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ACI JOURNA' ee TUM =ia annie Title no. 83-75 ACI 523.1R-86/ACI 523.1RIM-86 Guide for Cast-in-Place Low-Density Concrete reported by ACI Committee 523 LE. Rivkind Secretary Alber: Litvin Henry N. Marsh, Je Rober Milanese, Owen Richards Rudolph C. Valor, J. Leo A. Legatski ‘Chairman “Theodore W. Bremner Hubert. Dudley ELA Fischer *aichard Galer Lester Goring George Hott This guide provides information on materials, properties, design, and proper handling of cast-in place coneretes having oven-dry unit, eights of 50 pef (800 kg/m’) or less. These concrees achieve ther low unit weight by incorporating low-density aggregates, ir entrain- ‘ment, or preformed foam. These concrete are mos! commonty used in roof deck systems, where their advantages include insulating value, the ability to be sloped-to-drain, and improved fire resistance. concrete: ghia lite roots shrinkage: structural design: thermal conductivity thermal expan CONTENTS Chapter 1 — General — Scope 1.2 — Definition of low-density concrete 13 — Types of low-density concrete Chapter 2 — Concrete materials 2.1 — Cement 22— Agaregates 23 — Water 2.4 — Foams 2.5 — Admixtures 215 — Fiber reinforcement Chapter 3 — Concrete properties 3.1 — Oven-dy unit weight 3.2 — Ava anit weit 3.3 — Compresive strength ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and ‘Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing, plan- ning, executing, or inspecting construction and in preparing specifications. Reference to these documents shall not be made inthe Project Documents. If items found in these documents are desired 10 be part of the Projest Documents they should be phrased in mandatory language andi ed ito the Project Documents 3.4 — Modulus of elasticity 3.5 — Drying shrinkage 3.6 — Thermal expansion 7 — Walkability 3.8 — Nailability 3.9 — Thermal conductivity 3.10 — Fire resistance Chapter 4 — Design considerations for roof decks 44:1 — Load-bearing capacity 42 — Expansion and contraction joints 4.3 — Vapor pressure reduction 4/4 — Standard roofing details Chapter 5 — Mixing, handling, placing, finishing, and curing 5.1 = Storage of materials 5.2 — Concrete designation 53 — Mixing procedure 5-4 — Conveying 5.3 — Finishing 516 — Curing 5.7 — Weather Chapter 6 — Roof deck applications 6.1 — Form systems 6.2 — Roofing readiness Chapter 7 — References TAA — Specified and/or recommended references 72-— Cited references the Mayu 1987 ACI JOURNAL if Ai'ghts revere inlding ight of reproduction and use a any form or wy iret scning he Sale o oper yay poco proce oy a) ‘Skarone or echanical devi pte, writen, ot Oar recoding fo sound = visa! repreduction or for tae ima knowledge 0: teil sytem o Sloe les permision i wings obained from the copyrigh proso ‘ACI JOURNAL | September-October 1986 CHAPTER 1 — GENERAL, 1.1 — Scope This guide brings together pertinent data on the Properties, uses, and application considerations for field-placed low-density concrete. The largest single use Of these types of concrete is as a roofing base and ther- ‘mal insulation for industrial and commercial buildings. ‘The guide provides the engineer or architect with infor- mation on the types of raw materials and their proper- ties, design considerations, and proper mixing and placing techniques for cast-in-place low-density con- crete for thermal insulation and slope-to-drain roof decks. Only limited information is included on geotechnical applications for low-density concrete. These applica- tions usually involve thick sections of material and the consideration of such things as retention of heat, ther- ‘mal stresses, short-term and long-term water absorp tion, the ability t0 control density, and other unique site-specific aspects. Fill applications include replace- ‘ment of poor soils; fills for abandoned mines, pipe- lines, and voids; and shock-energy absorbing installa- tions. In these applications, the low-density concrete fills are often designed, mixed, and placed to meet spe- cific job conditions and functional requirements. ‘This ACI guide states all values in both in.-Ib and SI units. Within the text, the SI units are shown in paren- theses. The values stated in in.-Ib and SI units are usu- ally not exact equivalents; therefore, each system is to be used independently of the other. 4.2 — Definition of low-density concrete Low-density concrete, as used in this guide, is de- fined as concrete made with or without aggregate ad- ditions to portland cement, water, and air to form a hardened material which, when oven-dried will have a unit weight of 50 pef (800 kg/m’) or less. 1.3 — Types of low-density concret Low-density concrete is of three generic types: 1.3.1 Aggregate type — Concrete made predomi- nantly with either perlite or vermiculite mineral aggre- gates, other low-density aggregates, or with expanded polystyrene beads. 1.3.2 Cellular type — Concrete made by forming a cement matrix around air cells that are generated by preformed or insitu foams generated from foam con- centrates or gas-forming chemicals. 1.3.3 Cellular/aggregate type — Low-density con- cretes made by combining foam and low-density aggre- gates to impart special properties to the mix. These Properties may include, among others: improved strength, improved ability of the concrete to be cast on steeper slopes, and longer retention of additional water in the mix for curing in very dry climates. The cost of the concrete is also reduced. CHAPTER 2 — CONCRETE MATERIALS 2.1 — Cement ‘The cement should meet the requirements of ASTM C 150 (portland cements) or C $95 (blended cements) Blended cements include portland blast furnace slag ce- ment, portland-pozzolan cement, and slag cement Blended cements may result in slower rates of strength development during the first 3 to 5 days for these low- density concretes. High-early-strength cements (Type 111) will produce low-density concrete with higher rates of early strength development Manufacturers of polystyrene beads for use in con- erete have recommended that under normal conditions of use, Type Il cement (which is classified in ASTM C 150 Table 2A as a moderate heat of hydration ‘ment and which has a lower heat of hydration than Type I or Type III cements) be used for placements of sections greater than 6-in. (152-mm) thickness, since excessive increases in temperature may cause further expansion of the beads. This recommendation may be modified to meet ambient temperature conditions, heat storage capacity of form media, type and content of aggregate, and other factors. 2.2 — Aggregates 2.2.1 Perlite — Perlite is a naturally occurring sili- ceous volcanic glass with a concentric layered stru ture, When heated above 1600 F (870 C), the crude Tock expands as combined water (2 to 6 percent) va- orizes and creates numerous tiny interconnected bub- bles in the heat-softened glassy particles. It usually ex- pands to 4 to 20 times its original volume. The ex- panded perlite aggregate for use in concrete has a loose, ry bulk density of 7 to 12 Ib/ft’ (120 to 192 kg/m’) and should conform to ASTM C 332, Group I aggre- gates. Reference 1 provides further information on perlite, 2.2.2 Polystyrene — Expandable polystyrene is made by polymerizing styrene. During the process, a hydro- carbon blowing agent is incorporated. The product is in the form of small beads, which soften and expand when heated with steam in special expanding chambers. The expanded beads are generally spherical in shape and hhave loose, dry bulk densities varying from 0.6 to 2/4 Ib/fe? (10 to 40 kg/m’). The expanded beads have a fine, closed cellular structure. The gradation of the ex- panded beads coming from a single expanding opera- tion is narrow. At present, there are no gradation or density requirements for this material when it is used as concrete aggregate. Whether in expanded or unex- panded form, this aggregate must be considered com- bustible and safety precautions must be observed prior to its introduction into the mixture, 2.2.3 Vermiculite — Vermiculite is the name given to platey micaceous minerals that are hydrous silicates of aluminum, magnesium, and iron. When heated to tem- peratures of 1200 to 2000 F (650 to 1100 C), the water trapped in the flakes of vermiculite ore turns to steam and forces the micaceous plates of the materials to ex- foliate in an accordion-like fashion. This exfoliation of the thin plates causes the volume of the vermiculite to increase to up to 30 times the original volume. The air spaces formed in the aggregate are open or intercon- nected. The exfoliated vermiculite aggregate for use in concrete has a loose, dry bulk density of 6 to 10 Ib/ft* (96 to 160 kg/m’) and should conform to ASTM C 332, Group I aggregates. Reference 1 provides further in- formation on vermiculite. 2.2.4 Other low-density aggregates — Other aggre- Bates for use in low-density concrete may be prepared by expanding, calcining, or sintering various natural or artificial materials. When used, they should conform to ASTM C 332, Group II. 2.2.5 Sands — Sands conforming to ASTM C 33 and ASTM C 144 are acceptable. Sands of other gradations may be used where their acceptability has been demon- strated. 2.3 — Water Mixing water should be potable and free of deleter- cous amounts of acids, alkali, salts, oils, and organic materials that would adversely affect the set time, strength, or performance of the concrete. 2.4 — Foams 2.4.1 Preformed foam — Preformed foam is pro- duced by diluting a foam concentrate with water, com- bining this foam solution with compressed air in pre determined proportions, and then passing this mixture through a blending device that expands the liquid up to about 30 times into the preformed foam. The density of the preformed foam is typically between 2.1 and 4.0 Ib/ ft’ (4 and 64 kg/m’). This mechanical system is com- monly referred to as a foam generator. The foam concentrate must have a chemical compo- sition capable of producing stable air cells in the con- crete which can resist the physical and chemical forces imposed during mixing, pumping, placing, and setting of the concrete. If the cellular structure is not stable, it may break down during mixing and/or placing result- ing in increases in concrete density. Procedures for evaluating these concentrates in a standard mix for density, water absorption, and compressive strength are contained in ASTM C 796. The proprietary formula- tions of foam concentrates most commonly used are based on protein hydrolyzates or synthetic surfactants. For further details concerning these formulations and the need for stabilizers consult the manufacturer. The foam concentrate should conform to ASTM C 868. 2.4.2 In situ foam — In situ foam is generated by high speed, high shear mixing in an open mixer. The concentrates are the same as noted in paragraph 2.4.1 The concentrate and water are most commonly mixed for a short period of time, usually before the addition of cement and aggregates (if any), to allow foam to form in the mixer. The air bubbles that are formed at first are reduced in size as mixing proceeds. The quantity of concentrate required is determined by trial and depends on the concentrate type, mixing time, mixer efficiency, batch size, and the density of concrete desired, 2.5 — Admixtures 2.8.1 Air-entraining admixtures — Air entrainment is normally used with the aggregate types of low-density concretes. The amount of air needed to develop a cer- tain density concrete is a function of the type of low- density aggregate and the proportions of the mixture. It should be determined by a trial mixture or in accord- ance with the aggregate manufacturer's recommenda- tions. The air-entraining agent may be prepackaged with the low-density aggregate or may be added at the mixer. Air-entraining admixtures should conform to ASTM C 260. Small quantities of air can also be incor- porated in the concrete using preformed foam or in situ foaming (Section 2.2). 2.8.2 Other chemical admixtures — Other types of chemical admixtures have been used with low-density coneretes. These include water-reducing and set-accel- erating admixtures. Water-reducing admixtures may help in improving compressive strengths for special mixes or applications. Acceleration may be obtained with hot water, high-early-strength cement (Type III), and/or chemical accelerators. Many commercial accel- erators contain chloride salts. Materials containing chloride ions should not be used in the concrete placed on stay-in-place steel forms or steel decking, if steel wire mesh is used for reinforcement, or if un- coated aluminum conduit or other aluminum members ‘are embedded in the concrete. Early structural failure ‘may result. The chemical admixtures should conform to ASTM C 494 and should be used in dosages as recom- mended by the manufacturer or as determined by mak- ing trial mixes. Not all chemical admixtures are com- patible with foam concentrates, and manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. The compatibil- ity of chemical admixtures and foaming agents ex- pected to be used should be established by the trial batch method prior to being specified and used. 2.5.3 Finely divided mineral admixtures — In the production of cellular concrete, finely divided mineral admixtures, such as ground quartz (silica flour) or poz- zolans (fly ash), may be added as a filler or partial re- placement of the cement. The use of finely divided mineral admixtures may reduce bleeding and segrei tion and may increase the strength of the concrete. Fly ash should conform to ASTM C 618, Alll of these min- eral admixtures may differ considerably in composi- tion, fineness, and other properties, but they must be compatible with the foam concentrate and other ad- mixtures. The physical properties and amount of the mineral admixtures and their compatibility with the foam concentrates and other admixtures should be specified. 2. — Fiber reinforcement Various types of fiber reinforcement materials can be used to improve the flexural and tensile strengths and energy-absorption and spall-resistance properties of the low-density concretes. CHAPTER 3 — CONCRETE PROPERTIES 3.1 — Oven-dry unit weight The oven-dry weight is commonly used to relate the physical properties of the various types of low-density concrete. Unit weight may be determined in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 495 or C 513. 3.2 — As-cast unit weight As-cast unit weight determinations are usually made at the point of placement, in accordance with Section 7.7 of ASTM C 796. In making this determination, the concrete should be consolidated by tapping the sides of the container, but never by rodding. The ratio of as- cast unit weight to oven-dry unit weight varies for the different types of low-density concrete due to different wate content requirements. The as-cast unit weight of the particular concrete is an important jobsite quality assurance tool to control uniformity and density, The following formula adapted from ASTM C $67 is useful as a method for calculating approximate oven- dry unit weight when the batch quantities, moisture content of aggregates, and the batch volume of the concrete are known where 0, = approximate oven-dry weight, Ib/ft! (ke/ m) W., = weight of dry aggregate in batch, 1 1b (ke) W,, = weight of cement in batch, Ib (ke) S$ = volume of concrete produced by the batch, £1 (m) 1.2W,, = weight of cement plus weight of water of hydration (considering water of hydration t0 be 20 percent of the weight of cement), Tb (ks) 9.3 — Compressive strength ‘The compressive strength versus density relationships are important indicators of the quality of the concrete. Compressive tests for low-density concrete should be made in accordance with ASTM C 495. The compres- sive strength is related to the oven-dry unit weight of the concrete as indicated in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 — Compressive strength ranges for low-density concre! ————___—tnarange of Diteae och ondahe_ || ueongeaape roe ee at pet [kev Bs MPa: 2025 | 320-400 70.125 048-085 3830 | dodgy | 15238 Dset'ss foas | asco | 225380 13szal ssa0 | 560-680 | 2413.10 40-50, 640-800 | | 340s:17 Low-density concretes with compressive strengths below 70 psi (0.48 MPa) have proven satisfactory for special applications such as pipe and wall insulation, tunnel and mine fills, energy absorption or shock miti- gation applications, and as backfills in sewer and high- way construction, Reference 2 presents many of these applications. 3.4 — Modulus of elasticity — Relationship to compressive strength Data relating modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, and oven-dry unit weight are listed in Table 34, Table 3.4 — Modulus of icity ranges for low: Comprenve | Medals of Senet ‘incr Conese 7 ‘ope |e) ke | pt | otra | tops | cee Parke waoete | 0-50 | 0553.10, 70250 Selamce | 1249 | HOG | Sho | eae | tS Getta) | 2:38 | So0Se0 | 10-90 | 090172 | 30-100 alla (S| 1-40 | eogea | “aso | Oas-3.10 | Toa | Oot 6s Batyayeene | Sas | Sesri0 | s2ss0 | 26379 | 100-t60 [048.10 SCement-snd ratio = 1 (iis sca sand shouldbe 100 wesh ofr 3.5 — Drying shrinkage The shrinkage and subsequent cracking of low-den- sity concrete is not usually critical in roof deck insula tion and fill applications. For structural use, the shrinkage should be considered; it can be measured in accordance with ASTM C 157. Shrinkage after 6 months at 50 percent relative humidity and 73 F (23 C) is usually within the range shown in Table 3.5. The drying shrinkage varies inversely with density. Table 3.5 — Drying shrinkage ranges for ow- density concre' sual range of shrinkage Concrete pe 1180 days, percent Perlite 0.10-0.30 Vermiculie 020.088 Cellular 9:30-0:60 Polysyrene 0240.60 3.6 —Thermal expansion Low-density concrete may be subjected to a wide temperature range. Thermal expansion should be con- sidered by the designer in applications where placing and/or operating temperatures of the low-density con- ‘crete vary significantly. These applications may occur in insulating applications such as roof decks, power plants, ovens, steam lines, etc. The coefficient of ther- mal expansion varies directly with density. Coefficients of thermal expansion for low-density concretes are shown in Table 3.6. Table 3.6 — Thermal expansion ranges for low- density concrete Concrete Coefficient of thermal expansion ype 40" per desree F [ 10" per dexres C Pete 431061 7110110 Vermiclte t8t099 ehte 103 Catala soro78 Sot 26 Paipstyrene sa179 5000182 3.7 — Walkability “Walkability”’ is a term that defines the ability of the low-density concrete to sustain normal construction foot traffic without damage. It is best judged by ex- amining the surface distress such as footprints left from normal foot traffic. Walkability improves with inereas- ing density. For roof decks where heavy construction traffic (such as wheelbarrows, scaffolds, material stor- age, pathways, etc.) is expected, the surface of the con- crete should be protected by protection boards or other means. 3.8 — Nailat Nailability of low-density concrete is important when nailing is specified to attach roofing to the deck. Nail- ing within 7 days of conerete placement is desirable. ‘Two properties should be considered: 1, The ability of the concrete to receive the nail with- out shattering or spalling. 2. The ability of the low-density concrete to hold the specialty roofing nail when a withdrawal force of 40 pounds (178 N) is applied to the nai 3.9 — Thermal conductivity ‘The thermal conductivity k of low-density concrete may be measured by means of the Guarded Hot Plate (ASTM C 177) or the Heat Flow Meter (ASTM C 518) methods. Equations for thermal conductivity for light- weight concrete under varying moisture conditions have been developed. These are cited and discussed in Ref- erence 3. The following equations from that reference are for thermal conductivity & in the oven-dry condition and the normally dry condition where the concrete is in moisture equilibrium at $0 to 60 percent relative hu- midity and room temperature. Oven dry, k = 0.5 e8% Eq. (1) (k = 0.072 e%) Eq. (JM) Normally dry, k = 0.6 Eq. (2) (& = 0.087 er») Eq. (2M) where e is base of natural logarithms (= 2.718) and p is oven-dry density, pef (ke/m') Table 3.9 presents thermal conductivity values cal- culated from these equations. Table 3.9 — Thermal conductivity for low-density concrete Ber pes raaete e sna | “Thermal conductivity k (Selene F Wak [Byes dey] Noaliy av Oven dy) Noraly oy toon | wyrm | fear | ea aN” | eae | Tea. 2 | 3] 0% | om | ou | oa 30 | 480 | O51 & | on | oR i | oo | hi % | Bie | ois So | foo | tas | te | 035 | om 3.10 — Fire resistance A building element built from low-density concrete is of a given fire resistance if, in a standard fire test, for a period equal to the given fire resistance it is capable of 1) supporting the design load; 2) withstanding heat transmission in a sense specified by the test standard; and 3) withstanding the transmission of flame or hot ‘gasses. References 4, 5, and ACI 216R provide infor- mation on the fire resistance of slabs of low-density concretes, and present charts that allow the estimation of the fire resistance of a variety of two-course floors and roofs. Fire resistance tests have been conducted on wall, floor, and roof assemblies constructed with low-density conerete over concrete (precast or cast-in-place), galva- nized steel decks, and wood structures. Some of these tests have employed expanded polystyrene insulation board sandwiched within the low-density concrete. Construction details are published by Underwriters, Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual System, and other recognized laboratories. CHAPTER 4 — DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR ROOF DECKS 4.1 — Load-bearing capacity Specific design requirements for low-density insulat- ing concrete depend primarily on the type of installa- tion. These installations may include form board-sub- purlin systems, and the more common installations over wood, galvanized steel centering, and precast and cast- in-place concrete decks. The compressive strengths for these applications may range from 70 to 500 psi (0.48 to 3.45 MPa) The manufacturers of the foam concentrates and low-density aggregates have specific data on other structural considerations. These usually include ulti- mate load capacities from flexural loading and seismic diaphragm performance of various systems. 4.2 — Expansion and contraction joints Low-density concrete may crack when placed in large monolithic pours such as roof decks. If shrinkage of the concrete is much greater than its thermal expan- sion, expansion joints are not necessary. However, some producers of aggregates used in low-density con- ‘crete recommend that expansion and contraction joints be provided at any changes in roof plane. For low-den- sity concretes used in roof deck applications, expansion joints should be placed in the roof deck where there are ‘expansion joints in the structural system and also where there are changes in the direction or type of substrate material 4.3 — Vapor pressure reduction Moisture present in low-density concrete or moisture intrusion from external sources may, under certain temperature conditions, result in an inerease in vapor pressure under roofing materials in a roof deck system. Methods for relief of this vapor pressure include nail- ing or strip or spot mopping the base sheet of the roof ing materials to the roof deck coupled with either pe- rimeter venting or stack venting. Perimeter venting may be achieved through the edge flashing detail. Stack vents, when necessary, should have a minimum diame- ter of 4 in. (100 mm), be cored through to the struc- tural deck, and be placed at the frequency of one per 1000 to 2000 ft (100 to 200 m*) of roof deck. The rate of drying of low-density concrete is a fune- tion of type of insulating concrete, type of deck sub- strate, type of venting, and environmental conditions. The total roof deck system, the building's use, and the climatic conditions should be evaluated before specific recommendations are detailed. This evaluation is espe- cially important in reroofing applications where all or a portion of the existing roof membrane, insulation, and/ or structure is left in place, and over it is cast low-den- sity concrete to provide drainage correction, additional thermal insulation, and/or as a solid base for a new single-ply or built-up roofing system. 4.4 — Standard roofing details Generally accepted roofing details have been devel- oped by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA). These details may be obtained from Refer- ence 6. A typical assembly is shown in Fig. 4.4 CHAPTER 5 — MIXING, HANDLING, PLACING, FINISHING, AND CURING 5.1 — Storage of materials Al materials should be stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration and contamination by foreign matter. 5.2 — Concrete designation Consult with the specific low-density concrete man. ufacturer for specific mixture proportions, as-cast and ‘oven-dry unit weights, and physical properties based on reliable test date for the particular application. 5.3 — Mixing procedure All concrete should be mechanically mixed to pro- duce a uniform distribution of the materials with a suitable consistency and the required as-cast unit weight. Excessive mixing should be avoided because of the possibility of changes in unit weight and consis- tency. In batch mixing operations, follow the manufactur- er’s recommendations concerning the order of charging the mixer with the various ingredients. The as-cast unit weight should be monitored at the point of placement Allowance should be made for any additional mixing that may result from the method of placement, such as mechanical or pneumatic pumping, and for any unit weight changes that may result from these methods. For continuous mixing operations, provision should be made for reasonably uniform (and continuous) rate of addition of all concrete components at appropriate positions in the mixing machine, and in the correct ra- tio, to assure uniformity and the required unit weight at the point of placement Fig. 4.4 — A typical low-density insulating concrete roof deck assembly 5.4 — Conveying All equipment for conveying and placement, whether manual or mechanical, should be of such size and de- sign as to insure uniform unsegregated concrete at the point of placement. 5.5 — Finishing The low-density concrete should be finished to the proper slope and thickness as indicated on the draw- ings. The surface should be relatively smooth and be free from any large ridges. 5.6 — Curing ‘The surface of freshly finished low-density concrete should be protected from rapid drying. When rapid drying is anticipated, the use of water curing or a cur- ing compound is advisable. The curing material should be compatible with the roof deck materials and the fi- nal roofing membrane. Trafic should not be permitted on the newly placed concrete until adequate walkability as described in Section 3.7 is demonstrated. 5.7 — Weather ‘When air temperatures between 30 and 40 F (~1 and 4 ©) are predicted during the first 24 hours after place- ment, special precautions should be taken. These in- clude the use of Type III high-early-strength cement or ‘Type I cement with heated mix water. Heated mix wa- ter may be used to increase the temperature of the con- crete to improve the setting time. Unless special tech- niques are used, low-density concrete should not be placed during freezing weather. Low-density concrete should not be placed during rain or snow, nor should it be placed on a deck or form when standing water, snow, or ice is present CHAPTER 6 — ROOF DECK APPLICATIONS 6.1 — Form systems A common application of low-density concrete is for insulating roof deck fills. The roof deck system over which the insulating concrete is cast often is a perma- nent portion of the structure. Typical deck systems in- clude: 1) corrugated or fluted galvanized steel deck, 2) nonstructural formboard, 3) structural concrete, and 4) wood decks. 6.141 Corrugated galvanized steel deck — The cor- rugated high-tensile or wide-rib steel deck should be galvanized to meet the requirements of ASTM A 446, Grade E, and coated to meet ASTM A 525 Class G-60, minimum. These steel decks are designed to carry both ead and live loads by varying the gage of the steel ac- cording to the span. The deck should be secured to the framing by either welding or mechanical fasteners, ac- cording to the individual manufacturer's recommen tions. The corrugated steel sheets may be vented at the sidelaps, have bottom slots with 14 percent open area per square foot of roof, or not have any specified vent- ing detail. Side lap embossments improve bond, which is important in seismic designs 6.1.2 Structural concrete — A structural concrete base for low-density concrete may be either cast-in- place or precast. For these concrete substrates, provi- sion should be made for venting of moisture from the low-density concrete. This may be achieved by taking advantage of unsealed joints between precast structural conerete elements or by venting as described in Section 433, 6.1.3 Wood decks — Low-density concrete is often cast over structural wood roof decks as drainage fill and insulation. A water-barrier type of membrane, such fas an asphalt-saturated felt, should be securcly fas- tened to the wood deck, lapping the edges, prior to in- stalling the concrete fill. Provisions for expansion joints ‘or venting should be made in accordance with the man- ufacturer’s recommendations. 6.2 — Roofing readiness Roofing can generally commence 2 to 5 days after the deck has been cast, if drying conditions have been fa- vorable. The surface hardness should be adequate to withstand foot traffic and other light roofing opera- tions without damage. The screeded surface of the low- density concrete should be relatively smooth and free from any finishing ridges that would affect the integ- rity of the roofing material. These ridges can be scraped flat. Nailing a roofing base sheet to the roof deck is a ‘common method of attachment. If hot asphalt or pitch is used to attach the roofing membrane, the exposed concrete surface should be sufficiently dry so that hot mopped asphalt or pitch will go on smoothly without frothing and will adhere well to the surface. Solid ‘mopping to the concrete surface is not recommended. Any other roofing attachment systems should be com- patible with the low-density concrete and the structure to provide the required resistance to uplift. CHAPTER 7 — REFERENCES 7.1 — Specified andlor recommended references The ACI and ASTM documents referred to in this document are listed below with their serial designation, including year of adoption or revision. The documents listed were the latest effort at the time this document was revised. Since some of these documents are revised frequently, generally in minor detail only, the user of this document should check directly with the sponsor- ing group if it is desired to refer to the latest revision. American Concrete Institute 216R-81 Guide for Determining the Fire En- durance of Concrete Elements ASTM A 446-76 1981) Standard Specification for Stee! Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural (Physical) Quality Standard Specification for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc- Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates Standard Specification for Agere- gate for Masonry Mortar Standard Specification for Portland ‘Cement Standard Test Method for Length ‘Change of Hardened Cement Mortar and Concrete Standard Test Method for Steady- State Thermal Transmission Proper- ties by Means of the Guarded Hot Plate Standard Specification for Air-En training Admixtures for Concrete Standard Specification for Light- weight Aggregates for Insulating Concrete Standard Specification for Chemical ‘Admixtures for Concrete Standard Test Method for Compres- sive Strength of Lightweight Insulat- ing Concrete Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Con- crete Specimens Standard Method for Securing, Pre- paring, and Testing Specimens from Hardened Lightweight Insulating Concrete for Compressive Strength Standard Test Method for Steady- State Thermal Transmission Proper- ties by Means of the Heat Flow Me- ter Standard Test Method for Unit Weight of Structural Lightweight Concrete 4497-79 525-808 33-84 C1448 C 150-834 157-80 177-76 © 260-77 © 332-82 494-82 1c 495-80 496-79 513-83 C 518-76 © 567-80 C 578-83, €595-83, 618-83 C-796-80 C 869-80 Standard Specification for Pre- formed, Cellular Polystyrene Ther- mal Insulation, Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Poz- zolan for Use as a Mineral Admix- ture in Portland Cement Concrete Standard Method of Testing Foam- ing Agents for Use in Producing Cel- lular Concrete Using Preformed Foam Standard Specification for Foaming Agents Used in Making Preformed Foam for Cellular Concrete ‘The above publications may be obtained from: American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 19150 Detroit, MI 48219 ASTM 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 7.2 Cited references 1, Wilson, H. S., “Lightweight Aggregates—Vermiculte, Perlite, Pumice—for Insulating Concretes,” CANMET Report No. $1-1SE. ‘CANMET, Energy Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa, 1981, 28 pe. 2. Lightweight Concrete, SP-28, American Concrete Institute, De- trot, 1971, 321 pp. 3. Valore, Rudolph C., Jr, “Calculation of U-Values of Hollow CConerete Masonry,” Concrete Inuernational: Design & Contraction, V.2, No. 2, Feb. 1980, pp. 40-63, ‘Abrams, M.S, and Gustaferto, A. H., “Fire Endurance of ‘Two-Course Floors and Roofs," ACI Journ, Proceedings V6, No. 2, Feb. 1969, pp. 92-102. Also, Research and Development Bul ‘etn No, 048.01B, Portland Cement Assocation 5. Gustaferro, A. H.: Abrams, M. S.: and Litvin, Albert, “Fire Resistance of Lightweight Insulating Concretes,” Research and De- velopment Bullerin No. RDOOSB, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, 1970, 12 pp. 6. “The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual,” Consrue- tion Details, National Roofing Coniractors Atsociation, Oak Park, 1983,

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