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March 17, 2010

To: Human Resources, STRATFOR

Fm: Mary Downs
Re: Internship Opportunities

I am writing to apply for the internship opportunity you have listed on-line. I am a junior at
the University of Texas in Austin pursuing a dual degree in Finance and in Plan II Honors.
Upon graduation, I will have both a BBA and BA degree.

I recently passed my IRS intermediate tax-preparer test to become a certified tax preparer. In
conjunction with UT, I am assisting low income people to file their federal income tax forms
through the Austin Community Foundation.

In addition to knowing the value of a cooperative work environment, I have excellent skills in
mathematics and analysis. I intuitively understand accounting and finance when I'm exposed
to new concepts.

As you can see from my resume, I have combined a rigorous analytic study in business with
the Plan II Liberal Arts course of study. Unlike most students pursuing dual degrees, I have
also been employed during my school terms. In addition to the academically relevant work
listed on my resume, I've worked an average of 12 hours weekly as a restaurant server in
Austin. I use this income for University expenses other than tuition. I've been a part of the
"real world" since I was sixteen years old, and used my server experience to live in London in
2008. I'm pleased to say that I get excellent reviews from my supervisors and have never left
a job under bad circumstances.

I can always be reached by email at my email address: Attached is

my resume, which gives further detail into my qualifications for this position. I hope you are
able to act favorably on my internship application and request.

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