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Sadaan Tahir

DP 1

Fresh Fish (analysis)

An inundated relatively narrow street with a bricked ground housing the many street
vendors in the vicinity defines the lower socio-economic class of our country. The poster
may seem ambiguous to a foreigner but to a native like me it is no big deal. Glazed
paper, a clumsy taste of font color and an inaccurate translation from English to Urdu
add up to the many things described by the poster. The use of the English words, leg
piece and chest piece, are particularly humorous in this case. The rhetorical fact of fish
not having a leg and a chest adds up to above observation. The owner of the very stall
can be interpreted as an illiterate person for he does not even know that fish are
vertebrates and do not possess any limbs.
The illiteracy rate can then be linked with the socio-economic sector this street vendor
belongs to. With less money for investment, many lower class people consider working
laborious jobs rather than educating themselves and their children for instance. With
lack of education, they are unable to find jobs adequate to meet the financial needs of
the family. Hence street vending is a business they opt in to feed themselves and their
relatively large families.

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