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12/6/2019 SLUNA Doc Analysis 3 - Fall 2019 - Strategic Planning for Tech (ETEC-593-01W)

Fall 2019 - Strategic Planning for Tech (ETEC-593-01…

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SLUNA Doc Analysis 3

Sherry Luna posted Nov 15, 2019 7:02 PM to Base Group 3


First of all, I have not had a single SWOT response yet. I was only able to send out my emails
today after pinning my principal down about getting permission to engage these teachers and
send the request. She said she had responded to my text last week, but I did not get the
response. Now that I have permission, I have proceeded, but may not have any responses to
the SWOT until next week.

However, I filled out my own SWOT, campus and teacher STaR charts, and come up with some
ideas below. I based them mostly on my SWOT chart, but a some on my self-filled campus
STaR chart. I even used the STaR wording for one of them. I am including my SWOT, my
campus STaR chart, my teacher STaR chart, and the technology goals from the 16-17 district
improvement plan.

I feel like I used supportive administration too much, but I struggled a bit with what I was
actually trying to say with that last sentence. I used the given template because I wanted to
ensure I was on the right track for this.

Strategic Challenges

If we don’t address technology consistency and expectations, we cannot be the

school/department we aspire to be. If we could only amalgamate our direction, we would
become a school characterized by communication, collaboration, and consensus.

Strategic Advantages 1/4
12/6/2019 SLUNA Doc Analysis 3 - Fall 2019 - Strategic Planning for Tech (ETEC-593-01W)

We can build or expand our professional development to overcome our lack of technology
training. We can leverage our strong technology support given our relationship with a
supportive administration.

Strategic Challenges

If we do not address students’ inability to connect and collaborate, we cannot be the

school/department we aspire to be. If we could only come to a consensus of what is best
appropriate for students to access, we would become a school characterized by student
communication, creativity, and success.

Strategic Advantages

We can build or expand our student access to devices to overcome our students’ inexperience
with technology. We can leverage our strong technology support given our relationship with a
supportive administration.

Strategic Challenges

If we do not address teachers’ limited integration of technology into their lessons, we cannot
be the school/department we aspire to be. If we could only have educational leader and
teacher cadres to facilitate and support the use of technologies to enhance instructional
methods, we would become a school characterized by producing successful students with
higher-level thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.

Strategic Advantages

We can build or expand our funding through discretionary funds and other resources to
overcome our lack of leading-edge technology tools. We can leverage our strong technology
support given our relationship with an encouraging administration that supports our desire to
try new technologies.

SLUNA campus star chart.pdf (58.12 KB)

SWOTformLUNA.docx (95.09 KB)

SLUNATexas_Teacher_STaR_Cha… (403.34 KB)

Tech District Improvement Plan … (397.78 KB)

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12/6/2019 SLUNA Doc Analysis 3 - Fall 2019 - Strategic Planning for Tech (ETEC-593-01W)

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Begli Sapayev
November 17 at 6:36 PM

Based on my observation, Sherry did a great job of filling out the chart. I am sorry
to hear that your people did not respond back. And you are right, students have
inexperience with technology, with the support of administration you can achieve
anything you want.


Luke Mornix
November 17 at 6:37 PM

I also have had some trouble getting responses from the participants. We have also
had a lot of testing this week so maybe that is why. I also like the idea of having a
group of professionals that specialize in technology integration to lead the
intergration and also migrate around the school to support teachers in trying to
incorporate technologies in their classes.


Jami Wilkinson
November 17 at 9:30 PM

I hate that you had to wait to send out your SWOT forms. Our principal has been
hard to pin down as well.

I think you did an amazing job on your Strengths and Challenges. I know you felt
you were repetitive with supportive administration, but that is such an important
part of Technology Strategic Plan.

Great work!


America Rainey
November 17 at 11:53 PM

Hello Sherry, 3/4
12/6/2019 SLUNA Doc Analysis 3 - Fall 2019 - Strategic Planning for Tech (ETEC-593-01W)

I dislike that you had to wait on getting permission to get your sWOT out. I ended
up having to send one of them back out because one of the main people I wanted
to participate didn't respond. I sent it again to her (director of educational
technology), well she responded but said she didn't think she could help at the
campus level since she really had not been on that campus for a while. What?
Director of curriculum understood it was an overall input about technology and she
was excited to help. So, I suppose I won't be hearing from her. I just thought it was
a weird reason. Maybe it was a polite way to say no.

Overall, the strengths and challenges you outlined match up with your STAR chart.
Maybe when they come in next week you can confirm what you came up with or at
least tweak some with their input.


Sherry Luna
November 18 at 8:49 PM

I am still waiting on responses and my group felt my challenges and strategies were
on point, so happily, I am not modifying them at this point. However, I will
hopefully be able to add more by the end of the week with input from my

Thank you everyone!!


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