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The Creator and the Confusion of His Creation

The creation of all that exists is a mystery as well as our own existence
because of this we searched and looked for our origins, our roots – some claimed that the
universe’s origin is not that far from us, that it was already discovered and known to mankind as
it was given to us by a supreme being, God or Yahweh but even this has loop holes like said
stories having two versions and such confusing most people who don’t understand the duality.
According to Rabbi Mordechai Brever the confusing chapters were God’s way of letting us know
that “….he has both the sovereignty as the creator of the Physical world and the leader of the
Ethical world” such words were said that God wanted it known that he had control over
anything, the land that humans walked on as well as the land they would walk beyond life and
light. He, the Supreme Being, “knows all, sees all and therefore is all that is” is what the
accurate summarization of such explanation adding to the fact that the word “sovereignty” was
mentioned it meaning “supreme power specially over a body politic” (Webster, 1828) showing
that he did not only created us but also govern us as well as it is debatable that this, aligned with
his laws and objectives of spreading the religion to other nations, were efforts to spread his
power and glory to all that he had created as some were “a stray”.

To expound further as to what entails with the explanation that answers such
complex and delicate topic, we must dissect the root of the confusion – the two stories of
creation. The two stories having their own similarities with both being from the book of Genesis
in different chapters, the first story was in Genesis 1:1-2a while the second story was in Genesis
2:4a-2:5 the difference between the length of the chapters were noticeable, showing that the first
story was much more longer and perhaps more detailed than the second. Some would simply say
that this is because the second story was a continuation of the first however there were noticeable
differences in these stories. In the first story where God had created the universe for six day
(where he created humankind last) and rested the seventh as well as the second story where there
are mentions of the Garden of Eden and the creation of man before the other creatures and lastly
women, the differences were prominent as there was mention of the concept of time in the first
and none in the second adding to this the different order the beings or creatures were created, the
mention of important landmarks such as the River of Tigress, etc. Such differences were the
reason for the belief that Eden was the paradise that God leads – the Ethical world and the
universe as the physical world that was created to ready his creations before the ultimate day of
judging where it is believed humans were to come back to their true home.

In conclusion, the Rabbi aims to explain that God governs through worlds,
the present physical and the eternal ethical that was written in both the first and second chapter
of Genesis. But a question remains in mind as to if God was said as creator of the world we walk
on, why was he only said to be the leader of the ethereal after world? Who is its creator if not
God? Such questions can remain a mystery alike our own mystery of origin. Until then, the
existence of everything can only be answered by history and the discoveries that the future will

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