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Educational Philosophy

To me, education is a gift. A gift of never-ending knowledge and chances to succeed.

Education is the gateway to becoming anything in life that you desire and doing anything you set

your mind to. Being educated is the opportunity to create a beautiful life for yourself, your

family, and those around you whom you share your journey with. Choosing to pursue your

education and giving it your all will benefit you greatly in the end.

I believe all children have the right to a substantial education. Each and every child

deserves the right to have a chance of pursuing an education. I think that greater opportunities

arise for those that have an education as opposed to those who do not. Teachers should be

making sure their students are trying their best in school because it will eventually lead them to a

successful life. Therefore, I will do my best as a teacher to make sure I encourage my students to

give their best effort on anything they do and help to ensure they are successful in school

because I want all of them to flourish and thrive once their schooling is finished. It is my greatest

desire to become a teacher because I enjoy being able to help students achieve great things, as

well as being a positive role model for them. I believe that one of the main purposes of life is to

contribute to the betterment of society and leave the earth better than it was while we were here,

and in my opinion, that starts with the children. Children are the ones who will be grown up after

this generation leaves and they need to be educated to make smarter and better decisions for

themselves and their children. I know that if I, as a teacher, am able to instill great knowledge in

them, educational and life experience, they will be able to enhance the quality of their lives. My

job as a teacher is to not only prepare my students for the next grade and eventually graduation
but also for life. While teaching the curriculum I also will be teaching my students about

real-life; how to treat people properly, essential manners, important skills, etc. Education is more

than the material the school requires you to teach, it is life skills and support, making sure you

choose the right career, learning how to become an adult. As a teacher, I will incorporate all of

those things into the curriculum that I teach.

I know that students learn differently so I will use different methods to connect with my

students. I believe in Howard Gardener’s Theory of Intelligence. Each of the 8 intelligences:

logical-mathematical, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal,

and naturalist, need to be met to enhance the quality of their education. To incorporate all of the

different intelligences in the daily schedule, I will have lessons that include one or more of them.

For example, at the beginning of each day, I will have my students share something about

themselves or something they want to improve to meet the intrapersonal intelligence aspect. We

will also sing many different songs and partake in a dance if there is one to meet the musical and

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence aspect. For logical-mathematical intelligence, we will engage in

many different math lessons involving hands-on activities and worksheets and for linguistic

intelligence, we will learn different sounds letters make, what words mean and read books. I

need to meet each of these intelligences every day to maximize the learning of my students.

Another psychologist whose theory I agree with is Lawrence Kohlberg and his Theory of

Moral Development. His theory discusses the different stages of moral reasoning and how people

behave in each stage. During this stage of a child’s life, they are either in the pre-conventional

stage, which is based on obedience, punishment, and rewards or the conventional stage, which is

based on societal standards. In the pre-conventional stage, a child will do something good to
avoid punishment and seem obedient, but if they misbehave they receive a punishment. In my

classroom, I will not tolerate bad behavior. Each bad behavior will result in a punishment that is

suited for that specific action. For example, if one of my students is being disruptive, they will

put their head down, but if they hit another student they will stay in for recess. I believe instilling

morality in children at a young age is essential because they need to understand what is right and

wrong. My goal for this aspect is to be able to see the continual growth and development of

morality in my students, I believe it is my job to help them into the conventional stage, where

they do good simply because it is right.

In my classroom, everyone will be treated with respect. I will be teaching my students to

appreciate the differences between people instead of judging and making fun of them. Every

person is unique in their own way and that is something I want to strongly emphasize in my

classroom. We will always discuss the differences between things and explain why it is okay.

For example, if one of the students asks why another student dresses in clothes they consider to

be peculiar, we will talk about how people enjoy different things and not everyone will like the

same thing they do. My classroom will be a safe and inclusive environment where students feel

comfortable sharing their feelings, ideas and express their culture. I believe culture expression is

extremely important because people should be able to embrace their heritage and be proud to

come from that. I will be incorporating my students’ heritage as well as my own into our

classroom because I think it makes it learning more personal and comprehensive. When students

are able to connect a lesson to something they know really well, they are able to better

understand and remember it. As a teacher, my aspiration is to create a classroom where all of my

students feel like they matter because they are able to express their culture and relate it to others.
I believe education is the greatest thing to ever be bestowed on humans. Education is

what allows people to become more intelligent and grow into wonderful human beings. As a

teacher, I am going to help all of my students reach their maximum potential, I know each and

every one of them has the ability to do well, they will need to believe that too

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