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Subject : English Name : __________________________

Day/Date : Friday/ December 7th, 2018 Class : _________

Choose A, B, or C for the correct answer!

1. We have two _______. It is for seeing (melihat).
a. ears b. eyes c. nose

2. All people have _____ fingers. Its function is for holding something.
a. 10 b. 5 c. 15

3. My grandfather is my father’s father. The meaning of grandfather is _______.

a. ayah b. paman c. kakek

4. My mother is a teacher. The meaning of mother in Indonesian is ________.

a. bibi b. ibu c. nenek

5. They are playing tug of war.

The meaning of tug of war is __________.
a. tarik tambang
b. kelereng
c. petak umpet

6. My brother likes to play _______ in the field every afternoon.

a. marbles
b. kite
c. hide and seek

7. I like to eat banana (pisang).

The colour of banana is _________.
a. red b. black c. yellow

8. The colours of Indonesian flag (bendera Indonesia) are _______ and ________.
a. black and white
b. red and white
c. green and white

9. The students wear the black shoes. The meaning of black is ________.
a. merah b. hitam c. hijau

10. My father and my brother like to play ___________.

a. chess
b. badminton
c. football

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