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Nothing inthis instrament nor this exchange i tobe contre Cc) Ss ‘a content to ay aration other tan the sovereign ancient Original indigenous jurisdiction of our ancestral mere estate {rigs exerted at all mes MOORISH AMERICAN TREASURY SOVEREIGN CREDIT INSTRUMENT Universally accepted sovereign gold backed tender-This instrument is negotiable and is not transferable Credit Instrument No. MACN000000147-CR5101-2, Date: December 6, 2019 Lawful Tender to: Moorish American Savings and Trust (JP Morgan Chase) Tender 1,000,000 msi (ee dellarum is eal o one lrfal American dele) ‘Moorish Sovereign dllaium ‘Written Tender Sum: One million dollarium Allriginal indigenous sovereign Alle land tiles, cre instrament fide its recon bythe orignal sovereign ancient people who at the Moorish National Republic Gowerameat and by Pievee County Recorder ner [Pere County Washington Teron] Alidavitof Trust Mootsh Divine end National Movement ofthe World MACN-333333333 County record 201905070653 ps 46-47 Aidavit of National Trust ofthe de ure sovereign Moorish National Republic Federal Government County Record 20190507053 p45 Treaty of Peae and Friendship 1786 and 1836 County Record 201905070683 pgs 13-21, Alidavitof lear perfect Alla land ile MACN-R999999999 County Record 201905070653 pas S152 Universal Aidit o act Mining Claims Wet of Tras Perfomance and Expression Rare Earth Mineral and Natural Nble Metals Credit Tnsirument near [Pere County Washington Tery-Record 201908020729 ps 2-35 ‘This is nota bank check. This orignal indigenous credit instrument is governed by sovereign authority and alls with Universal Cormercial Codes and the Acts ofthe Universal Postal Union as pursuant to Universal AMidavitof Revival ofthe Acts af the Universal Postal Union, Universal Postal Union Instrument number RES7S4S4621US June 1, 2019 12:44pm Intention of this Sovereign Credit Instrument: th American Nationals Savings and Trust Al oe Moorish National Republic Federal Government Allodial Sovereign Resource Manifestus Number MACN000000147-CRS101 To Account Acceptance is consent to the sovereign ancient jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate pursuance to the Constitution for the united States 1789/1791 All records and documents are the property of the Moorish National Federal Government No UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY/CITIZEN has personam jurisdiction over the sovereign ancient original indigenous Moors. ST Am: Tadeo izieMinister: Free Moot/Muur Northwest AmexenNorthwest ArcaNorth Amcrica/Southwest Aenea Ameen ‘Adjoining Adantis and America Islands ‘Amen, dico vobis, queeumque alligaverits super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caclo et quaccumque solverts super trram eruntsoluta et in caelo” ‘Amen, dico vobis, quecumque alligaveitis super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caclo et quaccumque solverts super trram cruntsouta et in eaelo” "Amen, dico vobis, quaccumguealligaveriis super terram erunt lgata et Ego in caco et quaccumque solverits super terram erunt soluta et i eaelo” Moorish American Treasury Sovereign Credit Instrument No. MACN000000147-CRS101-2 Original and indigenous Peoples’ Doviments: Nathwest Amexcm/ Nothvest Aiea North America /"The North Gat ent ‘AmexemSouthwest Amexew/Aroining Atlantis and Amecana Islands - The Merocan Empire - Continental Und States, Teepe of te Moon and Sun" / Ture Islnd Non-Domestic, Non-Resident, Non Set Moors Mrs ~ Being the Rightful Heirs we Prinogeiture Bthright - Inert ofthe Land

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