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My Promise To You

I know your time is valuable, so I’d like to reassure you that reading this book will
provide you with a set of tools and techniques you can put into action, so you can get
started building a business using a PROVEN system.

By the time you’ve read this short book (it won't take longer than a brief afternoon),
you’ll learn the following:

- How to uncover all the clues a marketplace presents to you, and reveal those illusive,
and very profitable ’missing products’ that customers wish they could buy …that
aren’t currently available for sale.

- How to get small (or large) quantities of these products manufactured without ever
having to create prototypes, file patents or invent anything.

- How to KNOW that once you’ve decided on a product to sell, that it will be a ‘no-
brainer purchase’ for customers, because the product helps them with a real problem,
frustration, or desire they’re trying to fix.

- Why this business model has become so accessible in the past five years, and why now
is the perfect time to jump on this opportunity

After a lot of trial and error trying to figure out how to make this business model work
successfully, I’ve finally created a simple system to research products, get them
manufactured and selling quickly …with the least amount of guesswork, ‘testing’ or
wasted resources.

This system has helped me generate over $1,000,000 in ecommerce sales for me in the
past couple of years.

My aim with this book is to deliver you the nuts and bolts of how this system works, so
you can start by launching ONE product.

Once you’ve launched your first product, the system is repeatable. You can simply use
the skills and techniques that enabled you to launch that product, to launch new
products constantly, with the aim of growing your very own ecommerce portfolio on

Results Are Not Typical

If you spend five seconds looking on the internet for ways to generate income, the
chances are you’ll stumble upon at least one of those ‘get rich by next Thursday’ biz-op

These things annoy the hell out of me.

The person describing it will openly say that ANYONE can make money using the
seemingly easy ‘push button’ system, with no risk, no skills and no experience.

What I’m talking about in this book is NOT one of those scams.

This is not for ‘get rick quick’ people, ‘biz op’ people, or ‘work from home’ types.

I’ve got great results in my business because I’ve put in a lot of trial and error, time,
money and resources. Also, I’ve been doing this for a while now, so I’ve got some

I don’t know why, but the reality is, that most people who try this stuff end up failing.
Maybe it’s because they don't put in the effort, they don’t believe in the process, they
don’t risk any resources, and they quit …I’m not sure.

It’s probably the same reason that 90% of people who buy fitness equipment never use
it, and allow it to sit in the corner collecting dust.

Because of this, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get any sort of result using the stuff I teach
in this book. However what I will do, is to teach you what’s working for me, in the hope
that you’ll get some value from it.

So with that said, let’s cover…

What You’ll Learn In This Book

- The ONE Product That Paid For My Swedish Rockstar Apartment

- 3 Reasons Why An ‘Ecommerce Portfolio’ Beats Property Or The Stock Market
- ‘So Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?’
- My ‘Smash Hit’ Product Radar …How To Be 100% Sure Customers Want To Buy Your
Product (Before You Spend A Penny Getting It Manufactured)

- Case Study: Solid Proof You Can Get Great Results With A ‘Half-Assed’ Attempt At
Private Labelling …If You Use The Radar

- Building Your Ecommerce Portfolio Using ‘Front-Loadable’ Strategies

- What To Do Next
About Me

Before you dive in, you’ll probably want to know who’s words you’re reading.

Well my name’s Oliver Denyer. You can call me Ollie.

I’m generally terrible at summing myself up in these intros, because I want to try really
hard to make myself sound really interesting and cool at the same time. But I also want
to avoid sounding like an ego maniac (we’ve got enough of those on the planet already).

So instead of me doing what I normally do, and settling for a really generic and boring
‘bio’, I thought I’d share a few things about me that you’d find amusing.

I’ve never had a ‘real job’. The thought of going into the 9-5 always made me shudder,
so I did everything I could to avoid it …including working in an dodgy alcoholic-ridden
bar job for three years earning less than £1,000 per month.

I LOVE video games. I’m deeply passionate about them. So much so that I used to make
music for games semi-professionally. I mainly play first person shooters, Nintendo titles,
and really boring simulator games (like truck simulator …yes, there is actually a game
called truck simulator, and I love it).

I HATE inconvenience. (Maybe that’s just another way of saying I’m lazy?). At school, the
teachers’ main complaint was that I ‘never reached my potential because I didn't put in
the effort’. …I probably found studying inconvenient.

Naturally, this attitude has continued into my adult life. I’m obsessed with structuring
my business so it involves the least amount of inconvenience. It now runs in the most
‘hands off’ and automated way possible.

My goal in the beginning was to build ‘passive income’, but when I soon realised that
was a bit of a myth, I settled for the option of running a real business I could manage
from a laptop, with the least amount of hassle.

As I found strategies that worked for me, I quickly created trainings to teach other
people how to get results. I’ve now taught over a thousand students from all over the
world how to run businesses selling on Amazon.
If you go to and click on ‘Raving Fans’ you can read some of
their success stories.

The ONE Product That Paid For My Swedish

Rockstar Apartment

To illustrate the power of selling private label products, I’d like to start off by telling
you a quick story.

In the summer of 2016, I had reunited with my girlfriend in Sweden. We were living
there in an apartment, but the lease was ending. We had to move out and find a new

Now, it's crazy in Stockholm. There's loads and loads of people, a dense population, but
not many apartments, so if you are looking to rent, these things get snapped up so

We didn't really find anything that suited us for ages, but then all of a sudden, whilst we
were looking for places to rent, we found the perfect apartment. I mean, this place is
like a dream.

I am living here right now. I mean, it really is my dream apartment, and it had
everything I wanted…

A working fireplace, a coffee machine built right into the wall (my personal favourite
feature!), a walk-in wardrobe, 110 square meters of space and it’s located right in the
centre of the city.

Just look at how sweet this place is:

But there was just one thing about it that was kind of niggling at me, and making me
doubt whether we should pull the trigger and move in.

…and that was the cost of the rent.

I was going to have to pay 35,000 Swedish crowns a month (around £3,000 in GBP or
$4,000 in USD), which is pretty expensive.

I mean, it would be totally worth it. This was my DREAM APARTMENT!

But I just felt a little bit guilty about putting that much money aside each month just for

So, I thought I'd come up with a fun challenge.

I thought I would launch another private label product in my Amazon business, and aim
to actually cover the price of the rent with the profit I made from this product each
month. I thought, "If I can do that, then I won't feel guilty about the expensive rent. I
can live in my shiny new apartment completely guilt-free and just enjoy it."

So I decided to use the system that I've been refining for years to import private label
products in my account (the same system I have use to teach clients how to do exactly
the same thing).

It's pretty simple. You just follow all the steps, import a product using my ‘radar’, and
because the whole thing has been refined so well, it just works.

So, I started researching the product using this criteria, looking for something that had
enough sales volume so it the profit would cover my rent.

As you’ll discover later in this book, Amazon actually GIVE you black and white evidence
of how well a product is performing in the marketplace, so all you need to do is spend
the time looking for a product customers want to buy.

After a few days of searching, I found a product with the kind of volumes I was looking
for. The stats said that other similar products on the marketplace were doing 300+ sales
per month.

So before I even ordered anything, I KNEW there was a demand for this product.
The stats for similar products in the past 30 days looked something like this:

Once I had this data, I knew all I had to do was offer something NEW to that
marketplace, and offer more value than any of the other products that were on sale.

Here's what EXTRA value I offered with my product:

- Better build quality and stronger design

- Premium packaging
- An additional 'bonus' product so I could sell it as a gift set.

If your product stands out, it's SUPER EASY to grab your slice of the market share.

I found a supplier who could offer what I wanted, and ordered 500 units of the product.

After I listed the product live for sale on my Amazon account…

In the product's second month, it did £9,000+ in sales.

About a third of that was profit, so this ONE product now pays for my apartment.

That's just a classic example of how building a business selling private label products can
genuinely improve your life.
If you follow a proven system, choose products that customers are already spending
money on, and you add value to the marketplace…

You can be CONFIDENT that they will perform well.

Amazon has levelled the playing field between big brands, (like all the products that we
know and love) and individual sellers selling their products.

Because of Amazon, big brands and average Joe’s like me and you are selling on the
same platform. Everybody loves and trusts Amazon. So getting your products to sell on
that platform is relatively simple.

The traffic is already there, you just need to make sure you’re importing the right

3 Reasons Why An ‘Ecommerce Portfolio’ Beats

Property Or The Stock Market

So why ecommerce?

There’s a whole host of ways you can invest and grow your money.

The traditional ways are property and trading on the stock market; both very effective,
time-tested ways to build wealth. So why didn’t I run with either of those options? What
drew me to ecommerce?

Well for me at least, ecommerce is just better.

Here’s three reasons why…

1. You Can Structure The Business So It’s ‘Hands Off’

I choose to sell my products on Amazon, because if you take advantage of

‘FBA’ (Fulfilment By Amazon), you can get most of the labour in your business handled
for you. If you haven’t heard of FBA yet, then I’m super excited to be the one to tell you
about it!

Here’s why it’s so powerful…

With a traditional ecommerce business, lets say for instance an Ebay business, you’d
have to run ALL the fulfilment yourself. This means mailing products to customers on
time (every time), handling returns, dealing with awkward customers who message you
at 5am, managing complaints etc.
This requires a HUGE amount of time and labour to make sure everything runs smoothly.

The more sales you make, the more hours you have to work overseeing everything.

To make things worse, if you’re selling on the EBay, you’ll spend every waking hour
stressing over the customer service metrics they set for you, keeping them on track to
avoid getting your account into trouble.

Believe me, I’ve been there. It’s not fun, especially when customers can be so

With Amazon FBA, ALL of this is outsourced.

Amazon will store your products in their warehouse, and every time you make a sale,
ship the product to the customer with prime shipping. They’ll deal with all your
customer service, all your returns, questions, complaints, and everything.

Want to know what the best part is? You just pay a very nominal fee for the FBA service
each time you make a sale. This is SO much easier, and so much more cost effective than
hiring and managing a team to run everything.

If you set up your business the way I do, you can get your manufacturer to send your
products directly to the FBA warehouse.

This means you NEVER have to handle any stock, or deal with any customers in your
business. You can just run the whole thing from your laptop, searching for profitable
products, getting them manufactured and transported into FBA.

You don’t ever have to be tied down to a specific location, having to pay rent for a store
front or anything like that.

This means the business is 100% ‘hands off’.

You don’t need to learn how to sell on the phone, you don’t need a network, business
partners, investors, shareholders, or anyone breathing down your neck.

You can just spend your time looking for ‘Smash Hit’ products, getting them
manufactured and sending them into your account. Your income is directly proportionate
to how well you master this process, and nothing else.

For me, that’s true freedom.

2. You Can Start With A Very Low Amount Of Capital

Because there’s very little overheads, no need to rent a shop front or hire any staff in
the beginning, you can start this business with a very small commitment financially.

Unlike a lot of property strategies, where you need credit or a huge lump sum of cash to
start building your portfolio, with ecommerce, you have the option to get going with as
little as $3,000 (or £2,000) to invest.

Once you’ve landed on a ‘Smash Hit’ product using my radar (you’ll discover this later
on), you can contact a manufacturer and place a small initial order of 200-500 units to
get going.

Once you see this stock sell, you simply reinvest the profits back into the business to
restock, and build up the business this way, and as you order more units, generally the
cost per unit reduces so your profit margins increase.

If $3,000 is too much to invest, then you also have the option to validate a product by
ordering a very small test batch of 10-50 units first.

I once did this with a small wooden toy I wanted to sell at Christmas time. I wasn’t too
sure whether it was going to be a success as I was new to importing, so I just spent £600
on an initial order of 50 units. They sold out in 6 weeks, so I went on to order 150 more.

The point is, YOU control your initial investment, and have the option to start off small,
and scale up as you feel confident.

To this day, I still order small batches of stock when I’m launching new products, that
way I never risk large amounts of money on products that don’t work.

3. Amazon GIVES You Solid, Black And White Evidence On Customer’s

Buying Behaviour

Before Amazon, if you wanted to read a marketplace to discover what customers were
spending your money on, you’d have to become some kind of detective.

When a small company with limited cashflow was looking to get add new product lines,
they’d have to be really creative with product research. You’d have to monitor print
advertising to see what products were selling, conduct surveys, gather ‘behind the
scenes’ company data, and gather evidence from a variety of sources.

Once you had a vague idea of what to launch, you’d have a lot of trial and error, and
spend a LOT of time and money, before KNOWING that you’ve made a good choice
whether the product was going to be a hit.

Now, with Amazon on our side, you can literally use a piece of software like Jungle Scout
to see a product’s monthly revenue at the click of a button:
…This iPhone cable is generating $47,700 per month in revenue (but once you see my
‘Smash Hit’ Product radar, you’ll learn why you should never import one!)

Access to this kind of data was unheard of until now. You can access statistics across
$100 billion worth of ecommerce sales on Amazon’s platform, and see solid evidence of
whether there’s a demand for your product or not.

Finding profitable product opportunities has been made 100x simpler. It’s now a ‘paint-
by-numbers’ task of meeting criteria, rather than a guessing game …once you know what
to look for.

ALL the data you need is in one place.

‘Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?’

So if Amazon gives you such a powerful opportunity, the business is ‘hands off’ and very
profitable, why aren’t more people doing it?

Well, aside from the fact that most people are too scared, sceptical and don’t believe in

Most people don't understand how to make the business work.

Incidentally, when I started importing, I was definitely one of those people. To put it
lightly, the process of making this strategy work wasn’t an easy task for me.

Maybe there’s some geniuses out there had success with every product they imported
from China from the beginning, and never encountered any trial and error (and the sun
probably shines out of one of their ass!)…

But it that certainly wasn’t my experience.

I had to make a load of mistakes, lose some money and waste a lot of time before I got
it working consistently.
I had products break in shipping, products that didn't sell, and I entered marketplaces
that got ridiculously saturated.

I started out using different strategies, tweaking things, and finding my way before I got
to where I am today.

As a side note, this trial and error and wasted money turned out to be good thing,
because it FORCED me to develop the ‘Smash Hit’ Product Radar you need to use to get
consistent results with this strategy. The pain of these mistakes forced me to develop a
repeatable system I could use over and over again.

Now before I share with you what this ‘Smash Hit’ Product Radar is, I’d like to tell you
the story of how I figured it out.

This will explain the significance of this formula, and also illustrate why I’m so
passionate about Amazon, and why I bothered writing this book.

Since 2014 it was my DREAM to run an online business.

Around this time I had immigration issues with my girlfriend when we were living in the

She’s Malaysian and I’m a British citizen, but it became really hard for us to live
together in the UK because the rules changed, and a financial requirement was placed
on the visa she was looking to apply for.

Now the financial requirement wasn't too high (it was £18,600 in annual income), but we
were really broke at the time.

I was working in a bar, and she had a temp job with one of those useless zero hour

After two years of battling a failed application, an appeal and a brief court hearing, my
girlfriend was left with no option but to leave the UK and fly back to Malaysia.

So I was stuck in the UK, broke, with no girlfriend and an pretty unclear future. This
situation had me backed into a wall. I was trapped.
Determined to not let these circumstances define me, I started looking for a solution; I
had to find another way to get us back together.

…THIS is what motivated me to build an Amazon business.

When I first started, I was unbelievably broke. I started to grow what little capital I had
(£600 on a credit card) buying products from high street stores, supermarkets, retail
parks, charity shops, online ecommerce stores, and anywhere else that had good deals…

Looking for products that were selling cheap, and ‘flipping’ them for a profit on Amazon.

This strategy worked well. I reinvested every penny of my profits into buying more
stock, so I could grow the revenues as quickly as possible.

It wasn’t long until I started making a few thousand in profits per month doing this. I had
DOUBLED my previous income from working in a bar with my own business!

But there was still one problem…

This wasn't the online business I was looking for. I needed to be able to run this business
from a laptop. I couldn’t run around retail stores forever. I wanted to start really scaling
the business, and importing products from China, building my own brand.

THIS was how the ‘big players’ on Amazon were making their money.

To put this in perspective, check out this lemon squeezer:

This ONE product was doing $62,671 per month. That was more revenue in a month
than all of the products I sold put together!

The seller just orders big batches of them from China, sells them on Amazon, and
restocks when then sell out.

I THOUGHT Importing from China was going to be super easy for me.
(*SPOILER ALERT*: it was harder than I thought).

Here’s how I thought importing from China worked:

- Find a flashy/trendy product that everyone was talking about

- Look for a supplier who can give you a small order quantity of a similar product
(maybe 50-100 units)

- Import the stock and arrange all the logistics/shipping yourself

- List the product on Amazon and hope it sells (because why wouldn’t it …right?)

Here’s the thing…

At this stage, I ALMOST had it right!

But my ‘strategy’ (if you can call it that) was missing several of the most important
elements of how you find smash hit products.

I hadn't discovered the FORMULA that made everything click yet.

So, unwise to this, I began importing products. My first ever private label import was a
very, very small metal kitchen accessory. Maybe when I've (eventually) sold out of these,
I'll reveal what it actually was, but for now, to be honest with you, it doesn't really

The point is, it was a very, very small, easy to import product.

In fact, it looked perfect.

My research process for this product consisted of YouTube, random bits of information
from everywhere and a couple of courses that I'd joined. I had all of this information
about how to research a private label product, but in a way, I actually had too much

I didn't focus on what was important, and I fell into the same traps that most newbie
importers fall into. I ended up choosing a product without really knowing what I was
looking for.

I was a little bit scared to import a lot of them in the beginning because I wasn't too
sure, again, what to focus on.

So I just imported 50.

Here’s a screenshot of my conversation with the supplier:

Now at first glance, this looks like an AMAZING deal! $94.50 for 50 units (unbelievably
cheap…) And that’s INCLUDING shipping! But this was actually part of the problem.
You’ll see why later on.

This was a very small test batch, and I wanted to get them into the warehouse and see
how they would work.

So I imported these products very, very cheaply. They arrived very quickly by express
shipping, and I sent them into my account.

Now, this worked okay at first.

I saw some sales.

Some products were selling on my account. People were buying them before they even
had any reviews, so actually, it looked pretty good.

I was buying these products for around about $2 each (including shipping), paying $0.70
for packaging and selling them for £12.99 on UK Amazon. So there was a huge markup

Let’s do the maths on this ‘small metal kitchen product’:

Product cost = ($2 + $0.70 packaging) …$2.70 per unit

Amazon fees = $4.00 per unit

Customs = ($30 total) …$0.60 per unit

Approx cost of PPC = $3 per sale

Sale price = (£12.99 in the UK) …$16.65

Profit per unit = $6.35 per unit

TOTAL profit after all units sell = $317.50

…That’s a 38% profit margin, and a 255% ROI on the cost of getting the products into the
FBA warehouse. Pretty awesome right? Can you see why I thought I was onto a winner

This makes this an even more important lesson, because…

At the end of the day, it’s not JUST about the profit margin.

At first, this looked absolutely brilliant. The sales were slow, but I assumed that they
would pick up later down the line. So because I saw sales, I then decided to import
another 300.

Check out how cheap they were!

$0.83 per unit!

…and check out how cheap that shipping is!! $63 (Not sure why it says USA there)

I got these sent into my account.

They came in a cute little package like this: (yes ALL 300 units!)

The sales started to pick up, and with these 300, they actually started to sell relatively
steadily, where I was getting between 5-10 sales per day.

So then, I felt really confident once these began to sell, and I imported 1,000 more of
these products.

Now here's the thing;

To cut a long story short, two years later …I still have 500 of these sat in my warehouse.

There are several reasons why this is the case, why they didn't sell as well as I thought
they would, why the test batch went well, why the second import went well, but why at
the end of the day this ended up being a bad product.

This is where I want you to learn the lesson, so let's talk about why this product
flopped so badly:

There’s three main reasons…


ANY newbie importer (and their mum) could’ve got their hands on this product. At
$94.50 for 50 units, there really wasn’t a high barrier of entry. This amplified the issue
of saturation, and the market was just waiting to get flooded.

2. The product (sold by a competitor) was featured on Kickstarter

As a general rule, products that attract huge amounts of attention, or products that are
a bit of a ‘craze’ should be avoided (more on this later). This again, added to the
saturation because even people who didn’t take their Amazon businesses seriously were
interested in jumping on the bandwagon.

3. I added absolutely NO value to the marketplace

If you were a customer, you wouldn’t have any obvious reason to choose my product
over the others, apart from a bit of simple packaging, it was exactly the same. This
meant that the only difference was the product’s price point. …say hello to a PRICE

Now the terrible thing was, this wasn’t the only product I imported that failed.

I needed to FAIL a load more times before I finally figured out how to get consistent
results with this strategy. I had products break in shipping, products that only sold
during certain times of the year, product that sold SLOWLY…

…and It took me a long time to realise WHY this was happening.

It was because I hadn’t figured out the main elements of what makes a ‘Smash Hit’
private label product yet.

My frustration led to me becoming desperate to figure this stuff out. People were
CLEARLY getting great results importing from China, so surely it wasn’t impossible?

What where they doing that I was missing?

I started to scour the internet for answers.

After weeks of research, listening to interviews with big Amazon sellers, joining courses,
watching Youtube videos, reading blog posts and books..

I condensed all of the information into a very simple to use ‘radar’ for zeroing in on
profitable product opportunities. Once I applied this to my product research, the next
product I imported did a CRAZY amount of sales.

…so did every product I imported when I used the radar, including the product that
pays my rent in my fancy apartment.

Every time I apply this radar in the search for stock, my product sells well.

If I ignore ONE of the elements, the product underperforms.

So, get ready to take notes, as I break down how this radar works…
The ‘Smash Hit’ Product Radar …How To Be 100%
Sure Customers Want To Buy Your Product (Before
You Spend A Penny Getting It Manufactured)

Identifying SMASH HIT products requires FOUR elements to be in place.

I’ve represented them using a graph, with an element at the tip of each line (or ‘axes’ if
you want to get all clever with it). This type of graph is sometimes called a ‘radar
graph’, and you use a radar to locate things …so it tied in quite nicely!

Each element is as equally important as the next. Ignore any ONE of them, and the best
case scenario is that it’ll be a huge pain, worst case scenario is that your product will
fail, meaning you wasted money on stock.

Now if graphs freak you out, there’s nothing to worry about here. The concept is very
simple, you just need to find a product that has high demand, low competition, fills a
gap in the market, and is low hassle. You could view it as a checklist:

High Demand

Low Competition

Gap in the Market

‘Low Hassle’

I just represented it as a graph because it looks cool, and gives you an idea of how
products look visually. That way, if you LIKE seeing data on graphs you could picture this
one in your head when you’re looking for products.
To illustrate my point…

This would be a ‘Smash Hit’ product represented on the radar:

The red lines show you how strongly the product meets each element.

Here’s how my ‘small metal kitchen product’ would look using the radar:

(If you skipped down to this part of the book, I mentioned this product in the previous
The product doesn’t have very high demand, there wasn’t low competition, and I wasn’t
filling a gap in the market (because my product was a carbon copy of everyone else’s).

The product was definitely ‘low hassle’ though, so the red lines go far up the ‘Low
hassle’ line, but they don’t go far up the other lines. If you compare this to how a
‘Smash Hit’ product looks on the graph above, you can clearly see where this product
fell short.

The Four ELEMENTS Of The ‘Smash Hit’ Product Radar

To explain how to use this radar, let’s cover each one of the elements in a bit more
depth. We’re going to go anti-clockwise, starting with…

1. HIGH Demand

If you want to make your life easier, you should always go where the money is when
you’re sourcing product to sell. Look what customers are spending their money on.

This is the most important element of the formula, because if there’s no-one buying the
product you want to sell …there’s no EVIDENCE that you have a product that’s in

No demand = no sales for you.

So rather than being ‘first to market’, innovating, guessing, and trying to predict what
customers will buy …aim to sell products where there’s already great demand.

When I’m looking for private label products, demand is the FIRST thing I look at.

2. LOW competition

Now high demand for a product can bring competition, and that can be a good sign (if
lots of different sellers are offering a product, it’s usually because customers are buying

But you never want to enter into a marketplace where there’s no room for a small,
individual seller like you to compete.

Look for a product where there’s clearly a demand, but not too many well established
sellers. If there’s already a decent supply, then there’s no need for you to offer your
product to the marketplace.
For Example: Competing with big-named brands is almost always a bad idea.

3. Gap in the marketplace

Once you’ve found a product with high demand and low competition, next you want to
give customers a REASON to buy your product over the other products offered for sale.

Look for gaps in the market.

There are three main types of ‘gaps’ you can fill…

1. Solve an issue

It could be that customers keep complaining about an issue with one of the best
sellers that’s currently available, and your product offers a solution to that
problem. (For example - if there’s a product that has material that tears easily,
offer a ‘super strong’ version).

2. Differentiate

Offer a new design, or variation to what’s currently available on the


3. Add value

Make your product better value for money, or more premium than what’s
available. You could bundle in additional products, offer better packaging/
design, or offer larger quantities if your product comes as a set.

4. Low Hassle

Once you’ve found a product that’s got great demand, there’s low competition and
you’re filling a gap in the marketplace, you’ve qualified the product as something that’s

If you’re anything like me, you want to run a business that’s going to be as low hassle as
possible. I’m really not a fan of dealing with loads of returns, broken products,
customers messaging me at 5am about how the thing works etc.

So next, you want to make sure this product isn’t going to cause you a load of issues.
There are two parts to making your products ‘low hassle’. You want to make it sure it's
hassle-free for YOU, the seller, but also we want to make it hassle-free for the

Making sure it's hassle-free for you includes things like making sure the product's small
and light so it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg when you're shipping over. You want to
make sure it's sturdy so it doesn't break in shipping along the way. And you don't want it
to be in any awkward categories.

Personally, I consider health and beauty and groceries to be very awkward categories
because of all the legal problems you can run into. And personally, I would avoid those
categories. But, then again, they can be very profitable, you can make them work.

Hassle-free for the customer includes the product being easy to use. You take it out the
box. It's intuitive and you know what to do with it. You don't have to call up customer
service or read an instruction manual.

Also, avoid electronics. There's too much stuff that could go wrong with electronics.

If the product's hassle-free for the customer, they won't want to return and then actually
it will end up being hassle-free for you as well. Once you've got the hassle-free part
down, you're going to ensure that you're making more profit because you'll be making
less losses. Less of your margins are gonna go to things like shipping and returns.

Once you find a product that meets all these elements, you’ll have yourself a ‘Smash
Hit’ to import and sell on Amazon.

This can be quite a lot of information to take in, so I want to point you in the right

Why Boring Products Often Make The Best ‘Smash Hit’ Products

An easy way to begin locating profitable products, is to look for products that are

You NEVER want to sell products that are flashy, trendy, talked about on social media,
featured on Kickstarter, talked about by celebrities, on the news, or anywhere at the
‘forefront’ of mainstream awareness.

These kinds of products get SWAMPED by wanna-be importers, and also by the big sellers
who have way too much disposable income.

Want an example of a product that’s NOT ‘boring’?

One of these:
I bet you do. They’re everywhere. The only reason you wouldn’t recognise what this is if
the craze has passed and nobody ca…

- OOPS I guess it happened already, now everyone’s moved on the the next ‘big thing’.

Fidget spinners are a great example of a product you should NEVER import.

And here’s why:

That’s right, even the dude with a market stall at the side of the road (the guy who also
sells fake watches) near my apartment in Stockholm is selling them.

There’s about 200 dodgy Chinese suppliers selling them directly on Amazon. The
competition is INSANE, and the prices have plummeted.

No-one is going to make a sustainable income selling this cheap crap, so avoid it! It’s the
same for any product that’s popular right now, whatever that is, avoid it. Stick to boring

The demand might be high (for about a week…), it might be ‘Low Hassle’, but there’s
CRAZY competition, including the guy at the market stall round the corner from me, and
there’s NO gap in the market.

Here’s how fidget spinners would look using the radar:

They have two of the elements, but that’s only 50% of what you need for a ‘Smash Hit’

Without the radar, you might’ve thought that fidget spinners were the PERFECT
opportunity to make money by importing. In fact, many of my friends have asked me
whether I’ve imported any yet (I can see why! Everyone’s talking about them).

Almost ALL ‘trendy’, flashy products that are ‘in’ right now will follow the same pattern
on the radar.

So, want to see an example of a product that IS BORING?

Here you go:

It’s a pet hair remover.

I know, I know, hold your applause please. You’re right. It’s the most boring product I’ve
ever seen.
But you know what?

This baby is doing over $21,000 per month on Amazon last time I checked!

Now THAT isn’t boring.

That’s awesome.

And guess what, I’d be willing to be it’ll still be doing $21,000 per month in five years
time, because people NEED to remove their pet hair from their furniture!

…and they're not going to stop needing to remove pet hair from their furniture.

Can you guess what THIS product would look like on the radar?

Check it out:

How do we know this?

Let’s look at the stats at time of writing…

There’s a HIGH demand for pet hair removal products (hence the $21,000 per month
spent on this one).

The competition is relatively low …there’s no national brands selling them.

This product filled a GAP in the marketplace (it’s a different design to the others)

It’s definitely ‘Low Hassle’ …it’s basically just small bit of plastic with paper on it. It’s
not going to be hard to import.

Therefore, this pet hair remover is a ‘Smash Hit’ Product.

Once I realised that you’re looking for SMASH HIT products that are BORING…
Everything changed.

Now, I have a blueprint I can use to repeatedly launch products on my account, feeling
confident that they will sell, BEORE I give a penny to the manufacturer.

Rather than going through endless trial and error, and ‘hoping’ my product is going to
sell, I KNOW that it will be a smash hit.

I have the ability to ramp up my income at will, just by launching another product on my

I have a simple way to grow my business, using a proven method.

This realisation has been a big part of how I’ve hit over $1,000,000 in online sales in the
past two years.

This strategy has now enabled me to move to Sweden with my girlfriend, and we’ve
fulfilled our ‘pipe dream’ of building an online business and reuniting in our awesome
apartment in Sweden:

Now People Come To Me When They’re Looking To Go ‘BIG’ With Amazon.

I want to tell you a little bit about what I do with my one-to-one clients.

I get them on the phone, before we start working together and I ask them “what would
be your ideal income, per month? If you could pluck a number out of the air, which
would solve your problems, allow you to leave your job, pay off your debt, or travel, or
whatever, what would that number be?”

And then what we do is we break down how many private label products you would need
to launch to be able to hit that number.

I estimate that you should aim to make $2,000 a month profit, (whether it's dollars,
euros or pounds) from each private label product you want to launch.

So, if you want to earn $10,000 a month, you need to launch four or five private label

Then when we start working together, we spend the first three months going through the
process of launching a product and actually learning how it all works.

It's pretty simple. We go back and forth, looking at products on the market place, decide
which ONE to import and I have got a list of criteria that you can go through, and just
make sure it checks all the boxes and everything.

Then once you have found that product, contact suppliers, get the thing imported, and
then we use very simple marketing techniques to get them to sell.

So usually within two or three months, the product will be selling.

The client has realised that this opportunity works. Light bulbs go off in your head
when you see the sales.

Then it's just a case of rinse and repeating the stuff we've used to get that first product
launched and selling, to launch new products. You just keep doing the same thing over
and over again until you've launched enough products to hit your income goals.

Now, the awesome thing about this is, once you've got that technique down and you
know how to launch these products, you can use it over and over and over again for the
rest of your life.

If you want to launch a new product, add a new income stream in two years, you just
use the exact same techniques which enabled you to launch the first product. It really is
a foolproof strategy that I've been refining for the past couple of years.

What I want to do, is give you a case study that illustrates how a seller has used these
principles, not done everything perfectly, and STILL got great results…

Case Study: Solid PROOF You Can Get Great

Results With A ‘Half-Assed’ Attempt At Private
Labelling …If You Use The Radar

To show you just how powerful this radar is, let’s look at how to get crazy results with
half-ass marketing techniques and no previous experience selling private label products.
I just want to show you an example of a private label product that is really crushing it in
the marketplace. In this screenshot I’ve typed "barbecue gloves" on Amazon and I'm just
going to show you this listing here:

Last time I checked, the estimated monthly was over £10,000, they sold over 487 units
of this product in a single month. (the revenues of a product does change over time, but
I’m willing to be this product is still doing well …and I’ll explain why later).

The question is, how do we know this is a private label product?

Well I found this product on and this is a site where anybody can go, have a
look for products they want to import:

They can contact the suppliers in China and actually get the products brought over to
whatever country you're selling them in, right? As you can see, this product is for sale for
between $1 to $2 per piece.
In fact, this Amazon seller has even used some of the same photos that are on the
Alibaba listing in their listing on Amazon.

They're selling the product for £18.84 …that’s over a 10x markup.

This products is going crazily well. So what does this example tell you?

Number one, private labelling works. Products sell for crazy profits, crazy markups,
crazy revenues and all you really need to do is import things from China and sell them on

However, before we get too excited and just dive in and import just any product, I want
to show you some other sellers who have done the exact same thing and not really got
that great results.

If we go over to page two and through the pages you'll find products which aren't
performing quite as well.

I’ve run a ‘Jungle Scout’ analysis on this page and we're going to see some of the
revenue from other products so I can demonstrate just what happens if you don't follow
a careful procedure when you're looking for products to sell on Amazon.

See, some of these products are doing okay, like the one that has done a grand this
month. But, some of them have done less than £50 in sales. When you see such a
contrast like this in a marketplace, what you really need to think and ask yourself is,
"What separates this product that's doing really well from the ones that basically failed?"

Surely, there must be something that the guy who's selling these gloves is doing that all
the other people private labelling gloves aren't doing.

There must be a way of identifying whether a product is going to be a hot-seller and

actually doing this process correctly.
As I mentioned before, …use the radar!

You DON’T have to spend thousands on stock, chuck it up on the Amazon marketplace
and just hope bat you put up performance really well. And if you get unlucky, waste all
the money you spent on stock.

Just make sure you’re importing ‘SMASH HIT’ products that look good on the radar.

…and if you want to make it easier to find these products, look for products that are

This seller has definitely checked both of those boxes.

The ‘BORING’ part is quite clear. Justin Beiber isn’t going to tweet about barbecue
gloves and influence some new craze …because they’re a nice, steady selling, BORING-
ass product.

That part’s covered, so let’s spend a minute looking at how we know it was going to be a

Let's imagine you were that private label seller and you were the guy who wanted to sell
these gloves. Let's have a look at your thought process and how you analysed the
marketplace from his eyes, and take a look at why he decided to offer this new pair of
gloves to the marketplace when there were loads of other sellers already selling them.

Let's pretend this product doesn't exist right now. We're just looking at the marketplace
as this guy, who's selling this particular pair of gloves, and we're thinking about what to
offer and ways we can help out the marketplace and see if there are any GAPS.

One of the first things you'd probably do is have a look at another product that's doing
really well. This one here's got loads of reviews so we'd assume it's made loads and loads
of sales.

Take this product for example:

I'm gonna click on the reviews and just have a little look at what the customers are
saying. If we just go to see all 802 customer reviews and look at the critical ones. Let's
have a look at what the customers are moaning about…

Now, this customer is saying, “They are advertised a containing Kevlar and Nomex” but
when you actually receive them, it says that they’re 100 percent cotton."

This wasn’t the only review complaining about the material, so I’d assume the customers
were absolutely right.

Our seller has found a GAP in the marketplace.

A lot of people here are saying that the materials are bad and really they aren't very
heat-resistant at all. This is the best seller in the category and there's quite significant
issues with the product that's available right now. And as you can see, it's selling for

Our seller (with the black barbecue gloves) must've looked at the marketplace, seen that
there was a GAP with what one of the best sellers was offering (they weren't heat-
resistant as much as they could have been, and the materials really weren't that great),
so they decided to go onto Alibaba, source a pair of gloves where the material was
actually great quality and they added extra value to the marketplace because they filled
this gap.

Therefore, they were able to sell the product for almost three times the price of the
current best seller.

Now, I'm gonna show you something really really interesting. Remember how our seller
was doing £10,000 per month?.

Well, these £7.99 gloves have sold 723 times in the past 30 days, but they’ve only done
half the revenue of our seller.
If we just have a look at the number of sales that our seller has done, he's actually sold
less units than the other seller but he's done double the revenue. Looking at the price
points that he's giving it for, he's probably also done double the profit.

The moral of the story here is this:

If you can find a gap, you can offer more value than all the other products in the

…customers will be willing to pay up to THREE or FOUR times more the current price in
the marketplace.

Also, you'll be able to sell LESS UNITS and get much more profit from exactly the same
amount of effort. THAT’s how you find hot-sellers to private label and sell on your

Also, this seller has checked another box, one that I didn’t mention yet.

The gloves check the ‘HASSLE FREE’ box perfectly. They’re small, light, durable and
intuitive (you don’t need instructions on how to use them).
So this is how you get crazy results with half-assed marketing techniques and no previous
experience with private labels …if you use the radar.

Building Your Ecommerce Portfolio

Using ‘Front-Loadable’ Strategies

There's actually a lot of outside factors that can cause big dips in profits, even if you've got great
products, and even if you've done your research really well, and you're marketing things

Unfortunately, you don't decide when products sell, customers decide that. It would be awesome
if we had command over when our sales actually were made, but in reality we really don't have
too much control over this.

All Amazon sellers have had the unpleasant experience of pulling their hair, out constantly
refreshing their emails in the hope to see the first sale of a ‘slow day’.

Also, we don't have control over what other private-label sellers do, right? They can compete
with you, they can sell pretty much the exact same stuff as you, and they can take a chunk of
your sales away from you, pretty much by doing the same things you do.

And also, there's the inevitable screw-ups that happen. I mean, we're human beings. I'm a human
being, I screw up all the time. Sometimes, these screw-ups cost money.

So how can we build a portfolio that brings in consistent income when there’s so many factors
that are out of our control?

Well the good news is …I’ve got a PLAN for you.

It consists of three keys to ensure consistent, long-term success selling private-label products on

These keys will give you a huge advantage over most private-label sellers. They're going to
ensure all your stock sells consistently, all year round, while your business snowballs in growth.

The reason why these are so effective is because what they're going to do is they're going to help
you create solid systems in your business. So, even with all of these factors that are out of your
control, you'll still be making profits every month.

And by the way, if you use these three keys and put them into practice, then you're going to be
able to front-load the work in your business, because everything is already happening in the way
that it should.

Implement these keys properly, and you can get crazy results.

I had one 1-1 client who’s product sold for TWO YEARS (and counting) for over £1,500 profit each

My business does over $140,000 in sales in a 30 day period.

…Its all because of these keys.

‘Front-Loadable Business’ Key #1:

Always Import Stock That’s Good For Your Business

We might as well start at the beginning, make sure we're importing stock that is going to
be great for our business. And we talked about how to find ‘SMASH HIT’ products using
the radar.

So, quick recap: we want products that have good revenue already, low competition and
the opportunity to add value.

But also …we want low hassle stock. Stock that won’t be a massive pain to import and
sell. So this means small, light, won't break in shipping.

Products that aren't electronics, because electronics can have loads of stuff go wrong.

And finally, products that are intuitive, right? You take it out of the box, you know how
to use it, you don't need to read 50 pages of instruction manuals, etc.

Stick to this criteria, and you'll have less chance for things to go wrong along the way.

But, another point we didn't really talk about was VALIDATING your stock. Now, before
you go ahead and, you know, think that all of the theory for your stock adds up, and the
product you want to import looks amazing, so you spend $25,000 on a huge shipment,
and negotiate that with a supplier, and get it selling on your account…

...Before you do that, make sure you VALIDATE your products.

So, this means ordering a test batch of stock to ensure it actually sells. Now, a test
batch could really mean anything. Sometimes I order a test batch of 500 units, because
I'm pretty sure it's going to work out, but I don't want to go too crazy.

You could, if you've got less capital, maybe, order 100. And just see the products moving
through your account.

Once we've done this, all of a sudden, we've dramatically reduced the screw-ups, and a
lot of the other factors which could end up messing with our profits. Right?

So, that's key number one.

Really, really important. Make sure your importing stock that isn't going to cause you any
big issues.

‘Front-Loadable Business’ Key #2:

Build A BRAND Not A ‘One-Hit-Wonder Product’

Don’t just focus on one private-label product that's going to save your entire life.
…Even if It looks amazing, and like so many other private-label sellers out there, they
think that one product on its own is going to generate you product for years on end.
(although that could happen). But, to make sure you give yourself a lot high chance to
have longstanding success, I really recommend you build a BRAND.

So this means, instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, and focusing on one
product, focus on a selection of products, and aim to really build customer trust with
your products. That way, you’ll have an easy way to add extra value to the marketplace
just by offering products that are under your brand.

So, I'm just going to show you a quick example of how powerful this stuff is.

And, let's just say you’re a customer looking at two products.

Product A is sold by a random individual. You're probably aware this thing might've been
imported from China. The product functionally looks good, but, still, you're not quite
sure how well this thing is actually going to be once you buy it.

Product B is sold by Nike.

Which one of these are you going to be more likely to buy? Obviously, the answer is
usually going to be product B. And, interestingly, most of the time, you'll probably spend
five or six times the amount of money on a product sold by a brand you trust.

Brands make the transaction more than just about the product, they make it about an
experience that you've had with the brand in the past.

So, if you can actually start to build up this situation for your customers, then you're
going to have so much more value with the products you add. And all of these one-hit
wonder private-label sellers are going to have no chance compared to the products sold
by your brand.

So, I recommend you start off with the intention of building a brand, and ensure all of
your products are great quality, and are easily recognisable as part of your brand. So,
they have the same logo, they're under the same theme.

Whatever you do. Like, a kitchenware brand, or, maybe, a brand that offers products to
a certain demographic ... whatever it is. They'll come under the same umbrella and
customers will think, "that is the brand I want to buy from."

Let's just quickly break down exactly how all this works, and why building a brand is so

Check out this diagram:

As you start selling products on your account, what's going to happen is ... Hopefully, if
you've done everything right, you'll start to get some sales. The more sales you'll get ...
Slowly, you'll start to build up a bunch of reviews.

The more sales and reviews you get, the more customers will be attracted to buying
your products. Because they'll see, "Hm, thing thing has got lots of reviews. It looks
good, maybe I'll buy it."

So, the more customers you have, the more reviews on your products. And, obviously,
the more sales you've had, the more customer trust and brand trust you're going to

Now, people trusting in your brand, obviously, presents you and your products with
having more value in the marketplace, right?

Your product, which is under a trusted brand, is going to be much more valuable to
customers than products sold by random sellers they've never heard of. So, more value
equals easier sales. It’s much easier to make sales when you're offering more value.

You’ll already be adding value to the marketplace by importing ‘SMASH HIT’ products,
and having an awesome brand is adding on to that, and making that stuff even more
powerful. Easier sales, more trust. Because you get more reviews, more customers
buying your products, and therefore, people trust your brand even more.

So, what you can see happening here is it actually creates a snowball effect. And, if you
keep adding products into this cycle, it goes up in a whirlwind. And your business will
start to really pick up as the trust increases, the value increases, and the sales get
easier to make.

Now if you employ this strategy, it will give you an instant advantage over all the other
one-hit-wonder private-label sellers who just import a cheap garlic press and just pray
that it's going to save their entire lives.

So again, we look at the outside factors that cause big dips in profits.

If you build a brand, and you focus on creating this complete snowball, don't really need
to worry about other private-label sellers competing with you, right? Because you're
going to have a firm position in the marketplace, because customers trust your brand.

‘Front-Loadable Business’ Key #3:

Focus On Long Term, Brand-Building Marketing

If you put an effort into getting the name of your brand and your products out there in a
way that helps you in the long-term, it will help build that snowball, and help build the
trust with your brand, help you get more sales, more reviews ... and it will really enable
you to get long-term success.
There's a couple ways you can do long-term marketing. You can build a list of prospects
and customers, get their emails when they're interested, or they have bought on of your
products, so you can sell them products in the future.

Also, you can make sure you're sending traffic to your products from all over the web.
From YouTube videos describing how awesome your brand is, how awesome your
products are ... From Facebook and Google advertising ... You can branch out to other
platforms, and start getting products sold by your brand on eBay, Shopify, Etsy ... any
other platform that seems to make sense.

Once you've got solid data the proves that your products really sell, you can actually
start pitching to brick-and-mortar stores, and say, "Hey, look, I've got these products
that sell really well. Maybe I'll put them on your shelf."

Once you can hit brick-and-mortar stores, customers start to associate your brand with
something they see in the shops.

So, when they see it on Amazon it's even more value, and even more trust. And, again,
makes it much easier to connect with that than something sold by a random private-
label seller.

By using long term marketing, and getting people from all different areas of the internet
looking at your products and your brand, you can start to increase your potential
customer reach, and increase your brand’s presence in the internet.

You can be creative with this.

There’s one great example of a brand that’s used Youtube to drive a LOT of traffic to
their product.

Check out this ‘Hurley Hippo Bath Toy Storage Organiser’:

This cute little bathroom product is bringing in over £4,000 per month last time I
checked (not the craziest amount of sales, but still admirable).

But check out their Youtube video:

It’s got 23,199 views!

The interesting thing here, is that a large portion of the people who watched this video
will likely check out the product, and possibly buy it.

…from FREE traffic from Youtube.

From what I can see, this is the seller’s ONLY marketing strategy right now. They’re
probably doing over £1,000 per month in monthly profit from this one product.

THAT is long term marketing in action.

How These Keys Ensure Consistent Revenue

So, let's have a look, again, at our outside factors that can cause big dips in profits. And,
really, the problem of YOU not deciding when products sell has been reduced, right?

I mean, obviously, we still don't decide when products sell. But, if you're doing loads,
and loads of marketing, that's one great way to ensure as many sales as physically
possible. Because you're building up trust, you're getting more customers' eyes on your
products, and you're reinforcing your brand along the way.

The fact of the matter is, there will always be factors you can't control in your business.
There will always be factors you can't control in life.

We're just focusing on the things we CAN control. So, by using these three keys, and
setting up solid systems in your business that create a foundation for great results ...
That's going to actually happen, regardless of competition coming along.

Regardless of whether customers want to buy or not, because you'll be increasing vast
volumes of them anyway. Regardless of screw-ups that happen, because you'll be making
enough profit to cover them. Regardless of the economy going weird, and even
regardless of what Amazon does. If they change your profit policies, if they kick you off,
or anything, you can just jump to another platform and continue bringing your brand

Thing is, if you employ these three keys, you actually have the opportunity to create a
tangible asset that you could one day sell. If you have a brand, and the net profit is
increasing, you can actually sell it for 20 to 40 times the monthly net income to an
interested investor. So this is, maybe, an exit strategy you could actually think about
whilst you're building your brand.


So now, hopefully you have a clearer idea of the fundamental elements you need to put
into place to build a private label product business.

If nothing else, my aim with this book was to outline the mistakes I made so you can skip
past them and learn from them. My trial and error cost me a lot of money and time, so
hopefully you’ll have a much better experience.

However, even though I failed a lot, one thing I did RIGHT from the beginning was take
action to get things moving.

This strategy has so much potential to help you shape your future, expand your
portfolio, and improve your financial situation. But I don’t want you to be like a lot of
wannabe importers who never get started.

From my experience teaching over 1000 students, is that the number one stumbling
block for people aiming to build a private label business is pulling the trigger on their
first import.

I’ve had one to one clients who’ve gone back and forth with me for months choosing the
prefect product, contacting suppliers, even hiring virtual assistants to help them
research products, but when it comes to placing the initial order …they freak out and

That’s the LAST thing I’d want you to do.

So to avoid this happening, I’m here to help.

If you’ve got this book, you’re most likely receiving emails from me.

(If you’re not for some strange reason, check your inbox for an email from, and whitelist that email, and move it into your
priority inbox, so you receive my emails …can’t find anything? shoot me an email).

Now my emails are different from a lot of other peoples. I email quite often (usually
every day), because I have a LOT to say about Amazon, and a lot of value to deliver to

Also, I intend to TEACH you something in every email, or give you a link to something
that will teach you something …free of charge. I’ll also be offering you my courses,
coaching and relevant products that will accelerate your progress.

So here’s what to do:

1. Read my emails. The constant new lessons, stories, checklists and content I send you
will force you to become immersed in this Amazon opportunity. Immersion is KEY to
learning a new skill set, and building confidence in your ability to get results.

2. Join my LIVE masterclasses, (you’ll see the link in my emails). On these sessions I
walk you through the freshest new techniques for building your business, and answer
questions etc.

3. If you feel they’ll be valuable, join my courses or coaching. This is simply the fastest
way to get results as you’ll be following my proven blueprint, and you’ll get support
along the way. You’ll see offers in emails or on the masterclasses.

Finally, thanks for reading! Take action on this stuff, and I look forward to seeing your

Take care and keep believing,

- Ollie

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