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Social Responsibility.

Education starts at home. It is the first place where a person learned his or her basic

skills that he or she uses in everyday activities. Home is where children learned basic good

manners, proper behavior and how to communicate. But this does not limit the skills and

knowledge that they need to learn. As people, they need to explore the world outside their

home and cope with the society by gaining more knowledge and experiences through going

to schools. Thus, Kiddietopia supports children in developing their skills that will lead them

in becoming a better individual. The school assists through its learning programs and

activities and its educational curriculum that will help the students gain more knowledge and

awaken their hidden potentials and talents. Kiddietopia is here in fulfilling and giving value

to the quotation that “The children are the hope of the country”.

Generation of Income and Job Opportunities

Kiddietopia’s purpose of establishment is to gain profit through giving service and

education to its customers. It also opens up job opportunities for those who are finding jobs.

The school will be hiring qualified employees at the start of its operations and will be giving

salaries and benefits fitted to the employees. Such employment will decrease the

unemployment rate of the city which is very beneficial for its economy.

Development of every Individual

Kiddietopia does not only limit in the development of the students but also in the

employees of the school. Learning is a two-way process which benefits both students and

teachers. The knowledge shared by teachers and instructors serves as their experience. The

school also launches training programs for its employees to develop their skills and to gain

more knowledge of their work. Their experiences came from their practical work and day to

day activities. All these enable them to become more productive and competitive in terms of

working inside and outside the school.

Environmental Implication

Kiddietopia does not only focus on the education of its students but also in

maintaining and promoting a healthy environment. The school will be placing plants in its

vicinity to help in conserving the environment and making the place environment-friendly.

Kiddietopia also follows “No Styro Policy” to prevent problems related to garbage which

affects the school and the “Clean As You Go (CLAYGO) Policy” to minimize the trashes and

to also help our janitors in maintaining the school clean and order. The school also supports

the project which is the ecological solid waste management that teaches the students to

segregate their garbage properly. The 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Cycle) are also promoted and

applied in the school as it is very important in lessening the garbage of the school and at the

same time teaching the students to be resourceful.

Lasallian Core Values


Kiddietopia aims to be influential not only in academic and extracurricular

activities but also in spiritual aspect. Home is where they’ll be taught of their religion

and beliefs, and as their second home we want to expand or supplement their views

and knowledge of those. The institution want to impart spiritual knowledge to our

children by means of teaching them proper values towards sincerity, integrity and

being passionate in their Faith and also to help them develop their praying habit.

Kiddietopia also aims to be their eye-opener that despite of the differences in religion,

we are still one because the God that we believe in is the same and that we should

respect each other’s belief when it comes to religion. The institution aims to break the

notion of having religion barrier or division in the children’s beliefs. The school will

observe every holiday related to Christian and Muslim faith such as Lenten seasons,

Christmas, Ramadan and etc.

Zeal for Service

Kiddietopia aims to visualize zeal for service by adopting one community for

outreaches to expose the children to the beauty of becoming socially responsible and

sentient individuals. The institution also wants to help in the development of their

willingness in community involvement for them to be encouraged to participate not

because they’re obliged but because they are eager.

Communion in mission

Kiddietopia aims to convey the importance of unity and equality in the

community. The institution wants our children to treat each one in the community as

their companion and not as rival. Kiddietopia will make activities that will elevate

their involvement with each other towards achieving their goal for them realize that

they’re not in a competition but rather they’re together in one mission.

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