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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

The excellency Dr. Parmin, S.Pd., M.Pd. as our Vice Dean
The Respectable Dra. Langlang H., M.App.Sc as Founder of Mipa English Club
the honorable chief of Mipa English Club 2019. Mr Adityo Yusuf BowoLeksono
the Honorable chief of commitee of MEC Congress. Ms. Alia…………
And the honorable all my friends whom I love.
All praise due to Allah, The Lord of the world, The One with His mercy and blessing for
enabling us to meet together in this morning without any obstacles.
Shalawat and salam may always be given to our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who was able to
save us from Jahiliyah era.

My name is (Rembulan Permata Oktalia). It’s precious chance for me, to be your Master of
Ceremony on this beautiful morning. I would like to welcome all of you to MEC Congress

Today we will have several agendas, thus allow us to read what we are going to have in this
1. First is the opening
2. Second is recitation of prayer
3. The third is singing the national anthem “Indonesia Raya”
4. Fourth is welcome speech
5. Fifth is exposure to evaluation
6. Sixth is entertainment
7. Seventh is MEC chief election 2020
8. And the last is closing

1. Well, let’s start this agenda by recitation of prayer that will be delivered by Ms. Wahyu,
time is yours. Thanks to Ms. Wahyu
2. Now, let’s singing the national anthem “Indonesia Raya”, that will guide by Ms. Rifda,
Time is yours. all of the audience may stand up.
The audience may sit down.
3. Next is speeches.
First speech will be delivered by the Chief of MEC Congress Committee 2019. Please
welcome Alia……..
Thank you.
Second speech will be delivered by the Chief of MIPA English Club. Please welcome Adityo
Yusuf Bowoleksono.
Thank you.
The last speech and will also open the MEC Congress 2019, for Dra. Langlang H.,
M.App.Sc/ Dr. Parmin,S.Pd., M.Pd. The time is yours.
Thank you.
4. The next agenda is exposure to evaluation of MEC’s 2019.the 1st department who will
deliver is……2nd is………3rd is………….4th………….5th……………….
5. The next agenda is entertaintment
6. The next agenda is MEC chief election 2020
5. And that was our last agenda for today. Before closing our agenda, as the MC i would like
to apologize if there were any mistakes or improper attitude.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

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