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Reflection Cover Letter

When I was given the prompt that required me to use the information obtained in my
interviews and use it to persuade outsiders about my profession was very overwhelming.I had
conducted three interviews and was left with so much information that I didn’t know what to do
with it. When I first started writing I realized my that I was not passionate about my ideas being
put out and this paper was becoming an unbearable task to complete. This quickly changed in the
matter of a day when I figured out what image I was going to use and my creativity was sparked.
I was now able to include a topic that I was intrigued by and I enjoyed finishing the first draft of
my paper. This paper required me to do deep thinking on how I would intertwine my ideas of
what a physician assistant is and how my interviews support the knowledge of their writing. This
was also the very first time I wrote a paper in AMA format which was daunting at first but it was
actually very easy once I figured out the rules. I was also able to go beyond a typical essay and
insert an image that supported my claim which I have never done before. Out of all the papers I
have written so far this is the one where I had to focus on the process of drafting and editing the
most. Hopefully the product shows how much time I put into the process of writing it as I
rewrote my thoughts several times. I am still struggling however with being able to identify
grammar issues within my sentences, like comma splices, and I hope that these ideas will stick in
my head as we go over them more.
At first when you gave us this prompt I read it frustrated because I believed that this was
very bad timing for an essay. Since all of us are freshman, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do
this paper justice because I haven’t discovered my passion for my profession yet. To my surprise
after really listening to all of the answers and advice given to me during my interviews I
somehow found my passion. I became very interested in all of the aspects of writing that will
have a great impact on my future. I knew that research and the presentation on peer-reviewed
articles played a role in physician assistant’s learning process, but I didn’t realize how large this
role actually was. As I was writing, I discovered how privileged I am because I have the ability
to readily seek the advice from a physician in person. This then allowed me to strengthen my
argument about online articles because they can be used for people who can’t afford healthcare
and need answers for themselves or their family. This happened several times during my process
of writing this paper where I would think of one idea and several paragraphs would come as a
result of it. So, I may not have been enthusiastic about creating this paper from the beginning but
now I realize how important it was for me to create this paper and I am more passionate about
my career more than ever.

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