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Teacher: Schyler Date: November 20, 2019

Class: Gr 1 Physical Education

Lesson: 3- Dance
Total Time Consideration: 1/2 Hour

Gym Lesson 3- Dance


Previous Knowledge:
In our previous lessons, students were introduced to the frozen theme that has
been the outline for our unit. We have delt with locomotive actions and then emotions
and how they impact our movement through the use of stimulus such as images and
music. This focused on collaboration and small group work.

Summary Overview: In this lesson, I will incorporate technology throughout our

lesson. The students begin by playing freeze dance which utilizes sound technology of
speakers and allows them to create free movement to it. Students learn further
technological skills by allowing them to video their small movements that they created
last week. I will explain to the students that technology is not a bad thing if we use it to
benefit us and in this case we are using it to benefit our health.

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes (GLO):
Physical Education General Outcome A: Students will aquire skills through a variety of
develomentally appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics,
individual activities, and activities in an alternative enviroment; eg., aquatics.

Physical Education General Outcome C: Students will interact positively with others.

Physical Education General Outcome C

Specific Outcomes (SLO) :
 .Physical Education SLO C1-5: Display a willingness to play cooperatively with
others in large and small groups.
 Physial Education A1-8 Perform simple movements by using elements of effort and
space to respond to a variety of stimul; eg., music, technology

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1) Select simple movements to be able to personally respond to a stimulus.

2) Compose in their groups a simple sequence of moves and be able ot video them.

Groups X Visual
Pairs Auditory X
Individuals Kinaesthetic x
Differentiation: One student was absent when we learned the routines in our groups for
videoing today and therefore I will need to make sure that she is successfully placed in
her group. As well as, check ins and giving extra time to particapate so that they can feel
comfortable in videoing their parts.

Materials/Resources: Speaker and Music

Video camera on Iphone

Introduction and Warm Up- Freeze Dance Time

 I will ask the students to meet me around the circle. “I will tell them
that since they have not been able to sit themselves around the circle
properly. I will be assigning seats and these will remain until you can
show that you are able to pick your seats. Once you are in these seats
you are frozen like a statue, you can not move! I will know the
students are ready to listen when they are queit and their eyes are on

 Seating will be E, K, J, J, N, K, S

 I will tell, “the gr.1’s that today we are going to focusing on 6 min
technology in gym class. Our first type of technology will be sound.
Since, we had a lot of fun with it last time we are going to play a game
of freeze dance.

 I will ask the gr.1’s, “Does anybody remember how to play?” If

student’s do not remember I will remind them that I will call out an
activity and when the music starts they must do that activity until I
turn the music off and they must freeze.”

 Except this time if I stop the music I want you to freeze. The last one
to freeze will need to do 5 jumping jacks before they can re-enter the
Body Time
Topic I will ask the gr.1’s to return to their assigned seats around the circle.
- 18
When they are quiet and their eyes are on me, I will ask the Gr.1’s “if
Vide min
o anybody remembers what we did in last class?” I will look for answers
such as emojis, emotions, etc. I am hoping some will remember that
we did some movements for our frozen dance.

If nobody can remember, I tell the grade 1’s we talked about emotions
and how they can impact our movements. I will remind the students of
the image of elsa that we looked at and her facial expression. I will
then ask if anyone remembers the movement they made with their
group last week?” I will tell them that today I will be videoing their
group movements in order to be able to use in them in our frozen

I will remind them of who is in each group:

S, E, N K,J,J,K

I will tell the gr.1’s that they now have some time to practice their
movements and then we will video them.

Conclusion _ Discussion Time

 After a brief videoing I will ask “Does anybody knew why I
includeded technology in gym class?” I wanted to show you that if
6 min
used properly it can have a postive impact on our learning. We can use
it in our gym class to have fun to music.
 Assessment in this lesson will be formative and will consist of majority of
observation. One of the major forms of formative assessment is students abiltiy
to work in groups in order to create a movement that can be translated to video.
 The second form of formative assessment will be will be the video as this is
another form of stimulus that students will need to be able to personally interact
with and demonstrate their knowledge.

Teacher Notes:
Students may be exhausted from completing skating yesterday and therefore may require
more quiet games with less running around to ensure classroom management. I hope that
the freeze dance activity wakes students up and allows for engagement in the activiy.

What worked in my lesson? What did not work? Were the students engaged or
were they not? Why or why not?

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