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ETIOLOGY  Gender (male)

 Injury or trauma to the spinal  Age (between 18-30 y.o. & >65
cord (fall) y.o.)

 (+) breast cancer  Athletes

 Acts of violence

(+) malignant tumor at ē breast sudden, traumatic blow to ē spinal cord

(+) metastasis to spinal cord

fractured vertebra

tumor growth in epidural space

collapse ō vertebra

pressure on spinal cord

pieces of collapsed vertebra
swelling presses ē spinal cord

spinal cord compression

↓ blood flow and O₂ to ē spinal compression of nerves at fracture site

cord  Numbness or tingling
interruption ō flow ō electrical
 Urinary or stool incontinence ineffective communication ō ē information from ē brain to  Stabbing pain
spinal cord to ē rest ō ē body wherever ē nerves are going  Muscle spasm

paralysis  Muscle weakness

 Inability to move extremities

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