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Name: ​Elide Grande ​ Book Analysis

1. selecting a text.
Social Issue/ Topic: ​Gender identity

Title of Text: ​I am Jazz

Author: ​Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings
Year of Publication: ​2014
Select one: ​Children’s Literature Non- Fiction Other (explain):

2. Quantitative level of text:

● Website used to determine quantitative level of text:
● Quantitative level (Lexile Level and/ or Age Range):​ 600L-700L
● For what grade(s) us this level of text appropriate? : ​third grade

3. Qualitative Features:

Meaning/ Purpose Structure

Rubric Category: Rubric Category:
1. Meaning: Slightly Complex 1. Organization: Slightly Complex
2. Use of Graphics: Moderately Complex
Reasoning/ Examples:
The book only talks about on topic, which is Reasoning/ Examples:
Jazz’s journey to discovering she was born The organization of the story falls under
transgender. slightly complex because it has a clear and
“I have a girl brain but a boy body. This is chronological storyline.
called transgender. I was born this way! Frist, Jazz likes to play with things that
(Herthel & Jennings 2014). society considers for girls. Then she
understands she was born transgender. Next,
she explains some of the struggles she faces
as a transgender person. Finally, she shares
how happy she is being Jazz.

The use of graphics falls under moderately

complex because some of the images support
the text, while others are not as clear without
the text.

This image supports the text:

For this image readers need the text to
understand what is occurring:

Language Knowledge/ Demands

Rubric Category: Rubric Category:
1. Conventionality: Moderately​ ​Complex 1. Life Experience: Moderately Complex
2. Vocabulary: Slightly Complex
2. Intertextuality and cultural
3. Sentence structure: Moderately
complex 3. Knowledge: Slightly Complex

Reasoning/ Examples: Reasoning/ Examples:

For conventionality, this book falls under For this book, life experience falls under
moderately complex because most parts are moderately complex because experiences
the sort are easy to understand but some parts portrayed are common to many readers. For
of the story have a complex meaning, such as
when the teachers were confused. instance, Jazz explains some of things she
Why were the confused? Was it because Jazz likes and does, which students can relate too,
was dressed like a girl, was transgender, or such as playing soccer or liking mermaids.
because they did not know what transgender
was? Or are they confused on how to Under intertextuality and cultural knowledge,
approach Jazz now that she is embracing who
she actually is? this book is slightly complex because there
“Being Jazz caused some other people to be are no references or allusions to other text.
confused too, like the teachers at school.” The book is about Jazz telling her own story
(Herthel & Jennings 2014).
and not connecting it to any other story or
The vocabulary in the book falls under text.
slightly complex because it uses familiar and
conversational language.
“Even today, there are kids who tease me, or
ignore me altogether. This makes me feel
crummy” (Herthel & Jennings 2014).

The sentence structure of the book falls under

moderately complex because the sentences
are primarily simple with some complex
“At the beginning of the year they wanted me
to use the boys’ bathroom, and play on the
boys’ team in gym class, but that didn’t feel
normal to me at ALL.” (Herthel & Jennings

4. Analysis of Grade Level Appropriateness:

- What would students find easy about the text?

Both the quantitative and qualitative data show that I am Jazz by Herthel & Jennings (2014) has
primarily simple sentences and uses familiar and conversational vocabulary allowing students,
reading at a third grade level and above, to read the book independently. Furthermore, the book
has images to support the reader’s understanding, which combined with the text helps make the
point of the story clear for students.

- What would students find challenging about this text?

A challenge a student might encounter, when reading the text of I am Jazz, is understanding the
definition of the word transgender because the story only provides a glimpse of what it means.
Another challenge a student might encounter is being able to connect with how Jazz felt because
they may not be going through anything similar or know anyone who is.

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