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Behaviour and Expectation Lesson

Stage 1: Desired Results

Learning 1. NA
Learning 1. NA
Learning 1. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe classroom rules and
Objective(s) expectations by helping to create a poster and drawing a picture.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

 No hands, popsicle method to for discussion
and poster
Summative Formative
  Playing game – watching for understanding of
Assessment Assessment
instructions and listening to rules
 Give praise to the students who listen

Stage 3: Learning Experience

 Book Flix?
Tech to Resources to
 PowerPoint with  Poster paper, markers,
Do Bring
Time Content/Description Notes
Title: Getting the students to come to the carpet and watch the story
 Ask the students to come to the carpet by calling out their table
 Tell them we are going to watch a video on the book called How
9 minutes do Dinosaurs Go to School. Tell the students to pay attention to
what the Dinosaur does wrong in school, and at the end of the
story, what the Dinosaur does right.
 Watch the story
Title: Discussion and filling out poster
 Show the students the poster made. Tell them that these are
my rules, and we are going to match them to the story.
 For each rule ask the students how the Dinosaur did that wrong
during the story and how he fixed it. Write down the way
Dinosaur fixed it. Use the popsicle stick method to have Formative
students answer – they may skip giving an answer if they wish. Assessment –
 Being kind – teases the girls, picks on the boys, takes away Popsicle stick
lunches. At the end he sticks up for those who are bullies, and method, discussion
10 minutes
helps the students build a tower.
 Listen to the teacher – he makes noises when the teacher is Have the poster
reading and yells when she is teaching. At the end he is painting made with the
nicely. headings on it.
 Listening to others speak – he interrupts show and tell
 Raising your hand before you speak – he interrupts during show
and tell and while the teacher is teaching
 Keep hands and feet to yourself – he fidgets his tail - later with
painting he is in his own work space
 Use materials wisely – he played instruments when he was not
supposed to - cleaned up his working area

Title: Introducing game Voting With Your Feet

 Tell students we are going to practice some of these rules while
playing a getting to know each other game. Tell the students
that they are going tell me about themselves by voting by their
 There will be questions with four answers on the board.
 The questions will ask – which of these four would you pick.
Depending on your answer, you will touch either the north,
south, east, or west wall.
3 minutes  Show an example of colour. Which of these four colours would
you pick – pink (north), blue (east), green (south), yellow
(west)? Ask the students which wall they would go to if they
pick pink? Blue? Green? Yellow?
 Tell the students they will only be going to the wall after I read
the question and the answers and if I say Go. Have the students
repeat the instructions.
 Tell them the game will be noisy, so if they hear my clap, they
have to repeat what I clap and look at me. Have them practice
this. Clap once and the students have to repeat.
Title: Playing game Voting With Your Feet Formative
 Tell the students to stand up Assessment: Praise
 Show the first question. Read it out loud for students who
6 minutes  Say Go. Give the students a minute to find their place. are following
 Clap the rhythm – students will repeat directions – check
 Comment on where students are. for students who
 Read the next question and repeat steps. are not
Title: Closure
 Clap the last rhythm
 Tell the students that you are happy with how they listened. The
2 minutes
poster will stay up so that students will be reminded of my rules
 Tell them it’s time for PE

Reflections and
Follow Up

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