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University of Maryland, College Park

Pearl Diving Assignment 2

Lukas Koch

Communication for Project Managers: ENCE424

Dr. Shana Webster-Trotman

October 05, 2019

The course Communication for Project Managers provides different assessments and tests
that are used to evaluate various characteristics of yourself. This includes personality, behavior
and skills. The awareness of the own personality and skills is essential to be able to improve. The
basis for improvement is to be aware of the gap between the current state and the target state. In
order to be able to consciously control one's own actions and to control one's own appearance, it
is necessary to be aware of oneself. Assessments about the own person can strengthen this
awareness. In this essay I provide the results of the Conflict Management Style Assessment and
discuss them. Based on this, I state how techniques from the readings can help me in a conflict
situation. Furthermore, I present the results of the Jung Assessment and explain how far I agree
and how far I disagree. The results are then compared with the results of the DISC Assessment.
Subsequently, I provide two signature stories which show my ability to overcome adversity and
how I identified and fixed a problem what lead to benefits for me and others.

Conflict Management Style Assessment

The Conflict Management Style Assessment is a tool to find the personal most preferred
conflict management style. During the test you have to answer 15 statements by selecting one out
of four different responses that describes you best. The test asks you how often the statements
apply, and the four possible answers are rarely, sometimes, often and always. The result of the
assessment provides a ranking of your styles. The five different styles are Collaborating,
Competing, Avoiding, Accommodating and Compromising. After taking the test the following
ranking resulted:
 Accommodating: 10 points
 Collaborating: 9 points
 Compromising: 9 points
 Competing: 6 points
 Avoiding: 5 points.
The Accommodating style is described as the Teddy Bear style. People with that style value
relationships higher than their own goals. These people want to be liked by others and they try to
smooth over conflicts to prevent damage to the relationship. This conflict style seems to be
effective in keeping relationships in a positive manner through the avoidance of conflict. It also
may help to keep conversations easy and relaxed. However, it is not conductive for effective
communication. When people only apply this conflict management style, they never achieve
what they want to. Conflicts that occur are not resolved. They remain, because at least one party
is not satisfied with the situation but does not address it because of its style. The necessary
communication to solve the problem does not take place. The other people involved are maybe
not aware of the present conflict, because the Teddy Bear does not mention it at all because of
the fear of damage for the relationship. I personally think that although the intention of the
Teddy Bear is to prevent damage to the relationship, on the long term view this behavior in
conflicts has the opposite effect on relationships. Because of all these unsolved conflicts which
add up, the relationship will suffer in the long run. One technique I want to apply to enhance my
ability to address and solve conflicts is the concept of the pool of shared meaning.
According to Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and Switzler “The Pool of Shared Meaning is the
birthplace of synergies” (Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and Switzler, 2011, p. 7). This concept
represents exactly what Teddy Bears try not to do. They do not share their opinion or ideas
because there are scared to damage a relationship. But a shared pool of meaning gives
individuals the possibility to have more accurate and relevant information (Patterson, Grenny,
McMillan and Switzler, 2011). More important is the second advantage of a comprehensive pool
of shared meanings. When decisions are made people willingly act with unity and conviction
because they understand why the solution is the best one and they are committed to it (Patterson,
Grenny, McMillan and Switzler, 2011). This is what happens not, when Teddy Bears do not
share their opinion and feelings. The pool of shared meaning is not comprehensive and decisions
in the conflict are made on a poor basis of options. The conflict cannot be solved properly
because information is missing in the pool and not accessible for every participant. The conflict
remains. Because of my self-awareness of being a Teddy Bear, I can work on improving the
weaknesses. In the future I want to take care that I as a Teddy Bear share me opinion to fill the
pool and to give everybody in the conflict the possibility to solve this properly by having access
to all necessary information. A second technique I want to apply is what the authors of the book
Crucial Conversations call “Refuse Fool’s Choice”. Fool’s Choice describes an either/or
situation (Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and Switzler, 2011). It is applicable to most of the
situations when Teddy Bears do not share their opinion and sacrifice their goals. The first option
in a Fool’s Choice problem is to speak up, share the own opinion and address the conflict which
damage the relationship to the other person. The second possibility is suffering in silence,
sacrifice the own goals and do not address the conflict (Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and
Switzler, 2011). This is what Teddy Bears regularly do. In the future I want to try to avoid this
mindset of thinking. By setting up new choices and searching for the elusive AND it is possible
to come up with more creative and productive options so you can address a conflict and do not
damage the relationship (Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and Switzler, 2011). I want to try to adopt
this mindset for future conflict situations.

Jung Personality Test

Being aware of the features of the own personality is not just a competitive advantage, it
is necessary to be effective in communication, leadership and to be able to improve the own
skills in all these fields. The Jung Personality Test asses the psychological type according to the
Jung types. The Jung Personality Test measures the preferences in dealing and relating to people,
how you process information, how you make decisions and how you organize your life. The
result of the test gives an overview about the personality and behavior. The test results indicate
that the personality type which describes me most accurately is the Extravert-Sensor-Feeler-
Judger (ESFJ). Extraverts are described as outgoing, energetic and action oriented. They show
enthusiasm. Sensors rely on facts, handle practical matters well and like things to be concrete
and measurable. Because of their concern for other people, feelings and emotions are important
for Feelers. A planned, organized and decisive lifestyle is preferred by Judgers. Overall, I agree
with the test results of the Jung Personality Test. This also includes that the results meet the
expectations. One of the most important results for me is that the test indicates that I am a people
person. The test report states that this type of person is outgoing, friendly and interested in
others. Furthermore, it describes that this type wants to like people and that there is a
characteristic which makes other people feel good about themselves.
I appreciate this test result, and this is how I see myself, as well. Additionally, this is how I want
to be and how I want to be seen. Studies about leadership indicate that these types of leaders
achieve the best working climate in their teams which leads to a great team performance.
Positive relationships with peers, co-workers and people around me are important. This has a
high value for me personally. The category “On a team” in the test report states that I deliver
humor and enthusiasm when I work and interact with others. In my opinion this has something to
do with the fact that I rather work together with other people than alone. Working together with
people is what I enjoy and what rewards me. The results describe that besides my people-
oriented personality, I have a practical, no-nonsense attitude. This means that I like to get things
done rather now than lather and that following the rules is very important to me. In the category
“Organization” the results state that people with this type are hard workers who seek for
responsibility and who take work and commitments seriously. This describes a characteristic that
I would assign to myself. Since I was younger, I strive for responsibility. Be it in my soccer
team, the youth club I am a member in or in professional life. My intention is to take over tasks
which are important and to take responsibility for other people. Working hard is part of that
One result that surprises me a little bit is that the test indicates that I am extravert. Although I
really enjoy working with people and prefer to be around people in general rather than being
alone, I do not see myself as a very outgoing person. I rather think about what I say first.
Additionally, I would describe myself more as a good listener and less as the person who is
talking all the time. In general, I think I combine a balance between being introvert and
This is also what the result of the DISC test indicates. With Steadiness and Influence as the
strongest factors, the test shows that I have strong people orientation. Steadiness is with distance
the strongest factor. Steadiness stands for team-orientation, loyalty, harmony and that I am a
good listener. This agrees with the Jung test as this describes me a “people person”. Similar in
both test results is also that they state that I am an friendly, sociable and outgoing. This is a result
of the Jung test, as well as the DISC test in which Influence is my second strongest
characteristic. I agree with the characteristics friendly and sociable. Like I already stated in the
evaluation of the DISC test and above in the evaluation of the Jung test, I do not think that I am a
very extrovert and outgoing person. In general, I think the results of both tests match very
Storytelling techniques

According to Gallo, storytelling is not just a Soft Skill, it is fundamental and hard cash
(Gallo, 2018). Messages delivered in stories have a significant higher chance to be remembered
by the audience then hard facts. Stories initiate physical processes in the brain. Successful
storytelling appeals to Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Stories can be about personal experiences, about
customers or clients or about a signature events in the history of the brand or company. Impactful
signature stories include seven key elements (Gallo, 2018):
 It is a story.
 It is intriguing.
 It is authentic.
 It includes details.
 It reveals a surprise.
 It introduces emphatic characters.
 It has a conflict and tension.
In the following I present two signature stories. One is about personal experience and
demonstrates my ability to overcome adversity. The second story shows how a problem is
identified and solved, which leads to benefits for both, me and others.

These days I am a very sporty and athletic person. I play soccer in a team on a competitive level.
I run a lot and finished several half marathons and a marathon. I enjoy hiking and climbing.
There was a time in my life, however, when it wasn't clear that I could do this all.
From birth on, I have been sick very frequently and often. I had a lot of coughs, fever and
pneumonia. When I got older and started to walk, my parents realized that I was very quickly out
of breath and I had to cough during exertion. My parents thought it was related to when I was
sick. Later they realized that this is a permanent condition. So, my parents took me to a doctor to
find out the reasons for these symptoms. After several doctors could not help a specialist attested
that I suffer from asthma. I was 7 years old back then. I had to take strong medications to combat
the symptoms of the asthma. I should avoid strong physical exertion, since this intensifies the
symptoms. However, I have always been a person with a lot of urge to move and it was difficult
for my parents to keep me calm. I also enjoyed playing soccer with my friends. With the help of
the medication, I was able to lead a relatively normal life and the restrictions were minimal. But
then at the age of 12, I got a very strong cough and had difficulties in breathing. I spent several
days in hospital. The doctors told me I need to stop doing sport because there was a chance that it
would be very dangerous for me. They told me that it would probably stay in that way for the
rest of my life. That was shocking for me and my first reaction was despair. After the first phase
of despair, I decided that I do not want to accept this fate. I slowly started to do sport again and
to strain myself physically. During and after every sport I felt the symptoms of asthma and I felt
miserable. I was not sure if I could sustain this because I made me suffer a lot. Driven by the will
to do sports and above all to be a part of my soccer team, I managed to do sports despite all
difficulties. I started to accept that I have to live with these negative impacts on my physical
well-being if I want to participate in sports. To my astonishment the symptoms became smaller
and smaller after a certain time and I didn't start to torture myself anymore. After two more
years, I was not only free of problems in sports, but the symptoms of asthma had disappeared.
Since then I have no more restrictions and no problems with asthma. My doctors have confirmed
that my strong will to continue exercising and the resulting effect on my body have played an
important role in losing asthma. Finally, sport helped me that I can live the active and sporty life
that I wish for.

For more than 25 years, the Association of Catholic Youth from my home village has been
running a one-week tent camp over Whitsun. More than 70 children aged between 8 and 15 years
and 25 camp counselors live in the camp during this time. The camp is a nature camp far away
from cities and civilization. There is neither a drinking water supply nor electricity on the
campsite. Since I was already a participant in the camp when I was a child, I later became a
counselor. Being in camp with so many people for a long time is a very intense and challenging
experience but it is also very instructive. The water required for the camp for drinking, personal
hygiene and cleaning is carried by a transporter in large barrels from the next town to the camp.
Originally, all activities such as rinsing the dishes and body care were carried out directly on
these barrels where we just had a few of. It is easy to imagine that these barrels were regularly
the subject of disputes and differences of opinion. Children did not want to wait and push. While
some washed their dishes, others brushed their teeth or washed themselves. Water was wasted
because dosing was difficult. In one year, there was a great heat during the camp. Water was a
valuable commodity and was used a lot. Unfortunately, a lot of water was poured and wasted this
year. Towards the end of the camp the remaining water became scarce and threatened to run out.
We had to ration the water so that there was a chance that it would last until the end of the camp.
If the water ran out, that would have meant the camp had to be abandoned. This situation was
very tense and all the caregivers thought hard about how we could improve the situation. I could
finally solve this tense situation with the help of a law of nature, gravity. Therefore, I developed
a technical system which works similar to parts of the public water supply. With the help of a
pump, the water is pumped from the barrels into a higher container. By gravity the water flows
down a pipe and a certain pressure is built up. The pipe has several openings which can be
opened and closed. Thus, the water can be removed. With the help of this system, sufficient
water was available until the end of the camp by significantly reducing wastage. Also, the chaos
around the water barrels was dropped, because there are enough places where water could be
taken. The situation in the camp for each and every one was improved. With the help of a law of
nature and a simple technical system it was possible to secure the camp. This technique born out
of an emergency is still used in the camp today.

Finally, I think that it is very important to know the characteristics and features of the
own personality and skills. The Conflict Management Style assessment provides results I agree
with. The value specification draws a picture that is similar to the way I perceive myself. The
accommodating style, also known as Teddy Bear style hinders effective communication because
problems are not communicated, and they sustain. Concepts like the Pool of shared meaning and
Fool’s Choice are good techniques, which ca help you to improve your communications skills
and your ability to handle conflicts properly.
The Jung personality assessment provides results about your personality and behavior. In
general, I agree with the results of the test and they match with the results of the DISC
assessment. Again, in a similar way to the DISC assessment I do not fully agree in the way the
test describes me as an outgoing and extrovert person.
Storytelling is one essential technique to communicate successful. Through storytelling the
chances that people remember what you said is significant higher. It is also a proper way to
present yourself, your characteristics and your skills. One of the two signature stories describes a
personal experience which demonstrate my ability to overcome adversity. The second story
states a problem and shows how I identified and solved the problem so that me and others
benefited from it.
Works Cited

Gallo, Carmine. (2018). Five Stars the Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great. St.

Martin’s Press

Patterson, Kerry and Grenny, Joseph and McMillan, Ron and Switzler, Al. (2011). Crucial

Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,

Second Edition

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