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Vol. 17 DECEMBER, 1963 No.4



Received March 1, 1963

THE FAUNA-AREA CURVE lands (fig. 1), but somewhat less so in the
As the area of sampling A increases in islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and
an ecologically uniform area, the number Polynesia taken together (fig. 2). The
of plant and animal species s increases in greater variance of the latter group is
an approximately logarithmic manner, or attributable primarily to one variable, dis-
s e bA", (1) tance between the islands. In particular,
the distance effect can be illustrated by
where k < 1, as shown most recently in
in the detailed analysis of Preston (1962). taking the distance from the primary
The same relationship holds for islands, faunal "source area" of Melanesia and
where, as one of us has noted (Wilson, relating it to faunal number in the follow-
1961), the parametersb and k vary among ing manner. From fig. 2, take the line
taxa. Thus, in the ponerine ants of Mela- connecting New Guinea and the nearby
nesia and the Moluccas, k (which might Kei Islands as a "saturation curve" (other
be called the faunal coefficient) is ap- lines would be adequate but less suitable
proximately 0.5 where area is measured in to the purpose), calculate the predicted
square miles; in the Carabidae and her- range of "saturation" values among "sat-
petofauna of the Greater Antilles and as- urated" islands of varying area from the
sociated islands, 0.3; in the land and curve, then take calculated "percentage
freshwater birds of Indonesia, 0.4; and saturation" as Si X 100/Bi; where Si is the
in the islands of the Sahul Shelf (New
real number of species on any island and
Guinea and environs), 0.5.
B, the saturation number for islands of
that area. As shown in fig. 3, the percent-
age saturation is nicely correlated in an
The relation of number of land and
inverse manner with distance from New
freshwater bird species to area is very
orderly in the closely grouped Sunda Is- Guinea. This allows quantification of the
rule expressed qualitatively by past au-
1 Division of Biology, University of Pennsyl- thors (see Mayr, 1940) that island faunas
vania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2 Biological Laboratories, Harvard University,
become progressively "impoverished" with
Cambridge, Massachusetts. distance from the nearest land mass.
EVOLUTION 17: 373-387. December, 1963 373


21 e23
e e22
e e20
e l2
en e l5 el7
w 8. e 9 e l3
o ,7
W ell
Q. 5e 6 el4
~ el
:::> 10

10 100 1000 10,000 100,000


FIG. 1. The numbers of land and freshwater bird species on various islands of the Sunda group,
together with the Philippines and New Guinea. The islands are grouped close to one another and to
the Asian continent and Greater Sunda group, where most of the species live; and the distance effect is
not apparent. (1) Christmas, (2) Bawean, (3) Engano, (4) Savu, (5) Simalur, (6) Alors, (7) Wetar,
(8) Nias, (9) Lombok, (10) Billiton, (11) Mentawei, (12) Bali, (13) Sumba, (14) Bangka, (15) Flores,
(16) Sumbawa, (17) Timor, (18) Java, (19) Celebes, (20) Philippines, (21) Sumatra, (22) Borneo,
(23) New Guinea. Based on data from Delacour and Mayr (1946), Mayr (1940, 1944), Rensch (1936),
and Stresemann (1934, 1939).

AN EQUILIBRIUM MODEL of species on the islands increases, because

the chance that an immigrant be a new
The impoverishment of the species on
species, not already on the island, falls.
remote islands is usually explained, if at
Furthermore, the curve falls more steeply
all, in terms of the length of time species
at first. This is a consequence of the fact
have been able to colonize and their
that some species are commoner immi-
chances of reaching the remote island in
grants than others and that these rapid
that time. According to this explanation,
immigrants are likely, on typical islands,
the number of species on islands grows
to be the first species present. When there
with time and, given enough time, remote
are no species on the island (N = 0), the
islands will have the same number of
height of the curve represents the number
species as comparable islands nearer to the of species arriving per unit of time. Thus
source of colonization. The following the intercept, I, is the rate of immigration
alternative explanation may often be of species, new or already present, onto
nearer the truth. Fig. 4 shows how the the island. The curve falls to zero at the
number of new species entering an island point N = P where all of the immigrat-
may be balanced by the number of species ing species are already present so that no
becoming extinct on that island. The de- new ones are arriving. P is thus the num-
scending curve is the rate at which new ber of species in the "species pool" of
species 'enter the island by colonization. immigrants. The shape of the rising curve
This rate does indeed fall as the number in the same figure, which represents the

~ 100
12 014 m
LL 11:-13 ~
o 9
a:: ~~o @]
::;: 10 04

Olf-- ----l ---L --L -'-- _

10 100 1000 10,000 100,000


FIG. 2. The numbers of land and freshwater bird species on various islands of the Moluccas,
Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Here the archiplagoes are widely scattered, and the distance
effect is apparent in the greater variance. Hawaii is included even though its fauna is derived mostly
from the New World (Mayr, 1943). "Near" islands (less than 500 miles from New Guinea) are
enclosed in circles, "far" islands (greater than 2,000 miles) in squares, and islands at intermediate dis-
tances are left unenclosed. The saturation curve is drawn through large and small islands at source of
colonization. (1) Wake, (2) Henderson, (3) Line, (4) Kusaie, (5) Tuamotu, (6) Marquesas, (7) So-
ciety, (8) Ponape, (9) Marianas, (10) Tonga, (11) Carolines, (12) Palau, (13) Santa Cruz, (14) Ren-
nell, (15) Samoa, (16) Kei, (17) Louisiade, (18) D'Entrecasteaux, (19) Tanimbar, (20) Hawaii, (21)
Fiji, (22) New Hebrides, (23) Buru, (24) Ceram, (25) Solomons, (26) New Guinea. Based on data
from Mayr (1933, 1940, 1943) and Greenway (1958).

rate at which species are becoming extinct most often as immigrants are the ones
on the island, can also be determined which die out most readily-presumably
roughly. In case all of the species are because the island is atypical so that
equally likely to die out and this proba- species which are common elsewhere can-
bility is independent of the number of not survive well-the curve of extinction
other species present, the number of spe- may have a steeper slope for small N.)
cies becoming extinct in a unit of time is If N is the number of species present at
proportional to the number of species the start, then E(N)/N is the fraction
present, so that the curve would rise dying out, which can also be interpreted
linearly with N. More realistically, some crudely as the probability that any given
species die out more readily than others species will die out. Since this fraction
and the more species there are, the rarer cannot exceed 1, the extinction curve
each is, and hence an increased number cannot rise higher than the straight line of
of species increases the likelihood of any a 45 0 angle rising from the origin of the
given species dying out. Under normal coordinates.
conditions both of these corrections would It is clear that the rising and falling
tend to increase the slope of the extinction curves must intersect and we will denote
curve for large values of N. (In the rare by ; the value of N for which the rate of
situation in which the species which enter immigration of new species is balanced by

I- 25

I- I~
Z .13
40 '4.
20 ·07

.1 .3

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000


FIG. 3. Per cent saturation, based on the "saturation curve" of fig. 2, as a function of distance from
New Guinea. The numbers refer to the same islands identified in the caption of fig. 2. Note that from
equation (4) it is an oversimplification to take distances solely from New Guinea. The abscissa should
give a more complex function of distances from all the surrounding islands, with the result that far
islands would appear less "distant." But this representation expresses the distance effect adequately for
the conclusions drawn.



FIG. 4. Equilibrium model of a fauna of a single island. See explanation in the text.



FIG. 5. Equilibrium model of faunas of several islands of varying distances from the source area
and varying size. Note that the effect shown by the data of fig. 2, of faunas of far islands increasing
with size more rapidly than those of near islands, is predicted by this model. Further explanation in

the rate of extinction. The number of spe- other things being equal, have fewer
cies on the island will be stabilized at s, species, because the immigration curve will
for a glance at the figure shows that when be lower and hence intersect the mortality
N is greater than $, extinction exceeds im- curve farther to the left (see fig. 5).
migration of new species so that N de- B. Reduction of the "species pool" of
creases, and when N is less than S, immi- immigrants, P, will reduce the number of
gration of new species exceeds extinction species on the island (for the same reason
so that N will increase. Therefore, in or- as in A).
der to predict the number of species on an C. If an island has smaller area, more
island we need only construct these two severe climate (or for any other reason has
curves and see where they intersect. We a greater extinction rate), the mortality
shall make a somewhat oversimplified curve will rise and the number of species
attempt to do this in later paragraphs. will decrease (see fig. 5).
First, however, there are several interest- D. If we have two islands with the
ing qualitative predictions which we can same immigration curve but different ex-
make without committing ourselves to any tinction curves, any given species on the
specific shape of the immigration and ex- one with the higher extinction curve is
tinction curves. more likely to die out, because E(N)jN
A. An island which is farther from the can be seen to be higher [E (N) j N is the
source of colonization (or for any other slope of the line joining the intersection
reason has a smaller value of 1) will, point to the origin].

E. The number of species found on is- proximation, in that it yields the general
lands far from the source of colonization form of the empirically derived fauna-
will grow more rapidly with island area area curves without contradicting (for the
than will the number on near islands. moment) our intuitive ideas of the under-
More precisely, if the area of the island is lying biological processes. This attempt to
denoted by A, and ~ is the equilibrium produce a formal equation is subject to
number of species, then d2s/dA2 is greater indefinite future improvements and does
for far islands than for near ones. This not affect the validity of the graphically
can be verified empirically by plotting derived equilibrium theory. We start with
points or by noticing that the change in the statement that
the angle of intersection is greater for far t::.s=M+G-D, (2)
islands. where s is the number of species on an'
F. The number of species on large island, M is the number of species success-
islands decreases with distance from source fully immigrating to the island per year,
of colonization faster than does the num- G is the number of new species being
ber of species on small islands. (This is added per year by local speciation (not
merely another way of writing E and is including immigrant species that merely
verified similarly.) diverge to species level without multiply-
Further, as will be shown later, the vari- ing), and D is the number of species dying
ance in ~ (due to randomness in immigra- out per year. At equilibrium,
tions and extinctions) will be lower than M+G=D.
that expected if the "classical" explanation The immigration rate M must be de-
holds. In the classical explanation most of termined by at least two independent
those species will be found which have at values: (1) the rate at which propagules
any time succeeded in immigrating. At reach the island, which is dependent on
least for distant islands this number would the size of the island and its distance from
have an approximately Poisson distribu- the source of the propagules, as well as the
tion so that the variance would be approx- nature of the source area, but not on the
imately equal to the mean. Our model condition of the recipient island's fauna;
predicts a reduced variance, so that if the and (2) as noted already, the number of
observed variance is significantly smaller species already resident on the island.
than the mean for distant islands, it is Propagules are defined here as the mini-
evidence for the equilibrium explanation. mum number of individuals of a given
The evidence in fig. 2, relating to the species needed to achieve colonization; a
insular bird faunas east of Weber's Line, more exact explication is given in the
is consistent with all of these predictions. Appendix. Consider first the source region.
To see this for the non-obvious prediction If it is climatically and faunistically simi-
E, notice that a greater slope on this log- lar to other potential source regions, the
log plot corresponds to a greater second de- number of propagules passing beyond its
rivative, since A becomes sufficiently large. shores per year is likely to be closely
related to the size of the population of the
taxon living on it, which in turn is ap-
proximately a linear function of its area.
If the equilibrium model we have pre- This notion is supported by the evidence
sented is correct, it should be possible from Indo-Australian ant zoogeography,
eventually to derive some quantitative which indicates that the ratio of faunal
generalizations concerning rates of immi- exchange is about equal to the ratio of the
gration and extinction. In the section to areas of the source regions (Wilson, 1961).
follow we have deduced an equilibrium On the other hand, the number of propa-
equation which is adequate as a first ap- gules reaching the recipient island prob-

ably varies linearly with the angle it reasons: ( I) the more abundant immi-
subtends with reference to the center of grants reach the island earlier, and (2)
the source region. Only near islands will we would expect otherwise randomly ar-
vary much because of this factor. Finally, riving elements to settle into available
the number of propagules reaching the positions according to a simple occupancy
recipient island is most likely to be an model where one and only one object is
exponential function of its distance from allowed to occupy each randomly placed
the source region. In the simplest case, if position (Feller, 1958). These circum-
the probability that a given propagule stances would result in the rate of success-
ceases its overseas voyage (e.g., it falls ful occupation decelerating as positions are
into the sea and dies) at any given instant filled. While these are interesting subjects
in time remains constant, then the fraction in themselves, a reasonable approximation
of propagules reaching a given distance is obtained if it is assumed that the rate
fits an exponential holding-time distribu- of occupation is an inverse linear function
tion. If these assumptions are correct, the of the number of occupied positions, or
number of propagules reaching an island
from a given source region per year can (5)
be approximated as
diall'4 e-hd, Then
siP) "'" diam,
aA i 271'di ' (3)
M = a(1 - ~--Aie-Ad'. (6)
where Ai is the area of the source region, 271' i d,
d; is the mean distance between the source We know the immigration line in fig. 4
region and recipient island, diam, is the is not straight; to take this into account
diameter of the recipient island taken at we must modify formula 5 by adding a
a right angle to the direction of d i , and a term in S2. However, this will not be nec-
is a coefficient relating area to the number essary for our immediate purposes.
of propagules produced. More generally, Now let us consider G, the rate of new
where more than one source region is in productions on the island by local specia-
position, the rate of propagule arrival tion. Note that this rate does not include
would be the mere divergence of an island endemic

-a I diam,
--A-e- Ad, (4)
to a specific level with reference to the
stock species in the source area; that
271' i d, • ,
species is still counted as contributing to
where the summation is of contributions M, the immigration rate, no matter how
from each of the ith source regions. Again, far it evolves. Only new species generated
note that a propagule is defined as the from it and in addition to it are counted in
minimum number of individuals required G. First, consider an archipelago as a
to achieve colonization. unit and the increase of s by divergence of
Only a certain fraction of arnvmg species on the various islands to the level
propagules will add a. new species to the of allopatric species, i.e., the production
fauna, however, because except for "empty" of a local archipelagic superspecies. If this
islands at least some ecological positions is the case, and no exchange of endemics
will be filled. As indicated in fig. 4, the is yet achieved among the islands of the
rate of immigration (i.e., rate of propagule archipelago, the number of species in the
arrival times the fraction colonizing) de- archipelago is limited to
clines to zero as the number of resident 00 A

species (s) approaches the limit P. The ~ nisi, (7)

curve relating the immigration rate to
degree of unsaturation is probably a con- where ni is the number of islands in the
cave one, as indicated in fig. 4, for two archipelago of ith area and ;i
is the num-

ber of species occurring at equilibrium on s

islands of ith area. But the generation of D = ~p(Nr/8)~//('-i+1). (10)
allopatric species in superspecies does not
multiply species on single islands or This is still an oversimplification, if for no
greatly change the fauna of the archipelago other reason than the fact that populations
as a whole from the value predicted by the do fluctuate, and with increased fluctua-
fauna-area curve, as can be readily seen tion D will increase. However,' both models,
in figs. 2 and 3. G, the increase of s by as well as elaborations of them to account
local speciation on single islands and ex- for fluctuation, predict an exponential
change of autochthonous species between increase of D with restriction of island
islands, probably becomes significant only area. The increase of D which accom-
in the oldest, largest, and most isolated panies an increase in number of resident
archipelagoes, such as Hawaii and the species is more complicated but is shown
Galapagos. Where it occurs, the exchange in fig. 4.
among the islands can be predicted from
(6), with individual islands in the archi-
pelago serving as both source regions and
recipient islands. However, for most cases Let p.(t) be the probability that, at
it is probably safe to omit G from the time t, our island has s species, A. be the
model, i.e., consider only source regions rate of immigration of new species onto the
outside the archipelago, and hence island, when s are present, P-. be the rate
of extinction of species on the island when s
fls=M-D. (8)
are present; and A. and p-. then represent
The extinction rate D would seem in- the intersecting curves in fig. 4. This is
tuitively to depend in some simple manner a "birth and death process" only slightly
on (1) the mean size of the species popu- different from the kind most familiar to
lations, which in turn is determined by the mathematicians (d. Feller, 1958, last
size of the island and the number of chapter). By the rules of probability
species belonging to the taxon that occur p.(t + h) = p.(t)( 1- A.h - p-.h)
on it; and (2) the yearly mortality rate of + r.: (t)A._1h
the organisms. Let us suppose that the + p.+ 1(t)P-.+1h,
probability of extinction of a species is
merely the probability that all the indi- since to have s at time t + h requires that
viduals of a given species will die in one at a short time preceding one of the fol-
year. If the deaths of individuals are unre- lowing conditions held: (1) there were s
lated to each other and the population and that no immigration or extinction took
sizes of the species are equal and non- place, or (2) that there were s - 1 and one
fluctuating, species immigrated, or (3) that there s + 1
and one species became extinct. We take
D= SpNr/., (9) h to be small enough that probabilities of
where N r is the total number of individuals two or more extinctions and/or immigra-
in the taxon on the recipient island and P tions can be ignored. Bringing p.(t) to
is their annual mortality rate. More the left-hand side, dividing by h, and pass-
realistically, the species of a taxon, such ing to the limit as h-70
as the birds, vary in abundance in a man- dP.(t)
ner approximating a Barton-Davis dis- ---
= -(A. + P-.)p.(t) + A.-1 P.-1(t)
tribution (MacArthur, 1957) although the
approximation is probably not good for + P-.+1P.+1(t). (11)
a whole island. In s non fluctuating species For this formula to be true in the case
ordered according to their rank (K) in where s = 0, we must require that 1..-1 = 0
relative rareness, and p-o = O. In principle we could solve

(11) for P8(t); for our purposes it is more 2.303

t=--. (13a)
useful to find the mean, M (t), and the F
variance, var (t), of the number of species
at time t. These can be estimated in na- A similar formula for the variance is ob-
ture by measuring the mean and variance tained by multiplying both sides of (11)
in numbers of species on a series of islands by (s - M(t»2 and summing from s = 0
of about the same distance and area and to s = 00. As before, since var (t)
hence of the same A8 and P,8' To find the ~ (s-M(t»2P 8(t), this results in
mean, M(t), from (11) we multiply both 8=0
sides of (11) by s and then sum from s =
d var(t)
o to s = 00. Since ~ sP8(t) = M(t), this dt
8=0 00

gives us =- ~ (A + f!-8)(S - 8 M(t) )2P8(t)

dM(t) 00

--= - ~
(A8 + P,8)SP8(t) + ~ A8 _ 1 [ (s - 1- M (t) ) + 1]2P 8 +1 (t)
dt 8=0 8-1=0

~ A8_1[(s-1)+1]P8_1(t) +
i f!-8+1[(s+1-M(t»-1]2P8+1(t)


~ P,8+1[(s+1)-l]P8+ 1(t). =2i A8 (s - M(t) )P 8(t)

8+1=0 8=0

(Here terms A- 1'0'P- 1 (t ) = 0 and f!-O' - 2 ~ f!-8(S -M(t) )P 8(t)

(-l)P o(t ) = 0 have been subtracted or
00 00

added without altering values.) This re- + ~ A8P8(t) + ~ f!-8P8(t) . (14)

8~0 8=0
duces to
dM(t) 00 00 Again we can simplify this by noting that
- - = ~ A8P8(t) - ~ f!-8 P8(t) the A8 and f!-8 curves are only slowly curv-
dt 8=0 8=0
ing and hence in any local region are ap-
= A8(t) - f!-8(t). (12) proximately straight. Hence, where deriv-
atives are now evaluated near the point
But, since A8 and P,8 are, at least locally,
approximately straight, the mean value of s = M(t),
A8 at time t is about equal to AM(t) and dA
similarly f!-8(t),..., f!-M(t). Hence, approxi- A8=AM( t ) + [s-M(t)]-
~ = AM(t) - f!-M(t) , (13)
f!-8 = f!-M(t) + [s-M(t)]-. (15)

or the expected number of species in Fig. Substituting (15) into (14) we get
4 moves toward s at a rate equal to the
difference in height of the immigration d var(t)
and extinction curves. In fact, if df!-/ds- dt
dx/ds, evaluated near s =; is abbreviated
by F, then, approximately dM(t)/dt =
F(;-M(t» whose solution is M(t) =
S(1- e-F t ) . Finally, we can compute the
time required to reach 90% (say) of the
saturation value so that M(t)/s = 0.9 or
e- F t = 0.1.

which, since i p 8 (t) = 1 and

---=1. (19)
8=0 mean
~(s-M(t))P8(t) =M(t)-M(t) =0,
becomes, Therefore, we would expect the variance/
mean to rise from somewhere around ¥a to
d var(t) (dp. dA) 1, as we proceed from saturated islands
- - - = - 2 - - - var(t)
dt ds ds to extremely unsaturated islands farthest
+ AM(t) + P.M(t) • (16) from the source of colonization.
This is readily solved for var (t) : Finally, if the number of species dying
out per year, X (at equilibrium), is
var(t) known, we can estimate the time required
= e-2 [(d,ulds)-(dXlds)]t ( 16a)
to 90% saturation from equations (13a)
X Jo' (AM(t) + P.M(t) )e2 [(d,ul ds )- (dXl ds)]t dt . and (17a):
However, it is more instructive to compare
mean and variance for the extreme situa- 2.303 X
tions of saturation and complete unsatura- t variance
tion, or equivalently of t = near 00 and t 2.303 variance 2.303 mean
= near zero. t=---------- (19a)
X 2 X
d var(t)
At equilibrium, = 0, so by (16)
dt The above model was developed inde-
A~ + p.~ pendently from an equilibrium hypothesis
(17) just published by Preston (1962). After
var(t) = 2(dp. _ dA) . providing massive documentation of the
ds ds subject that will be of valuable assistance
At equilibrium A~ = p.~ = x say and we to future biogeographers, Preston draws
have already symbolized the difference of the following particular conclusion about
the derivatives at s = s
by F (d. eq.
continental versus insular biotas: "[The
depauperate insular biotas] are not de-
[13a] ). Hence, at equilibrium
pauperate in any absolute sense. They
X have the correct number of species for
var=-. (17a)
F their area, provided that each area is an
isolate, but they have far fewer than do
N ow since P.8 has non-decreasing slope
equal areas on a mainland, because a main-
X/s:::;:; dp./ds 18~~ or X :::;:; ; dp./ds I ~ . land area is merely a 'sample' and hence
is greatly enriched in the Species/Indi-
Therefore, variance C or, at viduals ratio." To illustrate, "in a sample,
dp./ds - dA/ds such as the breeding birds of a hundred
equilibrium acres, we get many species represented by
variance dp./ds a single pair. Such species would be
---:::;:; (18) marked for extinction with one or two
mean dp./ds - dx/ds seasons' failure of their nests were it not
In particular, if the extinction and immi- for the fact that such local extirpation can
gration curves have slopes about equal in be made good from outside the 'quadrat,'
absolute value, (variance/rneanl ss ¥a. On which is not the case with the isolate."
the other hand, when t is near zero, equa- This point of view agrees with our own.
tion (16) shows that var(t)"'" Aot. Simi- However, the author apparently missed the
larly, when t is near zero, equations (13) precise distance effect and his model is
or (14) show that M(t) ,.." Aot. Hence, consequently not predictive in the direc-
in a very unsaturated situation, approxi- tion we are attempting. His model is,
mately, however, more accurate in its account of

TABLE 1. N~mber ~f species of land and freshwater birds on Krakatau and Verlaten during three
collection periods together with losses in the two intervals (from Dammerman, 1948)
1908 1919-1921 1932-1934 Number "lost"
Non- Non- Non- 1908 to 1919-1921 to
migrant Migrant Total migrant Migrant Total migrant Migrant Total 1919 1921 1932 1934

Krakatau 13 0 13 27 4 31 27 3 30 2 5
Verlaten 1 0 27 2 29 29 5 34 0 2

relative abundance, corresponding to our about l4 and %'. If the slopes of the two
equation (10). curves are equal at the point of intersec-
tion, the ratio would be near lh. Then the
THE CASE OF THE KRAKATAU FAUNAS variance of faunas of Krakatau-like islands
The data on the growth of the bird (same area and isolation) can be expected
f~unas of the Krakatau Islands, summa- to fall between 7 and 21 species. Applying
nzed by Dammerman (1948), provide a this estimate to equation (19a) and taking
rare opportunity to test the foregoing t (the time required to reach 90% of the
model of the immigration and extinction equilibrium number) as 30 years, X, the
process on a single island. As is well annual extinction rate, is estimated to lie
known, the island of Krakatau proper ex- between 0.5 and 1.6 species per year.
ploded in August, 1883, after a three- This estimate of annual extinction rate
month period of repeated eruptions. Half (and hence of the acquisition rate) in an
of Krakatau disappeared entirely and the .equilibrium fauna is surprisingly high'' it
IS of the magnitude of 2 to 6% of the
remainder, together with the neighboring
islands of Verlaten and Lang, was buried standing fauna. Yet it seems to be
beneath a layer of glowing hot pumice and supported by the collection data. On
ash from 30 to 60 meters thick. Almost Krakatau proper,S non-migrant land and
certainly the entire flora and fauna were freshwater species recorded in 1919-1921
destroyed. The repopulation proceeded were not recorded in 1932-1934, but 5
rapidly thereafter. Collections and sight other species were recorded for the first
records of birds, made mostly in 1908, 1919- time in 1932-1934. On Verlaten 2 species
1921, and 1932-1934, show that the number were "lost" and 4 were "gained." This
of species of land and freshwater birds on balance sheet cannot easily be dismissed as
both Krakatau and Verlaten climbed an artifact of collecting technique. Dam-
rapidly between 1908 and 1919-1921 and merman notes that during this period,
did not alter significantly by 1932-1934 "The most remarkable thing is that now
(see table 1) . Further, the number of for the first time true fly catchers, Musci-
non-migrant land and freshwater species capidae, appeared on the islands, and that
on both islands in 1919-1921 and 1932- there were no less than four species:
1934, i.e., 27-29, fall very close to the Cyornis rufigastra, Gerygone modigliani,
extrapolated fauna-area curve of our fig. Alseonax latirostris and Zanthopygia nar-
1. Both lines of evidence suggest that the cissina. The two last species are migratory
Krakatau faunas had approached equilib- and were therefore only accidental visitors,
rium within only 25 to 36 years after the but the sudden appearance of the Cyornis
explosion. species in great numbers is noteworthy.
Depending on the exact form of the These birds, first observed in May 1929,
immigration and extinction curves (see fig. had already colonized three islands and
4), the ratio of variance to mean of num- may now be called common there. More-
bers of species on similar islands at or near over the Gerygone, unmistakable from his
saturation can be expected to vary between gentle note and common along the coast

and in the mangrove forest, is certainly a distance from the major extra-archipelagic
new acquisition." Extinctions are less sus- source area. Where the archipelagoes are
ceptible of proof but the following evidence of approximately similar area and config-
is suggestive. "On the other hand two uration, G/M should increase in an orderly
species mentioned by Jacobson ( 1908) fashion with distance. Note that G pro-
were not found in 1921 and have not been vides the best available measure of what
observed since, namely the small king- is loosely referred to in the literature as
fisher Alcedo coerulescens and the familiar adaptive radiation. Specifically, adaptive
bulbul Pycnonotus aurigaster." Between radiation takes place as species are gen-
1919-1921 and 1932-1934 the conspicuous erated within archipelagoes, disperse be-
Demiegretta s. sacra and Accipter sp. were tween islands, and, most importantly,
"lost," although these species may not accumulate on individual islands to form
have been truly established as breeding diversified associations of sympatric spe-
populations. But "the well-known grey- cies. In equilibrium faunas, then, the
backed shrike (Lanius schach bentet) , a following prediction is possible: adaptive
bird conspicuous in the open field, recorded radiation, measured by G/M, will increase
in 1908 and found breeding in 1919, was with distance from the major source re-
not seen in 1933. Whether the species had gion and after corrections for area and
really completely disappeared or only di- climate, reach a maximum on archipelagoes
minished so much in numbers that it was and large islands located in a circular zone
not noticed, the future must show." close to the outermost range of the taxon.
Future research on the Krakatau fauna This might be referred to as the "radiation
would indeed be of great interest, in view zone" of taxa with equilibrium faunas.
of the very dynamic equilibrium suggested Many examples possibly conforming to
by the model we have presented. If the such a rule can be cited: the birds of
"losses" in the data represent true extinc- Hawaii and the Galapagos, the murid
tions, the rate of extinction would be 0.2 rodents of Luzon, the cyprinid fish of
to 0.4 species per year, closely approach- Mindanao, the frogs of the Seychelles, the
ing the predicted rate of 0.5 to 1.6. This gekkonid lizards of New Caledonia, the
must be regarded as a minimum figure, Drosophilidae of Hawaii, the ants of Fiji
since it is likely that species could easily and New Caledonia, and many others (see
be lost and regained all in one 12-year especially in Darlington, 1957; and Zim-
period. merman, 1948). But there are conspicuous
Such might be the situation in the early exceptions: the frogs just reach New
history of the equilibrium fauna. It is Zealand but have not radiated there; the
not possible to predict whether the rate of same is true of the insectivores of the
turnover would change through time. As Greater Antilles, the terrestrial mammals
other taxa reached saturation and more of the Solomons, the snakes of Fiji, and
species of birds had a chance at coloniza- the lizards of Fiji and Samoa. To say
tion, it is conceivable that more "har- that the latter taxa have only recently
monic" species systems would accumulate reached the islands in question, or that
within which the turnover rate would de- they are not in equilibrium, would be a
cline. premature if not facile explanation. But
it is worth considering as a working hy-
On islands holding equilibrium faunas,
the ratio of the number of species arriving
from other islands in the same archipelago
(G in equation no. 2) to the number ar- A possible application of the equilibrium
riving from outside the archipelago (M in model in the indirect estimation of the
no. 2) can be expected to increase with mean dispersal distance, or A in equation

(3) . Note that if similar parameters of 2. Most species of birds probably do

dispersal occur within archipelagoes as not disperse according to a simple expo-
well as between them, nential holding-time distribution. Rather,
G A1diam1d2 they probably fly a single direction for
_ _ _ _ eA(d2 - d, ) (20) considerable periods of time and cease
M A 2diam2d1 ' flying at distances that can be approxi-
mated by the normal distribution. For this
reason also, A as estimated above would
(21 )
probably be too low.
where, in a simple case, A!, diam., and 3. We are using SalSM for GIM, which
d 1 refer to the relation between the recip- is only approximate.
ient island and some single major source
island within the same archipelago; and These considerations lead us to believe
A 2 , diam-; and d 2 refer to the relation that 0.01 mile can safely be set as the
between the recipient island and the major lower limit of A for birds leaving the
source region outside the archipelago. eastern South American coast. Using equa-
Consider the case of the Geospizinae of tion no. 12 in another case, we have
the Galapagos. On the assumption that a attempted to calculate A for birds moving
single stock colonized the Galapagos through the Lesser Sunda chain of Indo-
(Lack, 1947), GIM for each island can nesia. The Alor group was chosen as
be taken as equal to G, or the number of being conveniently located for the analysis,
geospizine species. In particular, the pe- with Flores regarded as the principal
ripherally located Chatham Island, with source of western species and Timor as the
seven species, is worth evaluating. South principal source of eastern species. From
America is the source of M and Indefatig- the data of Mayr (1944) on the relation-
able Island can probably be regarded as ships of the Alor fauna, and assuming
the principal source of G for Chatham. arbitrarily an exponential holding-time
Given GIM as seven and assuming that dispersal, A can be calculated as approxi-
the Geospizinae are in equilibrium, A for mately 0.3 mile. In this case the first
the Geospizinae can be calculated from source of error mentioned above with refer-
(21) as 0.018 mile. For birds as a whole, ence to the Galapagos fauna is removed
where GIM is approximately unity, A is but the second remains. Hence, the esti-
about 0.014 mile. mate is still probably a lower limit.
But there are at least three major Of course these estimates are in them-
sources of error in making an estimate in selves neither very surprising nor otherwise
this way: illuminating. We cite them primarily to
show the possibilities of using zoogeo-
1. Whereas M is based from the start
graphic data to set boundary conditions on
on propagules from an equilibrium fauna
population ecological phenomena that
in South America, G increased gradually
would otherwise be very difficult to assess.
in the early history of the Galapagos
Finally, while we believe the evidence
through speciation of the Geospizinae on
islands other than Chatham. Hence, GIM favors the hypothesis that Indo-Australian
on Chatham is actually higher than the insular bird faunas are at or near equilib-
ratio of species drawn from the Galapagos rium, we do not intend to extend this
to those drawn from outside the archi- conclusion carelessly to other taxa or even
pelago, which is our only way of comput- other bird faunas. Our purpose has been
ing GIM directly. Since A increases with to deal with general equilibrium criteria,
GIM, the estimates of A given would be which might be applied to other faunas,
too low, if all other parameters were together with some of the biological im-
correct. plications of the equilibrium condition.

SUMMARY models have been constructed to these ends

and certain applications suggested.
A graphical equilibrium model, balanc-
The main purpose of the paper is to
ing immigration and extinction rates of
express the criteria and implications of the
species, has been developed which appears
equilibrium condition, without extending
fully consistent with the fauna-area curves
them for the present beyond the Indo-
and the distance effect seen in land and
Australian bird faunas.
freshwater bird faunas of the Indo-Aus-
tralian islands. The establishment of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
equilibrium condition allows the develop- We are grateful to Dr. W. H. Bossert,
ment of a more precise zoogeographic Prof. P. J. Darlington, Prof. E. Mayr, and
theory than hitherto possible. Prof. G. G. Simpson for material aid and
One new and non-obvious prediction can advice during the course of the study.
be made from the model which is immedi- Special acknowledgment must be made to
ately verifiable from existing data, that the the published works of K. W. Dammer-
number of species increases with area more man, E. Mayr, B. Rensch, and E. Strese-
rapidly on far islands than on near ones. mann, whose remarkably thorough faunistic
Similarly, the number of species on large data provided both the initial stimulus and
islands decreases with distance faster than the principal working material of our
does the number of species on small analysis. The work was supported by NSF
islands. Grant G-1l575.
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W. Kukenthal, ed. Gruyter, Berlin. immigrants to probability of extinction (rJ
- - . 1939. Die Vogel von Celebes. J. fiir
Ornithologie, 87: 299-425. 1 1.01 1.1 1.385
WILSON, E. O. 1961. The nature of the taxon
0.98 0.825 0.5
cycle in the Melanesian ant fauna. Amer.
Nat., 95: 169-193.
ZIMMERMAN, E. C. 1948. Insects of Hawaii. probability of eventual extinction t, given
Vol. 1. Introduction. University of Hawaii a variety of values of '1], we get the array
Press. shown in table 2. From this we can calcu-
late how large a number of simultaneous
immigrants would stand probability just
one-half of becoming extinct during the
A rudimentary account of how many initial stages of population growth follow-
immigrants are required to constitute a ing the introduction. In fact, if r pairs
propagule may be constructed as follows. immigrate simultaneously, the probability
Let 'I] be the average number of individuals that all will eventually be without descend-
next generation per individual this gen- =
ants is t r • Solving tR 0.5 we find the
eration. Thus, for instance, if 'I] = 1.03, number, R, of pairs of immigrants nec-
the population is increasing at 3% interest essary to stand half a chance of not be-
rate. coming extinct as given in table 3. From
Let us now suppose that the number of this it is clear that when 'I] is 1, the propa-
descendants per individual has a Poisson gule has infinite size, but that as 'I]
distribution. If it has not, due to small increases, the propagule size decreases
birth rate, the figures do not change ap- rapidly, until, for a species which increases
preciably. Then, due to chance alone, the at 38.5% interest rate, one pair is sufficient
population descended from immigrants to stand probability 1.2 of effecting a
may vanish. This subject is well known in colonization. With sexual species which
probability theory as "Extinction probabili- hunt for mates, 'I] may be very nearly 1
ties in branching processes" (d. Feller initially.
1958, p. 274). The usual equation for the
TABLE 3. Relation of replacement rate (7/) to the
probability t of eventual extinction (Fel- number of pairs (R) of immigrants required to
ler's equation 5.2 with P(t) = e-'l/(l-n, for give the population a 50% chance of survival
a Poisson distribution), gives
t = e-'l/(l-n. 7/ 1.01 1.1 1.385
R 00 34 3.6 1
Solving this by trial a.nd error for the

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