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Juliana Lay

September 24, 2019

Reflection Paper

1. Peer Feedback on Project

a. After completing my Project Plan, I received feedback from two classmates.
The first one mainly gave me feedback on how to word certain sentences and to
correct certain grammar errors. I was glad they gave me this feedback since
grammar was part of the grade. The second one gave me positive comments and
mentioned how it was interesting how all of the technologies I researched were all
in some way connected to Photography.
2. Implementation of feedback
a. The feedback that I received was something I could easily change. As for the
first critique, it was mainly suggestions on how to reword a couple sentences in
order for it to flow more. This was an easy change, but also appreciated. The
second person gave me more of a positive critique. That being said there was
nothing to change after the second critique.
3. Learning Reflection
a. If I were to restart this project, I think one thing that I could have done
differently were to be more time efficient. I often have the tendency to
procrastinate and this project was something that took time to actually go out and
try specific technologies. I felt as if I had to rush a little with my work since I was
super busy all the time and could barely get time to explore and experiment with
the technologies. I believe the critique was a good way to show me not to rush
things. I probably did when writing up my Project Plan since the first person told
me about my grammatical errors.
4. Alternative Use / Future directions
a. Before this project I knew about all the forms of technology I used for this
project, however did not think of them as related to my subject area, photography.
It was interesting to see how three totally different technologies all can be related
in some way. I researched Siri, Virtual Reality goggles, and home security
cameras for my project. All of these technologies have an intended purpose,
however after critical thinking and researching them I noticed how they can all be
focused on photography. I think this can go for any sort of technology. They all
have a specific use, but they can be used for something entirely different than
what is was initially meant for.

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