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Methodology Type of study Techniques Instruments

Quantitative research Descriptive research
Descriptive research specifies the properties,
characteristics, objects, processes or any other
phenomenon that is subjected to an analysis. Kothari
(2004) sets out that a “descriptive research includes
֍Case studies
surveys and fact-finding enquires of different kinds” (p.2).
In this research, the researcher does not control the
stipulated variables so he can file a report what is happing
around. Descriptive studies measure concepts or collect
information about them.
Correlational research
A correlational research tries to determine how the
concepts or characteristics relate to each other.
McBurney and White (2009) argue that a correlational
research “measures two or more variables to determine
the degree of relationship between them” (p. 220). It
֍Statistical techniques
associates variables within a predictable pattern for a
group or population and is used to infer causation when
experimental data are not available. This type of research
has as purpose to know the relationship that exists
between two or more concepts or variables in a context.
A quantitative research is that Quasi experimental
research that gathers and Quasi experimental is a derivation of experimental
analyzes quantitative data to research. It is an experiment that is not real and is used
‫۝‬Field survey
approve a hypothesis or when it is not possible to make a random selection of the
hypotheses based on the subjects participating in those studies. Therefore, a
numerical measurement and characteristic of this research is to include groups already
֍Standardized tests
statistical analysis (quantity constituted and only one group is given treatment and
or amount). This type of then assessed.
research is based on studies Wiersma and Jurs (2009) Quasi experimental research “is
֍Pre-test and Post-test
cause-effect. similar to experimental research in that one or more
experimental variables are involved […] instead of having
participants randomly assigned to experimental
treatments, naturally assembled groups, such as classes,
are used in the research” (p.16)

Quasi experimental is the only type of research that tries

to influence a variable and to establish relations of cause
and effect between the variables. Kothari (2004) affirms
that an “experimental research is characterized by much
greater control over the research environment and in this ֍Pres-test
case some variables are manipulated to observe their ֍Post-test
effect on other variables” (p.5). This type of research
includes two types of groups, which receives the
treatment is called experimental group and the one that
does not receive control group.

Methodology Type of study Techniques Instruments

Qualitative research Phenomenological study
Phenomenological study is a study that tries to
understand people's perceptions, perspectives and
interpretations of a situation (or phenomenon). The focus ֍Interviews
of phenomenological research is what people experience ֍Diary
in relation to some phenomenon or how these ֍Drawings
experiences are interpreted. Small samples (no more than ֍Observation
10 participants) are best suited for this type of research s
large samples can become difficult to handle.
Ethnographic studies
Ethnographic studies is a research method by which one
learns the way of life of a concrete social unit, being it a
family, a class, a faculty or a school (Rodríguez, 2014). It
is the best known and used method in the educational field ֍Observation
to analyze the teaching practice, to describe it from the ֍Interview
point of view of the people who participate in it and to ֍Written materials (docu-
approach a social situation. Wieresma and Jurs (2009) ments)
Qualitative research avoids describes ethnography as an in-depth, analytical
the quantity. it is concerned description of a specific cultural situation, in the broad
with qualitative phenomenon, meaning of culture (p. 17). The purpose of it is to describe
i.e. phenomena relating to or and interpret cultural behavior.
involving quality or kind. This Grounded theory studies
type research aims at Grounded theory studies Involves the collection and
discovering the underlying ֍Interviewing parti- cipants ‫۝‬Observation
analysis of data and the he analysis and development of
motives and desires, using in with open-ended questions ‫۝‬Interview
theories happens after having collected the data. it refers
depth interviews for the ֍Participant Observation ‫۝‬Questionnaire
to a set of systematic inductive methods for conducting
purpose. It is important in the (fieldwork) and/or focus ‫۝‬Life story
qualitative research aimed toward theory development.
behavioral sciences where groups ‫۝‬Group
Charmaz (2003) believes that researchers use this term
the aim is to discover the ֍Study of Artifacts and techniques
to mean the methods of inquiry for collecting and
motives of human behavior. Texts
analyzing data.
Researchers apply Historical studies
techniques as observation A Historical study is the systematic collection and
and interviews. evaluation of data to describe, explain, and understand
actions or events that occurred sometime in the past.
Kothari (2004) affirms that “it is that which utilizes
֍Numerical records
historical sources like documents, remains, and so on. to
֍Oral statements
study events or ideas of the past, including the philosophy
of persons and groups at any remote point of time” (p.4).
Besides, in this research there is no control over
Case studies
The case study is one of several ways of doing social
research. it is a research method of a complex situation
(classroom) based on the understanding of such situation,
which is obtained through its description and analysis. Yin
(2012) defines that case studies “are the preferred
֍Analysis of archival
strategy when how or why questions are being posed,
information (in economic
when the investigator has little control over events, and
when the focus on contemporary phenomenon within
some real-life context” (p.1).
Action research studies
An action research studies is a study of a social situation
to improve the quality of action within it. Wiersma and Jurs
(2009) set out that an action research “focuses on the ֍Observations
solution of day-to-day problems at the local level” (p.12). ֍Questionnaires
It is usually conducted by teacher or other education ֍Interviews
professional for solving a specific problem and providing
information for decision making.
Methodology Type of study Techniques Instruments
Mixed research arises from
the combination of the other
two approaches (quantitative
and qualitative) and it leads to
better research results. The
mixed research is a process
that collects, analyzes and
links quantitative and
qualitative data in the same
research study to respond to
an approach.

Name: William Atila Avendaño Cruz

Charmaz, K (2003). Grounded Theory. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. SAGE
McBurney, D. & White, T. (2009). Research methods. USA: Wadsworth Cengage learning.
Kothari, C. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Technique. New Age International.
Wiersma, W & Jurs, S. (2009). Research methods in education. USA: Pearson.
Yin, R. (2003). Case study research: Design and methods. USA: Sage publications.

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