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Summer Randolph

Dr. Megan Marshall

ENG 402

12 October 2019

Reflecting on The Creation of My Short and Literacy Narrative

Through the writing process of both works, there have been many challenges and

successes that have made me a more developed writer. What is odd about the process for these

writings is that my short was entirely emotion-based writing; while my literacy narrative was a

combination of everything. When working with my short, I had been going through some rough

times, and initial thought was that they might make for an interesting short. I had no clue what a

short was – besides what we discussed in class – and I hadn’t the smallest idea of what to do. All

I could do was attempt to model the shorts we read in class and place my own spin on it. Once I

began writing, I allowed myself to stop thinking of the structure and to write by feeling. I was in

admiration of my first sentence because of how direct it was while at the same time it was hidden

with meaning. However, I felt as if the next few sentences lacked in luster because they were

oddly phrased. This only lasted for a few moments because my ending took everyone into a

direction they didn’t see coming. This paper was purely the work of my emotions, but developed

in a way that is indescribable to even myself.

The literacy narrative was a more complex writing that took many influences to produce

what it is. The first sentence was derived from the narrative writing profile completed at the

beginning of the semester. I hated that I had to start there because there was a lot of emotion

behind that writing. They were emotions that I was not ready to share with anyone. I wasn’t sure

how to get myself started, so I began looking at other personal narratives that I found online. I
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watched out individuals, even kids, were exposing their emotions in a way that was an outlet for

them. They were letting it all out in multiple formats. I mimicked their bravery and wrote like

nobody was going to be reading it. I am fond of this piece because of the emotional connection I

have with it, but it is still a piece that I am reluctant to continue sharing.

The workshop process for both pieces was relatively similar; however, the I appreciate

the center of gravity technique. It allowed me to see what my readers saw and that is something

you usually don’t receive. Workshopping was also interesting because I was nervous to share my

work. Both pieces were relatively sorrowful, and my first reaction was that I didn’t want people

to think I was a depressed individual; however, once my peers read my work, they were both

very supportive of my writing and made me feel as thought being emotional on page was better

for the reader. As far as revisions are concerned, I want to have my literacy narrative in an audio

version. There was something about hearing the readers verbalize their own emotions that made

it more raw to me. The short needs some revision done to the sentence structure as well as add a

little bit more information to the piece. I want this piece to come across as though the reader is

the one experiencing it.

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