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Almighty God and Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the opportunity to enjoy the gift of life

and to serve our school, we come to You today to offer our school into Your safe-keeping and
that, You would lead and guide us in our responsibilities in the world of teaching. We pray that
our school would be a place where our students love to learn and where they learn to love. Give
our school a spirit of unity and cooperation.
Help our non-teaching staffs be an instruments of comfort and stability, bringing the faculty and
school community together in ways that will allow your caring presence to be known.
Guide and bless also our principal with wisdom, patience and integrity to lead all of us into a
better and safer tomorrow.
Lord, grant us Your holy spirit to inspire us to love the gift of teaching, equip us to teach with
WISDOM and with LOVE, and empower us to teach with VISION, let your light shine through
all that we do, so that every student knows your unselfish grace.
Lord, bless our students with the kind of study habits that help them do their best. Show them
how to develop their talents, to find the path You have set before them. Show them the
importance of learning, remembering that You are always with them, leading them as they
acknowledge You daily. Give them persistence and the desire to learn and to be creative in
their endeavors.
We pray that in all things You may be magnified and glorified in all things – and these we ask
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN…

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