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What is your full name?

Do you know if your parents were contemplating naming you something else? What was the name?

Do you like your name?

If you could change your name, would you? And what would you change it to?

Do you have any siblings? Older or younger?

How is your relationship with your siblings?

Do you and your siblings share any secrets?

How’s your relationship with your parents?

What is one thing you wish your parents could’ve done better when raising you?

Talk about a happy memory you share with your dad.

Talk about a happy memory you share with your mom.

Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names?

Have you ever adopted an animal?

What time of day is your favorite?

When was the last time you pulled an all nighter?

Do you prefer drinking coffee or tea?

Are you more of a sunrise or sunset watcher?

Would you rather travel by ✈️ or ferry/cruise?

Name an album that is so good, you never skip a song.

What’s a song that brings back memories from your childhood?

Who was your favorite band or singer as a kid or teenager?

Who’s your favorite band or singer now?

What’s your favorite song by your fave band or singer?

Name a song that puts you in your feels.

Name a song that makes you happy and wanna dance.

Name a song that reminds you of someone.

Have you ever been to a concert? Whose?

If you could 👀 any musician (⚰️ or alive) live, who would you choose?

Last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you 👀?
All time favorite movie?

Name a fictional character you’ve had a crush on.

What do you like to snack on at the movie theater?

If you could switch places with a character from a show or movie for a week, who would you choose?

Who’s your celebrity crush(es)?

Favorite 📺 series?

What’s a 📺 series you wasted your time 👀 because it was so terrible?

Who’s your favorite actor? Why are they your favorite?

Are you a fan of 📚 or movies?

What’s your favorite 📓?

Favorite author?

Has a 📓 ever changed the way you 👀 life? What 📓 was it?

Have you ever 😢 while reading a 📓?

What are some 📚 on your to-read list?

Do you like reading in your 🏠, at the park, or at a cafe?

What is your favorite season? Any special reason why that’s your favorite?

Favorite activity to do during fall?

What’s your opinion on snow?

Favorite flower?

Do you usually tan or burn in the summer ☀️?

Would you rather lay by the lake or hike a ⛰️?

What is a bizarre fear you have?

What is a common fear you have?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Have you ever had 💤 paralysis?

What’s your biggest regret?

Do you miss anyone at the moment?

Have you ever had your 💔?

Have you ever broken someone’s 💛?

What’s your favorite 💛 song?

Be honest, have you ever wanted to die?

Have you ever 😢 yourself to 💤?

If you could say one thing to your past self, what would you tell them?

What’s something you want to tell your followers who might be going through a rough time?

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

What’s your favorite 🍨 flavor?

Do you like 🍣?

Are you vegan or vegetarian?

Would you ever go vegan or vegetarian?

Do you believe humans should change their ways to help salvage the 🌏?

What are some things you’re doing to help the 🌏?

What are some of your hobbies and interests?

Do you like to write?

What do you do when you’re in a creative rut?

If you’re feeling 😔, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

Have you tried any products from LUSH? Did you like them?

What do you consider self care?

Last time you used a face mask?

Favorite skincare products?

What are your holy grail beauty products?

Have you ever 😢 in the 🚿?

Have you ever slipped in the 🚿?! Did you get hurt?

What’s your go-to perfume/cologne/body spray?

What are your top 3 favorite fruits?

Are you more of a green juice or fruit smoothie person?

How do you make yourself cheer up when you’re in a really crappy or 😔 mood?

What did you dream about last night?

What do you usually find yourself daydreaming about?

How did you meet your best friend?

Who’s the most important person in your life?

Describe your dream date.

Talk about a fun & happy memory you have.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for? (And you CAN’T wish for more wishes!)

Does Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol make you want to 😭? (Cuz it makes me wanna 😭 😂)

What are some names you’d wanna name your kids?

Talk about a memory that makes you 😂.

Last time you 😢 😢 of joy?

Tell us about a time you were really, really proud of yourself.

What’s one of your biggest accomplishments?

What is something you’re currently looking forward to?

Do you 💛 yourself? (Doesn’t matter what you say anyway, you’re awesome and worthy of 💛 always
and forever.)

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