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Week 2 of Unit

Welcome to Greek Week (or should I say Greek Weeks) were we will
bring to life the gods and goddesses that were once looked at as the
creators of all life. Throughout this 3-week unit, students will be reading
The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan which will help them understand
how to analyze texts as well as understand a different cultural

Class Activity – We will be reading chapters 13 and 14
together from their novel The Lightening Thief. We will then
discuss all the events that have happened up to this point in the novel.
Assignment – Students will read chapters 15 through 18 for homework. They will also
complete Daybook entries for each of those chapters. There should be one quote per
chapter and one reflection per quote.
Class Activity – We will be reading chapters 19 and 20 together from their novel The
Lightening Thief. We will then discuss all the event that have happened up to this point in
the novel.
Assignment – Students will read chapters 21 and 22 for homework. Students will also
complete Daybook entries for chapter 21 and 22. There should be 1 quote per chapter and
1 reflection per quote.
Class Activity – Testing Day! Student will have a comprehension test over their novel
The Lightening Thief.
Assignment – There will be no assignment on this night.
Class Activity – Students will be writing outlines in class to help guide them through
their analysis paper.
M Assignment – Students who did not finish their outline in class are to take them
home for revision and completion. These will be due at the beginning of class.
Class Activity – Students will participate in a peer workshop where their peer will review
their outline and suggest possible changes for improvement.
Assignment – There will be no assignment on this night. Enjoy your weekend!

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