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IEEE PES Member-Driven Initiative Application

Complete all of the following fields and email to with subject line “2019 Member
Driven Initiative: Your Name”. Completion of the application does not guarantee funding. Any decisions
made by the Selection Committee will be final. Additional information may be requested of the applicant.

Applicant and Project Information

Applicant Name or IEEE, PES - UNSAAC (Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del
Organizational Unit (e.g. Cusco)
Seattle PES Chapter or
TEC Student Branch
Chapter) :

IEEE Region Region 9

Applicant IEEE number: 95647254

Are you a PES member? Yes, I am a member of the PES

(applicant must be a PES

Email address:

Telephone number: +51 931 143 640

Physical Address: Av: Venezuela R-26, Cusco-Cusco

Project Name:

Desired Start Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Estimated Completion Friday, November 8, 2019


Funding Requested (in

US$ equivalent)

Brief Description of the

project (max 50 words) V workshop "Electromobility and energy efficiency in southern Peru"
organized by the student chapter PES-UNSAAC, free entry event that
integrates students and graduates with the most important professionals in
the country, through lectures, workshops, and innovation competitions for
efficient solutions to local problems.

Provide an overview of the project/initiative you are proposing. Specifically address how, if at all,
the project/initiative supports one or more of the Member-Driven Initiatives Funding Priorities.
(300 words maximum)

It is a workshop for scientific dissemination, updating and training to university students, professionals
and the entire scientific community and interested in the subject in the department of Cusco and
throughout the country, through lectures by the most important professionals in the country.
It is important to understand that today there is an unbridled evolution of technology, introducing new
concepts and therefore directly affecting the way of life of our society, in this sense we need to train
ourselves to introduce our society to those new changes and make efficient and eco-friendly use of our

In this fifth edition, the PES members have more ambitious objectives, and one of the novelties is the exhibition of
electro mobility exhibition, and establish a direct interaction between the public and the operation of the new
vehicles, also show a real vision of the changes that the automotive fleet will suffer and how to adopt those changes
as a society.

Another novelty is to create strategic alliances between students and the most important companies in the
country, to achieve opportunities for professional development in our graduates, and in this way draw the
attention of other universities in southern Peru, it should be noted that we have the visit confirmed from
the universities of Apurimac. to open new PES chapters.

Year after year, one of our main obstacles is the financing of the event, despite having demonstrated that
we are an organization of great impact in our society, we lack economic support. This event is purely of
service to the community and volunteering, that is why it is difficult for us to get sponsors.

However, despite the difficulties, every year we continue with the organization of the event because we
want to create the connection between professionals and students, also encourage volunteerism and
involve new leaders.

Estimated number of PES members impacted by the project.

An approximate of 60 PES members

Estimated number of attendees or people impacted by the project.

we estimate the assistance of 800 people in our project

Provide a basic timeline for the execution/implementation of the project/initiative.

Semana abril Mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre

Organize the Search for Pick up the CV of Official Book Make the formal
Semana database of possible the support the confirmed launch of the accommodatio invitation Hold informative
1 speakers of IEEE speakers activity n for speakers through letters talks about the
Section schedule and speakers to other PES event
Peru (lectures, chapters and
competitions universities that
, technology do not yet have
fair, etc.) PES chapter

Semana Select the speakers Evaluate the Create a Evaluate and

2 with the longest Visit to the logistics of the protocol Reserve local Establish a improve the
trajectory and city of event. committee for fellowship detailed detailed
experience. Lima, and Receive official for the lunch and gala program of the programming
Take advantage of have a confirmation of the reception of dinner. speakers' established
the forum "THE meeting university speakers itinerary in the
FUTURE ELECTRICITY with our convention center days of the
IN PERU-CUSCO", to advisers event
capture and interest and the
of energy Ministry of
companies. Energy

Write a formal letter Establish an Formal interview officialization Call for new
Semana of invitation to advertising with the companies of the event members who Interviews by Last review of all
3 national and committee. that we already through the wish to be part radio and TV, to preparations for
international have contact to Ministry of of the logistics promote the the event.
speakers and request Energy and of the event event.
companies that sponsorships. Mines. and new PES
participate in the members.
technology fair.

Describe how the request funds, if awarded, would support the program.

In case of awarding the prize, we plan to invest in air tickets to international speakers as these are the ones that cost
more for international flights, on the other hand, we will also allocate funds to the rental of logistics equipment and
assembly of the auditorium, we will also acquire informational materials, advertising materials, and support
materials for attendees, additionally we want to assure the attendance of the attendees with spaces of coffee break

Provide a detailed budget of the project. Identify which expense will be covered by the funding, if
awarded, or by other entities participating on the project.



9 100 900
Flight tickets Lima - Cusco 330
Flight tickets EEUU - Lima 1 4950 1500 1 500
Flight tickets EUROPA-LIMA 1 3300 1000 1 000
Memories and certificates for speakers 15 33 10 150
Accommodation 5 165 50 250
Brochures 800 0.66 0.2 160
Folder 800 1.65 0.5 400
Coffe break 800 3.3 1 800
Fellowship lunch 15 16.5 5 75
TOTAL 5 235


Flag and stamp 6
gigantography 10
Rent auditorium 0
Organizer poles 12
Organizer credential 20
credential of the participant 800
Sound equipment 1
Pencils 800
Impressions ****
Projector 2
Tents 10
Modules for fair and contests 10


Se esta utilizado el tipo de cambio a la moneda nacional (PEN), como

1𝑑𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 = 3.30 𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠

Lo que se presta a variaciones en el transcurso de año.

Para la distribución de dinero se ha tomado como criterio las experiencias de anteriores eventos que
nuestro capitulo ha realizado, Es necesario cubrir los vuelos internacionales porque es una condición
que ponen los ponentes que vienen de otros países, a si mismo nos aseguramos de brindar una estadía
de calidad a nuestros ponentes y asistentes, es por ese motivo que nos preocupamos por temas de
alojamiento y movilidad.

Recordemos que algunos ponentes vienen por pura voluntad sin ningún tipo de incentivo económico, en
algunos casos les es imposible cubrir sus pasajes por el elevado costo que presentan.

-Describe why you believe you are able to complete the project. For example, have you completed
similar previous projects or programs? Does your IEEE volunteer record support your ability to
complete the project? Include names and roles of important members of the project team, if
applicable. (400 words maximum)

Estamos convencido que el evento se desarrollara de manera exitosa, somos un grupo de estudiantes
con amplia experiencia en eventos de este tipo. Los anteriores eventos que nos respaldan son.

 Apoyo en logística de “THE FUTURE ELECTRICITY IN PERÚ-CUSCO” (cusco-2019)

 Organizadores de la Reunión nacional de ramas (IEEE sección Perú) – (cusco-2018)
 Apoyo logístico en el T&D LA 2018 Conference and Exposition – (lima-2018)
 Organizadores del IV workshop “smartgrit en el sur peruano” (cusco-2018)
 Organizadores de INTERCOM-UNSAAC (cusco-2017)
 Organizadores del III workshop “ingeniería y energía para el desarrollo del sur peruano” (cusco-

Estos son los eventos más importantes del cual hemos sido parte de la organización, En el caso del
Workshop, se viene realizando desde el año 2015 en su primera edición, y desde ese año contamos con
el apoyo de profesionales como el ing.dr: Rodolfo Zamalloa López que nos asesora en todos los eventos
que realizamos.

En el capitulo estudiantil hemos desarrollado una estrategia de trabajo integral que nos ha dado muy
buenos resultados. Todos lo años realizamos talleres de capacitación de software (MatLab, digsilent,
autocad, netplan, ATP, etc.), visitas técnicas, y demás actividades a los estudiantes de nuestra
universidad y otras universidades, este trabajo nos ayudad a captar a nuevos miembros, también
hacemos visitas a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso y compartimos nuestras experiencias despertando su
interés en pertenecer a esta familia.

Todas las actividades del capítulo estudiantil lo trabajamos en conjunto, los miembros que tienen
experiencia en la gestión de eventos enseñan a los nuevos miembros y de esa forma aseguramos el
trabajo para años posteriores, para este año tenemos en apoyo y el entusiasmo de todos los miembros
IEEE de nuestra universidad. También es bueno mencionar que este trabajo estratégico nos ha dado
reconociendo como capitulo estudiantil.

Este año contaremos con la presencia del ministro de energía y minas, y la empresa Continua-Energías
Positivas, por otro lado, ya estamos trabajando y reuniendo esfuerzos con nuestros asesores y
compañeros de los capítulos estudiantiles del sur, para traer prototipos de autos eléctricos y sus
dispensadores a nuestra feria tecnológica.

En conclusión, al termino de este proyecto tendremos múltiples objetivos cumplidos como, promoverer
la divulgación científica, capacitación técnica a nuestros compañeros y profesionales del departamento,
captaremos a los nuevos líderes para nuestro capitulo, y lo más importante, haremos proyección social.

Questions? Contact Juan Carlos Montero (jcmontero@iee


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