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Implementation of feedback:

In 1-2 paragraphs describe in detail your plan to revise your project based on the
feedback you received. Identify elements that you are able to modify, as well as any that
are not reasonable given time, expertise, and cost, etc.

My revision process was rather simple because at the time my project was just an idea
with a rough sketch and it is rather hard to revise a comic other than the pictures. I did,
however, revise my project plan quite a bit with the feedback that my peers gave me. I
mostly just made my ideas clearer and more concise as well as the obvious few
grammar mistakes I had made. If I could have had more than a week, I could have
probably figured out how to make my comic 100% digital but alas I could not but I do
believe it came out just as good.

2. Learning Reflection:

Looking back over your project and feedback, describe in 1-2 paragraphs what you have
learned about the process of revision and iteration. Based on your experiences describe
how you might approach this same project if you started again - what would you do
differently, the same, etc.?

My view on the processes of revision and iteration has changed because in the past I
have never had to revise a visual story or a comic so this was a first for me. I consulted
some individuals to help me figure out what would be the best course of action when it
came to the structure and feel of my “webtoon”. I also consulted a lot of blogs and
websites of people who make webcomics as a hobby or even professionally to see how
I could best approach my project. This definitely showed me that what I originally had
needed to be revised a ton before I could be satisfied with what I had created. As I
mentioned before if I had more time I would have been able to make it 100% digital and
probably have added some cool features and a more in-depth storyline.

3. Alternative Use / Future directions

In 1-2 paragraphs describe how the technology you focused on for your project might be
used in a way you had not initially considered? What are some real or hypothetical use
cases of the technology that we haven't considered?

I had never thought to use a scanner to upload images in the way I used it. I only
thought scanners could upload documents with words and that be the extent of what
they do. As I was searching on how to figure out how to upload my physical project in
order to make it digital, people were suggesting a scanner which seemed to make the
most sense after I thought about it for a while.

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