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Republic of the Philippines

Surigao del Sur State University

Lianga Surigao del Sur, 8307

(Management Theories)

Management theories are the set of general rules that guide the managers to
manage an organization. Theories are an explanation to assist employees to effectively
relate to the business goals and implement effective means to achieve the same. There
are some theories used to assist employees to effectively relate to the business goals
and these are the following, first is Frederick Taylor – Theory of Scientific Management,
second is Henri Fayol – Administrative Management Theory, third is Max Weber -
Bureaucratic Theory of Management, and the last is Elton Mayo – Behavioral Theory of
Management. These theories are made so that the leader will know what is the
capacities and capabilities of his/her subordinates so that he/she can make an action
plan and order to achieve the goal of organization. A leader must conduct a lot of
theories just to deal the different types of employees he/she had. In order to work
peacefully in an environment where you belong, a leader must think what are possible
strategy that can suit to his/her employees need.

The first theory (Theory of Scientific Management) believed that, the employee
will be productive and motivated because of money he can get from the task. The
second theory (Administrative Management Theory) is focusing the 14 principles, and
these are Division of Work, Equity, Discipline, Initiative, Authority and Responsibility,
Esprit De Corps, Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest, Stability of
Tenure, Remuneration, Unity of Direction, Centralization, Scalar Chain, Unity of
Command. I will just emphasize the first four principles. The first principle is division of
work, in order to achieve the goal, the work must be divided because if there are a lot of
people working for a certain task, it is easy to achieve or finish the product. The second
is Equity, means all has the same benefits or having the quality of being fair. The leader
must treat his/her subordinate’s equality (no favoritism). The third one is Discipline, it is
the practice of training to obey rules or a code of behavior and giving punishment to
correct disobedience. A leader must display good example to his/her subordinates so
that he will gain the trust and respect from his/her subordinates. And the last one is
initiative, it is the ability to assess and initiate things independently. So if the leader see
that his/her employee needs some help, it is his/her duty to assess and help so that the
worker will be guided. The third theory (Bureaucratic Theory of Management), Weber
believed that power educes obedience through force or the threat of force which
induces individuals to adhere to regulations. And the last theory is Behavioral Theory of
Management, Mayo showed the increase in worker productivity was produced by the
psychological stimulus of being singled out, involved, and made to feel important or an
employee will positively respond to any circumstances that the organization is facing or
if there is a transfer of work from one areas to another.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Lianga Surigao del Sur, 8307

These management theories are made because it aimed at encouraging

interpersonal relationships in the workplace. One such theory that encouraged a
collaborative environment is the human relations approach. According to this theory,
business owners needed to give their employees more power in making decisions.

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