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Bradie Harris

Conconi Test

With these two graphs we are looking at the point where our heart rate plateaus,

called the lactate threshold. It also shows the amount of power and RPE during the

exercise. The first graph is of the 2nd time that we performed the assessment and the

2nd graph is the 1st time. Both times my heart rate stayed in the same range, 110-180.

The power ranges varied only slightly. The second time I was able to push myself 20

watts more than the first assessment. At 160 HR, 1st test, and 170 for the 2nd test I hit

lactate threshold changing from aerobic to anaerobic training as identified in the graph.

RPE increased faster the 1st time I performed the conconi test whereas the 2nd time

RPE slowly increased. Suggesting that zones 1-4 can be a good pace to keep for more

than 30 minutes. Zones 5-7 would be more likely to stay in short time periods, 2-3

minutes. In zones 8-10 can only be kept up for a couple second intervals.

Cardiorespiratory training is a way to improve lung and heart conditions and

endurance. It is the ability of the body to supply oxygen through the circulatory and

respiratory systems to muscles in the body in sustained exercise. This can include

endurance training which is focusing on the aerobic system of the body. A longer

amount of exercise time in lower zones of RPE.

Lactate threshold training is a faster pace you can hold without generating more

lactic acid. For example, a tempo run, it keeps you at or just under your lactate

threshold. Which is what we discovered in the conconi test. There are other types of

training that can help with endurance. Vo2 training gives you a good idea of how much

oxygen your body intakes during exercise. Supra training is more short time periods at a
Bradie Harris

ramp up pace. For example, running one minute but for 30 minutes staying in zone 3,

for 20 minutes to zones 5-6 and the last 10 minutes in zone 7-8. This is repeated at

least 5 times. Both exercises work the endurance part of exercise increasing the

capacity your lungs have to intake and utilize oxygen.

This course has been a lot of fun. I really enjoyed how we were able to do the

tests in class together, but also had the opportunity to do it how we wanted or were

comfortable with outside of class. Repeating the exercises also helped me to remember

the difference types of training I can do and I saw a huge difference in the ability my

body had to complete the workouts at first to how I can now perform each training

exercise. I think it would have been fun to talk a little more about recovery, I realized

after we talked about it how I should have been taking care of my body.

The training we did in this class has made a huge impact on my personal training

in triathlons. Next year I will be joining a team and to be able to learn how to train my

cardio prepares me for the races and practices ahead. Since taking this course and

using the exercises we have learned, I have been able to perform past triathlon training

exercises with more energy and faster. I will always use these types of training; you see

the results almost immediately.

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