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Kaguya Hime

Once upon a time there was an old bamboo cutter and his wife. One day an old bamboo
cutter found a beautiful baby girl in a bamboo plant. He decided to pick her up and bring her
back to his home. The next day he found many gold coin in a bamboo plant. He and his wife
took very good care of the baby girl. They called her Kaguya Hime.
Kaguya Hime grew up to be a gorgeous young woman. Many princes wanted to marry
her but Kaguya Hime didn’t want to marry anyone. So she gave them very difficult task : bring
the crystal stone from the dragon’s chest. The princes fought very hard with the dragon but
they couldn’t get the crystal stone.
Kaguya Hime wasn’t happy. She always looked at the full moon and felt sad.
One day, Kaguya Hime told the bamboo cutter that she actually came from moon and
the moon people will come to pick her up soon. The bamboo cutter did not want Kaguya Hime
to leave. He asked samurais to protect her from the moon people.
On the night of the full moon, the moon people came. They took kaguya hime back to
the moon. The samurais couldn’t do anything. Kaguya hime liked the bamboo cutter and the
people from the world so much. But Kaguya Hime belonged to the moon. Sometimes she
comes back to the world when it is fullmoon.

Nama : Natasya Pinkan T (26)

Kelas : 91

No. : 05-801-026-7

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