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LEGO Star Wars Three The Clone Wars Item Location Guide For DS

By Eric Dent
Copyright 2011

Please do not copy my work unless you ask.

Special Note: In the Freeplay levels, you can Save & Exit at any time, so
you don't have to go through the entire mission just to find one Mini-Kit Part.

Mini-Kit Parts: Each Mission has 10 Mini-Kit Parts, so there are 130 Mini-Kit
Parts in this game. Note: some of them need specific abilities to get, if you
can not get them in Story Mode, then buy a Character that will get you this
part in Freeplay Mode.

Note: If the Mini-Kit Part does not say a specific character type, that means
you can get this Mini-Kit Part in Story Mode.

Mission 1: Ambush
Unlocks Mini Snowspeeder

1: Use the Force on the Ship at the begining of the level to make a Fan, use
the Fan's air current to get to a ledge for the Mini-Kit Part.

2: In the area you are jumping across some rock platforms that look like
mushrooms, head towards the top to get to a ledge, smash the rock there to get
a Travel Chute to build, use it to get to a Mini-Kit Part, use it again to go
back to where you were.

3: Near the Battle Tank at the end of Act 1 smash the plants on the left side
of the area. Build a ledge, and use the Force to build another. Double Jump on
top of them to get to a higher ledge for a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Near the start of Act 2, use a Grapple Pad to drag down a rock pile, use the
Force to move the hook to another spot, then smash stuff to find another
Grapple Pad to build & use it to get to a ledge, head left to get a Mini-Kit

5: Use the first Bounce Pad to jump really high to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: In the area where the large Battle Droid Tank shoots at you, smash a bush to
find a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Along the pathway in the area with the Proximity Mines you will find a
Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Separatist Character.

Go inside the Battle Droid Tank that has a ramp. Smash the Droids, and the
objects inside, build a Separatist Panel and use it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Hover Character or Dark Force User.

After you use the first Jedi Jump Pad head to the left and out on a small
ledge, use a Hover Character to Hover to the left to find a small cave area,
inside is a Mini-Kit Part. Or in the same area use a Dark Force User to raise
a rock up, double jump across to get to the Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Bounty Hunter.

At the end of Act 3 use a Thermal Detonator to blow up a rock with some red
objects on it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 2: Destroy Malevolence

Unlocks Mini Imperial Shuttle

1: During the Vulture attacks, shoot 3 floating objects, and use a Missile to
shoot 3 targets inside them, doing so will get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: During the second part of the space battle, shoot ten panels on the
Malevolence to get a Mini-Kit Part to appear on top of the large circular area.

3: A Mini-Kit Part is floating to the right side of the large circular area on
the Malevolence.
4: Need Heavy Gunner.
In the area with the burning pits of lava, use Heavy Weapons to blast a red
panel to unblock a doorway, inside it is a Mini-Kit Part.

5: At the end of a hallway where 2 Super Battle Droids come down an elevator.
Build the Battle Droid to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Use the Force near the area with the 2 beams that block the path to get a
train car to appear with a Mini-Kit Part & 2 Battle Droids on it. Deal with the
Droids and then grab the Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. After you use the Force
to move the 2 beams, hop down from the edge of the walkway to land on a train
car, smash the box on it to get a Mini-Kit Part. Smash the other box to get a
Jedi Jump Pad to build to get back up.

8: Double Jump across a gap that is filled with lava, destroy a Super Battle
Droid, and smash a box to get the Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Separatist, Small Character, Jedi/Sith, Sharpshooter, Heavy Gunner and

Grapple Gun.
In the room with the red doors, head to the top area and use a Separatist
Panel and pull the Switch inside, go down to the floor below and smash the
objects to get a Travel Chute to build & use. Head to the left and smash the
boxes to get a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to break the glass. Use
Sharpshoot to hit a target to make a box come off a conveyor belt. Use a Heavy
Gunner to blast it, and then use the Force to make a hook. Use the Grapple Pad
to swing across to get a Mini-Kit Part. The Red Brick is also here as well.

10: Need Heavy Gunner.

In the area when the air is sucked out of the ship, fix the problem and head
right a bit. Use a Heavy Gunner to blast a red panel to open a doorway, head
inside to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 3: Rookies
Unlocks Mini Republic Attack Cruiser

1: Need Jedi/Sith.
Use the Force on the shuttle to open then hatch to get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Jedi/Sith, Bounty Hunter, Heavy Gunner & Droid.

In the area where you Sharpshoot a rock to make a boulder fall down to make
the path unblocked, head to the far right and then Double Jump up to the left.
Use a Detonation Pad to make the path unblocked, and use a Bounty Hunter Panel
to make the elevator rise up. In here head to the right and smash stuff to find
a Droid Panel to build. Use it to make a door open. Build & use the Jedi Jump
Pad to get up higher. Blast the duck up here to make it crash into the video
game to get the Mini-Kit Part. You can hop off the right side of this area to
get back to where you were.

3: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Smash the rocks and build & use
a Jedi Jump Pad to get up to a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Sith.
In the area where you have to block the worm using Sharpshooter. Use the Dark
Side of the Force to move a box. The worm will eat it, revealing a Mini-Kit
Part. Make sure to block the worm before you grab it.
5: Need Sith & Droid.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Head to the left and use the
Dark Side of the Force to raise up a Radar Dish. Build & use a Droid Panel
nearby to make it move. Head to the left and smash the rocks to find a red
button, step on it to make a laser fire, and a Mini-Kit Part will get revealed.

6: After defeating the worm, use the Bounce Pad to get up to the higher ledge.
Smash the objects on the right side to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Sith.
In the first room of Act 3, use the Dark Side of the Force to push the 2
"Mouse" Droids into the lava pits to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Jedi/Sith & Hover Character.

In the first room with the "Gonk" droids head to the left side of the room &
smash stuff to find a Jedi Jump Pad to build & use. Head around the walkway
until you reach the middle, Hover "down" to get the Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Small Character.

In the 2nd "Gonk" room with the Blue Box & Blue Spot in it head to the left
side of the room and smash stuff to find a Travel Chute to build & use. Use it
to reach a lower area, go around the "circle" and you will find a Mini-Kit

10: In the area where you Sharpshoot some targets, after you release the "Gonk"
Droid, there will be a Mini-Kit Part in the small area the droid came out of.

Mission 4: Duel Of The Droids

Unlocks Mini ARC-170 Starfighter

1: Need Sith.
In the first area of the Mission, after you blow up the door the Battle Droids
were hiding behind. Use the Dark Side of the Force on a black & red object to
make a step, double jump up and head to the left. Up here are 4 red panels on
the ground, destroy all 4 to lower the force field guarding a Mini-Kit Part.

2: From the previous Mini-Kit Part head to the right and push a box off the
ledge, build & use the Jedi Cut Pad inside of it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

3: In the first room of Act 2, smash the wall panels near the door you came in
from, build the Recycle Bin, and use the Force to clean up the paper airplanes
to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need a Sith & Jedi.

In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Head all the way to the right
and use a Jedi Jump Pad to get up higher. Head to the right a bit and use the
Dark Side of the Force to open a gate, you have to use the Light Side of the
Force to open the next one to get the Mini-Kit Part.

5: In the room with the "Gonk" Droid, after you lower the force field guarding
the droid, you can grab a Mini-Kit Part in the small room with the droid.

6: Need Droid.
In the area with the Battle Droid that is making fun of a Clone Trooper (you
Sharpshoot the target), Head to the left and use a Droid Panel to open a gate
to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the area after the previous Mini-Kit Part use the Force to grab a
Mini-Kit Part in the distance.

8: In the begining of Act 3, head a bit to the left and smash the wall panels
to find a Mini-Kit Part.

9: In the area where you have to deal with the Vulture Droids, after you get
rid of the 2nd pair of them, smash the box on the platform that rises up to
get a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Sith.

In the last area of the Mission, head to the left and use the Dark Side of the
Force on the panel that has yellow around it, this reveals a red button. Smash
the other panels in the area to find 2 more red buttons, step on all of them
to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 5: Lair Of Grievous

Unlocks Mini V-19 Torrent

1: Use the Force to open the hatch of the shuttle, go inside and use the Force
to flip a floor panel. Use the Jedi Jump Pad to get a Mini-Kit Part over the

2: Need Sith.
From the large doorway in the first area, head to the left and down a ramp.
At the bottom use the Dark Side of the Force to get a Mini-Kit Part.

3: Need Small Character & Grapple Gun.

In the room with the throne, hop down to the lower level and use a Grapple
Pad to reach a ledge. Use the Travel Chute to get to a different ledge, head
to the right to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Sith.
In the hallway with the tubes, use the Dark Side of the Force on the lights
on the wall to destroy them, after you do a Mini-Kit Part will appear to the

5: Need Hover Character.

In the begining of Act 2, use the Jedi Jump Pad to get up higher, and use the
Force to switch a switch on the wall in the higher area. Use a Hover Character
to hover to the Mini-Kit Part that is revealed.

6: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the area where you step on the red button to fall into the lava pit, don't
step on the button until you use a Thermal Detonator on the right-hand wall
to blow up part of it. Double Jump up here and head to the left to get a
Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Small Character.

In the room with the large monster, head to the left side and build & use a
Travel Chute to get to a higher area. Head to the right to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Small Character.

In the first area of Act 3 head to the right and use a Travel Chute to get to
a Mini-Kit Part.

9: After Grievous gets fixed, head into the room where he was getting fixed to
smash the cart he was riding on, inside is a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the last area of the mission, use a Thermal Detonator on the object behind
the elevator, hop inside to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 6: Gungan General

Unlocks Mini Star Destroyer

1: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the 2nd area of the first Act, smash the objects to find a Jedi Jump Pad to
build & use it to reach a ledge with a Mini-Kit Part on it.

2: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, head to the right a bit and
smash stuff to find a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

3: Need Small Character.

After placing the Blue Box on the Blue Spot, head to the right a bit and use
a Travel Chute, smash the object in the small room to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Grapple Gun.

In the 2nd Act. Head out of your cell and to the right, smash objects to find
a Grapple Pad to build & use it to reach a higher area. Head to the left and
smash the door to get a Mini-Kit Part.

5: Place the Blue Box on the Blue Spot to get a Jedi Cut Pad, use it to break
through some bars. Smash the box in the cell to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Use the Force to free the trapped person, and they will give you a Mini-Kit
Part as a reward.

7: In the room with the 2 floor grates, smash the floor grates and head either
right or left (depending on which grate you dropped into) and smash the objects
in the passage to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Grapple Gun.

In the Act 3 in the area with the force field you lower with the Blue Box,
smash the floor vent (which leads to the Blue Box) and head all the way left.
Build & use a Jedi Jump Pad to reach a ledge, and use the Grapple Pad on the
platform to pull open a grate, Double Jump across the gap to reach the Mini-Kit

9: Use the Force on the box to smash the wall, use the Force a couple of times
to move some objects. After you do so, you get a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Grapple Gun.

In the room with the Speeder Bikes, head to the back left corner and smash a
box to find a Jedi Jump Pad to build & use. Use a Grapple Pad on the ledge you
land on to swing across to another ledge with the Mini-Kit Part on it.

Mission 7: Jedi Crash

Unlocks Mini Sith Infiltrator

1: Defeat the 10 Bombers before they damage the ship or escape to get a
Mini-Kit Part to appear in the middle of the 2 bridges of the Repuplic Battle

2: A Mini-Kit Part is floating near the back of the Republic Battle Cruiser.

3: In Act 2 in the area where you go back into the ship from the outside of
the ship, smash the boxes to find a Mini-Kit Part.
4: In Act 3, near the fallen tree, smash a box to get a Mini-Kit Part.

5: At the top of the spiral tree, use the Force to move a box, smash it to
get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Smash the box on the cart with the Blue Box to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the last area of the mission, head to the left and smash the objects on
the ground near the Battle Droid Tank to get a Grapple Pad to build & use it to
drag a box down, inside the box is a Mini-Kit Part.

8: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, head up and to the left from
the Battle Droid Tank, use the Force to move a box. Smash it to get a Mini-Kit

9: While using the Battle Droid Tank, shoot the left side of the area until
a Shooting Gallery appears, blast the ducks before the time limit expires to
get a Mini-Kit Part.

10: In the room with Nute Gunray, is a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 8: Hidden Enemy

Unlocks Mini Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

1: In the first area of the mission, head to the right and a elevator will
open. Get rid of the Battle Droids that come out, then use the Force to move
an object to block the explosive. After the explosion there is a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Separatist.
In the elevator with the previous Mini-Kit Part, build & use a Separatist Panel
to go to a new area. In this area head to the left and deal with some Battle
Droids, use the Force to move 3 chandeliers into place to get a Mini-Kit Part
on top of one of them, double jump up to get it. Use the Switch in the room
you came in from to go back to the previous area.

3: Need Droid & Small Character.

In the area with the multiple chandeliers that you have to lower, after you
hop across the chandeliers, use a Droid Panel to lower a force field. Use a
Travel Chute to acess a passage, use the Switch here to lower the large force
field in the lower area. Head inside and deal with some Battle Droids to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Small Character.

In the last area of Act 1, head all the way to the right and use a Travel
Chute, head down a bit to get a Mini-Kit Part. Use the Travel Chute again to
return to the previous area.

5: In the 2nd Act, head up the stairs and smash the 4 large pillars to get a
Mini-Kit Part to appear in the middle of the area.

6: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit, head to the top left corner area
and smash a box to find an explosive. Blast the explosive to make a hole, hop
in the hole & head right. Use the Force on the fan to make it blow a Mini-Kit
Part to you. Hop back up the ledges to the left and build & use a Jedi Jump
Pad to get back out of the hole.

7: In the same area as Mini-Kit #5, head to the lower right corner and smash
a box to get an explosive. Blast the explosive to make a hole, hop in it and
head to the right. Use the Force to make a walkway at the far right is a
Mini-Kit Part. In order to get back out, use the Switch nearby to make the fans
turn on. Use the air current to get up to the walkway, then Double Jump up to
the higher walkway. Use the Switch up here to make a fan blow a box down, this
gets you a Grapple Pad to build & use to get out of the hole.

8: During the vehicle portion of Act 3, a Mini-Kit Part will be on the left
side just floating in the air near a bridge.

9: During the vehicle portion of Act 3, a Mini-Kit Part will be floating in

the air on the right side after you blast the bridge holding the large droid.

10: Need Small Character.

After the vehicle area of the Mission, use the Force to make the bridge above
you. Head to the right and smash stuff to get a Jedi Jump Pad to build & use.
Head to the left and smash the glass around the Blue Box, hop over the box and
head right to get to a Travel Chute. Use the Travel Chute and head to the right
and down a bit to see a slightly broken window, smash it and head out onto the
ledge, head to the left a bit to get the Mini-Kit Part. Head back through the
Travel Chute to get back to the previous area.

Mission 9: Blue Shadow Virus

Unlocks Mini TIE Fighter

1: Need Heavy Gunner.

At the start of the Mission use the Detonation Pad to blast a tree, build a
step out of the debris and Double Jump up it to get to a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Droid.
Near the end of the first area, use a Droid Panel to make an elevator go up &
down, hop on it and ride it up. Head to the left and slash/blast the flower to
make some vines go away, Double Jump to the left to get to a ledge with a
Mini-Kit Part on it.

3: Need Sith.
In the area with the 2 "Bugs" you use to hop onto the statue, head to the far
right and use the Dark Side of the Force to break some red objects to get a
Mini-Kit Part inside one of them.

4: Make sure to do this BEFORE you sharpshoot the targets on the statue.
Use the "Bugs" to hop onto a ledge with a Mini-Kit Part on it.

5: In Act 2, during the vehicle portion, use your missiles to blast the
tower on the ground. This gets a Mini-Kit Part floating in the air nearby.

6: In the area after the vehicle section, destroy 8 Droids within the time
limit to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Separatist.
In the area with the "tube" above the area, defeat all the droids in the
area to get a Separatist Panel to build and use to the lower left side of the
tube. This gets you a fan to build, ride the air current to reach the tube's
opening, and follow the tube around to get a Mini-Kit Part. Sometimes getting
in the tube's opening can be tricky, but it can be done.

8: Need Heavy Gunner.

In the room where Jar Jar & Padme are stuck, use a Detonation Pad to blast a
computer to reveal a small opening with a Mini-Kit Part inside.
9: Need Hover Character.
In Act 3 in the portion of the area where you are normally Obi-Wan, do the
plant stuff (fix the pipe, water the plant, and push it to use as a Bounce Pad)
and then use the Force at the large door. Double Jump up to the small ledge,
and Double Jump to the left (a tricky jump) and then Double Jump up to the
Venus Fly Trap, then Double Jump up to the right to get to another small
ledge. Head to the right a bit, and hover "down" to get to a Mini-Kit Part.
This is kind of tricky, cause you have to hover exactly in the right spot to
get it.

10: Need Grapple Gun.

At the top of the room with the evil Dr. use a Grapple Pad to get up to a
higher walkway and head down a bit to get the Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 10: Storm Over Ryloth

Unlocks Mini TIE Interceptor

1: During the vehicle portion of the Mission, when the Droid Frigate arrives,
shoot down the Vulture Droids to get a Mini-Kit Part floating nearby.

2: Need Jedi/Sith.
In Act 2 place the Blue Box on the Blue Spot and use the Grapple Pad to get
up to the higher area, use the awning to get even higher up, and head to the
left. Smash all of the boxes to get a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to open
up a hole in the wall. Walk into the hole and you will fall down to the lower
area with the grates on the ground. Head down and then right to find a
Mini-Kit Part. Use the Jedi Jump Pad to get out of this area.

3: Need Droid.
In the area where you Sharpshoot the Probe Droid, after doing so & building &
useing the Detonation Pad, head right to get to a Droid Panel, use it to open
a door, head inside and to the left to get the Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, use the Grapple Pad to get up
to the ledge where you use another Grapple Pad to make the steps. Head to the
left a bit to find a Jedi Jump Pad, and use it to reach a higher area. Head
left a bit more and use an awning to reach a higher area. Deal with the Battle
Droids, and push a box off the ledge. Hop down to where you pushed it, and
build & use a Jedi Cut Pad. Head left through the hole you make to get to a
Mini-Kit Part.

5: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the area where you Sharpshoot another Probe Droid (where your friend is
scared of it) use the Force to make a fountain, this gets you a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Need Bounty Hunter & Jedi/Sith.

In the first section of the sewers, use a Thermal Detonator to blow up the
small hatch on the wall. Build a platform and Double Jump on top of it, head
to the left a bit and use the Force to open a grate, Double Jump up to get to
the Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the "Meanwhile" section use the Detonation Pad near a statue to blow it
up, then use the Travel Chute to get to the lower area under the grates on the
ground. Head down and then left in that area to step on a red button. Head back
out and build & use a Jedi Jump Pad to get a Mini-Kit Part. You can do this
after the other members of the group join you.

8: Need a Bounty Hunter, Hover Character, and Double Jumper.

Drop down the hole that the other members of the group came out of and head to
the right. Hover over the gap, and use a Thermal Detonator on the circular
object to blow it up. Double Jump into the hole, and head to the left to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Grapple Gun, Sharpshooter & Hover Character.

From the previous Mini-Kit Part, use a Grapple Pad to get up higher, and head
to the left, Hover over the gap, and head left some more. Use a Switch to lower
the water in the lower area. Head back down and use a Sharpshooter to shoot
a target to make the steam stop. Hop down and use another Switch to lower the
water even more. Hop down here and head down a bit to get the Mini-Kit Part.
Build & use a Jedi Jump Pad to get back up. Head back to the Grapple Pad and
use the Light Side of the Force to lower the elevator (keep using the Force
several times to get it low enough), hop on it, and Double Jump across to get
to a hole, head into the hole to get back to the normal area of the game.

10: Need Bounty Hunter & Double Jumper

In the 2nd sewer area, use a Thermal Detonator on the hatches to get a platform
to build. Double Jump on the platform and then Double Jump up and to the left
to get to another platform with a Mini-Kit Part on it.

Mission 11: Liberty On Ryloth

Unlocks Mini X-Wing

1: Need Bounty Hunter, Droid, and Jedi/Sith.

Use a Thermal Detonator to blast the yellow "button" on the machine near the
large walking tank. The Detonator needs to land exactly on the red part of the
button to work. Build & use a Droid Panel to make the tank shoot the wall. Use
the Jedi Jump Pad to reach the Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Small Character & Double Jumper.

In the area where you rescue a Clone Trooper from a vehicle, smash the rocks
to find a Travel Chute and use it to reach a higher ledge, head to the right
and Double Jump across to get to the Mini-Kit Part.

3: Need Heavy Gunner & Hover Character.

In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, rescue the Clone Trooper and
use the Grapple Pad to swing across the gap. This will cause a platform to
appear, hop on it and use a Heavy Gunner to blast the red wall, then Hover
across the gap to get the Mini-Kit Part.

4: In Act 2, head to the right side of the first area and build a red button,
step on it to make a white object rise up. Head up a bit from there and build
another white object, then head to the upper left and use the Force to build
a 3rd white object. Doing so will make a statue come down, and give you a
Mini-Kit Part.

5: Need Sith.
After you use the Force to open up the transport vehicle, use the Dark Side of
the Force on the object to the left to get a platform, Double Jump up and then
to the left to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Need Sharpshooter, Small Character & Double Jumper.

In the area where the Slave I is sticking out of the wall, use a Sharpshooter
to shoot a target, this makes a platform. Double Jump up and use a Travel Chute
to reach a higher area, jump up to get the Mini-Kit Part. Use the Travel Chute
again to get back down.

7: Need Bounty Hunter & Droid.

In the area where a LAAT has crashed (to the right from the previous Mini-Kit
Part) use a Thermal Detonator to blast part of the ship, this makes a cargo
pod come down. Use the Droid Panel on the pod to open it, head inside to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

8: In Act 3, destroy 12 Droids before the time limit expires to get a Mini-Kit

9: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the room before the vehicle portion of the Mission, smash the computer
to the left of the computer with the Switch on it, build & use a Bounty Hunter
Panel to make a "bridge", use a Switch down and to the left to make a "mouse"
droid go over the bridge and reveal a tube with a Mini-Kit Part in it.

10: Destroy the Hyena Droids before they can bomb the city, and you will get
a Mini-Kit Part floating over the city. Hurry up to grab it before the Mission

Mission 12: Weapons Factory

Unlocks Mini Slave 1

1: Need Sith.
Use the Dark Side of the Force to repair 2 radar dishes in the first area of
the Mission to get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the begining of the 2nd area use a Thermal Detonator on some rocks to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

3: Defeat 30 Droids within the time limit to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: In Act 2, smash a box to get a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to get a
Mini-Kit Part.

5: Need Grapple Gun.

In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, use the Force to lower the
bridge into place and cross it, smash a box to get a Grapple Pad to build. Use
it to reach a higher area with a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Need Grapple Gun.

In the cave, where there are 2 Geonosians in tubes, smash the box to get a
Grapple Pad to build & use it to reach a higher area. Smash the statue to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Sharpshooter.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Head left a bit and use
Sharpshoot to shoot a target, this makes the vines blocking a Mini-Kit Part go

8: Need Droid.
In the first area of Act 3, head to the left a bit and use a Droid Panel to
lower a door that reveals a Mini-Kit Part.

9: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, head to the right and
smash the rocks to get a Jedi Jump Pad, use it to get up to a room. Smash the
box near the 2 pillars in the back left of the room, and build & use a Jedi
Cut Pad to cut a pillar, use the Force to move part of the pillar, which will
reveal a Blue Box, grab the box and hop back down into the lower area. Head
to the left and place the box on the Blue Spot, to get a Jedi Jump Pad to
build. Use it to reach a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Sith.

In the area with the conveyor belts, reach the upper area and head to the left.
At the back of a safe area you will see 2 knobs, use the Dark Side of the Force
to turn them. This will stop the fire in the area below you. Hop down and head
into that area to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 13: Legacy Of Terror

Unlocks Mini Millennium Falcon

1: Need a Separatist.
At the begining of the Mission smash the boxes near the Battle Droid Tank to
get a Separatist Panel to build & use to get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Small Character & Double Jumper.

In the room where you use a Jedi Cut Pad to make the large pillar fall down.
Use the Force to move the parts of the pillar to make some steps. Double Jump
up the steps to reach a Travel Chute, use it to reach a ledge with a Mini-Kit
Part on it.

3: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the area with the bridge that splits in half, get to the lower area, head to
the left and use a Thermal Detonator on the wall to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Droid.
At the start of Act 2, head up and smash the rock. Build & use a Droid Panel
to lower a door with a Mini-Kit Part inside.

5: Need Sith.
After you use the Detonation Pad to blast the statue, hop down into the hole
and head left. Use the Dark Side of the Force on an object over a door to open
it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Before going through the large door, head to the right a bit, Double Jump
"down" to land on a ledge with a Mini-Kit Part on it, use the Grapple Pad to
get back to the previous area.

7: On the right hand side of the large staircase, smash the objects and build
& use a Jedi Cut Pad to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: In the area after the large statue you fix, head to the right and use the
Detonation Pad to get a Jedi Jump Pad, use it to get up to a higher area and
head right, hop into the hole at the end to get back down to the lower area,
head to the left a bit and Double Jump up and to the left to get to a ledge
with a Mini-Kit Part.

9: Defeat the Geonosian Zombie horde before the time limit expires to get a
Mini-Kit Part.

10: At the end of the mission, make it to the end of the cave with the rushing
water without falling or dieing to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Special Bonus for getting all 130 Mini-Kit Parts:

Unlocks Mini Darth Vader's TIE Fighter

Red Bricks:
Since there is a Red Brick in each Mission, there are 13 Red Bricks in this
Note: If there is no mention of what character type you need to get the Red
Brick, you can get it in the Story Mode.

Mission 1: Ambush
Need Sith & Droid.
At the start of the level use the Dark Side of the Force to open the hatch on
the ship, go inside and use the Force to light all the lights then use a Droid
Panel to get the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Mini-Games to buy in the Shop for 50,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: You can go into the recreation area of the Battle Cruiser
and play the mini-games for LEGO Studs.

Mission 2: Destroy Malevolence

Need a Separatist, Small Character, Jedi/Sith & Sharpshooter.
Use a Separatist Panel in the area with several red doors. Use the elevator to
go down 1 floor, and smash the boxes to get a Travel Chute to build & use. Use
a Jedi Cut Pad to open a door. Use a Sharpshooter to shoot the targets, then
use the Force to get a Grapple Pad, use it to get to the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Infinate Missiles to buy in the Shop for 150,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes it so you never run out of missiles in
vehicle sections.

Mission 3: Rookies
Need a Jedi or Sith.
In Act 2, stay on the lower level and head as far right as possible. Use the
Force to move some rocks out of the way. Then use a Jedi Jump Pad to repel up,
you will automatically hit some more rocks that will reveal the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Score x2 to buy in the Shop for 100,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 2 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 4: Duel of the Droids

At the begining of the 2nd Act, hop down into the lower area. Build & use
the Jedi Jump Pad to repel up into a glass enclosed area, hop on the cart to
get the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Funny Jump to buy in the Shop for 250,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes your jumps make a "funny" noise.

Mission 5: Lair of Grievous

Need a Droid, Jedi/Sith, and Bounty Hunter.
In the area with the large monster, use a Droid Panel on the right side of the
room. Go through the door, and use a Jedi Jump Pad to get up higher. Build a
red button and step on it. A panel will come down behind a stand. Hop back down
and build a statue of Grievous playing golf. Then head right to use the Force
to move a Grapple Pad, use the pad and build a statue of Grievous skating. This
lowers a force field with another statue of Grievous. Smash the statue and use
the Jedi Jump Pad to reach the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Auto Pickup to buy in the Shop for LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick works when you smash stuff, the LEGO Studs that come
out will automatically be gathered for you. This even works if you fall off of
a cliff, or die somehow and lose some LEGO Studs.

Mission 6: Gungan General

Need a Grapple Gun & Sharpshooter.
In the 3rd Act, head to the 2nd area and head all the way to the left. Use
a Grapple Pad to get up to a higher platform, and deal with the 2 Weequay
Pirates. Use a Switch on the wall to make a "Shooting Gallery" activate. Use
the Sharpshooter Ability to shoot the Battle Droids, even if you don't shoot
all of them the Red Brick will come out of a panel in the ground.
Unlocks: One Shot to buy in the Shop for 2,000,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick kills most normal enemies with only 1 hit, does not
really work that great on enemies with health bars, or that take several hits
to kill. Also seems to power up the weapons in the Vehicle Portions as well.

Mission 7: Jedi Crash

In the last area of the Mission use the broken-down Battle Droid Tank to
blast the right side platforms to get the Red Brick to fall down. It will be
sitting to the right of the ramp you use to go after Nute Gunray.
Unlocks: Score x4 to buy in the Shop for 250,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 4 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 8: Hidden Enemy

In the first area of Act 2, build the radar unit and then head up to see TX-20
deploy several droids. Deal with the droids within the time limit and the Red
Brick will appear in the doorway you came out of to start the area.
Unlocks: Fast Build to buy in the Shop for LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes it a lot quicker to build stuff, and it also
makes moving stuff with the Force a whole lot quicker.

Mission 9: Blue Shadow Virus

In the 3rd act, while you are chasing the LEP Servant Droid. In the area where
you have to fix the pipe, go as high as possible on the left side of the room
by using Double Jump to get to a platform with a Red Brick on it.
Unlocks: Regenerate Hearts to buy in the Shop for 400,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes it so that when you get hurt, after a bit
a heart in your health meter will come back.

Mission 10: Storm Over Ryloth

In Act 3, while you are crossing a river using some floating platforms, look
out to see the Red Brick on one of the platforms that floats down stream.
Double Jump to get to it.
Unlocks: Score x6 to buy in the Shop for LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 6 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 11: Liberty On Ryloth

Need a Separatist & Grapple Gun.
In Act 2, in the area with the cages you should spot a creature trying to eat
the Red Brick. Head to the right of the cage and use a Switch to open the cage
next to it, smash the boxes inside and build & use a Separatist Panel to make
a secret door open. Head into the room with the creature and use a Grapple Pad
to grab the Red Brick out of its mouth.
Unlocks: Score x10 to buy in the Shop for 2,500,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 10 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 12: Weapons Factory

Need a Sith, Small Character, Sharpshooter & Bounty Hunter
Near the end of the cave in the 2nd Act, use a Sharpshooter to shoot a target.
This reveals a Travel Chute to use. After using it head to the right and use
the Dark Side of the Force to move a portion of the wall. Double Jump up on it,
and head to a Jedi Jump Pad, use it to get up higher. Use a Thermal Detonator
on the door to reveal the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Invincibility to buy in the Shop for 4,000,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes you not able to die by lasers, or enemy
attacks. You can still die by falling into pits or crashing into stuff in
vehicle levels.

Mission 13: Legacy Of Terror

Near the end of the Mission to the right of the large stairs, smash a rock to
find a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to reveal the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Score x8 to buy in the Shop for 1,000,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 8 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mini-Games: These games are unlocked once you find & purchase the Red Brick
in the first Mission of the game.

Note: You don't really get any reward for playing these games, with the
exceptition of LEGO Studs.

Vulture Shootout: The goal of this game is to shoot as many Vulture Droids as
possible. It is very similar to an actual space battle in the game. You have
to avoid Missiles, and it is pretty difficult.

Saberball: The goal of this game is a "Home Run Derby" type game. The only
difference is that you only get one pitch to hit. This is really difficult to
play. Use the Touchscreen to tap on the purple dot, and the droid will throw
the ball, use the Stylus to slide on one of the 3 paths to try to hit the ball.
The goal is to get into the white area to score.

Snowball Fight: The goal of this game is to beat the Talz at a snowball fight.
Use the A button to make or catch snowballs, and Y to throw them. You can have
up to 3 snowballs.

Astromech Volleyball: The goal of this game is to score 5 points against your
opponent. You serve with the A Button, and jump with the B Button. This is very
similar to a really old game called Pong.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Lucas Arts, Traveler's Tales, and Traverler's Tales Fusion for
making this fun game.

Also thanks ghostrider9876 for "pointing the way" to remember where some of
the items were in the game. Good job on your first Walkthrough/FAQ!

Mini-Kit Parts: Each Mission has 10 Mini-Kit Parts, so there are 130 Mini-Kit
Parts in this game. Note: some of them need specific abilities to get, if you
can not get them in Story Mode, then buy a Character that will get you this
part in Freeplay Mode.

Note: If the Mini-Kit Part does not say a specific character type, that means
you can get this Mini-Kit Part in Story Mode.

Mission 1: Ambush
Unlocks Mini Snowspeeder

1: Use the Force on the Ship at the begining of the level to make a Fan, use
the Fan's air current to get to a ledge for the Mini-Kit Part.

2: In the area you are jumping across some rock platforms that look like
mushrooms, head towards the top to get to a ledge, smash the rock there to get
a Travel Chute to build, use it to get to a Mini-Kit Part, use it again to go
back to where you were.
3: Near the Battle Tank at the end of Act 1 smash the plants on the left side
of the area. Build a ledge, and use the Force to build another. Double Jump on
top of them to get to a higher ledge for a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Near the start of Act 2, use a Grapple Pad to drag down a rock pile, use the
Force to move the hook to another spot, then smash stuff to find another
Grapple Pad to build & use it to get to a ledge, head left to get a Mini-Kit

5: Use the first Bounce Pad to jump really high to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: In the area where the large Battle Droid Tank shoots at you, smash a bush to
find a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Along the pathway in the area with the Proximity Mines you will find a
Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Separatist Character.

Go inside the Battle Droid Tank that has a ramp. Smash the Droids, and the
objects inside, build a Separatist Panel and use it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Hover Character or Dark Force User.

After you use the first Jedi Jump Pad head to the left and out on a small
ledge, use a Hover Character to Hover to the left to find a small cave area,
inside is a Mini-Kit Part. Or in the same area use a Dark Force User to raise
a rock up, double jump across to get to the Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Bounty Hunter.

At the end of Act 3 use a Thermal Detonator to blow up a rock with some red
objects on it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 2: Destroy Malevolence

Unlocks Mini Imperial Shuttle

1: During the Vulture attacks, shoot 3 floating objects, and use a Missile to
shoot 3 targets inside them, doing so will get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: During the second part of the space battle, shoot ten panels on the
Malevolence to get a Mini-Kit Part to appear on top of the large circular area.

3: A Mini-Kit Part is floating to the right side of the large circular area on
the Malevolence.

4: Need Heavy Gunner.

In the area with the burning pits of lava, use Heavy Weapons to blast a red
panel to unblock a doorway, inside it is a Mini-Kit Part.

5: At the end of a hallway where 2 Super Battle Droids come down an elevator.
Build the Battle Droid to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Use the Force near the area with the 2 beams that block the path to get a
train car to appear with a Mini-Kit Part & 2 Battle Droids on it. Deal with the
Droids and then grab the Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. After you use the Force
to move the 2 beams, hop down from the edge of the walkway to land on a train
car, smash the box on it to get a Mini-Kit Part. Smash the other box to get a
Jedi Jump Pad to build to get back up.
8: Double Jump across a gap that is filled with lava, destroy a Super Battle
Droid, and smash a box to get the Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Separatist, Small Character, Jedi/Sith, Sharpshooter, Heavy Gunner and

Grapple Gun.
In the room with the red doors, head to the top area and use a Separatist
Panel and pull the Switch inside, go down to the floor below and smash the
objects to get a Travel Chute to build & use. Head to the left and smash the
boxes to get a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to break the glass. Use
Sharpshoot to hit a target to make a box come off a conveyor belt. Use a Heavy
Gunner to blast it, and then use the Force to make a hook. Use the Grapple Pad
to swing across to get a Mini-Kit Part. The Red Brick is also here as well.

10: Need Heavy Gunner.

In the area when the air is sucked out of the ship, fix the problem and head
right a bit. Use a Heavy Gunner to blast a red panel to open a doorway, head
inside to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 3: Rookies
Unlocks Mini Republic Attack Cruiser

1: Need Jedi/Sith.
Use the Force on the shuttle to open then hatch to get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Jedi/Sith, Bounty Hunter, Heavy Gunner & Droid.

In the area where you Sharpshoot a rock to make a boulder fall down to make
the path unblocked, head to the far right and then Double Jump up to the left.
Use a Detonation Pad to make the path unblocked, and use a Bounty Hunter Panel
to make the elevator rise up. In here head to the right and smash stuff to find
a Droid Panel to build. Use it to make a door open. Build & use the Jedi Jump
Pad to get up higher. Blast the duck up here to make it crash into the video
game to get the Mini-Kit Part. You can hop off the right side of this area to
get back to where you were.

3: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Smash the rocks and build & use
a Jedi Jump Pad to get up to a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Sith.
In the area where you have to block the worm using Sharpshooter. Use the Dark
Side of the Force to move a box. The worm will eat it, revealing a Mini-Kit
Part. Make sure to block the worm before you grab it.

5: Need Sith & Droid.

In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Head to the left and use the
Dark Side of the Force to raise up a Radar Dish. Build & use a Droid Panel
nearby to make it move. Head to the left and smash the rocks to find a red
button, step on it to make a laser fire, and a Mini-Kit Part will get revealed.

6: After defeating the worm, use the Bounce Pad to get up to the higher ledge.
Smash the objects on the right side to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Sith.
In the first room of Act 3, use the Dark Side of the Force to push the 2
"Mouse" Droids into the lava pits to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Jedi/Sith & Hover Character.

In the first room with the "Gonk" droids head to the left side of the room &
smash stuff to find a Jedi Jump Pad to build & use. Head around the walkway
until you reach the middle, Hover "down" to get the Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Small Character.

In the 2nd "Gonk" room with the Blue Box & Blue Spot in it head to the left
side of the room and smash stuff to find a Travel Chute to build & use. Use it
to reach a lower area, go around the "circle" and you will find a Mini-Kit

10: In the area where you Sharpshoot some targets, after you release the "Gonk"
Droid, there will be a Mini-Kit Part in the small area the droid came out of.

Mission 4: Duel Of The Droids

Unlocks Mini ARC-170 Starfighter

1: Need Sith.
In the first area of the Mission, after you blow up the door the Battle Droids
were hiding behind. Use the Dark Side of the Force on a black & red object to
make a step, double jump up and head to the left. Up here are 4 red panels on
the ground, destroy all 4 to lower the force field guarding a Mini-Kit Part.

2: From the previous Mini-Kit Part head to the right and push a box off the
ledge, build & use the Jedi Cut Pad inside of it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

3: In the first room of Act 2, smash the wall panels near the door you came in
from, build the Recycle Bin, and use the Force to clean up the paper airplanes
to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need a Sith & Jedi.

In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Head all the way to the right
and use a Jedi Jump Pad to get up higher. Head to the right a bit and use the
Dark Side of the Force to open a gate, you have to use the Light Side of the
Force to open the next one to get the Mini-Kit Part.

5: In the room with the "Gonk" Droid, after you lower the force field guarding
the droid, you can grab a Mini-Kit Part in the small room with the droid.

6: Need Droid.
In the area with the Battle Droid that is making fun of a Clone Trooper (you
Sharpshoot the target), Head to the left and use a Droid Panel to open a gate
to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the area after the previous Mini-Kit Part use the Force to grab a
Mini-Kit Part in the distance.

8: In the begining of Act 3, head a bit to the left and smash the wall panels
to find a Mini-Kit Part.

9: In the area where you have to deal with the Vulture Droids, after you get
rid of the 2nd pair of them, smash the box on the platform that rises up to
get a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Sith.

In the last area of the Mission, head to the left and use the Dark Side of the
Force on the panel that has yellow around it, this reveals a red button. Smash
the other panels in the area to find 2 more red buttons, step on all of them
to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 5: Lair Of Grievous

Unlocks Mini V-19 Torrent

1: Use the Force to open the hatch of the shuttle, go inside and use the Force
to flip a floor panel. Use the Jedi Jump Pad to get a Mini-Kit Part over the

2: Need Sith.
From the large doorway in the first area, head to the left and down a ramp.
At the bottom use the Dark Side of the Force to get a Mini-Kit Part.

3: Need Small Character & Grapple Gun.

In the room with the throne, hop down to the lower level and use a Grapple
Pad to reach a ledge. Use the Travel Chute to get to a different ledge, head
to the right to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Sith.
In the hallway with the tubes, use the Dark Side of the Force on the lights
on the wall to destroy them, after you do a Mini-Kit Part will appear to the

5: Need Hover Character.

In the begining of Act 2, use the Jedi Jump Pad to get up higher, and use the
Force to switch a switch on the wall in the higher area. Use a Hover Character
to hover to the Mini-Kit Part that is revealed.

6: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the area where you step on the red button to fall into the lava pit, don't
step on the button until you use a Thermal Detonator on the right-hand wall
to blow up part of it. Double Jump up here and head to the left to get a
Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Small Character.

In the room with the large monster, head to the left side and build & use a
Travel Chute to get to a higher area. Head to the right to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Small Character.

In the first area of Act 3 head to the right and use a Travel Chute to get to
a Mini-Kit Part.

9: After Grievous gets fixed, head into the room where he was getting fixed to
smash the cart he was riding on, inside is a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the last area of the mission, use a Thermal Detonator on the object behind
the elevator, hop inside to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 6: Gungan General

Unlocks Mini Star Destroyer

1: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the 2nd area of the first Act, smash the objects to find a Jedi Jump Pad to
build & use it to reach a ledge with a Mini-Kit Part on it.

2: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, head to the right a bit and
smash stuff to find a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

3: Need Small Character.

After placing the Blue Box on the Blue Spot, head to the right a bit and use
a Travel Chute, smash the object in the small room to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Grapple Gun.

In the 2nd Act. Head out of your cell and to the right, smash objects to find
a Grapple Pad to build & use it to reach a higher area. Head to the left and
smash the door to get a Mini-Kit Part.

5: Place the Blue Box on the Blue Spot to get a Jedi Cut Pad, use it to break
through some bars. Smash the box in the cell to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Use the Force to free the trapped person, and they will give you a Mini-Kit
Part as a reward.

7: In the room with the 2 floor grates, smash the floor grates and head either
right or left (depending on which grate you dropped into) and smash the objects
in the passage to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: Need Grapple Gun.

In the Act 3 in the area with the force field you lower with the Blue Box,
smash the floor vent (which leads to the Blue Box) and head all the way left.
Build & use a Jedi Jump Pad to reach a ledge, and use the Grapple Pad on the
platform to pull open a grate, Double Jump across the gap to reach the Mini-Kit

9: Use the Force on the box to smash the wall, use the Force a couple of times
to move some objects. After you do so, you get a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Grapple Gun.

In the room with the Speeder Bikes, head to the back left corner and smash a
box to find a Jedi Jump Pad to build & use. Use a Grapple Pad on the ledge you
land on to swing across to another ledge with the Mini-Kit Part on it.

Mission 7: Jedi Crash

Unlocks Mini Sith Infiltrator

1: Defeat the 10 Bombers before they damage the ship or escape to get a
Mini-Kit Part to appear in the middle of the 2 bridges of the Repuplic Battle

2: A Mini-Kit Part is floating near the back of the Republic Battle Cruiser.

3: In Act 2 in the area where you go back into the ship from the outside of
the ship, smash the boxes to find a Mini-Kit Part.

4: In Act 3, near the fallen tree, smash a box to get a Mini-Kit Part.

5: At the top of the spiral tree, use the Force to move a box, smash it to
get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Smash the box on the cart with the Blue Box to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the last area of the mission, head to the left and smash the objects on
the ground near the Battle Droid Tank to get a Grapple Pad to build & use it to
drag a box down, inside the box is a Mini-Kit Part.

8: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, head up and to the left from
the Battle Droid Tank, use the Force to move a box. Smash it to get a Mini-Kit
9: While using the Battle Droid Tank, shoot the left side of the area until
a Shooting Gallery appears, blast the ducks before the time limit expires to
get a Mini-Kit Part.

10: In the room with Nute Gunray, is a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 8: Hidden Enemy

Unlocks Mini Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

1: In the first area of the mission, head to the right and a elevator will
open. Get rid of the Battle Droids that come out, then use the Force to move
an object to block the explosive. After the explosion there is a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Separatist.
In the elevator with the previous Mini-Kit Part, build & use a Separatist Panel
to go to a new area. In this area head to the left and deal with some Battle
Droids, use the Force to move 3 chandeliers into place to get a Mini-Kit Part
on top of one of them, double jump up to get it. Use the Switch in the room
you came in from to go back to the previous area.

3: Need Droid & Small Character.

In the area with the multiple chandeliers that you have to lower, after you
hop across the chandeliers, use a Droid Panel to lower a force field. Use a
Travel Chute to acess a passage, use the Switch here to lower the large force
field in the lower area. Head inside and deal with some Battle Droids to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Small Character.

In the last area of Act 1, head all the way to the right and use a Travel
Chute, head down a bit to get a Mini-Kit Part. Use the Travel Chute again to
return to the previous area.

5: In the 2nd Act, head up the stairs and smash the 4 large pillars to get a
Mini-Kit Part to appear in the middle of the area.

6: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit, head to the top left corner area
and smash a box to find an explosive. Blast the explosive to make a hole, hop
in the hole & head right. Use the Force on the fan to make it blow a Mini-Kit
Part to you. Hop back up the ledges to the left and build & use a Jedi Jump
Pad to get back out of the hole.

7: In the same area as Mini-Kit #5, head to the lower right corner and smash
a box to get an explosive. Blast the explosive to make a hole, hop in it and
head to the right. Use the Force to make a walkway at the far right is a
Mini-Kit Part. In order to get back out, use the Switch nearby to make the fans
turn on. Use the air current to get up to the walkway, then Double Jump up to
the higher walkway. Use the Switch up here to make a fan blow a box down, this
gets you a Grapple Pad to build & use to get out of the hole.

8: During the vehicle portion of Act 3, a Mini-Kit Part will be on the left
side just floating in the air near a bridge.

9: During the vehicle portion of Act 3, a Mini-Kit Part will be floating in

the air on the right side after you blast the bridge holding the large droid.

10: Need Small Character.

After the vehicle area of the Mission, use the Force to make the bridge above
you. Head to the right and smash stuff to get a Jedi Jump Pad to build & use.
Head to the left and smash the glass around the Blue Box, hop over the box and
head right to get to a Travel Chute. Use the Travel Chute and head to the right
and down a bit to see a slightly broken window, smash it and head out onto the
ledge, head to the left a bit to get the Mini-Kit Part. Head back through the
Travel Chute to get back to the previous area.

Mission 9: Blue Shadow Virus

Unlocks Mini TIE Fighter

1: Need Heavy Gunner.

At the start of the Mission use the Detonation Pad to blast a tree, build a
step out of the debris and Double Jump up it to get to a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Droid.
Near the end of the first area, use a Droid Panel to make an elevator go up &
down, hop on it and ride it up. Head to the left and slash/blast the flower to
make some vines go away, Double Jump to the left to get to a ledge with a
Mini-Kit Part on it.

3: Need Sith.
In the area with the 2 "Bugs" you use to hop onto the statue, head to the far
right and use the Dark Side of the Force to break some red objects to get a
Mini-Kit Part inside one of them.

4: Make sure to do this BEFORE you sharpshoot the targets on the statue.
Use the "Bugs" to hop onto a ledge with a Mini-Kit Part on it.

5: In Act 2, during the vehicle portion, use your missiles to blast the
tower on the ground. This gets a Mini-Kit Part floating in the air nearby.

6: In the area after the vehicle section, destroy 8 Droids within the time
limit to get a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Separatist.
In the area with the "tube" above the area, defeat all the droids in the
area to get a Separatist Panel to build and use to the lower left side of the
tube. This gets you a fan to build, ride the air current to reach the tube's
opening, and follow the tube around to get a Mini-Kit Part. Sometimes getting
in the tube's opening can be tricky, but it can be done.

8: Need Heavy Gunner.

In the room where Jar Jar & Padme are stuck, use a Detonation Pad to blast a
computer to reveal a small opening with a Mini-Kit Part inside.

9: Need Hover Character.

In Act 3 in the portion of the area where you are normally Obi-Wan, do the
plant stuff (fix the pipe, water the plant, and push it to use as a Bounce Pad)
and then use the Force at the large door. Double Jump up to the small ledge,
and Double Jump to the left (a tricky jump) and then Double Jump up to the
Venus Fly Trap, then Double Jump up to the right to get to another small
ledge. Head to the right a bit, and hover "down" to get to a Mini-Kit Part.
This is kind of tricky, cause you have to hover exactly in the right spot to
get it.

10: Need Grapple Gun.

At the top of the room with the evil Dr. use a Grapple Pad to get up to a
higher walkway and head down a bit to get the Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 10: Storm Over Ryloth

Unlocks Mini TIE Interceptor
1: During the vehicle portion of the Mission, when the Droid Frigate arrives,
shoot down the Vulture Droids to get a Mini-Kit Part floating nearby.

2: Need Jedi/Sith.
In Act 2 place the Blue Box on the Blue Spot and use the Grapple Pad to get
up to the higher area, use the awning to get even higher up, and head to the
left. Smash all of the boxes to get a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to open
up a hole in the wall. Walk into the hole and you will fall down to the lower
area with the grates on the ground. Head down and then right to find a
Mini-Kit Part. Use the Jedi Jump Pad to get out of this area.

3: Need Droid.
In the area where you Sharpshoot the Probe Droid, after doing so & building &
useing the Detonation Pad, head right to get to a Droid Panel, use it to open
a door, head inside and to the left to get the Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, use the Grapple Pad to get up
to the ledge where you use another Grapple Pad to make the steps. Head to the
left a bit to find a Jedi Jump Pad, and use it to reach a higher area. Head
left a bit more and use an awning to reach a higher area. Deal with the Battle
Droids, and push a box off the ledge. Hop down to where you pushed it, and
build & use a Jedi Cut Pad. Head left through the hole you make to get to a
Mini-Kit Part.

5: Need Jedi/Sith.
In the area where you Sharpshoot another Probe Droid (where your friend is
scared of it) use the Force to make a fountain, this gets you a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Need Bounty Hunter & Jedi/Sith.

In the first section of the sewers, use a Thermal Detonator to blow up the
small hatch on the wall. Build a platform and Double Jump on top of it, head
to the left a bit and use the Force to open a grate, Double Jump up to get to
the Mini-Kit Part.

7: In the "Meanwhile" section use the Detonation Pad near a statue to blow it
up, then use the Travel Chute to get to the lower area under the grates on the
ground. Head down and then left in that area to step on a red button. Head back
out and build & use a Jedi Jump Pad to get a Mini-Kit Part. You can do this
after the other members of the group join you.

8: Need a Bounty Hunter, Hover Character, and Double Jumper.

Drop down the hole that the other members of the group came out of and head to
the right. Hover over the gap, and use a Thermal Detonator on the circular
object to blow it up. Double Jump into the hole, and head to the left to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

9: Need Grapple Gun, Sharpshooter & Hover Character.

From the previous Mini-Kit Part, use a Grapple Pad to get up higher, and head
to the left, Hover over the gap, and head left some more. Use a Switch to lower
the water in the lower area. Head back down and use a Sharpshooter to shoot
a target to make the steam stop. Hop down and use another Switch to lower the
water even more. Hop down here and head down a bit to get the Mini-Kit Part.
Build & use a Jedi Jump Pad to get back up. Head back to the Grapple Pad and
use the Light Side of the Force to lower the elevator (keep using the Force
several times to get it low enough), hop on it, and Double Jump across to get
to a hole, head into the hole to get back to the normal area of the game.
10: Need Bounty Hunter & Double Jumper
In the 2nd sewer area, use a Thermal Detonator on the hatches to get a platform
to build. Double Jump on the platform and then Double Jump up and to the left
to get to another platform with a Mini-Kit Part on it.

Mission 11: Liberty On Ryloth

Unlocks Mini X-Wing

1: Need Bounty Hunter, Droid, and Jedi/Sith.

Use a Thermal Detonator to blast the yellow "button" on the machine near the
large walking tank. The Detonator needs to land exactly on the red part of the
button to work. Build & use a Droid Panel to make the tank shoot the wall. Use
the Jedi Jump Pad to reach the Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Small Character & Double Jumper.

In the area where you rescue a Clone Trooper from a vehicle, smash the rocks
to find a Travel Chute and use it to reach a higher ledge, head to the right
and Double Jump across to get to the Mini-Kit Part.

3: Need Heavy Gunner & Hover Character.

In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, rescue the Clone Trooper and
use the Grapple Pad to swing across the gap. This will cause a platform to
appear, hop on it and use a Heavy Gunner to blast the red wall, then Hover
across the gap to get the Mini-Kit Part.

4: In Act 2, head to the right side of the first area and build a red button,
step on it to make a white object rise up. Head up a bit from there and build
another white object, then head to the upper left and use the Force to build
a 3rd white object. Doing so will make a statue come down, and give you a
Mini-Kit Part.

5: Need Sith.
After you use the Force to open up the transport vehicle, use the Dark Side of
the Force on the object to the left to get a platform, Double Jump up and then
to the left to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Need Sharpshooter, Small Character & Double Jumper.

In the area where the Slave I is sticking out of the wall, use a Sharpshooter
to shoot a target, this makes a platform. Double Jump up and use a Travel Chute
to reach a higher area, jump up to get the Mini-Kit Part. Use the Travel Chute
again to get back down.

7: Need Bounty Hunter & Droid.

In the area where a LAAT has crashed (to the right from the previous Mini-Kit
Part) use a Thermal Detonator to blast part of the ship, this makes a cargo
pod come down. Use the Droid Panel on the pod to open it, head inside to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

8: In Act 3, destroy 12 Droids before the time limit expires to get a Mini-Kit

9: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the room before the vehicle portion of the Mission, smash the computer
to the left of the computer with the Switch on it, build & use a Bounty Hunter
Panel to make a "bridge", use a Switch down and to the left to make a "mouse"
droid go over the bridge and reveal a tube with a Mini-Kit Part in it.

10: Destroy the Hyena Droids before they can bomb the city, and you will get
a Mini-Kit Part floating over the city. Hurry up to grab it before the Mission

Mission 12: Weapons Factory

Unlocks Mini Slave 1

1: Need Sith.
Use the Dark Side of the Force to repair 2 radar dishes in the first area of
the Mission to get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the begining of the 2nd area use a Thermal Detonator on some rocks to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

3: Defeat 30 Droids within the time limit to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: In Act 2, smash a box to get a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to get a
Mini-Kit Part.

5: Need Grapple Gun.

In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, use the Force to lower the
bridge into place and cross it, smash a box to get a Grapple Pad to build. Use
it to reach a higher area with a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Need Grapple Gun.

In the cave, where there are 2 Geonosians in tubes, smash the box to get a
Grapple Pad to build & use it to reach a higher area. Smash the statue to get
a Mini-Kit Part.

7: Need Sharpshooter.
In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part. Head left a bit and use
Sharpshoot to shoot a target, this makes the vines blocking a Mini-Kit Part go

8: Need Droid.
In the first area of Act 3, head to the left a bit and use a Droid Panel to
lower a door that reveals a Mini-Kit Part.

9: In the same area as the previous Mini-Kit Part, head to the right and
smash the rocks to get a Jedi Jump Pad, use it to get up to a room. Smash the
box near the 2 pillars in the back left of the room, and build & use a Jedi
Cut Pad to cut a pillar, use the Force to move part of the pillar, which will
reveal a Blue Box, grab the box and hop back down into the lower area. Head
to the left and place the box on the Blue Spot, to get a Jedi Jump Pad to
build. Use it to reach a Mini-Kit Part.

10: Need Sith.

In the area with the conveyor belts, reach the upper area and head to the left.
At the back of a safe area you will see 2 knobs, use the Dark Side of the Force
to turn them. This will stop the fire in the area below you. Hop down and head
into that area to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Mission 13: Legacy Of Terror

Unlocks Mini Millennium Falcon

1: Need a Separatist.
At the begining of the Mission smash the boxes near the Battle Droid Tank to
get a Separatist Panel to build & use to get a Mini-Kit Part.

2: Need Small Character & Double Jumper.

In the room where you use a Jedi Cut Pad to make the large pillar fall down.
Use the Force to move the parts of the pillar to make some steps. Double Jump
up the steps to reach a Travel Chute, use it to reach a ledge with a Mini-Kit
Part on it.

3: Need Bounty Hunter.

In the area with the bridge that splits in half, get to the lower area, head to
the left and use a Thermal Detonator on the wall to get a Mini-Kit Part.

4: Need Droid.
At the start of Act 2, head up and smash the rock. Build & use a Droid Panel
to lower a door with a Mini-Kit Part inside.

5: Need Sith.
After you use the Detonation Pad to blast the statue, hop down into the hole
and head left. Use the Dark Side of the Force on an object over a door to open
it to get a Mini-Kit Part.

6: Before going through the large door, head to the right a bit, Double Jump
"down" to land on a ledge with a Mini-Kit Part on it, use the Grapple Pad to
get back to the previous area.

7: On the right hand side of the large staircase, smash the objects and build
& use a Jedi Cut Pad to get a Mini-Kit Part.

8: In the area after the large statue you fix, head to the right and use the
Detonation Pad to get a Jedi Jump Pad, use it to get up to a higher area and
head right, hop into the hole at the end to get back down to the lower area,
head to the left a bit and Double Jump up and to the left to get to a ledge
with a Mini-Kit Part.

9: Defeat the Geonosian Zombie horde before the time limit expires to get a
Mini-Kit Part.

10: At the end of the mission, make it to the end of the cave with the rushing
water without falling or dieing to get a Mini-Kit Part.

Special Bonus for getting all 130 Mini-Kit Parts:

Unlocks Mini Darth Vader's TIE Fighter

Red Bricks:
Since there is a Red Brick in each Mission, there are 13 Red Bricks in this

Note: If there is no mention of what character type you need to get the Red
Brick, you can get it in the Story Mode.

Mission 1: Ambush
Need Sith & Droid.
At the start of the level use the Dark Side of the Force to open the hatch on
the ship, go inside and use the Force to light all the lights then use a Droid
Panel to get the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Mini-Games to buy in the Shop for 50,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: You can go into the recreation area of the Battle Cruiser
and play the mini-games for LEGO Studs.

Mission 2: Destroy Malevolence

Need a Separatist, Small Character, Jedi/Sith & Sharpshooter.
Use a Separatist Panel in the area with several red doors. Use the elevator to
go down 1 floor, and smash the boxes to get a Travel Chute to build & use. Use
a Jedi Cut Pad to open a door. Use a Sharpshooter to shoot the targets, then
use the Force to get a Grapple Pad, use it to get to the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Infinate Missiles to buy in the Shop for 150,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes it so you never run out of missiles in
vehicle sections.

Mission 3: Rookies
Need a Jedi or Sith.
In Act 2, stay on the lower level and head as far right as possible. Use the
Force to move some rocks out of the way. Then use a Jedi Jump Pad to repel up,
you will automatically hit some more rocks that will reveal the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Score x2 to buy in the Shop for 100,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 2 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 4: Duel of the Droids

At the begining of the 2nd Act, hop down into the lower area. Build & use
the Jedi Jump Pad to repel up into a glass enclosed area, hop on the cart to
get the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Funny Jump to buy in the Shop for 250,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes your jumps make a "funny" noise.

Mission 5: Lair of Grievous

Need a Droid, Jedi/Sith, and Bounty Hunter.
In the area with the large monster, use a Droid Panel on the right side of the
room. Go through the door, and use a Jedi Jump Pad to get up higher. Build a
red button and step on it. A panel will come down behind a stand. Hop back down
and build a statue of Grievous playing golf. Then head right to use the Force
to move a Grapple Pad, use the pad and build a statue of Grievous skating. This
lowers a force field with another statue of Grievous. Smash the statue and use
the Jedi Jump Pad to reach the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Auto Pickup to buy in the Shop for LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick works when you smash stuff, the LEGO Studs that come
out will automatically be gathered for you. This even works if you fall off of
a cliff, or die somehow and lose some LEGO Studs.

Mission 6: Gungan General

Need a Grapple Gun & Sharpshooter.
In the 3rd Act, head to the 2nd area and head all the way to the left. Use
a Grapple Pad to get up to a higher platform, and deal with the 2 Weequay
Pirates. Use a Switch on the wall to make a "Shooting Gallery" activate. Use
the Sharpshooter Ability to shoot the Battle Droids, even if you don't shoot
all of them the Red Brick will come out of a panel in the ground.
Unlocks: One Shot to buy in the Shop for 2,000,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick kills most normal enemies with only 1 hit, does not
really work that great on enemies with health bars, or that take several hits
to kill. Also seems to power up the weapons in the Vehicle Portions as well.

Mission 7: Jedi Crash

In the last area of the Mission use the broken-down Battle Droid Tank to
blast the right side platforms to get the Red Brick to fall down. It will be
sitting to the right of the ramp you use to go after Nute Gunray.
Unlocks: Score x4 to buy in the Shop for 250,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 4 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 8: Hidden Enemy

In the first area of Act 2, build the radar unit and then head up to see TX-20
deploy several droids. Deal with the droids within the time limit and the Red
Brick will appear in the doorway you came out of to start the area.
Unlocks: Fast Build to buy in the Shop for LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes it a lot quicker to build stuff, and it also
makes moving stuff with the Force a whole lot quicker.

Mission 9: Blue Shadow Virus

In the 3rd act, while you are chasing the LEP Servant Droid. In the area where
you have to fix the pipe, go as high as possible on the left side of the room
by using Double Jump to get to a platform with a Red Brick on it.
Unlocks: Regenerate Hearts to buy in the Shop for 400,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes it so that when you get hurt, after a bit
a heart in your health meter will come back.

Mission 10: Storm Over Ryloth

In Act 3, while you are crossing a river using some floating platforms, look
out to see the Red Brick on one of the platforms that floats down stream.
Double Jump to get to it.
Unlocks: Score x6 to buy in the Shop for LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 6 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 11: Liberty On Ryloth

Need a Separatist & Grapple Gun.
In Act 2, in the area with the cages you should spot a creature trying to eat
the Red Brick. Head to the right of the cage and use a Switch to open the cage
next to it, smash the boxes inside and build & use a Separatist Panel to make
a secret door open. Head into the room with the creature and use a Grapple Pad
to grab the Red Brick out of its mouth.
Unlocks: Score x10 to buy in the Shop for 2,500,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 10 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mission 12: Weapons Factory

Need a Sith, Small Character, Sharpshooter & Bounty Hunter
Near the end of the cave in the 2nd Act, use a Sharpshooter to shoot a target.
This reveals a Travel Chute to use. After using it head to the right and use
the Dark Side of the Force to move a portion of the wall. Double Jump up on it,
and head to a Jedi Jump Pad, use it to get up higher. Use a Thermal Detonator
on the door to reveal the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Invincibility to buy in the Shop for 4,000,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes you not able to die by lasers, or enemy
attacks. You can still die by falling into pits or crashing into stuff in
vehicle levels.

Mission 13: Legacy Of Terror

Near the end of the Mission to the right of the large stairs, smash a rock to
find a Jedi Cut Pad to build & use it to reveal the Red Brick.
Unlocks: Score x8 to buy in the Shop for 1,000,000 LEGO Studs.
When Activated: This brick makes every LEGO Stud you grab count as 8 times the
normal ammount, can be "stacked" with the other "Score x" Red Bricks.

Mini-Games: These games are unlocked once you find & purchase the Red Brick
in the first Mission of the game.

Note: You don't really get any reward for playing these games, with the
exceptition of LEGO Studs.

Vulture Shootout: The goal of this game is to shoot as many Vulture Droids as
possible. It is very similar to an actual space battle in the game. You have
to avoid Missiles, and it is pretty difficult.

Saberball: The goal of this game is a "Home Run Derby" type game. The only
difference is that you only get one pitch to hit. This is really difficult to
play. Use the Touchscreen to tap on the purple dot, and the droid will throw
the ball, use the Stylus to slide on one of the 3 paths to try to hit the ball.
The goal is to get into the white area to score.

Snowball Fight: The goal of this game is to beat the Talz at a snowball fight.
Use the A button to make or catch snowballs, and Y to throw them. You can have
up to 3 snowballs.

Astromech Volleyball: The goal of this game is to score 5 points against your
opponent. You serve with the A Button, and jump with the B Button. This is very
similar to a really old game called Pong.

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