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UBD (Understanding By Design)

Lesson Plan Framework and Rubric

Name: Elise Doyle

Date: 11/3/19
School: Grafton Elementary

Part 1: Learning Plan

Subject: Writing

Topic: Transition Words

State/Common Core Standard:

National/Professional Standard:

Local curriculum expectation/objective:

Lesson Learning Targets:

Knowledge targets: Students will know the definition of transition words are.
Skill targets: Students will be able to identify transition words in a sentence. Students will be
able to utilize transition words in their writing, specifically in personal narratives.
Understanding targets: Students will be able to understand the purpose of transition words
and why we use them.

Assessment Plan:
At the beginning of the lesson I will evaluate using thumbs up, sideways, or down to see how
familiar students are with transition words. Students will, as a class identify the transition words in the
sentences on the board. Students in pairs will fill in blanks of the correct transition word. The students
are going to describe an experience using transition words to understand the order in which things
happened. I will be walking around to see how students are doing with this task. If the narrative doesn’t
get done, we will continue to work on it this week.

Part 2: Instructional Planning

 Introduction: Start out with our stretch out ice breaker (using transition words) First let’s get out of
our seat, next let’s reach to the sky, then to the floor, after you are done touching the floor we are
going to shake out all those wiggles, finally let’s sit back in our chairs and put our listening ears on.
Today we are going to be learning about transition words! Now if you know what transition words
are and you know how to use them in your writing give me a thumbs up. If you have heard of
transition words but don’t remember how to use them or for sure know what they are give me a
thumbs sideways. If you have no clue what transition words are give me a thumbs down.

 Modeling (not telling): So, transition words, you use them all the time and you may not even notice.
For example, I just used a bunch of transition words in our warm up. Define what a transition word
is: Transition words are words that tell the reader the order of events or link sentences or phrases
together. Before I show students what they are call on some students to see if they know of any. Go
to transition two page for examples. Talk about the purpose of each one. Go to transition one page.
Now we are going to identify the transition words in these sentences. I’ll do one or two and explain
why I chose those. Give an example of the sentence without the transition. Ask class if it sounded
awkward or choppy.

 Guided Practice: Now the kids are going to work identifying the transition phrase or words as a class.
Kids will raise their hands and then go up to the board and underline it themselves. This is a
motivator as it allows kids to get up and the board is touch screen so they get excited. After this is
completed, they will be paired up with their table partners to do in a fill in the blank activity.

 Independent Practice: I will pass out the bookmark with the transition words. Now it is time for you
all to practice using transition words. Since we talked about personal narratives yesterday, we are
going to write one that includes our new vocabulary. You all will get to choose what you write
about, but some ideas can include what your Halloween looked like, or what class was like with a
substitute, or how you cook your favorite recipe. Now, tell me, we learned about this yesterday, are
personal narratives fiction or non-fiction. So since they are nonfiction, should we be making up a
silly story?

 Closure: As we get ready to go to lunch, it is okay if you are not done, we will have more time to
work on these next week. By a show of thumbs how do you feel about the question what are
transition words? By a show of thumbs how do you feel about identifying transition words? Lastly,
ha see the transition word there? How do you feel about including transition words in your writing?
Again it is okay if you aren’t comfortable yet, we just started this, and we will continue to practice

Also plan how you will do the following:

 Materials/Learning resources needed
 Differentiate instruction to meet different learning needs – regular, special ed, cultural
Many kids in our class struggle with ADHD, so we use the getting the wiggles out as a way to
allow them to focus after. We also do partners to help keep other kids focused. Allowing them
to write about what they want to write about with transition words helps keep the kids
 How you will engage all students to be thinking and processing all important ideas
 Effective questioning and direction giving that activates thinking and engagement
 Transitions and management strategies

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