l... . gr.v. o ' . "oe . AIlI.. I. p .ic . 23t per teer. O.. t pr ic. 5t Pe'
f oo t $3 ,00 per 100 ft .
4!i6 " hi c• •• ",ic fi h ." ty Pe BI' ..55- A Thew filte .. ... ill t>tlp tel "'.. pe"
.he Mleo;livllv 01 mPfl let. ,,'inll 4 55 Khz 11"1. U.. _ 001 catt-c>de bl ..
•< ;n pl_ 01 . c.pac itor'. or in ..... li ltOl"lzod MQ. ac to . t h• •min .
b'" in o<. Il'niptdtnce iI 20 ohml . , 455Khz.. DC,. i. in.
1""*' inat_ • .,;dly .. you I. .... 45 5 Kllz. Pie .. you< 0 ..... lC
If"", cir cu ill.l v...,. low con .
10 10<$ 1 ,00 25 10< $21:10
"T·2 Tllilloro~ .... o;Ie-si9"ed lor u se in . tlybrid F.M. mobile .. ni t . U$inv
e . ingl e 8647 lu be in til e AI' e m p. tot 30 ....m Output . SclIemt1 ie I..
eluded. 12 VDC pti .... ing 2N 15 54't o r lIq""'. lent S ite. 11 5OO_'lt OC
oul . 1 70 ... m •. s.c . fI2 ·65 volts OC b ias. sec. f/3 1 .2 vol ls AC fo<
filBmfI" 1 0 1 B64 7 r..b e S.c . ' 4 CfT f.ed be ck wi nd ing lo t 2 N1554 'I. 1 "' ''
mlcl" 2%"d i. $ 2.95u. -2 fo. $5.00
, T· 3 1-1.. . powd. red it on co.e Bnd i. b uill like. TV f ly beck t tor ......
Ope..., .. at tbo<ll 800 CPS. 12 V DC Pti. ... i"9 2N44 2' l or eq ul l.m. OC :
ou tp " l 0 1 V(D BL R 4 75 >1011190 ... el ts . C!T l eed bac t w inding 10. 2N44 2 ',
$295 . .. -2 lor $5 .00
P·7 117 VAC Pd . Stc. '1 18 5 V AL e 120 ..... . Stc. 12 6 .3 VAC • 4 A
Doublt 1-I.1f S~1t M. il Bo K Type. SX 1.6 type . $2.15 e• . · 2 lot $ 5 ,00
P·9 1 11 V....C lOti. s.c;, , 900 VAC " JOO me_ sec. , 2 l Oll V AC '" 10 m.
0 ... 5«. '3 1 2.6 VAC . AMP. WI. 16 '" Ibs. Doubl. H. IIShelt $4 .50
' -10 111 V....C 10. 1. St<;, 11 960 VAC C ,T . '" 160 me_ s.c. 1124 2!> V....C
C .T , and I ~ tl 100 VAC 10 mt 8 ... see. f/3 12 .6 VAC . 4 .5 A Oo!.Jblll
She ll Mail Bo_ t ype. WI 8 '10 lb. $ 3.7 5
Out pu l .. an. for me... all ly O" 5S « nil o r 3 fo, $ 1 .50
OT ·1 Tran sisl0 t T O·3 Po .... t Diamo nd .. Im p. 15 o hml lo :1 2 oh ms DC
R... P,; , .60 hm . Se o, .3 oh m.
OT ·2 Pr i. im p. 7000 oil", Sec . 3-2 . r>d 500 ohm t o' Pho " .. or 70 VOlt
line 3 ... . n .. F u ll "'..Ioed Dou ble 1-1.11s.t.1I
OT ·) ' ti. imp. 5500' oh .... Sec . 32 ohms. SC122 type

All pr i<:ts 1'.0.8 Alt _ ighlS IiSlee ... ~_ , _ tl low 10< pec:kl9"'9
PI..... allow enough too- 1>0>'1.
W. will <el"'" en y ul'.

122 Q.-22 Vi ll a St .• Ra cine, WI 53403

140 73 MAG AZI NE

$9 75 .00 #G5B SIGNAL G EN ERA TO R FOR $295.00!
~lit';n~~lra'r fi~di~a~~sf/W:,nb~ ~~htt~~~icy~eas?i~ bautn;:rlt~-;
I~s~;u~tf~~ sBo~kn wsrl~ s~~c~\y 16;iB~~\h: \PAA~h:ae6~i~~
be ca use t h e CW can al so b e A M up t o 10 0 %. 7 5 kb z to 30
mhz . ma nua l or mo t o r-d r iven . Calib. V o 0.1 u v t o 2 .2 VOLTS
across 50 ohm loa d .

#£5 B Ov --:rhaule d and Cert ified. w {bo ok · .. .. 4 50 .00

~~~;;'::~~Fib~~: t~. ?ntot05g00bM~~ H"'fs O{h~~nli ~F ~,oe~:

w it h Piston A tte n uat or : easy t o u se, n o r esistor b ur n o uts .
As IS, w lb ook . . . . . . . . 195 .00
G en. Radio 1 0 0 l A .0 0 5 -50 mhz OH C, wfb ook · . . .. . 395 .00
URM-25 co m p a ct 0 1 -50 m hz , O HC' w Ibook · .. ... 27 5.00
}i~~:::~~~d~6~6c~~~k~ r:,~;:Ot:'~.o~OOk · .. .. . 350 .00
· . . . . 950.00
see sound-on -film crews show up at your SIGN A L G E NER ATOR SIMILAR H .P.'s 60BD:
Mar w ni T F -80 1DIl: 10 t o 4 70 mb z. CW & AM up to 90% .
next hamfest ! Crystal -calibrated eacb 2 a nd 5 mbz a nd m o vab le cursor
~ hai rline in dicat or ) to r eset t h e d ial a t each zero bea t. gives
SEVEN - Rem ember that th e avera ge re q . ae cur a<cy 0 .0 1 %. St and ard 50 ohm Zo from T ype N
r~~g't:om~~~~':e~Ct':;;;lry~;u~~edo e~~ia~[l~:g[u~er~a~~~
reader do es not un derst and tec hnic al and switching eli m inates d own ti me. V er y han ds ome de sign .
carefully en gin e ere d $1650.0 0 ins tr u m en t. Lik e new appear-
ab breviated terms suc h as RTTY., CW, SSB, ance, comp letely o verh auled. with calib . st ick er and ce rti-
fi ca te t ra ceabl e to N. H., S.
et c. Kee p it simp le, ye t interest ing and Wit h Book ..... . . . . . . · ... .. 595.00
Hewl·Pa ck 608A 10 -50 0 m hz. O H C. w f bo ok · ... . .. 495.00
informative . For example: " Single Side- Hewl-Pa ck 608 B 10-400 mhz. , OH C. w Ibo ok . . .. 7 50 .00
MI L :#6 0 8D (TS-5 1 0 A) O HC, w/ 608D b o o k . . . . . . . . 7 50. 00
band ~ the typ e of ra di o tel ephone com-
Boo n t o n -#20 2 B F M-AM gen er ator 54 to 21 6 mhz ; D evia t io n
municat ions used by astronau ts as well as cali b. On m eter 0 -24 . 0 -80 . and 0 -2 40 khz . A M eali b o n m e ter
ama teur radio operators - will be the topic
of discussion at the Podunk Amat eur
0 -25 0 khz. ealib. Y o ,
w/b oo k sa t isf a ct i o n grt d
~~~%i..~n~~~w 'Jhgl:D· 27:230 '~h~: 'i'M: 'd~vi~ti~~ ·03.;~'02
gorg eou s setup. like new . OH C .
SG132 ha s 5" sco pe to see while align ing. AM/FM. 15·400
. . . 375 .00
Radio Clu b Meet ing Tuesday , June 30." m", de v. '0 60 0 khz. Like M ' L AN fT R M-3 w /b oo k On
TR M·3 . Looks fair cond .. as ts only. . 2 50 .0 0
No t e the reader n ow has pro b ab ly b een J en old -#gOOA with D 50 De t ect o r : Sw eep G en er a tor 20 0 k hz
introduced t o the term " single side ban d" t o 900 mhz; sw p width 1 00 kh z t o 20 0 mhz: O H C. with

for the first t ime. He paid attention be- j~r~~ld '-#900B: i:ai:e'- modei: OHC·.·"';ith h'ook. ::::: ~;g:gg
cause he could relate th e term to so me- So lid_S ta te 220 mH z : CMC 737CU. 7 n ixies ,
.. ... . . . . 750 ,00
thing he is somewhat familiar with, astro - 510 nfA~~ ~~~~Jure ~~~tg t,rcg2~l~~dd ' .. . . . . . . . 100.00
10 Hz ·1 5 gH z ; Read Ire q. on 8 DCU's, no
algebra ! Be ckman 7 370 /7 580 co mb o . . • •.. • • 950,OQ
nauts and moonshots. As a result , his (and 1.2 mHz U n iversa l: H .P. 5230. 6 DCU's · . . . . . 225.00
H ,P . 523C. 6 N i xies. · .. . . 295 .00
the edit or's) att ent ion was gained. The Be ck .73 60 . 7 D CD's · .. . . 225.00
H .P. 5223L So lid- State 30 0 kHz U n iversal 475 .0 0
st or y was prin ted and read. 5 2 33 L So lid ·State 2 m Hz Untversej . . .. .. . . . . 595.00
5 2 14 L So lid-State 100 kHz Preset · . . . . . . 475.00
Si m p so n 2 725 20 m H z Solid-State Unive'Is~( · . . . . . . 39 5. 0 0
EIGHT - If a release is printed, 'dr op a
line to the edit or thank ing hi m fo r his h elp. No general Catalog . . . plea se ask fo r y our ne eds .

If th ere is a feature on ham radio prin ted, RLGOOOHEART CO., INC, P,O, Box 1~20G C
Be ver ly Hills , ce 90213 Pho ne 2 13-272-5707
again write and tell the edit or h ow mu ch
you enjo y ed it. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRIC E
NINE - If yo u h ave an unusual feature for Electron Tubes & Semiconductors
and a reporter is assigned to the story, Immediat e Pa y m e n t on Unused T u b es
don 't thin k you're doing him a favor by Elizabet hpo rt Ind ust rial Park
giving the st ory to him. He gets p aid by the Elizabe t h, New Jers ey 07206
(201 ) 35 1 -4 200
hour - n ot the byli n e.
TEN - All th e ab ove ap plies to routine HRl.2.
stories an d releases. Ho wever , sh ou ld a Ir~'~.~'~'~"~ier~o~.~.~.~,,~.~,soc
~, 9O<t, 12f$~"~,OO~~M;"~'"·.~"~'~'~'~'·'·'·'~""""~""
disast er o ccur and y our radio club b ecome _ IC'" f!J. L 900. 914
60. f"L 923. . $2.00 . 101$1950
. 90o!

involved in emergency com mu nication s, AI"'~':~I~:~e ~CZ:J;P MMCZ: : :P :cg:~P. MC7~i~.5M~~;~~

call the ne wspap er and rad io an d TV OPAM P SN72709N(DI PI SN7270 9L (TO 5) . . . .S1.25
TOROlDS' India na Gene ,a l CF 102-06. CF102-Gl , CF101-a.. . 50<!
sta tio ns immed iately. Again, if you call a CINCH IC wek. " . 14·0IP. S-ICS . .. . .60o! H AL DEV ICES

1 'r.,~,;·:";~:~~.:·:,:·:"·:,:·:,:·m;·;";"~"i"'IP'~O'~3~6~5~'?'~U~'b~·J"·~'IT"~lin~0~;'~6~1~60~'nl
day or two later , it's " y esterday's news."
Th ere have been man y ti mes th at am a- COM PACT, H IG H CL'AlI -
teur radio was the on ly sou rce of in for - E R A for video or rf chan-
nel use. 25 transistors, 18
mation to the p ublic. That information d iod es, 500 line re so luti on
Dimensions 4 1/8" x 5
can no t be disseminated , however, if the 1/4" x 12". F 1.9 , 2 5 mm
len s include d . Ideal for
newspapers , ra dio , and TV d on't hear of it. A TV or c losed c'tcuit. Or -
d er yours now!
$ 195 pl us s h ip pi ng P.O . Box 656. Fa yett evi lle ,
Ark . 72701

APRI L 1971 141


2 4 P AGES. cr ammed with Go v' t S ur p lus Ele ctronic Gear -
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ISEND 2SC: Ifo r y OW" c opy - R efu nd ed with )'our
first o r d er.
BC-645 TR ANSCE I VE R 1 5 t u b es .
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ay vo ic e o r co d e o n Ha m. Mobile ,
t:: -~
'~ .
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~ r o nIx

15 77 ~

Te le ~ion Experimental. a nd Citize n s t.i~ > -

Bands. Wit h t u b es, le ss power s u p p l y .
In fa cto r y carton. BRAND NEW ••• $ 16.95 5,
S P EC I A L P A C K AGE OFFER : BC- 64 S Tra nsce ivl.'r.
Dyna motor a n d aU a c ce ssorie s. inel\ld ing mounting. UH F
Ant e nna Assem blies, c o ntrol boll . co mp lete se t o f
co n ne c tors a n d p lu gs. Bra nd Ne w • . . _._ . _ . . . . . $26 .95
6 and 2 Meter WHIP
SCR-274·N , AR C.!) C OMMAN D S ET H Q !
Fre q . T y pe e xe. L ik e BRA ND
R a nee Co m pl d .. Used New NEW MODEL LA 150
RECEIVE RS with Tube s
1 90. 5 50 K c B C-4 5 3 $ 16 .95 $2 3 .5 0 $ 2 7.5 0 Gain (2 Meters) 3db
3-6 Me. BC· 4a4 $ 1 6.50 $ 19.5 0 $22.50
Gain (6 Met er s) Unity
6-9.1 Me . BC·4S5o $ 14.9 5 $ 17.9 5 $ 2 1 .5 0
1 .5.3 Mc . R-25 $ 19.5 0 $ 2 1 .5 0 VSWR (At resonance) 1.5:1
ARC ·R ll A Moder n Q-5 Receiver 19 0-5 50 Kh z . . . . . $ 10 .95 Maxim um Power 100 Watt s
AR C· R 22 54 0-16 00 Kh z Receiver with tu nin g grap h $1 5 .95
R -4 APR-2 Rec eiver 2 34-258 MH z. 11 tubes. NEW ... $8 .95 Nom inal Imp edance 52 ohms
AN /A P R · 4 ¥ FM & A M RE CEIVE R " FB " Overa ll Lengt h 55 in.
fo r Sa k'Uit e T rac king!
H igh pr eci sion la b in stru m e n t . for moni-
tori ng a n d m easuring freque n c y a n d • Order Toda y from ------
, L.A.
".Iauve sig na l strengt h , 38 to 4.000 Me. in

5 tu ni n e ra ng es. For 1 1 0 v 60 c ycle AC .
Built·in p o w er supply. Origmal cir c uit
d ia gra m included. Checked o u t. Pe rf e c t . ~,
E lectronix Sales
LI KE N E W . • . .. . . . . • . . . .. • $88 _50
AU tunine; unit s available for above . t, " Hom e of l. A. Amateu r Rad io"

H EA DSE T Lo w impedance. W ith lari: e c ha m o is ear ~

cushio ns . 4 -ft . cord an d plug. R e ll:. $ 1 2 .50 . OUR ""'"
23044 Crenshaw Blvd., T arrance, Cal if. 90505
~~:hCII~~~~~;:Ead~p~;f~~ ~~~~ ' : : : : : : : : ~;6~~ .~.J-.
TG .3 4 A CO DE KE Y E R . se lf·con ta ined ,
a ut o matic. teproduces code pr act ice s ig na ls
fr om paper tape. 5 to 12 WPM . Built -in
sp eaker. Brand n e w wit h t e c h ma n ual, takeup
r ee l a n d AC line co rd • . . . . .... • . . $2 4. 50
Code practice tap e s f o r a b ove P.U.R.
TE R MS; 25% De p o s it wi th order, bala nc e C.O .D.
-or - R emitt ance in full . Minim u m order $ 5. 0 0 F .O .B. NY C .
Su bj ec t t o pr io r sa le and pr ice change.


47 Wa rren St . (2 nd F I) NYC. NY 1000 7 Ph 2 1 2· 267 -4605

Thousands ofParts
See us U Builders for Bargains (no fliers)
18 29 E . H un ting t on Dr ive
Duarte CA 9 10 10 - 2 13·3 5 7-37 63


Electronic Par ts, T ubes, Radios •
New & Used Amateur Gear.
Send 2 5d for fl y er list ing hundreds of bargains,
and w e' ll add y ou r name t o our perman ent
rnaili ng l ist .
116 0 0 k INC
Dept. B 925 Sherwood Drive
4252 Pearl Rd.
Lake Bluff. III. 60044
Cleveland , Ohio 44109

14 2 73 MAGA Z IN E
• ••
10% Disco un f!

"\~,,::~~P" ~ Ep:'O:'X::'Y::-=~
o S N7 4 00N Quad 2 -i nput NAND Ka t e $.88 fAIRCH ; O
o S N7 401 N S am e a g 74 0 0 b ut w it h
op en c olle ctor ou tp ut .88 Any 3 J0 to.. Ea th RECT IFI ERS
o 5 N7402N Q uad 2- input :-lOR g a t e .8 8 l ype De5u,pt'O"DC 1.19
o 5 N 7 4 0 4N Hex in ver t er .99 C 702 Wid e H and \.19 PIV lAmp. 2 Amp
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3 Am p
o 5N7420N Dua l -I- in pu t l' o\ND gat e .88 o 9 O per a t io nal 1·19 100 .0 6 .06
o 5 N7 430 N !l- i nput NAN D g a t e o ;~o m-Sl) e~(~ ~)iff. 1 .~95 :gg :g; :g; ."
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.8 8 8o 25 09 Du a l 10.1,'" 2.95 600 .12 12
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o 5 N7 474 N Du al D- t }'pe edge trigg ered
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111:=-l~::: ~~~ ::~ ~~::: "
Du al J _K fl ip flo p . . . . 1 . 4.8
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I I 3 - 3 Arnp 1 0 0 0 pl y silieon r .. c( il''' ''s l.on

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2 N -Channel p l a s t ic Fds 2 !\:lR19 T exas
1.1 !J
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0 5 N7 4 9 5 N 4 - b it r ijl;ht- s hift left-

s h ift re g is ter ... . . 3.9 5 [1 I - Watt AUdio -:n: " m p h f,,-,'" wcaas 'l. .l n
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full Add er D 4 - 2 "' 440 9 Ni xie t uh " <lriv"." I ,O O
B 908
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912 Holf 10¢ Catalog on Fiber Opt ics, 'ICs' , Semis, Part s
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_ _ ._ ./ : IN ST A NT ERECT ING
7049 W. Archer A ve. __:.2"".-_ 3 EL 6M $14.95
Chicago, II I. 60638 8 EL 2M $16.95

1-82 Az imuth Com- We also ma ke Saturn 6 Halos - - 6 & 2 M Beams

pass Indicator
New . . $11,50
Us e d $ 5.50
One o f each for a system _ ',' $14.50 420 MHZ ATV CONVERTERS
O ur m o d e l 432 CA c r yst a l co nr rouec co nve rt e rs ar e
HS 30 256 ohms Headset _ $1 .75 fla t w ithin abou t 1 dB ov er an y 6 MHz ch a nnel in
the 4 20 to 450 MHz ba nd . Ch oic e of Channel 2, 3,
R19 /ARC Receiver 118 to 148 Me or 4 i-f . No ise fi gu re 5 .5 d B. A p ost ca rd b ri ngs f ull
This month only ,. . $17 .50 d eta ils. Othe r conver t e rs av a ilab le fo r 50 , 144, 2 20 ,
a nd 432 MH z.
Transformers 12V -60A or 24V-30A .. $12.00 JANEL P.O .Box112
Succasunna, N . J. 07876
Primary 115 or 230 16V-45A or 32V-23 A $ 15.00 LABORATORIES TEL : 201·584-6521


V I_CE_.S .,
HAL is no w stoc k ing NEW 7400 series TTL
~ "OO£ "' A8~ 1
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10.7 MHZ
IC·s. A vailabl e are 7400, 7401, 7 4 02, 7404,
7 4 05, 7410, 7 4 2 0, 7430, 7440, 7441 ,7442,
6 CRYSTAL t [0 7473 , 7 47 5 , 7 490, and 7493 . Wr ite for prices
CEN TE R FREQ. 10 .7 MHZ L OJ, w .,~ H I ~ and com p le te cat a lo g . HA L DEV ICES BOX
@.60 DB ~A~~WIg~~ D WIDTH dg ~ ~~ ~OT( hl" "' ~, oJ,d""t.. ",,,. 3 6 5L, UR B ANA , I L LI N O IS 61801
r . , m;o ' ;<10" '00, , . . . p 10
IN 8 OUT -T ERMINATI ON IK OHMS t'<~ I" .d ..;. ti."
I~r} ~~l-lHTtLD~!JIWII~I~~W~T '1:'f<~ETN Ct~ - I C $ 16 VIBROPL E X
$2 1.95 t o $43. 95
C O . . INC .
833 Broadwav.
New York, N Y 10003

APR IL 1971 143

,- - - - - - - - - - - -,
I 73 Reader Service Coupon I PR OPAGATIO N CIIA RT
N o w w e d on ' t say that every sin gl e r ea der
mu st buy every last p roduct ad vert is ed in 73 .
J. II. Nelso n
We b e lie ve th at , but w e d o n ' t say it . The v ery Good 0 Fair (o pe n) Poor O
I leas t e ve ry read e r c a n do is to put on a sh o w o f
inte r est in t h e p rod uc ts h erei n adve r t is ed. T o
I m ak e t hi s a s imp le task , even fo r the la z iest
Ap ril 1971
rea d e r ( n o w the re i s a c on t est f o r y o u r), we
I h av e cl ev e r ly a rr a n g e d t he ad ver t is ing in d e x to
I have t o d o is t e ar it o ut ( o r p hotoc o p y
do ub le as a r eade rs se r vi c e c o u p o n . A II y o u
it) a n d
SUN 1110 '< TU ~S wee THUA fRI SAT

se n d it in w it h the a p p rop r iate b oxe s mar k e d .

II ..(W.e h a ve a p r iz e fo r the mos t box es mar k ed
(D 2 [lJ
a silent prayer of thank s f ro m t he pu b -
lis h e r) . We' ll acc e p t po stca rd s , s lips o f paper , or 4 @(j)@ 9 10 5
I a lmo st a n y th ing e lse tha t list s the c o m p an ies
IDJ 12 @ @ 15 @ @
yo u w a nt t o hea r f rom a n d you r a d d r es s.
I No o n e uk e s t o go into a s to r e w it hout

b u y ing some t hin g , r ig h t ? It is t h e sa m e wi t h
these in torrna ttc n re qu ests. You will be
e x pec ted - t o b uy someth ing . os. it d oes n' t ha ve
@@@ @@ @@
I to b e a $5 0 ,0 0 0 a ntenna system, bu t it should @ 26 @@ 29 30
be someth in g mod est . .. a transceiver ... a
I l in ear . . . yo u W e' ll leav e the deci s ion up
t o yo u , k n o w ing th a t we c a n t r us t y o u t o do E ASTER N UN I T ED S TA TE S T O :
I t h e r igh t th ing .
e .. t
And we a re definitely no t say in g t h a t the .. .. ... .. .. '0 II " • " .. It

I use o f this serv ic e coupo n h a s any c u r a t ive A l. A S K A

" " '" 0
" "
0 0 0 0 IH
pow ers , b u t we ca n n o t b u t n o t ice that m a n y
re a ders repo rt re ma rk a b le re li ef f ro m sim p le
b'ac k a che . headaches, lu m b a g o , a nd ac id

A U~T " A LI A
"' I " ,,'" "
" ,., .- '" 'll
I•. , ".,

, " " "

" " "A

" "".,

.. '<1

" " " " "' 'I

'I' ,,, " " " "

;0.1dige stion after send in g i n t he ir c o u p o n . Wh y
I t oke any c h a nces? EN G L AN P 0

,.. , .. "


.. . " "

" " "
" ", " " ,."
0 0

" " " '" '".,

I o Amateu, E lee . Supply 41 0 J efh,o n ic s 142


.. . .. " " " " " 0

" . , . .
o P K I l. I P P I " U
" " o• ," "" " ," ",
I o
A po llo 3 1
Arro w Sa l.. 143
O K Wl n d u STT ies 109
o L_ispeul 13 6 P " I ITO I ICO
" 0 0 0
" ," ," "
o o L. A . Elec tr o n ic s 142
,. .. .. .
ATV 136
o SO ll T K A,. . I CA
I o
Bab c ock 3 3
Bearca t 122
O M" "" 98.99
o Me n ln 141 ," ", ,
" " " "m "
o M;c ro ·Z 2 9 " 0
" " ,

8 & W 21
C &A 83 D' Mo b lli" " 59 III'U T
," ,.,
" 0
" " " "
C a llb o o k 1 30, 142
C h a rt e r 139
o Mo to,o la 67
o N a t io n a l Co", "r I II CE NT RA L UNITE D S TATES TO ,
I o
Ci rc u it Spe cl ali su 70
C legg 89
o N e w som e 8 1
o PickerIng 57
o C raw fo rd 133 o Poly Pak s 143 AI. A S K A
"' I " " .. I " "
I "
o C ushc,att 10 5 o Regen c y 48
o Dah l 13 9 o R P 73 A R GE NT INA
" " "o. ,., " " " " " i .'
I o Dayto n Hamvenlion 57 o Sams 55 "1,\
o Di9itone 13 9 o Schobe, 12 5
A "S T R A L ' A
" " 'I' ' 11
" " " ""., "
o Dow 14 2 o Sen try COve r II C ANA L ZO NE
" " " " " il'" " " 0 0 ",.\

I o D ra ke Cove ' I V, 8 6, 87 o S le p 10 7 ENGL AND HI

,., " " 0 IU

o D y Co m 1 11 o Spac" 139

E ast ron 12 1
E KY V ideo V ision 125
Electra 123
E ps ilo n 137
o Specuonic l 9 7
o Standa,d 9 0, 9 1
o Sta, 1 39
o Sterl in g 13 8
H A .... A II


'" " ":I ,
.. "" " ."" '"" ,." ,,, ." " "
" " . 0 . 'I'
" .
I , ,
. ",
D Eric kson 73 o Swan 35, 3 6. 3 7 MEX'CO

.," "
E . S. Labs 143
F rec k 13 6
o T e lec o m m 8 S
o T el.e " 120
" . ' L ' P P ' NU
" .,
" " '" 0"
" " , 0" 0

I o
Galewa y 14 0
G & G 142
o T.. o r ee 13 8
o Top BaO'>d 139 P IIE IIT O IIl C O
" " , ", " " " " 0
G ood h eart 14 1
G,eene 13 3
G regory 1 13
H a l 29 ,141 , 143
o Tower 140
o Tr;s ta o 13 6
o T w o W ay 13 7
o Va ngu a.d 45.59.138
.. , .

" " " " "' " " 0"

0 ..

" " " " ,'"

o H eat h 5 1 o V arit ro nic l 9 4 , 9 5 WESTE RN U N I T E D S TA T E S T 0
o He nr y 2 4.2 5 , 93 o V ib rople" 143
I o
H i Pa r 143
H & L 141
H off m a n 13 3
rr Waw ,u e e 13 3
o WN Y H a m fe st 137
O Wo rld OS L 13 9
ALAS K A ., ."
" 0 0
" " " "
I o Hv · G e in 4 6 , 4 7 o WRL 10 1
"11.' ""A " " " " " " " "., "
o Internat' j Xta l 15 o 73 Stuff
" " "., 'I.'
A U S T R A L IA ''-I
" " " , 0 0

I o
J ames 13 7
J a n XUI , 13 0
J a ne l 1 43
S u bscr ip t io ns 25
Radi o 8 oobhop 26 ,27
FM 800ks 82
"'I' " " " 0 0 U;.

." "" ,,,

" ~.\

E " GL A " " 0

'" ., " .," ","
"" " " " "

T O 73 I nc•• Peterborough NH 03458


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I Name _ " £ :l ' C O

P ll ILI PPjl'U ."• " "" ".,

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I Ca ll _ P U" R TO RIC O

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I Add ress _

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IL Z;p _
£ A $T CO A S T

A =::
" "
N e xt hig h er fre que n cy m a y be useful al so.
" " " "

B =:: D ifficu lt circu it t his period .

14 4 73 MAG A Z IN E

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