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Tugas percakapan dalam bahasa inggrris di Rumah Sakit

Group 3
1. A. Wiwiek Damayanti as
2. Dewi Purnamasari as
3. Sri Hastuti Mulyani as
4. Erni Hapid as
5. Nurlinda as

Bella has Sore Throat

Mrs. Norah : excuse me.

Receptionist : ooh yes, what can I do for you mam?
Mrs. Norah : I want to check my daughter’s illness. Where should I go?
Receptionist : you can go ahead to check up your daughter with Children Specialist
Doctor on the second floor
Mrs. Norah : could you point me where the room is?
Receptionist : it’s on the second floor. You can go there by taking the elevator.
Mrs. Norah : very well. Thank you
Receptionist : you’re welcome.
Bella : where are we going, mom?
Mrs. Norah : we‘re going to the Children Specialist Doctor’s room on the second floor
for checking up your illness.

In the front of children specialist doctor’s room

At the registrations counter

Nurse : Morning Mam,! Can I help you?

Mrs. Norah : Morning Nurse….! I want to check up my daughter’s illness.
Nurse : oowh okey, Firstly, you need to fill in this form and take your quenue
number and than sit down to wait until your quenue number called.
Mrs. Norah : ( filling in the form and taking the quenue number ) here you are. Thank
Nurse : you’re welcome… Please have a seat while waiting.

(15 minutes later)

Nurse : Bella Saphira, number 7 !

Mrs. Norah : Look , our number is mentioned. Let’s go enter the room, Dear.
Bella : mom…… um….. I’m afraid . Will the doctor inject me?
Mrs. Norah : don’t worry, my dear. Mom will never leave your side.
Nurse : Number 7… ! please enter to the exam room.
Don’t be afraid Bella, the doctor is very kind.
Doctor : Good morning, ma’am. Please have a seat.
Mrs. Norah : Thank you, Doc.
Doctor : Good morning, little girl. What is your name?
Bella : uuummm……. My name is Bella
Doctor : wow, you look tough. How old are you?
Bella : I’m 9 yars old
Doctor : So, what brings you here, Dear?
Bella : uuuummmm……. I had a fever and my throat is sore.
Mrs. Norah : Yes, Doctor. Last night she had a fever. Then a gave Her some medicine
to bring down her fever. And this morning, I thought that her fever had
gone away, but after she woke up she said that she got fever again. This
time her temperature was higher than last night. She complains that her
throat is sore too.
Doctor : Okay……. Could you open mouth widely, Bella? Say aaaaaaaa……..
Bella : [ opens her mouth widely]
Doctor : I think Bella gets Pharyngitis or sore throat. Did you eat some hot foods
or salty snacks like chips, bella?
Bella : ummm….. yes, I think I ate too much potato and barbeque chips two days
Doctor : I suggest you not to eat salty snacks and chips too much, Bella. They can
get your throat irritated and infected like now. But don’t worry with my
medicines you’ll be fine soon.
Bella : Thank You, Doctor!
Doctor : Here is the prescription, ma’am. You can go to the first floor to complete
the administration needs.
Mrs. Norah : Thank You, Doc
Doctor : Good bye, Bella. Get well soon.
Bella : Yes, Thank you, Doctor.

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