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List of Words format Classification table format

Floral Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Fragrent Aromas Enzymatic Flowery Floral
Citrus Aromas Enzymatic Flowery Fragrent
Berry-like Aromas Enzymatic Fruity Citrus
Alliceous Aromas Enzymatic Fruity Berry-like
Leguminous Aromas Enzymatic Herby Alliceous
Nut-Like Aromas Enzymatic Herby Leguminous
Malt-like Aromas Sugar BrowNutty Nut-like
Candy-like Aromas Sugar BrowNutty Malt-like
Syrup-like Aromas Sugar BrowCaramelly Candy-like
Chocolat-like Aromas Sugar BrowCaramelly Syrup-like
Vanilla-like Aromas Sugar BrowChocolateyChocolate-like
Turpeny Aromas Sugar BrowChocolateyVanilla-like
Medicinal Aromas Dry Distilla Resinous Turpeny
Warming Aromas Dry Distilla Resinous Medicinal
Pungent Aromas Dry Distilla Spicy Warming
Smoky Aromas Dry Distilla Spicy Pungent
Ashy Aromas Dry Distilla Carbony Smoky
Creosol Aromas Dry Distilla Carbony Ashy
Phenolic Taste Bitter Pungent Creosol
Caustic Taste Bitter Pungent Phenolic
Alkaline Taste Bitter Harsh Caustic
Astringent Taste Bitter Harsh Alkaline
Rough Taste Salt Sharp Astringent
Neutral Taste Salt Sharp Rough
Sof Taste Salt Bland Neutral
Delicate Taste Salt Bland Sof
Mild Taste Sweet Mellow Delicate
Nippy Taste Sweet Mellow Mild
Piquant Taste Sweet Acidic Nippy
Tangy Taste Sweet Acidic Piquant
Tart Taste Sour Winey Tangy
Hard Taste Sour Winey Tart
Acrid Taste Sour Sour Hard
Taste Sour Sour Acrid
XLSTAT 2017.02.43674 - Sensory wheel - Start time: 11/05/2017 at 22:52:20 / End time: 11/05/2017 at 22:52:21 / Micro
Two-way table: Workbook = Data.xlsx / Sheet = Data / Range = Data!$D$2:$G$36 / 34 rows and 4 columns
Data format: Classification table
Run again:

Sensory wheel
11/05/2017 at 22:52:21 / Microsof Excel 16.07927
ws and 4 columns

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