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“____”________20___ _____________________
(head office or name, surname of employee - individual person)
hereinafter referred to as “Employer” represented by____________________________________
(name, surname, position)
in the one hand, and Mr./Mrs. _________________________________________________________
(name, surname)
hereinafter referred to as “Employee”, on the other hand, based on the provisions of articles 45-49 of
Labor Code, approved by law No. 154-XV dated March 28, 2003, have concluded in the following
Individual Employment contract agreed on:
1. The Employee is employed as ______________________________________________________
(position, occupation/job, specialty, qualification)
2. Place of work___________________________________________________________________
(subdivision of institution)
3. Work is:
a. full time;
b. part time.
4. Term of the contract agreed on:
a. unlimited;
b. limited ________________________________________________________________________
(by the specific term)
5. Trial period (if the parties agreed) ___________________________________________________
(limited by)
6. This Individual Employment Agreement is effected as of:
a. signed on;
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
(agreed upon by the position)
7. Specific risks to the work
(work in harsh, severe or dangerous conditions etc.)
8. The employee has the following rights:
a. rights provided for paragraph (1) article 9 of Labor Code;
b. other rights _____________________________________________________________________
(specified any responsibilities agreed upon by the parts)
9. The employee is obliged to :
a. fulfill the obligation provided by the paragraph (1) Article 9 , the Labor Code;
b. fulfill other obligations ___________________________________________________________
(specified any responsibilities agreed upon by the parts)
10. The employer has the following rights:
a. rights provided by the paragraph (1) , Article 10 , the Labor Code;
b. other rights _____________________________________________________________________
(specified any responsibilities agreed upon by the parts)
11. The employer undertakes to:
a. fulfill the obligations provided by the paragraph (1) Article 10 , the Labor Code;
b. fulfill other obligations established by Labor Code, by other normative acts, by collective
agreements, by the collective Labor Agreement and this individual Labor Agreement which
specifying additional obligations
(to be specified any additional obligations)
12. Remuneration conditions of employee's work (the mandatory minimum amount by employees in
the real sector may not be less than the minimum guaranteed salary of the employee in the real
sector established by the Government or as the case than the salary rate for the category I of
qualification set out in the collective sectorial agreement
( salary rate of the tariff ,bonuses, increases , allowances, prizes, aids)
(materials, compensations and allowances, including the work performed in hard conditions)
(harmful and / or dangerous, labor intensity etc.)
12 . The amount of the salary rate shall determine:
 vacation paid;
 the amount of the dismissal allowance;
 the size of the unemployment allowance;
 the size of retired pension, work experience, disability pension.
13. Work condition
(duration of working time, type of work week, daily duration)
(working time, part-time work, shift work, night work, etc.)
14. Rest condition_______________________________________________________________
(daily rest, weekly rest, etc.)
15. Annual holidays:
a. annual leave____________________________________________________________________
b. additional annual leave________________________________________________________
16. The social insurance of the employee is performed in the manner and amount provided by the
legislation in force.
17. The medical insurance of the employee is performed in the manner and amount provided by the
legislation in force.
18. Specific terms (agreed by the parties) _____________________________________________
(mobility, confidentiality, other terms which do not contravene with the legislation in force)
19. Incentives, benefits, allowances and / or other rights that the Employee will benefit in exchange
for respecting the specific clauses provided by point 18
20. This Individual Employment Agreement may be modified only be an additional agreement signed
by the parties, which shall be annexed to the contract and be an integral part thereof.
21. Any change that refers to will be considered as a modification (completion) of this Individual
Employment Agreement:
a. the duration of the contract;
b. place of work;
c. specificity of work (difficult, harmful and / or dangerous conditions, the introduction of specific
clauses according to art.51 of Labor Code, etc.);
d. amount labor remuneration;
e. work and rest days;
f. specialty, profession, qualification, position;
22. incentives the manner of their granted provision .
As an exception, the unilateral modification by the employer of this individual Work Contract is
possible only in the cases and under the conditions provided by the Labor Code. In these cases,
the employee will be warned about the need to amend the Individual Employment Contract 2
months in advance.
23. The employee's place of work may be temporarily changed by the employer by moving in the
interest of work or posting to another job in accordance with Articles 70 and 71 of the Labor
24. In the case of the occurrence of a situation provided by art.104 paragraph (2) a) and b) of the
Labor Code, the employer may temporarily change, for a period of maximum one month, the
place and the specific job to the employee without his consent and without making changes
respectively in this Individual Employment Contract.
25. The transfer of the employee to another job and his commutation can take place in strict
accordance with the provisions of articles 68 and 74 of the Labor Code and points 20-21 of this
Individual Employment Contract.
26. The suspension of this Individual Employment Agreement may occur:
a. in circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties (art.76 of the Labor Code);
b. by agreement of the parties (art.77 of the Labor Code);
c. at the initiative of one of the parties (Article 78 of the Labor Code).
27. This Individual Employment Contract may terminate:
a. in circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties (Articles 82, 305 and 310 of the
Labor Code);
b. at the initiative of one of the parties (Articles 85 and 86 of the Labor Code).
28. The individual labor disputes that will arise during the action of this Individual Labor Contract
will be resolved in the manner established by the Labor Code and other normative acts.
29. The present individual Contract of work is drawn up in two copies having the same legal power,
one of which is kept at the Employer, and the second one at the Employee.
Identification data of the parties to the Contract:

The employer Employee

Address_________________ Address____________________
Fiscal Code______________ ID card____________________

Signature_______________ Released_______________
Personal code_______________

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